
Showing posts from June, 2011

debugging - WinForm application doesn't start outside Visual Studio 2010 -

I have a WinForm application written with VS 2008 and .NET 3.5. This app runs well from Visual Studio 2008 and above (when VS 2008 is disconnected, simply double click on XE boot). I decided in the morning to migrate everything to update VS2010 and .NET 4 (target structure). Everything compiled and runs from application VS-2010 (click on the play button - in debug as well as in release). However, when I try to launch an application from Explorer.XA, I think "Blabala has stopped working ... windows are being examined ...". How can I debug such issues? Thank you! Because it is not started, check that the required library (.dll) PATH in the directory. If you can not tell, open the CMD prompt, cd to the DLL directory, c: \ fullpath \ to \ myprogram and see if it will start. If so, then it is just that DLL is not available.

64bit - How can I enable my 32-bit Delphi application to use 4gb of memory on 64-bit windows (via Wow64.exe)? -

इस के अनुसार: WOW64 32-बिट अनुप्रयोगों को 64 का फायदा उठाने में सक्षम बनाता है -बीटी कर्नेल इसलिए, 32-बिट अनुप्रयोग कर्नेल हैंडल और विंडो हैंडल की एक बड़ी संख्या का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। हालांकि, 32-बिट अनुप्रयोग WOW64 के तहत कई थ्रेड बनाने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकते हैं क्योंकि वे मूल रूप से x86- आधारित सिस्टम पर चलते हैं क्योंकि WOW64 प्रत्येक थ्रेड के लिए एक अतिरिक्त 64-बिट स्टैक (आमतौर पर 512 KB) आवंटित करता है इसके अतिरिक्त, कुछ पता स्थान केवल WOW64 के लिए आरक्षित है और यह डेटा संरचनाओं का उपयोग करता है। आरक्षित राशि प्रोसेसर पर निर्भर करती है; अधिक x64 प्रोसेसर की तुलना में इंटेल इटैनाइट पर आरक्षित है। यदि एप्लिकेशन में IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE फ्लैग को छवि शीर्षलेख में सेट किया गया है, तो प्रत्येक 32-बिट अनुप्रयोग को WOW64 वातावरण में 4 GB वर्चुअल पता स्थान प्राप्त होता है। यदि IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE झंडा सेट नहीं है, तो प्रत्येक 32-बिट अनुप्रयोग को WOW64 परिवेश में 2 जीबी वर्चुअल पता स्थान प्राप्त होता है। मैं अपने डेल्फी 2007 एप्लिकेशन में प्रभावी रूप से IMA...

internet explorer 6 - IE6: get value of a DOM select element -

So I'm having a cross browser javascript problem. I have a and lieutenant; Some descendants with selected = true & lt; Options & gt; element containing & gt; Select the domain element. In Firefox, I just select select_elt.value to get the value of the selected option, but it seems that in IE 6 (which I need to support) Do not have to work. I chose select_elt.getElementsByTagName ('Options') selected & lt; Option & gt; To search for , which I could do, but option_elt.value still does not give me the value of that option. So what is the proper way to get the value of an option or to select the element in IE6? (Yes, I know that I should switch to jQuery or some other crossslaptor library, and I can do so, but now I'm curious about it How to make all in IE 6 This is the most Cross-browser is a compatible way (in my experience): var mySelect = document.getElementById ('mySelect'); Warning (mySelect.options [m...

xml documentation - Sandcastle Distinguishes Between Debug and Release Builds? -

I designed Sandcastle Help File Builder today for documentation for my solution, which had about a dozen projects. Since I only want to prepare the document, and want to run Sandcastle after a release build (which does not include all my test projects), I chose "Release" at the top of the window, just like VS. The Red Cross looks appropriately for gen'd XML files in my \ bin \ release subfolders for each project, however, when these fails to detect DLL for my test projects, these errors are apparent. Looks at those projects in the file, but I do not know that I do not build for them in release. I have tried to select them in the "API Filter" property, but it can not change anything. How do I get Sandcastle to ignore those projects? SHFB is good, I'm using it lately. It has been found that there are several ways to specify document sources. By choosing a solution in a way, as you do, you can also choose the project files that you are interested in ...

zend test - How to assert multiple attribute element in Zend_Test? -

उदाहरण के लिए: मैं यह इनपुट कैसे कह सकता हूं? $ this-> assertQuery ("इनपुट [नाम =" user_name] [प्रकार = 'छिपी'] ") कोई भी सामग्री नहीं मिल सकती है। $ couse $-> assertQuery (" इनपुट [name = 'user_name']) अच्छी तरह से काम करेगा, लेकिन मुझे एक साथ प्रकार और नाम विशेषताओं का उपयोग करना होगा। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। मुझे नहीं लगता कि assertQuery उपयोग कर सकते हैं, assertXpath : $ इस- & gt; assertXPath ("// input [@ name = 'user_name'] [@ प्रकार = 'छुपा']);

osx - Emacs 23.1 and Mac OS X problem with files drag and drop -

I have compiled and installed the eMax 23.1 on my Mac. This leopard is running 10.5.8 and I have found that dragging and dropping does not work properly (because it used to work with emacs 22). Now when dragging one file on the amax icon on the dock, then MACAC will start with two windows (its frames in its vocabulary), will show a startup screen and with the contents of the second file. I have tried to get rid of this behavior and I have set the 'Inhiat-startup-screen' option for T. But it only helped with this problem. My second problem is that when you drag a file on a moving EMACs window, it shows the file in the current buffer, rather than opening a new buffer file). Any help in that? I have compiled myself by using guideline on this page: In addition to this, I have found that this version of Imac has been inequitable - it crashed several times It is done. I do not remember such situations when using previous versions. We would appreciate any kind of help. ...

