
Showing posts from August, 2013

Numerical computation in Java -

OK, I'm trying to use the Apache Commons Math library to do a double integral calculation, but these Both are from negative infinity (about 1) and it is taking ages to compute what are other ways to do such operations in Java? Or should it run "fast" (I mean I could see the results a few days before I died) and I am doing something wrong? EDIT: OK, thanks for the answer I am trying to calculate this Gaussian Kopla: Then we have a standard biwereut normal cumulative distribution function, which argues as two busy standard normal cumulative distribution tasks and I need an integer to accept this (I know for standard normal cumulative distribution Che Commons is a Math function but I failed to find inverse and biweekt versions.) EDIT2: As my friend once said, "Ah is the beauty of java, whatever you want to do, No one has already done "I found everything there is a great library for the possibility of here. There are two problems with infinite accompanime...

Eclipse (Aptana) Typing Lag -

I've been using Aptana for some time, and as of now I'm actually dealing with files, Actually big (500+ lines of code, which is too big for me, are a novice developer). Whenever I work with small files, I get a weird sensation that I am in front of "what" typing, but now I am pretty sure - when I write something and when I see the text appears on the screen I do not need this issue with Dreamweaver CS3, so I know that these files have the ability to edit these files, but the eclipse is still open. I do not even know that when something is destroyed, if I suppress the backspace, then some characters have been removed before me, but then everything is "hanging". Once I release the backspace key, the characters that were shown to destroy all at once were instantly destroyed. This is what happens with the forward delete key. I think this is an issue with Java because I feel like everything is "behind me" when I am using - The computer is an I...

How to generate an unique computer id on Delphi? -

How do I raise a unique computer ID for the Delphi app? I used to do it easily with C #, but it sometimes failed I know that the ID is "static", but I do not care that the change in the ID is due to hardware change or OS restoration , I was planning to store it in the registry and check the start of the app, and if it changed the registry update (I know how to code the registry part, Area only need help for the unique ID). Thank you. Use a hard disk serial number or MAC address:

KD-Tree traversal (raytracing) - am I missing a case? -

I am trying to cross a 3D KD-tree in my recorder. The tree is right, but there is something wrong with my traversal algorithm because I get some errors compared to a cruel force approach (some small surface areas are not taken care of). Note: None of the rays in the question is parallel to any axis This is my traversal algorithm:. IntersectionData * intersectKDTree (constant ray, kdTreeNode * node, double timin, double tmx) const {if (node-> GetObjectCount () == 0) returns; Intersection data * current = 0; Bull intersected = false; If (node-> m_isLeaf) {... test all the priorities in the leaf ...} and {int axis = node- & gt; M_splitAxis; Double Split Piece = Node-> M_splitPos; Double TSplit = (Split-Peace-Point [axis]) / Ray Direction [axis]; KDTNnode * PassNode = RAIPoint [Axis] M_bनेलnode: node-> M_right anode; KDTreeNode * farNode = ray.point [axis] & lt; SplitPos? Node-> M_rightnode: node- & gt; M_leftnode; If (tSplit> Tmax) returned inters...

Which Javascript code editor supports plain text line numbering? -

I need to add a text area that also has line numbering capabilities. I try the editArea Of that, but I could not work with text files it This would be ideal if it could highlight the syntax for existing programming languages, but it would only be a bonus The main thing that I am after, whatever I paste in that line Number is there. Please only open list of open source. Try it, we can configure it to show the line number. Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing real-time editing in real-time Other Openers options and The firepad feature is rich, built on, so no server setup is required.

How to sequence init.d scripts under Ubuntu -

I have some servers and other daemons that I have to start in the right sequence. I have created init.d scripts from the skeleton script, and they can be installed to start in the proper order using the numbered naming system, but there are some problems: One server ('server A') needs to initialize a database connection, and then listen to the socket. Another server ('serverb') needs to be connected to that socket, and if the previous process is not listening then the connection will fail. Is there a way to stop the init.d script from terminating the server until the serverA started listening? Server B Init will not start until the server A-Init is finished. Now, the setup works by serverbabs, just try connectivity again, until it succeeds, but this approach seems fragile. I want a more precise understanding of compelling indexing. Yes, this is my question I am answering, but this technique proved useful, and I am sharing this kind of problems with someon...

java - How to remove "restore defaults" and "apply" button in custom RCP Preference Page -

आरसीपी में वरीयता पेज बनाते समय, उदा। जैसे कुछ: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyPreferencePage विस्तारित org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage लागू करता है IWorkbenchPreferencePage मैं "पुनर्स्थापना डिफ़ॉल्ट मान" कैसे निकाल सकता हूँ और "लागू करें" बटन जो डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से जोड़े जाते हैं का उपयोग करना यह .get डीफॉल्टबटन ()। सेटव्यूबल (गलत); । This.getApplyButton () setVisible (गलत); परिणाम एक त्रुटि में होता है। कॉल पसंदपेज .noDefaultAndApplyButton () इससे पहले कि आपके नियंत्रण बनाया जाता है।

PHP MVC Framework Design -

I am currently in a problem that I can not really solve by myself: I have started the code a "small" framework (browsergame-framework), which in some way adheres to the MVC pattern. Now I have my index, bootstrap, db adapter, dispatcher, cover, but I do not really know how to "link them" I've coded their methods etc. But I do not know how to design them to work like an engine. And the next problem is my controller, I do not know how to "link" them so that they can easily reach the entire framework .... Yes, this is misleading, that's why I You need help, some generic plans will be very good to "how to structure a framework". Thank you. You are putting the car before the horse. Frameworks have not been written, they have grown up. One of the four gangs from Ralph Johnson. edit I do not understand what the author means "application", this means the raw-coded-project Is this original project done with basic ...

datetime - Why do I get 31 Dec 1969 as my last modified filename using filemtime in php? -

I'm a newbie to php and so please do not pay attention to asking me this question but why exactly filemtime (filename .txt) gives me its last revised time as 31 December, 196? This means that your file was not found, either: because it does not exist or because it is not in the correct directory or because you did not quote its name - you did not ^^ The date of January 1, 1970 is the date of "zero"; So, December 31, 1969 is the date / time of zero ... according to your location, I think; I myself, with this code: $ filemtime = filemtime (filename.txt); $ Formated = date ('y-m-d h: i: s', $ filemtime); Var_dump ($ filemtime, $ formated); Obtain this output: Boolean false string '1 971-01-01 01:00:00' (length = 19) false because the file does not exist, and 1970-01-01 at 01:00 due to my location (I I am in France, UTC + 1 hour) And note that I also get some notices and warnings: NOTICE: Use Undefined Continuous...

