
Showing posts from April, 2012

c# - NHibernate Caching Objects Based on Parent Class's ID -

I have the following definitions for animal and dog type: Note that the ID for the object is AnimalID: & lt; Class name = "Animal" table = "Animals" & gt; & Lt; Id name = "id" type = "System.Int32" column = "AnimalID" & gt; & Lt; Generator class = "identity" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Isbag" column = "Isbag" type = "System.Bool" no-null = "true" /> & Lt; / Square & gt; & Lt; Attached sub-class name = "dog" table = "dogs" expanded = "animal" & gt; & Lt; Key column = "AnimalID" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Owner ID" column = "Owner ID" type = "System.Int32" non-null = "true" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Eyesstong" column = "Iststong" type = "System.Bool" non-cord = "true" /> & ...

How to write a website login system -

I am looking for the best way to write a website login system. I have a desktop software developer and minimal website coding with HTML, CSS and PHP as well. My target user for website login system sign up for the site, edit your profile, and view information such as purchases etc. ... Option to add features such as help desks from inside the entry software. My question is, what is the best way to do this? Code by hand: Which language / framework is best to use for it? Ruby on Rails? Symfony? Kppp? Is there a better outsourcing option to consider? Write a login system is as easy as you think You need a database on which you save usernames and user passwords, you input the name 'username' password, you pass that file as the file on which you are posting the entered data Are there. In your file, you first have a username like $ name = $ _ post ['username']; $ = $ _ Post ['password'] passed; Now you need to connect to your database that y... - SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDl -

In my ASP.NET website, I'm trying to meet with a webserver and get the following error: SOAP-error : Parsing WSDL: '' could not be loaded from: failed to load external entity "" Any ideas about how to resolve it. Thank you, Pinaj. The certificate for the host is for If you change your soap call to point your call, then you should work.

php - How can i write a Nusoap client script for asmx web service? -

P> This is a request (using a soap UI): & lt; Soaps: envelope xmlns: soap = "http: /" xmlns: res = "namepaceurl" & gt; & Lt; Soap: Header & gt; & Lt; Race: AuthHeader & gt; & Lt; - Optional: - & gt; & Lt; Race: username & gt; MyUser & lt; / Race: username & gt; & Lt; - Optional: - & gt; & Lt; Race: Password & gt; Mypass & lt; / Race: Password & gt; & Lt; / Race: AuthHeader & gt; & Lt; / Soap: Header & gt; & Lt; Soaps: Body & gt; & Lt; Race: LoanStatus & gt; & Lt; Race: iAccountNbr & gt; & Lt; / Race: iAccountNbr & gt; & Lt; Race: iResortNbr> & Lt; / Race: iResortNbr & gt; & Lt; - Optional: - & gt; & Lt; Race: strXRef & gt; & Lt; / Race: strXRef & gt; & Lt; / Race: LoanStatus & gt; & Lt; / Soap: body & gt; & Lt; / Soap: Envelope ...

python - Pyjamas import statements -

I am starting to use pajamas and I am walking in some resentment. I have to import a lot of stuff for a script to work well. For example, to create a button, first I pyjamas.ui.button import button is required and then I use the button . Note that import does not work using pajamas.ui.button and then using the button.button does not work ( In the result errors when you create javascript, at least 0.7pre1) Is the import statement in pajamas a better example of any good method than pajamas on their site? It is possible to do things in my own way, but it is very complex from my perspective, especially when you want to use more than a dozen IE components. If you want to be able to say the button.button Instead of import pyjamas.ui.Button write to pyjamas.ui import button Otherwise you need to use pyjamas.ui.Button .button . What ends in your name space after the import keyword.

Best Practices: How to check for a constant in an array using PHP? -

I'm not sure how to do this. I have an object and I want to set this a 'type' property, but before I want to check it to make sure it's a valid type. I was thinking that it is a good time to experiment, since the stable names, the constant will not change (nor do I want them). // This is just a sample that I was thinking: Class Fobar {const TYPE_1 = 'Type 1'; Protected $ _types = array (auto :: TYPE_1); Public function settap ($ value) {// check is to ensure that the value is a valid type / I am thinking that it will accept // Foobar :: TYPE_1, 'TYPE_1', or 'type 1' // Should be able to flexibility but I do not know}} $ foobar = new Foobar (); $ Foobar- & gt; SetType ('TYPE_1'); // What should go here? (Best practice) Update: I decided that I do not need to use constants in the first place, but I have accepted an answer I think if you have an array of all types, then $ _ types / code >, Then you can check direct...

php - Cross language development problem -

I am working on a project that includes database (my SQL), website (PHP) and a custom high performance server The application (C ++) C + + application (and its client applications with it) form the main part of the project, along with the long database of stored data for it. The website is mainly for displaying various statistics and administration. 1) I want to be able to communicate PHP Script and C ++ applications in some way, because the database is used only for continuous data, and in addition the C ++ application is a few things Therefore, in some cases the data should be asked to reload. It is highly probable that they will be on different machines, and even possibly different OS. I am considering the idea that TCP can be the best option with a few simple command-response protocols? 2) What is the best way to write common database interface code once, and be able to use it from both PHP website and C ++ applications? You can not allow PHP to access the database. Th...

How to embed svg in HTML reading from DATABASE -

I am reading a svg file stored in mysql db in longblob format in a gvt application. I am converting the file from straightforward format to servlet as client side, such as using json, I now want to embed it in HTML to display in a panel. The HTML tag has been provided How to embed it without creating a temporary file? I'm not really sure that I'm getting the problem right but you can get SVG inline HTML just inline SVG Can be embedded as. Sample: & lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Embedded inline in SVG XHTML & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; SVG embedded inline XHTML & lt; / H1> & Lt; Svg xmlns = "" width = "300" height = "200" & gt; & Lt; Circle cx = "150" cy = "100" r = "50" /> & Lt; / Svg & gt; ...