mysql - Sql Query Solution -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रकार की एक क्वेरी है। स्ट्रिपटाइम चुनें ('% Y-% m ', एट्रेडेट) के रूप में महीना, राशि (ए। ट्रेएट) के रूप में कुल, सी। ग्रुप टाइप ट्रांसपेक्शन से एक ए छोड़कर ट्रांजैक्शन सेबियर बी में ए.सी.आई.डी.आईडी = बी.के.ए.बी.डी.आई. पर बीटग्रामआईपी = सी। । यूज़र आईडी = 1 और एप्रोफाइलआईडी = 1 और दिनांक ('2009-12-01') और दिनांक ('2010-11-01') समूह के बीच सी ग्रुप टाइप, स्ट्रिपटाइम ('% m ', एट्रेडेट) महीने से आदेश उपरोक्त क्वेरी से परिणाम निम्नानुसार होता है, महीना कुल सी। समूह टाइप ----- --- - ----------- 2009-12 4100 व्यय 2009-12 8000 आय 2010-01 200 व्यय 2010-01 2000 आय 2010-02 3500 व्यय 2010-02 7500 आय ओके, & amp; मुझे इस तरह समाधान चाहिए। महीना आय व्यय ----- ----- ----------- 2009-12 8000 4100 2010-01 8000 200 2010-02 7500 3500 मैं इस तरह से आउटपुट प्राप्त करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे कोई हल मिल सकता है। क्या कोई मुझे मदद करेगा? / P> मैं एक आईफोन डेवलपर हूं; मैं एसक्यूएल प्रश्नों के बारे में थोड़ा जान...

multithreading - Berkeley DB in multithreaded applications -

What's the best way to use Berkeley DB (BDB) in a multi-threaded application? Is it better to open each handle to each thread? Is it better to open the same handle and make each thread txn_begin {} txn-> commit? Which one scales are better? I am using the Transactional Data Store with the DB_THREAD flag. Thank you Have you read this for the BDB under the multi thread environment ?

php - apply code to all looped items but last one -

I looping through some mysql results and and gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; / Code> For each of those, except for the last line, what is the easiest way to do this? Do I have to calculate rows and then use a counter and an if / else statement? Or is there any easy way? Try something like this: $ result = mysql_query ($ Sql); $ List = array (); While ($ row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ list [] = $ row; } $ LastItem = array_pop ($ list); Foreign currency ($ $ as list of items) {echo sprintf ('& lt; span id = "bottom">% s ; $ item [' value ']); } // Do something with the last item. Not very short, but it must do the trick. Alternatively, you can do what you suggested: $ result = mysql_query ($ sql); $ Num = mysql_num_rows ($ result); For ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; $ num-1; $ i ++) {$ element = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result); // resonate here.} $ Item = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result); // Get the last item. All the best, Fabian

linux - Calling static pointer to a list from a shared library in c++ -

मेरे पास एक स्थिर वर्ग सदस्य है वर्ग बार {...} class foo { सार्वजनिक: स्थिर QHash & lt; qint64, बार & gt; * बार रिफ एचश; } अब मैं एक फ़ंक्शन कॉल करता हूं जो इस सदस्य को साझा लाइब्रेरी के भीतर एक्सेस करता है, मुझे मेमोरी त्रुटि मिलती है, जबकि जब मैं मुख्य प्रोग्राम के माध्यम से फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता हूं, तो यह ठीक काम करता है। मैंने कई परिस्थितियों में इसे परीक्षण किया है। मैं मुख्य अनुप्रयोग में चर को इनिशियलाइज़ करना चाहता हूं लेकिन मैं साझा लाइब्रेरी में इसे फिर से तैयार नहीं करता (यह अनावश्यक लग रहा था)। मैं उबंटू में जीसीसी और क्यूटी का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ क्या चल रहा है और मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? आईईआरसी को एक्सई और साझा लाइब्रेरी की तरह स्थिर सदस्य चर की अपनी प्रतियां मिल जाएंगी, और ये भी जैसे आपको इसे प्रत्येक मामले में अलग से प्रारंभ करने की आवश्यकता होगी। चूंकि इसकी एक सूचक है, एक तरह से यह आपके मुख्य प्रोग्राम में सामान्य रूप से आरंभ करने के लिए हो सकता है और फिर जब आप इसे लोड करते हैं तो डोलो पर पॉइंटर को पास करें डीएलएल के संस्करण को एक ही स्थान...

ruby on rails - Display conditional values in a Formtastic select -

How do I direct formattolic selection to display values ​​only on a condition? - Semantic_form_for @member do | F | | - f.inputs do = f.input: person = f.input: role,: include_blank = & gt; False = f.input: active I only want to: List / Select the person input that is active i.e. == true. I did not try to pass a mash of a condition. This is a two step process. First you should only mean to choose people who are active then after that you have to pass the collection of active objects on the formattical input through the collection option. Steps to choose only active people: this Person.find (: all :, as simple as: terms ["active =?", True]) . But I think this model is better than the nominated area. class person & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base # ... named_scope: active, terms = & gt; {: Active = & gt; True} End is now as it is Person.find (: all :: conditions ["active =?", True] ) Step two, Update...

c# - How to make batch remote calls to database or service? -

Hopefully some of you can give some indication on this. I generate code, where I have to call telecommunication resources such as a web server or a database. Consider this part of the code parents of the class {IEnumerable & lt; Child & gt; children; Int'sverwald () AsParallel Returns Children. Asperal () Note. Sum (C => C. Ramotkol ()); }} Child Child {Public Ink RemoteColl () {// Call Some WebSaver I want to pull these calls / without resting the rest of this code}} 50 children For, this service is going to call 50, overhead 50 times. In my real life examples, this can easily be a million calls, it can crawl the whole thing. I want to batch these calls in some way which is transparent for calling thread / work. Therefore instead of calling the service directly, it calls some central queue ('railway station') which batch these calls. So when this happens, the calling task block then waits for the queue x call and then calls the telecommunicatio...

sql - Why is using a parameterized query to insert data into a table faster than appending the values to the query string? -

Why is parameterized query used to insert data in the table: String Query String = "Enter Product (id, name) value (@id, @name)"; string query string = "Enter in the product (id, name) values ​​(" + _id + "," + _name + ")"; ? When I use the command in a loop to insert 10K rows, then the query with the parameter is a sequence of more intensity than the other. I know that there is a security and maintenance benefit in a parametrized query, and this is the recommended way to use it, but now I am interested in clarifying why this is fast. In general, the most expensive part of the SQL query is building the execution plan - to identify which tables are needed, to determine the best indexes (if Any) to use, etc. If you want you can think of the query as a "compilation." When you use a parametric query, you can prepare it once and then simply plug it into different target values. Since this is the same operation with differ...

drop down menu - LINQ Union with Constant Values -

The very old question, but I'm stuck (I think that is likely to novice) is. I have a function that wants to send me a list of companies: Also, I want to be able to specify a top element to the drop-down list to the caller .. ( "Say No") have A piece of code, how do I add the top element with the return list to return? list public static selection GetCompanies (bool only accepted, FCCIEntityDataContext EntityDataContext, SelectListItem TopElement) {var cs EntityDataContext.Comporates by = c where (c. Approved == only accepted || only accepted == Incorrect) choose New {c.Id, c.Company}; Return to the new schedule (cs.AsEnumerable (), "id", "compene"); } Thanks! This should work for you: List & lt; Corporate & gt; Corporates = (in Detatontekst unit. Corporates where (c. Approved == only acceptable || only accepted == false) c) Ksuchisuchi (); Companies Add (new corporate {id = -1, company = "none"}); New Selection List ...

