
Showing posts from August, 2010

.net - WinForm Inheritance designer settings are copied to derived form -

I am experiencing some troublesome behavior with Visual Studio .NET 2008. We have created a base form, and the base grid from Infrastructics Ultrigrid In the base form, we have set some properties such as color, font size, etc. 1. We create a new Windows form (i.e. DerivedForm) 2. We use the BasFment to add the statement while using the bus Changes the baseform by changing the heritage in class definition. 3. IDE at this point, you will copy Property Property.designer.cs to see DerivedForm.designer.cs to view all property settings. 4. Now if we make changes to a baseform property, then it is overridden by the current settings, which has been copied in step 3. Therefore, we do not see a new change in the form of a child. The example that is being copied comes from the baseform. InitializeControls () is similar to the following, which I found in the InitializeControls () of the derived form class: Enter the code here // // BaseForm_Fill_Panel // this.BaseForm_Fill_Panel Loca...

.net - Silverlight Timer-Like Functionality -

Then I have a text box that sends the data back to the server. I have to do this once the person has stopped typing There is a timer in the process of my thinking and the timer (if stopped) Was set and need to say 3 seconds to reset the countdown time if it is already running and the timer is there. Does anyone do such a thing? You can use a DispatcherTimer to do this. Just start the timer when the text box gets focused and whenever the keydown event marks a variable, which notes that the user is typing something like this: Dispatcher timer timer; Bool typing = false; Int seconds = 0; Public Zero TextBox_OnFocus (...) {Timer = New DispatcherTimer (); Timer Interval = Timespan Foamseconds (1); Timer Tick ​​+ = new tie-up handler (timercut); Timer.start (); } Public Zero TextBox_LostFocus (...) {timer.Stop (); } Public Zero TextBox_OnKeyDown (...) {typing = true; } Public Zero TimesTitcut (...) {if (Typing) {secs ++; } And {secs = 0; } If (sec> = 3) deposit data (); ...

oracle - How to create a menu in SQLPlus or PL/SQL -

I have several scripts that I would like to start with the menu presented to the SQLPlus user like something: Please make a selection: 1: Unify the script 2: B script. 3: Do the script. I need a point in the right direction, not the quick answer. Here's a SQL Plus script to do this: Prompt Please make a selection: Prompt 1: Prompt 2 prompt a script: Prompt script 3: Accept script acceptance selection "Enter option 1 - 3:" Set slip column script new_value v_script select case 'and select . ' When '1' then 'script _' 'when' 2 'then' script_b 'then' 3 'then' script_c 'else' menu 'repeats as a script end'; @ & Amp; The word 'menu' in the ELSE section of the NB case expression is the name of this script, so that the user enters an invalid option, in the word set on v_script .

c - open process as different user -

I want to get the privilege of a selected user on a local machine. I know how to remove them from the current user, so my problem is how to open a process as a separate user. I am currently looking for more information about You do not need to create a process as a separate user, just to get your personal number. You need an Identity Token to get a user's personalization. You need an impersonation token to start a process as a user. Intelligence tokens are very less safety risk, on the other hand, impersonation tokens are very serious business. At least, you should know the user's password (or a restrictive context) to impersonate the SSPI exchange security context. Use to obtain SID, and

xss - Rails 2.3.5 with rails_xss escaping content_for yielded content -

The rail has been upgraded to just 2.3.5 to look lovely, but I have seen a major problem with it. I have tried hacking it in any of the following ways but they do not work: & lt;% @ content_for_foo.html_clean! -% & gt; & Lt;% = Raw raw: foo% & gt; Try & lt;% = raw produce: foo % & Gt;

Python: Change class type name -

आप classobj के अलावा एक अन्य वर्ग के नाम को कैसे बदल पाएंगे? class bob (): पास foo = bob प्रिंट "% s"% प्रकार (foo) .__ नाम__ जो मुझे 'classobj' मिलता है। आपके उदाहरण में, आपने bob की क्लास परिभाषा के संदर्भ के रूप में foo परिभाषित किया है, नहीं बॉब की एक उदाहरण के लिए एक (पुराने-शैली) वर्ग का प्रकार वास्तव में classobj है। यदि आप bob को इन्स्तांत करते हैं, तो परिणाम अलग होगा : पुराने शैली के बॉब (ऑब्जेक्ट) से अनुशंसा की जाती है, जो नई-शैली वाले कक्षाओं का उपयोग करते हुए उदाहरण: # foo = bob () प्रिंट प्रकार (foo) .__ नाम 'बॉब' कोड> यदि आप bob प्रकार का नाम बिना किसी तर्ज के को देखना चाहते हैं, तो इसका प्रयोग करें: प्रिंट बॉब .__ नाम__ 'बॉब ' यह काम करता है क्योंकि बॉब पहले से ही एक वर्ग प्रकार है, और इसलिए एक __ नाम __ संपत्ति है जिसे आप क्वेरी कर सकते हैं।

WCF + REST: Where is the request data? -

I am currently developing a WCF cool service, within the recognition of POST data, I'm throwing an exception if the request XML does not conform to our business rules. The goal is to send an e-mail to the appropriate employees, if any request comes in it is considered invalid but, with the incoming request header, method and URI, I also want to send an XML posted. I can not find a way to access this data. Is WCF really the opportunity to use it before destroying the request body / data or am I forgetting something? Your help is appreciated because I have an entanglement of why I can not use the request data. This is not unfortunately supported - we had a common need, and did it by calling internal members With reflection we use it in only one error handler (so we can dump the raw request), but it works fine. I will not recommend it to any system that you do not own and (i.e., do not ship this code to a customer) because it can change the service pack or anything at a... inline code <%# MyboolVal %> -

I'm missing some idiots here but I can not see it. For example: & lt; Panel runat = "server" id = "myid" visible = '& lt;% # myboolVal% & gt;' & Gt; My work uses inline code on my site, for example: some stuff & lt; / Panel & gt; It seems that works very well for them, the panel will display when their status is complete. I am trying to use a similar approach to a site at my home (this late Friday evening is not the best idea at this point to ask my boss). I can not produce anything of this. I have tried in the visual field which was not working, so I thought I would write something on the screen: But I did not get any output from the inline code. "Some text" appears, but there is no "mei" or bull value. I am currently in control of the user but do not imagine that this will be the reason. Any thoughts please? Thanks Edit .... Okay so thanks to Freddy Rios for the answer I can get t...

