
Showing posts from January, 2011

html - What steps could be taken to avoid cross-browser compatability issues? -

Recently, I'm doing a horrible table borders / margins, divas alignment Supports Explorer 6. I know that a lot of people like me are forced to support IE6-IE8, web-kit, and Mozilla-based browsers. I have questions from you: How many important rules are you using before hand, when you are developing in many browsers to save time? How can you prevent yourself from writing incompatible tags? What's the best way to avoid hacking your code? Where do you find research about browser compatibility, do you use any device? When in the end, when do you line up / draw it, attract it? I usually get Firefox (or Safari ) first. It generally produces good results in browsers that are different from IE. I then hit IE8, IE7, then finally IE6. Find out which tags are being tagged to cause you trouble and avoid using them at all costs. It is familiar with issues of each browser. Do not use hacks. Use IE Conditional Comments Using conditional comments, yo...

Is pickle file of python cross-platform? -

I have created a small python script I saved the pickle file on Linux and then used it on windows and then it's Linux Used back but now that file is not working on Linux, but it is fully working on windows. This is because the dragon is a cos platform but not a pickle file. Is there a solution to this ??? Pickles of python are completely cross platform. This may be due to EOL (end-of-line) differences between Windows and Linux. Note: To pass the pickle among different versions, please open your pickle files in binary mode, when they write and read them, open () the "wb" and "rb" Use the mode. Python can cause problems, so try the same version on both platforms.

query optimization - MySQL indexing strategy -

I am trying to use the following query on the table with ~ 200k records on it are all other types of fields Which can be filtered, but this is a base example. SELECT b.isbn is not books b WHERE b.price and not b.deleted = '' and B. publication_date & lt; = '2009-12-04' and (b.subject1_id IN ('CAT1', 'CAT2', 'CAT3', 'CAT4', 'CAT5') or B. Subject2_id IN ('CAT1', 'CAT2' 'CAT1', 'CAT2', 'CAT3', 'CAT4', 'CAT5') in 'CAT3', 'Cat 4', 'Cat5') or B. No. 3 EID / Pre> Currently, I have a different index on all of these fields and this query takes ~ 4.5 seconds, which is a very long way expin lists NULL Under the key of . I also tried to create a large index, which included all the fields in the above query, but EXPLAIN indicates that this multi-field index is not used. How can I direct these fields to speed up my queries? Edit: These are...

web services - .NET WebService Sending Large XML File -

I have a list of the object list that I need to send a web service There are approximately 37,000 objects in the list. It translates a 125 MB XML file, if I do it serial in XML. I think communication through the XML is serialized from default web services. This makes me believe that I'm actually sending 125MB files every time. In binary format it will be about 5 MB only, what is the way to create web service calls in binary format to avoid big bandwidth hits? Do you use WCF for your webservice? If so: WCF support across the wire. If you have a compression opportunity that sends data to the server or 5 MB in some, then you can definitely stream in your client. As for your WCF service agreement: [service function (namespace = "")] Interface IYourStreamingService {[OperationContract] stream GetListOfObjects (Int id); } You can define the methods that can either take or return data in the form of "stream",...

Loading circle animation in iphone -

How do I display the loading screen animation in the iPhone? I mean the bars arranged in the circle. That's because I can use it, while some parts of my app are loading, like starting. Or am I loading the animation? Thank you. This is a class called UIActivityIndicatorView, you can either encrypt it because you have no other code in your code You can see the scene or you can leave it in a nib with the interface builder.

C# Winform: How to set the Base Color of a TabControl (not the tabpage) -

This seems like a simple question, but how do I set the background color of the 'tab control', it seems standard windows Is it possible to create a black tab control with the white text written on the tabs by theme colors? (Not on tab page)? Help, I am slightly familiar with custom control while increasing current controls but I do not know what to set properties (if they exist). Private Zero Tab Control 1_DrawItem (Object Sender, System. Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs e) {TabPage CurrentTab = tabControl1.TabPages [e.Index]; Rectangle ItemRect = tabControl1.GetTabRect (E. Indexes); Solidbrush filibh = new solidbrush (color red); Solidbrush textbrush = new solidbrush (color white); String formatting sf = new string formatting (); Sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; Sf.LineAlignment = String alignment. center; // If we are currently displaying the selected tab items, then we will change the brush color and increase the rectangle if I (system.convert.toBoolean (e...

javascript - How could I modify this template to add buttons that would scroll to the next section? -

I am trying to create a horizontal scrolling web page which uses query and CSS to control this template width , But the user will still have to pull down the scroll bar by dragging - how will I add an arrow to which the user can simply click and go to the next part? View this JQuery plugin

ruby - Passing @object into a rails partial render -

मेरे पास आंशिक है: 'प्रोफाइल / _show.html.erb' इसमें कोड है जैसे & lt;% = @ profile.fullname% & gt; मैं आंशिक रूप से प्रस्तुत करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे यकीन है कि @profile को कैसे पारित करना है मैंने स्थानीय का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन जाहिरा तौर पर इसे 'प्रोफाइल' के बजाय मेरी आंशिक रूप से 'प्रोफाइल' सेट किया गया। & lt;% = रेंडर: आंशिक = & gt; 'प्रोफाइल / शो',: स्थानीय = & gt; {: प्रोफ़ाइल = & gt; @ App.profile}% & gt; वैसे भी वस्तु के बदले इसे @object के रूप में पास करना है या क्या यह इस तरह से डिजाइन किया गया है? यह इतना महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है कि आप एक आंशिक आवृत्ति (वेरिएबल जो 'नाम से शुरू होते हैं, जैसे: @ ऑब्जेक्ट) का प्रयोग करते हैं? इसमें शामिल होने की अच्छी आदत नहीं है आंशिक में उदाहरण के चर का उपयोग नियंत्रण प्रवाह को जटिल बनाता है, जो कीड़े की सुविधा देता है और अंशतः के पुन: उपयोग को और अधिक कठिन बना देता है यह गहराई में समस्या को थोड़ी अधिक बताता है। वास्तव में आपके पास दो...

oop - Is it bad practice to have a class that requires a reference to the instantiating object? -

I saw it in someone's code and Wow thought, this is a great way to solve this particular problem, but it Probably violates good oo theory in an epic way. In the manufacturer for a set of all classes obtained from a common base class, they require references to the Instanting Class that passes them. For example, Foo Foo_i = new (this); Then the Fu will call the methods in the instancing class to get information about other things contained by the installation class. On one side, it simplifies a ton of code which model the 5-layer tree structure in the hardware (agents are plugged into ports on many switches, etc.). On the other hand, these objects are linked to each other to a large extent, which seems very wrong, but I do not have enough information about OO and D. on which I have to put my finger. So, is it okay? Or is this oo equal to a goto statement? I try and avoid this to avoid information if I know less information about a class Or it's easy to check and...

