- My autoformat color-schemes are not working correctly on my gridview -

Design view, it is updated correctly, but when I compile do, it's very blurred and barely readable is. Any ideas why? Attached are my Gridwu and parameters for a screen shot I have my current autumn option to auto-format, so header row should be a deep red, but instead I get it!


  & lt; asp: GridView ID = "grdInspections" runat = "server" OnRowEditing = "grdInspections_RowEditing" AllowPaging = "True" allow Dentoting = "true" Otojnaret to Collapse = "False" CellPadding = "4" DataKeyNames = "ID" DataSourceID = "ldsInspections "BackColor =" White "BorderColor =" # CC9966 "own right =" none "Bordervidth =" 1 px "horizontal Alliance =" left "width =" 75px "& gt; & Lt; RowStyle BackColor = "White" ForeColor = "# 330099" horizontal alliance = "center" vertical alliance = "center" /> & Lt; FooterStyle BackColor = "#FFFFCC" ForeColor = "# 330099" /> & Lt; PagerStyle BackColor = "#FFFFCC" ForeColor = "# 330099" /> & Lt; Selected light BackCaljar = "# FFCC 66" font-bold = "true" Foreclosure = "# 663399" /> & Lt; HeaderStyle BackColor = "# 990000" font-bold = "true" ForeColor = "#FFFFCC" /> & Lt; Columns & gt; ...  

Okay, so the only way to do it that I could change my On this datagram the colors apply by creating a CSS class and then in the header style-CSS class in each column. But using a headstylet in a data grid without a CDS class does not work. For now, I'm just copying this column and pasting this CSS css in each column, but 30 of them are such, if someone can help me, then why would not it work in the top level of the datagrid? / P>

  .gHeaderStyle {color: #FFFFCC; Background color: # 990000; } .gHeaderStyle a: link {color: #FFFFCC; }  


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