Problem using Maven assembly and dependency plugins -

I want to assemble a web module that looks like the following:

  • src / main / resources (some spring bean files, configuratios, etc.)
  • src / main / webapp (some jsp, css, images etc.)

And then I want to use this assembled module another A dependency in the web application that looks like a specific maven 2 web application.

  • src / main / java
  • src / main / resources (some spring bean files, configuratios etc.)
  • src / main / webapp (some jsp, css, image etc. and web. Xml)

Actually I want that building ( mvn clean install ), the main web application, the common web module is first assembled and then merged with the main web application and then the final set up (after assembly and merging) Should be made and It should come out

I tried to use the Mewen assembly and dependency plugin, but could not merge the module successfully, although I was able to collect the module. Anyone have an idea on how to do this?

Try to use the Maven-War-plugin feature. / P>


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