How to communicate with a wifi chip from a iphone -

I have a WiFi chip that I want to connect to the iPhone and send it data. How do I do this? Idea or sample code or its prospects are appreciated. Install the iPhone SDK on your Mac Development Tool.

soap - Web Service in -

Hi I'm new to webservice on the net. My questions are that I really need SSL to access web methods that I see for me. And if it is necessary, where it should be on my side or on the write side which is giving me webmasters? Thanks SSL is not required. In addition, you should use WCF for all new development.

toplink client session with server session -

Can I create a working unit on a server session instead of creating multiple client sessions as if my application runs in a multi-threaded environment So, I am unable to get the update unit in a few different client sessions so that my application fails every time .. plz help me. Yes, you can get UOW directly from a server session. But you may need to update your caching / lock / refreshing policies because there is no caching in the client session. Only UOW and server session cache data If you have any more questions then you should post on Eclipse Link User Mailing List. - Gordon Yorkshire

php - Zend Framework: Layout -

How can I add a variable to your layout.phtml? I can add it in every controller like here: But that is not really evocative and bootstrap I do not want to add too You can create called LayoutDefaults front controller plugin: class MyLib_Controller_Plugin_LayoutDefaults extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract {public function preDispatch (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $ Request ) {$ Mvc = Zend_Layout :: getMvcInstance (); If (! $ MVC) returns; $ View = $ MVC-> GetView (); If (! $ View) returns; / ** * Set default * / $ view- & gt; Value 1 = "default value 1"; }} In your front controller: Zend_Controller_Front :: getInstance () - & gt; registerPlugin (New MyLib_Controller_Plugin_LayoutDefaults ()); In your layout.phtml? & lt; = $ This- & gt; Escape ($ this-> Values1) & gt; And finally, in your controllers, as needed default override: $ this- & gt; View-> Value1 = "new value1";

c# - How do I set a "preferred size" for a form? -

I have some controls on a form, and I have to anchor the left and right of the form to make sure, Shrink with the form My form is also set to automatically increase and shrink to accommodate some labels, which can get long strings. When those long strings are removed from those labels, then I want to return my form back to the width which was earlier. It is said that the controls which are on the left and right on my form, they stop it. Can I do this as my intention is? Here's a way that you do not need to write any specific shapes. But it assumes that all your buttons are below. Step 1. Set the minimum size for the dialog. Step 2. Create a panel form. Step 3. Move your buttons into the panel. Step 4. Dock the panel below the form. Step 5. Ensure that AutoSimmod is set to shrink dialogs You can use this technique to dock the panel dock at any left, right, top and bottom can do. And this dialogue has been changed appropriately.

Unexpected Scala default values behavior -

Here the default values ​​behave differently, when clearly specified with a value, versus Is directly printed? pre package blevins.example class SimpleWrap [T] {var t: T = _ def get = t} Object extension of app application {val swb = New SimpleWrap [Boolean] val b = swb Get println ("b:" + B) / b: wrong println ("swb.get:" + swb.get) // swb.get: null val swi = new SimpleWrap [int] val I = swi.get println ( "I:" + i) // i: 0 println ("swi.get:" + swi.get) // swi.get: null} I use 2.8r19890 I am here. Edit - It seems that strangeity occurs when "gaining" is any hope. : any = 1: any = swb.get val any2: any = b println ("any1:" + any1) // any 1: blank println ("any2:" + any2) / / Any 2: Incorrect I'm pretty sure this is something with boxing / unboxing Antiquities If you write generic codes to work on primitives, then you should put that primitive box in the box, on which you used it as a primitiv...

eclipse - How can I retrieve a feed in JSON from a Java Servlet? -

I want to make a HTTP request and want to store the result in JSONObject. I have not done much work with servlets, so I am unsure what I am 1) request to be done properly, and 2) JSONObject should be made. I've imported JSONObject and JSONArray classes, but I do not know how I should use them. Here's what I have: throws public zero doGet (httpPervateate request), IOException {// Try the URL {// with a single string. URL url = new URL (FEED_URL); // Server BufferedReader = Read all the text returned by the new BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (url.openstream ()); String; While ((str = in.readLine ())! = Null {// str A line of text ; ReadLine () character of new line (s)} in.close () strips;} hold (malformedLELException e) {} catcher (IOException e) {} My FEED_URL already It has been written so that it will return the formatted feed for JSON. This is getting me for hours Thank you very much, you guys are a valuable resource! Collect responses in the first st...

Experiences with Javeline / javascript framework? -

I am looking for Javascript frameworks and found to create a spreadsheet-like app. Does anyone have experience with this? Thank you! jbar I know that this There is a late reaction, but I have recently started using this framework. I think this is great and it is likely to be better than EXJs or YUI. Mark-up is a very clean and clear cut. However, support is difficult to find what I'm digging through the source code for learning to do Their 3.0 product is where you want to be, but it's in beta. After coming out of beta, I guess the docs will be followed. Also, I think Focus is on instead of Javelin.

C++ : How to include boost library header in VC++6? -

I used to rebuild the boost library in VC ++ 6 under Windows XP. But problems are involved in adding header files By default, the promotion library uses the following point 1 to declare the top 1 files. But if I use 1 point, I get a "fatal error C1083": Unable to open file ... "I tried to use point 2 to declare and it starts working, But all the header files referenced from point 2 need to be changed, it changes the waterfall of the header declaration that is not realistic. Am I missing something? Header file without error In the evening What is the correct way to do it? 1) #include & lt; boost / interprocess / managed_shared_memory.hpp & gt; 2) #include ".. \ boost \ interprocess \ managed_shared_memory.hpp " Are you involved in promoting the path to your project? If you try to compile your program from Visual Studio, you can add additional additions to the global option (menu: Tools -> Options -> Directories -> Show Directory: ...

How to create a Java class, similar to a C++ template class? -

मैं जावा में इसके बराबर कैसे लिखूं? // C ++ code टेम्पलेट & lt ; वर्ग टी & gt; कक्षा कुछ क्लास {निजी: टी डेटा; सार्वजनिक: कुछ क्लास () {} शून्य सेट (टी डेटा_) {data = data_; }}; कक्षा कुछ क्लास & lt; T & gt; {निजी टी डेटा; सार्वजनिक कुछ क्लास () {} सार्वजनिक शून्य सेट (टी डेटा_) {data = data_; }} आप शायद खुद को कक्षा बना सकते हैं, लेकिन जावा में इसका बहुत अधिक शाब्दिक अनुवाद है। सी ++ टेम्पलेट्स और जावा के बीच अन्य मतभेद हैं जेनरिक, लेकिन इनमें से कोई भी आपके उदाहरण के लिए समस्या नहीं है।

c# - UIElement position relative to Window -

In WPF, I want to get the corner position of TabControl in my code, so I How do I get the given UIElement ? buildingInfoWindow = new BuildingInfoWindow (); // Building Window: System.Windows.Window Building InfoWindow.Owner = This; //buildingInfoWindow.Left = ?; // X coordination relative to my TabControl // Building INFOWindow.Top = ?; // My TabControl relative y coordinate point pt = tabControl.TranslatePoint (New point (0, 0), inside the window);