C# finding a certain condition of a object via a dictionary -

Currently I'm using this method to determine if a character is online: public bool online bicycler (string username) {foreach (character c.charts.wols in it) {if (c! = Null & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; )) {Return; } } return false; } Is there a faster way to do this? Actually there is not a quick way to do this, if you put the letter as a dictionary value Want to To be sorted out, a linear o (n) search must be done.

ruby - How do I find .index of a multidimensional array -

Tried web resources and I had no luck and my visual quick start guide. If I have 2D / multi-dimensional array: array = [['x', 'x', 'x', 'x'], ['x '' '' '' '' '' '' '', '' '', '', 'X'], ['x', 'x', 'x', 'x']] print array.Andx ('s') returns zero / Pre> Then I will go and type: array = ['x', 's', '', 'x'] print array. Index 's' It values ​​what I'm looking for 1 My first guess is that .exex is being said incorrectly and it's going to be two lines and Columns Need two arguments for? Either way how do I work for a multi-dimensional array? This is a step to solve my little maze problem a.each_index {| I | J = a [i]. Index 's'; P [i, j] if j} Update: OK, we can return many matches. Possibly the use of core APIs is possible, repeat it with the tran...

How to display a video in a web page using html,php -

html, php, how to display videos in a web page using any example code, any help will please If you are looking for a flash player, then I suggest you. Take it if you're looking for HTML 5 videos To embed a Microsoft video. I think the best way to embed video is probably flash, but if you are a technology enthusiast I will vote for HTML5 as it is a future.

sending email through port no 443 or 80 -

I am a college student, my college network blocks all ports except 80 and 443. Now I am doing my project and I have to send an email. Is there a way that I can send emails through these ports edit I found a way out of this problem I used Google Appenin as a relay Whenever I want to send a mail, I will send a post request to Appenzin and send a servlet mail in Epenzin. No, for this HTTPS and HTTP your college specifically blocks those ports so that You can not send an email: otherwise it will be spam! To give you instructions, you have to ask about what to do with your tutor. Most likely that the ports are blocked on the firewall outside the campus, but you can use those ports within your lab or premises network. If you really need to send mail in the outside world, then your email client - in which you will have a description of the outgoing SMTP server of the campus.

iphone - Why touches Event methods not detecting even after writing it inside the subclass of UIScrollView? -

I want to use touch event methods for UIScrollView. But it was said that if I could do this only to write the UIScrollView subclass and these actions inside it, then I liked it. Subclassgie H @ Interface Imaging: UIScrollView {} @end All Clients. M # Imports "Imterating." @Epplimentation Imaging - (Zero) Turing Brinjal: (UIAvent *) Event Withdraw: (UIEvent *) Event {UIAlertView * alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "touched" message: @ "YOOY" Representative: Zero cancellation CurtainTit: @ "yes" other button titles: zero]; [Alerts show]; [Warning issued]; } - (zero) Touch-end: (NSSET *) touches the event: (UIEVENT *) Event {UIAlertView * alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Embedded" Message: @ "YOOY" Representative: Cancel CancelButton Title: @ "Yes" otherButtonTitles: zero]; [Alerts show]; [Warning issued]; } @ And but it has no effect. I have imported into my main_file.h. What should ...

iphone - pop more than one views when back button is pressed? -

I am developing an application in which I am using a login form on the first screen. If the user is new, then he joins with the signup form and then he is taken to the home page as a normal user. Now my question is, "If the new user presses back the BTN, then I send it back to the login page, sign-up form and not in the middle of all?" Should I change the navigation controller's view controller array ? - (NSArray *) contains popToRootViewController: animated on (BOOL) Code> UINavigationController The user will pop the previous view controller back into the stack. If you want to get the navigation stack in a new known position, then you can use the - (zero) SetViewControllers: Animated Animation (NSArray *): (BOOL) Animated The last item in the array will then be active.

iphone - How to set diff. image in cell in table -

How to set different icon images for each cell in the UItable view - (UITableViewCell *) Table View: (UITableView *) Table View CellForouaitIEAPPath: (NSINXAP *) div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> IndexPath {static NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "cell"; UITableViewCell * cell = [tableview] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[[UITWebWeblog ALLOC] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: cell identifier] autorelease]; } Cell.imageView.image = [someDataClass methodThatReturnsAnImage]; Cell.textLabel.text = [someDataClass methodThatReturnsAString]; Return cell; }

c# - what is next cell column in Excel - combinations/permutations -

I need to know the column name of a spreadsheet that is in a column column with a column, AB " , After 99 columns, I want to know the column. For those who need Ralph to respond in T-SQL taste FUNCTION fsExcelValueToColum (@value int) Worker (3) as DECLARE @ digit INT, RV VARCHAR (3); set @ RV = 'if @ value = 0 returns @ rv WHEY @VALUE & gt; 0 BEGIN SET @ DIGIT = @ VALUE% 26 IF @DIGIT = 0 from BEGIN @ RV = RV + 'Z' set @ RV = RV + deb. Faxexelwoltogolum (@value / 26 -1) return @ RV ed set @ RV = @ R .V + Charge (@ digit + 64) set @value = (@ value- @ points) / 26nd return @ RV and use [ECS] Go / ****** Object: User defined function [DBO]. [Fnaxel Column to Volume] Script Date: 12/06/2009 10:33:37 ****** / SET ANSI_NULLS Set To Go Go Changes Option [DBO]. [Fnaxel Column To Value] (@column Varchar (3)) sh Second as does the whole --declare @ pen varchar (10); @column = declare 'AC' @value int, @pow int, @ i int, @ n int select @ pow = 1, @ VALUE = 0,...

