
Showing posts from August, 2012

.net - Database cascading error -

I have three tables in my database: Events, Jobs and Collective Antiques. The FK was pointing at the jobs of PK. In both events and jobs, non-blankable FK (which is also PK of the table) for Collective Antilles' PK, these FK relationships are set for a waterfall on updating and destroying. In fact, when you remove Collective Entity, I want to delete the relevant event and / or job. Now I am trying to change Events to Job FK relationship to set tap on updates or delete, but I get the following error: Error SQL01268 : .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Message 1785, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 Submitted 'FK_Events_Jobs' table 'events' may be on 'foreign currency key' Specify an action on the circle or multiple casted path DELETE or an action update Do, or other foreign keys Modify the barriers. Where is the cycle? How can I avoid this problem that the description described above is the only effect I want. (I'm ready to make changes to avoid other ... - unable to open web project the two need to map to the same server location error -

मुझे VS2002 का उपयोग कर vb .net 1.0 प्रोजेक्ट खोलने का प्रयास करते समय निम्न त्रुटि हो रही है। "वेब प्रोजेक्ट 'प्रोजेक्ट एनैम' को खोलने में असमर्थ। फ़ाइल पथ 'फ़ाइलपथ' URL 'प्रोजेक्टURL' के अनुरूप नहीं है। दो सर्वर को उसी सर्वर स्थान पर मैप करने की आवश्यकता है। HTTP 404: ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं मिला।" मैंने उन सभी लिंक्सों की कोशिश की है जो गूगल ने "मुझे एक ही सर्वर स्थान पर मैप करने के लिए वेब प्रोजेक्ट को खोलने में असमर्थ" शब्द पर खोज करने पर (प्रथम पृष्ठ पर) फेंक दिया। I एक मौजूदा 1.0 प्रोजेक्ट खोलने का प्रयास करते समय और एक नया बनाते समय यह त्रुटि प्राप्त होती है। क्या इस के आसपास कोई अन्य समाधान है? इसके आसपास बहुत खुदाई करने के बाद, मैं इसके समाधान का पता लगाने में सफल रहा। इस समस्या का निदान कैसे करें: अपने वी.एस. 2002 स्थापना के लिए संस्करण संख्या की जांच करें। यह 7.0.9 9 55 होना चाहिए यदि यह इससे पहले की कोई चीज है, तो आपको अपग्रेड करना होगा। यह आलेख पढ़ें। डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें सेवा वीएएस 2002 से 1 के लिए पैक क...

php in javascript? -

मुझे javascript के अंदर कुछ php कोड होना चाहिए & lt; script ... & gt; ; & Lt;? Php इको "..."; ? & Gt; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है आप जावास्क्रिप्ट के अंदर php का कार्यान्वयन कैसे कर सकते हैं जो कि स्वयं की javascript.php फ़ाइल में है? यह नहीं है क्या आपको शायद लगता है कि ऐसा करता है यह काम करेगा, लेकिन PHP एक बार चला जाता है, जब पेज लोड होता है, हर बार जब जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन कहा जाता है।

sql server - How do I find all stored procedures that insert, update, or delete records? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> To parse this source, all sproc names are selected to include a list of records that include, update or delete Without it possible? I need to create a TSKL utility script which can do this. Efficiency is not an issue because it will be run only a few times a year (cursor means the cursor is fine). Ideally this script will not include updates for temporary or local variable tables. I tried to find the following query. select,, sd. Process and is_updated = 1 - - proc update table is is_updated from sysobjects so that the inner is included = sd.object_id internal sss.sql_dependencies sd.referenced_major_id = on sysobjects SO2 where so.xtype = join 'P' Or at least, I think what it means but it produces false negatives. itemprop = "text"> All non-schema calls bound stored procedures: varchar @template announcement (maximum) set @template = 'print'...

math - Find 2 points on a 3d object and get their distance -

Okay so I think that New York City has to be imagined and Beijing needs to see Beijing highlighted on Google Earth ... I am trying to figure out how to map points on a 3D primitive object (a field), distance from any direction through the perimeter, and from diameter Their distance points are going to be latitude and longitude coordinates. Now, this is what I am trying to use to map coordinate (a code agnostic version): x1 = radius * cos ( Long1) * cos (lat1); Y1 = radius * sin (tall 1) * cos (lat 1); Z1 = radius * sin (lat1); But I'm sure this is wrong how can I get each point and their gap can be directly round the diameter of the hemisphere and their distance around the perimeter of the goal ? Thank you. Class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You are really very close to get a straight line distance, all you need to do is: sqrt ((x2- X1) ^ 2 + (y2-y1) ^ 2 + (z2-z1) ^ 2) For the distance around the great circle, remember that it p diam...

c++ - Algorithm for finding path to point -

I'm not sure if I describe it properly, but basically I have an object on point X, And I want the algorithm which can get this point on x ', y' but as it is to show its path, I can revive it. I am creating a tile game and when the game starts, I want to magically place the tiles in a good 2D array. That's why I will generate a random coordination and then say it to go to my goal within 50 frames. Thank you It seems that you just want a linear transformation. Like Xt = ((X'-X) / t) * t, + yt = ((y'-y) / t) * t) + y Or coordinate for a tile on time in English with its path T / Total_frame length is A * redundancy if you are not trying to avoid obstacles.

delay the showing of a ajax loading gif using jQuery -

What is the best way to delay the execution of AJAX-loader GIF when I show loader GIF and hiding a button Clicks, even if the time taken is a few hundred milliseconds, it gives the browser a kind of flicker. What do I want to say to show only GIF, if the AJAX request should take more than 1000 milliseconds to complete. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# loader'). Hide (); $ ('# btnGetPeople') Click (function () {$ ('# loader'). Show (); $ .getJSON ("/ user / gatnum / 10", blank, function (data) {showPerson (data);});});}); Function Showers (Data) {Warning (Data); Hide $ ('# Loader'). } & Lt; / Script & gt; My loader is div .... & lt; Div id = "loader" & gt; & Lt; Img alt = "src =" / content / ajax-loader. Gif "/> What is the best technique to achieve this? As you can see I had added a timeout which is delayed...

Startup form issue in VB.NET -

I have two form names in my project, emp and admin . If I set the startup form to emp , then it always loads admin . How do I solve this problem? For applications, ** project and find the Windows form project, select Properties - & Gt; Application - & gt; Start form drop down - & gt; Click the "View App App" button to confirm your opt-out form * , there is no startup event code that can optionally redirect the user. For the app, ** Go to the project in Solution Explorer and find the WPF project, right click and select properties - & gt; Application - & gt; Start form drop down - & gt; Select your startup form * . Review Application.xaml to confirm startup entry from Visual Studio Project GUI. Click the "View App App" button to confirm which is not a code that can optionally redirect the user.

c# - How can I convert an RTF file to a pdf file? -

How do I convert an RTF file to PDF? Are my Adobe PDF printers, should I use it? If so, how can I use this program? You can use a PDF printer, but you still have some problems to solve . To handle the spread of multiple pages, you will have to create a RichTextbox descendant that handles the message EM_FORMATRANGE There are many (free) PDF printers there, but I It is known that only you will allow the file name of the output to be controlled. They have reasonable rates for licensed volumes. I used it to create complex reports (a combination of multiple RTF segments and custom graphics) as an attachment for email.