Character encoding issue in PHP and MySQL -

When I run a query directly using phpMyAdmin, then it - (long dash, normal Not - ), but when I run this query with my PHP code, they go to â € " . If you encode It is % E2% 80% 93 (in javascript). % E2 becomes one , % 80 becomes € and % 93 becomes " . I understand that when I run a query in phpMyAdmin, it saves this data as - , but when I run the query in my PHP code, it does not work in the way I want it . Which character encoding do you use in your table? After connecting to DB in PHP try to run it: mysql_query ('SET NAMES utf8'); // if you use utf-8

factorization - Implementing a factorisation method in Haskell -

I am doing project over and after some searches, the factors of a number were found to quickly find. I already have a module to find the main power factors of a number such as: main & gt; The prime power factor is 196 [(2,2), (7,2)] It is basically showing that: 2 ^ 2 * 7 ^ 2 = = 1 9 6 . To give the factors of 196 in such a way, from here I have to find all the parallels of those powers: (2 ^ 0) (7 ^ 0) = 1 (2 ^ 1) (7 ^ 0) = 2 (2 ^ 2) (7 ^ 0) = 4 (2 ^ 0) (7 ^ 1) = 7 (2 ^ 1) (7 ^ 1) = 14 (2 ^ 2) (7 ^ 1) = 28 ( 2 ^ 0) (7 ^ 2) = 49 (2 ^ 1) (7 ^ 2) = 98 I came up with: factor n = [A | A & lt; -MAP FACS (Prime Power Factor), Y & LT; - [0 .. (SD $ $ Last PactForce Factor N)]] Where FACS (X, Y) = (X, Y) RSq n = toInteger $ round $ sqrt (fromInteger n) psr n = last $ dropWhile (& lt ; = RSq n) $ factor np = foldl '(*) $ 1 when taking $ 1 (& lt; 190) primes answer = (psr p) `Mod` (10 ^ 16) But my problem is that the factor does no...

Jquery Fade Effect On Form Input Focus -

This question is similar to my previous hover question () but the answer will be different because it has a click function and two bgs. I am creating a contact page, and when the user clicks on one of the input fields, I want to fade the background of input from one BG to another. You can see it here: To add more clicks, I still have added this code to fade these codes but the texture does not work: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; ('Focus', function (event, UI) {var target = jQuery ('') {{function}); Target.animate ({'backgroundcolor': '# b1b1b1'}, 250, 'linear')});}) (); (Function () {jQuery (''). Tie ('Blurred', Function (Event, UI) {var target = jQuery (''); target.animate ({'BackgroundColor': '# CFD2D2 '}, 250,' linear ')});}) (); (Function () {jQuery (''). Tie ('Focus', Function (Event, UI) {var ...

Using google account for authentication other than App Engine -

If you do not use app engine, is it possible to use Google Accounts for authentication in your application? Is this service only for applications that run in GAE? Thank you. Yes, it is possible to use Google Accounts for authentication: / P>

c# - How do I get the URI that threw a WebException? -

I'm calling a method on a webservice and it's throwing a 403 forbidden WebException ... System.Net.WebException: Request failed with HTTP status 403: is prohibited. I got this error but I really want to enter the URI log message so it is easy to determine which web site is causing the problem. Is there an easy way to remove URI from webexception? I have seen through the list of properties and I do not see anything that I will get. You can access the Url property on your SOAP client proxy object ( SoapHttpClientProtocol type). If you are calling two different web services, by one method in your code, just grab an attempt around web service calls and apply the appropriate custom exception Throw off the URL of the offending web service with the property. Like something: string url = client.Url; Try {Client.MyWebServiceCall (); Url = client2.Url; Client2.MyWebServiceCall2 (); } Hold (Exception precedent) {New exception throw ("WebService call failed.U...

css - how to have fixed height divs using -

I am using to layout a simple page, but for a maximum time the maximum height I'm implementing the DIV I am considering the following: & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "all" href = "text.css" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "all" href = "960.css" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "topContainer" class = "container_12" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "height: 200; overflow: hidden" class = "grid_10" & gt; & Lt ;! - Too many text or big image - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "grid_2" & gt; & Lt ;! - rhs col - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; How can I apply a specific height for this div? I have tried to set the "height" property on top level containe...

How can I find the current date in intel x86 Assembly? -

I need to find the current date in the binary for the Intel X86 assembly on Windows. I want to use Windows processes Is allowed. Not sure that this is technically "Windows" (and actually works only in Windows According to the confirmation made by DOS Environment, NATVDM, NATVDM, Greg Hagil), but you can use INT $ 21 to AH in $ 2A, because it DOS function Return date for more information

Trace output not getting logged in output file at times -

I am using the textwriterTraceListener so that an error message can be logged in the text file. TraceOutputFile is outlined in the web.config file "trace.log.txt". Error messages are being logged in trace.log.txt. But many times I noticed that some files are actually being generated under the root folder, instead of logging in the trace.log.txt with exception descriptions. This is not happening on a particular page and therefore I am unable to find out why this file is being generated. X: 14dbc20a-9eb8-4fec-b6bd-54400db2ceatrace.log.txt. Can this suggest any situation with me when it can happen? If you are familiar with ETW tracing, you can register instead of TextWriterTraceListener. How can you do this?

javascript - java script on event handler and color contrasts -

The selected task is fine in the context of the output of a selected color on the page or screen via the radio button. Each radio button represents a different color. I was wondering if it is possible with some javascript to be able to manipulate the opposite of each selected color. For example, by continuously clicking on the color + button, I should be able to get a deep contrast to the selected radio button color via java-script, but how? & lt; Script & gt; // function notification is applied when the user notifies the button function () {Warning ("You have activated me by clicking on the gray button! Note that the event handler is added to the event that handles it In this case, the form button event tag ")} Use one to get a color model where you can easily paint Change the light and then change the color to RGB.

