
Showing posts from April, 2011

servlets - Get the HttpServletRequest (request) object from Java code -

I have to capture the request object in java code. I can not extract my object in my code for some reasons. Is there any way I can say something: getCurrentHTTPServletRequest ? It is safe for me to believe that I am in a service context. Well you should require it below if you need it It's basically anything that you do will be ugly. You can use - basically set the context of that particular thread when you receive the request, and then receive it later. This will work for such a long time until you only need to get the request within the thread which is processing it - and unless you have any funky handling of asynchronous request. Although it is misleading for exactly the same reasons. However, I strongly advise you to clarify your dependence on strongly . Either enter the servlet request below, or just the bits you need.

scripting - simple encryption tutorial? -

I am looking for a simple encryption tutorial for a string encoding in a string. I'm looking at it in general mathematical terms or psuedocode; We are doing it in a scripting language which does not have access to libraries. We have a micro-POS (Point of Sale) system and we want to write a script which puts an encoded string under the receipt. This string will be used by a client to log on to a website and fill out a survey about the business. Then in this string, I would like to get a three digit hard-coded location identifier, date and time; Ex: 0010912041421 Where 001 is Location Identifier, 09 years, 12 months, and 04 days, and 1421 military time (2:41 pm). In this way we know what place the defendant has visited and when it is obvious that if we print that string, then 'code' for anyone, without actually going to our stores It would be easy to fix and complete endless surveys on our expenditure. So if we can do a simple encryption, and decode it with a pre-se...

c# - Silverlight 3: Best way to select a local file for input / upload -

I am using Silverlight 3 to write a lib applcation which takes input file, does some stuff, and Then gives an output file. What is the easiest way to get an input file from the user and then return the file to the user? Can I use the local file system to do this? how? Most likely the files will be ASCII files, but can be excel for some days (hopefully soon). You provided local file system for you to read files (OpenFileDialog ) And SaveFileDialog (to write files). You can not access arbitrary files, only to those people where the user viewed and fixed the file dialog

Javascript based drawing library for free hand drawing? -

I have noticed that there are so many libraries that will allow me the output shapes and lines but for the freehand drawing of these libraries Will be allowed Is this possible? Thank you in advance! / p> You can use the canvas a few months ago a similar question Was there. To do this, you also have the permission to do this.

.net - How to use installation configured variables in setup project? -

To use .net's setup project, I want to write the location that is installed in my software registry, so that a plugin is able to know where the main application is, what kind of% variable% I can use Which shows the folder in which the application was installed? If you see the properties of the application folder in the file system view, then its property "TARGETDIR" Along with the property called "property" you can use [TARGETDIR] to represent the installation directory that is selected in any other view.

mysql - Migrate Grail's HSQLDB embedded database -

How to migrate Grill's HSQLDB embedded database (which does not want to lose my app's data) such as MySQL or ApacheDerby? Maybe what you really need I have not had to migrate the data from HSQLDB to any other DB, but if I had data that I would not want to use in HSQLDB, I would definitely have used this method Will try You want to save the backup to the HSQLDB database (I assume that you have a file instead of an in-store instead of DB one?) Run the migration toolkit and migrate your data Otherwise, you should update your datasource to update MySQL datasource (or some non-destructive) With dbCreate set Using other tools (or other), look at the data in your DB And they can help you export the data.

PHP Catch "Empty" Includes -

We have a custom framework that we use, which we should include to other pages Allows code in However, the title of this code is always printed, even if contains code does not output anything, is there any way that I get to exit , or return Can I do something special, that I can trace and hold through included / , so that I can do the right thing? Activate the output buffer, include the file then check for its content: ob_start (); Include "File.php"; $ Content = ob_get_contents (); Ob_end_clean ();

java - Call a function based on JVM version -

I have a JFram object, and I have to support two JVM 1.5 on Mac OS X and 1.6 on Windows. On windows I need to use the setIconImages function to set several icons for the size of the application, but this function is not available at 1.5. Is it possible to call this function with reflection within the JFram? Application JFrame {. . Void init () {// check version // call setIconImages}} I would Do something like the following (wont 'compile, but you should start): Create a section called Freemult and give it the following method: Public static zero set icon Images (last java.W. window window, extends the final list & lt;; image & gt; symbols) {try {method setIconImagesMethod; SetIconImagesMethod = // set Use reflection to get copy images. SetIconImagesMethod.invoke (window, icon); } Hold (last NoSuchMethodException pre) {// fall back on an image method window .set IconImage (icons.get (0)); }}

actionscript 3 - How to get an event for close or remove a instance in Flash AS3 -

पैकेज कॉमटेस्ट {import flash.display.Sprite; आयात करें Flash.Display.MovieClip; आयात करें com.greensock। *; आयात करें com.greensock.easing। *; आयात com.test.CreateRoundRectButton; Import। *; आयात करें। *; पब्लिक क्लास विस्तारविवे मूवीक्लिप तक विस्तारित है {निजी वरीयताएंपैनल: मूवीक्लिप = नया मूवीक्लिप (); निजी var विवरणडेटा: ऑब्जेक्ट; निजी वैर बंद बीटीएन: स्प्राइट; निजी वैर विवरणफॉर्म: विस्तारकदृश्यफ़ॉर्म = नया विस्तारविवरण (); सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन detailView () {createPanel (); AddChild (detailPanel) detailPanel.addChild (विस्तारफॉर्म); } निजी फ़ंक्शन बनाएंपैनेल () {closeBtn = नया CreateRoundRectButton (30,30,10,1,0xFFFFFF, "X", 0x000000); CloseBtn.x = DetailForm.width - 25; closeBtn.y = 2; CloseBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, बंद पैनेल, गलत, 0, सत्य); मैं इस क्लास के बच्चे को कैसे निकाल सकता हूं? मैं इस क्लास के बच्चे को कैसे हटा सकता हूं? जब मैं क्लोज़ बटन पर प्रेस करता हूं तो इसे खिड़की से निकालने की जरूरत होती है। लेकिन इस घटना को ठीक स...