endianness - Endian conversion of signed ints -

I am getting big Andian data on UDP and am converting it to a little bit. The source says that integers are signed, but when I swap signed bytes (especially 16-bit) bytes, I get unrealistic value. When I swap them as unsigned deficiencies, I Hopefully what I hope. I think the source documentation might be wrong and actually sending unsigned 16-bit ints, but why would this happen? Values ​​are considered well under all positive and 16-bit INT_MAX, so overflow should not be problem. The only thing I can think about is (1) the documentation is wrong and (2) when I swap the signed intraconship, I do not keep the sign bit correctly. I have really two questions: 1) When overflow is not a problem, does it make any difference whether I read it in signed or unsigned entities? 2) Is it necessary to handle different bit differently between unsigned and unsigned values?) I thought that the endian conversion looks similar to both signed and unsigned values, e.g. 16-bit value = value ...

computer science - Recursive Sets vs Recursive Functions -

रिकर्सिव सेट और रिकर्सिव फ़ंक्शन के बीच अंतर क्या है? पुनरावर्ती फ़ंक्शन और रिकर्सिव सेट, शब्दावली कम्प्यूटेबिलिटी सिद्धांत में प्रयुक्त हैं। विकिपीडिया उन्हें निम्न प्रकार से परिभाषित करता है: प्राकृतिक संख्याओं का एक सेट कहा जाता है कि एक ट्यूरिंग मशीन है, तो एक कम्प्यूटेशनल सेट (जिसे एक डिकिडेबल, पुनरावर्ती, या ट्यूरिंग कंप्यूटेबल सेट भी कहा जाता है) कहा जाता है एक संख्या n, आउटपुट 1 के साथ रोकता है यदि n सेट में है और आउटपुट के साथ स्टैट्स 0 अगर n सेट में नहीं है प्राकृतिक संख्या से खुद को एक समारोह एफ एक पुनरावर्ती या (ट्यूरिंग) कम्प्यूटेशनल फ़ंक्शन है यदि ट्यूरिंग मशीन है, जो कि इनपुट एन, स्टैट्स और रिटर्न आउटपुट एफ (एन) पर है। इस संदर्भ में, एक पुनरावर्ती समारोह का मतलब किसी प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा में एक समारोह नहीं है जो स्वयं कॉल करता है किसी भी गणितीय फ़ंक्शन जो ऊपर दी गई परिभाषा की आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करती है, एक पुनरावर्ती समारोह है, जिसमें तुल्य पहचान वाले कार्यों या पहचान संख्याओं को 1 अंक में मैप करने का कार्य शामिल है (अर्थात इनपुट की परवाह किए बिना नंबर 1 दे...

windows - taskkill from PHP exec -

मैंने अभी इसे निष्पादित करने का प्रयास किया है: function kill_hr () {exec (" टास्कस्क / आईएम अपर। एक्सई ", $ आउटपुट = एरे (), $ रिटर्न); print_r ($ उत्पादन); गूंज "& lt; br />".$return; } हालांकि, आउटपुट यह है और यह बहुत उपयोगी नहीं है: ऐरे () 1 जब प्रक्रिया इसकी मौजूद नहीं है: ऐरे () 128 मैं यह काम करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ कि यह प्रक्रिया मुझे कब 1 देती है - क्या यह एक अनुमति समस्या है? यदि हां, तो मैं इसे कैसे सुधार सकता हूं? आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद - मैं अंततः इस प्रक्रिया का उपयोग: $ आउटपुट = शेल_एक्सएसी ('कार्यकिल / एफ / आईएम' uper.exe "'); मुझे यकीन है कि यह भी exec के साथ काम करेगा, लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा / एफ इसे मजबूर कर रहा है! :)

web crawler - Writing a Faster Python Spider -

I'm writing a spider in Python to crawl a site. Trouble is, I need to check 2.5 million pages, so I can actually use some help to optimize for speed. Whatever I have to do, checks the pages for a certain number, and if this is the spider found to enter the link on the page is very simple, sort it through many pages Is required. I'm completely new to Python, but using Java and C ++ first I have not started coding it yet, so any recommendations to include libraries or frameworks are very much Good adaptation tips are also very appreciated. You can use it as Google, either through (especially with Python: and ), Or. The traditional line of thought, writes its program in standard Python, if you think that it is very slow, and optimizes specific slow spots. If you are only spreading a site, consider using wget -r ().

c# - KeyCode and keyboard layout and language -

I have to include asterisks as an acceptable entry on the text box. How can I test this key under keyboarding incident regardless of keyboard layout and language? With the Portuguese QWERTY layout, ignoring this numeric keypad, this key can be tested through the key. Keys.Oemplus . But this will not be the case for other layouts or languages ​​ You are using the wrong event, you Keypad should be used. That fire when the user presses the actual typing key KeyDown is useless here, according to the keyboard layout the virtual key is translated into a typing key. It is difficult to guess that unless you translate keystrokes yourself, it may be difficult. Some code: Private zero text box1_keyPress (Object Sender, KeyPressEventArgs E) {string allowed = "0123456789 * \ b"; If allowed (Index (E.Keker) The user is required to \ b to allow backspace.

c - sending formatted messages across TCP connection -

I have an existing program that prints many messages for standard error: Fprintf (stderr, ... I would like to modify this program so that these messages can be sent to a TCP connection on the Internet (which I have already created SOCK_STREAM socket.) The best way to format messages such as they are by FRPINF and then enclosing them. Send it to the rennet? Of course, before I can send a message, I have to first know how long it is, so I can send the length to the customer first, so the customer will know that How many bytes to read ... Any idea will be most appreciated! Once you have connected your socket, you can open it on the socket file as the stream using fdopen () . This gives you a FILE * that you can pass fprintf () to stderr

send and retrieve key-value pair between php and jquery ajax? -

I use $ .get to run the php file I added key-value to jquery from php-file How can I send (like variables)? And when sent, how can I get them with jquery? I want to validate as if (key == value) in jquery And what's the difference between $$ .getJSON and $? Can not I use $$ .getJSON if I want to run PHP? I tried to use the php file: echo '{"url": 1}'; I also tried: $ json ['url'] = 2; Echo json_encode ($ json); and I use the jquery file: warning (data.url); But this did not work, it displayed "undefined". What's wrong You can use it with PHP. Javascript: $ (function () {$ .getJSON ("/ some / script.php", function (data) {warning (data.url);})}}; On the PHP side usage:

Silverlight 3 Toolkit DataForm - No Cancel enabled? -

मेरे पास एक सिल्वरलाइट 3 डेटाकिट है: डेटाओवर एक आइडोनेट डाटा सर्विस 1.5 सीटीपी 2 डेटासाईट के जरिए आईटमसॉर्स एक टुकड़ा नीचे है ... var प्रोग्राम = डेटा सेवा का चयन करें। क्रिएटट्रैक (डैशबोर्ड सेवा, क्वेरी। एन्डेक्साईट (asyncResult)); यह। प्रोग्रामएडिटफ़ॉर्म.आईटीम्ससोर्स = प्रोग्राम; मेरी डेटाफ़ॉर्म की परिभाषा मर चुका है ... & lt; "ProgramEditForm" CommandButtonsVisibility = "All" AutoCommit = "False" AutoEdit = "False" / & gt; मेरे पास ऑटोएडिट और ऑटो कॉमिट बंद है क्योंकि मैं चाहता हूं कि अर्ध-मॉडल का अनुभव उपयोगकर्ता के परिवर्तन को स्पष्ट करने के लिए शुरू करें, और फिर अंतिम परिणामों को स्वीकार कर लें। और यह सब कहाँ खराब हो जाता है जब उपयोगकर्ता एक संपादन शुरू करने के लिए पेंसिल आइकन को हिट करता है, तो ओके बटन रोशनी होती है लेकिन रद्द बटन कभी नहीं। चूंकि नेविगेशन आइकनों को संपादन के दौरान अक्षम किया गया है (बिना ऑटोकैमिट), फिर उपयोगकर्ता का कोई तरीका नहीं है, इसके अलावा डेटाबेस को बदलने से, संपादन के पीछे। क्या यह ADO.NE...

