
Showing posts from September, 2011

nosql - Is Cassandra suitable to use as a primary data store? -

I am evaluating a storage platform for an upcoming project and continue to come back to Kassandra. The amount of any data for this project is unacceptable so far we have used a relational database (Microsoft SQL Server), but the data is so diverse and large that it is used to store and query An issue has become. Cassandra stores enough data to use as primary form? Or can it be used only to speed up existing data? Unethical: Yes, Twitter, Digg, Ooyala, SimpleGeo, Mahalo, and others are using Or going to Cassandra for a primary data store (). Technical: Yes; In addition to supporting replication (including multiple datasets), each Cassandra node writes to ensure a fsync'd log is durable; From there it is written in the SSTAB which is irreversible till compaction (which is the addition of several SSTABLES for GC versions). Snapshot is supported at any time, including automatic snapshot-pre-compaction.

bash - deleting brackets in a file using sed -

Can someone help me remove the brackets in the file? Here is my script. # fftw is_c mpi_tile pmb for tau xhpl file in #! Printf "$ {file} _ $ {state} _v1.xls" sed -e '/ / (//' $ {file} _ $ {state} for the state in / bin / bash cc C1 C4 } _v1.xls of sed -e / \) // '$ {file} _ $ {state} _v1 Xls awk' {sum = = $ 3}; END {print "", sum / nr} '$ {file} _ $ {state} _v1.xls> & gt; C-State-residency XLS short answer: use - -sync location Sed with which you think you are. You are removing the brackets, not the brackets, and only the first (or if you have not left your \ on each line). It also seems like a strange thing to do in Excel spreadsheets. You might want to pip the output of the CD command instead of modifying the files at awk ...

python - How do I INSERT INTO t1 (SELECT * FROM t2) in SQLAlchemy? -

How can I populate or update a table with a SELECT statement? SQLalchemy does not create it for you You can use the query from the text. add session.execute (Add to T1 (SELECT * FROM T2) ') Edit: Sqlalchemy.sql.expression Import Executable, ClauseElement Class InsertFromSelect (Executable, ClauseElement) from more than a year later, but now sqlalchemy.ext import compiler from 0.6+: on sqlalchemy: Def __init __ (self, table, selection): self.table = table = select @ compiler.compiles (InsertFromSelect) def visit_insert_from_select (Element, Compiler, ** kw): return "% S in INSERT% s" % (Compiler.process (element.table, asfrom = true), compiler.process ( Insert = Select Insert (t1, select ([T1]). (> 5)) Print Production: "Insert in mytable (selection mytable. X, mytable.y, mytable.z mytable WHERE mytable.x & Gt ;: x_1) " another edit: now, 4 Years later, Syntax was backed up to SQL Server 0.9 ... - Time sensitive webpage access -

Is it possible to create a page that redirects to a personal page if the right time sensitive variable is passed? Ex: The code value is a year-month-day-time combination which comes from the window of time (15 minutes, 30 minutes etc.) depending on the time of the server. needed. The absence code will parse the code code and will redirect to a personal page (using an obscure URL with code variable) if the code is valid or displays 404. Usage scenario: The party has a desire to show Party B a personal page. Sends a link to AB which is valid for the next 30 minutes. Clicks the B link and is redirected to a private page. After clicking on the link, a 404 is produced after 31 minutes and the refresh / postback of the personal page also produces 404. Thanks Yes one The way is to connect "valid start time" with a personal string that is known to the server. Generate code based on that concatenated value (e.g., MD5 hash). Send "valid start time...

.net - What is the correct C# interop code to handle this structure and method? -

I am writing a managed wrap around an unmanaged DLL, and I want to do the following method and structure correctly Marshall I'm unable to Here's what .h file for unmanaged code: typedef struct {WORD PI_code; Dedworld's GrafStat [31]; BYTE PTY_code; Four * ps; Four * RT; } RdsData_t; COMPANYNAME_API Zero COMPANY_get_rds_data (RdsData_t * rds_data); And here's what I did, P-Invok Interop with some help from assistant: [StructLayoutAttribute (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public structure RdsData_t {/// WORD- & gt; Signed small public use PI_code; /// Deedwards [31] [Marshlasatribut (unmanaged type. Bevlarere, Size Knnst = 31, Aeresbteep = unmanaged type U 0.4)] public UIT [] Jiarpitat; /// byte-> Unsigned four public byte PTY_code; /// four * [UnmanagedType.LPStr]] Public String PS; /// four * [UnmanagedType.LPStr]] public string RT; } [DllImport ( "companyname.dll", EntryPoint = "? COMPANYNAME_get_rds_data @@ YAXPAURdsData_t @@@ Z")] pri...

authentication - ASP.NET Roles and Permissions -

मैं ASP.NET/C# लॉगिन नियंत्रण और संपूर्ण प्रमाणीकरण और प्राधिकरण प्रणाली का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मैं भूमिकाओं की स्थापना करता हूं और जब उपयोगकर्ता अपनी भूमिका पर निर्भर प्रणाली में लॉग इन करते हैं, तो वे कुछ निश्चित पृष्ठों पर जाते हैं। अभी मैं कुछ पृष्ठों तक पहुंच को प्रतिबंधित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, जो सही तरीके से काम कर रहा है। हालांकि, जब यह उस उपयोगकर्ता तक पहुंच को प्रतिबंधित करता है जिसे उस वेब पेज में अनुमति नहीं दी जानी चाहिए, तो यह login.aspx पर रीडायरेक्ट करता है। मेरे पास कोई लॉगिन पृष्ठ नहीं है, मेरे पास एक लॉगिन उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण है जो किसी मास्टर पेज पर बैठता है। मैं लॉगिन पर जाने के बजाय अनुमति विफलता पर एक अलग पृष्ठ पर कैसे पुनः प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। Aspx & lt; प्रमाणीकरण मोड = "फ़ॉर्म" & gt; & Lt; forms loginUrl = "login.aspx" नाम = "। ASPXFORMSAUTH" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रमाणीकरण & gt; web.config में लॉगिन पृष्ठ सेट करें

mysql - Custom Query Pagination Cakephp -

I have a custom query in my controller and I would like to apply the custom query pagination found on KPPRGR but their example is like me Does anyone help me endorse this result in my viewpoint: $ cars = $ this- & gt; Car- & gt; Query (", Car.make, Car.model, car. Year, car decryption, car image. Car images of cars in the car's internal car thumbnail car are included in the car image. Default_IJG_ID = car where Car. Order ''. $ Category. '' Order by car, Credited DESC limit 10 ''); $ this-> Set ('car', $ car); Confirm in your model and apply PageGen: , $ Field, $ command, $ limit, $ page, $ recurring, additional $) {return $ this-> query ('SELECT ...');} function paginateCount ($ terms, $ recurring, additional $) {Return $ the-> Query ('SELECT COUNT (.....');} See also Paginate Function in: Cake / Libby / Controller / Controller. PPP

internet explorer 8 - Javascript top variable in IE8 -

I have one in my main page. Javascript function in Js file to 'top' variable It works on FF, Safari and IE6, but not IE8. Snippet (assigned to on-homeover): top.set_image (this, 'images / login_h .png') Where set_image is my function. The error "object does not support this function" Besides, I have been looking for the definition of the top. I do not have it in the ECMAScript specification or Walsk School site. May be found and Google is useless (What's a Thing Top was a generic term?). One type of object is DispHTMLWindow2 (External Window Object) in IE8 . The question has already been discussed.