mysql - What Grid Setup would you recommend -

I have a web site that is currently an intermediary VPS I was on stage now with the issue of scaling the site has been trapped And I need to set up a better solution. Is this a smart setup: Another server on a MSXL database used CDN server images, javascript and CSS My main idea is to get mysql database to be your own Keep away from other files on Hwar because it mostly causes problems. Try to grab the lowest hanging fruit to deal with the scaling problem which is easy to solve Do not include hardware solutions. Identify the barrier that has the greatest impact on display. If your own SQL server is running slow and it's okay, then read SQL logs, and do some GoogleGoods :). Just make sure that your hardware is a problem and not your application.

regex - comparing some pattern with regular expression C# -

I am parsing the binary file. The file size can be bigger I want to find some pattern in that file string Any number 0 obj & lt; & Lt; Any alpha, symbol, number ... nothing >> endobj The bold text indicates the mandatory string. So, my question is - should I do this with regular expression or it should be searched by coding. After that, if I want to store it in a dictionary, what will happen if there is a regular expression? What is the fastest way? I am using VS-2005. \ d + 0 obj \ & lt; \ & Lt; . * \ & Gt; \ & Gt; Endobase \ d - decimal digits + - 1 or more \ & lt; - & lt; Should be considered in a verbal form - any character * - 0 or more> -> should be considered in verbal form

palm pre - how to play audio object in webOS -

When I press a button I want to play audio object. Can you give me some advice on how to achieve? Have you read, or have seen the sample code? What kind of problem do you have?

foreach - replace a simple forloop with linq -

I want to know how to replace a simple foreach loop with linq i answer about 2 or more loops I'm not looking ... it's for a special foreach loop .. list & lt; String & gt; Strlist = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Strlist.Add ("hello"); Strlist.Add ("World"); // main "to be linq here" ... foreach (strlist string in strlist) {console. Writeline (str); } Now how do I write this simple loop in 1 line? Thank you This type of loop is not to be written as an expression. Use only query expressions if the code does not have any side effects and creates a value. In this case, you are looping a statement repeating, which has a side effect on the console and does not return the value. So a football loop is clear and specially designed for this purpose. On the other hand, an action (which can have a side effect) can be considered as a pure value before executing it . So here's a list of numbers: list & lt; Int...

java - What is the meaning of the listIterator API description? -

this API: /// List of elements in this list gives the itator ( Public List Intermediate & lt; E & gt; appropriate sequence list & lt; Integer & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; Integer & gt; (); List.add (1); List.add (2); List.add (3); // What is the sequence given by i1 and i2? ListIterator & LT; Integer & gt; I1 = list.listIterator (); ListIterator & LT; Integer & gt; I2 = list.listIterator (); (); Int results = (); // is the result 2? Or random? In the sequence of index, it is repeated in the listitator object return, and i1, import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.list; Import java.util.ListIterator; Public Sector Main {Public Stable Zero Main (String [] Args) {List & lt; Integer & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; Integer & gt; (); List.add (1); List.add (2); List.add (3); // What is the sequence given by i1 and i2? ListIterator & LT; Integer & gt; I1 = list.listIterator (); ListIte...

jquery - How to get scrollTop of an iframe -

When there is an iframe, jQuery's scrolltwork returns returns to find out how to remove the scrollbar of an iframe Is anyone capable? More information: My script is only running in iframe, the parent window is on another domain, so I can not see the id of the iframe or anything like that You can set scrollTop using this setup: $ ("html, body"). ScrollTop (25); So you can try to get it in such a way: $ ("html, body"). ScrollTop (); Because different browsers set scrollTop on different elements (body or HTML). From the scrollTo plugin: But this will probably still fail in some browsers. Here is the section related to the source code: // Returns the real elements to scroll, hack, hack :) // scrolls (supports windows / iframes, documents and regular nodes ) $ .fn._scrollable = function () { (function () {var elem = this, isWin =! Elem.nodeName || $ .inArray (elem.nodeName.toLowerCase), ['iframe', ' #documen...

c++ - How to create an SDL pop up menu? -

How did I create a pop-up menu in an SDL window application using C ++? I did not find any clue! I have to show something that looks like this: I have tried to use gluteman, but this does not work ... Thanks SDL is a low-level graphics library. I remember nothing like the menu, buttons, or other GUI controls when using it last time. It is possible that in many of the many menus are functioning, generally, you are hoping to create such things which the SDL provides Does. An add-on library that you want to get, for text drawing using TrueType fonts. This and some lines and mouse handlers, At Voice and Agreve; , you have a menu.

Is there a generic constructor with parameter constraint in C#? -

You can put an obstacle on a common method like: public Class A {public static zero method & lt; T & gt; (TA) where T: new () {// ... some ...}} Where do you specify that a constructor of T There should be no criteria for this. I am thinking that there is a constructor with " a float [,] parameter such as" There is a way to add a restriction " The following code is not compiled: public class A {public static zero method (tA) where T: new (float) [,] U) {// ... some ...}} As you've found, you do not have to As a normal functioning, a representative who can create types of objects T : public class A {Public static zero method (TA, Funk & Ltfinum; float [,], T & gt; creator) {// ... some ...} >

Java Swing JEditorPane: manipulating styled documents -

I have a model that has a line of strings associated with an anonymous type. I'm trying to display the model Jeiditrpan, show each element in the queue as a separate HTML paragraph, which related attributes based on Aanaim type. However, my updates are not what I want. I tried to write the HTML string directly in the document (for example, I get the strings, & lt; p style = "color: red"> and & lt; / p & gt; and then insert them into the end of the document), but it does html tag I output (rather than formatting) - which is certainly inconsistent with the results of putting the tag on the string The document that I create with JEditorPane ("text / html", string foo) I have also tried to put it with AttributeSet, but apparently I am also doing this wrong. Any suggestions? I have not played much luck with HTML in Jedarapana. I have only one feature in JTextPane Something like this: Simple ExerciseSat Keyword = New SimpleAttetsat...

Xml Attribute not showing up on ListBox - C# -

Whenever this package tries to add title information and other attributes, the property exists and the appropriate package is selected This code is: Private zero category-list view list selected (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {XmlDocument LoadPackageList = New XmlDocument (); // removes the "Select a category" text and refreshes the form packagelist_listbox. Items.Remove (SelectaCategory_listbox); If (categorylist_listview.SelectedItem == WWW_listviewitem) {LoadPackageList.Load ("www.xml"); XmlNodeList WWWPackageList = LoadPackageLocate. Select node ("/ package / *"); Int countinodes = 0; Foreach (XmlNode WWW Packages in WWWPackList) {// Cycling through all the packages and doing them on a string, this packaging adds to countdowns ++; Packageatil [countinid] = WWW Packages.Attributes ["title"]. ToString (); PackageInfo [COUNTININED] = WWW package. Attribute ["info"] Toasting (); PackageDownloadUrl [countthenodes] ...