WPF application won't execute when i add simple event -

I have a window in which I have many controls, user control generated from other controls (and grid and frames) or Control. This works fine if I do not add any event to any of the controls in my window (in XAML). I have many other incidents which are not the reasons, but if I add a new event it will be crashing. Example: This is the control that I would like to include in my event: & lt; Con: MyControl Content = "Hello" grid. Column = "3" width = "90" /> So, I change it to: & lt; Con: MyControl content = "Hello" grid Column = "3" width = "90" = "Hello_Click" /> The application is compiled ... But then, it happens: 'Set the connection to throw an exception.' Line number '53' and line position '22'. Inner expansion: {"MyWrite.Controls.Button 'to' MyNamespace.MyClass' Unable to type object to type MyControl. "} If I now cl...

JQuery classname selector starting with? -

मेरे पास खाली HTML मार्कअप है: & lt; div class = "bubble bubble_white" & gt; & Lt; DIV वर्ग = बबल_अलाज़ & gt; & lt; / DIV & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; DIV वर्ग = "बबल बबल_ब्लैक" & gt; & Lt; DIV वर्ग = बबल_अलाज़ & gt; & lt; / DIV & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं वर्गों bubble bubble_white और bubble bubble_black का चयन करना चाहता हूं। मैं नीचे कोड के बारे में सोच रहा था लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता: $ (".bubble। [Class ^ = bubble _]") कोई भी यह कैसे करें पर विचार? इसे आज़माएं: $ (".bubble [class * = bubble_]")

user interface - Introduction to GUI programming with c -

I am completely new GUI and programming and so far I have a general understanding of C and I spent a lot of time Is the console application I am trying to learn the GUI but have failed so far. I have tried to learn through authoritative documents (via official document), gtk (via official document) and Win32 (forg32s win32 tutorial), but there is still not enough available there. I still want, but I can not seem to find any good stuff What do you recommend as a start for the beginning? If you are strictly limited to C, then you have only Some options are GTK + probably the easiest for beginners. An object-oriented language like C ++ is more favorable for GUI programming. If you prefer to use C ++, then I strongly recommend, mainly due to its very good documentation. Reason, especially for beginners

list - How to get the viewport element index -

मैं फ्लेक्स 4 सूची का उपयोग करता हूं: & lt; घटक: स्मूटसक्रोलिंग लिस्ट x = "200" y = "180" डेटाप्रदाता = "{myProvider}" आइटम रेंडरर = "myitemdrender.FriendPageItemRender" id = "मित्रापृष्ठ" माउसडाउन = "मित्रापृष्ठलेख_माउसडाउनहैंडलर (इवेंट)" & gt; & LT; घटक: लेआउट & gt; & Lt; s: क्षैतिज लेटआउट अनुरोध किया गया कॉलम कोट = "6" / & gt; & Lt; / घटक: लेआउट & gt; & Lt; / घटक: SmoothScrollingList & gt; जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, व्यूोर्ट में 6 तत्व दिखाई दे सकते हैं। तो मैं वर्तमान व्यूपोर्ट तत्व इंडेक्स कैसे जान सकता हूँ? पूर्व: currentViewPortIndex है: [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] जहाँ तक मुझे पता है, मैं केवल उस सूचकांक को जान सकता हूँ जो मैंने पहले से ही फ़ंक्शन द्वारा चुने हैं list.selectedIndex ने flex4 proivde को कुछ अन्य मैं उपयोग कर सकते हैं कि समारोह? धन्यवाद। क्षैतिज लेटआउट में एक संपत्ति है

html - Background vertically aligned with div -

I am trying to create a full width background image which aligns vertically with a focused diva. Should I make a cover around all the material, or is there another way to do this (without full status)? Thank you. Edit: Sorry if I did not understand this very well. I've changed the image. Background images are not displayed outside their elements, this does not mean that any background image Can not be deployed outside all parts or its elements, just outside the element limit will not be displayed when the page is displayed. Little, yes you have to use the wrapper div.

silverlight - UIElement.AddHandler -

Has it been removed from silver light 3? I see the documentation about using it, but when I try, UIElement does not have an additive method Hmm, seems to work for me .. UIElement asdf = new canvas (); Asdf.AddHandler (ucConveyor.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, TestFunction, Incorrect); Can you paste your code?

c++ - search a Binary search tree -

I'm trying to find a name within a key, I think it's just fine. However, it has not started, maybe my code is wrong? In both main () (database.retrieve (name, aData)) // > Fixed zero recovery item (four * names, data, and adata) {cout & lt; & Lt; "& Gt; & gt; retrieve & lt; & Lt; Name & lt; & Lt; Andal & lt; & Lt; Endl; If (database. Retrev (name, adata)) // match name in both name and adata is matched & lt; & Lt; Adata & lt; & Lt; Endl; And cout & lt; & Lt; "Did not get \ n"; Cout & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Fixed zero void item (four * names) {cout & lt; & Lt; "& Gt; & gt; remove & quot; & lt; & Lt; Name & lt; & Lt; Andal & lt; & Lt; Endl; If (database. Extract (name)) cout & lt; & Lt; Name & lt; & Lt; "Deleted \ n"; And cout & lt; & Lt; Name & lt; & Lt; "Did not get \ n"; Cout ...

cocoa - How can I decode a utf8 NSstring on iphone? -

I have NSstring which is encoded with UTF 8. I want to decode it. I tried to do this but it does not work: NSString * decodedString = [NSString stringWithUTF8 string: [Encoded string CStringUsingEncoding: [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]]; > sending cStringUsingEncoding: to encoded string only if encoded string An NSString object is a means of having an NSString object which is the point you want to achieve, in that method, there is no decode string in it, using the encoding string encodes does; In this way, in the code you show, you ask for the encoding (randomly encoded) in some random encoding (the default C string encoding), then decoding the result as UTF-8 Let's try. It will not work. You do not specify what type of code you are using encodedString by any means, by passing you the encoded string and passing its encoding, the NSString object Need to create. If encodedString is an NSData object, then use if it is a redundant string; ...

