
Showing posts from March, 2011

wpf - Can Silverlight 4 run SSIS packages, SSRS reports... etc? -

सिल्वरलाइट 4 SSIS पैकेज चला सकते हैं & amp; SSRS सीधे रिपोर्ट करता है? कार्यालय वस्तु मॉडल के साथ बातचीत करने के बारे में क्या? मैं सोच रहा हूं कि अगर सिल्वरलाइट 4 का उपयोग पूरी तरह से विकसित व्यवसाय की लाइन बनाने के लिए किया जा सकता है और मेरे लिए डब्लूपीएफ सीखना और आरआईए सेवाओं का उपयोग करना छोड़ देना है। मुझे पता है कि SL WCF का एक सबसेट है मैं या तो नहीं जानता और समय बचाने और एसएल 4 सीखने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहता हूं यदि यह LOB ऐप्स करता है? जैसा कि मुझे याद है, SSIS और SSRS एक COM इंटरफ़ेस का पर्दाफाश करते हैं (हालांकि मैं उस पर गलत हो सकता है) यदि वे करते हैं, तो, हाँ, यह Silverlight 4 में आउट-ऑफ़-ब्राउज़र विकल्प के माध्यम से SSIS पैकेज को कॉल करना संभव होगा। शुरुआत के लिए देखें। हालांकि, यह सच नहीं है कि सिल्वरलाइट को किस प्रकार डिजाइन किया गया था। यदि आपका LOB ऐप सिर्फ एक मानक डेटा एक्सेस / अद्यतन वस्तु है, तो, हाँ, Silverlight एक उचित उम्मीदवार है लेकिन अगर आपको किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से अपने एंटरप्राइज़ इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर के साथ इंटरैक्ट करना पड़ता है जो आस...

active directory - AD Domain question -

The user properties dialog box has a field in the Active Directory and Account tab. The first text box at the top left is "User Login Name", on the right side is a dropdown with @ domain.local. Does anybody know what value or value should be given when creating a user program? This is userPrincipalName (UPN). sAMAccountName and add @ domain.local. If you use your dsadd user command, you need to specify the -upn parameter for it.

Private or Public MSMQ -

We are using queue for some of the WCF services. We use NSSMQ for WCF services using private MSMQ Using bindings. The system works fine on our QA environment. I am not sure about any real difference and private or public queue client applications are on different machines, yet the WCF service on other boxes is able to reach the personal queue. I'm not sure that this is the right thing. Is there any security related difference between the private and public MSMQ? Private or public MSMQ can use any light. I also recommend using personal queues. I have used MSMQ since version 1.0 and ED has deployed the entire public queue before being assembled and in order to work on both types of public queue deployment, the opinion of the private queue is best for the needs of most groups. , Some Enterprise Messaging strengths have some limitations and for example, not being able to use the routing queue server Longer, but if your goal will only store and a decent reliable message deliver...

language agnostic - RESTful services and -

I have read now that the logic behind the content talks is compelling, but the one thing which I occasionally require is The schema appears to be impossible. Suppose I've got a web service to distribute some graphs. I want users to choose among different styles of these graphs (one fancy color one, B & W, ...), but all these are always PGG images, for them all will be a mimetype image / PNG so custom What is the preferred way to chat the parameters? Use the query string parameter.

Whats wrong with this version of functor(Prolog)? -

I tried to write the factor in Prol. This is my version: lenlist (L, N): - Lynch list (L, 0, N). Lenlist ([], n, n). Lenlist ([_ | T], P, N): - P1P1, Linistist (T, P1, N). Functor1 (Term, F, N): - Term = .. [F | ARGES], Linist (Erg, N). Here is a sample execution of the Prologue Inbuilt Factor ? - Brain (period, f, 6). Now I get an exception if I execute the same query with functor1 > ? - Fun 1 (period, F, 6). Error: = .. / 2: Arguments are not necessarily immediate exceptions: (8) _G180 = .. [F | _G 248]? I have written the problem It is not that Args has started for now .. .. Try inserting the Linist / 3 before that. BTW, you can also use built in length / 2.

How to prevent unwanted files when a website offers image upload using PHP? -

अगर (($ $ _FILES ["अपलोडफ़ाइल"] ["प्रकार"] == "छवि / जीआईएफ" ) ($ _FILES ["uploadfile"] ["प्रकार"] == "छवि / जेपीईजी") || ($ _FILES ["अपलोडफ़ाइल"] ["टाइप"] == "छवि / पीजेपीएजी")) & amp; जब मैं उपर्युक्त कोड का परीक्षण करता हूं, तो मुझे पता चला कि कोई उपयोगकर्ता फ़ाइल प्रकार की जांच को बाईपास कर सकता है बस एक्सटेंशन नाम को संशोधित करके, वास्तविक फ़ाइल एक्सटेंशन नाम कैसे प्राप्त किया जा सकता है? इसके अलावा, जब कोई उपयोगकर्ता बहुत बड़ी फ़ाइल अपलोड करता है, तो सर्वर पक्ष पर अपलोड को तत्काल कैसे अस्वीकार करना है? आप वास्तव में फ़ाइल प्रकार को mimetype से प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि यह एक उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट है और हो सकता है आसानी से भूल जाओ यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि यह एक असली जेपीईजी या जीआईएफ फाइल है, आप इसे करने के लिए फ़ाइल कमांड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। उसी फैशन पर आप इसे (छवि एक्सटेंशन) या इसके साथ लोड करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं फ़ाइल आउटपुट का एक उदाहरण ओलिवियर @ ओलिवियर...

iphone - unable to get push notification using Urban airship push notification service? -

I'm testing to see if I've got a push notification or not. So I have created an account at When I send this message says, OK, we've sent a message but I can not find any message on my device. Someone is aware of using urban Sahu. I have an iPhone 3G and I have shut down 3G and airplane mode and WiFi is on. Token completely BTW My device has been disabled and jail has broken. Rahul, As I said the answer to your support email (Which I sent after posting, I think), why might you have some problem getting the notification but now you say that your device is unlocked, and that things change; While you've got a device token, which is a good step, your device may still have trouble connecting to Apple's push endpoint. The best I can suggest is that you try to post an apple engineer, to see if the connection is opening properly (and you already received sandbox push notifications ), Then I would like to do what I said in the email, and confirm...

mysql - Simple PHP warning question? -

I was thinking how I can correct this warning I am listed below. I'm using PHP & amp; MySQL WARNING: Min () [function.min]: The array must contain at least one element Here is a part of the code that I Seems problem $ tag = tag_info ($ link); $ Minimum_count = minutes (array_values ​​($ tag)); $ Maximum_ count = maximum (array_values ​​($ tag)); $ Spread = $ max_mount - $ minimum_count; I needed to post the whole code, but some ignorant users would probably feel a duplicate question, if you need to see the complete code, please thank you for the previous questions. Well, I do not understand this piece of code because everybody code is not displaying anything, but getting rid of the warning. You can see the full code here $ tag = tag_info ($ link); $ Spread = $ tag? Maximum ($ tag) - minimum ($ tag): 0; This code is valid, as long as your tag_info () function returns an array. PHP's built-in array_values ​​() function is useless, since the mini...

