tabs - android tabHost -

I have 2 questions about tabhost: I've created tabs with 2 tabs, and I use setindicator (textview) for tab title. (I work with API level 4) My title background is white I use the selector to select between different images for the title.

  1. I want to bold when the title text is only selected / pressed. I did not succeed in using this my selector Can I do it at all? The idea is that in the cases I use drawables, I want to bold the text. Other cases are not bold

  2. It looks like a bug - when the tab opens first, the text on the selected tab (which I used in tabHost.setCurrentTab (tabId) Was not seen at all) It looks good after pressing / focus / focusing any other item

    New TextView (Main Activity. Trust Inses (), Blank, Android. Gafix. Tapeface Normal); TextView title2 = new textview (Main activity. Trust incidents (empty, Android, graphics.Typeface.NORMAL); Title1.setText ("teb11 title"); Title1.setBackgroundResource (R.drawable.tabtitle); Title1.setCompoundDrawablesInternationalBounds (getResources (.) GetDrawable (R.drawable.tab1), empty, null, void); Title2.setText ("Tab 22 Title"); Title2.setBackgroundResource (R.drawable.tabtitle); Title2.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds (getResources (). GetDrawable (R.drawable.tab2), empty, empty, zero); TabCpEC Tab 1 = MTAbHost. NEETBSPC ("Tab 1"). Setindicator (title1) .setContent (; TabCpEC Tab2 = MTB Host NEETBSPC ("Tab2"). Set indicator (title 2) .setContent (; MTabHost.addTab (tab1); MTabHost.addTab (tab2); MTabHost.setCurrentTab (0);

    Selector tab 1.xml

      & lt; Selector xmlns: android = "" & gt; & Lt; Android Android: state_selected = "true" android: drawable = "@drawable / iconselected" /> & Lt; Item android: state_pressed = "true" Android: drawable = "@ drawable / iconselect" /> & Lt; Item Android: Drauble = "@ Drable / Icon" /> & Lt; / Selector & gt;  

    Tabulator selector

      & lt; Selector xmlns: android = "" & gt; & Lt; Item android: state_pressed = "true" Android: drawable = "@ drawable / tabselected" /> & Lt; Item Android: state_selected = "true" android: drawable = "@ drawable / tab" /> & Lt; Item Android: state_focused = "true" android: drawable = "@ drawable / tab" /> & Lt; / Selector & gt;  

For your Question # 1: On your tab The page selected (int position) on the code> Usage like this:

  Public zero selected (int position) on the page {// Your argument here fixTitleText () ; }  


  Private Waste Fixitetext () (for (int i = 0; i & lt; mTabHost.getTabWidget (). GetChildCount ( ); I ++) {View View = mTabHost.getTabWidget (.) GetChildAt (i); TextView TV = (TextView) view.findViewById (; tv.setTextColor (.getResources () getColor ( R.drawable.text_selector); Tv.setTextSize (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 14); Tv.setTypeface (tap, typeface.BOLD);}}  

Just notice that this code Honeycomb and for that, before the tab host view hierarchy is slightly different


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