nsstring - Search through NSArray for string -

I want to search for a certain string through my NSArray. Examples: The objects in NSArray are: "dog", "cat", "fat dog", "cheese", "one more thing", "heck here one more thing " I want to find the word" second "and put the results in an array, and other, non-result, in another array, which can be filtered further. Can not test, so a syntax error may occur, but you will get this idea . NSArray * InputArere = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "dog", @ "cat", @ "fat dog", @ "cheese", @ "second thing", @ "heck here More talk ", zero]; NSMutableArray * Includes Other = [NSMutableArray Array]; NSMutableArray * does notContainAnother = [NSMutableArray array]; (For NSString * item input) {if ([item rangeOfString: @ "another"]. Location! = NSNotFound) [Other addObject: item]; And no [add another item] Item:; }

sql - Why won't DB2 use my MQT table? -

I have created a user named MQT (physical content table) in DB 29.7 (1 has not been set yet ). This main fact is a simple set of tables MQ was built with search optimization enabled and created by user attributes Li> Refresh defrade and Amp; Initial data (maybe I should not be?) Setting Registry Variables, using DQ2 to use all types of MQTs for optimization "Set to Texx Flip the cache: flush package package cache dynamic Make sure that the default query optimization class is at least 2 levels. Run the runstats. Was (this is at 5) Set the default refresh age to 0 (though I think it does not matter to user-defined MQTs) Then it was tried to determine whether the adapter MQT will use: I have tried that the various simple questions are called MQT - either: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM fact_table or Select group-dimension, COUNT (*) FROM group-dimension by fact_table GROUP. Explain (using db2expln) only the fact table is referenced and not MCT The query re...

c# - Expression trees for code which doesn't type check -

It is possible to create NXT tree with code in NATT 3.5, such as Expression Expr = () => (True + new object ()) ? It seems impossible, "", but I'm missing something. Obviously, such a tree can be made manually. No it is not clear that such a tree can be made manually. The tree that is being represented is typed, because it is being constructed. As such, what you ask is not possible and the answer is no.

scripting - How to reset a variable to NULL in PHP? -

I can use the isset ($ var) to determine if the variable is defined Do not have or does not have faucet. (For example if a session variable has been set) But after setting a variable, how do I reset it to default such as isset ($ var) Return wrong ? Usage unset ($ var);

jquery - loop through a json numeric array? -

I use $ .getJSON and here my php file is echo: back jsonstring ($ i = 1; $ i & lt; = 10; $ i ++) {$ nr [] = "NR" $ I; } $ Nr = json_encode ($ nr); Echo "{'' result ':' error ',' count ':' $ nr '}"; How do I loop through all the NRs with jquery html ()? I want to resize it back on the webpage: nr 1 nr 2 nr 3 nr 4 nr 5 nr 6 nr 7 nr 8 nr 9 nr 10 in jquery array_data = eval (json_data ["count"]) " array_data will be [" nr1 "," nr2 ", "Nr3"), after you loop array_data, "nr4", "nr5", "nr5", "nr6", "nr7", "nr8", "nr9", "nr10"]

python - Dealing with URLs in Django -

So, what I'm trying to do basically, is a hockey pool app, and I have several ways Be able to filter data to see data, for example, filter by free agent, target, support, status, etc. I plan to do this with a group of query strings, but I'm not sure what the best way would be to query these queries Pass along to say that I wanted to be on page 2 (as I'm using pagination to divide pages), depending on the goals, and only show forward, I have the following query Will be set: ? Page = 2 & Sort = G and Position = F But if I was on that page, and it was showing me all similar information, if I click to say Instead, instead of the target of the target, I still want all my other filters in efficiency, like this: ? Page = 2 & sort = p & position = f Since HTTP is free, I have trouble at this point about what would be the best way to do it. If someone has some good If you have thoughts, they will be greatly appreciated, thanks;) Sean J Most First, ...

What should be stored in a session and what in a cookie? -

I'm thinking, are there any guidelines or best practice when using sessions and cookies? What do they want and what should be kept? Thanks! These documents are good on security issues with session cookies, and how to get around them is . In summary, you place a secret key on the server. With this key you can calculate a safe hash on the secret key, a time stamp, and any data you want in the cookie. You include data in secure hash, time stamp and cookie. When you receive a request, you can validate that you expect a signature so someone has compromised the cookie content.

networking - Network protocol object serialization in C++ -

I am writing some C ++ code which will send data to TCP / IP I want to get this code portable on Linux / Windows / OSX Now, because this is the first time that I write portable network code, I need some general functions to add some items such as: class myclass {... member ... Public: String Serialize () {std :: ostringstream out (); Outside & lt; & Lt; Member1; Outside & lt; & Lt; Member2; Outside & lt; & Lt; Member3; Return Out. (); }} ... which I now need it Anyway, I started reading the ostringstream related docs and exited the binary / text problem. Actually this line will change the brake in the correct order of every system. For example, suppose a member is an indicator that has four * fu = "hello \ man \ n", which is translated into a few byte sequences on Linux, the other on the windows ... and so on. My bytes will go to a packet on the Internet, a separate OS machine will teach them and I think that will be disturbed ... I have now ...

iphone - How to redraw the content view of UIScrollView -

There is a subview in the IIScrollView and it seems that whenever I look in Zoom Out or Content view, distorted becomes distorted. As described by Brad Larson, I should set some change values ​​and redo the content view. Now my problem is how can I redesign my content view. UIScrollView's Content View UIButtons is a UIView with SubViews. Will I rejoin that UIView with my UIScrollView? Thank you. What you want to do is manually resize and relay each of your buttons That is the account for the new scale factor which UIScrollView has presented to you in -scrollViewDidEndZooming: withView: atScale: Representative method by looping it through your UIButtons and your new calculation status and Can be done by adjusting your frame with size. UIButtons will greed themselves on the new scale factor faster.

javascript - Dynamically Refreshed Pages produced by Python -

I'm researching it for several months now, but I'm unable to find clear directions. My goal should be on a page with a form on it and an article on it. The forms can be filled out and then the CGI Python script can be sent (yes, I will be transferred to WSGI or Fastcaggy later, I am starting simple!) I want to be able to send the form multiple times, So the user can update the graph, but I do not want to reload the page every time. I have a form and a graph, but they are on different pages and work as a traditional script. I would like to avoid all the structures except JQuery (as I like it, I do not like working with quears of different browsers, etc.) In the right direction, a nook All I'm asking for here, or as specific as you care about. (I've got similar guides to doing this in PHP, I believe, but for some reason, they did not serve their purpose.) Edit : The graph form is generated using the input from the input and the float processed in Python Scr...

jQuery storing and referring to an array of items -

I'm not looking at JQuery / Javascript words at all. The behavior I am seeing is similar to your general lightbox slideshow with the following elements: A list of items Clicking on an item will create a new element Returns the item in the list While the new element contains the next / previous navigation, which refers back to the list of items. I am making something like this that is looking for a technical approach to dealing with the above and above. I have a sample code for: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "samplelink.html" & gt; Item 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "anotherlink.html" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "onemorelink.html" & gt; Item 3 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; I have some set up so that every ...

