iphone - Core Data + Core Animation/CALayer together? -

I am making a cocoa app with custom interfaces so far I have implemented a version of an app using the CLAER , Which is rendering, which has been given great hierarchical structure of the clients, and the [hitTest:] function for the operation of mouse events In this early version, the app's model is my custom classes.

However, as the program grows, I feel the desire to use core data for the model, not just for binding / undo management

so far My method:

In the core data: Block entity , attributes xPos, yPos, width, height with

BlockView: CALayer drawing to bring value to that model self.position.x = [ Self-worth eatery: @ "xps" ] .

In this case, every Block View object needs to have a local copy of xPos which is not good.

Is any of you better suggestions?

EDIT: This app is an information visualization tool. Therefore the dimensions of the posts, blocks are important, and should remain for later analysis.

is editable

if not, this information may not be in your model needed.


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