regex - PHP Markdown \n Question -

I am using my markdown library and my question is if i \ n \ n Edit and delete functionality This will work Because the users I already have are not allowed to run JavaScript, so I can not count on the dynamically generated preview, so they \ n instead of \ n \ n then question Yes: Is this library for \ n \ n reg pre manipulation? After doing some research and looking into the markarddown conversion, ive can be seen to be done For example, we have the text: asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf in the correct text markup Will be produced: & lt; P & gt; Asdf asdf asdf & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Asdf asdf asdf & lt; / P & gt; To change then \ n , select & lt; P & gt; Tags

PHP/MySQL - How to add multiple tags -

I have this script which allows only users to enter the same tag, but I enter more than one tag Let me do a comma, for example, a comma, shoe, shirt, hat, glasses and store each tag in the database. Can someone give me some examples of the need to convert some scripts to me in sequence? Below here is my MySQL table. Create table queries (id INT is not unlocked, ultrasonement, tag_ id INT is not unknown, users_questions_id INT is not reserved, primary key (id)); Create a table tag (id INT is not unwritten, tap AuTegrment, Tag VARCHAR tap (255), primary key (ID)); Below is the script. & lt; Php require_once ('./mysqli_connect.php'); $ ($ _ POST ['Submit']) {$ mysqli = New mysqli ("localhost", "root", "", "sitename"); $ Dbc = mysqli_query ($ mysqli, "SELECT questions_tags. *, Tag.); Tag (mysqli_error ($ mysqli);} $ page = '3'; $ tag = mysqli_real_escape_string ($ mysqli, $ _POST ['tag']); $...

oop - $this variable in PHP -

I have just started acquainting with PHP's OO attributes, and I ask you something about First of all, if the class I'm using in the $ this keyword is not defined property variable foo , then its This means that the following code is being used: $ this-> Foo = 5; Echo $ this-> Foo; Will create the foo property on the runtime, like in JavaScript? What is the visibility of this property? Yes, this foo you can easily Can check: php square fu {public function setFoo ($ foo) {$ this- & gt; Foo = $ foo; }} $ F = new Foo (); $ F & gt; SetFoo (5); Echo $ f- & gt; Foo; Will print with 5 errors.

zend framework - Serialize Zend_Form -

Can some problems appear if I serialize with a Zend_Form created form and due to this performance it helps a lot ? new My_Form_Something () Usage $ cache-> Load ('My_Form_Something'); (see the manual for Zend_Cache). But the main performance barrier form is rendering. It can be overcome by using Zend_Cache_Frontend_Class ... I think ...

php - regex to match p tags and add br's inside of them -

Well the title of the question explains the question: D but here is an example Asdf asdf & lt; P & asd; Asdf asdf asdf & lt; / P & gt; How much do I have to get it to apply regex and nl2br inside the P tag so that the output will be: asdf asdf & lt; P & gt; Asdf & lt; Br / & gt; Asdf & lt; Br / & gt; Asdf & lt; / P & gt; Edit: In PHP, use instead of regex $ html = str_get_html (...); Foreach ($ html- & gt; Find ('P') as $ element) {// p $ ihtml = p-> Innertext; // apply $ ihtml = nl2br ($ ihtml); // save $ p- & gt; Innertext = $ ihtml; } // Print new output $ html;

oracle - NHibernate - Deleting objects with composite PK, when one of the PK columns is NULL -

Hey, I'm trying to remove one unit of the following structure from Oracle 10G tables: square records {string id; String name; Date time date time; } with the following mapping: & lt; Class name = "records" table = "recs" & gt; & Lt; Total-ID & gt; & Lt; Key-property name = "P_ID" /> & Lt; Key-property name = "NAME" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Date Time" column = "DATE_TIME_V" /> & Lt; / Square & gt; Now, say, that table has PK P_ID and NAME column (composite key), when NAME allows but P_ID does not. Now, this issue is that when NHibernate tries to delete an object with P_ID = 9 and NAME = NULL, it produces the following statement: from RECS Delete where RP_ID = 9 and NAME = NULL OBiOsili will not remove anything, because 'NAME = NULL' should be 'NAME IS NULL' Do I remember something here Like NHibernate, does any other va...

visual c++ - Uses of VC++ these days? -

Does anyone give examples of some good applications / projects that are VC ++ commercial and non-commercial . What do you use VC ++ for these (2008 ...) days? Enterprise application written in three levels VC ++ Does MFC have any advantage over these days inclined? Most computers still use C ++ Have been written in Enterprise applications generally use C # or Java as there is more money for buying hardware for such differences in enterprises, where the game has to be run on important devices like PS3, Xbox 360, PS3, Windows, Mac etc. is. With boundaries on memory Embedded products, system utilities and software that still use the extensive use of many low-level APIs are still written in C ++, it still uses still.

php - Running a website from an encrypted partition -

I see the possibility of running a PHP-based website (built in Symphony) with an encrypted partition on a LAMP server. The reason for this is that the customer will have access to the server, but I do not want them to see the source code behind the PHP website. I am open to other solutions if this is not possible. For example, maybe running a site from a virtual machine instance that can not be easily accessed I'm not just a big fan of obscuring the code, as per other positions, it can easily be reversed Can a PHP app run in an environment that is not human-accessible / readable? I do not know how the encrypted partition will help, because the web server will need access to it, And with the use of a machine, someone will know how to use it. A virtual machine is probably the easiest thing to secure, because you can serve web pages, but can restrict file system / RDP access to it. There is also reliable obstraction / pre-compilation solution on the market. With the l...

sql server - Porting MS SQL stored procedures to MySQL -

I have around 140 - 150 stored procedures that I need to migrate from MS SQL 2005 to MySQL 5.1 In the last eight hours, I dropped down after successfully assigning 0 of them and asked if anyone has any experience or suggestions, or knows some useful applications that can help. The MySQL administrator is not very useful, with a disappointing "MySQL error number 1064, you have an error in your SQL syntax; manual that matches your MySQL server version for the correct syntax." Given that an average SP +100 line is long, just thinking what the problem is is not an option. Example This is an exact error that I get: script line: 1 is an error in your SQL syntax; To use near , check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax, then I have 5 rows: Announce the Proof Float; Gartner Group reports that there are manual conversions between two similar lengthy gauges at a rate of around 150. According to the line per day, your rate of progress i...

