signing - How to sign data properly in Ruby (HMAC?) -
I have a server (ROR app) sending information to the customer (Ruby Sinatra App) and I have a The way should the client come to ensure that the data comes from my server instead of a bad third party. The customer must log in to the server before anything else will be sent back in other ways so that the server can reply with a shared key which used to sign all further responses But then the third party can get that reaction and it can be bad. Let me sign the server response in Ruby, platform applicability), so that verification of fraud can be done without inspection of the customer's code. Any ideas? UPDATE : See if I can tell it better! (I've added the code to the Gitub as I have written this question, so you can do it (if you want!) Is a poke around :) The process is : Blogs that use a bookmarklet on their mobile device. This site submits the currently visited URL to When receives that request, its DB checks to see if anyone ha...