sql - Display results from a query with PHP (Wordpress) -

Trying to display results in a SQL query in PHP: SELECT * Wp_celebcount From the calculation of ORDER DESC I am trying to display two columns: & amp; I have a problem getting results for showing with PHP - I have to show this result on my index.php Wordpress theme file. Thanks for the help ... If you are using Wordpress, then something like this will happen: Global $ wpdb; $ Result = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ('select name, count wp_celebcount from'); '; Forex Currency ($ result as $ line) {echo 'name:'. Line-> Name. ', Calculation:'. $ Line-> Count. '& Lt; Br / & gt; '; } This is recommended using the $ wpdb Global as it takes care of all the database setup for you. $ wpdb can be found.

c# - .NET XmlSerializer Compiling Type Schemas Reader/Writer -

For my application, I have to serial the data to use XML, so I read on MSDN. One thing that concerns me is under the Security reasons for XmlSerializer applications , which reads it: XmlSerializer C # (.cs) files Makes and compiles them in .dll files in the directory designated by TEMP environment variable; Serialization happens with those DLLs. A user can have several instances of my application running at the same time. My concern is that 2 different instances are being serialized in different XML files, however, DLL generated by XmlSerializer class in Application frequency 2 in the XmlSerializer class Application examples 1. Is this a concern, or are there temporary / unique file names used for these DLL names? FYI: I need to use XML instead of binary serialization because we need to edit values ​​in files sometimes by hand. Thanks This should be a concern, or Are the temporary / unique file names used for DLL names? Names are unique, you do not have to w...

c# - What design pattern fits the bill in this scenario? -

I am writing an application to get an SMS message via an HTTP gateway. Main processing I will be processing the sender's phone number and message only, depending on the keyword in the message, I will need to perform different logic / return a different reaction, to start with, I have used a simple experiment / If a switch turned into statement, and now I'm trying to clean it a little bit. I think what kind of implementation of some kind of command is the pattern, but I'm not sure. I can implement every operation as a command object and I can register them all with the command processor, but then I have to implement the appropriate command to execute the ConvexAuute (...) function . For situations where a command should be executed, they may depend on many factors such as keywords or specific message content. I'm thinking something like the following: Public interface ISSS Commands {Bull Canaxet (string sender, string message); String executed (string sender, ...

.net - Serving a custom HttpHandler files with Cassini in Visual Studio 2010 -

बस हमारे कम एचटीटीपीहैंडलर के साथ सीएसएस प्रीप्रोसेसिंग का उपयोग कर विजुअल स्टूडियो 2010 और एएसपी.एनटीएमवीसी 2 और मैं कम फ़ाइल प्रकार को कैसे पूरा करना चाहूंगा। मैंने में एक हैंडलर अनुभाग जोड़ लिया है वेब। कॉन्फ़िग जो सभी पहले से वीएस 2008 के साथ आवश्यक था जब कासिनी का प्रयोग किया गया था: & lt; httpHandlers & gt; & Lt; add type = "dotless.Core.LessCssHttpHandler, dotless.Core" मान्य करें = "गलत" पथ = "*। कम" क्रिया = "*" / & gt; & Lt; / httpHandlers & gt; वीएस 2010 के साथ फाइल को सादा पाठ के रूप में पेश किया जा रहा है। एमवीसी फ्रेमवर्क या 2010 के साथ कैसिनी बदलाव के लिए अतिरिक्त जानकारी की आवश्यकता है? संपादित करें: मुझे वीएस 2010 के साथ कम फाइलों की सेवा के लिए वैसे भी खोजने की परवाह नहीं है (मुझे पता है टी 4 टेम्पलेट)। मैं विशेष रूप से यह पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि एचटीटीपीएंडलर की सेवा क्यों विफल हो जाती है। शायद यही तुम्हारी ज़रूरत है? यह प्रत्येक .less फ़ाइल के लिए minified सीए... - Nesting objects and where to retrieve data? -

I am trying to rewrite the existing system with the object. I have created some basic things, but in reality they It's stuck on how you want to work. These are the basic classes: Public Class Course Public Accordion String as String Public AOSCD, String Public as a AOPCR In the form of String Public Relations, new reviews in the form of String Public Relations end in a collection of class folk classroom courses, add public sub (as a syllabus) Add as string as the public category is classified as Public Categories Classes collection bass Public Sub (as reviewed in Val REG) list. Add (REP) and Sub End Class Public Class Category Public Category ID String Public Category As String Public Comment String Public Large Value As Integer Publicly String Public Completion Date Date Ascending Category Public Category Categories Add content by adding outstanding public keys (ByVal cat as Category) End.Ext (cat) End Sub End Class What can I do I want to be the one who has the follow...

algorithm - Implementing Wilson Score in SQL -

We have a relatively small table that we want to sort by rating, or by using the appropriate equivalent. I am quite a smart person, but my mathematical fu is not much stronger to understand this: The formula given above, I have been told that the positive / Negative (thumbs up / thumbs down) Voting system I have never taken a statistics course, and I've done advanced math for 15 years. I do not have any clue that the small fish that is p mean, or what z is indicative of the last fish below. I would like to know two things: Can this formula be changed to accommodate this 5-star rating system? I found, but the author expresses his doubts about the accuracy of his formula. How can this formula be expressed in the SQL function? Note that I do not need to calculate and sort real time. I can score calculations and can be cached daily. I created some Microsoft SQL Server? Ignoring To do a 5 star rating system Instead of trying to manipulate Wilson's al...

c++ - To iterate or to use a counter, that is the question -

Whenever a person starts using STL and has a vector, you usually see: vector & lt; Int & gt; Vec; // ... for code ... (vector :: Iterator iter = vec.begin (); iter! = Vec.end (); ++ iter) {// do stuff} Just call me the full vector & lt; Int & gt; :: Iterator is getting sick in syntax. I know that you type typedef vector & lt; Int & gt; :: iterator can vecIterInt , and that is a little better .. But the question is, what is wrong is ol ': For (int i = 0; i & lt; vec.size (); i ++) {// code} When you use the index to run sequential access to the container ( std :: vector or something else) Implementing the random-access requirement on the underlying data structure, when you actually need to Such access does not require algorithms. The requirement of random access is a strong requirement compared to a fairly weak requirement of sequential access . It is a major design error affecting strong requirement without any good reason... - BlowFish.BlowfishNET.dll? -