How would I make a webpage that would use user input to generate a .doc(x)/.pdf document /w footnotes? -

I want to create a website / webpack to help users translate foreign texts. User will upload / copy & amp; Paste a text into a column, write it in the translation on the second column. The user will have a feature to add notes about a few words, such that when they hover over the word, a popup is displayed with their notes This is the thing that I have some kind of Want to be able to download the Word document (Doctor, Doc, ODT, PDF) in such a way that they can see the text on one side and the translation on the other, and the notes appear on the pages of the lessons as a footnote The Ete. So I need some guidance. I have experience with html, css, javascript, php. I think I can understand myself everything, I just need to know what is the part of the version document? You can definitely generate word documents from ASP.NET This is a popular website feature. These are two articles that explain how to do this step-by-step: You PDF Document can easily generate: ...

jquery - Adding floats with javascript -

I am using jQuery, and I want to add value to my table column, everything works fine, But my value is returned to a string with all values ​​such as: 123.5013.0012.35 How can I sum it properly? var totals $ (".add") each (function (i) {totals + = parsefloat ($ (this) .text ()). ToFixed (2);}); Console.log (yoga); You have encountered many errors, not starting the totals for a numeric value, Eg 0.0 The second is not feeling that Fix () gives a string. Actually the same question has been said before and before the answer, for that you should solve it.

unable to set the html content in a custom jQuery function -

I have a jQuery function called "bindServingSize", which I call it $ (Servingsizes) .bindServingSizes (ingredientid); Where "Servings" is a valid drop-down list control. jQuery.fn.bindServingSizes = function (ingredientid) {$ .getJSON ("/ serving_sizes? Ingredientid =" + ingredientid, function (j) {var option = "& lt; option value = & # 39; & gt; Please choose a serving size & lt; / option & gt; "; (var i = 0; i & lt; j.length; i ++) option + = '& lt; option value =' ' + J [i] + '"& gt;' + j [i]. Conservation_ + '& lt; / option & gt;' $ $ (this) .html (option);}); }; I get data from the server and I see it displaying it on the page in the "Options" variable. However, I am not able to set html content in element. What am I missing? Thanks The problem is that $ (this) is $ .getJSON The selection box is no longer in t...

When could ShellExecute fail? (Delphi) -

I am planning to use ShellExecute for updater of applications written in Delphi 2007, I was thinking ShellExecute will work most with Win computer or if it can be easily failed due to some user permission or something like that. to comment Because ShellExecute can execute execution of shell extensions (data source, context menu operators, verb implementation) which is active by using component object model (COM), COM should be started before ShellExecute Shell extensions require the Com Single-Threaded Apartment (STA) type. In that case, the COM as shown here should be started as follows: CoInitializeEx (NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE) As Ken Lang Alred has been suggested, what you want to execute, you may need administrative rights.

How to get Geographical coordinates by Google Map API? -

I have a list of cities and locations, and I want to get their geographical coordinates. Can an API do this? This process is called "Geocoding" and there are also many other services listed on it.

c# - managing classes when everything is relative to a user in nhibernate (orm) -

सबसे पहले मुझे तीन संस्थाएं हैं। उपयोगकर्ता, भूमिकाएं, आइटम एक उपयोगकर्ता कई भूमिकाएं कर सकता है। इसलिए एक उपयोगकर्ता को अलग-अलग आइटमों का उपयोग करना होगा। अब कुछ तरीके हैं जो मैं यह काम देख सकता हूं। उपयोगकर्ताओं पर एक संग्रह है जिसमें कई-से-कई एशॉक के माध्यम से भूमिकाएं हैं। इसके बाद इस संग्रह में प्रत्येक भूमिका में आइटम का अपना संग्रह होगा। तो प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता के लिए मुझे उपयोगकर्ता को (नबि का उपयोग करके और इसके साथ भूमिकाएं और वस्तुओं को प्राप्त करना) प्राप्त करना होगा, फिर या तो प्रत्येक रोल में मौजूद आइटमों पर चयनकर्ता को किसी भी उपयोगकर्ता के लिए सभी आइटम प्राप्त करना होगा या कुछ अलग-अलग foreach को पोर्ट करना होगा एक दृश्य या डीटीओ मॉडल के लिए डेटा। एक अन्य तालिका में स्वचालित रूप से सम्मिलित करने के लिए डीबी ट्रिगर बनाएँ जो कि उपयोगकर्ता और वस्तुओं के बीच का संबंध है, ताकि मेरे उपयोगकर्ता इकाई पर एक आइटम संग्रह है जिसमें सभी आइटम मुझे सौंपे गए हैं कुछ अन्य तरीके जो मैं अभी तक नहीं सोच सकता, क्योंकि मैं नया हेइबरनेट के लिए नया हूँ। अब मुझे पता ह...

SQL Server 2005 filtering and paging with ROW_NUMBER() -

I have thousands of archived columns and want to implement paging logic. After doing some research, I use SQL Server 2005 The ROW_NUMBER () function that was introduced in came at the function. My problem is that my exact requirement is not being fulfilled and I am wondering how to zoom in to store my stored procedure as expected: / p> ALTER process dbo @totalRecords selection int @ TotalRecords = (COUNT (irweb_Posts.PostId) from irweb_Posts, declared as irweb_Posts_CollectCategoryIdDatesRange (@CategoryId integer, @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @IsDeleted bit, @PageIndex integer, @PageSize integer, @Offset integer) Select where isDeleted = (@IsDeleted) and (CategoryID = @CategoryId) and (D AteCreated & gt; = @StartDate) and (DateCreated & lt; = @EndDate)) * (greater than selection ROW_NUMBER ()) (as ordered by DateCreated DESC), as irregular, from irweb_Posts. * Irweb_Posts) Where ((isDeleted = @IsDeleted) and (CategoryID = @CategoryId) and (dated = gt; start...

php - Why are my 3rd-party HTML to PDF tools not recognized in Drupal 6 using Print module? -

I have installed Drupal 6 and installed "printers, e-mails and PDF versions" aka "print" module Have done / P> Then I realized that in order to create a PDF from my HTML nodes, I need a third party tool, which is fine, but the print module is not identifying third-party tools which I have / module / print / Lib / directory gives me the following error in "Home> Administrator> site configuration> Printers, e-mail and PDF versions" Page: "No PDF tool found! INSTALL.txt this module wife. " I have set 755 permissions on folders and files for third-party equipment, as most of my other settings can be set on it. I have installed two recommended three-party PDF Generating Tools: 1) 2) Why do not I see "Someone PDF generation tool not found! Please download a supported PDF PDF generation tool For more information check INSTALL.txt of this module. "Error message? And why print modules are not recognizing my third-party...

Android Web Access to Database? -

I would like to ask a smart person if someone has any access to the web from a database from within an Android application Have seen the document. I would like to create a free (free) application where users can share information worldwide (complaints / complaints) Each user will be able to see a little globe with other specific information about other users' locations in their phone and theirs. Architectural, I'm thinking of "databases in my GoDaddy host, highlighting a web service", and the web service used by the Android application. But I did not find any documents about accessing web services. I can go to XML, but I do not see which system exists for over-the-x XML access in Android. I realize that I understand something big wrong in the picture. Can anyone talk to me, or know something about this topic? (There is a light app near the iPhone where you can see the lights around the world. I have the same, but people will not be light, instead they will be ...

ruby hash with self referencing elements / recursive hash -

I want a ruby ​​hash with key: a ,: b ,: c because that is HK: [B] = H [: A] + 1; H [: c] = h [: b] + 2 etc. How can I define such a hash in a line declaration like H = {: A => 1,: B => H [: A] + 1 ,: c => H [: B] +2, ...}? Property: Path, FilePath Property: md5sum, string ,: default => lambda {| R, p | Digest :: MD5.hexdigest (} Where: md5sum default value is referenced: path property mvc - LINQ to SQL throws exceptions when stress tested -

I have this web app that is running with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 LINQ 2 SQL The big problem is that I am not talking, looking at a very strange problem with the LINQ 2 SQL throwing exception (mainly the specified invalid or sequence contains more than one element) Am Regarding real heavy / commercial stress test ... What I am basically opening up Firefox and chrome and catching F5 for ten seconds each (I call this poor man a stress test) - Lo and behold; The web app is throwing these exceptions randomly for the next two or five minutes. If I restart the app from IIS7 (or if under the Visual Studio, restart the WebDiv) then all of them are back to normal, nothing like that. First of all, I was skeptical while handling Datacontext, maybe I want to settle it with Global.Asx in every application, but it does not change anything. I have a single static public static data object which is used by all requests, I am not settling it or making it again. Is this the right way to do it? Do I wan...