Syntax Highlighter for Java -

As you know, Syntax Highlighter for PHP, which supports a large number of programming languages ​​or code formats is. However, I did not find any such library for Java that was available to me in programming languages ​​(ADA, ASP, BNF, Bash, Brainfuk, C, C ++, C #, CSS, COBOL, ColdFusion, D, Fortran, Haskell, HTML, INI (config), Java, Javascript, Lisp, Make, Objective C, Pascal, Pearl, PHP, PLSSQL, Prolog, Python, Ruby, Schema, SQL, VB.Net, Verilog, VHDL, Visual Basic , Xml ) Do you know, or should I like inept manner which that again highlighted code from a remote PHP server via HTTP transactions? Any ideas? Thank you. two related questions: And I found One Library:

Working with GridView without DataBinding -

Is it possible to populate ASP.NET GridView with data, and it is possible to work on those data without databack, because Is it possible with Winforms? You can set the data source in a dataset which you can create in code that you like is. This is a link that shows how to create a figure in the code ... Then you can add rows to the table and It can be set to a data source - Getting a UserId into a SQLDataSource -

I am still new to ASP.NET and I have a problem that I can not understand. I am using vb and .net subscriptions API My question is, how do I get the current user's useride in DetailsView INSERT? & lt; InsertParameters & gt; & Lt; ASP: Parameter Name = "User Id" /> & Lt; / InsertParameters & gt; In your SqlDataSource's OnInserting event, Code> ProviderUserKey can get UserID from the membership table using the membership user class property. You can then programmatically assign this value to the UserID Insert parameter. Protected Zero SqlDataSource_Inserting (Object Sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e) {Membership User currentUser = Membership.GetUser (); Guid id = (Guid) currentUser.ProviderUserKey; E.Command.Parameters ["UserID"]. Value = id; }

Trying qsort on K&R "The C Programming Language" -

I'm very new on this, so I compiled the page 119 (§ on main ) Trying to do 5.11) With its dependence w / I managed to get a clean build with it: #include = n} {allocp + = n; Return allocp - n; } And return 0; } / * Reading lines: read input lines / / int readlines (four * linepits [], integer max) {int len, nlines; Four * P, line [MAXLEN]; Nlines = 0; While ((LAN = gateline (line, maxlen)) gt; 0) if (notines> = molyllines || (p = light (= lane) == faucet) return -1; other {line [lenan-1] = Delete '\ 0'; / * Newline * / strcpy (P, Line); LinePit [Enline ++] = P;} Returns Online;} / * Writing: Write Output Lines / Write Writing (Four * LinePit [], Intel Newline) printf ("% s \ n", drawing [i]) for the int ({i = 0; i & lt; iN);} zero swap (zero * v [], int I, int j) {zero * temp; temporary = v [i]; v [i] = v [j]; v [j] = Temporary;} / * QSort: sort v [left] ... v [right] in mounting order * / zero qsort (zero * v [int], int left, int correct, int (* c...

iphone - Insert a characters in NSString -

I'm having difficulty with subj. I have NSString text, which is "Slow", and I need that NSMutableString * currentRequest contains "% t% e% x% t%" I'm trying in the circle: [currentRequest paragraph format: @ "% c %%", [text charsattexx: i]]; This is working fine, but if the example in the text is "Rudiger", then I mean the non-Latin symbol, then the current requirement is a complete trash! I have decided to insert the usage (zero) string: (NSSTING *) Astrong Endex: (NSUNTEGER) On an index I think this is not the right path. Maybe you know the right way? Thank you. I can be misunderstood, but I think that the appendFormat This issue is a mismatch between the % c format specification and the return type of the characterAtIndex method. The method code characterAtIndex , while % c is an 8-bit unsigned character is expected Some Apple developer docs for reference:

C# - Using strongname isn't protecting the assembly -

I have signed my assembly with a strong name. I did it with the VS 2005 Solution Explorer -> right-click assembly -> signin. But still can browse through redget's net reflexive code code. Then what is the use of the assembly sign? The assembly signature is not authorization; The strong name of an assembly guarantees the origin of the assembly (i.e. your personal The assembly signed with the key can only be written by you), and it guarantees that there is no tampering in the assembly. If you want to press down on the reflector, blur your assembly.

zend framework - Zend_OpenId_Consumer - Login failed -

I get this error every time, why? OpenID login login failed! $ consumer = new Zend_OpenId_Consumer (); If (! $ Consumer-> Login ('')) {Dead ("OpenID login failed!"); } You may want to include http: //

PHP/MySQL Question? -

What does it mean after appearing on the screen? And what are some of the ways to fix this? The column count does not match the value count on line 1 It seems that I'm giving a problem. $ query2 = "Questions Question (tag_id, users_questions_id) values ​​('$ id', (Tag with id select tag where '='". $ Tag [$ x] ',' $ Page ') "; I have deleted the $ id and now I get the following error. column' tag_ id 'is not empty In your query you are specifying 2 columns in the columnist, but then Provide 3 values ​​in the price list. Either give the name of the third column or Delete values.

Get a remote FLV using PHP and curl -

I want to know whether it is possible to get a remote flv file and use it 'stream' can be done. I have been 'curled' in my environment, so I want something like this: exec ('curl', $ out); Print out $; The problem is that $ is returned as an array; I want to output the 'raw' stream returned by Curl. Although you should be able to use it for it, it may be possible to correct the URL to the correct url Instead you have to redirect. $ fp = fopen ('', 'rb'); Fpassthru ($ FP); or redirect: header ('location:'); Come to think of it, you can also use readfile ('') should be there. ; At any rate, if you can simply redirect the user, do so. Its method is more efficient.

ruby on rails - Force Restful Authentication to login as a specific user (an admin function)? -