Running code in MatLab/Mathematica only after having written it all -

I would like to know what is the method that when using matlab, instead of interpreting that I line by line , If I allow everyone to write, and when I hit the "evaluation" button, or something like that coming from C ++ / C #, I want to write the code that I have to do, And then only run it. Besides, I do not like it. Is there any way to do this? I ask the same question about mathematics. I have heard that the workspace of Wolfham (which is not known by most persons at all) only does this, but universities do not like it, so I have never tried to do it. If you write your code in the code code (.m extension), you can enter it once Can run. Editor. save the file. To run you have some options: In the command line my_matlab_file Press the "Assess" button in the editor (small green thing) In the editor, press Ctrl, Can be divided into cells that can be evaluated separately using Ctrl + ENTER: my_matlab_file .m : %% start (cell 1) x ...

c# - reusable "save credentials" dialog (like IE's or Vista's) in .NET or Win32 -

Recently I am working in an office with a wireless network that uses an annoying authentication scheme: Every few hours, you can open a browser and type the username / password in the authentication web page, or you lose network access (when the time is over, your next browser request will redirect to the request page, And if your credit If you have already passed, you will be redirected to the page you were originally trying to get). This kind of annoyance may be okay for an airport or coffee shop, but it is becoming unconscious in an office - especially if you work with network services (eg SVN, email) , Who suddenly stop working for a few hours, browser. So I have written a small #console app that will login to me by sending me an HTTP request to the login form with my credentials. This is clearly unsafe - everyone is sitting inside my source code to see my password. I am able to save my credentials using the same mechanism, which IE uses, for example, to save passwords an...

c++ - glBitmap() without GL_COLOR_INDEX -

क्या glbitmap () प्राप्त करने के लिए GL_RGBA बिटमैप? glBitmap () glDrawPixels () से बहुत तेज है, लेकिन संभवत: उस प्रारूप के साथ ऐसा करना है कि GL_COLOR_INDEX के बजाय GL_RGBA ? मैं अपने glDrawPixels () को एक प्रदर्शन सूची में चला रहा हूं; क्या इसमें तेजी लाने के लिए शायद कुछ स्मार्ट तरीका है? से: "बिटमैप एक बाइनरी छवि है "- यहाँ एक" बाइनरी छवि "का अर्थ केवल एक ऐसी छवि है जिसमें हर पिक्सेल के पास दो संभव रंग होते हैं जो" पारदर्शी "और" वर्तमान रेखापुंज रंग "के लिए मैप करते हैं। कुछ अन्य चीजें आप एक ही प्रभाव को हासिल करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं, संभवतः बेहतर प्रदर्शन के साथ: एक स्क्रीन-गठबंधन

c# - Why can't I use System.ValueType as a generics constraint? -

क्यों मैं की एक बाधा का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता जहां टी: System.ValueType ? माइक्रोसॉफ्ट इस प्रकार से एक प्रतिबंध से क्यों रोकता है? उदाहरण: क्यों 'निम्न मैं क्या करूँ?' // एक। नेट वर्ग सार्वजनिक शून्य बार में परिभाषित & lt; T & gt; (टी ए) जहां टी: ValueType {...} // मेरी कक्षा में परिभाषित सार्वजनिक शून्य foo & lt; T & gt; (टी ए) जहां टी: मान टाईप {बार & lt; T & gt; (ए); } ValueType पर स्ट्रैट का उपयोग करने में क्या अंतर है? // मेरी कक्षा सार्वजनिक void foo में परिभाषित & lt; T & gt; (टी ए) जहां टी : संरचना {बार & lt; T & gt; (ए); का उपयोग करने के बीच दो अंतर हैं जहां टी: स्ट्रक्चर और जहां T: ValueType बाद वाला हो हो T हो, जो कि एक संदर्भ प्रकार है। बाद में T को एक नल योग्य मूल्य प्रकार इन अंतरों में से सबसे पहले आप क्या चाहते हैं, लगभग कभी नहीं। दूसरा कभी-कभी उपयोगी हो सकता है; Nullable & lt; T & gt; में थोड़ा अजीब है, यह न तो जहां टी: struct और जहां T: class बाधा है ...

performance - Fast conversion of numeric data into fixed width format file in Python -

The fastest way to change the data with the format strings is to change the data with only the data and type in the file in Python What is it? For example, suppose that record is a large list containing the objects id , x , y , and Wt and we need to flush them into external files, flushing can be done with the following snippet: open (serial_fname (), "w") With f: for the record: f.write ("% 07d% 11.5e% 11.5e% 7.5f \ n"% (, rx, ry, r.wt)) Although my code is spending a lot of time, very little time to create external files Skip Modify the basic question: While writing a server software I went into this problem by dragging information from several "Manufacturer" systems Keep track of the prescribed global record and relay any changes to the "consumer" system in the record, in real-time or pre-processing form, near real-time. Many of the consumer systems are catalog applications. I I have listed some suggestions with s...

jsp - Using SSL with an application deployed on IBM-WASCE -

I have an application that uses JSP and servlet and deployed on IBM Vess 2.1 I want to That application should use SSL for login purposes. Based on the documentation, I web.xml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Web-app xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns = "" xmlns: web = "http: // "xsi: Schema Location =" http: //java.sun Com / Xml / ns / javaee / web-app_2_5.xsd "id =" WebApp_ID "version =" 2.5 "& gt; & Lt ;! - General servlet mapping code - & gt; & Lt; Security-lock & gt; & Lt; Web resource collection & gt; & Lt; Web resource name & gt; Login & lt; / Web resource name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; /login.jsp< / Url pattern & gt; & Lt; Http-method & gt; Receiv...