Can anyone help me find this dll file? I need urgent plazas for my graduation project. Am I working on encrypt / decrypting tools for streams / files (files)? thnx . The download includes both a demo app and a testing project, which should help you with Part 2 of your questions. If you have a specific problem with encryption and decryption, then you should ask a specific question. mvc - Passing Textbox Value using Html.ActionLink -

I have a table that lists the products as well as displays a volume text box and an HTML.ActionLink. Each volume text box has a unique ID received from the product ID. I think it should be simple, but I can not find out how to get value in the respective controller box is given to my controller when the user clicks on the link. My code is down and any help is appreciated. & lt;% foreach (Miscellaneous items in the model) {%> & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (item.Id)% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (item description)% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.Encode (string.format ("$ {0: F}", items.cast))% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox (string.format ("volume {0}",, "0")% & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = Html.ActionLink ...

capistrano error on cached-copy -

मुझे कैप तैनात करते समय निम्न त्रुटि प्राप्त हो रही है: update असफल: "sh -c 'अगर [-d / घर / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / साझा / कैश की गई प्रतिलिपि], तो सीडी / घर / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / साझा / कैश की गई कॉपी में & amp; & amp; Git -q मूल & amp लाने; & amp; Git रीसेट -q --hard 2350e98662e7fe00d526ff5f69460beb868a978a & amp; & amp; Git स्वच्छ -q -d -x -f, बाकी Git क्लोन -q --depth 1 jpowell / all_bout_texas.git / घर / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / साझा / कैश की गई कॉपी में & amp; & amp; सीडी / घर / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / साझा / कैश की गई कॉपी में & amp; & amp; Git चेकआउट -q बी 2350e98662e7fe00d526ff5f69460beb868a978a तैनात; फाई ' " यहां मेरा परिनियोजन है। आरबी: सेट: आवेदन, "all_bout_texas" # अगर आप लक्ष्य # सर्वर पर / u / apps / # {application} में तैनात नहीं हैं (जो कि डिफ़ॉल्ट है ), आप वास्तविक स्थान # के माध्यम से: deploy_to चर के साथ निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं...

httpwebrequest - Silverlight streaming upload -

I have a Silverlight application that needs to upload large files to the server I have both WebClient as well as the HTTP WebBarVest Though I have considered uploading using, although I do not clearly see any option, which streams with the upload with any option. Do the files in the shape of the whole material before being loaded into memory. Is it possible in Silverlight? You can go with the "chunking" approach. The Silverlight file uploader at Codeplex uses this technique: Given a part size (like 10k, 20k, 100k, etc.), you can split the file And each group can send a server using the HTTP request. The server has to handle each segment and gather the file again because every blanket comes. In a web farm scenario, when there are multiple web servers - do not use the local file system on this web server for this approach.

JPA/ORM vs JDBC for performance limited machines -

We are creating a small application that will be deployed on very limited machines. They only have 256 MB of RAM. I would like to use JPA because it simplifies the code and removes the need for JDBC ResultText code. However, should the upper part of JPA be the factor of such small machines? I am currently thinking of using toplink, which comes in a 2.5 MB jar file. We have only limited numbers, so JDBC code will not be very difficult. But JPA makes code very good. Cheers. The JPA / ORM display will always be equal to or equal to the JDBC in runtime because they are both based on JDBC . As you noted, the development time of the big lift received from the JAPA / ORM is time. I would like to use JPA because it simplifies the code and JDBC results remove the need for the code. I'm not sure that I understand this statement. JPA will use a result set behind the scenario; You will not write it now, the mapping of objects from ResultSet is explained in XML or annotat...

sparse assignment list in python -

मुझे निम्न व्यवहार के साथ एक सूची की आवश्यकता है & gt; & gt; & gt; L = स्पार्स लिस्ट ()> gt; & gt; & gt; एल []> gt; & gt; & gt; एल [2] = "हैलो"> gt; & gt; & gt; एल [कोई नहीं, कोई भी नहीं, "हैलो"]> gt; & gt; & gt; एल [5] कोई नहीं & gt; & gt; & gt; एल [4] = 22 & gt; & gt; & gt; एल [कोई नहीं, कोई नहीं, "हैलो", कोई नहीं, 22]> gt; & gt; & gt; लेन (एल) 5> gt; & gt; के लिए मैं में: प्रिंट I कोई नहीं कोई भी नहीं "हैलो" कोई नहीं 22 हालांकि यह एक शब्दकोश के माध्यम से "अनुकरण" कर सकता है, यह बिल्कुल वही नहीं है अंडाकार सरणी इस तरह से व्यवहार कर सकती है, लेकिन मैं इस तरह से कुछ के लिए पूरे नलिका को आयात नहीं करना चाहता। इसे स्वयं कोडिंग करने से पहले, मैं पूछता हूं कि मानक लाइब्रेरी में कुछ समान मौजूद है या नहीं। यहां पास न्यूनतम कोड है आपके दिए गए उदाहरण (अपरिहार्य समायोजन के साथ: आप अजीब रिक्ति और उद्धृत करते हैं, बिना किसी प्रिंट कथन...

multithreading - Python proxy checker, change to threaded version -

I have checked some dragon proxy. And to accelerate the investigation, I decided the change version for multi-sequence, and thread module is the first for me, I was tried several times the version Thread and many information is to convert to look, but it is not so easy for newbie python programmers. If someone can really appreciate me very much !! Thanks in advance! urlib2, socket socket.setdefaulttimeout (180) # proxyList proxyList = Read the list of Proxy IPs in open ('listproxy.txt') .read () Def is_bad_proxy (Pip): Try : Proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler: opener = urllib2.build_opener (proxy_handler) opener.addheaders = [('user-agent' ({'http' pip} ',' Mozilla / 5.0 ')] Urllib2.install_opener (openers) Req = urllib2.Request ('') # & lt; --- Check whether the proxy is alive except sock = urllib2.urlopen (req) urllib2.HTTPError, e: print 'error code:', except exception, expansion e.code ret...

