transparency - Delphi + Transparent forms with parent -
I want to create a form, but use it to keep an image (like a splash form) I use these lines to create a form like this: SetWindowLong (handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, LexStyle or WS_EX_LAYERED); UpdateLand window (handle, 0, zero, @litmap size, LBITMAP, sheeting handles, 0, @lb.l.andf Function, ULWALAPAAA); This image is a PNG image with a transparent layer. The form should be in the form of a parent or should be treated as a form. The problem is, if I add some component to this form, it does not show only the component. And if I make a parent for it, its transparency is lost. But I need to add components to this and I need to set up parents in the form Do some people know in other ways to do this? You can try not to set parent property directly, but using subclass ... Assume that TParentForm is the parent form and is form with TAlphaForm image. When creating a TAlphaForm example, pass the example of TParentForm as the owner parameter and make changes in the manufactu...