cron - run cronjobs and send to email problems -

I want to create cronjobs which can be done every 10 minutes & lt; Now time and send me the follow-up TST email with the email. "Deleted command" My code looks like this mail = "" * / 10 * * * I have checked my mail in the last 30 minutes .. and still have received any mail. Am I doing it wrong? First of all, as I remember php scripts should be executed in this manner (for example For Ubuntu Path, not sure about other distros): / usr / bin / php-cgi /var/www/php-sites/dlf/cron_jobs.php In addition, you can save the job output in the file to see the exact reasons for the failures, for your job it may appear: * / 10 * * * * / Usr / bin / php-cgi /var/www/php-sites/dlf/cron_jobs.php & gt; /tmp/cron.out2> & Amp; 1 Check cron.out content. Hope this will be helpful. Edit I did a little test and in general the way of Shell also works. I have created the (+ x) script with the content: #! ...

database - Can anyone recommend a synthetic data generator? -

Anyone come in a free data generator that can create synthetic data to load into the database for testing purposes? By looking at the other questions, I stumbled over the binator. I have not tried to do this, but: Apparently comes with these JDBC drivers • JTDs Driver (MS SQL Server or Sybase) • MySQL Connector • HSQL DB • Derby Client • PostGRESQL • Jabird (Firebird DB) can definitely install more (like Oracle) themselves ...

iphone - Tap navigation bar to scroll to top -

I have a really long UIWebView, and I want to tap UINavigationBar to scroll to the top for the user Adding the method (something like the Facebook app, when you have a slight glare while tapping). How can I do this? In iOS5, you can now directly access the UIScrollView to allow you to scroll to the top . [WebView.scroll scrollVectibleViewable: Animated:] It should take care of whatever you need.

windows 7 - Windows7 on virtual pc -

I would like to check Windows 7 and want to install all our developer programs on it if everything works well Meanwhile, I want to continue my work on my Vista OS. Is it possible, using virtual PC, installing Windows 7 and later changed my Vista installations with this virtual PC Windows 7? Take a look at the use of bootable VHD I have a Windows 7 with VS2010 Use your "playground" to test things like Beta 2, Office 2010, etc. VHD is a single file, so it is portable and performance is low for virtualization Instead of running Windows 7 VPC inside a virtual PC inside Vista, you are booting in Windows 7 VPC - no Vista No. Works great for multi-booting Once you are ready to go to Windows 7 as your primary OS, you can still use it in VHD. This link can help ...

osx - Command key as Meta key in OS X -

When I uncheck the 'Use option as meta key' box in the settings , And then cmd + f (which I want to do meta + f bash in the forward-word) terminal Gives me a 'word search' popup, what i want I really want to have just the XTellm for my terminals to behave like w.r.t Key Binding Is there any way to disable this popup and its binding? I know that I can only use actual X-Rays, but for various reasons I want to use the terminal. Thanks in advance, Eric option as a meta key Select Command key if selected as option meta key , then option key bash and elsewhere in the form of a Meta key; Just press Options + F . If you select it, then there is no Meta key (in either case, some command line programs Meta char as traditional ESC + Can recognize the four sequences.) If you are running OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), Apple, Command and Options The keyboard modifier provides an inherent way to change the meaning of keys. System Preference...

Dependency Injection framework for the iPhone -

I was wondering if there was any dependency injection framework for use with development on the iPhone to be a Java developer during the day. Relationships, I enjoy, and look at the benefits of a frame like Spring. You can go to share some of the components manually and ways to create references manually. See it very similar, almost-cheating In summary, this is the one you use with the same di.

c++ - Displaying multiple icons in a single cell of a QTableView -

I am writing a small app in qtcreator with qt4.5. In the main screen app there is a Qttview with two columns, the first text is another, which is a group of icons. These icons represent the last few states of the item displayed in the row. I'm not sure what is the best way to do this. I recently implemented it by generating a data () method of a QPixmap model. QVariant MyModel :: Data (const QModelIndex and index, int role) const {if (role == QT :: display roll || roll == QT :: editorial} {switch (index Column ()) {case: return item_t ( ()). Title (); }} If (role == QT :: decorative) {switch (index.column ()) {Case 1: Returns (index.row ()) LastStates ()); }} Return QVariant (); } QVariant MyModel :: createImage (const QList & lt; mistet & gt; states) const {const IconSize = 22; QPixmap image (IconSize * states.size (), IconSize); Coupener painter (& image); Painter.fillRect (0, 0, Icon Size * Count, Iconysis, QT :: Transparent); For (int i = 0; i ...

wpf - Data binding custom control with parent -

I have a UserControl that has listboxes. On the original window, I have this user control and a button. Ideally I want to use the ChangePropertyAction behavior on the parent button, and it lists the number of UserControl in the Countback The idea is that if the user controls the list box If there is no entry in, the button is hidden on the parent window. Listback is bound to an observational label. Can I make a dependency property to do this? I'm not sure how to calculate the listbox on this property. I Thank you for any insights correctly in order to do this. ListBox You can force access to ElementName From state button Then you want to use BooleanToVisibilityConverter to spell. Do this: & lt; Window x: orbit = "NestedTreatWindow1" Xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " / 2006 / xaml "title =" window1 "height =" 200 "widt...