How to extract every possible values of python Dict's values to list -

DICTB = {'i.e.': ['B'], 'V', 'B': ['HTC', 'B', BB '' 'VV'], 'A': ['AA']} '' 'Y' '', 'YES': ['$ YE', 'A $ y'], 'Y': ['Y $']} How to remove every possible value of that 2-Dick ["BWYN", "BVN", "BVNN", "VVNN", "AAAN", "BWYN", "WWYN", "BBNN", "VVNN", "ANN", "BWEE", "VVEEE", "BBE" "VVAE", "AAEEE", "ABVY", "AVVY", "ABBY", "Au PS: Does not matter from order PPS: Not a homework, but should know how to implement it efficiently. Many possible small types on the following original content: print [ For Y for Y in Y.replace ('$', x) (for Wi-Fi for Wi-Fi. For Y), for Y (DICT for Y for Wi-Fi values)] - How to control usercontrol from javascript -

I have a user control with an attribute targetUrl; I add control to this user on one page and below this page Like the targetUrl attribute I type: It worked correctly, but I want to change the targetUrl attribute with javascript. And I can not do this, I write a code like the one below but it does not work. var frm = document.getElementById ('Modal1'); Frm.targetUrl = 'pop_adres_giris.aspx'; How can I do this? User control object, which generates HTML on the client side, is not available as rich objects Which are available on handling server-side calls. Depending on what UserControl is, you must use a different method to achieve it "TargetUrl". In addition, you want to easily access the elements inside the Dome, you may want to consider using a library such as jQuery or prototype For example, If you were using ASP: hyperlink control: & lt; Div id = "hyperlink_holder" & gt; & Lt; Asp: hyperlink ... navigate =...

c++ - Performance of table access -

We have an application that is fully written in C. Pro * C And to enhance the performance of the application, we also preload some tables to get the data. We take some input fields and usually take the output fields from the table. Usually there are approximately 30000 entries in the table and it reaches a maximum of 0.1 million. But if table entries increase in approximately 10 million entries, I think it affects the performance of the app in a dangerous way. Am I wrong somewhere? If this really affects the performance, then is there any way to keep the app's performance stable? If possible, the number of rows in the table is 10 million in the table, how does the application work with the tables? If you are not leaving the table, you will get a proportional increase in search time. .. If you do not do anything wrong, you will get 33X more search bar in your example (30K vs. 1M). I agree that you are iterating incrementally (i ++ style) table However, if it is po...

c# - Unsafe code and fixed statements with StringBuilder -

I was thinking about how to pass a string or StringBuilder to the C function which outputs the string by the parameter . I have received a great answer in but I doubt nobody can explain to me that the garbage collector does not move the stringbilder instance (Managed) during imported function execution ? How the string and string builder are used when using the COM and P / Invoke See for This obviously why usage patterns is not secure, but indicates that the use of string and stringbilders for P / A is supported and desired behavior. I suspect that the Marshalling system takes care to pin the buffer for the duration of the external call, prevents GC from transferring it.

WCF - using multiple bindings including REST (WebHttpBinding) on one service library? -

I have my service layer (which is currently written as POCOs in standard class library) with external I want to expose myself for internal consumption. The external client will use it on the REST style API, while internally my MVC app will use it from net.tcp binding for better performance. How do I do this beautifully? I can write 2 rapper for REST using VS2010 beta 2 comfort facilities and other standard WCF binding. Can I do it in a cover? Or better just re-implement my existing services as WCF and expose various endpoints using various bindings such as WebHttpbidding, WSHTP binding etc. Regards, Ajay P> Only in your service library The implementation of the service will be involved - your service (and data) contract should be in your own separate "contracts" assembly. Using Hosting Question and Which Protocol Your Service is handled by Host - This can be IIS or a separate NT service or a console app or something Your service class and your service l...

sql - Is it possible to replace data in a column in ms-access? -

In the MS-Access database, is it possible to convert an SQL query with a number in the column to add 2 to the original number ie, All the numbers in a column should be replaced by the original number plus 2 update myTable SET myColumn = myColumn + 2

.Net Regex to parse Excel header / footer strings -

I am trying to create a .NET Regex which will separate the Excel header data string in its component parts. The following example shows the format of the raw data string I needed to parse: & amp; LLeft-side text & amp; CCenter text and RRight-side text Tags & amp; L, & amp; C & amp; R uses the left, center and right sections of header data respectively. Therefore, I need a regigax which will separate the above string into several sub-strings, each of which is & amp; L, & amp; C & amp; R will start with Notes: Left, center, right square can be zero or more times in a header (where many opportunities for a given section will be added to the client code). The ampersand escape character is also used for formatting in each section, so reggax should use more than the above mentioned margin. Thank you, in advance, for your suggestions. ((? & Lt; = & amp; nbsp;) (? [\ W \ W] +?) (? ((& Amp; c | Amp; R | $)))) This will match the t...

java - BigDecimal assign operator -

I have a problem pointing to one big decimal value I try to create one I am having a bigger decimal floating and add 0 to another big decimal BigDicale temp = new bigdiskim (0); DropStartValue = temp.add (NewCentValue); However, I only want to conduct bus operations over the big decades: dropStartValue = newCounterValue You have not specified the type of either dropStartValue or newCounterValue . If they are both bigidiquamels, then it should be OK: dropStartValue = newCounterValue; Note that although only creating both variables, see the same object, it is safe because BigDecimal itself is irreversible. If it is not working for you, please describe the problems you are seeing (exception - collection-time errors?).

deployment - maven deploy changed artifacts only -

I'm using maven 2.2 with nexus 1.4.0 Assume that I have As a palm-structure (with the same version) parentproj, v1.0.1 - childproj1, v1.0.2 - childproj2, v1.0.7 Childproj1 and childproj2 represent different parts of the application (such as GUI and backend) and I want to be able to keep my versions separate so that I can issue a new version of Backend without releasing a new version of Gyar. Now, to deploy this structure on the Nexus, go to the original PRP and MVN deployed -DperformRelease = true It says that all the artifacts will be deployed in the Nexus Relay repository for the first time when I deploy it works fine, but for the second time I go into problems: Suppose I updated childproj1 so that we have now The following versions will be: parentproj, v1.0.1 - childproj1, v1.0.3 - childproj2, v1.0.7 In this situation, the Nexus will not let me employ the microphone with the original project because it has a copy of ChildProject 2 in version 1.0. Nexus ...