Cleaning up a PHP array to make it 0 based again -

I sometimes place data in an array that goes away in the array, for example instead of 0, to position 25 . Example: Array ([16] => Array ([0] => .fo3-Oks.part01.rar [1] = & gt; marked as invalid) [17] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; Fo3-oks.part02.rar [1] = & gt; Illegally marked) [18] = & gt; Array ([0] => -oks.part03.rar [1] = & gt; marked as invalid)) This is due to user input, I do not have coding for me to clean the array One way is to somehow be 0 based again to make it. The above example should be done after cleaning: array ([0] = & gt; Hey ([0] => / Hmh .fo3-oks.part01.rar [1] = & gt; marked as invalid) [1] = & gt; Array ([0] => Hmh.fo3-oks Part02.rar [1] = & gt; marked as invalid) [2] = & gt; Array ([0] = ...

Can I just delete mysql localhost.log file -

I have created a system five years ago In these years, the localhost.log client mine database has been stored in 160G . Can I just delete this log? MySQL version is 4.0.20 Yes IIRC, you want to use the following procedure: Rename the log using mv or rain . Use mysqladmin flush-log . Remove this old name from a new localhost.log which you have renamed. This process removes the logs without restarting the MySQL process.

erlang - Ejabberd Memory Consumption (or Leak?) -

I am using ejabberd + mochiweb on my server now I am running ejbird and cobbler, using more memory (Last night it used to consume 35% of memory, it is just above 50%). I thought this was just an issue of a maze garbage collection - so I installed the Erlang R13b3 and started again. Although it did not do it properly So now I see that slightly above 50% of the full memory consumption, it seems that the eagbard memory is starting to "go" and almost Stay up to 50%. Is this normal? There is a threshold of 50% for the ejbird, so when it reaches, it says, "It's really time to go to some memories ..." and maybe it remains around the rest for faster access (like cassines Mennesi?) I appreciate any input thank you! play erlang: memory (). Every now and then in your shell. You can also give the erlang: system_info (type). with allocated_areas and recurrent one try You can also set up to warn you about too much memory allocated processes. .

vb6 - Is there any way to tell if the Windows Directory is writeable without actually writing to it to test? -

I have some old vb6 code that checks to see if the Windows directory is writeable to write it and then Reading a value. But ... we have a virus scanner that is seeing it as a suspicious behavior, so I want to see it without touching it. Does a Windows API call for this? (Ideally for 98 and above) Here's something to remember that the file system Unstable I can see that the only way to use this code before checking is to check that a folder is writable, and then try writing that which you wanted to write. The problem here is that when you do your tests and try to write, a vaporized file system can change things in between. As a result, If your typing fails then you have to be able to handle the exception This means that the initial screening is very unusable. To improve your efforts in writing better exception handlers. In addition, for Windows 2000 and later Windows should also be directly writable, if the user is running as an administrator, normal behavior to run...

What file do you edit the most within your project? -

Recently I am editing a single CSS file, and I've got to think that you Where are the most important files your project? For me this would be the environment.rb , or en.yml if I was coding in the rail. I would like to update a list with the most frequent files over time. Rail environment.rb Yml For me this is TODO.txt . Unfortunately generally add.

c# - Which DataSet creation technique is faster? -

इन तकनीकों में से कौन सा तेज है? 1) डीबीडाटाएडेटाडेटाडेटाएडैप्टर = _ फ़ैक्टरी। क्रेडेटडाटाएडेटाटर (); DataAdapter.SelectCommand = _command; डेटासेट = नया डेटासेट (); dataAdapter.Fill (डाटासेट); 2) डेटाटाले डीटी = नया डेटाटाले (); आईडीटा रीडर iDataReader = _command.ExecuteReader (); dt.Load (iDataReader); iDataReader.Close (); इन लिंकों पर नजर डालें और जैसा कि आपके प्रश्न पर टिप्पणी में उल्लिखित है। हाथ की स्थिति के लिए जांच करना सबसे अच्छा होगा, कभी भी एक नियम सभी पर लागू नहीं होता है।

codeigniter - How can I get a null field from the Twitter API to play nice with my database? -

Forgive me if I have any basic error, I imagine I'm missing something. I'm looking to store Twitter updates in a database with only a few areas: an auto-index index, time posted, actual status updates & amp; User ID is the answer to the update. I'm just storing this final field so that I can provide a method of filtering the answer. But it appears that my SQL code is throwing an error In this written form, SQL has correctly inserted two most recent updates, both of which are the answers to another user and, therefore, , In_reply_to_user_id field has data. But on the third update, which is not in response to anybody, I get the following error: Error number: 1064 There is an error in your SQL syntax; Update (time, position, postid, answer) value (1260070319, 'I think the manual for the right syntax is to use nearby that matches your MySQL server version) Johnny Cash knows what he was talking about the song "A Boy Named Suh". That man is both f...

Secured connection between ASP.NET and Flash -

I have a page that loads like a flash player, listens to the URL of the RTMP which is the other .aspx Valid in the file validates a session generated on the page. Is there another way or better way to restrict users from stealing RTM links? Because the flash client is side technology, so you always get your secret data in the Flash Player like this Are going to reveal to If this is a question to trust in your end user, you can not just do it (in a very many world). If you are working on ASPX, SWF and RTMP content on HTTPS and RTMPS then your session should be enough safe. I think that will do this to asses your audience and possible security risks and think that you have what is "safe enough".

c++ - cos returns wrong values? -

I have a strange problem with the standard cos function of the boundary / Math H. Apparently under certain circumstances it gives incorrect or just undefined values. #include & lt; Cmath & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; Int main () {double foo = 8.0 * 0.19634 9 55; // 1.5707964 double bla = std :: cos (foo); // should be 0.9996242168245 std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Bla & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; // cos-7.32051e-008 return 0; } For example, if the input value for COS is 1.5707964, then COS-7.32051-008 Returns (when Doubles are used, this flats -4.XYZe-009) . Am I really missing something original and simple ...? This is giving the degree multiplied by your input value to 3.1415 9/180, and the correct answer will get.

iphone - Trouble with tableview cell style - UITableViewCellStyleValue1 -

I am using table view to display a list. Only one cell will have UITableViewCellStyleValue1 . The problem is that while scrolling up / down, the expanded text is not displaying well here's the code. // Customize the appearance of table view cells. - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForOutPath: (NSIndexPath *) Index Pathway {Fixed NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "cell"; UITableViewCell * cell = [tableview] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {if (indexPath.row == 0) {cell = [[[UTable view CL alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleValue1 reuseIdentifier: CellIdentifier] autorelease]; Cell.textLabel.textcolor = [UIColor whiteColor]; Cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton; Cell.detailTextLabel.textColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; Cell.detailTextLabel.text = @ "Details"; } Else {cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: ...