.net 3.5 - XBAP applications won't download: The operation has timed out? -

Trying to download any XBAP application on the workstation that enables the presentation load, and then "downloading The app "sits on" with zero bytes downloaded for several minutes.Finally it comes with an error log shown below with "app download error." In addition, many folders have been created under my profile app \ 2.0 but E also has not actually downloaded the file. I can download the app from any other workstation so that the app looks good, I have tried: Clean up individual storage and app \ 2.0 folders Running mage.exe -cc Run the XBap permission fixer (xbappermfx_sx.exe) - Anything found and fixed but did not fix this problem Create a new user and login the app as that user. Try to Rouse to Uninstall all .NET and restore through 3.5sp1 Are there any thoughts on this? To make any further attempt, the error log is as follows: Platform version information window: 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT) Shared language order: 2.0.50727.3053 S...

rest - Doing a HTTP PUT from a browser -

I would like to know what is the definitive (?) Answer to how to do one thing and then post / receive it from a browser Do - either HTML Forms or Ajax, as I browse mixed reports that which browsers have allowed (especially on AJAX side) When the end of the back in the restate style is made, it is a good idea to use appropriate functions such as pad, head, option etc. In Rail, method (IIRC ?) Is used to emulate it, and at the end of the end the dispatch is sent to the appropriate controller for action. Is it now necessary (in late 2009)? What are the conventions? It appears that most browsers do not support ways other than GET and POST because it is a limited limitation. There is another question on the HTML form topic: To simulate the methods of Put, Daylight, etc., you can add pseudo input to a regular GET / Post form -Results and translate your application so that your controller can see it as if this was a true PUT request, as you mentioned, I have used this method in Go...

core location - Calculate distance between two latitudes/longitudes in MapKit / CoreLocation -

I was looking at the getDistanceFrom method in CoreLocation to set the distance between the two points I am getting the error when trying to use Corlao ocation ... Im using 3.1.2 I have tried to do it, but gives an error : CLLocation * userLoc = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithCoordinate: appDelegate.mapView2.userLocation.coordinate]; CLLocation * poiLoc = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude: [aPOI.latitude double value] Longitude: [APIOlgram double value]]; Double distance = [User's Mill Distensfromed Poolec] / 1000; NSLog (@ "% d", district); Error returned: "Objc_class_name_CLLocation", referenced from: verbatim-signature @__ objc @__ cls_refs @ CLLocation in POIDetailViewController.o ld: Symbol (s) not found Collection 2: LD back 1 Exit status Am I missing something? Thanks Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Will need to add core selection framework.

libraries - Is there any platform-independent way to access the clipboard? -

I have a small project that I want to write and yet to decide on any language, in the end, I Want a way to access and / or modify the clipboard in a platform-independent way. I want to learn a new language to do this, especially something like this: I will learn a lot. Looks good on my resume. ... and I'm leaning towards some kind of functional language (Liz is ideal). He said, I would also like to experiment with C with other languages, so the C library will be acceptable. Is there any library that which I am searching in a language which meets the criteria mentioned above? A cross-platform format (such as the structure, which applies to you in C ++, Python, Ruby and many others Will give you a way to implement a cross-platform approach ...

c++ - C++0x, Compiler hooks and hard coded languages features -

I'm curious about some new features of C ++ 0x. Both features require a user-defined class to work specifically and accurately. I came across, and the top answer was useful, while I do not know if it is completely correct (I'm probably completely misunderstanding, see 3 comments on the first answer) . According to the preliminary list, the header defines a type: template & lt; Class E & gt; Class initializer_list {public: initializer_list (); Size_t size () const; // Number of Consultants c * start () const; // first element const e * end () const; // last one last element}}; You can see it in specifications, only Ctrl + F 'class initializer_list' . = {1,2,3} can be contained in the initializer_list class, to the compiler {} And for some knowledge of the relationship between initializer_list . There is no constructor who receives anything, hence the initializer_list as far as I can tell is a cover which the compiler is actually created whi...

c++ - How can I implement scripting in my game? -

I'm trying to write a game and implement scripting so that in later development I can compile everything I do not need to change the number I want to change. My problem is that I do not know how to interact with the script game. The scripting language I am using is that. Right now, I have a state: Introduction state, which I use for most modules in my game "engine" (this is more like a loose collection of classes) and it will load Drag and drop text, and use scripting to update itself, and later switch to the dummy status to check for the State Manager. While writing this, I realized that for using most of the script, I need to use the script, and take a lot of code into the scripting language. Most part of the + part was to work, and the scripting language comes with numbers to use in sources / drawing / whatever. However, if I am fine, doing so in this way can contain many different update modules for most things in the game, which needs to be updated, and t...

forms - Making CAPTCHA accessible to people with disabilities. What approaches have you used? -

I'm coming close to migrating my existing website to CMS and I have all the different contact form The CMS I am using is CAPTCHA to build it in the form builder, which is great, but the only way available is the "understand-of-noise-image" method. This approach works well, but it limits access to those who may have access to or have vision or vision. I have worked on it by creating an "Help" page that allows people with disabilities to contact us by telephone and I am considering a single field form which says "Send us your email address and we will contact you "As a web developer, I have special significance, but from an organizational perspective; So the amount of spam we get is decreasing. So I should know that someone in the community has any experience with other methods of captcha and how are you able to make them accessible to people with disabilities? As a blind person, I think one of the better captcha services from there is far ...

reflection - Is this possible in C#? -

I have an extension method to test, so I can: Var steve = new zombie (); Steve Mood Shale ("I'm hungry for the brain!"); Extension Method: Public Static Zero ShouldBe & lt; T & gt; (This T is actual, expected) {Assert.That (actual, is.EqualTo (expected)); } It shows: Expected: "I'm hungry for the brain!" But it was: "I want to reshuffle randomly" Can anyone hack to get the name of the property "brain-processed" within my extension method? Bonus points will be example variables and type zombie. Update: New ShouldBe: Public Static Zero ShouldBe & lt; T & gt; (This t real, expected t) {var frame = new stacktrace (true) .GetFrame (1); Var filename = frame.gatefilename (); Var lineNumber = frame.GetFileLineNumber () - 1; Var code = file. Reedlines (filename). Elementat (Lincoln) Trim (). Hung (';'); Var codeMessage = new Regex (@ "(^. *) (\. \ S * ShouldBe \ s * \ () ([^ \)] +) \)"...

api - Public stream to facebook's user wall with php? -

I create a Facebook app with php api, everything works fine when I have a user on the wall Message has to be made public My code bellow $ appapikey = "xxxxxx"; $ Asrace = "xxxxxx"; $ Facebook = new Facebook ($ APK, APRICAN $); $ Fb_user = $ facebook- & gt; Need_login (); If (! $ Facebook- & gt; API_client- & gt; users_hasAppPermission ("publish_stream, status_update")) {echo '& lt; Fb: prompt-permission perms = "publish_stream, status_update" & gt; Click here to allow you to update your status and publish it on your stream. & Lt; / Fb: Quick-access & gt; '; {$ Facebook- & gt; API_client- & gt; Try Stream_light ($ message); } Hold (exception $ e) {resonant "public error" $ E- & gt; GetMessage (); }} I gave permission for publish_stream but still get error Unauthorized exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'unauthorized source IP Address (IP: 69.89.3...