I am using strong authentication and I'm going to log on to our site as different users to check for problems They may be able to ("See what they see"). Since all passwords are encrypted I obviously can not use only my password. So, how can I apply sessions to log in as a specific user? Add action to your sessions_controller Impersonation like this: imputation of def user = User.find (params [: id]) logout_killing_session! Then expand session resources with member in your routes. Cloned: : map.resource: session ,: Member = & gt; {: Impersonation = & gt; Finally, add a button anywhere for every user named "Impersonation" in your admin views, it will have to look something like this (assuming That user is in the local variable user ): Using this approach prevents you from overriding any tracking data such as last login etc. Do not forget to require administrator for action in cloning session controller.

oop - OO design and mirrored/duplicated methods -

I'm having an issue with OO design, where I end up with duplicate code in 2 different classes. What's going on about: In this example, I want to find out the confrontation between game objects. I have a base CollisionObject and CollisionObjectBox, CollisionObjectCircle, CollisionObjectPolygon that have the common ways to expand the base class (such as checkForCollisionWith). This part of the design looks fine, but here is what is bothering me: calling aCircle checkForCollisionWith: aBox Inside a circle versus circle subclasses, the box will test the collision. In reverse, aBox checkForCollisionWith: aCircle The box will check the cycle collision inside the box subclass To release here. Circle vs box collision code is duplicate, because it is both in box and circle classes. Is there any way to avoid this, or am I getting this problem wrong? For now, I'm leaning towards having a supportive class with all duplicate codes and calling it with acrylic and ...

iphone - Blue mail dot in SDK? -

Does the Blogger Mail Dot use the Mail Mail Program on each tableview cell available in SDK, to point to new mail ? Or, where is it available to download on the Internet? I'm sure you download it (an image file), or find the image in the SDK . I have not heard of any commands / links that add blue mail dot in the iPhone app. Which contains the blue mail dot image in and

How do I randomly select k points from N points in MATLAB? -

I use this code to create and filter the N points: n = input ('number of nodes:'); Data = rand (n, 2)% randomly generated n Nodes x = data (:, 1); Y = data (:, 2); Plot (x, y, '*'); How can I choose the k point (with probability p = 0.25 ) outside of the n points, then those k Paint the dots and leave the other points as * . You can take two methods that you can do the first solution randomly k Choosing N values ​​from values, will ensure that you have selected always near k . The second solution is to take the values ​​randomly, with the average probability p to be selected, which can be as low as 0 or as many as Sorting as N is being selected randomly. You can use the function to create a random permutation of N via code> 1 , then select the first code sorted list and copy them as red : index = randosperm (n); Plot (x (index (1: k)), y (index (1: t)), 'r *'); Choosing values ​​with the average pr...

plugins - wordpress custom admin page - checkbox -

I am trying to create a plugin that adds a custom page to the admin panel. I have a checkbox named "deposit_sandbox", if true, it should correct the option in the database, if it is not selected, then it should update the option in the database incorrectly. How do I check, the checkbox was selected, and then can the database be updated with update_opthi () function? This works if I leave the action blank and then use $ _POST, but I will need to do this for each item in my form, if there is any action please let me know If your option has the same name as the checkbox, you can type the following: $ options_names = array ("deposit_sandbox", "name2", "name3"); Forex Currency ($ options_names $ as option_name) {$ check = release ($ _ POST [$ option_name]); Update_option ($ option_name, $ check); } I do not remember that update_option accepts boolean values ​​(such as $ check in my example) If this does not happen, then $ checks C...

curl - PHP downloading question -

On my site, users can link input from files and I can stream the download process from my server. I use a system like this: header ('cache-control: private'); Header ('content-type: application / octet-stream'); Header ('Content-Length:'. $ R [2]); Header ('content-dispute: file name ='. $ TheName); Flush (); $ File = fopen ($ fileName, "r"); While (! FIFF ($ file)) {print fread ($ file, 10240); Flush (); Sleep (1); } Fclose ($ fileName); It looks like my users download very slow (600kb / s), the hosted server is on a 1 GB of port so they have to multiply their internet connection. needed. I am thinking that there is a better way to talk like this, maybe it might be rude? I do not have much experience with curls, but I appreciate any feedback. Thank you. If you insist on your attitude, then it will be much more efficient in this way, without flush and sleep: while (! Fife ($ file)) { Print Fred ($ file, 10240); } Here... - Disallow Text Selection in .NET WebBrowser -

I do not want to select text in my web browser control. How do i do this This link may answer your question. I have not tried this script but I think it works

Problem in accessing members of class in C# DLL from C++ project -

I have added a C # DLL to a C ++ project, though I have access to its variables and methods in the class Could not find. It also says that it is a structure and not a class, I do not know it is important but I thought that I should mention it. Whenever I will write or -> or: After the object, nothing appears, but it only appears on the name of the class, although they are not static. Starting with Visual Studio 2005, you can use C ++ / CLI, Microsoft's ECMA-approved C + + Bid that allows managed and unmanaged code to be used simultaneously. In VS 2005, there are "Managed Extensions for C ++", with which you can get almost identical, but you can use very good syntax to write managed code in C ++ (with many double underscores) Have to do. With C ++ / CLI, you can mix managed and unmanaged code in your project, and use the C # type directly. IMHO, it is very easy to use COM.

osx - ruby 1.9 -- Gem is there but it says its not? -

I have just installed 1.9 on my 10.6 OSX, and it runs as "ruby1.9" command. So I'm trying to: sudo rake1.9 install but it's telling me Jeweler (or Dependency) is not available Install it: Gem Installed Jeweler Rack Aborted! There is no such file to load - git However, if I type: gem1.9 list Jeweler Gems is there as clear as day ... wtf!?! Why is it like this...? Anyone know? is saying that git is gem / library / file is not Found: No such file to load - git

makefile - How to use pattern-dependent variables in dependencies in make pattern rules -

I want to define GNU vs pattern rule with dependence in a pattern-dependent variable. What do I like: % Exe: $ (% _ EXE_SOURCES) $ (% EXE_RESOURCES) $ (CSC_V) $ (CSC) $ (CSCFLAGS) $ ($ * $ * _EXE_CSCFLAGS) - Goal: exe \ -out: $ @ $ ($ * _ EXE_SOURCES) $ ($ * _ EXE_RESOURCES) and later FOO_EXE_SOURCES = src / Foo.cs all: Foo.exe works to introduce the rule; In the body of the rule, the $ ($ * _ EXE_SOURCES) variable is expanded to $ (FOO_EXE_SOURCES) , which is src / Foo.cs . Dependence is not properly expanded, however; The changing source / FU COE does not give reason for rebuilding Foo.exe I doubt that it can not really be made, but possibly someone has a job - make the piece evenly? You can use "secondary extension" to do something you are looking for: / P> Foo_EXE_SOURCES: = foo.cs bar.cs baz.cs All: Foo.exe .SECONDEXPANSION:% .exe: $$ ($$ * _EXE_SOURCES) $ (CSC_V) $ (CSC) $ (CSCFLAGS) $ ($ * _ EXE_CSCFLAGS) - Targeted: exe \ -out: $ @ $ ($ *...