Capturing photo through webcam and save it in local computer using JMF -

I want to write the JMF code at the pre-determined interval to capture the image and want to save it to my computer. If you have any ideas, please give me an example, please, please, ,,,,,,, thanks There was a single idea and was thinking about writing some programs to do this. If you are using a windows machine then there is a power toy utility that makes snapshots using web cams. Schedule time of this utility with just Windows scheduler and you will have at least one of the system's mockups. If this does not meet your needs, then write your own implementation

ruby on rails - Error creating a new survey as the associated model(s) are invalid (questions) -

I have a survey as part of an application that I am creating can create user surveys and questions can dynamically specify (as they may want as many are), so I used the associated model with: # survey.rb has_many: survey_questions, dependant = & gt ; : Has_many is destroyed: survey_answers, dependent => : After deletion_transfer: save_survey_questions validates_associated: survey_questions def save_survey_questions survey_questions.each do | T | If t.should_destroy? T.destroy else (false) end-end survey survey_question_attributes = (survey_question_attributes) survey_question_attributes.each do | Properties | If Properties [: ID]. Block? (Features) and survey_question = {| E == Characteristics [: id] .to_i} Survey_question.dates = attributes end-end end # survey_movies controller. RB Diff New @ Survey = Survey News (@ survey.switter_questions.empty?) @ end Response_to do | Format | Form...

iPhone app non-app store (safari) purchases -

I wanted to develop an iPhone magazine application that allows the user to buy a single issue or subscription through Safari with a User ID Will my website of App Store need to be able to handle it? There will be no special requirement for this money collected from users (credit card, paypal, Google Checkout support) One way to do it, a user database, a registration mechanism and you are full. If I were you, then I would reconsider to sell your content in app stores with in-app purchases because you will have access to all the technical materials immediately and a very quick prospective customer will have to make you otherwise. Hope it helps.

Compiling applications using MS Office Interop assemblies -

I need to create a C #-application that uses the Excel Interop assembly on a dedicated build-computer. Is there any way to do this without installing MS Office on build-box? You can use it to use OpenXMLSDK and use that on your build box without using Office Binaries .

iphone - Label in UITableViewCell blocking background -

मुझे अपने UITableViewCell पृष्ठभूमि छवि को अवरुद्ध करने के अंदर लेबल के साथ एक समस्या हो रही है ऐसा लगता है जैसे कि यह केवल अचयनित राज्य पर होता है मैंने पृष्ठभूमि रंगों को साफ़ करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं किया। यह तालिका दृश्य पृष्ठभूमि रंग को अपनाने है क्या मुझे लेबल पृष्ठभूमि छवि भी सेट करनी है? // इन में से कोई भी काम नहीं किया ... सेल.टेक्स्ट लैबेल। बैकग्राउंड कॉलेयर = [UIColor clearColor]; Cell.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor स्पष्ट कॉलर]; यह मेरा cellForRowAtIndexPath - (UITableViewCell *) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिका दृश्य सेलफ़ोरोअटइंडपैथ: (NSIndexPath *) सूचकांकपथ {UITableViewCell * सेल = [तालिकादृश्य dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: @ "SimpleTableIdentifier"] ; यदि (सेल == नीला) {सेल = [[[यूआईटीबल वीआईएसीएल आलोक] इनिटविथफ्रेम: सीजीआरसीएक्सएआरयूआरयूईयूआईएडेंटिफायर: @ "सिंपल टेबलआईडेंटिफायर"] ऑटोरेक्लेज]; } UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "TableRow.png"]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView all...

eclipse - How to activate revision info in line number view -

I know about an eclipse feature that the amendment information (gradual color, more information such as amendment number, date and author On mouseover) to the last change in a line in Linenumbers-view. Does anyone know how to enable this feature for files, or even better, by default? I suddenly hit some shortcut recently, which showed it in a file, though it does not appear in the other. This is called "Show Annotations" and you can find it in the "Team" menu as it There is a very expensive operation, so you can not make it default.

actionscript 3 - Resizable Button with background in flash CS4 -

I want to create a button that changes dynamically with content. To achieve this, I made a movie clip in the library and included four layers in it - text, bg, shadow and border. I think if I autosize the textfile, only the size of the text changes and the other things remain as if it is. If I calculate the need of width using the xxxLineMetrics function and it is applied to the button, the background resizes properly, but the text field is also spread with them and looks ugly. I want the background (textfield's brother) I hope that people will meet me who I want ... any help appreciated ... Thanks, You should apply the calculated width only to BG Movie Clip and for the full movie clip No. Because it will also change the width of the textfield. Then try to do something like this: txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; Txt.text = "label"; = txt.width;

How would I call 32bit exes in Windows 64bit with python? -

I want to call XII from Python on a 64 bit version of Vista. I know how to use subprocess, but all 32 bit apps are stored in: \ program files (x86) \, and it does not like the spaces of my choice. I have tried to avoid the characters, have not set fire, any thoughts? textEditorExecutablePath = 'C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Notepad 2 \\ Notepad 2 .exe 'filepathToOpen =' C: \\ file.txt 'subprocess.Popen ([textEditorExecutablePath, filepathToOpen]) Works for me How are you calling Popan?

cocoa touch - Send programatic email through Objective-C -

I'm developing in an iPhone app, I have to send an email program (read, the user is not allowed to see it Giving email is being similar to the PHP mail () function). There is no such thing in the iPhone OS 3.0 To do this (without jailbreaking) To send an email, you need MFMailComposeViewController Have to use.

plsql - Oracle nested tables and column names -

I want to do the following in Oracle 10g (this is a hypothetical example to show the concepts, not the real code) create table order (order_id NUMBER); Insert table order values ​​(1); Insert table order values ​​(2); Insert table order values ​​(3); TYPE is a NUMBER_ARRAY_T NUMBER table; Process VALIDATE_ORDER_IDS (i_orders in NUMBER_ARRAY_T, out of o_output SYS_REFCURSOR) takes the open o_output to select ??? From table (i_orders) where ??? No (choose order_id from order); END VALIDATE_ORDER_IDS; The stored procedure can be said with an array containing (1,2) and we were expected to return 3 as a result So, the question Is that where there is a column name to specify any where ??? When a nested table is used as a table, will the above selection statement work? After the the keyword you are looking for is column_value . With your settings: SQL & gt; Type NUMBER_ARRAY_T or republish table NUMBER; 2 / type sql and gt; Create or change process validate_order_ids ...