actionscript 3 - When would it make sense to pass a function to a function? -

OK, so it is possible to pass the function to another function. This is clearly very powerful, but another important question is, when it is wise to do this, because whenever you call any other function, there are performance overheads ? A function that takes the function as its argument is called higher sequence function is called function (f, g) {return function (x) {return f (p) (return function) g (x)) ; }; } Function map (f, xs) {var ys = []; (Var i = 0; i & lt; xs.length; ++ i) ys.push (f (x [i])) for; Return ys; } With that, you can change an array with two functions in one line: var a = ["one", "two" , " three "]; Var b = Map (composition (touppercase, reverse), A); // B. Now ["EoO", "OWT", "EERHT"]

RegEx ignore in java -

Hello I like the string "DE32424; WV424324; FR234324; DE45345" How will I first I ignore everything; Therefore only after using DE32424 will be left in the string. ReplaceAll () in Java. all replaced (";. *.", "");

Throwing an exception in a WCF service throws a CommunicationException -

Whenever I put an exception to my service, another exception is thrown right after: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: error reading from pipe: unrecognized error 109 (0x6d). --- & gt; System.IO.PipeException: There was an error reading from pipe: unrecognized error 109 (0x6d). I am implementing IErrorHandler so that I can log all unsociable exceptions (using log4net): bool IErrorHandler.HandleError (exception error ) {If (! (Error is FaultException)) {logger.Fatal ("uncontrollable exception", error); } return false; } Why have any thoughts? The problem was the customer, whenever I return the mistake, I am aborting on the channel.

javascript - Dealing with Negative Numbers in Strings -

I have a simple but troubled problem with the monastery. The following code will take a number from the string (usually contained in the SPAN or DIV) and decrease the value of 1 from it. .replace (/ (\ d +) / g, function (a, n) {return (+ N-1);}); This really works well, except that when we get less than zero, once we go for -1, then we can clearly define negative subtraction Working together. -1 - 1 = -0, -0 - 1 = - 1 How can I avoid it? It seems like I have a common problem with mathematics here. The problem is that your function "-1" is not treated as negative - it is positive 1 After being considered as hyphen. / (-? \ D +) / g will capture a key hyphen okay.

c# - Restricting generic type fails in a particular situation -

I want to separate my definitions from my implementation. I have an interface unit: Public Interface Unit & lt; E & gt; Where e: unit & lt; E & gt; {EntityId EntityId {get; } Bool ReadOnly {get; } Zero FailIfReadOnly (); E copy (); } E is the actual unit type, such as customer: public interface customer: entity & lt; Customers & gt; {} I have an implementation of FailIfReadOnly (): If readOnly == is true, throw an EntityIsReadOnlyException. Public class EntityIsReadOnlyException & lt; E & gt; Where e: unit & lt; E & gt; {Public EntityIsReadOnlyException (E unit): base (string.format ("entity {0} is read only", entity.EntityId)} {}} public class EntityImpl & lt; E & gt; : Unit & lt; E & gt; Where e: unit & lt; E & gt; {Public EntityImpl (E other) {} Public Child Only Read (Receive; Preserved Set;} Public Zero FailIfReadOnly () {If (! Read Only) New EntityIsReadOnlyException Throw (this) Throw t...

c - Deleting node from linked list by index -

This is my code to delete a node from a linked list. vec_store holds seq and size . Variable keeps the seq vector and an indicator. For any reason, else if (i Size -1) does not work which is the final position. Can anyone solve the problem? The way this is the C code. zero delete_vec (vec_store s, int i) {if (i & lt; 0 | s-> Size-1 & lt; i) {printf ("vector can not be deleted Because index% d is out of range \ n ", i); } And if (i == 0) {node is temporary; Temp = s- & gt; Seq; S- & gt; Seq = s- & gt; Seq-> next; S- & gt; Size--; Free (temporary); } And if (i == s-> size -1) {node temp1, temp2; // temp1 = malloc (node); Temp2 = Molok (node); Temp1 = s- & gt; Seq; If (temp1-> Next == faucet) {Free (temp1); S- & gt; Seq = zero; S- & gt; Size--; Printf ("s-> Size -1 \ n"); } And {while (temp1-> Next! = Null) {temp2 = temp1; Temp1 = temp1- & gt; next; } Free (temp1); Temp2- & gt; Next ...

java - Line-Spacing in JTextArea -

It seems that my current JTextArea example is about 1 or 1.5 lining. Can anyone tell me how to change line-spacing in JTextArea example? Performing a Google search gives you a suggestion JTextPane and especially You should use the setParagraphAttributes located. The way you get AttributeSet is as follows: MutableAttributeSet set = New SimpleAttributeSet (); StyleConstants.setLineSpacing (set, / * your spacing * /); Now just pass in the set setParagraphAttributes method. Hope it helps.

WPF XAML Intellisense doesn't work correctly for custom routed event handlers -

itemprop = "text"> I defined a custom event routed with the following constructs (rename): Public category MyRoutedEventArgs: Routing Aventrages {...} Public Representative MyRoutedEventHandler (Object Sender, MyRoutedEventArgs args) is free; Public static read-only RoutedEvent MyEvent; MyClass.MyEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent ("MyEvent", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof (MyRoutedEventHandler), typeof (MyClass)); Next, I am creating a CLR event wrapper: Public Event MyRoutedEventHandler MyEvent {addHandler (MyEvent, value); } Remove {RemoveHandler (MyEvent, value); }} The problem is that when I define it as shown above, the XALL Intellence Handler method does not work to automate the body. What I have seen is that if you change your CLR event cover to use the normal Routed Aventahandler type, then everything works! However in this case, the automatic generating method is a normal RoutedEventArgs (fine, correctly corresponding to the Rout... - when add dynamic control in update panel then getting failed to load viewsate error? -

Are the thoughts failing to load an error when adding dynamic controls to the update panel? See the following example: - UpdatePanel Panel = New UpdatePanel (); panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Clear (); If (strPopupType == "O") {control ctrl = Page.LoadControl (@ "~ / module / mlm / uniViewewor / desktop module / order details.Secux"); Command-order orderdetails = (OrderDetails) ctrl; Orderdetails.ID = "command" + elementID; Orderdetails.OrderID = Convert toInt32 (elementID); //orderdetails.ModuleSkinStyleName = CurrentModuleSkin; Panel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add (ctrl); } And if (strPopupType == "U") {control ctrl = Page.LoadControl (@ "~ / module / mlm / unileview / desktop module / user details."); UserDetails userdetails = (UserDetails) ctrl; Userdetails.ID = "user" + elementID; // userdetails.UserModuleSkinStyleName = CurrentModuleSkin; Userdetails.UserID = New Guide (elementID); Panel.Cont...