javascript - Fix for google-code-prettify w/ c# -

Returns the type and methods of the same class to change the C, so that they are of the same color It is the case of Pascal in C # instead of the camel case in Java. This affects my blog and all StackHowerflow C # code because they also use beauty. Does anyone have a fix for this? If not, you can report at least in March / 2009 so that the authors can get another look. I really wrote my own syntax highlighting library to solve such problems. , But you must clearly specify the language.

big o - Solving "Travelling salesman" in linear time -

मैं f - k off को "प्रोजेक्ट लीड" कैसे बताऊँ और कुछ कंप्यूटर सीखूं विज्ञान जब मुझे कुछ ऐसा करने के लिए कहता है जो रैखिक समय में एक सामान्य यात्रा विक्रेता की समस्या को सुलझाने के बराबर होता है। उसका अंतर्दृष्टि था: 1,000 नोड्स केवल 1 सेकंड लेता है और 30,000 30 सेकंड लेना चाहिए। मैं सिंडिकेटिक्स और बिग ओ को बेवकूफों को सिखाने के लिए तैयार नहीं हूं। [संपादित] मुझे इस समस्या वाले डोमेन में अपने सहकर्मियों या बॉस को कैसे बेवकूफ़ बनाये बिना शिक्षित कर सकता हूं? इसमें कुछ बिंदु हैं जो मुझे लगता है कि आप क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं: अन्य व्यक्ति की गलती पर अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से ध्यान दो। अपनी स्वयं की गलतियों के बारे में पहले बात करें। अन्य व्यक्ति को चेहरे को बचाने दो। उन्हें एक अच्छी प्रतिष्ठा दें आप जो सुझाव देते हैं उससे दूसरे व्यक्ति को खुश कर दें। ये मेरे सुझाव होंगे जहां से शुरू करना है।

process - Bash Daemon Named "sh" or "sleep" not the filename -

मैंने एक साधारण बैश स्क्रिप्ट बनाई है, chmod + x, और सफलतापूर्वक इसे पृष्ठभूमि सेवा के रूप में चला रहा है लेकिन, स्क्रिप्ट को "श" या "नींद" कहा जाता है या उस समय जो कुछ भी चल रहा है, मेरी स्क्रिप्ट नाम नहीं, जब मैं एक प्रोसेस सूची देखता हूं। मैं अपनी बास स्क्रिप्ट की प्रक्रिया का नाम कैसे करूं, ताकि मैं इसे भेद कर सकूं? मैं यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहता हूं कि मैं स्क्रिप्ट को एक से अधिक बार नहीं चला रहा हूं मैं स्क्रीप्टिंग को खिसकाने के लिए बहुत नया हूं ... माफ करना, अगर यह एक गूंगा सवाल है। मैं #! / Bin / bash का प्रयोग कर रहा हूँ आपका मूल शेल होगा पूरे समय चल रहा है। यह श होगा उस शेल द्वारा पैदा की गई कोई अन्य प्रक्रिया भी चल रही होगी। माता-पिता के रिश्तों को दिखाने के लिए pstree की कोशिश करें। बीटीडब्ल्यू, यदि आप बीश-विशिष्ट विशेषताओं का उपयोग करते हैं जो कि POSIX बॉर्न शेल में नहीं हैं, तो आपको #! / बिन / बाश, नहीं #! / बिन / श। कुछ प्रणालियों में बैश है, लेकिन इसमें लाइटर-वेट / बिन / श। है। मैं स्क्रिप्टिंग को बाँट करने के लिए बहुत नया हूँ ......

c++ - MinGW/GCC Delay Loaded DLL equivalent? -

I'm trying to close MinGW / GCC with some older MSVC C ++ code. There is a problem that this project always relies heavily on the DELAYLOAD option to use the work, and where the appropriate DLL is located at runtime. Is there such a similar option on Minugu / GCC? This code is targeting the Windows platform. on Elf's goal (for systems like Unix), you -z slangy Specify the option (which is the default anyway) ld (also uses the linker that uses Mingu). As far as I know, i386 PE targets (for windows) No is a clear lazy linking option, I can not find any documents available. .

SQL Server Replication, Distributor -

I need to implement a SQL Server replication solution. I now have a very simple requirement for just 200 remote sites Either need to repeat a very simple table from a central server. Data is not really practical in nature. I need to reach the central server once in a day. I can not decide whether I should use a push or bridge, and I am not sure whether the distributor should be on the server side, or on all the clients. Servers and all remote sites all live on a decent decent VPN. The server is 2005, and this time it is not being pushed very hard. There are only a few jobs here and there the data is collected (which I want to go away from) and forward the reports / exports to different vendors once in a day. Sites are a mixture of 2000/2005. I recommend you first do some scalability testing. Replication agents are very important in terms of T-SQL connections to read and write jobs and data. 200 publications which you are talking about 200 publisher agents, 200 membership age...

Telling Bison/Yacc to shift and not reduce to resolve a conflict -

I have a situation where there is a rule with change / decreasing the conflict which I understand. I want a rule that, as long as possible, do not diminish till the last moment (end of the line). That's why I always want to say change. How do i do this As Craig notes, when a change is reduced, the bison changes. If the warning about this disturbs you, you can follow the instructions to specify the required number of changes by using% of the bison-can reduce the conflict. In this way, it will be silent if it is the only struggle, but if there is additional conflict, the warning will be returned.