java - Getting a list of accessible methods for a given class via reflection -

Is there a way to get a list of methods of a given class (publicly not required) will be accessible ? The code in question will be in a completely different category. Example: Public category A {public zero method A1 (); Protected Zero Method A2 (); Zero method A3 (); Private Zero Method A4 (); } The expansion of the public square b is a {public zero method B1 (); Secure Zero Method B2 (); Private Zero Method B3 (); I want to class b : all your methods MethodA1 and methodA2 class by a methodA3 if and only if class b should not be included in the results of a methodA4 in the same package because it is not accessible to the class b . To clarify once more, the codes that need to find and return the above methods will be in a completely different category / package. Now, Class.getMethods () gives only to public methods and thus will not do what I want to do; class.gateclair mode () returns the way for the existing class only. Although I can defin...

How to configure Grails to work with Apache Derby? -

How to Configure Grails to Work with Apache Derby instead of HSQLDB Install the derby driver in your application's Lib folder. Configure datasource: driver classname = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" dbCreate = "create-drop" url = "jdbc: Derby: // Localhost: 1527 / The Database " Start the Derby Server. Create an empty database (via ij or graphical sql client). Start Grails.

When does the stack really overflow? -

Is infinite recording possible only for one reason or other reasons? Does the size of the pile increase according to the size of the stack? Sorry if this question has been asked earlier, then they would appreciate the link, if that is the case. I can not talk for all platforms, but as it happens, I have some time Windows .exe files (I mean, actually studying the binary format of them - I think that we all work with executable files here;)) I bet that most of the other platforms are similar Capabilities are, but I am immediately acquainted with them I'm not. Part of the file format contains two values ​​related to the current discussion: typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {... DWORD SizeOfStackReserve; DWORD SizeOfStackCommit; ...} IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32, * PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32; From MSDN: sizeoffstack reserve The number of bytes reserved for the stack is only the sizeOfStackCommit member Specified by the memory load time is committed; The rest one ...

java - How to print string association from phone number as text? -

I need some help with a method I'm writing for a project. Method One number in the list of phone string You know that there are letters associated with them on the phone of 2-9, I would like to create a converter that will convert a 7 digit number into a list of stars. I would like to see all the possibilities I have already cut all 1 and 0 because they have no letters with them. Formerly: If our number was only two digits, then 37 would be: DP DQ DR Ds EP EQ ER ESFP FQ FR FS So far, I'm trying to use nested for loops, but the right output is not getting any help or idea would be good. Thanks (Not like full code, but like suggestions on how to do it) The key to your solution is using the declared pad array in the code below. For example, in partial phone no 763, pad [7] array {'p', 'q', 'r'}, pad [6] array { Array array '{' A ',' B ',' C '}, Then, To repeat the probability of each combination, use the recu...

java - Splitting one DB association into several collections in Hibernate -

I am trying to improve in such a situation - a cash transfer (I mean the money that it carries ), Which is necessary for the quantity of each currency, and also an actual amount for each currency and I think that I do not have to make two separate classes, one for the required amount and the other for the actual amount. Then the implementation will look like this: @Entity public class CashTransferCurrencyAmount {// id, @Column version and so many (length = 3) private string CurrencyCode; @ Original Private Big Decimal amount; @ManyToOne Personal Cash Transfer Cash Transfer; CashTransferCurrencyAmount & gt;} @Entity Public Category CashTransfer {// ID, Version and so on @OneToMany (mappedBy = "cashTransfer") set to personal But how does it know which collection is related to, is a CashTransferCurrencyAmount example? I have two ideas: 1 - Add a discriminator area to CashTransferCurrencyAmount: public enum requestType {real, required} @Basic @Enumerated (EnumT...

c# - How can I do GridView editable,without edit link -

How do I make GridView editable without editing edits? In other words, when I click on the cell text box, it automatically goes to editing mode (without clicking on any edit) I want to save the data when I click on each text box ASP.NET web application. I think you mean ASP.NET GridView? GridView sends Javascript postback (__Drop navigation (...) to edit the link and navigate the cursor and note it in the status bar) When the edit link is clicked, to solve your problem, you will receive another JS event Should send that postback to

visual c++ - How can I simplify my C++ code to reverse characters? -

Hello, I have this program that I change the letter I enter. I am using iostream . Can I do it another way and iostream and cin.getline to cin> and gt; X? My code: // header files # include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; string & gt; using namespace std; // Recursive function definition which is taking input / reference parameters of a reference / type. Zero reverse print (iStream & amp;); // main function int main () {// printing cout & lt; & Lt; "Please enter a series of letters after a period of time. ':"; // Recursive function reverse print call (conn); The court's & lt; & Lt; Endl & lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 0; } // recursive function implementation which is taking the / reference type of an input reference parameter // After calling this function several times, a stage // will come when the last function call will be returned / after that the final character will be printed before and even then. Zer...

css - Flowing box layout with different height -

I am using MVC 1.0 on one site (but will be upgraded soon to 2.0). A top header on the site and several boxes (UL elements) that contain information included. I want to use the full width of the browser to take advantage of widescreen monitors, so that the number of boxes in each row depends on the browser window width. The problem is that there is no fixed height of the box, the height depends on the content in each box. The height of each row should be determined by the largest box on that line What is the best way to do this? I hope my question gets a sensation, it is a bit difficult to understand =) I'm not sure it is possible using CSS only. However you can use this javascript. class = "box wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "box1" class = "a-box" & gt; & Lt ;! - content - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box-wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div id = ...