c# - Can string formatting be used in text shown with DebuggerDisplay? -

I want to apply the debugger display / code> to include a memory address value. Is there a way to display hexadecimal in ? [DebuggerDisplay ("Foo: {} Address Address is value")] square fu {System.IntPtr m_Address = new System.IntPtr (43981); // Sample Value System.IntPtr Address {get {return m_Address; }}} It will be displayed: Foo: the address value is 43981 Instead, I want to display this value in hex like: FU: The address value is 0xABCD I know that I can apply all types of formatting by overriding toString () , but if I'm curious about the same. Yes you can use any of the ways to turn off the properties, as you normally would [DebuggerDisplay (": {{LT; formatting & gt; \ Foo address value is Address.ToString (\"} "is")] is an example

jquery - When do you choose to load your javascript at the bottom of the page instead of the top? -

I have seen the javascript library loaded above and below the page. I like to know when to make these choices, I have written all the javascript code at the top of the page, which includes jquery plugins. When I load my script on any of these posts? top : When there are javascript event functions on elements, then immediately more important (so if you Dom use Red Event Bottom : Content is more important when loading

JQuery UI + Seaside set-up -

Which package do I need to load (load) to load in jQuery UI in the beach? I currently have One-click one-click image Added the jQuery repository to the Monticilo browser (SQL Corps - jQuery) Loaded But when I run it I get an error "MessageNotUnderstood: WARenderCanvas >> jQuery" You should provide a work load script for any possible configuration. Make sure to check the jQuery and jQueryUI and then click on the load script to download the script you can pull & amp; Note on a drop, that jQuery for CASID 2.8 is not available.

Update a single XML entity using Hpricot in Ruby? -

I am using an XML file to process. I randomly want to display some quotes from the file, and then I want to track how often each quote was displayed. Is it possible to update an item within the XML file using HPCrot (or is there any other solution that can do this for me) or should I re-write the entire XML file every time an item is displayed ? I used to work with nokogiri instead of hpricot (it is quite fast). I did something like this: #! / Usr / bin / env ruby ​​is required 'RubyGoms' requirement' Notory 'FNAME = "/home/kirill/books.xml" doc = Nokogiri :: XML (Open (FNAME)) (' Title '). Each {| Node | Node.content = node.content.reverse} file. New (FNAME, 'w') Write to the doctor until doc.validate Do you have such a large file, it is slow? Or do not you want me to understand anything else?

Use PHP imagecreatefromgif() to modify the right 150 pixels of a 760x1 pixel gif image -

I have a 1 pixel length with 760 pixels wide image that I use as a repeating vertical background image The right side of this image is filled with spots (the left side of the image is white). The purpose of this background image, in my CSS based layout, is that it is the illusion that the sidebar background color runs all the way down the page (what is easy to do with tables, but with CSS positioning Not so much). What do I have to do is create a php script (background-image.php) which has the Image CreativeFormFunction, a hex number and use it to redraw the spot color of the image to match that spot color And on which the resulting image is saved on the server, overwriting the default. Ideally, I do not want to call template load at all times to this function, and when the user chooses to change the template colors, so once they do this, I just exist on the server I would like to revise the image that will always be called "sidebar_big.gif" Any ideas on how to do...

PHP Clean Up Permutated Array -

Hey everyone, basically, I have an array: array ('a', 'b', 'c'); Now I run it through an array permutation function and the result is: Array ([0] => Array ([ 0] => C) [1] = & gt; Array ([0] => gt; [2] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; B [1] = & gt; C) [3] => Array [0] => C [1] => gt; [4] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; A) [5] = & gt; Hey ([0] = & gt; a [1] = & gt; c) ([0] [8] => Array ([0] => [1] => A) [ 9] = & gt; Hey ([0] => A [1] => [2] => C) [10] => Array ([0] = & gt; A [1] = & gt; C [2] => gt; [11] = & gt; Array ([0] => B [1] => A [2] => C ) [12] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; B [1] => C [2] => A) [13] = & gt; Array ([0] => ; C [1] => A [2] => gt; [14] => Array ([0] => c [1] => B [2] => ; A)) Now my question is how can I clear that array so that: is similar to the array (C, B) array (B, C) And it removes the second ar...

language agnostic - Logging viewing time on website -

Is there any way to log in to how long a visitor resides on my website? Write some junk ping function to send heartbeat requests every few seconds. That's it, if you want to manually do it manually, use some statistics software Many hosters have used something for you or simply add Google Analytics to your site.

oracle10g - Difference between 'Execute' and 'Execute as script' -

What I currently experience when using TOAD with Oracle is a strange behavior. I have a query: SELECT COUNT (as_at_date) from job_log as WHERE as_at_date = TO_DATE ('24 / 11/2009 ',' dd / mm / yyyy ' ); When I try to run it using the Todd 'Execution Statement' button, I get zero rows back though, even when I 'execute as script' I use it, then I get a line returned, which is as expected. Can anyone explain to me why using different commands will create a difference in the result set? This is not a direct answer to your question (and it will give you a moment Or two for setup and analysis), but you can take a TKPROF trace in the database to see if it really comes from Tod .... See and For some examples.

sql server - Deleting a SQL row ignoring all foreign keys and constraints -

I have a line in the table. This line has an ID column that is referenced in several other tables with millions of rows. SQL statement will always take time to remove the row. From my design, I know that the row I want to delete never references, so I would like SQL to unblock all other tables for any foreign key reference in this line and immediately remove the row Is SQL a quick way to do this in 2008? Maybe with something: Remove from myTable where myTable.ID = 6850 IGNORE contracts or something with those lines. You can set obstacles on that table / column to not temporarily check, Then re-enable the constraints will be the normal form: Transmit constraintName called the optional table table then re-enable all the constraints Check ALTER table table name ConstraintName I think it would be temporary though? You obviously do not want to do it consistently

sql - can this be written with an outer join -

Copy rows in the table from the required table. Only rows with an ID that do not exist already need to be copied: Log in one (id, x, y) SELECT id, x, y to b B, where BID is not (Where an X = 'T' by selection ID); ^^^^^^^^^^^ Now, I was trying to write it along with an external convergence to explain the paths, but I Try INSERT SELECT id in A (id, x, y), x, y to tableb b Left embedded A on A. id = BIID and F = T where a.Id is Null But I prefer subquery representation because I think it is more obvious Expresses the form that you are doing.

