syntax - JQuery clearing an input text field -
I have a question about cleaning an input text field, when a different click-down click on the same page If done, then the input text field should be cleaned. Here is my jQuery Fiton warning message shown every time I select an option from the drop down but the field is not cleared. Any idea what the correct syntax should be:
jQuery (document) .ready (function () {jQuery ("[id $ = 'serialNumForm: noSerialNumProductKey']"). ) {Warning ("jquery change ftn !!"); jQuery ("[id $ = 'serialNumForm: inputSN']"). Value = "";});});
I have a form ID, so I need to include the ID id in the Element ID name. The warning shows that the exact value does not change.
You want to use:
<> jQuery ("[id $ = 'SerialNumForm: inputSN'] ") pre-val (" ") ;.
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