How do I set the depth of images in ActionScript? -

मैं एक्शन स्क्रिप्ट में विभिन्न छवियों की गहराई कैसे तय करू यदि आप छवि की स्थिति में अपनी माता की डिस्प्ले सूची, चेकआउट और swapChildren () की विधियों की गहराई का संदर्भ दे रहे हैं > DisplayObjectContainer वर्ग।

wpf - Typography for label -

Can not add typography in my label font in WPF Do you have any suggestions? The font works well for me, so you may need to say more to your requirement about. & lt; StackPainel & gt; & Lt; Label fontfamily = "lucida grande" font seices = "13" fontTitle = "italic" & gt; Typography word & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Common words & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt;

php - dreamweaver for css and html? -

Im is a pure backend programmer and i find it very difficult to move divs and add CSS styles. Is your advice as simple as this to me? Use Dreamweaver? What can this really help me? I do not know how to add the status of the management of its prototype or the divis and elements. Some guides? equipment? Software? Online script? Please welcome all suggestions! Through me guidance ... not all business logic and any design head. e.g. . How do you start with layout, design, and everything ... What exactly do you want It is very easy to learn the basics of CSS, it is very difficult to master. I suggest you just learn CSS and make sure that you add a good browser to the firebug like adding so that you can see what's really going on. I am not a fan of Dreamweaver individually.

jquery - How to add a warning modal to delete -

मेरे पास एक हटाए गए बटन के लिए निम्न MySQL है। mytable से हटाएं WHERE id = $ Id मैं आगे बढ़ने की पुष्टि करने के लिए एक jquery मॉडल जोड़ना चाहता हूं "क्या आप निश्चित रूप से हटाना चाहते हैं? हाँ | नहीं" यदि आप हाँ क्लिक करते हैं तो इसे हटाए जाने के लिए निष्पादित किया जाएगा, यदि यह नहीं है, तो मॉडल से बाहर निकलें और पृष्ठ पर वापस जाएं। > प्रत्येक एंकर में आईडी को गतिशील रूप से जोड़ा जाता है। एंकर एंकर ('admin / categories / delete /'.$ सूची [' id '],' हटाएं ', सरणी (' class '= & Gt; 'modalInput')); यह आउटपुट निम्न HTML है। HTML, ... & lt; tr valign = 'top' & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 1 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; Forsiden & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td align = 'center' & gt; सक्रिय & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td align = 'center' & gt; & lt; a href = "" & g...

Refactoring: Cross Cutting Concerns workaround -

In addition to aspects and point reductions, is there any way to implement cross-cutting concerns? We are in Spring MVC, and are working on a business app where due to different aspects it is not possible to deal with aspects of Especus or Spring. And some of our controllers have become extremely bloated (very heavy), each of which has many out-of-focus codes. Every time I sit for a refactor, I see that the same things are being done up and down again. Allow me to explain: Every time I have to create a scene, I add a list of countries for UI. (Added in the Object ModelAndView) that list has been dragged into the hahaches in DH. Now, in the beginning it was terrible when I was trying to add inline to the list everywhere everywhere. Instead, I created a function that will be processed on every model endview. how? Well, with more garbage calls at the ceremony! And I bought a problem for each other. What is a design pattern / trick that can help me a bit? I am sick to cal...

How to put an InlineFormSet into a ModelFormSet in Django? -

I ModelFormSet many forms through would display where all associated with each form object InlineFormSets displays in exchange for objects Now I'm not really sure how to provide examples for each ModelFormSet . I BaseModelFormSet thought about subclassing, but I at all where to start and knowing that it is possible before that I have no clue on how to go through all the trouble. Thanks in advance! I have found an article that is focused on the exact problem. It works fine For the sake of completeness I copied the code piece: class blocks (models.Model): Description = model .CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 255) square building (models.Model): block = models.ForeignKey (block) address = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 255) class tenant (models.Model): building = models.ForeignKey ( Building) name = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 255) unit = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 255) form the django.forms.models inlineformset_factory import, BaseInlineFormSet TenantFormset ...

.net - Microsoft CRM, how do I get all the members of a list using CrmService? -

I am developing an appliance that needs to read data from Microsoft CRM using the webservice API. I need to get all the members of a marketing list. I can get all the lists in the system using the webservice, but I can not get members of a list. This is the query that I can run, but it does not return any member: query expression qe = new question expression (); Qe.EntityName = "Contact"; Qe.ColumnSet = new AllColumns (); Var linkContact = New LinkType {LinkFromEntityName = "Contact", LinkFormatNineName = "Contact", LinkToAntName = "ListList", LinkTokAttributeNameName = "AntidentID"}; Var linkList = New LinkType {LinkFromEntityName = "listmember", linkformAttitNitname = "antineadId", linkTontTNN = "list", linkToatietitName = "listed"}; Var CE = New Condition Expression {AttributeName = "Listed", Operator = ConditionOperator. Aqual, value = new object [] {list.listid.Value}}; Lin...

osx - Shell command to send file via Bluetooth on Mac OS X -

Is there a way to use shell scripts in Mac OS X to send files through Bluetooth? PS: Any solution that comes with Windows is welcome ... OK, you have a protocol used by some Bluetooth devices (here you have to use it in Ubuntu) when you mount the device using the Fusca-based file system CP / P>

iphone Development - pick unique image from array problem, syntax help -

कोड: // एक फ़ाइलनाम का चयन करें int numFileNames = [imageArray count]; Int चुना = arc4random ()% numFileNames; NSString * oneFilename = [छविअरे ऑब्जेक्टअटइंडएक्स: चुने]; धन्यवाद! आपके NSMutableArray में एक त्रुटि है: आपको इसे पहले इनिशियलाइज़ करना होगा। NSMutableArray * imageArray = [[एनएसएमयूटीएबलएआरआरएआरओएल] आईएनएसटी]; ;) और यहां एक सुझाव है, यदि आपको जरूरी नहीं कि इंटरफ़ेस बिल्डर की सहायता की आवश्यकता हो, तो आप कोकोस 2 डी पर विचार करना चाह सकते हैं। - चरण 3 के लिए रैंड () का उपयोग करके यादृच्छिक पिक करें, यह जांचने के लिए एक लूप बनाएं कि चयनित छवि पहले से ही एक में जोड़ दी गई है या नहीं सरणी (यह सरणी चुनी गई छवियों के लिए है), अगर यह सरणी में है, तो फिर से यादृच्छिक रूप से यादृच्छिक होकर, यदि नहीं तो उठाए गए सरणी में जोड़ें, और ball1.image = [UIImage imageNamed: [imageArray objectatindex: randomNum]]; connection open and close -

Assume that I have an application that continues to release some pages that use the connection .... . I have opened the connection in the class file in the constructer ...... and it accesses it using the object of the class .... When the database operation is needed .. . The application is running fine initially ... but after some operation of the database in DataGrid (pre-sorting, paging, other) .... it gets slows down ... and then working After some time .... Do you have any solutions or suggestions for this ... I have used the connection in the following ways. ... public class student_operation {public SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection (); Public SQL Commands CMD = New SQL Commands (); Public SqlDataAdapter Ad = New SqlDataAdapter (); Public Dataset RS = New Dataset (); Public dataset rs1 = new dataset (); Public student_operation () {// // TODO: Try add constructor logic here // try {cn = new SqlConnection (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Conne...