Django: Filtering or displaying a model method in Django Admin -

I have a model with a timeout DateField. I want to install an administrator filter that will allow the user to toggle between "no expiration" and "any". Model method is quite simple date comparison, no problem. However this parameter or filter is not automatic in the admin farm. Is such a thing possible, and if not, what would be an intelligent task ... I would also be open to something like automatic extinction of deadlines , But I do not know how to start that path down. After You can enter two ModelAdmin sections for this two times on the admin site Models can be included. You can override the query-based () method to ModelAdmin to customize the code that has been shown. Note that you need to define a model proxy and use that in the second ModelAdmin class, otherwise Django complains about registration twice the same model. class ExampleModel (models.Model): has expired = models.DateField () Class ExpiredExampleModelProxy...

How do you search for logic (algorithm/problem)? -

I often find it difficult to find something that I know is a logic sound but can not remember the name Using existing string-based search engines, you will not get good results because logic is fully expressed in most of the time. I understand that the generic problem is an ineffective AI problem. The question is how do you deal with this kind of problem? Keeping all things in mind from text books / experiences in memory? There is a list of algorithms. In addition, there are some encyclopedias of available algorithms. I will check with the category's major reference books and then it will run from there.

msbuild - Is it possible to build using a .NET version without 'installing' that version? -

I would like to have a tag in my repository or Designed with projecty .NET 3.5 and nunit 2.5.x project Z, Ninject, rhinomocks is built with ProjectX .NET 3.0 and nunit 2.4.x. NET 4.0B2 and release a reproduction of nunit I would like to do this to be able to make changes from the machine to make changes to the machine, like it does with the .NET Update to the latest version If I want to change the 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 B2 project on a machine which is still on 2.0, for example (maybe it's not mine and I do not have administrator rights). I would like to examine the project, which requires version of .net (and archiving other versions libraries, ninject, rhinomocks etc from the repository), using my Notepad 2 or some other non-visual studio editor (like That VS is well established in the form of outlines), run the construction script and push changes / change. Background: My repository is composed of many small unrelated projects, not just like a huge web app / site. Why keep the ...

math - Simple Problem - Velocity and Collisions -

OK I'm working on a space SIM and the more SIM I need to work where the opponents will ship 3D position) When my bullet arrived at it, how do I calculate the velocity that the bullets travel and the speed of the ships of the opponents? Calculate the relative velocity vector between him and yourself: if you were still standing then The movement can be considered. Calculate your relative distance vector Now you know that it is already D away and unit V is moving forward every time. You have 'V' to calculate, and you know that its length is but its direction is not. Now you are creating a triangle with these two obstacles, its V and your bullet V '. It looks like two dimensions: Dx + Vx * t = V'x * t sub + ve * * t = V 'Y * t V'x ^ 2 + V'y ^ 2 = C ^ 2 Which simplifies : (Dx / T + VX) ^ 2 + (Vice President / T + VX) ^ 2 = C ^ 2 And you use quadratic formula You can use this technique to apply it in three dimensions similarly to...

php - How can if find the size of a file prior to upload, with the help of jquery? -

I want to see the file size before uploading, so that I can restrict users before uploading. I want to use this jquery, but please give some more suggestions, if that is not possible in that way. I am using PHP on the backend. You can not do with javascript, but you can use flash based such as uploader.

jQuery UI Datepicker -

I am using a modal dialog (provided by jQuery UI). Now there is an input text box on the dialog box, which is accompanied by a class date. I want to pair Datepicker with these inputs I have written `$ (" .date "). Datepicker ({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', showOn: 'button', is written year category: '1970: 2015', button image: '../../Content/ Calendar.gif ', Button Image Only: Correct}); In the finished work The problem is opening in the disabled page behind the date the typical model dialogue. How can I overcome this problem? Did you try to recreate the z-index or your domain?

How to tell which commit a tag points to in Git? -

I have a bunch of unrelated tags in the repository and I want to work with them as they point out. Is there any such order that he will only list the tags and show their SHAs? Looking at the tag and looking at the headquarters, I find it very expensive. Update I answered what I really wanted, just to see the tag leading history, for which git logs & lt; Tagname & gt; is enough The answer marked as the answer is useful for getting a list of tags and earning them, which is what I have asked. With some shell hacking, I believe it is possible to convert them into SHA + comit message. One way to do this will be with git rev-list in the following A tag will be indicated from: $ git rev-list -n 1 $ TAG You can add it as an alias if If you use it a lot then ~ / .gitconfig in [alias] tagcommit = rev-list -n 1 And then call it: $ git tagmark $ TAG

javascript - Blaze DS via Ajax with ColdFusion -

I want to use Adobe Blaze DS via ColdFusion through Ajax. I know enough calligold fusion and javascript to do, but I want to do long-term policing in the application and the only way to do this is through Blaze DS ... but I do not have enough information about Flash / Flex Use of Flex Ajax Bridge P> Adobe Flex® Ajax Bridge (Fabridge) A Little , Humorous code library that you can expose to scripting in the web browser to enter into a Flex application, Flex component, or an empty SWF file.

running a method within another method. python -

I'm calling one method within another. And I get the error for this script Error named: The name 'mnDialog' is not defined Is there a reason for this? I think it has been done to execute an order which is not at the global level. (I did not have the assumption that Python's global and local variable is declaration.) What is the correct syntax or is it to go around? Thanks for your time. Import cm as CMD def mnProgRun (): def mnDialog (* args): cmds.confirmDialog (title = 'confirm', message = 'are you sure Default button = 'yes', cancel bayton = 'no', rejected = = 'no') def mnMakeWin (): cmds.window ('mnWin', title = ['yes', 'no'], default button = 'yes' 'Testman', wh = (260,100) cmds.columnLayout (adjustable column = false, column_lines = 'center') cmds.button (label = "yes, it works", align = 'center', width = 120 , Height = 25, background-type = [0.5,1,0...

sql server - Why is my table-valued parameter empty when reaching the database? -

I am trying to test the new table-valuable parameter functionality of SDC 2008 which is the ADO. , But I am running into a problem where there is no row in the parameter when it goes to the stored procedure UDT looks like this: Type [DBO]. [Personnote] AS Table ([first name] [Warar] (50) Faucet, [LastLime] [VARAR] (50) Faucet, [Birthday] [Date] Faucet stored proc Looks like this: the process of making [DBO]. If started as [AddPeople] (@peopleToAdd dbo PersonType READONLY) (Add people from SELECT COUNT (*) FROM) & gt; 0 Start Select 'Rows are' End Select 'Rows are not ending' END And finally, the .NET code is this (brace yourself, this is very much): Add it: cmd.CommandType = command type Stored procedure;

visual studio - Firefox 3.6 build error on Windows VS2005 - C compiler cannot create executables -