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. VM is pending and then terminating. Why? -

I am trying to set up a personal cloud. I have followed the tutorial: But I'm not able to run a new image. Every time I try to start an image, VM gets in the pending position and after some time it goes in the Shut down mode and finally it ends it happens. This behavior has been reported in the official doctor for Nilgiri, where it suggests seeing httpd-nc_error_log (one for node controller): I really want to see this file, but I can not, because the nodes are managed by the controller and apparently I do not have SSH access (I connect to the controller Tried, but all other log files (In the controller), I have not seen anything special. When I start VM Instance with the following: Eka-run-instance - ******** httpd-cc_error_log says: & gt; RTNETLINK responds: File exists & gt; Internet System Consortium DHCP & Server; Server V3.1.2 [...] Warning: Host & gt; announcements are global; they are not & gt; limited to the scope of your...

sql - get random code not exists mysql -

I have this SQL select the contact (four (flo (97+ rand) * 26)), four (floor (97+ rand (* * 26)), floor (100+ rand (* 99), four (floor (97+ rand (* 26))) in the form of random ARS Does not exist SELECT * from table WHERE code_felt = randomcode); But I can not get it to work. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? I need to create 6 chart codes in random and it is not present in my code. I hope I can get help. You have to select from anywhere, your selection does not have a table name, since you actually get random from a table Do not select the values, so you should use the DUAL (this is a 'fake' table): Choose CONNAT (char (97+ RAND) * 26), random from dual In the form of code (select * from table * where code_felt = randomcode), four (97 + rand () * 26), bottom (100 + rand (* 900 *), four (97+ rand (* * 26)) ); This will sometimes select a record, sometimes no record. If this does not pick any record, you will need to repeat the query, I can not ...

.net - In 3 minutes, What is Reflection? -

Many The question in the interview question list () is: "What is reflection?" I had recently been asked to answer in the context of a 5 question, technical test that in a cafeteria I was designated to complete a sheet of blank paper in 15 minutes. My answer "went with the lines of the mirror, lets you find the methods, properties and areas of any object on the runtime". In the previous review, my answer shows how you can use reflection, but this reflection does not explain. In my opinion, I was sufficient to answer that I understand which reflection , but to clarify whether the reflection is P> then, in the context of the net in your context, define in your short words that Do not spend more than three minutes answering it. It is not mentioned, we have seen it all. The reflection query and the ability to interact with the type system in a dynamic way

mysql - How to retrieve all of the records which dont have any reference in another table? -

तालिकाआ आईडी, नाम 1, एबीसी 2, सीडी 3, डेफ टेबलब आईडी, टेबलएआईडी, विषय 1, 1, Blah 2, 1, blah again 3, 2, abcdef मैं TableA से उन सभी रिकॉर्ड का चयन करना चाहता हूं जो तालिका में कोई संदर्भ नहीं है I मैं इसे Mysql में कैसे कर सकता हूं? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। आप कर सकते हैं LEFT JOIN का उपयोग करें और इन रिकॉर्ड का चयन करें, जो बी में मेल नहीं खाते हैं। SELECT TableA। * से टेबल ले जाने से TableB पर TableB.TableA_id = जहां NULL है

Django: How to initiate/gather field data from two models in one form definition -

I am using a model for user to edit firstform and last_name, but I want to add additional fields from UserProfile Should 1-to-1 relationship with user) added in this. UserProfileInfoForm (forms.ModelForm): "Profile Model Field Specification for Editing" "" Category Meta: Model = User Field = ('First_name', 'Last_Name', 'User_PhoneMobile '' (Label = _ ('first name'), max_text = 30, required = true) last_name = forms.charfield (label = _ ('last name'), max_length = 30, required = true) user_phonemobile = forms. CharField (label = _ ('mobile phone'), max_length = 15, required = false) I have additional fields in the modelform (and on the page ), But I can not afford it with value from other mo Dell (Userprofile) I can make it a normal form and can populate it in my view like this > userdata = request.user.get_profile () data = {'first_name': request.user.first_name, 'last_name': reque...

Zend framework controller filenames containing "init"? -

Zend Framework: What is the importance of controller filenames that have "init" in them? I have three such files that have exactly the same code on their name: TestController_init.php TestController.init.php TestController.php ? In my opinion, you should have a TestController.php , in which all Behavior which should be with this controller ( init () method, etc.). Can you prepare the contents of 2 other files?

c# - Business Logic Classes Naming -

I have a business layer in which some business items / POCOs / institutions / whatever I have got some repositories Also till this point, I am reaching the repository directly from my UI layer. I am at a point where I really want some more classes which are not directly CRUD, so I'm going to create some business logic classes which will argue, and the CRUD will be used, and the repository will not be used anymore (from the beginning Should have been done only) What should I say to these classes? The only thing I can think of are service classes, but I have real WCF services in this application, so that it will be confused. WCF services are also using these sections, so using a service service is strange and confusing. I also use the "service" naming convention, it is true that "service" The overloaded period has become, but it is most understandable. Developers reviewing the code should be able to determine the difference between an application / domai...

gcc - How to make String to const wchar_t* conversion function work under Windows and Linux -

I work on a project written for MSVCC / Windows, that I have a port on GCC / Linux String class, which stores its data in Qstrung from QT. Originally this method (for Windows) for the conversion of Wchar_t was: const wchar_t * string :: c_str () const {if (length ()> gt) {return (const wchar_t) *) QString :: Unicode (); } And {return & amp; S_nullString; }} Because the QCode (which is 16 bit long), it works under Windows because wchar_t is 16 bit but now the GCC is 32 bit long with wchar_t, so She does not work anymore. I have tried to solve it: const wchar_t * string :: c_str () const {if (isEmpty ()) {return & amp; S_nullString; } And {return toStdWString () C_str (); }} With this problem, this object is no longer functional, so this eater does not work. I think the only way to solve this issue is either: Do not use string: c_str () and call .toStdString (). C_str () directly Treat GCC as a 16-bit type in the form of GCC The probability one means to...