c - What causes the "left but not entered" GCC compiler error? -

We recently participated in the following compiler error which was repeated at various places in our construction: line-map.c: file "& lt; a source_file name"; Left but not signed in The source file was different at different points of the build. After some time, the compiler finally threw the following error: After a lot of testing we found that this error was caused by some #defines was separate header file: #define GEOGRAPHIC_LOC_TYPE_CGI 0 #define GEOGRAPHIC_LOC_TYPE_SAI 1 #define GEOGRAPHIC_LOC_TYPE_RAI 2 #define GEOGRAPHIC_LOC_TYPE_TAI 128 #define GEOGRAPHIC_LOC_TYPE_ECGI 129 #define GEOGRAPHIC_LOC_TYPE_TAI_AND_ECGI 130 We were taken to these #defines in the header file in which they are currently The C file was present, which was only at the place where they were currently being used. After that, we have not seen compiler error yet. Can anyone explain what the above compiler errors mean and why does this work properly? Thanks, Ryan Wh...

c# - I want to make a panel have a thick border. Can I set this somehow? -

I want to make a panel is a thick limit, can I set it in some way? PS, I am using C #. V.S. 2008. Jim, I have created a user control and have a ParentControlDesigner As I told in my comment that what you are saying for this is not the right solution. But this should be a good starting point. Oh, any FYI, I've got this also a customizable border color. I got inspiration from another SO post to pursue this ... It was expected by me. Upon setting the border size, PerformLayout is called to rearrange things correctly. Override of displayRectangle and on-race setDisplayRectLocation is the proper replacement of the hair controls due to the call. Also, "0,0" is not compared to hair controls when the highest in the upper left ... unless the threshold width is set to 0 ... and the OnPaint provides a custom image of the boundary. Welcome again! Custom Controls Parents are difficult, but not impossible. [designer (typef (parent controller designer)] public partial ...

c# - Get value from oracle stored procedure -

I have an oracle process that should return a given string of all the parameters Create or process tin_builder (in type varchar2, tin_serial in number, rand_digit in varchar2, varchar2 tin out) is replaced by BEGIN tin: = type || TO_CHAR (Tin_Cirial) || Rand_digit; END Now I want to call the process from Visual Studio 2008 (C # code) public zero tinbuilder (string type, long tin_cierial, string RAND_DIGITT} {OracleConnection Connection = New Oracle Connection ("Data Source = xe; User ID = System; Password = ******;"); Oracle Commands CMD = New Oracle Commands (); CMD. Connection = connection; Cmd.CommandText = "tin_builder"; Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("Type", OracleDbType.Varchar2). Value = type; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("tin_serial", OracleDbType.Decimal) .Value = tin_serial; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("rand_digit", OracleDbType.Varchar2) .Value = rand_digit; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("Tin",...

Overriding primary key protection in Rails -

Is there a way to cross the group assignment security on the primary key of a model in the rail? Default termination not ideal Use direct assignment You can also take advantage of the blocks. model. Create! Do it M | = 27 m.attribute = "foo" end

Anyone using WP-CodeBox 1.4 with Wordpress 2.8.6 -

From last year or so I tried to use WP-CodeBox for a syntax highlighting tool. I downloaded some versions and tried some versions of WordPress Any suggestions I have never been able to get to CodeBox to work? Is this a combination or a similar story? What did you do? I think it provides facilities like files, line serialization, copying to clipboard, and links to download / expand code box. If there is another tool that offers these features If so, please let me know WP-CodeBox - I would like to use CodeBox but if I can not work it, then I need to use something else. Can not change the version of WordPress I am using it successfully on my blog. I have advanced to 1.4 only, which is something Seems to break, so I went down at 1.3.3. I am currently using 1.3.3 with WP 2.0. There was no problem with the advanced 1.3.3 version for just 2.9, just seen on Eric's site which he recently released 1.4.1. Although have not tried it yet. My blog is I use WP-Codebox on the site...

Plotting functions on top of datapoints in R -

Is it possible to overlay a mathematical function at the top of the data using ggplot? ## Add gaglot2 library (ggplot2) # function eq = function (x) {x * x} # data x = (1:50) y = eq (x) # plot object P = qplot (x, y, xlab = "x-x", ylab = "y-axis",) # plot equation c = curve (eq) # data and function p + c # combine? In this case my data is generated using the function, but I understand how to do curve () with ggplot. You probably want: library ("ggplot2") Eq & lt; - Function (x) {X * x} TMP & lt; - data.frame (x = 1: 50, y = eq (1:50)) Plot object P & lt; - qplot (x, y, data = tmp, xlab = "x-axis", ylab = "y-axis") C & lt; - stat_function (fun = eq) print (p + c) and if you want to actually use the curve () , that is, calculated X and y coordinate: qplot (x, y, data = (curve (eq)), geom = "line")

Sorting output with awk, and formatting it -

I have to format the output of ls -la to include the modified files in December I am trying and output them well, this is what they currently see: ls -la | Awk {'print $ 6, $ 7, $ 8, $ 9, $ 10'} | Grep "Dec." | | Sort-R | Head-5 Dec 4 20:15 Folder / 4 Dec 19:51 ./4 Dec 17:42 Folder \ John / 4 Dec 16:19 Homework \ MAT \ 08/4 December 16:05 folder \ Smith / etc. .. How can I set something like "./" and "../" to do something like a regular expression, How can I also do this for those folders except for the slash "\" in which they have spaces? Id wants to leave the slash at the end whether it is a shell command Possible Yam? Or would I have to use Pearl for modifications for testing? I want to have the time to stay as the date and time. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The box is Linux and it is being done through SSH. Edit: What I have yet (thanks for this for Mark and GBN) LS-LF | Grep -vE '..? /? $ '| A...

How do I create a regularly-spaced array of values in MATLAB? -

How do I create an array defined with a starting point, an end point, and a total array size? Something like an array that goes from 1 to 10, which is 20 elements long. For example, the array might look like this: 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 ... You can do some things that you can do: Use it: startvalu = 1; EndValue = 10; Enlightenments = 20; StepSize = (end value-start value) / (Eniles-1); A = starting value: step size: end value; Using the function (as suggested): startValue = 1; EndValue = 10; Enlightenments = 20; A = Lynxpace (startvalue, and value, enelments); In the above examples, the difference between array element values ​​will be 9/19 , or Less than 0.5 (as opposed to sample array) question).

ruby operator overloading question -

I am walking with Ruby and Open for entertaining purposes, and I have to write some 3D vector / plain / etc Decided to make classes some maths beautiful Simple example: class Vec3 attr_accessor: x ,: y ,: z def * (a) if a.is_a? (Numerical) scalar return (@x * a, @ y * a, @ z * a) alsf a.is_a (Vec3) #dot product return @ x * ax + @ y * ay + @ z * az end End end v1 = (1,1,1) v2 = v1 * 5 #produces [5,5,5] All that is fine and dandy, but I also write I want to be enabled v2 = 5 * v1 for which FixName or float or whatever functionality is required to add, but I can not Find out how to overload or expand multiplier without completely transferring it Is it possible in Ruby? "text"> Using a monkey, monkey- Better method than patching is: class Vec3 attr_accessor: x ,: y ,: z def * (a) if any .is_a? (Numerical) scalar return (@x * a, @ y * a, @ z * a) alsf a.is_a? (Vec3) #dot Product Return @ x * ax + @ y * If you define v as ...