How to Detect svn file/folder renames or moves with SharpSvn? -

I can change or move the name of the dissection file / folder when doing a comparison between revisions? How can I separate them from "normal" addition and deletion? A property has been changed near SvnLogEventArgs. This property contains path changes in that revision. There is an action, copyflow path, copyrrimewrine and path. If set-perpomputer and copyforming file is set, then it was a copy of history (no related delete action, usually when there are branches), or rename / move (When the related deletion occurs)

c# - Is it possible to override a non-virtual method? -

Is there any way to override a non-virtual method? Or something that gives similar results (except for making a new method to call the desired method)? I want to override a method from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice in the brain with unit testing. No, you can not override a non-virtual method. The closest thing is that you can hide the method by making a new method with the same name, but it is not appropriate because it breaks good design principles. But you will not have execution time while hiding a method. Polymorcic transmission method will call a true virtual method like this call: System usage Tax; Square example {static zero} (Foo f = new Foo (); fm (); foo b = new bar (); bm ();}} square foo {public zero m () {Console.WriteLine ("Foo In this example, both the and the Call M / s> Prints Print Foo.M As you can see from this perspective, you can get a new implementation for a method, as long as the object Reference is not of the...

Debugging in Xcode (cocoa touch) -

I get this error when I run my iPhone app 2009-12-05 21: 32: 06.711 iTour [75 9: 207] *** An app that eliminates' NSR expansion 'due to the exception of no exceptions:' *** - [NSCFRAA ObjectTitx:]: Index (1) Beyond the Border 1) ' According to Xcode's debugging practice, I have no line numbers or clues from where to start, because I have too many arrays in my app May include ... and stack trace only lot number .... Why not Xcode VS Like to give the line number? Any idea where this line of code is or where to start? Thanks You do not get a line number because the program is no exception Cause died If you can reproduce the issue, you can either set a breakpoint at [code> - [NSException], an exception was thrown, before being caught by the default exception handler Several frames were passed. Raise] or objc_exception_throw (especially, add them to the symbolic breakpoint list). Given that the index is 1, then you should help in narrowing i...

Object Casting in C# -

What is the professional and the opposition with the difference between linkButton lb =? LinkButton) CTL; and linkButton lb = CTL as LinkButton; I tried to use the first one and it gives me an error, then I saw the second keyword as a keyword, it works fine. Thank you in advance. The first is a clear artist, and the second is the conversion. If the conversion fails in the keyword as a keyword, then it will return null instead of just throwing an exception. This is a documentation for each: as the keyword does not support the user- Defined Conversions +1 ZXPro :) This is what is a user-defined conversion:

In Java, how can I play the same audio clip multiple times simultaneously? -

If I have java.applet.AudioClip object, then I can call it once to play it and call it . But if I call many times the clip will just continue to resume. It seems that the only way to move around is loading multiple instances of the same sound file. It seems worthless to memory in one game, if I have 20 explosions then I have to load 20 instances of sound file. I have taken a quick look at javax.sound to see that using audio instead of clip will help you use it here. I do not see anything that indicates that it supports playing the same clip multiple times at once. Is it possible that the same sound file is sometimes loaded with simple java.applet.AudioClip or Javax.sound stuff? check here If you use 'then a clip , You must maintain a copy per item that is necessary to play the sound together. You can keep a master copy, and then you can make copies of the clip as needed to play the clip, and then make the memory Dump copies to reduce consumption. A second thought ...

windows installer - Is there any standard for post build events within Visual Studio? -

I am working on a VS solution to copy files that compress the files to create post-build events Does the file that the package uses? Does anyone know if there is any best practice for transferring files to place in an MSI? Unless you make sure that you do not want to create the latest release in your package You are fine, you are fine. But if you want to be prepared for "repackaging" situations, for example, to choose an option to easily exchange a file in an existing package, you can separate the build process from the "copy deployment project" process should do.

c# - Dependable insert with SQLite -

I am writing a program in C #, for which data must be included in several tables. The first insert gives a final entry queue, which in turn is used to put one on the other tables. In pseudo code: insert in the tablefood (call 2, call3, call4, etc) value (@blue2, @bl3, @ black4); Immediately after joining, I get the last entry ID: SELECT last_insert_rowid () AS RowId; I retrieve the Rowid column in a detainee and store it in an int "roid". In the end, I include some more tables: INSERT (RowId, @BSomeMoreBla) in the tablebar (FooId, Col2) values;); Question : If possible, I want to do this bunch (and a selected road) to insert 1 transaction to prevent some half-saved data. Is it possible to use transactions and what would be the preferred ways? A SQLite transaction? C # 's system. Transactions namespace? A nuclear database A third way of multi-inserting ...? Rair helped me a lot on my own path , But I think that the solution I was looking for h...

gd - Crop image in PHP -

The code below is cropped properly, which I want, but for larger images, this work Also does well, is there any way of 'zooming through the image' Moderation I can explain every image in almost the same shape before the crop so that every time I get good results The code is & lt ;? Php $ image = $ _GET ['src']; // crop the image $ dest_image = 'images / cropped_whatever.jpg'; // Make sure the directory is writable $ img = imagecreatetruecolor ('200', '150'); $ Org_img = imagecreatefromjpeg ($ image); $ Ims = getimagesize ($ image); Imagecopy ($ IMG, $ ORG_img, 0, 0, 20, 20, 200, 150); Imagejpeg ($ img, $ dest_image, 90); Imagedestroy ($ img); Echo '& lt; Img src = "'. $ Dest_image." "& Gt; & Lt; P & gt; '; If you are trying to generate thumbnails, you first have to resize the image using > imagecopyresampled (); . You should resize the image so that the size of the small edge of t...

cisco - pexpect parse router output -

I have found some pax lines to log on to a Cisco router, and release the show arp command. Then I get out of the router, storing the data in my ARP (myARP = child.before) When I try on the object and loop (my rp: for lines), info per line 1 character is displayed l i k e t h Since apologies This is probably a very basic question, but why can not I display it because I'm releasing it manually? What to do with the streaming nature of Telnet connection? How can this be solved? OK OK - I think because of the handling of the end of the line (/ n / r) . For more information

How in WPF C# code-behined file to assign a property from predefined set of values? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> There is a custom control with some properties I assigned to my WPF project, they were of "string" and "bool" type Are there. Something like: Public class CustControl: control {static CustControl () {DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata (Typeof (CustControl), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata (typeof (CustControl)); } Public Read-Only DependencyProperty CustNoProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ("CustNo", typeof (string), typeof (CustControl), New PropertyMetadata ("")); Public string CustNo {get {return (string) GetValue (CustNoProperty); } Set {Set Value (Cast Noproperty, Value); }} Public read-only stable DependencyProperty IsSelectedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ("IsSelected", typeof (bool), typeof (CustControl), New PropertyMetadata (wrong)); Public Bull ISECited {Return (G) Gateville (ISAlited Property); } Set {Set Value (Isacled Property, Value);...

javascript - jquery click question -

I have a problem. This code is: $ ("# button"). Click (function (event) {$ ("# threads"). Html ("hi");}); When I click on the button, the text "Hi" is shown in just 1 second. So it disappears, I want to always show it after clicking, How can I do this? Try it out: $ ("#button"). Click (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); $ ("# threads") .html ("hi");}); My guess is that the button is a [a href] tag or in the form that is causing the page to refresh.

