perl - Why a full stop, "." and not a plus symbol, "+", for string concatenation in PHP? -

Why did the PHP designer decide to use a full stop / duration? " As compared to the more common plus symbol "+" as the string concatenation operator?

Is it any advantage, or for some reason? Or do they just like? : O)

The most obvious reason is that PHP has many syntax Perl - and uses a dot (. ) for parl string synthesis

But, we can put a deep crater in it and understand why it was implemented in Perl - most of the + operator for mathematical equations Is used - it is used only for inclusion in those languages, in which the variable type can define the method in which the operator works (simple explanation, for example C #)

 < Code> var intAddition = 1 + 2; Console.WriteLine (intAddition); // print 3 var string concrete = "1" + "2"; Console.WriteLine (stringConcat); // print "12"  

^ As you can see, the + operator is used for both concatenation and C.

The argument goes to the low level and is caused by the Boolean algebra in the door of logic - + means or while . is used as and as an operator - which makes sense when it comes to string containment.

It is understood by two different operators, for one combination and for an additional - it is only unfortunate that these two languages ​​can be mixed due to other languages.


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