sockets - Java File Transfer getting stuck halfway -

I am trying to send a file (sent as an image byte array) with the customer and then the server However, when I click on "Send" to send the image, then File Transfer starts (as I get sentImage.jpg in my desktop), but this is anybody Is stuck for the reason that I am not able to understand The image is not sent correctly

The part that is received from the server is here (this connection has already been accepted):

  Public run zero () {try {byte [] receivedData = new byte [1024]; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream (client.getInputStream ()); // while (bis.)! = -1) {s.acquire unintupt (); BufferedOutputStream Boss = New BufferedOutputStream (New FileOutputStream ("C: \\ User \\ Desktop \\ sentImage.jpg");); While ((Inward = BIS read (Received Data))! = -1) {Bose Written (received data, 0, incoming); } S.release (); N.release (); Bis.close (); Bos.flush (); //}} hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}  

and the customer is sending it here:

  Public Zero sendImageResult () {New Thread (New Runnabel) {Public Zero Run} {{ Int inside = 0; Socket socket = new socket ("localhost", 4444), file myImageFile = new file ("C: \\ user \\ administrator \\ desktop \\ test.jpg"); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream (New FileInputStream (myImageFile)); BufferedOutputStream bos = newBuffferedOutputStream (socket.getOutputStream ()); Byte [] bytere = new byte [1024]; While ((inside = bis pad (byte))! = -1) {Bos.write (byte, 0, inside);} bis.close (); Bos.flush ();} hold (unknown host exception before) {System.out.println ("No Pudo Estescator La Concease."); Ex.printStackTrace (); } Grip (Filenotfound Express FNF) {FnF.PrintsTextress (); } Hold (IOException ioe) {io.printStackTrace (); }                  }             }).Start(); }  

It does not seem that the output is used to write (Bose) Closing the disc can have unexpected results.


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