Where do I install Perl modules that I wrote? -

I have written some modules, and are trying to run them. How do I tell where to take the module? I am writing in Windows, and tried to put it in c: \ perl \ lib , but it did not help. / P> Can I put it in the same directory, which tells the file the module? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> uses paths in perl: to search the module @INC (.pm files) If you: perl -e 'print add' \ n ", @INC; ' You will see which paths are currently searching for the module. (This @incom list has been compiled in Perl executable) Then you can : BEGIN {unshift @INC, 'C: \ mylibs'} or Lib' C: Use \ mylibs' and enable For inside C: \ mylibs: Use MyModule;

How to parse struct to C++ dll from C#? -

I am trying to call the function in an unmanaged C ++ dll. This is the prototype: [DllImport ("C: \\ Program Files \\ MySDK \\ VSeries.dll", EntryPoint = "BII_Send_Index_Template_MT"]] Internal Unprotected Fixed extern Int32 BII_Send_Index_Template_MT (IntPtr pUnitHandle, Ref BII_Template Template, Int32 Option, Boolean async); BII_Template Template = New BII_Template (); Error_code = BII_Send_Index_Template_MT (pUnitHandle, Ref Template, Options, Incorrect); In this way I use BII_Template struct as C #: Public Unsafe Structure BII_Template {public ulong id; Public emerging employee_id; public inversion password; universal Public byte sensor_varjan; public byte template_varjan; public fixed letter [16]; public byte finger; public byte admin_level; public byte schedule; public byte protection_documentation; public fixed byte noise_level [18]; public byte corrumb; public byte context_x; public byte reference_y ; Public fixed byte Ihkoor [3]; public fixe...

javascript - JQuery. How to load inputs values to an array? -

मेरे पास कई इनपुट फ़ील्ड हैं। & lt; input type = 'text' size = '10' नाम = 'प्रथमनाम' आईडी = 'प्रथमनाम' / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'टेक्स्ट' आकार = '20 'नाम =' अंतिम नाम 'id =' lastname '/ & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'पासवर्ड' आकार = '5' नाम = 'पासवर्ड' आईडी = 'पासवर्ड' / & gt; मैं अपने सभी मान को jQuery के साथ एक सरणी में प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। इस तरह से। 1 = & gt; 'बराक', 2 = & gt; 'ओबामा', 3 = & gt; '123456' मौजूदा विधि वैल () पहले मैच से मूल्य रिटर्न। $ ('# पहलेनाम, # अंतिम नाम, # पासवर्ड')। Val (); // केवल प्रथम नाम देता है यह होगा: $ ('# पहलेनाम, # अंतिम नाम, # पासवर्ड')। नक्शा (कार्य () {this.value return}}। Get (); mvc - prepopulate MVC Models with IOC - an alternative to caching? -

I am considering strategies for a simple minded CMS implementation for an ASP.NET MVC site. The simple-minded part is that I have consolidated the values ​​used in many partial ideas, which are all user controls that share the same CSS layout. That's why I am populating custom values ​​from the database into even partial visuals where I can sometimes modify them using the CRUD. Not so easy, a functional and logical abstraction of a standard UI element is a SQL table row but it is putting aside ... I know that I have some super Using models, I am going to use each page for pre-configured models for partial views. But if they are pre-configured and pre-loaded then where are they kept? The part from which I feel that I'm a bit crazy to go this way, it's essentially the time to load the static data but again, SharePoint! Why (I think) why not load it all in application_start? why not? I answer! Then I can use IOC for something that Google does not even link to a sma...

Is it possible to use Linq-SQL without drag-and-drop? -

If I want to use linq-sql, then to move the db table to the designer's surface, For making. I always like full control in my application and do not like sections created by dotnet. Is it possible to make connections available between Linq and DB using Access Layer Entity Classes? How can I do this? You can easily write your own classes using Linux-to-SQL - just a few Painting your classes with classes is included. [table (name = " Categories ")] Public Category Category: IDataErrorInfo {[column (IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)] Public Ent ID {get; Set; } [Column] Public string name {get; Set; } [Column] Public string extension string {get; Set; }} This code was very easy, especially if you make your property names with the names of your table (you do not have to). Then you just need a repository to connect to DB: category category repository: ICART entry table {Private table & lt; Category & gt; C...

actionscript 3 - Flash AS3 class Object calling methods -

Hi all, I have a class file named MENSE and second class IC. package {import icon; Public class main {public var _time: string; Function main () {_time = "01:10"; IconObj = new icon (this); } Function timer function () {_time = newTime; }}} Package {public square icon {public var mytime: NUmber; Function Icon (Main Aub: *) {Trace ("My Time" + Main Oz .time)}}} // Sample Outout // My Time 01: 10 How can I get the current update from the main section? Without calling the menobause Frequently whether this flash is possible in AS3, or for this idea Other alternate method. Check you may have a timer that notifies your supervisor while changing time T She already has the library for you to simplify this job. You can also use it for the same job.

redirect - Redirecting input to an executable from Excel VBA -

How do you redirect the input from the VBA to the executable? In particular, why do not the code given below work? WshShell = VBA.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "runme & lt; start.txt", 1, true P> or RetVal = Shell ("runname Runme.exe All rights are started, but the input is not redirected and it has to be typed manually in the command window. Also tried: RetVal = Shell ("type start.txt | runme.exe", vbNormalFocus) typed output pipe Start .txt in runme.exe returns a plain "file not found" error However, when I type those different commands directly on the command line I do all that work. I will answer the more general part of your question. You asked: Specifically, why do not the code given below work? WshShell.Run "runme & lt; start.txt", 1, true The code does not work as expected The shell of WScript.Shell is not similar to the shell of cmd.exe, in particular, it...