ajax - Check user is logged in using Jquery -

Think if someone can help .. I'm adding some jquery to my site , But I want to restrict some actions depending on whether the user is logged in or not. I'm sure how to find session variables with Jquery. My initial thought was to call CFC using my check user, JCRAX, and how many rows returned since then, and Work from there. But this is uncertain how to deal with this. At the moment, my code looks like this $ .getJSON ('http: // localhost: 8500 / mxRestore / model / mdl_user.cfc? Method = GetUserData and returnFormat = json & queryformat = columns ', {}, function (data) {var isLoggedIn = data.ROWCOUNT;}) if (log in> 0) {// do this} other {warnings (' you Not logged in '); }} However, I am getting an error message, which is saying that loggedIn variable is not defined, thinking how to deal with it would be better. thanks isLoggedIn variable outside the scope Where you use it, it is only available within getJSON callback, consider the...

django - is there a difference between MyModel.objects.filter(pk=1) and MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)? -

क्या परिणाम के बीच में कोई अंतर है: MyModel.objects.filter (pk = 1) और MyModel.objects.get (pk = 1) यदि कोई नहीं है अंतर, तो क्यों करता है .get () विधि मौजूद है? .get () हमेशा वह वस्तु देता है अगर यह मौजूद है (और यदि बिल्कुल एक है)। यह एक अपवाद भी उठाता है अगर यह अस्तित्व में नहीं है। उदाहरण के लिए blah = MyModel.objects.get (pk = 1) blah MyModel का एक उदाहरण है दूसरी तरफ .filter () एक त्रुटि नहीं लौटाता है अगर यह मौजूद नहीं है। blah = MyModel.objects.filter (pk = 1234234234) फिर ब्ला एक खाली क्वेरी है आप कॉल करके इसे चेक कर सकते हैं। Count () blah पर यदि blah.count () == 0 का अर्थ है कि 12 9 0234234 कुंजी के साथ कोई मायमोल्ड आइटम नहीं है। इसी प्रकार, यदि उस क्वेरी के साथ कई आइटम हैं तो: blah = MyModel.objects.filter (Name__contains = "Brian") आपको एक क्वेरी परिणाम प्राप्त होता है जिसे प्रत्येक परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए अंतःस्थापित किया जा सकता है: bl के लिए प्रिंट: प्रिंट बी.नाम इसके अलावा, एक और दिलचस्प तरीका है कि .get () है .g...

sql server - Linq-To-SQL Legacy Relation Mapping -

I am trying to get Linq2SQL to work with my legacy database. I currently have a note table which is normal for some different entities and has been mapped: I, who design this database, instead of mapping a connection table of each unit type, they have a type of column (A varchar yuck!) As a single relationship table. How do I map the notes in Foo and Bar? Is it also possible I am not seeing light? I tried two sections FooNotes and BarNotes which passed the RelateNotes and then mapped the type field as pigment. It does not work and I get the following error. Poor storage property: '_EntityID' member 'at TestLinq.BarNotes. EntityID '. Before realizing this possible, I do not want to go very far from the Linq2SQL road. I do not have permission to change the database too much. Many thanks, I included a domain model based layered architecture Will consider expanding the design of your app. In this way, you can create a domain model that meets the r...

web applications - jQuery deep linking plugins (#hash navigation) -

So far I have got the address (port of SWFaddress) and BBQ? Which other plugins provide this functionality, and which is better / standard? So far, I have only created my own hash # -reading scripts, but there are some things that can handle multiple variables, that is, # user = bob and sortbay = rating. Any suggestions or opinions are welcome. Thank you! Both SWFAddress and BBQ are good if you want to keep it on yourself, then you window.location.hash and for # . > And query string respectively For example: var hash = window.location.hash; Var qs = (1) .split ("& amp;"); // This is an array for QS , it is slightly hacked and for a more robust solution for the query string, you see

Modern Batch Processing in Linux -

Which tools, languages ​​and infrastructure do you use for batch processing in Linux? Li> Thanks for any help! There are cron jobs you are looking for.

Crash logs generated by iPhone Simulator? -

Are there any crash logs generated by the iPhone Simulator? The simulator crashes a lot but does not leave any traces in the console ... crash logs will be useful. NSLog () will display output from the app running in the console simulator. Crash logs are saved in the file. I have found something under my home directory ~ / Library / Logs / DiagnosticReports / .rrash , whatever I have not yet understood, how it is generated to generate it, even if debugger Captures EXC_BAD_ACCESS Signals. Currently Code>, then when the emulator crashes automatically . The logs for the app crashing (but still the emulator device is running fine), these are: ~ / Library / Logs / CoreSimulator per accident, there is a sub folder with a unique ID sort by date, so that your recent accident is the first sub-folder. Inside this, start by looking at stderr.log and system.log . Also, directly under CoreSimulator , see Cursimilator.log and Simulator.log . ...

c# - nullpointer for yahoo openid request, but not google (dotnetopenid) -

I'm programming an open-end handshake with Yahoo and Google alright, but Yahoo throws a null pointer : Stack trace: System.NullReferenceException: Object context is not set for an instance of an object DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Extensions.ProviderAuthenticationPolicy.PolicyResponse.DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.imessageWithEvents.OnReceiving () in c: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ Extensions \ ProviderAuthenticationPolicy \ PolicyResponse.cs: DotNetOpenAuth at line 18 9 OpenID Channel Elements Extension Bidding Element. & Lt; GetExtensions & gt; In d__a.MoveNext () c: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ ChannelElements \ ExtensionsBindingElement.cs: line 20 9 Dotnet Opanoth. OpenID Channel Elements: Extension Binding Element C: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ ChannelElements \ ExtensionsBindingElement.cs in line 151.ControlIncomingMessage (Ipotocolals Mess...

iPhone SDK Accessing Address book company contact -

I am able to use SDK to access address book contacts for people, but whenever I select a contact I'm a company, my app crashes. Do anyone know the property of the company's area? Does anyone know the code to do this work? Thanks in advance It seems that your problem is not related to the company tag The areas of AB need to be carefully managed, are not released after release and all the time is checked for zero, many fields are not set. In principle, here is an example of how I use it. This function loads contacts (those fields are interested in my app) and gives the caller an array with contacts. Hope it's useful to note how I do not leave the need for rifolds. - (NSArray *) Load Communications {ABAddressBookRef Address Book = ABAddressBookCreate (); CFArrayRef All People = ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople (Address Book); CFIndex nPeople = ABAddressBookGetPersonCount (Address Book); NSMutableArray * Contact = [NSMutableArray array]; For (Int i = 0; I ...

data mining problem for sql -

I can only compare, calculate, find, join, save and sort to do this. Question: What will you do to determine how many existing customers have bought another plan / phone? Visitors - Anyone on the site (Anyone on the site) Prospects - Any users who went to the site but did not log in to an account Customers - Consumers who have logged in to their site account Hotphone buyers - consumers who have signed an account Have purchased a wireless phone & amp; The date / label / user id / demographic bucket / zip code / time_stamp These are only one order we are allowed to use !! : ( Compare: Compare data files 2. Column 1 indicates data matching Compare file 1, file 2 and column to compare Calculate: matches the criteria that allows to search for data. Column should be prompted for search. Join: 2 files are included.Files must be sorted by joining the first column. Results file call In column 1, all other columns in file 1 and all other column files 2. Indica...