How do you encode XML safely with ActionScript 3? -

I am capturing data from the user and writing it as an XML string: Var MyXml: XML = {userEnteredText} It is alright and as long as the user becomes lovable with special characters like "and & amp; lt;>" illegal then Illegal characters are also problems like 0x19. Is there a way to senate my XML and encode special characters or do I have to roll my roll? var s: string = "test or lieutenant; or> test "; Var x: XML = & lt; Xml / & gt; X.appendChild (s); Trace (x.toXMLString ()); // output "& lt; xml> test & lift; ie & gt; test & lt; / xml & gt;" Also, you can make content of all the contents ... I'm not sure why 0x19 should be illegal ... white space and nalbite often Are dropped ... but if it is binary data that you want, then you should probably use it ... - asp: Radiobutton List inside a repeater -

I am trying to create a radio button list inside a reporter. For example, my output would be: group 1 group 1 group 1 group 2 group 2 group 2 group 3 group 3 group 3 I need to select only 1 item from each group of user, so 3 items should be selected in the total. & asp: repeater id = "repeater 1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; ASP: Radiobutton list runat = "server" datasource = "& lt;% # ((outlet) container.datetime) .automatic information% & gt;" DataValueField = "Dateoff Delivery" datatffield = "Dateoff Delivery" / & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Repeater & gt; When the HTML page is exited then I have 3 groups, as mentioned, that is right but my selection is not working at all, as soon as I I select 1 item from each group, I would appreciate any of my help! I know that you can not do this because the group attribute wi...

c# - How do I disable LINQ to Sql transactions? -

I want to add additional to a database, in this case a large amount of information, no transactions on my SQL SQL model from SQL is . Does anyone know how to turn off SQL transactions from the LINQ on Datacontext or how to submit the operation of the changes? As far as I can tell, to simplify the recovery mode from the database There is no way to disable the transaction without putting. Be careful though, because you can recover a database with only a simple recovery mode for the latest backup and will not be able to apply the transaction logs after the transaction that occurred after that backup. If you can configure a batch size (I know that with NHibernate, LINQ is not positive about SQL) we can do something like 100 or more, which can be used as a database Can also reduce round trips which will also increase the combined performance. .

Is there a way to make the "Code Folding" Stay Folded In Delphi 2010 -

I absolutely love the code folding feature in Delphi 2010. However, every time Delphi 2010 and reopen my project, the code I explicitly added was no longer bent. When you close the IDE, then there is a way to keep folding code? I love code folding feature and use it all the time if you have the option "Autoshow - Project Desktop" If set, Delphi will save your folders.

uinavigationcontroller - iphone tableviewcontroller left/right slide when switching views programmatically? -

To explain what I'm trying to do: I have a list of options With a navigation controller, clicking on any of the selected tableview controller will be the general push of the subclass, sliding on the left side of the screen, displaying a normal "back" button and viewing the title at the top. so far so good. This view is showing content for a particular day, lets viewer controller OneDayViewController call. I will have the "first" and "later" on the watch button in a cell in this table view group. In the second group I will have lines of material in cells; Navigation controller clicks on a click on a view controller for this content item. Standard stuff The problem is before and after the buttons /> > I think that with this approach I already have two tableview controller subclasses with a UIVIUIU controller subclass which I switch between, but what about NavController's NavBar? How will this affect the ...

java - Unable to Find Specific Libraries in Eclipse Project -

I've just downloaded a fas (Java) project that I'm trying to build on my machine. I imported this project into Eclipse (it did not have its own .project or .classpath file) and it was built to make it almost all the way but although, I am getting many errors where the compiler "[X] is unable to solve" where [x] org.eclipse in any number. * Package * So, I browse my file system, trying to bring the package that makes sense to complete the build (if the error is for org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator, So I try to bring org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.5.0v20090525), yet I am still getting the same errors. I searched on Google but I have not been any since I started it. Edit : There is a plugin in I Edit Xml file looks as follows Is: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Extension Points = "org.eclipse.ui.newWizards" & gt; & Lt; Wizard name = "UML dia...

windows - Convert XLS to CSV on command line -

How can I convert an XLS file to a CSV file on the Windows Command Line? The machine is installed Microsoft Office 2000. I'm opening OpenOffice to install if it is not possible to use Microsoft Office. Open Notepad, create a file called XlsToCsv.vbs and paste it into: if WScript.Arguments.Count & lt; 2 then WScript.Echo "error! Please specify the source path and destination. Usage: XlsToCsv SourcePath.xls Destination.csv" Wscript.Quit End if Dim oExcel set oExcel = CreateObject ("Excel.Application") Omback set oBook = OXL . Workbook Open (WSSAgroups.itm (0)) OBack. Saveable wscriptAgargement.itm (1), 6th oak Close oexcel.quite WScript.Echo "Done" Then from a command line, go to the folder that you saved and run the .vbs file: XlsToCsv.vbs [sourcexlsFile] .xls [destinationcsvfile] .csv For this you need to be installed on the machine.

algorithm - Finding the closest point from a set of points on plane -

N-points given on 2-D aircraft, what is the point that the distance from all the points has decreased? This point should not be from a given set of points, is this center or something else? "post-text" itemprop = "text" P> This is known as "the distance to the center" and it is different from the centroid. First you have to determine which distance you are using. If we believe that you are using the standard metric of d = sqrt ((x1-x2) ^ 2 + (y1-y2) ^ 2) then this is not unique, and the problem is reducing this yoga. The easiest example to show this answer is not unique, an example of a straight line. Any point between the two points is equal to the total distance from all the points. In 1D, the correct answer will be of any answer, which is the same number of right and left points, till it is true, till then any step towards left and right is left with the same amount in the left and right sides Growth and subtraction, and therefore l...

php - How many values can be stored in $_COOKIE[] on the client for a website? -

What values ​​can I store in setcookie? What is the limit? I think the maximum size of cookies depends on the browser. Host or domain name Set at least 20 cookies - Cookie2 headers include cookie non-terminal in the syntax details, / edit: Another interesting For IE, Value and Equal Symbols IE 7/850 domains per cookie and 40 9 5 characters. Firefox 50 cookies and 4097 characters Opera 50 cookies and 4096 characters Safari / WebKit unlimited cookies and 4097 characters

c# - Can locking a List fail -

I have a class that receives some buffering from MemoryStream, the class actually works as expected , But now every time I get an invalid operation exception when reading one with an error message the archive was modified; Calculation work can not be executed. My code is down and the only line to calculate a collection can be: m_buffer = m_buffer.Skip) count .toList (; However, I have this and all other actions that can modify the m_buffer object within a lock, so I will explain how to write a writing process due to that exception. Can interfere? Public class MyMemoryStream: MemoryStream {Personal Manual ResetEvent m_dataReady = New Man Al-ResetEvent (wrong); Private list & lt; byte & gt; M_buffer = new list & lt; byte & gt; (); Public override zero write (byte [] buffer, int offset, int count) {lock (m_buffer) { M_bufferAdrej (bufferOoList (left) (offset) take (calculation));} M_dataReady.Set ();} Read public override en (byte [] buffer, integer offs...