php - How to refactor better model functions in CakePHP? -

I am studying programming best practice and it is said that when we make the function, we should do this sole solo specific task. I have found model functions that retrieve data and this is related data. Example: $ the-> student-> student assessments (); Currently, this function receives student assignments, as well as questions for each assignment and data about the student. I use all of them, I have a dilemma, if I try to do different things which retrieve related data (student and question datas), then it starts doing because I call DB more I am What would you suggest? Take care while doing this kind of refactoring ... I usually My models have a model-> and some more functions. These functions are public and this means that the controller is called as an option in the form of the option of finding complex (or any). What I would normally do is then a small collection of personal works in the model. Student-> There may be anything about scholarship ....

python - How do I get the remote user agent inside a Genshi template when using Trac, and WSGI? -

I'm trying to optimize some of a Trac Project Management website and have fallen into an interesting problem: This project contains a set of images which are both SVG and PNG. SVG pictures have many advantages including a small transmitted size against many hyperlinks and PNG which is large and can link only one document. I think it is possible to sniff out the user agent of using jQuery, after the page was loaded and PNG was replaced with the SVG version of the image, but it was replaced by PNG to all clients. is sending. I can also use PNG to Genshi SVG for all customers and then use jQuery to put PNG back, but the same problem results I can use jQuery to insert images suitable for all customers , But this is just what the customer needs to find stupid to find the server. Is there a way I can get browser information inside a Genshi template? It's actually a bit more difficult to call for environmental variables because I'm using Tracy as WSGI. I have seen through ...

javascript - How to Obtain Data to Pre-Populate Forms -

The purpose is to reflect the user's defined constraints on a search. First of all, I completely trusted server side scripting to get it; Recently I tried to convert the functionality into javascript. On the server side, search parameters are stored in the Coldfusion Structure, which makes Jason's data especially convenient and sent to the customer. Then there is a case of 'checkable' and text fields running differently to reflect user's search criteria; JQuery proved to be very effective in simplifying the workload. An observational difference lies in performance. The second method was somewhat slow and did not work in IE8. Obviously, JSN's structure was seen as an empty object back. I am sure this can be decided, although before spending any time with it, I am eager to hear how others have acted. I happily appreciate any suggestions. Why would you do this with javascript, If you already have a server-side solution that works with all browse...

java - Serializing BTree to a file -

I'm trying to implement a BTree I work very much with trees and lots of small input Good work, which means that I have implemented the tree in memory, now I would like to play with large input, for which I have to write a tree in a file. I do not know where to start, I am using Java and I have not done much 'coding disk' coding any help would be very appreciated. If someone wants to help me with such an example which would be better. If your BTree and its nodes are serialiable, you can use the object overputstream and fileoptrast in a file tree And write his content. It would be easy to test: write it in a .ser file, read it back, and see if you got the original BTree back. There are some good examples in the package that will help you. UPDATE: I do not see the case of your use to write dynamically because it is done according to the modifications or "do not want to write the whole tree." It is impossible to slow down. It will take a long time to m...

datagrid - how to filter / query date using dojox.jsonPath.query -

I am referring to using I am doing this (spent two days but no Not Fortune): Before charting a datagrid with the first integer columns and date columns and clicking on the column header, you can sort column values. Now use dojox.jsonPath.query using query numbers using syntax such as jsonstore = new dojox.jsonPath.query (object, "[? (. + Fields 1> 500)] "); // work fine (using jsonstore to underline the grid) .. So far everything works fine. But now using the JSON, dojo is trying to filter the dates on the other columns for the datagrid. var dt = new date (); Jsonstore = new dojox.jsonPath.query (object, "[[Date:" + DT + "]]") // does not work / / I am trying to get the rows of grid which is the effective date Date is less than the cuurent date or any other nearby 'javascript date object' layout = [["field": "field 1", "name": "field 1"}, {"type": dojox. Grid.cells.DateTextBox,...

regex - Perl Regexes - Replacing certain instances of matches -

I am trying to replace the text in a source file as the preprocessor works. My approach is to stabilize and parse their values ​​and create a hash array with them. My problem is as follows: In the source file, I have: define # 10 conferencing # CONSTANT_PLUS_ONE CONSTANT + 1 I define / ^ # to match the second line \ s + (\ w * *) \ s +. * ($ Key) * / , but when I define s / $ 2 / $ {$ key} / , both instances have been changed, i.e. Try specifying the word boundaries: s / \ B $ 2 \ b / $ defined {$ key} / g;

delete XML node using javascript in firefox -

I am trying to delete a node in the XML file using JavaScript. I used the browser Firefox I used node I'm reaching out which I want to successfully delete, then I'm trying to delNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild (delNode), but when I went back to the XML file on my harddisk, the node was still there. I need to remove the whole node (not only children) if someone can guide me to do me, then I am very good;) Thanks This should delete the DelNode Do you get an error? What is the result of DelNode.parentNode.removeChild (delNode)? I do the same thing all the time and it works for me. I'm sorry I missed part about writing it back in the file. To do this, and to take advantage of these things, you will have to create a directory with a directory called 'chrome', in which your script will be a file.

Excel Formula Null Value -

I am using Excel to calculate the total dollar amount (profit) to make some formulas. At the moment there are many rows which will be calculated on the basis of the profit calculated by the number above it. Say that 1 day is $ 1000 and earn 5% profit. 2 days is $ 1005 and it creates 3% profit, day 3, etc. It will be forever (or in the near future). Below I want to calculate a total profit. Each line will have all the benefits added together (and the default is reduced by $ 1000) In each row, the profit is calculated by calling the actual value ($ 1005), which is more than the% increase Or decrease, then reduce $ 1005 from the previous value of $ 1000, so the profit will come out for that day. If I am formulating the formula and there is no value in 2 fields, which calculates, then its profit is PROFIT = - $ 1000 (because each field is empty, and it is still taking the previous day total). It looks really complicated! Hope it gives some understanding and thanks for any hel...

python - Send selected text to a command line argument -

I found this utility, which translates different languages ​​into each other using Google's translation API. It really works according to the description. Although I have got sick to choose a word that does not understand, then middle-click it in the command. The command format is as follows: pytranslate WORD Is there a program / script that can be detected in when I select a word, or a series of words with my mouse, and then Select the above command instead of WORD in a terminal window Runs with the text? Example: Selected Text: Bonjour Mondial ... Result as a result / result: > #! / Bin / bash pytranslate "$ (xsel -p)" Now just put it in ~ / bin (make sure your path is included) , And run it. (You may need to install the XSL package.) This primary selection will take the current content of the buffer and pass it on the patentl. If you want it as a button, use a bash read command to create a launcher that runs it on a...

