java - Embedding an applet doesn't work on my website -

I am trying to get an applet code and put it on my website. I remember that using this much time back Borland 1.4 was the latest version when. It definitely used the applet tag (which I am currently using) and there was no problem in it, however anyway, I put httpdocs / class files under my directory, and then in the web page this Code used:

& lt; Applet code = "wsavatar / WSAvatar" width = "425." Height = "150 & gt; Your browser applet does not support the tag & lt; / applet & gt;

And when I pages try to load, this happens:

using the Java plug-in 1.6.0_17 JRE version 1.6.0_17-B04 Java hotSpot (TM) client VM

  java.lang.ClassFormatError: class java.lang.ClassLoader on (unknown source) at odd magic price +1008813135 / sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass file wsavatar. DefineClass (application WSAvatar (Unknown Source Trat source) on java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 (Native Method)) on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass on sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode on sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.creat JavaklangkClassLoaderkloadClass (unknown source) (source unknown) (unknown source) at EApplet (unknown source) sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager $ (unknown source JavaklangkThreadkrun) (unknown source) exceptions: java.lang.ClassFormatError: class file inconsistent magic price wsavatar +1008813135 / WSAvatar  

I have a quick Aepplet code Using Tried to create a quick local HTML file to load the televised applet and it worked. I have looked around online and have heard various things related to this error, but nothing looks like what I have found any thoughts?


The problem is appearing in your website, not your code . Nearby Goggles, the error is often reported with OpenCMS (specifically for the URL which is at Port 8080).

So, what I'm thinking is that the call was actually unsuccessful for loading the browser's applet, but return data instead of a 404/500 error Java VM returned error page explanation Trying to do as if it was a class file, and was complaining quite correctly that it is not a valid class file after all. (It often happens with content management systems that gives the real HTTP error to the user instead of redirecting to the home page.)

To test, try typing the URL manually on the applet Is hosted in Applet in your browser) and see what the server returns.


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