input - Custom 'Keyboard' built in an application on Android -

I am looking to create a custom keyboard for my application. First of all, I started seeing softkeyboards for examples of SDK, but reading this Android Developer Group led me to this post: It is not really how the input method The structure should work. An IME should be a general input feature, not a special application. If you need some app-specific input, you should make it in your UI instead of putting it on the normal IME. How do I create an app-specific input inside the UI? I mean, what is the keyboard app or something to expand and its use is only in its application? Keyboard features required for: Shift key to display some other keys Special keys like square root or PI Etc. PS: An unattractive solution might be for example to create a table of the image button, but I wanted to clean something. I'm not really sure that if there is a straightforward solution on this (to that extent It is also possible to understand the real reason behind the original ...

How to catch this error? [C++] -

मैं शून्य प्रयास से विभाजित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: int _tmain (int argc , _TCHAR * argv []) {int a = 5; {Int b = a / 0; } पकड़ (कॉन्स्ट अपवाद एंड ए) {cerr & lt; & lt; e.what (); } पकड़ (...) {cerr & lt; & lt; "अज्ञात त्रुटि।"; } Cin.get (); वापसी 0; } और मूल रूप से यह काम नहीं करता है। कोई सलाह क्यों? धन्यवाद। अनुलेख भविष्य में कोड को चार कोड के बजाय [कोड] [/ कोड] टैग के बीच रखा जा सकता है? शून्य से विभाजित मानक C ++ में कोई भी अपवाद नहीं उठाता है, इसके बजाय यह आपको अपरिभाषित व्यवहार देता है आमतौर पर, यदि आप एक अपवाद उठाना चाहते हैं तो आपको इसे स्वयं करने की आवश्यकता है: int divide (int a, int b) {if (b == 0) {divideByZero फेंक; // या जो कुछ भी) वापस आ जाता है; }

objective c - detecting heartbeat peakpower using iphone sdk? -

Can I detect heart rate using the IBM SDK, does anyone calculate the rate of heartbeat Any way to know? Example of literate program: This is related to your problem because: (1) heart Rate is only a frequency, and (2) most of the sound coming through the body that you can measure will be within a certain frequency range. Quitting the frequencies outside this range means leaving all or most of noise. Good luck!

java - servlets checking params -

So I have a long long string string that can be ... // Url = Z & amp; Surl = y & amp; Time = z & amp; Codec = a264 and acodec = MP3 and width = 400x100 or // url = z & amp; Surl = y & amp; Time = z & amp; Oplevel = w is using the request I GetQueryString ("url") to check that a) QS and b) make sure that it does not have a tap, it is a big mistake of all statements Leading to the set. I was just thinking that there is a better way to do this. Example .. (request.getParameter ("originalURL")! = Null & amp; Request.getParameter ("originalURL") equals (" ") And amp; and ................) thanks guys Sure, repeat the code to refact in the methods or use an existing structure. The basic example of the refacted code: string field 1 = getField (request, "field 1", true); String Field 2 = getField (Request, "Field 2", True); String field 3 = getField (request, "field 3", inco...

Java: Abstract class constructors and this() -

Can someone tell me what's wrong? I have two classes, one essence and one solid, as follows: Public abstract class abstract {protected stat. ORDER = 1; Public stationary zero main (string [] args) {concrete c = new concrete ("hello"); } Public abstract () {class C = this.getClass (); System.out.println (ORDER +++ ": class =" + c.getSimpleName (+) + "; is called the no-argor controller of the essence."); } Public essence (string AGR) {it ()); Class C = this.getClass (); System.out.println (ORDER +++ ": class =" + c.getSimpleName (+) "is called the 1-arrow constructor of the essence."); }} and public square concrete summary {public concrete () {super (); Class C = this.getClass (); System.out.println (ORDER +++ ": class =" + c.getSimpleName () + "; is called a concrete no-argor controller."); } Public Concrete (String AGR) {Super (AGR); Class C = this.getClass (); System.out.println (ORDER ++ + ...

Inheritance in Python Such That All Base Functions Are Called -

Actually, what I have to do is: class B: def fn (A, B): Pass C = C () CFN () P> and output AB How do I apply the Expand Inherit Decorator? It is not a job for decorators. You want to completely change the general behavior of a class, so it is actually a job for MetaClass. import type class callAll (type): "" MetaClass which adds methods for all calls Superclass implementation "" def __new __ (meta, clns, chairs, ethers): # # superselles funcs = {} base Collect a list of the assigned tasks for the base: For the name, the wars in the Wall (base) .iteritems (): If the type is (vaal) type. Function type: If the funcs name: funcs [name] .append Val) else: funcs [name] = [val] ## We now have all the methods, so each of them Funcs: def caller (self, * args, ** kwargs) for the name: funcs [name]: func (self, * args, ** kwargs) attrs [name] = caller in all the baseclass implementation for func Class "B" Class A: DF FN (Self): Print ...

Cannot iterate through object in Ubuntu PHP 5.2.10-2 Works on PHP 5.2.10? -

With this code I am running through an object again. Works: WAMP and PHP 5.2.9 with Windows Linux Web Server with PHP 5.2.10 This is not working on my desktop: Repo $ incoming data = json_decode ($ _ POST ['Data']) with PHP 5.2.10-2 Ubuntu 9.10; Invalid argument supplied for foreclosure () Div>

c# - data replacing in gridview -

I am working in ASP.NET, I am saving the status field in the database right or wrong. Now, I want to display correctly or incorrectly in active or inactive form in front end in Gridview. How to display data in Gridview In advance thanks to the use of the roadadabound event of your datagrid, this string is to be active / inactive: protected subgvRequests_RowDataBound (object's ByVal Sender, ByVal and Y.Y.Y.VigControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) as the system handles gvRequests.RowDataBound if e. Ro RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow then labeled as slick ALLL = CTP (E.R.Fund Control ("LBSSTATUS"), label) If LLL Text = "1" then LLL. Text = "active" other LLL. Text = "idle" end if end if end

objective c - How to convert a NSString to UTF-8 format string in iphone sdk? -

Localization is in my app (English, Spanish, Italian). The client sent me a string file but how are some characters funny? Do I correct them? I have thought that the client has used Mac OS Roman encoding, how do I change it in UTF-8? For example, Nuremberg is converted to NTRNberg, when the client sends me, I want to do it again. You have a property file with all the strings ... you can load them and in these You can read them with any one (from): InitWithBytes: Length: Encoding: - initWithBytesNoCopy: Length: Encoding: Free When Don: - initWithCString: Encoding: --initWithUTF8 String: Here is the list of all possible encodings enum {NSASCIIStringEncoding = 1, NSNEXTSTEPStringEncoding = 2, NSJPany EUC string encoding = 3, NSUFF 8 str Egg encoding = 4, & lt; ----- UTF 8! NsisolatinlStringEncoding = 5, Nssymbolstringencoding = 6, Nsnolossyaskistritrgnkoding = 7, Nsshiftjisstringencoding = 8, Nsisolatin2StringEncoding = 9, Nsunikodestringencoding = 10, Nsvindovskpl25l...