html - Divs Shift When Content Gets Too Large -

I am facing some weird behavior with the project: When you click on the rules, pixels or three link to the entire layout shifts on the left side I have attributed it to the amount of content in that div, because when you click on the 'score' link , In which there is a small content height. The following devilinease looks like the following: & Lt; P & gt; Roll the dice by clicking on the roll button. You have 3 rolls per turn, after rolling you can choose to keep the dice through the roll. To keep it through a twist, click on one to die, click on an option and click on the score roll to submit a combination of dice or to claim Yatashi either click on Zee button, or select anything without the score roll . To claim Yahtsi, either click on Zee button, or scroll anything without selecting anything. To claim Yahtsi, either click on Zee button, or scroll anything without selecting anything. To claim Yahtsi either click on Zee button, or score roll without having...

cocoa - how to use NSRunLoop in objective-C? -

How to use NSRunLoop in Objective-C and how to use to change the value of some variables? Thanks We usually wait for a variable to change Will not use an NSRunLoop in production. Can use a callback. However, in the unit test code we have the following: NSDate * twoSecondsFromNow = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 2.0]; While the (! Callback Inquake & Error! Accelerator & amp; Runcount- & amp; amp; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] RunMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode before: DOSCFFMNM]] {twoSecondsFromNow = [NSDT DateEight TimeInternationalSync: 2.0];} The code waits until our callback is implemented, an error has occurred, or we have waited for a period of 2 seconds, we use it to test the delegates who callback As I Scope said I would not do this in production code.

remove column from variable (LINQ) -

मैंने निम्न चर परिभाषित किया है var परिणाम = रिपोर्ट में firoozehDataContext.Reports रिपोर्ट चुनें; अब अगर मैं चाहता हूं कि वेरिएबल में कॉलम में से एक को हटाना चाहते हैं, तो मैं यह कैसे करूँ? जब तक आप प्रदर्शन के बारे में गंभीर चिंता नहीं करते हैं, ऐसा लगता है कि यूआई स्तर पर किस तरह की चीज़ों को संभाला जाना चाहिए और आपके डेटा एक्सेस कोड में नहीं। मुझे इस धारणा है कि आप इस क्वेरी के परिणाम और ग्रिड के लिए बंधन या ऑटो-जनरेटेड कॉलम के साथ सूची। हालांकि, यह नियंत्रित करने के लिए बहुत आसान है (और सुरक्षित) कि कॉलम एक ग्रिड में दिखाई देने से अधिक गतिशील रूप से एक एसक्यूएल एसईएलई क्वॉलिटी का निर्माण करना है। ऑटो-जनरेट किए गए कॉलम सचमुच मचान परिदृश्यों के लिए ही उपयुक्त हैं। एक और अच्छा कारण है कि आप जो कर रहे हैं उसके विरुद्ध मैं सुझाऊंगा कि वह हर बार आपका अंतिम उपयोगकर्ता दूसरे (या पुनः दिखाने) को छिपाने का निर्णय करता है कॉलम, आपको अपनी पूरी क्वेरी फिर से चलाने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया गया है। यह लगभग निश्चित तौर पर नहीं है कि आप वास्तव में क्या चाहते हैं। मैं बस उन सभी कॉलम...

php - Table structure for menus in mySQL -

I want advice for table structure. I need to dynamically create menus. There will be more than 3 menu. Some menus will have multi-level structures. What is the best way to clarify menu tables? All the menus are in a table Each table should have a table any other ?? Please kindly contact for the dynamically generated menu for your experience or general behavior. Believing your menu tree is not very big, the so-called adjacent list will be the simplest option

php - Ampersand at end of string not visible in browser -

मैं नीचे एक स्ट्रिंग प्रिंट करता हूं कोड: गूंज "& amp; शब्द ="। $ Rs ['pw']। "& Amp;"; आउटपुट: & amp; शब्द = सहायता | अच्छा ध्यान दें कि अंतिम & amp; प्रिंट नहीं है। लेकिन जब मैं & amp; के बाद एक स्पेस वर्ण जोड़ता हूं तो इसे नीचे के रूप में प्रिंट किया जाता है कोड: गूंज "& amp; शब्द ="। $ Rs ['pw']। "& Amp;"; आउटपुट: & amp; शब्द = सहायता | अच्छा & amp; अब & amp; प्रिंट होता है। ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है और इस व्यवहार के कारण क्या है? यदि आप इसे किसी वेब ब्राउज़र पर आउटपुट कर रहे हैं तो आपको & amp; & amp; amp; "& amp; HTML में स्ट्रिंग्स से बचने के लिए बहुत कुछ किया जाता है, और यूआरएल में ऐसा एक विशेष वर्ण है, जैसे कि & lt;> आदि।

c# - Full screen on many screen (WPF) -

I am using WPF I think my windows take full screens of all screens Are there. If I use the code snippet: WindowState = WindowState.Normal; WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; Top = true; WindowState = WindowState Maximum; This only takes the active screen How to maximize the screen fill? The state only fills one screen how Windows works in windows. You can either create a separate window for every display or use the single window position on the minimum X / Y coordinate for all displays and change it again so that you can change each display . You have to note where the screen is on the surface of your window, however, there are such display configurations you will not expect, such as the following: ┌──────┐ │ │ │ │ │ ┌──────────┐ │ │ └──────┘ │ │ │ │ └ └ └ └ └──────────┘ │ └ └ ───────┘ If you only expect a rectangular setup then it is possible to handle the pain as well as possible.

java - Change the color of jfreechart piechart -

I want to change the color of the "piece" of pie in my jfreechart PieChart3D, this is the code which picart: & lt;% response.setContentType ("image / png"); % & Gt; & Lt;% @page import = " *"%> Gt; & Lt;% @ Page Import = "org.jfree.chart. *"% "% & Gt; & Lt;% @ Page Import = "Org.jfree.chart.plot. *"% "% & Gt; & Lt;% @ page import = "java quote."% Any help is highly appreciated. The color section for each is usually populated by the drawing's plain player of the plot. You can override the default, however by calling PiePlot.setSectionPaint (Comparative Key, Paint Paint); With it, however, you will need to set up each section manually. If you just want a different color color, then it seems that you can apply drawing sppler.