R performance with data reshaping -

I am trying to resize a data frame in R and use the suggested method to do this There is a problem in doing The data frame has the following structure: id DATE1 DATE2 VALTYPE VALUE 'abcd1233' 2009-11-12 2009-12-23 'TYPE1' 123.45 ... VALTYPE is a string and is a factor with only 2 values ​​( TYPE1 and TYPE2 ). I need to change the following data frame ("broad" relocation) based on common id and dates: ID DATE1 DATE2 VALUE.TYPE1 VALUE.TYPE2 'abcd1233' 2009-11-12 2009-12-23 123.45 NA ... There are more than 4,500,000 comments in the data frame (although about 70% VALUE s about NA ). The machine is Intel based Linux workstation with 4 GB RAM. By loading data (from a compressed Rdata file) into a fresh R process, it increases to about 250 MB, which obviously leaves a lot of space for the rescheduling. These are my experiences so far: , "DATE1", "DATE2"), TIMEWAYER = "VALTYPE"); RESULT: Error: s...

qt - Is there a way to prevent a header defined c++ function from being treated as inlined -

I am creating a QT application and as I was coding, I used to define my slot in the header . I came to know that it was easy to develop for me in this way, although I still define normal functions in .cpp (unless the function is actually small). But now there are some myths with my colleague that it is bad behavior to put in the header because they make the fact of defining the headers inline them, so I am trying to understand everything about what is going on. The reason for this is that I was given: "Even in linear work (as per the requirement according to classrooms) is a highly debated practice. In theory, But the bigger code (avoids the function calls and returns by duplicating the code). However, many people have noticed that often using inlineing creates a slow code, the reason is that the code can be bigger and Its bone The size of the R can increase, one or more caches are used in run-time. As a result, some fraction of the function exits from the cache and throug...

c# - Using M-V-VM with WPF, how do I instantiate a Dialog View given a ViewModel? -

I am using MVVM with the dialogue box The process I'm using to create dialogs is as follows: A ViewDodel command wishes to open a dialog. This creates ViewModel for the dialog (we call it DialogViewModel). This then sends ViewModel to the DialogProvider to create the real view. This makes my dialog box testable, because the provider can either provide a real view or a test view. I have to do all this work, however, currently my DialogProvider solution is to manually modify the view class based on ViewModel's name to use the reflection, Like: var viewModelType = viewModel.GetType (); Var dialogTypeName = Regex Change (ViewModelType.Name, "ViewModel $", "Dialog"); Var viewType = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (). GetType (dialogTypeName); If throwing a new invalid operation exception ("ViewType == empty)" ("Could not find the view for the given type."); Var dialog = (dialog) view type Gate Configurator (Type. Type Type) .Onk...

Does iPhone have a clipboard API? -

Is there a clipboard API in the iPhone? It appears that someone can call the API function to set text on a pasteboard which will be accessible by other apps. But can someone verify that this is correct? Thank you. Yes, see

visual studio 2008 - Unit Testing DAL - Stop Connecting when running unit tests -

I'm testing a unit (Data Access Layer). When I debug an entity test, before removing my unit test manufacturer, Visual Studio removes WCFSvcHost. Why is that so? I am joking about everything, so I can only test that there is very little logic in my DAL. EDIT: I tried to go into properties to turn off "Enable the Visual Studio Hosting Process" in my test project and debug tabs. However, it did not fix this problem. (WcfSvcHost still starts.) On the WCF project, click Properties. Go to the WCF Options tab. Uncheck the WCF service host when debugging another project in the same solution.

language agnostic - Optimizing binary tree inserts to O(1) with hash map for write heavy trees -

First of all, I believe that while thinking about this, I've missed something major, but I still see about it If I did not really remember anything, then with it ... I have a very heavy binary tree (about 50/50 writes and writes), and the way home From today I was thinking about ways to optimize it, especially writing that write faster - There is what I came up with. Given that the first T (T, X) to add the operation joint (T, X) to the tree in X, to see whether X is already present, and in that case It does not return the parents back, so that we can add it instead of one of the parents' empty leaves. What if we are in the process of adding an intermediate cache to a hash table, so when we add (T, X) what really happens, that is in the x hash and hash map M is inserted. And that's it. Optimization occurs when we ask to find elsewhere (T, X), now when we search for trees, we will reach a leaf node, because x is not yet planted (it is only hash map I exist in, we d...

Programatically load images in Flex -

I have to load bitmap or bitmap data objects to several images. Images are hosted outside the Flex project, and they are referred to by the external configuration file, so I can not embed them. Since the images are not being displayed directly to the user (they are being added to a PDF that are generated for download), grouping the image objects, applying them in the app, and their loads of handlers to fire. It seems to be unable to wait. What is the best way to load these pictures in an application? Have you considered using the loader class? var ldr: loader = new loader (); Ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (event.complete, onload); Ldr.load (new URLRequest ("image.png")); Function Onload (E: Event): Zero {var Image: Bitmap = Bitmap (LoaderInfo (; Var bmpData: bitmapdata = image.bitmapData; // Use bmpdata the way you want to trace (bmpdata.width); Trace (bmpdata.height); }

string - Public implementation of ropes in C#? -

क्या सी # में डेटा संरचना का कोई सार्वजनिक कार्यान्वयन है? इसके मूल्य के लिए, आप शायद इसे एक घंटे से भी कम समय में सी # में परिवर्तित कर सकते हैं।

Capturing the close tab event of a JTabbedPanel in Java Swing -

Is it possible to capture close tabs events for JavaBeadPanel in Java swing? I want to check some situations and if they are not found, then I have to stop the user from closing it. Thank you! Update: I created a custom event based on this, it resolves my problem. There is an example with the close button on each tab on the Sun's tutorial if you look at the example source So you can see the reaction when you click it close. EDIT: There is an internal section in it that extends the pocket button based on your comment, do you already have something that closes the tab? What are you doing to get it?