css - yui - liquid header, fix content -

How do I create a liquid headers (100%) and fix the contents (950 px) and footer using yui Can i do Something like this: ------------------------------ ---- | Headers (liquid) | ---------------------------------- | Left | Right | ------------------- | Footer | ------------------- Any input will be highly appreciated. The best way to do this, using the CSS grid, create a div outside # doc2 div Which you will use as your header device. Just remove the div # hd from the # doc2 div, and you will not have that header at all. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 // EN" ""> & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; YUI base page & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" type = "text / css" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; ...

c# - Typing variables holding instances of constrained generic classes -

I'm just starting to grab with generic and now (AB) using a very intricate section of my code Again (I'm using C # for only a short time, but I am quite experienced in other languages). I have a heritage structure where my classes extend a base class. I have most of the functionality in the base class but I want to connect these children's classes with the examples of their siblings. Here is a simplification of some relevant code: class ParentClass & lt; T & gt; Where T: ParentClass & lt; T & gt;, New () {Create Public Static T ({{New T (Return); } Private Object joinItem; Join Public Zero & lt; TJoinee & gt; (TJoinee items) where TJoinee: ParentClass & lt; Tōoinee & gt;, new () {joinItem = item; }} Category ChildOne: ParentClass & lt; ChildOne & gt; {} Class ChildTwo: ParentClass & lt; ChildTwo & gt; {} In place of this code, I can do something like this: var a = ChildOne.Create (); A.Join (New ChildTwo ()); ...

php - add key => value to an associative array in a loop? -

जबकि ($ टैग = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ परिणाम)) {$ arrayresult [$ tag ['id']] [$ टैग ['नाम']] = $ टैग ['गणना']; } $ परिणाम में डेटाबेस सारणी से 4 पंक्तियाँ हैं। मुझे यह पसंद होना चाहिए: $ सरणी वाला [1 ] ['मैक'] = 34 $ सरणी के लिए [22] ['पीसी'] = 32 $ सरणी वाले [31] ['खिड़कियां'] = 14 डॉलर सरणी वाले [4] ['लिनक्स'] = 23 उपर्युक्त कोड काम करने लगता है क्योंकि यह सिर्फ एक तत्व वापस करता है ऐसा लगता है कि यह पूर्ववर्ती से बचाता है। मुझे यह कैसे करना चाहिए? संपादित करें: print_r कहते हैं Array ([4] = & Gt; अर्रे ([linux] = & gt; 23)) हमें पता होना चाहिए ($ टैग = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ परिणाम)) {$ arrayresult [$ tag ['id']] [$ टैग] [ 'नाम']] ++; } ($ Tag = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ परिणाम)) {$ arrayresult [$ tag ['id']] [$ tag] या 'नाम']] = $ टैग ['गिनती']; } यह आपकी क्वेरी पर निर्भर करता है सवाल अद्यतन किया गया था ... क्वेरी phpmyadmin या कुछ इसी तरह की। ...

What language to use to kickstart my learning into OOP? -

I have recently become a hardware engineer software engineer due to job duties. I have a very strong understanding of procedural programming (mainly 'C' and 'bish' scripting), but I only have a lost knowledge of OOP. I look around and just about every modern language has very root in OOP (C ++, Java, Python, Ruby etc.). Now I think I am ready to flex my brain to new concepts and now your device belt requires one or two days. My question is, with a strong background in 'C', will there be logical next steps for learning C ++ OOP or will I be missing from some useful structures which offer only other languages, for example Java is called? All thanks. Personally, I can choose C # or Java because they give you an object-oriented compulsory style Instead of being able to go back, programming, which is a bonus on multi-pattern languages ​​like Python, also has useful language with many real world applications (and jobs) and also has large communities, whi...

algorithm - Computing overlaps of grids -

Say I have two maps, each of which is shown as a 2D array. Each map contains many different characteristics (rock, grass, plants, trees, etc.). I know that two maps are of the same general area, but I have to find out: 1.) If they overlap and 2.) If so, then where is it overlap? Does anyone know any algorithms that will help me do this? Each feature is completely contained within an array index, although it is possible to understand a rock (for example) from the grass patches, yet one rock can be seen from the other ( Or a patches of grass from the other) is not possible to understand. When doing this in ion and ion beam). Match (A to B): For each in length (A): See that A [i ..] B matches [0 ..] If no match was found: Do the same for A and B. For 2D, you do the same thing, basically: A's 'edge' overlaps with the opposite edge of B. Only the edges are not 1D, but for 2D: Find a line yb in each point xa, ya in A: B. which is a match on B [yb] (A [ Or]] ...

prepared statement - Perl: Using DBI placeholders for ORDER BY clause -

Can I use the placeholder in the statement prepared for the order of my inquiry section? I am not trying to do it, and it does not seem to work, but it did not throw any errors, which seemed strange. Is there a better way to do this simply generating a SQL string with valid input? No, you can not use placeholder for column name. From: With most drivers, placeholders can not be used for any element that prevents the database server from validating the statement and making a query execution plan for it. Could. But still you can create a query in Perl. In this case, use the method to extract column names.

ruby - Sinatra - how do I debug it when it's online? -

I have written a small short sinaat app that is fine at the local level, but for some reason as soon as I put it online I'm getting all 'internal server error' How do I get the logging output? I am walking on Dreamhost using passenger. So I added more managers: get / hello /: name 'do' hello, # {params [: name]}! "End Mile / Nakogiri-Test / 'Doc = Dochory :: HTML (open (''+params [: query])) res = '' doc .xpath ('// li // h3 // a'). Every do | li | Res + = li.content + ' The first work works fine; the second throws an error. I am not interested in what is an error. I am interested in how to get feedback and the future. Resolve errors in. Ah! Response comes from. There will be no thought over there, but I got frustrated, the solution is to determine the environment: Development: set: environment, development: I got stuck in my configuration files and all this error outp...