c# - Abstract base classes and appdomains -

If I do not understand my next explanation enough then I apologize; I know it again, though I try to do otherwise. I am writing a service that uses user-defined plugins. I am trying to isolate them - using the defined interface in a shared assembly - keeping their organizations out of the service's appdomain. What I want to kill is abstract functionality of the base classes which will be normal for all the implementations of the interface, so the intrinsic basic classes mean that if any abstract is in the service service assembly, Those who meet this sub-class, they are dragged to their sovereigns in the servicedom of the service. However, there are internal members in the basic basis (properties with internal sets and public gates) that use the service, so it should be in the same assembly, which may be possible. It seems as if I want it is not possible, but I also believe that this is because I am taking a wrong view. I have learned the method of good patterns and pract...

language agnostic - Is there an existing solution to the multithreaded data structure problem? -

I need a multi-threaded data structure that supports these claims: allows multiple concurrent readers and authors sorted It's easy to think about Completing many readers And a writer is very easy, but I did not really want to allow many authors. I am researching this area, and I know about the Concurrent Escope List (Leader based on work by Fraser and Harris) because it has been implemented in Java SE 6. I have implemented my own too. These two implementations have been developed by people who are smart for a light year, but I am still (somewhat embarrassed because it is amazing work) The question to ask is whether are these two practical practical implementations of concurrent multi-readers / author data structures available today? For me it seems that making this problem very difficult for you, consider the following: Applying many data structures, especially the unchanging versions of trees is very easy. The advantage of irreversible data structures is...

windows xp - Trouble extending event log messages -

I am trying to add some extended error code to the event log but I get the following error. The description of event ID (109) was not found in the source (PumpServer). To display messages from a remote computer, the local computer may not have the required registry information or message DLL files. You may be able to use the AUXSOURCE = flag to get this description; See Help and Support for details The following information is part of the event: The event log file is corrupt. The message file looks like this and I finally added one: - & lt; --- Snip --- & gt; MessageId = SymbolicName = EVMSG_BADREQUEST language = English service received an unsupported request. MessageId = Symbolic name = EVMSG_DEBUG language = English% 1 MessageId = SymbolicName = EVMSG_STOPPED language = English service was discontinued. . MessageId = SymbolicName = EVMSG_INVALIDLICENCE language = English service does not have a valid license. initialization failed. . It compiles precisely the...

c# - How do you use .net Reflection with T4? -

I have a C # project that contains a text template. I will give some of this template to SQL against the # Would like to generate on the basis of reflect. How does T4 use an existing project's content? Is it possible, and if so, is the reflection available, or is it only access to the raw source, which should be read then? Thanks in advance! One side is to use the EnvDTE COM component. A lot of examples should be brought back to Googling T4 and Envdte. Is it possible, and if so, is the reflection available, or is it only access to the raw source that should be read then? The image is definitely available from T4 and it works more for you. There are many great blog entries about common T4 usage scenarios, but there are lots of other resources for T4 too.

excel - hyperlinks in phpmyadmin -

I have an Excel spreadsheet, which is one of the columns in the form of hyperlinks, when clicking on a specific web page What is not, which is not stored on my computer, how can I import these hyperlinks into phpMyAdmin and make them clickable? Import function creates text which is not clickable. Thank you! You can not make the link clickable, MySQL stores only plain text. However, you can create a web page that displays data from the database (this is the common reason for using MySQL) and automatically hyperlinks URLs, but you have to type PHP or another Server-side language In principle you can add that functionality to phpMyAdmin, but it is a brave man who tries to find his way through code of the code of PMA. : P

ruby on rails - RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for: -

RubyGems 1.2+ not found for index: The Ruby Games Heritage Index will return to degrading performance I 1) I have re-installed Ruby and Ruby gems from source. Possible solutions which a) are not trying to mani Adding different sources to sources b) Updating gems, it is not out of old gems because I am also installing 1.3.5 from source. I can not update gem, install gem ... whatever is returned is the error above. I was having this error with: - Remote Source: - - - - - - - I removed the last two from my .gemrc and fixed it trouble. It seems that this gem was is causing the problem.

wpf - Referencing a base types control template in xaml -

मेरे पास ComboBox से प्राप्त नियंत्रण है, मैं ComboBox ControlTemplate , और बस xaml में कुछ मान सेट करें, अर्थात् ItemContainerStyle । नीचे दिए गए कोड काम नहीं कर रहा है, आखिरी सेटर, जो इस पर बेस कॉम्बो बॉक्स नियंत्रण टेम्पलेट को लागू करने का इरादा रखता है, कुछ भी नहीं करता है। & lt ; Style TargetType = "{x: टाइप स्थानीय: EditingFilteringComboBox}" आधारितऑन = "{स्टेटिक रिसोर्स {x: टाइप कॉम्बो बॉक्स}}" & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "एसेडेबल" ​​मान = "गलत" / & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "DisplayMemberPath" Value = "DisplayValue" / & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "आइटम कंटैनेर स्टाइल" मान = "{स्टैटिक रिसोर्स संपादनफ़िल्टरिंग कोलंबो बॉक्स लिस्टबॉक्स आइटम}" / & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "खाका" मूल्य = "{स्टेटिक संसाधन (x: प्रकार कॉम्बो बॉक्स)}" /> & Lt; / शैली & gt; मुझे ComboBox से प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं लेकिन मैं इसके लिए पूरे नियंत्रण टेम्पले...

html - jQuery syntax question (getting the ID of a link) -

I have a series of links, each with my own ID: Instead of writing a series of statements: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("a.about") Clicks (Function (event) {$ ("# content"). Load ("/ data.html #about");}); $ (""). ("#content"). Load ( "/ Data.html # call-us");});}); Is there a way to clarify the fact that when I click on the link from class "ajax", I get my #ID Drag from code> .data.html , and data.html with id ID #ID ? (I think right now this class does not specify, but let's just say I have 5 anchors like This will definitely make the code that was easy to maintain No input will be magnificent. Yes, very easily: $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("a.ajax") load (click "/ data.html #" + (function (e) {$ ("# content") E. PreventDefault ();})}};

c# - Adding events like Oncopy,Oncut,Onpate to a dynamically generated text box -

High people, How to add incidents such as Oncp, a dynamically generated in the Windows Forms Open applications on the text box ... I previously on sub-classification text box I will think. If there are "lots of" of these textboxes that you create; I will think about whether they can possibly be removed in run-time, and can also be added: Are there situations where you have ever been able to "disc-connect" by processing one or all special events Want to do this by one or all of these special text boxes When you can create a strategy to override the Process CMDK for the form (enabled with the form preview key) to handle the issue of related keystate globally at the form level, I will not go there; I want to separate it into special case textbox. Here's the discussion of ProcessMDK: You may be useful. I want to create a special category for handling these special text boxes immediately and management, and with these special events- raisers the...