.NET dll from PowerBuilder (10 or 11.5) -

If I see a .NET DLL referenced from PowerBuilder (10 or 11.5), then which of the following best practices is ? 1) Register DLL as a COM object, and use the COM object through OLEObject 2) Upgrade to 11.5, and convert it to PB.NET so that I actually have a PowerBuilder C # blocking code 3) Another method I should be aware of these methods What are some things? I have not done anything with PowerBuilder, but this is a technique that we successfully ) Done with a project which could not immediately be migrated from VB 6. 1) We masked with COM references to expose a Shim / Nets required by us. (We have also specified the use of GUID, so we had complete control over the compatibility changes.) 2) We have referenced com objects in our VB6 code (as you mentioned in the PowerBuilder code Handling (allobject in your case) 3) The items were migrated (in our case in C #), they referred to the built-in NAT classes instead of the com-shim. (We made sure to tag Shim with obsolete...

c# - Is there any scenario where the Rope data structure is more efficient than a string builder -

Based on a comment by the user, related to In any scenario where the data string is more efficient than string builder? This is the opinion of some people that rope data structures are almost never better in terms of speed compared to native string or string builder operations in normal situations, so I look forward to seeing a realistic scenario where the ropes are really good . The documentation for this comes in some detail on big o behaviors, which The factor is the enlightening. In their documentation, examples are provided for reference about contains very long strings , 10 MB string . Very few programs will be written along with some such programs, and for the many sections of problems with such needs, they need full string for stream based to replicate them again Also possible, the result is. As the rope is meant for non-streaming manipulation of multi-megabyte character sequences, when you are able to behave properly in the form of rope instead of the seque...

c# - session expiring and throwing exception -

I have an issue with the end of the season First it expires every 20 minutes and it throws an error. .. I tried to fix it by:. if (session ["user name"] toString () == tap) {session. Response.Redirect ("~ / Login.aspx? SessionError =" + "session ended on pageload please please do again"); } But I get the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object My stack trace is: [NullReferenceException:. Object reference not set to an instance of an object] in copiunGUI.Site1.checksession (C): \ Users \ jagmit \ Documents \ Projects \ \ copiunGUI \ copiunGUI \ Site1.Master.cs Visual Studio 2008: 224 copiunGUI C. Site1.TreeViewMain_Unload (object sender, EventArgs e): \ Users \ jagmit \ Documents \ visual Studio 2008 \ projects \ copiunGUI \ copiunGUI \ Site1.Master.cs: 210 System.Web.UI.Control.OnUnload (EventArgs e) 8,681,754 System .Web.UI.Control.UnloadRecursive (Boolean Settlement) +252 System.Web.UI. Control.UnloadRec...

java me - j2me SDK3 for AWT/Swing application -

I try to develop an embedded application with Eclipse + J2ME SDK3 + CDC. When I'm trying to create a frame or JFRAM, an error says "Environment variable SUBLIME-PROC-ID" could not be read. What is the problem? Thank you in advance I am not going to develop some phones. I just want to do some embedded application that is with ADT or swing or SWT GUI. It is okay when it runs in Eclipse environment. But when it runs without eclipse, the problem can not be read "Environmental Variable- PROC-ID". (I run it under the CDC environment)

How to know the type of an jQuery object? -

I want to find out if it's a & lt; Options & gt; or something else You can use the method to determine that A jQuery object matches a selector. For example: var isOption = ('Options');

dynamic data - Variable symbol in Params object in rails -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: @ profile.update_attributes (params [: xxxx_profile] ) जहां xxxx या तो पुरुष या महिला के लिए खड़ा है मूल रूप से फ़ॉर्म सबमिट पास या तो female_profile [foo] या male_profile [foo] का सेट भेजता है और मैं इसे तदनुसार बदलना चाहता हूं। मान लें कि मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है जिसे xxxx के एवज में डाला जा सकता है, मैं इसे कैसे गतिशील रूप से बना सकता हूं? धन्यवाद। ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश करें: @ profile.update_attributes (params [" # {लिंग} _profile ".to_sym]) या, आपको किसी प्रतीक को परिवर्तित किए बिना स्ट्रिंग में प्रवेश करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए, क्योंकि पैरामीटर के लिए रेल एक हैशविथइंडिफ़ेन्चसी का उपयोग करता है: @ profile.update_attributes (params ["# {gender} _प्रोफाइल "])

linux - awk save command ouput to variable -

I need to execute a few lines of file for example I for example: File1.txt 100 4 file2.txt198 So my awk script needs to execute something like this command $ 1 $ 2 $ 3 and command $ 1 $ 2 $ 3 , so system work Will not and will not be getline . (If I do something like this then I can not pipeline production.) The ban of this problem is only to use awk (I already have Beschcreat + Azik There was a solution with ... but I just want to awk ... just to know more about this) What is wrong with using getline $ ./test.awk test.txt # ls -F | Grep test test.awk * test.txt # cat test.txt | NL 1 LS-F. Grep test 2 cat test.txt | NL3 cat test.awk # cat test.awk #! / Usr / bin / awk -f {cmd [nr] = $ 0 While ($ 0 | Grinline line) Output [NR] = Output [NR] Line RS} End {to (in CMD) Print "#" CMD [ I] ORS output [i]}

php - Google check out Merchant Id Not corrrect -

I am using Google in my project, it is in sandbox mode. I am using the XML API, when I click on the Google button in my page, I get an error message like was getting an error: HTTP status: 400: error message : & Lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Error xmlns = "" serial-number = "a4ab2700-a387-4af5-9350-374049856c6e" & gt; & Lt; Error message & gt; ID 623746024295438 & lt; / Error-message & gt; No vendor found with id & lt; / Error & gt; What is this? Actually, I have that merchant ID and key. this can be helpful for you

