signal processing - Digital Filter Design Matlab sptool/fdatool -

What is the best way to select design properties for digital filters in MetLab with GTI Spontol? More specifically, if I have a signal, then I would like to go to determine which filter values ​​will give the best solution.


a for my hint :

A possible filter may have properties code> 10

  • FS: 100 5: FC: 10
  • Another possible filter

    1. Design method: FIR, window
    2. window type: hamming
    3. order: 7
    4. < Li> FS: 64 5: Fc: 28

    There are infinitely more possible filters.

    I think one of the solutions gives "better" answers than everyone else and this is the solution I am trying to find. I know that I can try a brutal force, but I will not but rather. Please suggest a method to choose the filter properties that it provides "best" solution.

    You are going to give you some details about the signal type you want.

    Depending on the type of filter you use, there are always some business exchanges. Generally, you need to provide us with at least the frequencies you are interested in, the need to cut How fast, computing needs and linearity of the phase. Generally, I'll just turn you on the wiki page to the filter:

    As you can see from the page, there are sections of the filter (especially on the Chebeschev, Butterworth, Basel, and Alpatic models Keeping an eye on what features you try to provide, depending on the requirement you need to pay attention to the computational complexity of each type of filter.

    Personally, I'm lazy and generally not computational, so I just do it:

    signal -> FFT-> Multiply with the desired frequency response -> IFFT .


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