PHP: Read a variable at top present at bottom -

Is there a way to read a variable at the top, where some place is defined below. Here is an example of such a situation: // This code is somewhere near the bottom of the page $ logo_query = "Select Logo_path from table where id = $ line-> user_id"; $ Res_logo = mysql_query ($ logo_query) or die (mysql_error ()); $ Row_logo = mysql_fetch_object ($ res_logo); $ Logo_path = $ row_logo- & gt; Logo_path; Function logpot () {global $ logo_path; Return $ logo_path; I tried to return the value to use that function, but it also does not seem to work. Any solution? Thank you $ logo_path at the top of the place where you call the logopath () function. Alternatively, you can put the SQL code in the logo () function, which will allow you to provide functions that give the path of the logo under the place where you call the function.

CSS: Fixed with horizontal menu, with variable width tabs, using ul -

मेरे पास एक क्षैतिज मेनू है मार्कअप इस तरह दिखता है: & lt; ul class = "menu" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; आइटम 1 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लंबा आइटम 2 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; आइटम 3 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; उपमेनूस और चूसने वाला मछली ड्रॉपडाउन बाद में आ जाएगा। उल को पृष्ठ की चौड़ाई (जैसे 100% या 1000px) lis उनकी सामग्री के आधार पर चौड़ाई में भिन्न होनी चाहिए। तो परिणाम ऐसा दिखेगा: ----------------- पृष्ठ का 100% ------------ | --Item 1-- | - लंबा आइटम 2 - | - आईटम 3 - | अब यह प्रत्येक लि टैग के लिए चौड़ाई तय करके करना आसान है, लेकिन क्योंकि मेनू सीएमएस चालित हो जाएगा, मुझे टैब्स की चौड़ाई को स्वचालित रूप से भिन्न होने की अनुमति देने की आवश्यकता है I तालिका के साथ यह तुच्छ हो जाएगा, लेकिन मैं ul के साथ ऐसा करने का एक तरीका नहीं सोच सकता। यह एक मामला है प्रदर्शन: टेबल-मैन उल {प्रदर्शन: तालिका; चौड़ाई: 100%; टेबल-लेआउट: फिक्स्ड; } ली {प्रदर्शन: टेबल-सेल; } ...

quote - Lisp difference between (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) and (cons 'a '(b.c)) -

इसमें क्या अंतर है: (cons 'a (cons' b 'c) ) ;; (ए बी सी) और (विपक्ष 'ए' (बी सी)) ;; (ए बीसी) मुझे निम्नलिखित सूची ((a.b)) बनाने की आवश्यकता है। C) cons का उपयोग कर रहा हूं इसलिए मैं यह समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि "।" का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। LE : मेरे पास निम्न है (विपक्ष ('a' b) 'c) लेकिन यह उत्पन्न करता है ((ए और नहीं ((एबी)। सी) (अतिरिक्त स्थान नोट करें) रिक्त स्थान सूची टोकन अलग करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है एबी एक एकल टोकन है। (ए बी) एक तत्व के साथ एक सूची है (ए बी) ए के साथ एक कार और बी सीडीआर के रूप में एक परावर्तन सेल है। एक विपक्ष सेल है "चीजों" (वस्तुओं) की एक जोड़ी आपके मामले में, ये चीजें प्रतीक हैं, और उन्हें A , B , आदि नामित किया गया है। ऐसे सेल का मुद्रित प्रतिनिधित्व है (ए। बी) , उदाहरण के लिए। इसे "डॉट नोटेशन" कहा जाता है पहला तत्व "कार" कहा जाता है, दूसरा "सीडीआर"। फ़ंक्शन cons ऐसे सेल बनाता है। (विपक्ष 'ए' बी) इस प्रकार सेल ...

c# - .NET: How to efficiently check for uniqueness in a List<string> of 50,000 items? -

In some library codes, I have a list that can contain 50,000 items or more. The callers of the library can call the methods, which resulted in being added to the wire list. How do I check efficiently for string specificity? Currently, before adding a string, I am scanning the entire list and comparing each string in the in-linked string. It displays the scale problems above 10,000 objects. I benchmark it, but I am interested in the insights. If I replace the list with a list & lt;> then it will include () increases 10,000 items and beyond? If I postpone the Specification Check after adding all the items, will it be faster? At that point I will need to examine every element against every element, even then an N ^^ 2 operation. Edit A few basic benchmark results I have created an abstract class that exposes 2 ways: Fill and Fill the scan with just n items (I used 50,000). M Scans in the scan list (I use 5000) to see if a given value exists or not. Then I create...

.net - You are not authorized to view this page active directory problem -

I am getting the following error while browsing my page in the IIS..I have used Active Directory data retrieval I am using the credential in my website and Active Directory stored in the web.config file ... You are not authorized to view this page. To view this directory or page Permission granted by you Shells ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Please try the following: If you feel that you should be able to see it then the web Contact the Site Administrator Directory or Page Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials. HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied because of invalid credentials. Internet Information Service (IIS) -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Technical information (for support personnel) Go to Microsoft Product Support Services And do a title search for the words HTTP and 401. Open IIS support, which is accessible in IIS Manager (i...

computer science - List of fundamental data structures - what am I missing? -

I have recently been studying my basic data structures, trying to make sure that I am cold Has been done. / P> By "elemental", I mean fancy such as real basic red-black trees and bloom filters are clearly known, but they are usually moving towards the fundamental people (red- Black Tree Binary Search Paste Binary Search Paste to keep the special properties balanced) or they are very useful for specific situations (Bloom Filters). So far, I am "fluent" in the following data structures: array linked lists Stack / However, I think I'm missing something if there is such a fundamental element What are I forgetting? Edit: They were added after posting String (recommended by Klemeififier) ​​ set (Suggested by Peter) Graph (recommended by Nick D and AJ) B-tree (suggested by teletalk) -Bad whether they are very fancy or not, but I think they are quite different from fundamental structures (and significantly enough) such as Mauli As...

logging - adding date to Java util logger fileHandler name -

हाय मैं वर्तमान में यह मेरे .properties फ़ाइल में है: java.util.logging .FileHandler.pattern =% h / programName% u% g.log मैं यह भी एक टाइमस्टैम्प / उपयोगकर्ता नाम जोड़ना चाहूंगा ताकि किसी भी लॉग फाइल को पहचानना आसान हो जाए, किसी को कैसे पता है? चूंकि FileHandler विधियों की तिथि के लिए% प्रतिस्थापन चर नहीं है, मेरा सुझाव प्रारूप में होगा एक स्ट्रिंग जिसमें स्ट्रिंग को FileHandler के पास करने से पहले की तारीख शामिल होती है। कुछ ऐसा है: स्ट्रिंग पैटर्न = स्ट्रिंग। प्रारूप ("%% एच / प्रोग्रामनाम% tYmd %% u %% g.log", आज); फाइलहैंडलर एफएच = नया फाइलहैंडलर (पैटर्न);

perl - How to implement sql LIKE qualifier with placeholdes for an array? -

I am trying to implement SQL as a qualifier with placeholders for a set of standards. I know how to do this for a particular price: Use strict; Use DBI; My $ dbh = dbi- & gt; Connect ("DBI: Sybase: Server = $ Srv; Database = $ Db", "$ user", "$ passwd") or "Can not connect to database"; My $ query = "Select key, first_name where the last_name is preferred?"; My $ sth = $ dbh- & gt; Could not prepare prepared ($ query) or die "statement \ n", $ dbh-> Errstr; $ Sth- & gt; Bind_param (1, "march%") or die may not be "bund_prim", $ sth- & gt; Errstr; $ Sth- & gt; Executed or killed "$ query could not be executed", $ sth- & gt; Errstr; While (my @ root = $ sth-> fetchrow_array) {print "@result \ n"; } When I try to implement the above code for the set of values ​​present in the array @l_names , I do not get any results. I am doing it as follows: Use ...