Simple PHP routing -

I am setting up a simple routing system for my new custom MVC framework, which I am making. Currently my router sees the cell URL as: Therefore, essentially. ..I am reserving the first two sections of the URI for the controller route. However, if I just want to run the following? ... which will only try to run the default controller action and additionally Send the parameter? Here I am using a simple router: \ * --- htaccess --- * \ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RectitRule ^ (. *) $ Index.php? Rt = $ 1 [L, QSA] \ * --- index.php - - * \ if (array_key_exists ('rt', $ _ GET)) {$ path = $ _GET ['rt']; $ Uri = explosion ('/', $ this- & gt; path); If (empty ($ uri [0])) {$ load-> Ctrl ('home'); } Otherwise (below ($ uri [1])) {$ load-> Ctrl ($ uri [0]); } And {$ load-> Ctrl ($ uri...

objective c - UIPickerView with Multiline UILabel -

I am currently working on it to install my core data from a program dynamically fills a picker view. I have all the data-wise work, but now the problem I am running is the formatting on my labels. The picker is presented with its toolbar in a worksheet with the button on the right side of the toolbar, with the initial state 2 dial view. When the button is pressed, it turns into 3 dials. - (UIView *) pickerView: (UIPickerView *) pickerView viewForRow: (NSInteger) line forComponent: (NSInteger) component reusingView: (UIView *) view {UILabel * pickerLabel = (UILabel *) opinion; CGSize limitSize = CGSizeMake (100.0f, 45.0f); CGSize text size; CGT label label; NSString * title = @ ""; Switch (numberOfComponents) {Case 2: {... the data received is wired by title = someString} Case 3 (varying length from 4 to 20): {... above, but the second set of data As for the same. Title = someString}} textSize = [title sizeWithFont: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 14] constrainedToSize: LI...

Display custom text if mvc for each loop is empty -

फिर भी और mvc सीखना, कृपया कोमल हो:) वर्तमान में एक MVC दृश्य मुझे क्या करना है जब आरएसएस फ़ीड के लिए कोई आइटम नहीं लौटाया जाता है, पाठ का एक कस्टम टुकड़ा प्रदर्शित करता है, जैसे कि psuedocode के निम्नलिखित टुकड़े की तरह कुछ। यदि ViewData.Model.Items खाली नहीं है तो फिर लूप के लिए प्रदर्शन करें "माफ करना, प्रदर्शित करने के लिए कोई आइटम नहीं" अंत अगर मुझे पता है कि कैसे मेरे क्लासिक एएसपी दिनों से ऐसा करो यदि मैं किसी तालिका से रिकॉर्ड प्रदर्शित कर रहा हूं: यदि tablename.EOF और tablename.BOF तब ... लेकिन मेरे पास पहले सुराग नहीं है कि कैसे यह शुद्ध, शुद्ध रूप से प्राप्त होता है, जब परिणाम लूप के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। यदि आप मुझे सही दिशा में बता सकते हैं कि मैं कहाँ देखना चाहिए कि यह बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। मैं आम तौर पर कुछ चीज इस तरह बेवकूफ सरल & lt;% अगर (मॉडल.इतम्स.काउंट & gt; 0) {foreach (..)} अन्य {% & gt; क्षमा करें, & lt;%}% & gt; प्रदर्शित करने के लिए कोई आइटम नहीं है मुझे लगता है कि उचित तरीके से इसे एक HTM...

ruby on rails - list post in categories -

I have a post model and a client model Show me a list of categories All posts on one page I am in every model correctly and I am using related_. How do I show them in my scene? Category Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Category name 2 Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 etc ... thanks set in your controller @ category: @ category = (: all, include => gt;: post) # you specify your conditions here Can # include: Later on each "category.posts" call in the sequence to avoid a query Required for: category in category for & lt;% & Lt; Strong & gt; & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Strong & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt;% post in post.posts% & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt;

flash - Copy XML array from one XML Object to another xml Object -

How to copy an XML object values ​​from one XML object to another empty XML object. I have to copy an XML object from the XML array and paste it on another XML object parsing with to parse the XML object I am doing and I get nodes ex> var myXML: xml = new xml (); For (...) if (xmlObj.product [i] .name == 'myproduct') {/// Copy 'MyXML' XML Object .. How ?? } Trace (myXML) In this way I will probably do that, the AS3's E4 X Private 1 & lt; / Products & gt; Product Name = Products "Product" and "Product" = "myProduct" & gt; Product name = "myProduct" & gt; Product 4 & lt; / Product & gt; & Lt; / ProductList & gt; Var myXML: XML = & lt; MyProductList & gt; & Lt; / MyProductList & gt; Each (var productItem: xmlObj.product in XML) {if (productItem. @ Name == 'myProduct') {myXML.appendChild (productItem.copy ()); }} Trace (myXML.toXMLString ())} Exte...

html - .png images display in IE8 alone but not inside a page -

It's been a while since I made serious web development. Now I meet new problems of a new brand, with whom I am no longer familiar .. Something for different icons in my web page How do I feel that whenever I edit these images, they stop working inside a page in IE8. That is, when they open the page for the first time, they (usually) display correctly, then the placeholder icon is replaced when refreshing. None of my image tags are fancy, usually: When I right-click an icon in the page and select "Properties," the protocol, type, address and size are shown as "not available", and the dimensions Wrong (the size of the placeholder, I can bet.) If I open images directly in IE (i.e. not inside the page), then they work fine. I used Paint.NET to edit the picture, but he also tried to save them with paint. Right now, I'm working fine on hard disk (i.e. not through the web server) and, oh, yes, this is not in any Google Chrome. What's goin...

c# - Does an exception inside a TRY block break its execution? -

I am importing several fields, and that is, about 25 lines of code importing each single field (my In the case, there really is no other way). It's in a try-catching block, but there may be some time, that this field is not present in the source, but I have to rest. to 20. - I do not have 10 If I do not want to test existence one by one, then I would like to know how it works. In the case of an exception, it does not fix the rest, is it? May be fit for me? obs: It's more than 20 ways, I want a smart and non-politoling solution for it. If an attempt is made within block, after the exception, nothing will be executed. Therefore, if there is an exception on item 11, item 12-20 will not be executed. The execution item will jump from 11 to the catch block and eventually block the block. Finally there is the block. What has been said to your question, when no field exists, an exception is obtained. I check to see if the field exists, and then do the operation I do no...