triplestore - Duplicate triple in RDF, authoritative view? -

If triple is twice triple in the store, then what is it (if any) is the official position about this redundancy ?

In addition, should one third be allowed to store twice in the same context twice in the same triple?

I ask this because in rdflib you can store twice (or more) of the same triple. Rdfib.plugin.get ( 'MySQL', store.Store) ( 'rdfstore') config_string = "host = localhost, password = Foo, user = foo, db = foo" rt = (config_string, create = false) If rt! = Store.VALID_STORE: (config_string, create = true) Graph = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph (s, identifier = rdflib.URIRef ( "urn: UUID: a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1-4b009fe91f52")) rows = graph. For r in the query ("Select ID value? {Id from value}") for r: print r [0], r [1]

and this is the author

import rdflib from rdflib import store = rdflib.plugin.get ('mysql', ('rdfstore') Config_string = "host = localhost, password = foo, user = foo, db = foo" rt = (config_string, create = false) if rt = store.VALID_STORE: (config_string, create = true) graph = Rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph (identify, recognize Nkrta = rdflib.URIRef ( "urn: UUID: a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1-4b009fe91f52")) Graph.add ((rdflib.URIRef ( "htt P: // localhost / 1000"), rdflib.URIRef ( "http : // localhost # ha "), rdflib.Literal (" 18 ")) graph.commit ()

What this is what I get

  sbo @ DHCP-045 is 045: ~ / tmp / gd $ dragon ./ sbo @ DHCP-045 : ~ / Tmp / gd $ dragon ./ sbo @ DHCP-045: ~ / tmp / gd $ dragon ./ Sbo @ dhcp-045: ~ / tmp / gd $ python ./ http : // localhost / 1000 18 sbo @ dhcp-045: ~ / tmp / gd $ python ./ sbo @ dhcp-045: ~ / Tmp / gd $ python ./read http: // localhost / 1000 18 http: // localhost / 1000 18  

For me it appears as a bug. A modified version shows me that both the triangles are related to the same context, and in fact there are two triples

  len: 2 http: // localhost / 1000 18 http: // localhost / 1000 18 (Rdflib.URIRef ('http: // localhost / 1000'), rdflib.URIRef ('http: // localhost # ha'), rdflib.Literal (u'18 '), & lt; graph identifier = cadence: uuid : a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1-4b009fe91f52 (& lt; class 'rdflib.Graph.Graph' & gt;) & gt;) (rdflib.URIRef ( 'http: // localhost / 1000'), rdflib.URIRef ( 'http: // localhost # ha'), rdflib.Literal (u'18 '), & lt; graph identifier = urn: UUID: a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1-4b009fe91f52 (& lt; class' rdflib.Graph .Graph '& gt;) RDF The Yellow Store is a set of triples, so according to one triple definition, can not be present twice, although most RDF stores are actually trades stores (also known as DDets, set of RDF graphs) and in that case, Triple can be displayed many times It is sometimes referred to as references (like mine,) depending on the store. Authorization is actually meant for the user to define what a particular graph name / reference name means. 


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