algorithm - O(NlogN) finding 3 numbers that have a sum of any arbitrary T in an array -

Considering an array A of integers, any of them gets the amount for any t. I saw it on some online post, which claims to have an O (NLJDN) solution. For 2 numbers, I know that O (O) can help for O (N), but for 3 numbers, I have one. I also feel that this problem can be caused by some difficult problems, but the family can not remember it, and therefore Google can not do this. (The worst position is obviously O (n ^ 3), and with 2-digit solution it's actually O (n ^ 2)) It really does not solve anything in the real world Does, just bug me .. Any ideas? I think your problem is equivalent

javascript - How to default the small overview map on the bottom right of a Google Map to being minimized? -

I am using the latest version of the Google Maps API. What do I have to do automatically reduces the small observation map at the bottom right of embedded Google Maps or, in the worst case, it is not being displayed at all. I have not managed to find a document about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. In the past, you can say 'hide' on GOViewviewMapControl during your init, but such a It seems that little does not work without hacking anymore. If you do not want to display 'GOverviewMapControl', then do not add it to the map when you create GMap2. 'Hack' will add some control to the page, which is loaded like an image, and calls it a function that says 'hide' on GOverviewMapControl, when it loads Happening. function initialize () {If (GBrowserIsCompatible ()) {var map = new GMap2 (document.getElementById ("map_canvas")); Map.setCenter (New GLatLng (37.4419, -122.1419), 13); Map.setUIToDefault (); // Just skip thes...

iphone - AVAudioPlayer initialization: error code -50 -

I recently went into a problem that could not be discussed anywhere on the Internet - I started a AVAudioPlayer To run an audio file, and to get the following error: error domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain code = -50 "operation can not be completed. (OSStatus Error-50.) As it is detected, I create an init method to create my NSURL mistake The resulting NS URL object is not empty. "OSStatus error - 50 "means paramErr , an old style Mac error code that shows bad parameters.

objective c - gdb works from command line, but not from script -

If I execute each row of this script in the console GDB then it works as expected (to separate the hanging Apart from this, however, I can work around.) However, if I save it in a script file and run GDB with the -x option it hangs on [Visor install] line is. script: brake - [NSAP phenomenon launch] Run p (four) It would be good to know why this is doing, or just a hack for it Work is done. ) [[NSBindal bundlewith path: @ "~ / library / application support / symbel / plugins / vizier.bundle"] load] p (four) [spacer installation] exit separately Play with: gdb ~ / desktop / misc / dt / dt2 / / content / maccode / terminal -x load.gdb version : $ gdb --version GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (apple version gdb-1346) (Venus 18 September 20:40:51 UTC 2009) ... This GDB "x86_64- Apples of Darwin ". Update: If I hang the cat file in GDB, as long as a 3 Do not wait between seconds, can it be a multithrred problem or something else?...

svn - Free Bug tracking software that integrates with Subversion? -

I was wondering if there is any recommended free bug tracking and or subversion software that is integrated with Subversion. The only requirements are that the software runs on Windows (SQL Server backend and Windows Server). Thank you. I have used BugTracker.NET. I have written it using SVN using the net framework So, if you are in a pure shop, it is easy to maintain.

c++ - Why are operators sometimes stand-alone and sometimes class methods? -

Why sometimes an operator is defined as a method in the override class, such as MyClass & amp; MyClass :: operatorFoo (MyClass and others) {.... back to this; }; And sometimes it is a separate function, such as MyClass & amp; OperatorFu (Myclass and First, Myclass and Bar) Are they equal? When you do it in one way and when you do it another, then what rules do you control? If you want to be able to do something like 3 + obj You have to define a free (non-member) operator. If you want to make your operators safe or private, you can not operate some operators, like, operator-> . It has already been answered:

java - Why are people continuing to use xml mapping files instead of annotations? -

I have seen strange facts (based on the questions given in the hibernate tag) that people are still actively using XML files In some cases, where it is necessary: ​​ You are using the sections provided to you to specify their hibernate / jpa mapping for annotation. , And you want to map them. You are writing an API, whose domain classes can be used without a JPA provider, so you do not want to force a JPA / Hibernate dependency. But this is not in general matters, I think. My assumptions are: People are used for XML files and do not feel comfortable in them / don Java pre 1.5 projects Is forced and nothing is about it People do not know that annotation is a full-featured replacement of XML mapping. Heritage systems are supported and therefore attitude is changing c People are afraid that mix annotations with their classes are incorrect. Any other possible explanation? The domain layer and persistence layer are considered from a few different concerns,...

oracle - Cannot find data after commiting in PL/SQL procedure? -

मेरे पीएल / एसक्यूएल प्रक्रिया में कोड स्निपेट है जो निम्न करता है: INSERT भुगतान_ओपरेशन (आईडी, ग्राहक, राशि, विवरण) मूल्यों में (भुगतान_आईडी, 1234, 5, 'टेस्ट'); COMMIT; भुगतान_ऑपरेशन_व्यू WHERE आईडी = भुगतान_आईडी से test_subscriber में ग्राहक का चयन करें; इसके बाद मुझे अपवाद "no_data_found" मिलता है! हालांकि, यदि मैं प्रक्रिया चलाने के बाद स्वयं का एक ही चयन कथन करता हूं, तो मुझे रिकॉर्ड दिखाई देता है। ध्यान दें कि मैं एक दृश्य से चयन कर रहा हूं, और सीधे तालिका से नहीं। क्यों प्रविष्टि के बाद मैं यह डेटा नहीं देख सकता हूं? ऐसा लगता है कि जिस संदर्भ का आप उल्लेख कर रहे हैं वह ' भौतिक दृश्य ' यदि हां, तो डेटा प्राप्त करने से पहले दृश्य को मैन्युअल रूप से रीफ़्रेश करने के लिए इस कोड स्निपेट को आज़माएं: ... भुगतान की प्रक्रियाओं (आईडी, ग्राहक, राशि, वर्णन) मूल्यों में भुगतान करें (भुगतान_आईडी, 1234, 5 , 'परीक्षण'); COMMIT; DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH ('भुगतान_ ऑपरेशन_दृश्य', 'सी'); भुगतान_ऑपरेशन_व्यू WHERE आईडी = भुगतान_आईडी ...