ADO.NET Data Service API Versioning -

We created the main entry point of our central application at the top of our ADMX file. In the near future, many different applications will show and consume our REST service. So far, it's great, but one thing I am missing is that I have been using ADOs for all my consumers every time. Net does not want to update to publish a new version of Data Services. How can I get such a legacy compliance? Thank you, Stephen. Data services clients and server connections do not make version annotations on time - they do it for each request. Each request or response contains a version header that indicates which version of the customer or server it is required to request. This means that the downlaw client can communicate with an up-level server, as long as the server can not respond to those requests, which requires the version number of the response to it. To use the highest version responses, the service is required, all of which are off by default. This means that as a new ver...

javascript - Preserving the radiobutton values using cookies -

I have three radio buttons that I want to preserve the radio button value after refreshing the browser using cookies . Please help me. Attach the "Onansez" event handler to the radio button and save the new value again in a cookie. Attach an "Onload" event handler to your body and set the value of the radio button based on the value in the cookie (if it exists) ...

flex - create HBox component with default values -

I want to create an HBox component; For example, HLBox that actually behaves like a HBox but its default width and height is 100%. How can I do this? Create a HLBox.mxml file and add the following code to it. & lt ;! - HLBox.mxml - & gt; & Lt; Mx: HBox xmlns: mx = "" width = "100%" height = "100%" /> Use and HLBox as you HBox & lt; HLBox & gt; & Lt ;! - Do not specify the width or height attributes for the HLBox tag, it will overwrite the default - & gt; & Lt; Mx: label text = "something" /> & Lt ;! - Other children - & gt; & Lt; / HLBox & gt;

Manage timeouts in the Reporting Services 2005 -

There are some problems I have a report that is executed for a long time. When an hour passes "The page can not be displayed" error appears I think it is smth. With timeout settings this setting was increased: C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.2 \ ReportingServices \ ReportManager \ Web.config C: \ Program Files Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.2 \ Reporting Services \ ReportServer \ Web.config & lt; HttpRuntime executionTimeout = " 18000 " /> C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.2 \ Reporting Services \ ReportServer \ rsreportserver.config & lt; Add Key = "SQLCommandTimeoutSeconds" value = " 18000 " /> & lt; Add Key = "MaxActiveReqForOneUser" value = "20" /> & lt; Add Key = "DatabaseCatetime Time" value = " 18000 " /> Also: Report Manager-> Site Settings> Report Execution Timeout-> Select " Strong> No timeout report... - Page postback even after showing validation summary -

I have a masterpiece, the same old header, footer, and content section. I have different ASPX pages on this master page but each ASPX has a web user control. Masterpages for the former -> sitemaster. ASPX -> BuildBid.spx, Web Control -> BuildBid.Saxx I have used the verification control within the web control to show the verification summary in the same control. The problem here is that, there is a Page Postback even if verification fails. Verification summary is also shown, but the page has been postmarked. Can anyone do this why this is happening? Although the page has been postbacked, no code has been executed. For the past, if I'm clicking on submit button, nothing is presented, I can see the verification summary or message box but the page is refreshing. If I'm considering simple ASPX without the masterpage, then the page works perfectly with refresh without verification. Thank you for sharing your precious time. Take a look at this: this may b...

Can you use the Entity Framework directly from Silverlight? -

I see data access in Silverlight, using RIA services seems to be removed from back end. Is direct use of a serial framework straightforward or is it impossible and therefore instead of using RIA services is required? It seems that using the unit framework directly from the serial lights against the SQL Ezur database, the more efficient and flexible way of handling the data by moving through an additional layer of RIA services What do I miss here? You can not use unit framework directly in Silverlight for ease you work on runtime on client side are doing. Emphasizing EF that you have access to your database, which you should not give to client side runtime. The best solution is to use RIA services so far, which offers a simple and transparent way to manipulate your data and is similar to EF.

How to create an integer array in Python? -

It should not be so hard that I mean in C, int a [10] ]; All you need to know how to create an array of all zeros for a random shape, I know the zero function in NumPy, but there is no other module but an easy way needed. If you are not satisfied with the lists (because they can include anything and take a lot of storage You can use the efficient array of integers: Import array array.array ('i') View If you need to start it, a = array.array ('i', (0 I range (0, 10)))

silverlight - Application Navigation Framework (SL) with MVVM -

How can I use the Application Navigation Framework (SL) with MVVM, I am using the MVVM Light Toolkit .. thanks About using the Navigation Framework with Application MVVM There is nothing special in this. You just make your standard navigation application in Silverlight and make your thoughts. To view the scenes one must be connected to the ViewModel in one of the different ways, such as setting the datacentext to view the view of XML in the navigation mode, the navigation frame only loads views in the frame, the rest is just standard MVVM and standard Silverlight There is no difference from the application.

jQuery Animation + background image swap -

I'm trying to screw up my weight with jQuery, and went into a problem that stumped me Have done Actually, I am trying to animate the truck to the right of the left hand side of the screen, then when the screen goes to the right, the background image of the truck changes. On the other hand, the image of the truck has to be faced, and it is animated on the screen again, and will be repeated for ever. I can swap the background image by moving the screen to the screen, but can not get everything to be in some sort of rational order - the background image of the IE truck swap on page load It is done and when the right from left to right is completed. Even the code is still there, and I know that the syntax is probably wrong, but hopefully what you'll see is what I'm trying to do: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("Animation.wrap"). Animate ({left: "845px"}, {duration: 9000, line: true}) {$ (". "). Css ('background', 'tran...

How can I draw a circle on an image in MATLAB? -

I have a picture in MATLAB: im = rgb2gray (imread ('some_image .jpg ';;;);;); Normal value = IM / max (max); to be between 0 and 1 and I have done some processing, Which I want to highlight: points = some_processing (IM); Where digits is the same size as a matrix / P> [x_p, y_p] = find (digits); [x, y (= 1), 1: aa Doors (IM, 1), 1: size (IM, 2)) R = 5; Circle = zero (size (IM)); For = 1: length (x_p) circle = circle + (floor ((x - x_p (k)). ^ 2 + (y - y_p (k)). ^ 2) == r); End% normal circle circle = circle / max (max (circle)); Output = IM + circles; Emasho (Output) It seems to be somewhat rude. What is a way to solve the same as the line function? You can use the common command with one: [X_p, y_p] = find (digits); Imshow (im); % # Hold your image; Add later plots to% # image plot (y_p, x_p, 'o'); % # Note: x_p and y_p are switched (see note below)! Hold down; % # Will be overwritten by any subsequent plot! You ca...

cocoa - NSArrayController initialization -

I have a problem getting the NSARAC controller for core-data backup to work properly in my code My code is: pageorder controller = [[NSArrayController alloc] initWithContent: zero]; [PageArrayController Set ManagedObjectContext: [Self-Managed ObjectCurrent]]; [PageArrentRularSetTNName: @ "page"]; [PageRerentler SetAvides Blank Selection: Yes]; [PageArrayControllerSetting SelectionSeek: Yes]; [Page array controller set related objects: Yes]; [PageArrayController set ClearsFilterPredicateOn representation: Yes]; [PageRarenterSet disabled: Yes]; [PageArray Controller SetupCopyrage Content: Yes]; [PageArrayControllerSetDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey: @ "Index" ascending: Yes]]]; BOOL Result = [Select PageArrentRularSidex: 0]; When I try to call setSelectionIndex, it returns YES, indicating that the selection has been changed successfully. However, the PageErrorController calls the object to any later session inde...

django - Using Constants in -

Do I declare a variable in the of the Django project in one of my module files? I can use For example, using DATABASE_HOST = 'databasename' ? I am trying to get the name of the server on which the application is currently posted on you. You can of course ... it can be encouraged, to actually use it , Import settings from django.conf (this imports the settings of your project): print "My database host is% s"% settings.DATABASE_HOST This document explains why this works, and why the module is better than importing directly.