How do I read a unicode url with PHP? -

मेरे पास एक यूनिकोड यूआरएल है: \ test.php? SText = Московский मैं उपयोग करना चाहूंगा Stext के मूल्य के साथ काम करने के लिए $ _Get फ़ंक्शन मेरे पास test.php के लिए कोड है: & lt;? Php $ sVar = $ _GET ['steext']; गूंज "चर = $ sVar"; ? & Gt; समस्या यह है कि उपरोक्त बाख आ रहा है: वैरिएबल = ?????????? मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? आपको अपने test.php header के साथ एक UTF-8 सामग्री-प्रकार हेडर वापस करने की आवश्यकता है ('सामग्री-प्रकार: पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8'); आपको test.php UTF-8 इनकोडेड को बचाने की ज़रूरत है (इस बारे में निश्चित नहीं है, लेकिन अभ्यस्त चोट वैसे भी)

algorithm - The perverse hangman problem -

The perverted executioner is a game played on a regular basis like a tremendous executioner: the winning word is a dynamic form Determines whether the letter has been estimated. For example, you have the board _ AIL and 12 remaining estimates because AIL (collateral, fail, jay, jail, call, mail, nakhle, falcon, train, pal , Tail, cover, moan) because it is guaranteed to win because 12 characters have no meaning, the house will claim that the chosen word does not mean for you. However, if the board was _ ILM , then you have rotated the house because the film is the only word that ends in the ILM. The challenge is: looking at a dictionary, the length of one word is & amp; The number of permitted estimates come with an algorithm that: a) This proves that the player always wins by producing a decision tree for the player, which is not the difference in the corner of the house B) It proves that the house always wins by producing a decision for the house which allows the h...

build process - Setting AssemblyFileVersion with MSBuild-call? -

We have a batch-based build program and we are using MSBuild only to compile our project-files from Visual Studio. We have also integrated our build-process in order to set the version of our software, we specify some environment variables in the main-script-script, which we use during build-up process. My problem is that I have to set the Assembly file assembly (assembly file) in my assembly-information. Is there any way to set up MSBuild to call an asset with the version? In this way (this does not work): % dotnetdir% msbuild.exe Viewer.csproj / property: Configuration = Release / Property: Platform = AnyCPU / property: AssemblyFileVersion =% Major%% The minor%.% Build% The resulting assembly should have file version % major%.% Minor%.% Build% . It is a pain for me to set up the assembly-setting-setting in all projects and this is a program that is against my philosophy (I do not want to change my source with automatic sources). The version must be set through the build script. ...

oracle - triggers statement level atomicity -

"स्टेटमेंट स्तर परमाणुता" से ओरेकल का क्या मतलब है? ओरेकल हमेशा स्टेटमेंट-स्तरीय पढ़ता स्थिरता को लागू करता है। यह गारंटी देता है कि एक ही प्रश्न से लौटाए गए सभी डेटा समय के एक बिंदु से आता है - उस समय क्वेरी शुरू हुई। इसलिए, एक क्वेरी गंदे डेटा को न देखती है और न ही लेनदेन द्वारा किए गए परिवर्तनों में से कोई भी जो क्वेरी निष्पादन के दौरान काम करता है। क्वेरी निष्पादन की प्रक्रिया के रूप में, क्वेरी शुरू होने से पहले किए गए केवल क्वेरी क्वेरी के लिए दृश्यमान है। क्वेरी निष्पादन शुरू होने के बाद किए गए बदलावों को नहीं दिखाई देता। यदि निष्पादन के दौरान किसी भी समय एक SQL कथन त्रुटि उत्पन्न करता है, तो सभी प्रभाव बयान वापस लाया जाता है रोलबैक का असर इस प्रकार है जैसे कि कथन कभी भी नहीं चला था। यह ऑपरेशन एक स्टेटमेंट-स्तरीय रोलबैक है। एक एसक्यूएल स्टेटमेंट जो असफल हो जाता है वह केवल किसी भी काम के नुकसान का कारण बनता है जो स्वयं ही होता। यह वर्तमान लेनदेन में किसी भी काम के नुकसान का कारण नहीं है।

Why do some .Net Exceptions end with newline -

I have a list view that shows an error to the user. Part of this also includes exception messages. The error is also written in a log file. Now I've noticed that some exception messages end with a new line. File like. Can forward messages (English .NET 3.5 SP1) "The file that does not already exist when it can not create a file. \ R \ n" . Adding log files to the list view and odd view due to the new line .Trim () solves the problem but there is no reason for the new line. Source of two exception message text First, mscorlib.dll contains string processing, second format That is generated by Windows by the FormatMessage () API. The error code for your example is 183, ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS . Mscorlib.dll contains a dedicated string resource for that error: IO.IO_AlreadyExists_Name = "{0}" can not be created because the file or directory with the same name already exists. There is no linefeed in the message that creates an exception message (Sys...

c++ - catching exception objects by reference, temporaries, lifetime issues -

निम्न कोड पर विचार करें: #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdexcept & gt; Void foo () {std :: runtime_error ("कब तक मैं रहते हैं?"); } Int main () {try {foo ()} } पकड़ (std :: runtime_error & amp; e) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; E.what () & lt; & lt; std :: endl; }} मैं संदर्भ से अपवाद क्यों पकड़ सकता हूं, std :: runtime_error ("कब तक मैं रहते हैं?") एक rvalue कैच ब्लॉक में अपवाद ऑब्जेक्ट अभी भी कैसे जीवित है? जहां बिल्कुल अपवाद ऑब्जेक्ट्स को संग्रहीत किया जाता है? उनका जीवनकाल क्या है? सी ++ मानक में पैरा 15.1.4: अपवाद के अस्थायी प्रतिलिपि के लिए स्मृति को अनिर्दिष्ट तरीके से आवंटित किया जाता है, सिवाय इसके कि में वर्णित है। अस्थायी तब तक बनी रहती है जब तक कि उस अपवाद के लिए एक हैंडलर को निष्पादित किया जा रहा हो विशेष रूप से, यदि कोई हैंडलर एक थ्रो निष्पादित करके बाहर निकलता है; बयान, जो एक ही अपवाद के लिए किसी अन्य हैंडलर पर नियंत्रण से गुज़रता है, इसलिए अस्थायी बचे हुए। जब आखिरी हैं...