C# - Default library has better performance? -

Earlier today I made myself a light memory stream, which basically writes a byte array. I thought I wanted to see both of them benchmark whether there is any difference - and there was: (write 1 byte in the array) MemoryStream: 1.0001ms My: 3.0004ms Everyone tells me that MemoryStream basically provides a byte array and a bunch of ways to work with it. My question: Is there a slightly better performance than the code written in the default C # library? (Maybe it runs in the release instead of debug?) .NET implementation was probably slightly better its own But, how did you do the benchmark? Some million iterations, or something? Remember that you need to use a large test base so that you can eliminate some data (the CPU is said away for a moment, etc.) which will give false results.

c# - Using enum as a dependency property in WPF -

I tried to use the enum type as a dependency properties in your custom controls do, but always get an error is: public enum Mulyvidon {first = 1 second = 2, third = 3, fourth = 4, PriceCatProperty dependency property for the fifth = 5, read the sixth = 6} public static = DependencyProperty.Register ( "PriceCat", typeof (PriceCategories), Taipf (Kstkantrol), new property Matdeta (Praijhseedent S. First)); }; Public PriceCategories PriceCat // Here I get an error "Expected class, delegate, Enum, interface or structure" {get {return (PriceCategories) GetValue (PriceCatProperty); } Set {set value (pricecotproperty, value); }} Please see where is the fault? Do not be declared within the scope of class to your DP. It seems that you have an additional closing brace after the DP announcement. Public anonymous price segments {// ...} public static redonline dependency property PriceCatProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ("PriceCat", typeof pric...

image processing - how can I make a rectangle on a cluster of tiny edges after opencv's canny detection? -

I am new and dip, currently I need to find a rectangular area with a low quality picture, in which only rectangular areas Page of - Land. I have used detector detector to achieve many small edges, which makes several rectangular areas, and some different noise-like edges So experts, how is this mid-output image to find out the meaning of this meaningful rectangle? Thanks a lot! The first thing to do is to leave any edges that are not related to the rectangle The best case is that if your rectangle is oriented in the same direction as the camera. In that case, abandon any side not north-south or east-west, if the rectangles have all the same orientation, but there is no camera, then the effective direction module 9 degrees, and discard any outer edges. The worst case scenario occurs when the rectangles have different tilt. In that case, you can still see the close clusters of the cluster in the cluster: for each edge, there should be at least one parallel and two orthogon...

python - Pygame sprite transformation with interpolation -

Im is currently working on a Python / Pygme module to wrap some basic phantom animation. In that sense the image of the animation itself is stable, but I implement rotation and scale with start and end values ​​with sine wave projection I am this, can be made in flash such as phantom change. I hope you understand, do not hesitate to ask otherwise and try to clarify. I can not find a module that does this already, does anyone know? I will save some work :) Edit: Oh, and if it changes with interpolation is the proper name of things, I would love to hear it . May probably improve my search results. You can change the images, but the launch is not included in the pygame. Provides animation with projection, even if I have not used it.

Smtp Config in asp.Net -

, I have developed small applications. I send mail through this application. So coding my web config file & lt; Network Host = "" port = "587" userName = "" password = "*****" /> & Lt; / Smtp & gt; & Lt; / MailSettings & gt; We have Google Apps We do not have a mail server. I try to send mail, it takes time, error, if you are using System.Net.Mail.MailMessage > Try this: yourMailMessage.EnableSsl = true;

flex: swfloader - flash file overlaps it's configured size -

I am using swf loader so that the SWF file can be loaded in the middle of the screen by using the following command: & lt; Mx: SWFLoader id = "game_swf" source = "crazy_counting.swf" x = "198" y = "0" width = "721" maxWidth = "721" height = "531" maxHeight = "531" /> Now the phase of the flash file takes the exact shape that I told the flash file that it is overlapping the platform with some graphics. How can I hide overlapped graphics ? I resolved the problem by placing the swfloader inside a container, eg a box example the boundaries of the flash graphics container S Do not go out, I also need to make sure that the height of the box swf and matches the width.

Apache POI - error in reading excel file -

I am using poi-3.5-beta5 to read an Excel file. I'm trying to open Excel file through the XSSFWorkbook workbook = New XSSFWorkbook (xlspath); I am getting the following error (though I am not using log4j) Exception in java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / Org.apache. Log4j / logger (or Java: 63) on org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.package on org.apss.poi.poIXMLDocument.openPackage ( at poi.xssf.usermodel .xssfworkbook. ( test.ExcelReader.displayFromExcel ( test.ExcelReader.main ( Please help me with this problem alone. Thank you.

c# - Tracking declarative rule condition results -

I am creating a custom tracking service and I need to know how to monitor the results of declarative rule conditions in the IfElseBranchActivity . Rule Action Tracking Documents works only on policy activity and I can not find any examples around the Internet. Thanks a lot! Carlos itemprop = "text"> You are right - RuleActionTrackingEvent rules executed only through policy activity There is no tracking record emitted for evaluation of the declaratory rule conditions used for ifElse and similar activities.

upload - POST an mp3 file using CURL -

I'm looking for different configurations to post MP3 files through the curl for a few hours, but No one is working, the most recent form on which I have decided looks like this: Curl-F "file=@multipartEncode.txt; type = audio / mpeg" -a " Mozilla / 5.0 " Multipart encoded MP3 files on the server in this format (I sent the encoded information first in multipart enc ..txt) Is required, even though it always fails. I tried to do it this way and with @ and & lt; Changed. I know of a fact that the server is working because when I point to the action parameter of the html form directly on the server then it's okay. So it means that I'm missing something in my curl request .... but what can this be ??? curl -f "file =@myfile.mp3; type = audio / mpeg" A "Mozilla / 5.0"

Detect TWebBrowser refresh event in Delphi 2009 -

I am using a TWebBrowser component that I use to load XML documents from an XSL file Link. I have a default page that is not displayed when an XML document is not loaded. However, if the user deletes the XML file, when he remains open in the browser and then refreshes me, then the standard can not get the resource error I would rather do that if the page does not load If so, check that the file exists, and if it does not just reload the default page. I and There is a refreshing event that is replaced by the TWebBrowser replacement This version also exposes many other features that are otherwise hidden by the TwebBrowser component.