javascript - Using jQuery with google.load -

I am trying to understand how the Google cdn's google.load method is used when Use the. Putting the init code in the setOnLoad callback function works great but it does not work to define the function for event handlers in markup. In the example below, the P button works as expected but the Div button does nothing. Yes, in this example, I can also insert the onclick handler of the devise in setOut callback function, but does it mean that all should be jQuery code? Help? Thanks & lt; P id = "p" & gt; Content & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" id = "btn1" & gt; P & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div" & gt; Div & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" id = "btn2" onclick = "btn2 ()" & gt; Div & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; &...

asynchronous - Same Machine Erlang communication -

To help me understand what approach I should take for interface with Erlang, I need to answer the following question: I The AFAIK Eerling uses a multi-process approach on a SMP Unix box in this case it should do the same machine IPC. Does Eranang use the Unix domain socket for UNIX? Does it use name-pipe for windows? If it does not apply the above two structures - that is, not designated pipes for windows; It has to fallback on sockets on windows. How are the principles given above implemented, whether they use message oriented, thread per single channel, asynchronous structure or something else? If my line of argument is wrong, does it use a master-hair tree and all other processes indirectly - through the master? - 1 - for Erring Binary Format Documentation. The Universal Consent That Unix Domain Sockets Performs Better I think that I will try to expand Erlang to use the better preferences provided. I also strongly suspect that APOL and windows IOPC are ...

benchmarking - How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++ -

I want to calculate the execution time of the C ++ code snippet in seconds, either working on Windows or Unix machines is. I use the code to do this following code. (Import first) clock_t startTime = clock (); // some code here // to calculate its execution period in runtime Cout & lt; & Lt; Double (clock () - start time) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC & lt; & Lt; "Seconds." & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Although small input or short statement such as = a + 1, I get a "0 second" result, I think such a thing should be 0.0000001 seconds or something like that. I remember that system.nanoTime () in Java works very well in this case. However, I can not get the same exact functionality from the function of clock () C ++ Do you have any solutions? You can use this function, you can write I GetTimeMs64 () , and it uses the system clock to give the number of milliseconds since the Unix era - such as time (zero) , in milliseconds. It works...

big o - Hamiltonian circuit -

What is the biggest complexity of finding Hamiltonian circuits in Markov series using DFS? Big O notation gives upper limit, ie bad case running time. For the Hamiltonian cycle it can be called O (N ^ N)

java - Better Performance: WMI vs SNMP? -

What is better performance under Windows to retrieve data such as CPU / memory / disk usage, etc.? WMI or SNMP? Check by Berry Hoekstra: Description One paper I wrote about the difference between SNMP and WMI, I discuss both the monitoring standards and conclude that if SMMP is the king in the world then WMI is really important.

Get-ChildItem recurse as a parameter in PowerShell -

I am looking to create a function that can toggle the ability to do research inside. Very basic example: ... param ([string] $ source directory = ".", [String] $ fileTypeFilter = "* .log", [Boolean] Get $ recurse = $ true) -ChildItem $ sourceDirectory -recurse -filter $ fileTypeFilter | ... How does the -recurse add-child add conditional to Get-ChildItem to not support anything? I thought that probably could replace a -recurse with a $ recursetext parameter in the Get-ChildItem statement ($ recurse were true If set to "Rakhi") but it does not seem so. Here are some things. First of all, you do not want to use [boolean] for the type of resource parameter, it is necessary that you pass an argument to the refined parameter on your script, eg -Rector $ is true You want that a [switch] parameter is shown below. Also, when you forward the switch parameter to the child-on-the-recharging parameter, use : as shown below: param ([ Stri...

How do you study about software animation? -

It is in reference to the same question as Apart from curiosity: How do they make cartoon films in Pixar? I am sure they use any kind of software animation tool. Most of what they are (this is 'Maya' or something more advanced) apart from that they do some programming or they use most of the 3D modeling tools of most types. Are there courses that can independently study those software? You can start with some tutorials You can google "Pixar Modeling Tutorials / Techniques" to make a better feel on the particular of this. Here is a link I saw which looked interesting while searching.

remoting - .NET: Channel and sinks between unrelated appdomains -

I understand that when a new appdomain is created, the framework creates the channel and the signal is inherent if If this has not happened, you can not create an object in an appdomain and one can use a proxy in the other. (This is an understanding, please correct me if I am wrong.) In addition, if the object is remedied to be martial, To use a channel must be clearly registered. (So far?) Here my understanding breaks down: Scenario: Appdomain 1: Remoting server with martial object, channel is registered. Episode 2: Client to use martial object. Appdomain 3: Creating an embedded channel above between Appdomain 1 and 3 for the plugin has been created from within Appdomain1 (the server). If an object is created in the Appdomain 3 (plugin), but the proxy reference is used in Appdomain 2 (customer), channel (s) and sync are required. How do I do this? The answer is to register only one channel within the Appdomain 3 (plugin appdomain). I thought that there should be...

In JavaScript/jQuery, how to retrieve data that has spaces in its name? -

मैं JSON getJSON कॉल का उपयोग करते हुए JSON पुनर्प्राप्त कर रहा हूं। मेरी समस्या यह है कि कुछ फ़ील्ड जेएसओएन में उनके पास रिक्त स्थान है। स्रोत डेटा को बदले बिना मैं इन मानों को JSON से कैसे प्राप्त करूं? रेखा नीचे "त्रुटि" चिह्नित करें: $। GetJSON (url, null, फ़ंक्शन (objData) {$ .each (, फ़ंक्शन (i, आइटम) {var zip = item । ज़िप; var fname = item.First नाम; // ERROR});}); उदाहरण JSON: jsonp123456789 ({"डेटा": [{"ज़िप": "12345", "प्रथम नाम": "बॉब"} , "प्रथम नाम": "प्रथम नाम": "बिल"}]}} P> एरे सदस्य पहुंच संकेतन वस्तुओं पर भी काम करता है। $। GetJSON (url, null, फ़ंक्शन (objData) {$ .each (, फ़ंक्शन (i, आइटम) {var zip =; var fname = item ['प्रथम नाम'];}) ;}); आप इसका उपयोग मनमानी स्ट्रिंग के लिए कर सकते हैं (वे जो कानूनी पहचानकर्ता नहीं हैं) और साथ ही वेरिएबल्स। var fieldName = "प्रथम नाम"; Var fname = आइटम [fieldNa... - Remove anchor on postback -

Contrary to this question: I have a problem on postback, this one anchor. I'm starting in Browse.aspx; The user clicks a few clicks that takes them to an anchor on the page. Then they choose a new filter from DropDownList, so it refreshes back with filter on page 1, but the anchor stays in the URL so that they jump down the page. Any postback url = " Any thoughts? Note, I am sending them with anchor with which to follow the method in the code behind it Does: / p> registered startupscript ("navigatio", "and litt; script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; document.htt = '# photo1 '; "); I think that You must do a server.redirect (or skip the other client inject) The script that refreshes the page) When the user chooses a new filter without the anchor in the URL itself, the browser will not lose itself during the post-back.

c++ - Native Makefile alternative for windows -

What is a good alternative to makefiles on Windows? I am compiling collections of C ++ files (.CPP and .h) using CL.XE I did not want to use makefiles, because I want to reduce the amount of third party utilities, people will need to create my application. Drew J Gold Visual Studio comes with NMK, for which no third party tool will be required.