I'm trying to create Firefox 3.6 beta 4 on Windows using Visual Studio 2005. I have downloaded the latest version of the release source, Mozilla Build, but the error "C compiler can not be executable." I am able to make all the 3.5 and previous versions without any issues. The problem occurs at the beginning of the process, where it is investigating that it can also be compiled and executable. / P> The build output is ... Adding option to $ make -f build /c/dev/ff3.6/mozilla-1.9 2 / .mozconfig: MOZ_OBJDIR = $ (TOPSRCDIR) / obj- Firefox MOZ_CO_PROJECT = Creating Browser [1]: Entering directory `/c/dev/ff3.6/mozilla-1.9.2 'cd / c / dave /ff3.6 / Adding configured options to mozilla-1.9.2 / obj-firefox / c / dev / ff3.6 / mozilla-1.9.2 / configure / c/dev/ff3.6/mozilla-1.9.2/.mozconfig: - Disabled testing -with-windows-version = 501 --enable-application = browser-disable-vista-sdk- Requirements Loading cache ./config.cache Hosting System t...

import - Importing old data with Rails and Paperclip -

I am using paperclip for attachments in my application. I am writing an import script for a group of old data, but I do not know how to create paperclop objects from files on disk. My first estimate is to create fake CGI Multipart Objects, but it seems like a raw solution, and my initial attempt failed, I think because I did not find the _tempfile method correctly. Is that the right way to do this? It looks like something that should be quite easy. I know that I have done the same thing, and I believe that I In the path created a file object, and it has passed the image attribute. The paperclip will run on that file: thing.image = ("/ path / to / file.png")

data binding - How to bind WPF Datagrid to a joined table -

I have a big problem, I try to force my WPF DataGrid on a table I have created a class for information on how to successfully convert: public class NeshtoSi {public NeshtoSi {} public string SSN; The name of the public string; Public string alias; } and after that I add the internal tables. However when I assign ItemsSource and all the values ​​are transferred properly, but DataGrid do not imagine them. var dd = d to datacontext. Join medical_examination datacentext DSN.N. But patients have to use P.S.N.N. Select New Nationos {SSN = DSN, name = p. Name, surname = p. Name}; IQueryable & LT; NeshtoSi & gt; SQuery = dd; If (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (serName.Text)) sQuery = sQuery.Where (x => (serName.Text)); If (! String.InsalOuracty (Serum Test)) sQuery = sQuery.Where (x => x.surname.Contains (serSurame.Text)); If (! String.InsalOuractic (sarsectext) sQuery = sQuery.Where (x => x.ssn.Contains (serSSN.Text)); Var result = sQuery.ToList ();...

c# - List of Interfaces vs. List of Derived Type - Cannot Convert Expression Type to Return Type -

यह क्यों काम करता है: सार्वजनिक IList & lt; ICoupon & gt; GetCouponsForSite (स्ट्रिंग साइटस्लाग) {var कूपन = _db.Coupons.Where (x = & gt; x.Site.slug == siteSlug)। चुनें (x = & gt; नया कूपन (; Var सूची = नई सूची & lt; ICoupon & gt; (); विदेशी मुद्रा (कूपन में विभिन्न कूपन) {list.Add (कूपन); } वापसी सूची; } लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है (त्रुटि - प्रकार वापस जाने के लिए अभिव्यक्ति प्रकार परिवर्तित नहीं कर सकते): सार्वजनिक IList & LT; ICoupon & gt; GetCouponsForSite (स्ट्रिंग साइटस्लाग) {वापसी _db.Coupons.Where (x = & gt; x.Site.slug == siteSlug)। चयन करें (x = & new ;;;;;;;;;; x; नया कूपन (। ToList (); } क्योंकि db.Coupons ... ToList () एक लौटता है & lt ; आईआईएलआईटी & lt; ICoupon & gt; के बजाय; कूपन & gt; IList & lt; कूपन & gt; IList & lt; ICoupon & gt; से प्राप्त नहीं करता है क्योंकि C # 3 सामान्य विचरण का समर्थन नहीं करता है यह अभी भी इस मामले में प्राप्त नहीं होगा (सी # 4 सामान्...

Drilldown using unbound comboboxes with Access "Continuous Form" -

There should be a simple (R) way to do this. I have a situation where I list the parts using continuous forms. There are things like Part Type, Manufacturer, Part Number and Quantity in Parts Listing. Examples of the list part are & amp; Quantity I can see other things from the example of the part, so displaying the existing parts is not a problem, just use a query to recover a related record or use a DLookup to pull the fields individually . Type Manufacturer Number Quantity ------------------------------------ - Widgets Ekima 123ab 1 Widgets Ekma 456 1 Evil Xyz 12345 2 Lama Northwind 322-12a 1 ... The problem is that where users need to add new parts . There are thousands of different parts, so they can not really choose from the same part number Cambodia, they want to be able to select a part type, manufacturer, and then the part number from three different combosboxes that are sequentially in each combobox Narrow results. Choose a type of type >> select o...

c# - how does binaryformatter serializes objects? -

binaryformer is behaving strangely in my code. I have the following code [serialable] Public class log entry {Private IIT; Private listing & lt; Object & gt; Data = new list & lt; Object & gt; (); Public IIT ID {return ID; }} Public IList & lt; Object & gt; Data {Receive {Return Data. ASRD ONLY (); }} ...} .... .... Private Static Read Only BinaryFormatter logSerializer = New BinaryFormatter (); .... .... Public Zero Serialism (ILIIT & lt; LogEntry & gt; Log Entries) {(MemoryStream Serialization Stream = New MemoryStream ()) {LogCentilizer. Serialize (serialization stream, log entries); This.binarySerializedLog = serializationStream.GetBuffer (); }} In some machines (32 or 64 bit machines), it is sorted in binary format - which is expected. But in some machines (these are all 64 bit machines and not for debug builds) it is not serializing; showing binary serialized log is showing ToString () all individual Data , the class name ( ... lo... mvc - What is your opinion of the Telerik Extensions for MVC? -