cocoa - Delegation in a NSThreaded Design? (iPhone) -

I am using very small web services in my app and I have lowered some roads which are not on scale Or work as desired. Design Approach I'm Thinking: The task controller for the scene is asking for a set of data from the normal website class, this task will be a new NSThread -> it will start an object that is completely XML Receives and returns it to the Web Services class-> WebServicesClass now instantates an object that can only parse some XML coming from this specific web service. Parser then gives a good unit item to the webservice. Now WebserviceClass needs to inform viewController about this data. The visualizer implements a web service class deaglelet and some representative methods, to see if the web service request has moved in a schematic form. Like - (void) aWebserviceFailed and - (zero) aWbserviceSuccess. 0.5 Since WebserviceClass is running a different NSThread, will it be a problem in calling the representative methods on the main NSThread in the main ...

c# - Create Visual Studio ( 2008 Solution Templates? -

Is it possible to create a 2008 solution template? It is not possible to create a solution template with all related project references from my search results. I have a solution with multiple projects and references in each. I want to wrap them all into a template where I can use the standard basis for my web projects as a beginner. Does anyone have to come up with a good solution for this? What you want to do is create a "solution template". The best way to do this is found in the codeplex Use of GO Solution Factory Add-In Edit: One easy way to create solutions with all the projects is to create a single file location, then zip all the directories in one file, then open the solution directory as needed and change name. Edit2: Here's another way, create an add-in that will create a solution for you. - ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and referential integrity -

In the past, when I implemented my authentication system, I had a table with my table in relation to another table The table contains the database. However, now I am considering using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, I have no way to create similar links between AD users and those tables. What is the usual way of solving this problem? Should I accept the fact that someone may possibly include a record with a user ID that does not conform to existing users? I do not really expect this to happen, but I am used to ensure integrity at the database level. I think you have to leave database referenced integrity in this case. Before adding DB record, your application code is checked for the presence of Active Directory account. In theory, some users can go manually and write a SQL INCTR statement that refers to an illegal advertisement. Accounting But in practice, hopefully you are not giving direct table access to a group of users. If the application code is the only thing to ...

iphone - Possible to receive UIAccelerometer updates when app is inactive? -

When my iPhone app resigns from active status, the sending of a single accelerometer of the UACAclaimer stops sending the singleton imaging accelerometer: Do drent: message to my representative Is it possible to continue receiving those messages, even if the app goes inactive CLLocationManagerDelegate continues to receive updates? I do not want to disable idleTimer completely if it can be helpful. No, at least not the latest available version of the iPhone SDK.

.net - DataTable in T4 template -

I am creating a t4 template that will generate an enumeration from many values ​​in our database. The strange thing is that, as soon as I try to create a DataTable in the template code, I get an error message output: When the table is created, then it is commented that there is no problem, but if I remove the comment then I get an error, I'm pulling my hair on it What am I missing? When I rebuilt the project related to the template, I get a more sensible error message Telling that I do not reference the System.Xml-assembly: & lt; # @ Assembly Name = "System.Xml" # & gt;

Masm indirect addressing mode for MOV commmand -

I have tried the following forms and not like any of them: Mov byte [marivale], al wax byte ptr [merivable], al mov [byte marial], al What am I missing? Why can not I use an indirect address On some incorrect lines, the "missing operator is missing the expression", some of them say "the structure area is expected" myVariable equ 0404h does not declare a variable, it replaces all constants with their values ​​in a continuous object file . Therefore, mov [myVariable] becomes al mov [0404h], al that is invalid. You must assign a value to a register, such as: mov di, 0404h mov byte PTR [D], AL

mysql - PHP and mod_dbd -

Does the PHP extension know how to use mod_dbd for a database connection? Our application used to be an Apache module using a remote database mod_dbd for this database connection and the transaction takes approximately 200ms. Now we have changed the application to PHP and it takes longer than 600 transactions in the same transaction. We hope that performance of certain types of pooling will improve. We have switched to using mysql_pconnect () but it almost does not work as nearly mod_dbd. I know that you've probably left an answer but ... I think you think that loading more time and php scripts are compiling. If your previous app was an Apache module, then it is already compiled and always loads, possibly written in C, compared to PHP. An Accelerator such as Accelerator that uses shared memory and precompressed scripts, sometimes dramatically improves the performance of the PHP application. DC

regex - With PHP filter a textfile into an A-Z listing -

I have a text file that reads: 9123 Bellevue Court 5931 Walnut Creek RD Andrew Bailey Chris Drew Earl Fred Gerald Henry Ida Jake Common Larry Manny Nomar Omar Perry Quest Raphael State Talmman Uruguayan Wickson Whale Xavier Yellow Zebra What do I need to do to make me an edge list? .. then: # ABCDGGJKLMNOPQRSTUWWXYZ And when you click on the letter, it will start with only one I will click on A, and if I click only on the # symbol, then only words starting with numbers are clicked. I was thinking of using a regular expression to complete it but I did not want to create 27 different pages. So is there a way to call the letter at the end of the URL? Like doing something that http: //mywebsite/directory.php? Letter = A A very simple approach: Text file Read in: $ inputfile = file ('words.txt'); Then, after adjusting the input ( $ letters = $ _GET ['letter'] ), you can create a regex: $ regex = '/^'.$letter.'/' '; a...

.net - How do I set up a connection string for a MySQL database in a C# project without using dialog boxes? -

Note: apparently, the MySQL connector does not automatically appear in the dialog box to add the data The source is because the view 2008 Express Edition does not allow "3rd party integration" within the Visual Studio IDE. Therefore, this makes the data source more important manually because the integrated tools from the MySQL connector are not present. My goal is to set up a connection MySQL database using the Entity Framework (an ADOnet unit data model) I am frustrated with all the magicians and dialog boxes and I still He is not getting what I see. Here's what I have done: I have just installed the MySQL .NET connector V6.1.3 on my machine (for my knowledge, it is installed correctly. Shows in Add / Remove). In the visual studio (with Visual C # 2008 Express edition SP1 unit framework version that runs with SP1), I click to add a reference to a project, click on "Adonet Entity Data Model" and click on Brings me to a screen that "What sho...