Creating media visualization in Silverlight -

I want to create some custom visualization effects in the sound wave in Silverlight. There is a Media Element class as Silverlight 3 which works very well in sound / video play. However, to visualize, I will need some type of event callback with some information on the segment of the currently played sound. Is there any support for achieving this framework? . You can view the Library demo at . Added feature to change raw audio data to provide effects in the demo. Currently works only with MP3 and is still under development

c# - How can I lower the spam score of my email message? -

I am sending a new logon and password to a user, although when I do on the test version of our site on the Internet Spam score is 4.6 by spam killer. This means that it gets trapped. Email HTML (so there are good fonts and colors in the marketing department) with the linked image. Mailmage () object What measures can I take to reduce spam scores? I am sending it using: / * Send an email / mailme msg = new mail form (); Msg.IsBodyHtml = True; //msg.BodyEncoding = encoding.UTF8; Msg.To.Add (new mail address (sToEmail)); Msg.From = new mail address (sFromEmail); Msg.subject = sEmailSubject; = sEmailTemplate; Try {Client.Send}; } The spam score is: X-Spam-Score: 4.6 (++++) X-spam-report: Spam detection software report (4.6 points): PT rule name Description ---- ---------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ 1.8 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_20 body: HTML: with words of 1600-2000 bytes Figure 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE Body: HTML 1.7 MIME_HTML_ONLY Includes m...

Scala Concurrency slowing down -

I am doing to present with the fact that I am a relative java / ska newbie so i do not deny That something is clear which I am not doing. I have got a Scala application that connects a MySQL database through Hibernate. This application is designed to process a large amount of data about 2,750,000 records, so I have tried to customize it as much as possible. It's running on my workstation, which is a QuadCore Intel Xeon with 6 GB RAM (at 1033 MHz) and it runs well and quickly for the first 70 records; By the time it completes in 15 minutes, it has grown to 90k, it has been taken about 25 minutes, which is slowing down on some crawls. I have checked the timer on the hibernate code and the database recovery is about the same as I have tried and tried to force manual garbage collection to do so, but it Not working too. The code in question looks something like this: val recordCount = Repo.recordCount batch size = 100 val batches = (to record 0 according to the batch size...

Cannot create Java Webservice in Eclipse -

I would like to create a web service in Eclipse I have already written a class and have made it a WSDL file from Java 2 WSDL. Introduced a new "dynamic web project" and added axis 2 aspect for it. After that I wanted to create a new "web service" project when I now select my WSDL file and click "finish" I get the following error: IWAB0399E generated from WSDL from Java Error in doing: Error: The missing element "exception" in the fault "exception" in operation, One problem is that your compile and accessse service is HttpBinding Adhykari is no exception fault defined operation. This should be something like this: & Lt; Wsdl: operation name = "execution" & gt; & Lt; Http: operation location = "compile and access service / execution" /> & Lt; Wsdl: input & gt; & Lt; Mime: content type = "text / xml" part = "execute" /> & Lt; / ...

PHP MYSQL file contents escape problem -

I'm one. I am trying to upload a pdf file to a MySQL database using a php file. All this is good except for the contents of the file. It is not a matter of particular that I try to avoid special characters, the query always fails, mostly with the "unknown command \ n". I used the addlashes, mysql_real_escape_string, removeslashes, etc. Do anyone have any idea to avoid file content? Many thanks, I have used the previously given sequence, Which works well, and stores any data in DB, which includes images, pdff, array of data etc.) Storing data (a string, array , Objects, etc.); (base64_encode (addslashes (gzcompress ($ datastostore), 9) '+ / =', '-_,'); Then store that string data in DB ... Recovering Data; Remove string data from db Decode back the data you want (depending on input data, array, image etc.) you may need to take an additional step is). $ ReturnData = unserialize (gzuncompress (straspels (base64_decode (strtr... - C# - Stream a PDF using Response.TransmitFile() or Response.WriteFile() And then select a page -

I want to stream PDF from a directory on the server using an page. It works fine so that I want to pass the Adobe Open parameter for the land on a specific page. The parameters of Adobe are: But, I do not know how to stream Itemprop = "text"> For anyone with the same problem, I was able to solve this issue. If you change the content nature to inline the action headers in response, then set your URL as: This will work with your ASPX page in PDF And the page parameter will navigate to the appropriate page. Hope it helps!

python - Django 1.1.1: How should I store an empty IP address using PostgreSQL? -

I am writing a Django app that stores IP addresses with optional routing notifications. One of the fields I have created for the IP model is nexthop (for next-hop routes), which will generally empty, basically we use MySQL, but now change the project requirements Intended to use PostgreSQL Here is a stripped version of your model:. class.model: address = models.IPAddressField () netmask = models.IPAddressField (default = '') nexthop = models.IPAddressField (zero = true, empty = True, default = none) Active = models.BooleanField ('active' ?, default = 1) Then, with the MySQL, the nexthop field There was no problem leaving the blank. However, now that I have changed the development environment to postgres, we run it in which a blank IP address raises invalid input syntax for a DataError type inset Is: "" line 1: ... -14 13:07:29 ', 1, e',' ', e' ', true) ^ As you can see, this...