I started digging around with using it. They are not unmatched in their current projects, but I can reconstruct things to fit it. But, I'm thinking that it will be worth it at the end. I am searching for reviews on extensions, I have not seen much because I am asking here. They claim on their website: A postback of lightweight, i.e. the extensions that you fully benefit, for your web application, ASP.NET MVC model of no viewstrate, and no page life cycle. So I'm curious, What do you think about telereak extensions for MVC? A telecommand extension for ASP.NET MVC is a new suite targeting our ASP.NET MVC platform. It started from the ground and there is nothing related to the red control for ASP.Net Ajax (our webform product), excluding features and scenes. It does not make any sense, no postback web control. It comes with source code (licensed under GPLv2), so it can be easily verified. In a word we have controlled the webform ASP.NET MVC, the statement is wrong...

wpf - Raising event in custom control -

I am writing custom text block control which populates hyperlinks and increases the event when clicking on the hyperlink. I wrote this code, but I got stucked My code is:. import System.Text.RegularExpressions public class CustomTextBlock TextBlock inherited public event Click If eventhandler (EventArgs) as the public Reedonli inline collection implants as DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ( "InlineCollection", GetType (String), GetType (CustomTextBlock), New Property Metadata (PrivateOpenChangedOfficeOflineOngline)) Private Shared Sub Inline Changed (DependencyObject as ByVal Sender, ByVal e DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs) DirectCast (Sender, Cust omTextBlock) .Inlines.Clear () Dim kelimeler = Split (e.NewValue, "") for i = 0 kelimeler.Length - 1, so Regex.Match (kelimeler (i), "(http | ftp | Https): \ / \ / [\ w \ -_] (\ [\ w \ -_]) + ([\ w \ - \, @ ^ =% & amp;: / ..? ~ \ + #] * [\ W = -? \ @ ^ =% Amp; amp;?. / ~ \ + #]) ... - WatiN - getting past the certificate error page -

Anyone know how to use the Certification WiringHand in WatiN? I have yet found ... IE ie = New IE ("https: //mysite.aspx"); CERTIFICATE WARNINGHOLDER CWH = New CertificateWarning Handler (Certificate Washinglar.ButtonsNann.ah.); Cwh.HandleDialog (new window (ie.hWnd)); ... does not fix anything. On a more general note, how do you manage people on the earth to use this tool? The documentation is almost useless, and no decent resources seem to be online. I should remember something because it writes me three lines of code to write about half an hour which do not work. Have you already tried? i.e. Add to DelWewerker (cwh); or just or. Dialogware. Add (new certificate-handling handler ()); Update: After comment. Actually it works for me next to the next browser browser = i.e.; If (browser.Links.Exists ("overridelink")) {browser.Link ("overridelink"). Click (); }

MS Access : Read form control value in a module's function -

I have an access database in which a user clicks on a button that runs a macro that runs a function Yes, complex and not in the module, I do not have permission to change a lot since the customer's application. I am in the module as a function to read some combo-boxes and a radio button and the macro is called on the push of the button. How can you do this? You can use the screen. Activate to get the form, or iterate again, the collection of the form or, if the change is allowed, then pass the name of the function to the function. Once you have the name of the form, the controls are easy to render: form! [Name name]! [Name control] or form! NameFormat NameofControl

javascript - document.createElement('script')... adding two scripts with one callback -

I have to add prototype and then add scriptaculous and get a callback when they will be loaded. I am currently loading prototypes like this: var script = document.createElement ("script"); Script.src = ""; Script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = callback; Document.body.appendChild (script); I can do this by screaming the callback, but it seems that poor practice (when I need to load more scripts I do not want the silly series of 20 callback methods). idea? I propose to use some small loaders that will make things and accessories for you. For example, in this way: Load the function (array, callback) {var loader = function (src, handler) {var script = document.createElement ("script"); Script.src = src; Script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () {script.onreadystatechange = script.onload = null; Handler (); } Var head = document.getElementsByTagName ("head...

visual studio - Frozen Resharper installator -

Im latest 5.0 tests the night and the final build is started with R #cttire. I have tried to do everything - install / uninstall # - Remove / repair the program - Install the last 4.5 version - Install MSXML now Still the same - this last time hang I'm also noticing 3 MSXML 6 processes (2 systems and 1 user) Therefore, the current situation is there is no "resher" menu in VS, its shortcuts Do not even work - any advice? Edit - A few times have been rebooted - I noticed that the founder brings the DvnV.XA process. When I'm killing the installer, it ends successfully (but still there is no recorder in VS ...) Edit 2 In addition, thanks to the installer Windows Installer Cleanup (Still the same .. RS team) finally found solution. What helped: devenv.exe / setup devenv.exe / resetskippkgs It may also help others.

model view controller - Zend framework techniques -

I am trying to migrate the Zend Framework. Do I have every controller or every action on the webpage What are the benefits of many tasks, can they talk to each other? And see the best help and helpers of support assistants Please guide me on how to get started on the framework. Thanks You can use a new controller for each page or submit your pages You can define multiple actions on the same controller. I choose to use defferent actions from the same controller to display the variuos pages. Using multiple actions on the same controller allows you to create some manufacturers of each code controller. For example, I have a controller for all the policy pages of a website and a new controller for those pages reserved for registered users. I check authentication for a dedicated user in the manufacturer for a dedicated controller.

javascript - Returned AJAX array not being copied to array -

I have a simple AJAX function that uses jQuery to return an array of 300 test objects from a database. This data has been copied to a JS array. The code fragment looks like this: retrieve star locations to display on page $ .getJSON ("stars.php? Jsoncallback =?", Function (data) {for (Var x = 0, xx = data.length; x & lt; xx; x ++) {// planetary array [x] = new planet (data [x] .xpos, data [x] .ips); // Does not work either. (New Planet (data [x] .xpos, data [x] .ypos));}}); {// var i = 0, ii = planetArray.length; i & lt; ii; i ++) {// display data} Firebug says that Planets around. Long is zero. Planet Constructor looks like this: function planet (x, y) {this.x = x; this. Y = y; } I think this is a scoping issue, but I can not seem to find it. Creating a new object in other languages ​​means that it exists on the heap and avoids the scope, but here it seems that disappears in ether. How can I return an array and push it for use in my own array lat...

javascript - Is it possible to override radio buttons style with css? -

I need to create special radio buttons, is it possible to cover the default style of my own images radio button? If this is not possible, is it the best way to do this with jQuery or is there a good plugin for it? Yes, I also recommend using jQuery, is a very good plugin. Check out this video tutorial by Chris Sier, in which the plugin starts with scratch.

performance - Alternatives to using session variables in ASP.NET (including MVC) -

If asked before, I apologize, but in my head I have not got specific questions. / P> For the website (using ASP.NET MVC) - Display is an important feature. In addition, this is an opportunity that the site can be hosted in an environment where the application pool can be recycled every 20 minutes (or soon to reach the memory threshold). I would like to be totally independent instead of depending on the session variable and instead, the GUID-value must be stored in a cookie. My reasoning is - I do not know how long the session will last due to AppPool recycling and does not want time for its session before time and causes them to log in again and again. The GUID value in this cookie will serve as a lookup key in a table where I store information like session (user ID value, etc.). So if I need that data then I could recover it from the database. I still use the session / final event to clear that session table of rows with the "Last Activity" value of more than 20 mi...