css - Firefox floated <ul>... extra top padding or margin, even after default reset? -

I've found a simple temporary horizontal list that looks good in IE and Opera, but there is an extra padding or margin in Firefox At the top I do not know how to fix it. As long as I had to add a display, it seemed like the same: due to any other digit, she has inline for an image link, so I think the display Something to do with the attribute .. no idea ? I am trying to remove it from the last eight hours. #header {background: url (../images / header_bkg.) Repeat-x; Width: 800 pixels; Height: 125px; Status: Relative; } #header ul {list-style-type: none; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; float right; } #Header Li {Float: left; Padding: 0x6px 0 0; Margin: 0; } # Header A, # Header A: Visited {font-family: werdana, aerial, helvicika, sense-serif; Font-size: .7em; Color: # 333333; Text-decoration: None; Padding: 2px; Display area; } # Header A: Hover {font size: .7em; Color: #FFFFFF; Background: # DCAD33; Text-decoration: None; Display area; } & Lt; Div id = "header" & g...

Is there a lower limit and upper limit check function in PHP or MySQL? -

Is there such a function in PHP or MySQL? function check ($ lower, $ val, $ upper) {if ($ val> $ lower & $ val & lt; upper) {return $ val; } If ($ val & lt; = $ less) {return $ lower; } If ($ val> = $ upper) {return over $; }} I do not believe this, but min () and Maximum () : function check ($ lower, $ val, $ upper) {return minute (max ($ lower, $ val), upper $); }

lisp - What does "my other car is a cdr" mean? -

Can anyone explain this joke to me? I have read something on functional programming languages ​​and know that the meaning of the CAR / CDR is the contents of the register / curve register but I still do not really understand the humor. In Lisp, a linked list element is called a bracket with two elements There is a data structure, which is called the CDR for CR and historical reasons (some common Lisp programmers prefer to refer to the use of earlier and leisure functions, whereas others like CAR and CDR are precomfolded versions (CADR X) ≡ (Car (CDR X)) Junk is a parody of a bumper sticker, which you sometimes see on the green cars which says "My second car is Porsche / BMW / etc". This joke is always for me "my second car is CADR. CDR is not a car at all."

iphone - Objective C - UIActivityIndicatorView positioning -

I have a UIActivityIndicatorView that I create in the LoadView function and create a situation. It works fine that I why does it do this? Before you can see a split second UIActivityIndicatorView on top left corner. And how can I stop it? I also try to see the UIActivindilator view in the deduction ceremony and it happens. BTW, I am using the UIActivic indicator as an example example, but I also have a UIImageView that I am alpha 0 and I see it for a split second even before it is even removed . Please enlighten. Thanks, T Before adding it to the scene before changing its position Try: [self.view addSubview: spinner]; =;

python - How do I mimic browser back arrow in my application page? -

request.path gives me the clicked URL I need a return link on the page that clicked, the referring page Should come back, like in case of browser's back arrow, I do not maintain any session and do not want to hardcod the referrer page url. history.go (-1)

class - Django: how to use bare classes in urlpatterns? -

I have seen that a URLSASS works like this: from the project F import some class urlpatterns = pattern ('', (r '^ url / $', some class ()),) Nowhere can I know what it means , Is usually an entry like this: (r '^ url / (? P & lt; some_id & gt; \ d +) / $', 'project.views.some_view '), Can anyone tell me how just some classes () work? Some class () construction works if this parameter is low, but I have to put the parameter there, so I made something like this: (r '^ Url / (? P & lt; some_id & gt; \ d +) / $ ', some class ()), and modify some class which was: class some class (other class): def item (auto): return MyItems.objects.all () to: class Some classes (other classes): def items (themselves, some_id): return MyItems.objects.filter (pk = some_id) Now when / url / I go to: typeError at / url / 12 / items () takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) It seems that logic is not passed. If I tri...

c++ - Why should I not try to use "this" value after "delete this"? -

This usage is discussed in the construction . 4 restrictions are listed. Restrictions 1 to 3 seem fair enough but why restriction 4 is there that I should not check it ", compare it with another indicator, compare it with tap, print it, insert it Do something with it "? I mean this is yet another indicator why I can not send it to reinterpret_cast in int > After you delete it, nothing can do with the indicator (this, or any other indicator), that the hardware (and some older machines) was trying to load an invalid memory address in a register. Although it can be cured all modern hardware, the standard says that the only thing you can do to make an invalid indicator (unchanged or deleted) is to be assigned (either by zero or any other valid indicator ).

c# - Useful WPF utilities -

Some useful utilities that help you when writing WPF applications? I know about visual debugging of WPF applications at runtime, and - a WPF pixel shader effect testing tool. I want to know about other such applications and what are they useful. WPF increases the WPF in popularity because there are completely bunch of tools for it, and are popping up more and more. I have listed some of the most useful people below, but it really depends on you what you want to achieve. For example, the Sketchflow plugin has made such a difference in Blend. In addition, with the VS-2010 you will be given a lot of integration of the VS-2010 with WPF to be released next year. The fluid will be found. I also agree with Andrew, if you are trying to develop too many WPFs It is worth looking at the MVVM pattern as I think there is a pattern that exposes a lot of power behind WPF In addition, if you have looked at the prism, then it Take some time.

TFS search dialog for items -

Has the team searched a search dialog for TFS objects without query? Are there any third party tools to search TFS items with full text searches? Yes, a plug-in is called.

advertising - Recommend hosted Ad Manager for displaying ads on web sites -

What will be a good hosted advertising manager to display ads on a site? I have heard, but it has never been used. Kłbskykov mentions AdSense, but this is not exactly the same thing. When you use it, you are basically handing over the sale of your ad space in Google's bidding system. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is not for every site. This is because you can sell some of your ad space. If you are a big site, then you need a tool that can collect ads from multiple sources at once. I know many people who use OpenX but there were complaints about it, some have recommended as an option, but I have not yet had the chance to do it. It was requested that I add specific OpenX complaints here quotes have been selected (from a website whose name can not be given): OpenX is slow as "insert something offensive". This is a stock installation, "But if you want to make very custom modifications with it, especially on recent versions, just do not bot...

MySQL Enum's always contain '' (empty string) in possibilities -

I'm trying to create a simple 'yes' / 'may' / 'not', in mysql I can not set NULL with PhpMyAdmin, and 'Maybe' as default value I expect an error while executing something like "SET EnumCol = '', because '' ( An empty string) should not be a valid value. But the query is executed and the value is set to '' - this means that I am forced to double check for this unwanted and illegal value while reading from the database! Is there a bug in MySQL or phpMyAdmin? Does anyone know a way to disable this behavior? Thank you. In the empty string ENUM there is an error indicator of invalid values ​​from Mysql: If you enter an invalid value in an ENUM (which is, a string is not present in the list of allowed values), the empty string is inserted as special error value. This string can be separated with the "normal" empty string, that the string numeric value is 0. More information about this. Behavio...