Country/State Dropdown in CakePHP -

How do I deal with the combo box in the ideas with the form assistant? For example: Select the country box (Selecting the country will filter the selected country states) Select the States box This will be with the help of JavaScript / Junkies etc. I came to an example with the main AJAX assistant of cake, but it would be great if someone could help in javascript example. Thanks thoughts / edit.ctp & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# country'). Change (function () {$ ('# state'). Load ('/ controller / getstates /' + $ (this) .val ( ));});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "Country" name = "country" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; Greece & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Span id = "state" & gt; & Lt; Select name = "state" & gt; & Lt; Option va...

JavaScript: How to find out width and height of viewpoint in browser window? -

How to get the width and the height of the view in the browser window? And how does it show how much document is scrolled down and right? Try this function ... and call it when needed :) > function getViewPortSize () {var viewportwidth; Var viewting; // Standard browsers (Mozilla / Netscape / Opera / IE7) if (typeof window.innerWidth! = 'Undefined') {viewportwidth = window.innerWidth, viewportheight = window.innerHeight} // IE 6 and if (document of Document.documentElement! = 'Undefined' & amp; amp; and type document.documentElement.clientWidth! = 'Undefined' & amp; document.documentElement.clientWidth! = 0) {viewportwidth = document.documentElement .clientWidth, viewportheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight} / / large IEEE {viewportwidth = document.getElementsByTagName ('body') [0] .clanwidth, viewportite = document.getAlementsBitagnam ('body') [0]. Enthait) return Wuportvidth + "~" + Wuporthait; }

lisp - Returning an element from a list -

I am trying to learn lisp and as soon as I'm making my first step, I was stuck. How can I get the following elements: (ab (cd)) I have tried: (caar (last '(ab (cd))) ) but it returns the CD and not only c # it works even if there are spaces between C, D: (caar (last ('ab (c. D))) ) The problem I am trying to solve is that space is specified without spaces. Can it be done or a typo in exercise? Thank you. LE : Is it possible that this issue is due to implementation? Your code is right, is it a typo (or maybe a very bad font?) In exercise In Lisp (Common Lisp and Scheme I have just checked, I do not know about Closer), [Approximately] The only division between symbols is spaces and brackets even if it is. If you type '(cd) you are used as a literal syntax for conflict , you get a symbol in a list, in a conservative chamber No two symbols. For example, 'cd; Is a symbol '(c. D); There is two symbols in a single cell '((c) d); Two sym...

Strange syntax of Number methods in JavaScript -

निम्न कोड पर एक नज़र डालें: number.prototype.isIn = function ) {For (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i & lt; j; ++ i) {if (parseInt (यह, 10) === तर्क [i]) {वापस सत्य; } } विवरण झूठा है; }; Var x = 2; console.log (x.isIn (1,2,3,4,5)); // & lt; = 'true' console.log (2.isIn (1,2,3,4,5)); / ऐसा क्यों है कि जब यह एक चर है, तो कोड सही तरीके से अभी तक काम करता है, जब यह एक संख्या का शाब्दिक होता है, तो यह विफल हो जाता है? console.log ((2) .isIn (1,2,3,4, 5)); // & lt; = 'true' उपरोक्त पंक्ति में, मैं मूल रूप से कोष्ठक में शाब्दिक रूप से संलग्न करता हूं। यह एक वाक्य रचना त्रुटि है क्योंकि आप किसी संख्या का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे हैं। तार इस तरह से काम कर सकते हैं, लेकिन संख्या नहीं, क्योंकि किसी संख्या के तुरंत बाद की अवधि दशमलव मान का प्रतीक है। । के बाद का चरित्र त्रुटि पैदा कर रहा है।

c# - NHibernate: Should I encode inputs? -

I use NHibernate to continue my objects .. However, I have not received any information about this Is that I need to encrypt the input or not? For example: string first name = textbox first name Text; String lastName = textbox label Text; (Using anation session = session factoring.options ()) {customer customer = new customer (first name, last name); Session.SaveOrUpdate (customer); } Do I need to encode first name and last name (especially single qoutes) or do I need NHibernate Do this? A customer example is simply an object within your object model. That's all. NHibernate is just behind the scenes - this is a window through which you can access your domain model. NHibernate ensures that your domain model is correctly maintained. It needs to do a lot without you, such as encoding string properties on your object. In addition, if you are creating a new customer example, and you want to notify NHibernate of the new installation, then you need to enter th...

Best way string-matching algorithm for same-length strings? -

I need to implement string-mailing algorithm, to determine which wire will be the closest match. I think humming distance is a good matching algorithm, when this fixed-length is attainable. If I want to use the Levenschatin distance formula, then what is the benefit of matching quality? I know that this method is less efficient, given that it is for variable-length strings, but I really belong here to the quality of matches. Besides, is there any better algorithm that might want to consider there? ? I work in java, if there are any differences. Many thanks Levenshatan distance 2. Hamming distance (working on characters instead of bits) is 7. So it really depends on whether you treat those stars as like Whether or not it has fair use in the distance of hamming, but "do these strings look like a human?" Is not one of them.

c++ - Array of char or std::string for a public library? -

My question is simple: should I use an array of four eg: Four * buffs, buf2 [MAX_STRING_LENGTH] etc. or I should use std :: string in a library which will be used by other programmers, where they make it any SO and their compiler Can use as election? Considering the performance and portability ... From my point of view, the STD string is easy and the display is equal or STD: the difference is not very easy to use I do not know the portability I know that it is standard, should not be a compiler that compiles C ++ without it, at least any important compiler Edit > client Depending on how this library will be used in conjunction with code. If it is dynamically linked and you have a set of APIs for the client - then you are better using the taped byte string (i.e. char * ) and their wide-character counterparts . If you are talking about using them within your code, then you are definitely free to use std :: string if it is being included as a source - std :...

How can you safely use Perforce $Revision$ in LaTeX document? -

I would like to include Perforce's $ Revision $ keyword in my latex document, however, \ cft {$ revision: # 8 $} You end with an error such as "Invalid \ Temporary" A parameter in the definition of "I searched for and found packages (such as Latex RCS packages) which are other keywords Area that handles date), but does not see anything to handle the # . \ go \ savecfoot \ cfoot \ def \ cft {\ catcode` \ # = 12 \ Cfthelp} \ def \ cfoothelp # 1 {\ Savecfoot {# 1} \ catcode` \ # = 6} New: To stop the meaning of $: \ go \ savecfoot \ cfoot \ def \ cfoot {\ catcode` \ # = 12 \ catcode` \ $ = 9 \ cfoothelp} \ def \ Cfthelp # 1 {\ savecfoot {#}} \ Catcode` \ # 6 = catcode` \ $ = 3}

php - login to multiple web sites by login only once at a my site -

I want to create a site in php such that, when a user logs in to my website, they can add their favorite websites And enter its login information once my site will save my login information to other sites in my database, and next time, the user does not need to enter his login information again on the other side to log on to my website. In my site will automatically do this for them I'm not sure that it is possible or not. As well as I am a beginner in php, would javascript also be useful for this? Root "itemprop =" text "> Assuming that sites have arbitrary third Party, it is impossible (and if it was not a user using your service, then perhaps they violated the terms and conditions of most sites you use if you have sites , The important phrase single sign on for search is if the sites are those who are third If you buy in the use of X certification, you want to become an open-end consumer of an open-end provider , which is why you (for examp...

