.net - Stored procedure problem- Entityspaces -

I intend to perform an archived procedure using enityspaces and the following method is written in the custom file.

  public BizUnitCollection loadby_bizunitname (string description) {BizUnitCollection rtn_Ary = New BizUnitCollection (); EsParameters parameter = new esParameters (); Parameters.ed (new espammator ("name", description)); Rtn_Ary.Load (EntitySpaces.DynamicQuery.esQueryType.StoredProcedure, "formsManager.up_BizUnitTree_SelectLikeName", parameter); Returns RTN_ERE; } When executing  

, he could not get the error "stored procedure dbo.formsManager.up_BizUnitTree_SelectLikeName" .

The program is always adding the word 'dbo' to the given stored procedure name. This is the reason why it is not present in the database because it is related to other schemas, not the DO schema

Previously, the same problem occurred while reaching the data related to various Schema.

At that time I unchecked the "Ignore schema" option in Anne Space Tools.

Itemprop = "text">

Set schema before load ...

  rtn_Ary.es.Connection.Schema = "SchemaName";  


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