.net - unclipped Winforms user controls? -

Is it possible to create a form with controls that are allowed to exit their (client) area? In WPF, this is not only possible, but it is also the default: clipbound = false; . How do I do this in WinForms? TIA, This is not really possible (easily) Windows Forms In. Windows forms a separate window (HWND) per control HWND is limited to a specific area for drawing, and when you nest them, they stick to their parents HWND. The WPF works on this one by using only one HWND for a window, so when you "control", they are not only rendered by WPF, by the actual OS window handles. The best thing to do is create a large "parent" window (potentially transparent) and put your control in it so that the clipping does not happen, it is difficult to get the right.

iphone - Cast as an NSNumber doubleValue adding extra [phantom] precision -

iPhone एसडीके 3.2.1 NSMutableDictionary * myDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 2]; [MyDict सेट ऑब्जेक्ट: [एनएसएनम्बर नंबर के साथ दोहरा: 0.1 एफ] के लिए: @ "testDoubleObject"]; [MyDict सेट वैल्यू: [एनएसएनम्बर संख्या डबलडेल डबल: 0.1 एफ] के लिए की: @ "टेस्ट डबल दोहरे"]; कंसोल पैदावार इस के लिए myDict का विवरण मुद्रण: myDict का मुद्रण वर्णन: {प्रकार = परिवर्तनशील, गिनती = 2, क्षमता = 3, जोड़े = ( 0: {सामग्री = "testDoubleObject"} = {मूल्य = 0.10000000149011611938, type = kCFNumberFloat64Type} 1: {सामग्री = "testDoubleValue"} = {मूल्य = 0.10000000149011611938, type = kCFNumberFloat64Type})} पुलिंग वापस dict से बाहर युगल से पता चलता इन प्रेत अंक संरक्षित किया जा रहा है: NSNumber * doubleFromObject = [myDict objectForKey: @ "testDoubleObject"]; एनएसएनम्बर * डबलफ्रेम वैल्यू = [myDict valueForKey: @ "testDoubleValue"]; मुद्रण doubleFromObject और doubleFromValue कंसोल में इस पैदावार: doubleFromObjec...

jquery - How to select all content between two of the same tags? -

, but I'm looking for a jQuery solution using HTML only below (i.e. no classes or id attributes): & lt; H2 & gt; Foo & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Asdf & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Bar & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Hail & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; I would like to use some jQuery such as: $ ('h2'). AfterButforeNext ('h2'). DoSomething (); This should: Select all the Brother elements after the specified element, but before the next occurrence of the specified element. If there is no end element, then select all the elements below it. The ...

Rails ActiveRecord - eager loading (sort of) when using 'build' from has_many -

I have a situation where children have been created, but have not been saved, and then parents' references Is being used in the scene with. This has extensive use of rail record caching. I have to 'curious load' parents with childhood records. class guardian & lt; ActiviverCord :: Base is_Im: Kids Deaf Make-Childer Loop .. Bal_Are & lt; & Lt; Children (Construction) End End Then in the scene (note that 'child' has not been saved in DB): children_re.each Do it Children # What is the best way to optimize this, does it not choose the parent only from the cash? Child.parent end I'm not sure that I understand the problem. Query cache is your friend ...! You are not calling the database that you are calling on .parent . If you can include more information about what you are trying to do, then it may be easier to help with the problem.

content management system - Help building a rails cms -

I want to build CMS from scratch on the rail ... I want to be as it should be Is wordpress What tips can you give me? .. Will the part of the administrator and the user's part be completely different as a separate app? .. or everyone should be integrated into an app? ... how will you set it ?? Please note that as much as writing in Ruby and Rail, the train may be as specific as possible. I do not have the time to change the wheel again, almost always wasted. Wikipedia, with one of the existing CMS solutions, provides a list of , however, it is better to understand how the built-in platform works, re-implementing an existing project is not a bad idea . The app should be part of the administrative interface, with the clever routing and filters, you can adjust the view to provide more options to more administrative users without doubling the code.

Iterating over same type struct members in C -

Is it possible to repeat a straight path, where all members are of the same type, using the pointer here There is some sample code that does not compile: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Typify Configuration {int mem1; Int mem2; Intram 3; Int mem4; } Foo; Zero my_func (foo * data) {int i; Int * tmp = data; // This is the problem for the line (i = 0; i Fu member must have an alliance in memory, to be one after another, thinking that your compiler / kernel buffer does not try to provide pile protection for overflow. So my question is: How would I be repeated on the same type of members of a C structure? The simplest way would be to create a union, a part in which each member had different and one part In which there is an array. I'm not sure that platform dependent padding can interfere with alignment.

Wireless communication: AVR based embedded system and iPhone -

What is the best way to realize the wireless communication between embedded systems (based on an AVR controller) and iPhone? I think there are only two options: either WiFi or Blue Tooth range is not really a problem, because both devices should stay in the same room. I have no idea if any useful WiFi boards are AVR based microcontroller system (or any other small microcontroller), any signal will be highly welcome. I think the better solution will be Blue Tooth, but there is a problem: which is the most suitable for attachment to the Blue Tooth Board in an AVR system, and this is I hope That someone has already understood this kind of system and can give some helpful tips ... You can get module for both WiFi and Bluetooth which will be connected to the UATT interface from an embedded system. However, although a WiFi module would be more processing power than your AVR microcontroller, I / O to perform additional user code more often with additional capacity, so that an A...

In Django's multi-table inheritance, can the upload_to argument be overridden? -

निम्न कोड के लिए: वर्ग छवि (models.Model): alt_name = मॉडल क्लास स्नैपशॉट (छवि): सोर्स = मॉडल। छवि फ़िल्ट (अधिकतम_ लैंब = 1024, अपलोड_ टू = 'बटन')। = Models.ImageField (max_length = 1024, upload_to = 'स्नैपशॉट्स') वर्ग बैनर (छवि): स्रोत = मॉडल। छवि फ़िल्ट (अधिकतम_लाँग = 1024, अपलोड_to = 'बैनर') इसमें ऊपर के मामलों में, मैं अपने प्रत्येक अपलोड फ़ोल्डर को अपने अपलोड फ़ोल्डर में अपलोड करना चाहता हूं। उदाहरण के लिए, बैनर बैनर नामक एक फ़ोल्डर के नीचे जाएंगे और स्नैपशॉट स्नैपशॉट के अंतर्गत जाएंगे। उपर्युक्त कार्यों के अनुसार अपेक्षित, लेकिन मैं प्रत्येक उप-कक्षा के लिए ImageField दोहरा रहा हूँ। क्या मेरे लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने का एकमात्र तरीका है या क्या एक ड्रयर पद्धति है? तर्क एक है कॉल करने योग्य है, इसलिए आप किसी फ़ंक्शन में पास कर सकते हैं। आप इस तरह से कुछ कर सकते हैं: आयात ओएस डीआर def_path (उदाहरण, फ़ाइल नाम): वापसी os.path.join (उदाहरण .__ वर्ग __.__ नाम__ + 'एस', फ़ाइल नाम) वर्ग छवि (मॉडल । मॉडेल): alt_name = models.CharField (m...