linux kernel - inteldrmfb api? -
I have a kernel 2.6.31 that has reached the graphics mode using the Intel 915 based KMS from the USB stick. . It appears that setting itself in original resolution and its booting appears to be well in framebuffer console with a beautiful Tux logo!
The question is, how can I use IntradRMFB? How do I get it into / dev? What udev would do for me?
What is the API for programming the framebuffer directly?
Thanks, FM
Try the DirectFab Library?
EDIT: The kernel API has been documented in Linux / documentation / FB, for starters, see Colonel GIT tree. It does not seem that has changed for a long time. Perhaps still the correct kernel & lt; -> User APIs are static.
may be useful, but this is probably not useful as a kernel doc.
Perhaps, as you say, library sources will be the best reference of how to do the work.
If you are not seeing / dev / fb0, even if you have a module full, then maybe you have to configure udev for it? Or just yourself
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