How to get the Latitude and Longitude of RMMarker (Cloudmade iphone API) -

How do I get latitude and longitude of RM marker? I can not see any way in the header I would be very helpful. If MapView is your RMMapView and marker is your RM marker CLLocationCoordinate2D Loc = [mapView.markerManager Latitude LangaFranker: Marker]; NSLog (@ "Latitude:% F", Public.Litidet); NSLog (@ "longitude:% F", public lame);

svn - XArgs command on cygwin is mangling file paths -

I'm trying to use xargs on a signed Windows system to remove locally deleted SVN files . I generate the following output which generates the following output: svn status | Grep '^ \!' | Sed / s! * // ' weblings-webplatform \ vendor \ jetty-7.0.0.pre5 \ contexts- available \ test-annotations.d \ META-INF \ MANIFEST.MF weblings -WeapplatformWhen- Jetty-7.0.0.pre5 \ contexts-available \ test-annotations.d \ WEB-INF \ jetty-env.xml Then when I run the following commands, The following errors are found: svn status | Grep '^ \!' | Sed / s! * // '| Xargs -I% svn rm% svn: 'weblings-webplatformvendorjetty-7.0.0.pre5contexts-filetest-annotations.dMETA-INFMANIFEST.MF' does not exist I used to use cygpath Tried to change the SVN position path but it does not appear to do anything. The path should be worked in Unix format to replace SaiPath I think " Linux is an escape character in the world, it looks like XGs handle it in a way. S...

c++ - Uniform initialization in C++0x, when to use () instead of {}? -

Anyone using thumb to decide on using old syntax () What is the rule? {Mykles (int px, int p): x (px), y (pi } {} Pvt: int x, y; }; ... myclass object {0}; In the case of vector as an example, there are many constructors in it whenever I do the following: vector & Lt; Double & gt; Number {10}; I get a vector of element 1 as one of the 10 elements: Clear vector (size_ type n, const T & amp; value = T (), conform noise & amp; = allocation ()); My suspicion is that whenever a class defines a initializer list constructor in the case of a vector, it should be { } syntax. So, I'm thinking right. I.e. Will I return the old syntax only when a class defines an initial list creator to call another constructor? e.g. To correct the above code: vector & lt; Double & gt; Number (10); Value = 10 I've found with just one element / 10 element 10 The answer in the standard document is hopefully, I will try to explain what I...

php - Define two functions, or branch within one? -

I was reading about the encoding of a file in PHP, and on some blogs or somewhere, this suggestion To do this: if (function_exists ('mb_detect_encoding')) {function is_utf8 ($ str) {// do mub * libraries using stuff}} and {function I_utf8 ($ str) {// do stuff manually}} I think this is very messy, and can be changed with: function Is_utf8 ($ str) {if (...) {// MB stuff here} else {// manual stuff here}} However, I can also see that there are some benefits too. It depends on how much the complexity is, and how often the function is called if It can be more efficient, my question is: At what point would you divide a function in two ways in two ways, such as in the first instance? Edit : Please do not hang on the example here, the question is normally about this exercise. My stomach reaction is to go with the same declaration of the is_utf8 function. The PHP engine is very good in optimization and function_exists () should be negligible in the overhead o...

Silverlight XAML: Referencing Code-behind class -

निम्न दृश्य मॉडल परिभाषा मानते हुए: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyObject {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get ; सेट; } } सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस IMyViewModel {ICommand MyCommand {get; } आईआईएलआईटी & lt; मायऑबैज & gt; MyList {प्राप्त करें; } } और निम्न कोड के साथ एक UserControl: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyView: UserControl {सार्वजनिक IMyViewModel मॉडल {get ; } } यदि मेरा एक्सएएमएल इस तरह दिखता है: & lt; UserControl & gt; & Lt; ListBox ItemsSource = "{बाध्यकारी MyList}" & gt; & LT; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; TextBlock Text = "{बाध्यकारी नाम}" / & gt; & Lt; बटन सामग्री = "मेरी कमान निष्पादित करें" cmd: क्लिक करें। कॉमांड = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = मेरा कॉमांड, ?????????}" सीएमडी: क्लिक करें। कॉमांड पैरामीटर = "{बाइंडिंग}" /> & LT; /ListBox.ItemTemplate> & Lt; / ListBox & gt; मैं अपने बटन को ICommand मेरे कोड-पीछे वर्ग की संपत्ति से कैसे बाँध सकता हूं? मैं प्रिज्म और एसएल 3.0 का उ...

methodology - What are good tools for using Model Driven Development with Embedded work? -

I believe that in the real model some of the model-based development / engineering (aka OMG model-driven architecture) has been raised What time and embedded software development areas do people experience with tools and equipment vendors? In addition to this, the model format (UML?), Any information about the target language, Google gives me several academic papers and a vendor or two (IBM Rational Rose Technical Developer and Viscim). / environment (C? RTOS?) For the platform-specific model, and the test (logic-based?) Will be highly appreciated. We have used and we have used the generation of code generation engine and our code generation engine Which generate appropriate code for Do178B qualification. With logical tunes we targeted VX works and our own OS also uses the UML model as this code prepares the code, so whatever device you used to provide integration in these devices, With him you can test the unit. There is also a security option, some other divisions of o...

Get original URL referer with PHP? -

I get the referer url to get the $ _ server ['HTTP_REFERER']; I'm using . This works until the user clicks on the second page and the reloading on the final page changes. How do I store the origin outlined URLs? Store it in a cookie (if it is acceptable for your situation), or in the session variable. session_start (); If ($ ($ _SESSION ["origurl"]) $$$ _ $ ["origur"] = $ _SERVER ["HTTP_REFERER"];

Search a file for a string, and execute a function if string not found; in python -

def चेक कैचे (कैशेटेड टेक्स्ट): खुले में पंक्ति के लिए ("कैश"): यदि कैश्ड टेक्स्ट + ":" यह कोड एक विशिष्ट स्ट्रिंग के लिए एक फ़ाइल (कैश) की प्रत्येक पंक्ति की खोज करता है (कैश्ड टेक्स्ट + "कैश" : ")। यदि संपूर्ण फ़ाइल के भीतर विशिष्ट स्ट्रिंग नहीं मिलती है, तो इसका मतलब है किसी अन्य फ़ंक्शन (requestNewDefinition (cachedText)) को कॉल करना। P> हालांकि मेरा उपरोक्त कोड प्रत्येक गैर-मिलान लाइन के लिए फ़ंक्शन कार्यान्वित करता है। एक स्ट्रिंग के लिए एक फ़ाइल कैसे खोज सकता है (cachedtext + ":"), और अगर स्ट्रिंग नहीं मिलती है फ़ाइल में कहीं भी , किसी अन्य फ़ंक्शन को निष्पादित करें? उदाहरण कैश: हैलो: world foo: bar आपका लूप टूटा हुआ है आप वास्तव में फाइल की प्रत्येक पंक्ति की जांच कर रहे हैं और प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए फ़ंक्शन निष्पादित कर रहे हैं जो मेल नहीं खाता है। ध्यान दें कि open ("cache") को बुला रहा है। Close () कैश फ़ाइल को फिर से खोलें और इसे तुरंत बंद करें, संभाल बंद करने के बिना, जो कि लूप की श...

unit testing - How can I invoke assertXXX manytimes using setUp() and tearDown() -

I'm using JUnit I want to emphasize the test method many times in order to test many test test cases , But I do not want to do several test methods, so I use setup () and Tyride () but when the first assertEquals () fails. The second assertEquals () does not work and the setup () method has just been implemented once. Here is my code Expands Public Class ComputeServiceTest TestCase {Personal ComputeServices Example = New ComputeServices (); Public computeServiceTest (string name) {super (name); } Protected Zero Set Up () {System.out.println ("AceaAuAuaA"); Example = New Compute Services (); } Protected Zero TierDown () {} // test add method Public Zero TestAd 1 () {// Example = New Compute Services (); // The first test case is x1 = 7; Int y1 = 5; Int expResult1 = 13; Int result1 = instance.add (x1, y1); AssertEquals ("First test case failed", expresult1, result1); // The second examination case System.out.println ("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAaaAaaaa...

linux - Is there any python package that could configure IP address of network interface? -