Rails Replace Attributes in Arrays -

मेरे पास फिलीपींस में गलत शहरों का नाम है: & gt; & gt; A = शहर.फंड_ऑल_बीकाउंटरी_आईडी (4) = & gt; [# & Lt; सिटी आईडी: 91, नाम: "अलामिओस", देश_आईडी: 4, बनाया गया_आट: "2009-11-12 04:06:14", अपडेटेड_ैट: "2009-11-12 04:06:14" & gt; , # & Lt; सिटी आईडी: 92, नाम: "एंजिल्स", देश_आईडी: 4, बनाया_ट: "2009-11-12 04:06:14", ... और मैं सही नाम के साथ सभी नामों को बदलना चाहते हैं: = & gt; बी = ["अबरा", "अगुसन डेल नॉर्ट", "अगुसन डेल सुर", ... मैं प्रतिस्थापित पद्धति का उपयोग करना चाहता था क्योंकि मैं चाहता था मौजूदा शहर आईडी को अपडेट करने के लिए, यदि आवश्यक हो तो उन्हें डालें / छांट कर। लेकिन मैं अभी भी इसे एक नहीं समझ सकता, क्योंकि a सरणियों का सरणी है (मुझे सही करें अगर मैं गलत हूं), जबकि b बस एक सरल, नीचे-से-पृथ्वी सरणी है। एक शहर के मॉडल की एक सरणी होना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए यदि आप "आभा" (अरैम में पहला तत्व) को शहर के आईडी 9 1 (पहला रिकॉर्ड) के शहर का ...

xml - Assigning functions to dynamic movieclips in a loop, ActionScript 2 -

I did the same thing in Action Script 3, but I'm not familiar with Action Script 2, which I use for it I am compelling to project. I am loading products in an SWF via XML and try to add a click event on every dynamically created movieclip. Simply typing the text from a node in XML will be done for now. I want to specify the property for each movie clip called "desc" or "description" and clicking on it will determine the value of that property. This is the relevant part of my code as it stands: var iXML: XML = new XML (); IXML.ignoreWhite = True; IXML.onLoad = init; IXML.load ("http: // localhost: 8888 / products.php p = shortboards?"); Function Init (): Zero {var imgNum: number = iXML.firstChild.childNodes.length; Var holder_mc: Movieclip = slider.Creating algorithm ("holder_mc", slider.tags_design ()); For (var i: number = 0; i var iXML: XML = new XML (); IXML.ignoreWhite = True; IXML.onLoad = init; IXML.load ("http: // lo...

stored procedures - how can i send an anonymous block to oracle and get result from oracle in coldfusion -

How can I send an anonymous block in Oracle and get some feedback from Oracle? I tried cfquery , but it does not work. great thank you. @ Antony, I know that I can write an unknown block in cfquery. Like: & lt; Cfquery name = "queryName" data source = "oracle11ghr" result = "queryname_meta" & gt; Initially npr_t_reservation (reservation_id) values ​​(INSERT) (33); Npr_t_reservation (reservation_id) values ​​in INSERT (34); Update npr_t_reservation set reservation_id = 35 WHERE reservation_id = 34; COMMIT; End; & Lt; / Cfquery & gt; In fact, what I did not know how I could get some profit value by sending anonymous block to oracle. @Antony, Hi Antony, The upper code is just a demonstration; Actually, I want to get rid of immoral, simple datatype, not an example of collection or object type. Like VARCHAR2, NUMBER etc. @APC, I do not use any kind of archived program because I do not have permission to save it to a databas...

c++ - How to NOT generate debug information for specific source files / source sections? -

What is a way to create a debug build of our Vs2005 (C ++) project and exclude specific modules or code sections? In Debug Info? Or does VS have the option to create multiple PDB files from the same project? It seems that our generated PDB file is getting very large to handle / produce correctly for Visual Studio and the result is that VS Tells us that debug does not match the symbols Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not happen. I check the option to split the project into several smaller projects, but I think it will take some time but it would be good if we can debug the current project as it is in the meantime. I agree with Andreas' comment - you are almost certainly dividing the project better. However, if you right-click on the C ++ source file (it does not appear that you can do it with C #), and open the properties on which you have full control That's how this specific file (or files) was created.

javascript - How can I check whether I'm in the topmost frame? -

I have a function in JavaScript that is included in the main HTML document and all embedded iframes . Function should work in the main document. So I tried: function f () {if (parent === null) {... the real work is here ...} else {parent.f (); // call parent}} This does not work, obviously, original never null or undefined Does not happen. Currently, I use the window == guardian which works but I am uncomfortable. Is that right? Why? How is it compatible? Maybe window == top ? Tested with iframes, but I saw that Google uses Gmail on it

How to find this regex using PHP -

सभी & lt; 1 & gt; & lt; / 1 & gt; और & lt; 2 & gt; & lt; / 2 & gt; और एक स्ट्रिंग में & lt; 3 & gt; ... । & lt; (\ d +) & gt; & lt; / \ 1 & gt; काम करना चाहिए यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि regex & lt; 1 & gt; & lt; / 4 & gt; उदाहरण के लिए मेल नहीं खाएगा। \ 1 यहां जो मैच होगा पहले कैप्चरिंग समूह ( (\ d +) पहले कोण कोष्ठक में) के रूप में ठीक उसी स्ट्रिंग।

excel vba - Is there a call stack level limit? -

Some of my colleagues are looking at some bad codes in Excel VBA, thinking that there is a limit in the number of levels a Call stack Unless the function is tail-recursive and VBA can handle it Can not do), you will participate in a stack overflow. As a simple test, I've hoped to snap the following snippet together: Slow calculation as count number (count) count = count + 1 cells ( 1, 1) = Counting R and all which tells us that at least 4007 iterations of this limit are in my 2007 edition.

