c# - ToolStrip memory leak -

I have a problem with the memory leak with SWF-ToolStrip and it has been resolved according to this.

None of this knows the problem with .NET 3.5 SP1 as well as in .NET 4.0 appears to be.

To reproduce the problem, you should create a toolstrip with as many items as possible that can cause this overflow button. The problem only appears when you actually overflow When you click on the button, it creates a ToolStripOverflow object that subscribes to the Microsoft.Win32.UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler event. Toolstrip toolstrip does not resolve overflow objects, so the event handler can not be removed and causes leakage.

This caused large scale problems in the big app, which made forms with toolstrip on them.

  Protected Override Zero Dispos (Boole Disposal) {if (Disposing) {Var overflow = toolStrip1.OverflowButton.DropDown as ToolStripOverflow; If (overflow! = Null) overflow.define (); } If (settlement & amp; components (= null)) {components.Dispose (); } Base.Dispose (settlement); }  

it solved it for us


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