I am writing a server application that allows remote clients to show / add / change / delete the IP address of the machine's network interface Allows the host where the host is running. is OS Linux (CentOS 5.2), so I can simply edit the parse and the configured file. But is there a package that can make job easier? And if there is no such package, if I open my implementation source, will it help other people? itemprop = "text"> It seems that the open source project should be able to easily do what you are looking for. In fact, one of their examples is easily parsing and modifying the / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth0 . If you think that you do not need this, I say that any attempt for open source software will essentially help other people at some other point, seeing that it is actually Is useful;)

oop - which resources would you recommend for learning object oriented programming (C#)? -

As the question is, I want to learn OOP in C #. I know the basic information of OOP, such as what the class means, what the object is, and I do not understand all the OOP 6-7 features how to use it in the actual application? When I get stuck (coding) when it comes to using all these features during development. I have the code in VB.NET and will now be in C #. I have used VS 2005 and now VS I am using 2008. Please suggest me some very good resources (and especially I can implement it too) C # in OOP Thanks Implement domain-induced design and pattern is the first complete, practical beneficial pattern in the NAT environment, Guide to domain driven design, and trial-based development. Drawing on workable work by Martin Fowler and Eric Evans, Jimmy Nilsson explains how to customize the real world architecture for any net application. You will learn how to prepare a domain model for application infrastructure; Support business rules; Provide persistence support; Plannin...

php - Smarty: how to evaluate string as a variable -

itemprop = "text"> variable assigned to my template {$ testVariable_123}, where 123 auto is generated and also in the form of the {$ autoValue template} Work assigned} So in my template I want to get the value of variable above {Assign var = "Other value" value = "testVariable_" | Cat: $ autoValue} So if I print {$ anotherValue} instead of the price, then I get string 'testVariable_123' Any help appreciated ... {$ testVariable_123} You can call {/ P> The problem is, There was no way to do this well. Whatever looks good does not work and is not an option. This work is ugly. Perhaps you will consider some changes in your application design? Here's how to work: # File.php: $ smarty- & gt; Assign ("Autwale", 123); $ Smarty- & gt; Assign ("testVariable_123", "foo"); // Option 1 $ smerty-> Assign ("Other value", "{\ $ testVariable_123}"); // Option 2 $ Sm...

Inspiration for easy-to-use, probably graphical, scripting language -

I have to implement some scripting capabilities in our product. Scripting will usually be used for simple things such as: If Ultimate 1> 5 + Ultimate 3 and Current Time & gt; 18.00: SET param2 to 3 ELSE SET param2 4 Another very common task is that during the day a parameter is different, preferably some line diagrams, which are visually impaired Can be taken around. Now, I need the motivation to apply it. Nowadays the old tool in our Cloud is slightly more than a graphical native language: You do not have to write the script in plain text, but "IF", Symbols like "THEN", "ELSE", "Parameters" can be dragged, "present time", etc., on a canvas, and you have to know and understand syntax and semantics. I think we can do better. I am looking for graphical languages ​​but I have not found any attractive system yet. For example, Lego Mindstorm language, it is very simple but it is very directed to automation, and does no...

python - searching all fields in a table in django -

How to find all the areas in a table using the filter section: table.object.filter (Any area in the table Thank you. I agree with Alsaidar, but the answer to your question though : Import from django.db.models CharField Q field from django.db.models = [f for table._meta.fields if isinstance (f, CharField)] queries = [Q] (** {F. Name: SEARCH_TERM}) for field F] qs = Q () query for query: qs = qs | question Neither table.objects.filter (qs) Note: I have not tested this code, but you should meet a bit closer to your goal

c++ - STL allocators and operator new[] -

Is STL implementation that uses the operator new [] as an allocation? On my compiler, Foo :: operator new [] has made me any vector & lt; Foo & gt; could not prevent it from happening ... what kind of behavior is guaranteed? C ++ standard, section The default allocator allocation () function uses the global operator New: Allocate the indicator (size_type n, allocator & lt; void & gt; :: const_pointerhint = 0); 3 Notes: Use :: Operator new (size_t) (18.4.1).

iphone - whats the different between nibNameOrNil and ViewDidLoad methods? -

What is the difference between initWithNibName and ViewDidLoad methods? Can I use them both? initWithNibName - that is you specified Call to create a visual controller from the nib file. ViewDidoadload - The system calls to your controller after the viewer loads the load, in memory you apply this method to initialize some additional (Which has not been done in the Nib file)

classpath - Using alternative of Library loaded by Java Bootstrap class loader -

मुझे जेल स्थानीय_पॉलिसी.जर और US_export_policy.jar को असीमित कुंजी आकार ताकत के साथ उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है I JRE सीमित जरूरी आकार के साथ जार के संस्करणों के साथ बंडल आता है लेकिन मैं $ JAVA_HOME / lib / सुरक्षा (अपर्याप्त अधिकार) में मूल जारों की जगह नहीं ले सकता, इसलिए मुझे किसी भी तरह से (रनटाइम पर) ओवरराइड करने की आवश्यकता है। कोई भी विचार? ऐसा लगता होगा कि आप -Xbootclasspath JVM तर्क के साथ बूटस्ट्रैप वर्गपथ को ओवरराइड कर सकते हैं अधिक जानकारी के लिए 'गैर-मानक विकल्प' खंड देखें।

caching - Clear the cache at a specific time in ASP.NET 2.0 -

Then I have a process that runs at midnight, which sets a start and end point for the flash object. It needs to be run only once, so I'm clearly caching the result set. However, the problem I am running is that, if the data is still cached after Midnight, then it is not dragging it into the most accurate data, until the cache expires. I basically need cache to end 11: 59:59 pm, so at 12:00 it gets the right data. I'm guessing SQL cache dependency on the table that I am pulling data, that would be ideal, although I have never set it before. Is the cache a specific - complete termination --- I think I have found: Date time expiration width = new date time (date time.N. year, date time.Nob death, date time.Now day, 23, 59, 59, 99); Cache.intert ("cacheit name", itemcatch, blank, ending intersections, system web caching. Without lifting latching); You can set a complete end time on the cache object, which is the date time . You can also add a co...

flex - Actionscript: Sorting ArrayCollection by date: YYYY-MM-DD -

मेरे पास ऑरेक्ट्स का एक अर्रे कलेक्शन है I प्रत्येक ऑब्जेक्ट में निम्न कुंजी / मान हैं: {दिनांक: 2009-12-01, विज़िट = 13555, बॉगसरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-05, विज़िट = 46 9 55, ब्वसरेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-06, विज़े = 13685, बॉग्रेरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-02, विज़िट = 13685, बॉग्रेरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-04, विज़िट = 68755, BouceRate = 45} {तारीख: 2009-12-03, विज़े = 35875, बन्सेरे = 45} मुझे तिथि के अनुसार इस ऐरे चयन को सॉर्ट करने की ज़रूरत है, इसलिए यह अतीत से वर्तमान में होगा - जैसा कि: {दिनांक: 2009-12-01, विज़िट = 13555, बॉग्रेरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-02, विज़िट = 13685, बॉगसरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-03, विज़े = 35875, बॉग्रेरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-04, विज़िट = 68755, बॉगसरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक: 2009-12-05, विज़िट = 46 9 55, बॉगसरेकेट = 45} {दिनांक : 2009-12-06, विज़िट्स = 13685, बॉग्रेरेेट = 45} मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश नहीं की है (बिना सॉर्टिंग): var dateSort: सॉर्ट करें = नया सॉर्ट करें (); DateSort.fields = [नई क्रमबद्धता ("दिना...