Scheme built-in to check list containment -

In Python I can do "list in x" to see if the list is X Has been made an equivalent in? , and R6RS memq , memv And member can be used for that purpose.

How do I create a generic property in VB.NET? -

I want to do something like this: private _myCollection t) public property MyProperty (t Let's go back to me as IList (TK)). _ My selection end set (ByVal value as string) me._myCollection = Price end set end property Actually, I have to keep a collection of items that can be of any kind Are there. Then, I will be able to do something like this: dim myPropertyValue & lt; Type of some value & gt; How do I I (myProperty.Contains (some values ​​& gt;) myPropertyValue = CType (MyProperty (& "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> You may have to build a general category as ILIT (T) as ILIT (T) Public Property MIPROPROT () as a Private Class Mclass (Off T ) Select the private link fair. Set the connection and gate (by volume value string) Me._myCollection = value closing set end property end class

.net - Composition or Inheritance for DAL And BLL? -

प्रश्न क्या डेटा एक्सेस लेयर (डीएएल) और बिजनेस लॉजिक लेयर (बीएलएल) इंटरफेस या अमूर्त आधार वर्गों के माध्यम से अवगत कराया जा सकता है? जब हम इंटरफेस की बजाय अमूर्त वर्ग चुनते हैं और जब अमूर्त कक्षाओं के बजाय इंटरफेस चुनते हैं? अमूर्त आधार वर्गों का उपयोग करने का एक लाभ है, यदि बाह्य पक्ष आधारभूत सार वर्ग का उपयोग करके कार्यक्षमता (एक विशेष स्तर की) को विस्तार / कस्टमाइज़ करने का निर्णय लेता है, तो उस विशेष स्तर से सामने आने वाले कई तरीकों को पहले से ही किया जाएगा एक आधार सारणी वर्ग में लागू किया गया है, जबकि इंटरफेस के साथ किसी को एक विशेष परत से अवगत कराए गए सभी सार्वजनिक विधियों को लागू करना होगा? प्राथमिक अंतर यह है कि कक्षाएं केवल सििंगल वर्ग से ही प्राप्त कर सकती हैं, जबकि आप कई इंटरफेस लागू कर सकते हैं। एक अच्छा है। 1) आमतौर पर, ये ठोस कक्षाएं हैं - वे एक सुसंगत ढांचे (एक बिजनेसबेस वर्ग, एक बिजनेस कॉमांड क्लास आदि) बनाने के लिए इंटरफेस / सार क्लासेस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं। 2) आमतौर पर किसी अमूर्त वर्ग का उपयोग करें...

WebDAV: What is the default file size limit for Windows 7? -

We have an application at work that mount to a virtual drive using WebDAV. In the past we had to manually determine the following values ​​discussed as to work around the default used by previous versions of Windows WebDAV client. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Karrentkantrolset \ Services \ Vebkliant \ Parameters \ Filesizelimitinbites HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Karrentkantrolset \ Services \ Vebkliant \ Parameters \ Filekttributeslimitinbites Anyone know for sure whether the defaults are high in any Windows 7? Is this solution still necessary? This issue still Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and also on services As an Windows Drive mounted online storage such as mounted online storage. said Support article, " security changes because the problem is so that Windows XP was introduced in SP2 Web Distributed writing and affects Versioning (WebDAV) Redirector. this is to ensure the security changes that makes it can not force a client computer into a denial of an ...

objective c - Customizing UIImagePickerController under iPhone OS 3.0? -

In OS 3.1, Apple offers a way to overlay custom controls on the camera view (UIImagePickerController). However, the properties and methods to do this were not available in OS 3.0, and as far as I can tell, whatever you can do, it hacks the visual hierarchy in 3.0 . So, some of the questions I have about: 1) Is the hacking hierarchy hacking the only way to customize the view in 3.0? 2) Will the app reject your app if you hack the visual hierarchy? 3) What percentage of people have upgraded to v3.1? This post provides some insight, but it is not certain whether the app will reject the built-in 3.0 application which is: Answer: 1) The only way the visual hierarchy is hacking is to customize the scene in 3.0? Yes, this was the way to do this in 3.0, which was with Kosher Apple. 2) Will the app reject your app if you hack the visual hierarchy? 3.1. Although I believe that you should check the SDK documents, about whom they have explicitly said that now you have...

python - Render in infinity loop -

Question for Python 2.6 I would like to make an simple web application Which will execute a script in the specified time interval which will modify the data (in the database). My problem is the code for infinity loop or any other method to achieve this goal, the script should be run only by the user once. The next iterations should be run automatically, even if the user leaves the app if someone has an idea for ways to detect app brakes, it would be great to also show that threads have to get it The best way can be, unfortunately, I just started my adventure with Python and I do not know about it yet. You will also see the Show database and loop script in the app. Any thoughts? You have mentioned that you are using Google App Engine, you have a code> cron.yaml . There are details. Update : It looks like you are not looking for GAE-specific solutions, so the more general advice I give is to use the local scheduling capabilities The platform you are using * ...

c# - Ideas for creating a "Did you mean XYZ" feature into website -

I want to give users the ability to search through a large list of businesses, but still get the matches Could. Does anyone have a suggestion about this when you are not targeting the simple dictionary word, but instead the complex name is ABC Business Name? Regards. See Wikipedia article I found an example for you in C # is. In addition, Google's Peter Norwich is an example of spelling correction. It was said on some podcasts that John Skeet attempted to rewrite this algorithm in C #. Not sure if they completed it and / or made it publicly available.