sql server 2005 tsql abs doesn't like decimals? -

The SQL statement is trying to run the following statement in MGMT Studio as a decimal Declare @ R ( Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "Text"> You had lost a set on line 2. With that, I get the declare @ as the decimal form (13,3) set @rk = -5 selection bob = asp (@ irc)

php - why does floor round down a integer? -

Why I am confused as: Echo log 10 (238328) / Log 10 (62); Results in 3 but echo floor (log 10 (238328) / log 10 (62)); Results in 2 I know that the floor is round, but I thought it was only for decimal numbers. How can I get answers 3 of the latter statements are still going round normally? PHP uses dual-precise floating point numbers; the results of two logarithm can not be perfectly represented, so the result of sharing them is "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Not accurate. The results you received are close, but slightly less than 3. When it is formatted with echo , it becomes round on 3. floor , still returns 2. You can take advantage of this fact to avoid disqualification from the log (x, b) / log (y, b) log (x, y) (for any base b ). Instead, instead of giving you the expression log (238328, 62) , whose exact point of 3 is the point of the result (correct result from 238328 pow (62, 3) ).

animation - How to unanimate WPF DependencyProperty? -

After running WPF animations on the dependency properties in the code, dependency properties can no longer be set by using SetValue. They can only change through animation. I want to change a dependency property, for some time by short animations, sometimes in the code immediately. How can I remove the animation? What is the dependence of the dependence on the animation ending? After the animation ends (or the stop when you want it): myButton.Width = myButton.Width; // Set the current value to the end value of the animation myButton.ApplyAnimationClock (Button. WidthProperty, null); // Delete the animation for a library that makes it easy

c - Getting included header file path in VC++ -

Environment: I am using MS-VC ++ 6.0, I A group of header files with some data The header file often changes, so on every change I change the path settings and the compiler again A log file is generated based on the header file To find the header file from the log file, I want to print the header file path inside the log Question 1: Is it possible to have header file paths inside the program? Question 2: I am using VC ++, but if it is possible in GCC, then I can easily port, therefore Please tell me, if it is possible in any other environment such as GCC VC In the ++, with the option / FC , the complete path of the current processed file will be placed in the __ file __ in the compilation. Macro. A change in the inclusion of the path that will be the account for you.

.erlang file in windows -

I'm reading Armstrong's book on Errang, "Programming history: software for concurrent world." In some places he is one. Erlang talks about the file, where the Eternal Library remains, and you should change your environment. I tried it many times, but in reality it seems nothing Is it different in Windows? Name the Erlang file? Has this changed? Or am I putting it in the wrong place? I am putting the file here: C: \ Program Files \ erl5.7.2 \ bin According to this, it should be in YourErlangInstallationPath \ usr \ or C: \ Program Files \ erl5.7.2 \ usr \ for you.

c# - WPF - How to set DataContext on virtual branch of logical tree? -

How do I set up DataContext of "myElement" in the same DataContext as user control in XAML? I am able to do this through code-back through the "code"> myElement.DataContext = this.DataContext , in the UserControl Constructor, but I am trying to understand that the only thing in XAML How to do. This is related to creating virtual branches for logical tree (see this). & lt; UserControl ... DataContext = "{Binding Relative Soros = {Relative Asris}}" & gt; ... & lt; Text box name = "myTextBox" & gt; & Lt; TextBox.Text & gt; & Lt; Binding Path = "MySource" UpdateSourceTrigger = "Property Change" & gt; & Lt; Binding.ValidationRules & gt; & Lt; Base: StringEqualsRules & gt; & Lt; Base: StringEqualRule.BoundElement & gt; & Lt; Base: Validation RuleElement x: name = "myElement" DataContext = "???" Value = "{Binding MyProperty}" /> ... - How to host my webpage in the LAN Network -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब ASP.Net का उपयोग करना वेबसाइट विकास के लिए नया हूँ वर्तमान में मैं एक वेब पेज विकसित कर रहा हूं, जब मैं प्रोग्राम चलाता हूं, आउटपुट इस पते में दिखा रहा था मैं होस्ट करना चाहता हूं उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे वेब पेज का पता है लैन नेटवर्क में, दूसरे कंप्यूटर में जब मैं वेबपेज जैसे पता देता हूं तो यह मेरा विकसित वेबपेज दिखना चाहिए। जब मैंने अपने वेब पेज में कुछ संशोधित किया, तो वेबपेज 1 कॉम में भी बदलाव को प्रतिबिंबित करना चाहिए नोट: होस्ट इंटरनेट को इंटरनेट पर नहीं मांग रहा है। वेबसाइट का पता कैसे देना है से और यह भी कि कैसे लैन नेटवर्क में अपने वेब पेज को होस्ट किया जाए। कृपया क्या प्रक्रिया और विचार दे सकता है? निम्नलिखित देखें:

objective c - Forcing Consecutive Animations with CABasicAnimation -

I have a notification that sets my model fire when some properties change, consequently a selector in a particular visual object According to the notification, the status of the scene is spread. The notification causes a view on the window (always vertical or horizontal and always with a standard step size on the window) to go in a particular direction. It is possible that after the user-action, many notifications should be set on fire after one. For example, three notifications can be sent to move below three steps, then two further notifications can be sent to move the view into two steps. The problem is that as I have done the animation, they are not continuously, therefore, in the previous example, although I gradually move the scene down to three places and then as a result of the notifications I want to go to two places, instead it moves in a new position in a slant direction. Here is the code for my two selectors (note that the player determines the position of the sce...

PHP array question? -

To prevent the word has been entered by repeating the array when the array displays its copy Here's the code. resonant "$ array [$ x] has been entered"; echo footro (",", $ array). "Has been recorded";

axapta - How to show a row total amount by group CG Group in Report -

I am using Excel 3.0 with language X ++. I am making a report based on available reports. Examination: available report CG code amount current 1-30days: new report only shows total line of group CG group instead of showing as old report is. 31-60days 61-180 days & gt; 180days 1.1 50 10 100 30 10 5 ---------- 1.1 30 20 60 35 20 20 ---------- 1.1 20 30 80 7 80 60 -------- - 1.2 30 50 50 1 100 80 ---------- 1.2 40 70 90 5 75 15 ---------- 2.3 100 20 20 150 20 30 ------- --- 3.1 60 10 10 80 10 4 ---------- 3.1 30 60 5 100 5 60 New report in the form of a sample: CG code amount current 1-30days 31-60days 61-180 days & gt; 180days 1.1 Total 100 60 240 92 110 85 ---------- 1.2 Total 70 120 140 6 175 95 ---------- 2.3 Total 100 20 20 150 0 30 ----- I think that the code in the available report's code is select AmountMST from CustTransOpen Where custTransOpen.AccountNum == CustTable.AccountNum & amp; ; & Amp; CustTransOpen.TransDate & lt; = BalanceAs ...