ruby - WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for: RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance -

Will return.

If someone can walk me through this problem, then I give them $ 50.00

I have terminated Google, have restored everything.

All I want

Install the gem ...

This is the same

Remove the culprit URL.

In my case, I am at St.OS 5.4 and I am getting the full error message:

  root # gem install rack Warning: RubyGems 1.2 + not found for index : Http:// Ruby Games Heritage Index will return degrading performance. Error: Local Gems or a Repository Root #  

can not be found in the solution: edit your .Gemrc and delete the address that it fails.

Try again and

More, it was only one.

See the contents of my .gemrc config file.


  root # cat .gemrc ---: verbose: true: bulk_threshold: 1000: benchmark: incorrect: update_sources: true: backtrace: incorrect: disabled resource: - http: // Redhat / 5 / gems / x86_64 /: Source: - - - - Http: //gems.github. Com / - Root # PWD / Root Root #  


You would love PayPal very much at $ 50 promised my email address.



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