.net - How to impersonate another Windows user, when using Windows authentication? -

I have an ASP.NET application, where only Windows certified users (i.e. logged in user) can access most pages. Now, my client wants to be able to 'log on' through this app, with a custom long dialog / page. Is authentication a way to achieve this, and how do I go about it? What is wrong to use? If you need to clone the impersonation attribute in your web element correctly, but this is not the sound that you describe As you need cloning.

tfs - Can you use visual studio professional with team foundation server 2008? -

Can you use Visual Studio Professional with Team Foundation Server 2008? You did not say the version of the visual studio, for the usual things like version control, work accessories, The team prepares you that you can definitely use with VS 2005/2008 Pro TFS 2008. However, if you are using VS 2010 beta 2 things then it's a little different. See it for full compatibility matrix.

sharepoint - Flat view with folder file is located in -

I have a document library and I want to create a flat view to see all the documents with the folders, but the ID The file is in the form of a column to keep the folder as it does not need to be functional. The user wants to be able to see that the file is located in which folder is. The user wants to keep the folder structure, we advised them to use a column feature but they prefer folders. Why not just add a column of meta data instead of placing files in the folder in the first place?

caching - NHibernate L2 Cache configuration in Fluent NHibernate -

Is it possible for TI to configure L2 cache provider in code via FHN? The following config after I'm doing. Return Fluently.Configure (). Database (MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005.ConnectionString (c = & gt; c.FromConnectionStringWithKey ("Temporary")) ShowSql ()). Mapping (M => M. Fluent Mappings.AdfomAssandAfalfand ()). Experience Configuration (C => {}) .BuildSessionFactory (); Cheers AWC This possible FNH, 'cash down examples' View properties: return Fluently.Configure (fileConfiguration) .Database (MsSqlConfiguration .MsSql2005 .ConnectionString (c = & gt; c.FromConnectionStringWithKey ( " Temporary ")) .ShowSql () .Cache (c => c.ProviderClass (typeof (NHibernate.Cache.HashtableCacheProvider) .assemblyQualifiedName) .UseQueryCache ())) .Mappings (M => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf & LT; IMAP & gt; ()) .ExposeConfiguration (c = & gt; {c.EventListeners.PostLoadEventListeners = new IPostLoadEvent...

c# - How to create components (labels) on the fly? (or how to create facebook/hotmail-style to add contacts to message) -

What I want to do is make the Hotmail / Fax-style list as selected contacts. 1 small block With an "X" to remove each item and How can I get it? NET? I thought of making new labels "on the fly" and NET's Ajax update panel .. But can I do this? If so, how can I make a label on the fly, and where can I just keep it? I want the item to be created in the list ( ) Assume that you have a panel anywhere: label myLabel = new label (); MyLabel.Text = "My name"; MyLabel.CssClass = "labelClass"; PnlItems.Controls.Add (mylabel); ul / li item (or for fully customization): HtmlGenericControl ulControl = new HtmlGenericControl ("ul"); PnlItems.Controls.Add (ulControl); Foreign objects (objects myThing in myItems) {HtmlGenericControl itemControl = new HtmlGenericControl ("li"); ItemControl.InnerHtml = myThing.GetMarkup (); UlControl.Controls.Add (itemControl); } Note that this is unwanted - I'm pretty s...

vb6 - Number of occurences in a string -

I am a total noob, as far as the scene goes original, in class I need to do the following: "A Write a program that requests a sentence from the user and then records the number of times of each letter in the alphabet. " How do I count the number of happenings in the string? Sorry for the question and noob question. As Dave said, the easiest solution would be for length 26 (for English), and Loop through each letter in the string, increasing the right array element. You can use the ASCII value of each letter, to identify which sheet is it, then translate the ASCII number of the letter into this index number: Dimensions array dimension letter (up to 25-25) for 26 dimensions Long long time as "temporary index number dim tmpIdx 'temporary character dim tmpChar string checkstr to check in as head Chekstrakt string as string =" How many of my other letters? " Make changes in all letters of each letter (since the upper case of each letter is' ASCII ...

hyperlink - Facebook Site Linking Support -

When a person posts a link to a web site in Facebook, this link will appear in the preview box with the picture and some text The site populates from If someone posts a link to my site in Facebook, then it is usually the domain name of the site and one of the images appearing on the site. No text appears I would like to be able to control which text and images will appear in the link. Is there any specification that they use? Can I provide some metadata so that Facebook will show me what I want? is the developer page of Facebook on its sharing function. Actually there are some simple MetaTags that you can use FB & Lt; Link rel = "image_src" href = "thumbnail_image" />

internationalization - How to use Rails I18n.t to translate an ActiveRecord attribute? -

In my thoughts config / locales / de.yml is trying to use my active record translations. I thought I was clever using this: de: activrecord: Features: User: Login: "BenetzerKenung" Comment: "Bemerkungun" And see me in: But instead of translating value ("Benitzzek"), I'm getting the notorious "translation non: D, activarcrud, property, user, login" Anyone found this work (Labels is not using the translation plugin (I have to beware of potential side effects), or user. Humanize_attribute_name)? What am I missing? (This works when I use "Active Records 1" or something else from the ActiveCard, so my setup looks OK) Thanks! OK, my bad, it works fine. I fell into the YML formatting trap: ( To help you debug on the way, use "script / console" and the following statement: - I18n.locale -> Produce that location Should you want to see - I18n.t ('activerecord.attributes') -> You must add all...

floating point - checking to ensure all values in a field are integers in MySQL -

I have a column that is currently a floating point number and I must check that all the values ​​in the column are integers. What is the easiest way to do this? and find particulars that are not integers ... SELECT * yourtable WHERE col% 1! = 0;

Rails - Roles or Inheritance? -

I started writing an app using declarative_authorization (), but now I am thinking that this is the right way. In my app, I was giving some users a "customer" role, some "administrator" role, and some "superadmin" role. It was working fine, but now I realized that I need some fields on specific models for "customer" super admin = admin editor admin = customer editor Customer = Additional Features like "Avatar" At this time I started making a customer model that inherited from the user. In that case, however, the customer will always be the "customer" role and only customers will have this role. It seemed a bit awkward. I think I'm looking for a little guidance for this scenario. Can you further increase the differences between administrators and user roles? Edit as per your update : Personally, I do not think a customer role is required, as long as the authenticated user has a lower privileged cat...

Consuming SOAP Web Services in Drupal from C# client -

I want to create a blog in C # to create a blog post in Drupal, so the situation is following the Drupal services module in I And soap_servar are both enabled and when I consume the wsdl file from it correctly recognizes it but I do not know what to do next ... I'm stuck. The lack of documentation is a big disappointment for me. tries to? Any advice will be welcomed ... You may find this design specific to For those who did not do what you did you clearly describe in your question, but - if this is not the case then tell me what you want to accomplish in the lower steps, to know that you are under the influence of Drupal and known API How to take advantage of the methodology The use of the module (sent along with the drupal core) through the built-in XML-RPC interface extends widely known and well-documented APIs To display in the world. The blog API exposes various blog-oriented APIs, which is documented , and. Use the code available online to apply to the web s...