How Close is the Javascript Math.Round to the C# Math.Round? -

By reading I know that the complainants will see your number, decide whether the midpoint is an or odd number and then back Even numbers Example was 2.5, which was round for 3. I have tried to see my small experiments what happens, but I have not got any specific details about this, or even it is consistent between browsers. $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# answer"). Html (showRounding ());}); Function sounding () {var answer = Math.round (2.5); Answer to return; } This gives a '3'. What I want to know is this: How closely is the equivalent of C # in Javascript? The reason for this is that I would like to take a javascript method that uses Math.Round and rewrites the same method in C # and I would like to know that I can get it from a number The result after rounding up Here is the code for Math.round (x) : returns round (x) number value which is equivalent to the closest and mathematical integer of x. If two integer values ​​a...

c# - Is it possible to enumerate the AppDomains in a remote process? -

I have seen and many blog posts related to using the mscoree.CorRuntimeHostClass.EnumDomains method. Calculating AppDomains within the current process, but I'm thinking that there is a way to measure AppDomains within a different process on the same machine. I want to be able to write a simple console or even WinForms app that can take a process ID and could be able to give me some information about AppDomains under that process is. Is this also possible? I think it is somewhat of that process explorer can give you a list of AppDomains for a .NET process. I just want to know how to complete it with the C # code. This is possible, but you will need it to use the debugging API to do this The same thing as linking to you is similar, but you use different APIs and interfaces. Look for an overview and link. Specifically, look at Carbobble Caucus and ICROPublishing Interface, then ICORProgress :: GetProcess and ICorPublishProcess :: EnumAppDomains.

java - Business logic and services -

तीन स्तरीय / बहुस्तरीय आर्किटेक्चर (UI / Logic / DAO / Domain model) में, सेवाओं को संबंधित के रूप में माना जा सकता है व्यापार तर्क स्तर या क्या वे कुछ अलग के रूप में स्थित हैं? आप शायद यह पाते हैं कि एक काफी सामान्य शब्द जैसे "सेवा" का अर्थ अलग-अलग लोगों के लिए अलग-अलग बात है। मैं किसी सेवा के बारे में सोचता हूं जो एक उपयोगी कार्य (जैसे व्यवसाय प्रक्रिया) को कार्यान्वित करने के लिए व्यापारिक वस्तुओं (या अन्य सेवाओं) से अवगत कराया गया तर्क है। । तो, मेरे लिए, एक सेवा व्यवसाय लॉजिक परत का एक उपभोक्ता है (और संभवतः लॉगिंग जैसे समर्थन पहलुओं की)।

php - Reading RAW data from a Flash POST Request ( images ) -

I am interacting with a third party flash file to send an HTTP POST request to my server basically. I know that I'm on the right path to some extent because it requires a crossdomain.xml file, and before that I do not share anything in the post variable But since I have added that file 4 variables set up, these POST variables are sent to me by the application to give basic information about the file .. but I actually read the Raw post Data for f The need to save the image to be sent by As. I know there are 3 ways ... $ globals ['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] $ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA which is probably the same as file_get_contents ('php: // input') Also for the reason, neither by these "work" "work" I mean that they are not being set up, when I dump them, I do not get anything. Could it be that there is a setting in php.ini which I want to set or maybe the flash app is not actually sending the actual image? I think this is working...

sql - can i combine these update queries into one query -

In an MS-Access database with a table named NewTable 3 Can I query these 3 SQL queries Can I add a query to UPDATE NewTable3 SET SAO = '0' where '-' like SAO; Update 3 SET SAO = '0' where SAO like 'Now'; Update 3 Update SEO SAO = '0' Where 'like SAO'; What about the use of or ? UpdateNewlet 3Set SAO = '0' Where ('-' like WAP) or (WAP TAL) or ('NA' like WAP); You can learn more about using AND and or in SQL queries. The condition included in the original question is 'code' as 'NULL' . The correct signaling is WAP IS NULL "and not WAP 'NULL' ; there is no text text NULL but.

regsvr32 - Do I need to register the COM dll to be able to reference it on the .NET project? -

I am trying to refer to a COM DLL in Visual Studio by using the Browse tab and selecting DLL. I have seen that if DLL is registered on the system, I can refer to it with regsvr32, but if it is not registered then I get an error in selecting the DLL file "A reference to the file" .DLL 'added Could not go. Please make sure the file is accessible, and it is a valid assembly or COM component. " We do not want to register DLL, so we need less configuration in other development machines and development environments. Is it too much to ask? Thanks! You have to register DLL. You can set up registration in your setup project or create a batch file for all these types of processes. Note: Unregistering DLL to uninstall Areas not forget.

iphone - Viewing CSV attachment in MFMailComposeViewController -

I have an application that creates a CSV-file and then connects it to an email using MFmail Compute Weektranter is. All this works well. My problem is that I want to add an option to view the contents of CSV before sending it. This functionality exists in the mail, where an attached CSV spreadsheet can be displayed. My question is, can I use this functionality to display a file, or do I have to resort to low level core graphics coding to generate a spreadsheet? Have you tried to load a CSV file in UIWebView? You can not programmatically interact with the MFMailComposeViewController UI, so you have to try it before displaying the mail composition interface. But since UIWebView can display all supported file formats, maybe it also understands CSV.

gwt - How to query google through desktop java app? -

I am trying to write a simple Java desktop app to query Google and get results. I have read so many articles in the last few days. I know that I have to do it through GWT (Google Web Toolkit), which is the API that Google provides queries to the program from its search engine. My problem is that GWT has proved to be useful only for the creation of AJAX applications. I just want to write a simple desktop app. I'm not interested in JavaScript, XML or any server side application. Is there no way to do this? Sure, take a look. The general idea is that you create HTTP fetch (using vanilla) in the creation of URL with the magic search term, and you are in processing to get back from Google. For accurate details on how to do this, see, including Google.