PHP code validation when refactoring -

As a developer used for stable typing, I usually tell the compiler that if the code is correct, logic Blame But when I have to do a PHP refactor, I know that it is right that my code is correct. There always seems to be some strange reference to a law or a member who is broken and runtime. Even when limited refactoring support is used in Z Studio, it breaks in any way. Due to the dynamic nature of language, I understand that this is a difficult problem. But is there a tool that is to verify the PHP code permanently, so that I can know that it's okay before the runtime? I do not want to see any more "undefined property" error messages. Write a test for your code (), run a continuous integration server setup, UI test (). With enough testing, you will see your problems directly after a bad code. Just keep the test code coverage high. This is a key point of unit tests - you can actually re-apply your code without breaking it, because you check all the functiona...

python - WMD Preview Doesn't Match Output -

I am using WMD in a Google App state from which the site administrator can update the site's pages and users Information is visible. The preview function is working fine and I can see that text as I want to show it, but when I am in the Users section, marketing is being returned without formatting - I How can I fix this? This is the code I use for {% block content-left%} {% if_admin%} and & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "save" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Div class = "wmd-output" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; // To set programmatic option of WMD, define "wmd_options" // object with any setting / you want to override here are the default: wmd_options = {// format is sent to the server on the markdown Use "Markdown" to return the source Output: "Markdown", line wrapping length for // lists, blockcots, etc. LineLenth: 40, //...

iphone - Problem with writeToFile with array of NSDictionary objects -

I have one on iPhone. I am trying to write an array of NSDictionary objects in the Plist file. (They are actually NSCFDictionary objects when I call [Object Class] method). My problem is that it will not write the file if I set the array to "blue" then creates at least empty plast file, but if I have these objects in the array I will not do this. My array is a parsed response from the JSON HTTP request and looks like this: {"title" = "a movie"; "Time_length" = "3:22"; }, {"Title" = "other movie"; "Time_long" = "1:40"; }, {"Title" = "a third movie"; "Time_length" = "2:10"; } The code to create the file is: [write the array of files: [self-data-file path] atomically: yes]; - (NSString *) Data Path Path {NSArray * path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSD Document Directory, NSUserDomainMask, Yes); NSString * document directory = [path item...

c - Pointer arithmetic when void has unknown size -

Visual Studio C ++ version 9 (और शायद अन्य संस्करण भी), निम्न कोड: int a = sizeof (शून्य); शून्य const * b = static_cast & lt; void const * & gt; ("नमस्ते विश्व"); बी + = 6; C2070: 'शून्य': अवैध आकार के संचालन और त्रुटि C2036: 'कॉन्स्ट व्यर्थ *': अज्ञात आकार पूर्व> यह कोड जीसीसी के तहत काम करता है, जो मानता है। क्या इस सीमा के आसपास कोई रास्ता है, जैसा कि संकेतक अंकन के उद्देश्यों के लिए स्पष्ट रूप से कास्ट करना है? भ्रम ( शून्य * अच्छी तरह से पहचाना जाता है और कच्चे स्मृति के लिए एक विशिष्ट सूचक के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है।) अपडेट0 कृपया ध्यान दें, मैं अच्छी तरह से हूं मानक के अस्तित्व की जानकारी। मैं कच्चे पॉइंटर अंकगणित करने के लिए चाहता हूं । मैं आकार (शून्य) यह दिखाने के लिए कि मैं इस तथ्य के बारे में अच्छी तरह जानता हूं कि यह 1 समस्या का कारण नहीं है। यह उदाहरण प्रदर्शित करने के लिए है कि उत्पन्न करने के लिए क्या आवश्यक है त्रुटियाँ। मुझे पता है कि यह शून्य का उपयोग करने के लिए एक "सामान्य" तरीका न...

javascript - Sending messages to server with Comet long-polling -

What is the best way to send data to the server from the client? Example code I am using , just to post one Use XHR for A problem is running In some browsers, you can only have 2 (or some numbers) server per concurrent XHR connection. You can work around it by creating a queue that lets you post the current waiting message when The current XHR is completed, then that post is completed, and filling back and a new row.

glassfish - How to run jsp netbeans glass fish on local ip -

I am trying to run a jsp application on my machine ip: and it has system with IP 192.168 But the URL is not working (We are working in intranet. ) PLS, help me ... How to make it possible.

JQuery datepicker language -

I am using jQuery datepicker from and I have a problem changing Calendar to Swedish, Is: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () ($ .datepicker.setDefaults ($. Datepicker.regional ['sv']); $ ("# start date"). Date picture ($); $ ('# start date'). Date picture 'Options', 'Date Format', 'yy-mm-dd')}}; & lt; / script> Yet it shows as an English calendar What could be missing? Maybe you have There should be no language file: The language files are here: A new localization should be created in one Ui.datepicker- .js In a separate JavaScript file within a document, it should add a new entry in the $ .datepicker.regional array, which is indexed with the following code:

Which C++ does Visual Studio 2008 (or later) use? -

I think Microsoft + C ++ is a very controversial language in the world. By default, we have ISO C ++ and Microsoft has Managed C ++ and now C ++ CLI . I just know the standard (ISO) C ++ I do not know the Microsoft version of C ++. I am confused about the interpretation of any C ++ code by Visual Studio 2008 (or later) This is the reason why I am using the gnu tool to compile my programs. But I love the visual studio. Why do I just need to do this if I only want to use STRICTLY ISO C ++ > > I want to make basic assemblies that use Everything is in Build Settings: Common Language Runtime Support (/ CLR ) - Add or remove CLR support Advance compiling as C ++ code (/ TP) - if to select C ++ or C. .. Language: Language Disable Extensions - Use this to apply ANSI.

logging - Displaying access log analysis -

I am doing something to analyze logging logs from a catalyst web application, from the load balancers in front of the data web bailer And occurs approximately 35 GB everyday per day. It is stored in the HDFS file system and I use the mapradus (which is great) to reduce the number. The purpose of the analysis is to try to set up a usage profile - which is the most used, is the average response time for each operation, whether with ability backend or cache - capacity planning, optimization To set thresholds for and for monitoring system. Traditional tools like analog will give me the most requested URL or most used browser but this will not be useful for me. I do not need to know that / controller / foo? Id = 1984 is the most popular URL; I should know that for all the hits for hit rate and feedback, we need to look at / controller / foo , so I can see that there is room for optimization or caching and try to guess Make sure that this action may be sudden for a double hit. I c...

ide - Configuration of Java Developer's Notebook -

For the Java platform, I have Eclipse Galileo IDE, Jabs Tool Plugin, Sprinsource IDE, Myclippus IDE I use service as tomcat, Mysore as service, Oracle SLL Developer Client, Netbeans, Appata Studio, Mono Development etc. Which notebook configuration can I use effectively? In addition to a dual core CPU, 2 gHz per core or some other with lots of RAM - 4 GB - and a 64-bit OS. . (You just need a huge power supply, a different keyboard and mouse and a larger monitor: p)