c# - Does LINQ have any built-in search which supports search-machine-like searching? -

If I have list ; String & gt; and want to do a standard search through it, I can use a LINQ statement like this: (In functions where searchTerms.All (term = & Gt; t.ToUpper. It contains (term.ToUpper ())) Select .to create list (); But if I want to support syntax like standard search-engine to handle phrases: contract contract customer gym customer "Jim Smith "Customer then I have to start rolling my own custom search method. In addition, you may have different culture settings Be careful to compare ToUpper () with, and if you are in the web environment, then you have encoding and search-encoded-characters issues, etc. Handles search-machine-like searches, e.g. Is there a .NET or LINQ solution that contains something like ConstainsSearchTerms () instead of ()? If you are using LINQ2SQL, you generate a generated like in SQL You can use the SqlMethods.Like methods to do this. Leave on LINQ2Objects, just use regex. toupper . This i...

Preprocessor metaprogramming library for plain C -

क्या कोई boost :: preprocessor (शायद इतना उन्नत नहीं है) के समान पुस्तकालय को जान सकता है जो आसानी से इस्तेमाल किया / सादे सी परियोजनाओं में शामिल किया? बेशक, boost :: preprocessor का सबसे (सभी?) C में लिखते समय उपयोग किया जा सकता है, लेकिन मैं एक छोटी लाइब्रेरी को केवल बुनियादी क्षमताओं के साथ पसंद करूँगा जो निर्भर नहीं है को बढ़ावा देने जैसे राक्षस पर। मेरा सुझाव है कि आप बूस्ट का उपयोग करें। प्रीप्रोसेसर मत सोचो कि मैंने आपके प्रश्न को पूरी तरह से नहीं पढ़ा है। मेरा सुझाव है कि आप बूस्ट का उपयोग करें.प्रोसेसर अकेले, पूरे बढ़ावा पैकेज नहीं। ऐसा करने के लिए, आप एक छोटी सी उपयोगिता का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जिसे आपको आपके मामले बूस्ट में प्राप्य पुस्तकालयों को निकालने देता है। प्रीप्रोसेसर।

php - Conditional statement operands order -

I often stumbled on the following approach to defining a conditional statement: if == = $ Expr) {...} I have many questions about it. What is the meaning of using constant values, 1, 0, 123, 'string' etc.) instead of the second place as the first operand, when the second The operand is not too long. For example, I would like to put false as the first circuit when I have a statement: if (incorrect === file_put_contents ($ file_path, $ document ['title']. PHP_EOL PHP_EOL. $ Document ['body'])) {...} Does it make sense to use the language of such interpretation that Php? I agree that this is compiled languages ​​like Java like when we want to avoid NullPointerException or similar cases. Am i right Are you useful to use continuous values ​​as a first circulated? Actually it comes with a quick typing error such as C: if (lenght = 0) {...} Where variables are set to an unknown value compared to A compiler error will arise behind t...

java me - How can I convert an Image to byte array in J2ME? -

My requirement is this way I need to read a file from a mobile phone using a file connection, Create thumbnails and post to the server I am able to read the image using the FileConnection API, and I am also able to create thumbnails. After creating thumbnails, I'm not able to get a method to convert that image into byte [] Is this possible? Code for thumbnail conversions: Create a Personal ImageTabal (Image Image) {int sourceWidth = image.getWidth (); Int sourceHeight = image.getHeight (); Int Thamb Wide = 128; Int thumb height = -1; If (Thumb HEIGHT == -1) Thighthought = Thumb Wide * SourceHight / SourceView; Image thumb = Image.createImage (thumbWidth, thumbHyight); Thumb.getGraphics (); Graphics G = thumb.getGraphics (); For (int y = 0; y & lt; thumbHeight; y ++) to {(int x = 0; x & lt; thumbWidth; x ++) {g.setclip (x, y, 1, 1) ; Int dx = x * sourceWidth / thumbWidth; Int dy = y * sourceHeight / thumbHeight; G.drawImage (Image, X - DX, Y - D); }} Image irrever...

search engine - Where can I find materials about indexing and page ranking? -

I am working on a large search engine system However, I'm not familiar with background . Where can I get the content about indexing and page ranking? A very well-known and a good The book that you get from these concepts.

email - Can we write javascript to run in the webmail? If so how do we handle such situation -

Can any of you explain me for the situation below when I open a new mail then the contents of the mail (Four or five module mini applications) should be displayed in javascript? How do you do this? Put it on a website and send people a link I do not know any mail application that allows JavaScript Not enough to allow walking.

.net 4.0 - How to do server side pre filtering with Entity Framework and Dynamic Data? -

I use unit framework 4.0 and prefilter all queries using TennantId. I have modified the T4 template to add all the objects to the pre-filter and it works for the "regular" portion of the application. Public object sets & lt; Category & gt; Categories {get {if ((_Categories == faucet)} {_Categories = base.CreateObjectSet & lt; Category & gt; ("Categories"); _Categories = _Categories.Where ("this. TanantId = 10"); } Return _Categories; }} The problem I have is that ASP .NET dynamic data does not call these methods and goes straight to Extent I can not override. Is there a way to prefilend data in this scenario? You can set a status for each unit in your Adam And EF will automatically add that status to the "ou" section of all those questions View my replies that may help you. - Auto Suggested Text Box with concatenated string with LINQ to SQL -

I'm creating a text box I've suggested, so it works well, it only suggests the first name , But I want to suggest it the full name (first and last name which tells two different columns). Take a look at the following code behind expected work: & lt; System.Web.Services.WebMethod () & gt; _ Public Shared Function GetNames (ByVal prefixText as string, counting as ByVal integer) String () DD as new dimotattext () Dimension db.Students.Where (function) function (n) n. FirstName). Select (function (n) n.FirstName). (Counting) .Ore end function Here's the mark-up: I wrote the following code to get the text box to be a full name, but it does not work: dim query = (from S in D.B.Standt _ where s.FirstName.StartsWith (prefixText) _Server s.FirstName_ Select {new name = s.FirstName & amp; "" & L.ListName} ") with new one. Take it (count) .Oere return query When I create this project, it says that the value of type '1-dimensiona...