unit testing - Replacing a function definition in C -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं सी में एक पुस्तकालय लिख रहा हूं। मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि हर malloc () को अपनी लाइब्रेरी को कॉल करने के लिए एक अलग "संवर्धित" testmalloc () फ़ंक्शन जो बिना मेरे (महत्वपूर्ण) मेरे पुस्तकालय को संशोधित करता है यह प्रश्न पीर 158 से प्रेरित है और पाईक की "प्रोग्रामिंग का अभ्यास", जहां वे कहते हैं अपने भंडारण आवंटन का एक संस्करण लिखें जो जानबूझकर जल्दी विफल हो जाता है, आपके कोड का परीक्षण करने के लिए -आप मेमोरी त्रुटियों। मैं ऐसी स्थिति में हूं जहां मैं एक आवरण + कोड प्रदान कर सकता हूं और उस विशेष रूप से मेरी लाइब्रेरी में उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मुझे संदेह है कि लिंकिंग के दौरान कई प्रतीकों की परिभाषाओं से बचने के लिए इस स्वतंत्रता का उपयोग करना आवश्यक होगा। इसके अलावा Yossarian का जवाब, आप कम से कम के लिए परिभाषित malloc हुक का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

jquery - javascript proplems -

बताता है कि मेरे पास लिंक की एक सूची है: & lt; id = "home "Href =" # "& gt; होम लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; एक आईडी = "सूची 1" href = "#" & gt; कुछ पाठ 1 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; एक आईडी = "list2" href = "#" & gt; कुछ पाठ 2 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; एक आईडी = "सूची 3" & gt; href = "#" & gt; कुछ पाठ 3 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; a id = "list4" href = "#" & gt; कुछ पाठ 4 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & lt; एक id = "list5" href = "#" & gt; कुछ टेक्स्ट 5 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; एक आईडी = "सूची पाल" href = "#" & gt; पाल लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; और अगर कुछ लिस्ट को क्लिक किया जाता है तो मुझे इसके टेक्स...

How to parse time stamps with Unicode characters in Java or Perl? -

I am trying to make my code as normal. I am trying to parse the install time of product installation. I will have two files in the product, which has a time stamp which I have to parse and other files to be the language of installation. Similarly I'm parse the timestamp public square ts {public static void main (string [] args) {String installTime = "2009/11/26 \ U4e0b \ u5348 04:40:54 "; // This timestamp got me from the first file. Those Unicode readers are some Chinese readers ... AM / PM I think // locale = new locale (); // Language is not set yet SimpleDateFormat df = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance (DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.DEFAULT); Date instTime = null; Try {instTime = df.parse (installTime); } Grip (ParseException E) {// TODO self generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } System.out.println (instTime.toString ()); }} The output I received parsing failed java.text.ParseException: Ineffective Date: "2009/11/26 \ u4...

r - multiple transform on df with plyr -

I have a DF and I look forward to many transform it with plyr: Idplot / idtree / species / condition / dbh_cm / h_m / hblc_m calcg & lt; - Change the function (DF) (df, g_m2 = exemplary * (dbh_cm ^ 2/40000) CalcHD & lt; - Function (DF) change (df, HD = H_m / dbh_cm) ... What can be done in a function? thanks a lot. Yes, your assignment separated with commas: & Gt; Head (CH) Fertility Agriculture exam education Catholic Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 Zurich 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 Infant.Mortality Cortalie 22.2 Delmont 22.2 French-Ment 20.2 Mutantier 20.3 Newwayville 20.6 Parentry 26.6 & gt; Head (transform (Swiss, Agriculture = agricultural ^ 2, Catholic = -Catholic)) Fertility Agriculture examination Catholic education Courtelary 80.2 289.00 15 12 -9.96 Zurich 83.1 2034.01 6 9 -84.84 Franches-Mnt 92.5 1576.09 5 -93.40 Moutier of ...

Sql wildcard: performance overhead? -

I have made this question round and a persistent opinion, or many opinions based on solid data, are based on solid data. I just want to know that using a wildcard in a SQL Selection statement makes an additional overhead from calling each item individually. I have compiled the performance plans of both of them in many different test questions, and it seems That guess always reads the same. Is it possible that some upper parts are being spent elsewhere, or have they handled it equally? Am I specifically referred to: SELECT * vs items Select item 1, item 2, etc. SELECT * FROM. . and select each, column, list, from .... will perform the same because both of them have an unused scan The difference is: Additional look in sys.column To resolve the contract / signature change when the table schema changes, Inability to create a cover index is actually not a tuning option at all, in fact If non-schemound the view will need to be refreshed using the h...

inheritance - Table per-subclass strategy when populating a large tree from a database using NHibernate -

I am using NHibernate to load a large tree of different types of objects. Mapping is implemented using the table-per-sub-class strategy. I have defined a base class "node" which contains only a few fields (node ​​ID, parent ID, node type) and several sub-classes that are obtained from the node and add their own fields. The implementation of this approach was simple and I can not complain about performance, a large tree of different types of 10 000 items is populated within a few hundred milliseconds using a round trit on its old machine. . However, there is one thing that worries me: the result of such a strategy in constructing a complex query where the node table is added to every other table according to the defined external subclasses. Although it is fine when the number of different subclasses is reduced, if the number increases, additional complexity will also increase. Defining the table per square is not an elegant alternative, and it will work by selecting sl...

Xdebug configuration with PHP fastcgi and eclipse? -

I have used Extles-PDT for more than a year without problems with xDebug and apache. The situation has worked lossless and I wanted all the interactive debugging I could get from within eclipse (using my own machine as a server). The changed from now I Apache for Nginx (and therefore PHP no longer runs the Apache service, but fast-CGI) and Aksdebg I assume With no way to work well. I'm not sure that the problem is with xdebug or with eclipse (or both) to make sure. In the eclipse configuration I have already changed the reference to the PHP configuration file in / etc / php5 /cli/php.ini . Try with php.ini version 1 with the following php.ini file zend_extension = / usr / lib / PHP5 / 20,060,613 / I think xdebug (for example working if I have a var_dump () I do not plain PHP a) receive xdebug version of it can not interactive debugging I assume with opens the browser and the pages are completely typical URL load ... XDEBUG_SESSION_START = ECL...

java - Is there a Queue (PriorityQueue) implementation which is also a Set? -

I am looking for an implementation which is also one. Compare implementation if its elements should not be required to be compliant with the implementation of equal . Is there such an implementation for Java? Update: I've implemented it now as an internal archive using a sorted set. So I had to implement missing methods only to complete the queue interface. I also forgot to mention that it should also be a bound line, therefore it shows potential and abandons the last element of the capacity if the capacity is fulfilled. If enough to keep line with 'set-like' behavior, you can only duplicate entries I do not want to accept, so I think the sub-class priority question and plus () , addAll () and offers () as follows: @ Override Public Boolean Offer (ee) {if (in (e)) {return false; } And {return super.offer (e); }} BTW - add () call offer () internally, so maybe it's only to override There is enough offer () method and check there.