
Showing posts from January, 2014

actionscript - simple preloader question for AS2 site -

Instead of adding a preloader to me, The website was asked to add the AS2 website. I am using the preloader-in-the-first-frame approach - There are so many references to _Rotot throughout the site so that I can not load external site externally as another SDF. My approach was only to create a new frame at the beginning of the timeline, dividing all the existing content into one frame, and adding the first frame to one of the preloaders throwing millions available on the web. The problem I am facing is that for any reason, 99% of the site's weight is being exported in the first frame (as reported by "Generated Size Report ..." Despite the fact that A) there is nothing on it, the preloder in frame 1 on the stage and B) I have got my action cycle classes exporting on frame 2. There are a lot of library items with linkage, and all linked 2 frames are set to export. Obviously, the preloader isn 'not working as desired, as long as everything is already loaded, it is n...

javascript - Trying to create a click method for a div, doesn't work in IE6? -

मैंने एक सरल div बनाया है: & lt; div id = "foo" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; और मैंने इसे jquery में एक क्लिक विधि जोड़ा है $ ("# foo")। क्लिक करें (वाह); कार्य वाह () {चेतावनी ("संदेश"); } यह फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स / अन्य में ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन आईई 6 / आईई 7 में काम नहीं करता है? क्यूं कर? इस पर कोई विशेष संसाधन? संपादित करें: द डिवेल पहले से ही dom में मौजूद है, और jQuery तैयार है, और यह अभी भी काम नहीं करता है। यदि आप div को गतिशील रूप से बना रहे हैं, यह काम नहीं करेगा, और यह काम नहीं करेगा अगर यह कोड $ ( दस्तावेज़) .ready () । यदि आप गतिशील डिवाइज़ तैयार कर रहे हैं और सभी को स्थानांतरित करने के लिए, दोनों समस्याओं का समाधान, संबंधित, jQuery का live तंत्र का उपयोग करना है दस्तावेज़ के लिए दस्तावेज़ तैयार करने में jQuery की घटना बाइंडिंग। यह भी सुनिश्चित करें कि आपका क्लिक हैंडलर फ़ंक्शन परिभाषित किया गया है इससे पहले आप इसे .click विधि को निर्दिष्ट करते हैं।

python - Decorators on Django Template Filters? -

I have a template filter that works a lot easier and works well, but I have a decorator I want to use. Unfortunately, the decorator causes a dirty deggo error that does not make any sense ... The code that works: @ register.filter (Name = "has_network") with defn (does not work): @ Register.filter (name = "has_network") @cache_function (30) defNetwork (profile, network): hnworkfunk = gateway (profile, "has_% s"% network) returns hnworkfunction () Here is an error: TemplateSyntaxError at / Rendering An exception was caught when doing: Pop from the empty list I have tried to establish a break point inside the decorator and I am sure that it is not being called ... But just in case the decorator (I know someone will ask for it) I changed the decorator (temporarily) with a fake decorator N off, but i still get the same error def cache_function (cache_ti Meout): DEF Cover (FN): DEF DECORATOR (* AGR, ** QUARGE): Returns FN (...

http status code 404 - Fileextension problems with classic asp -

I am running a classic ASP website where my online users can attach files to internal messaging system. But whenever they upload an attachment with more than 3 characters in the file extension, does the server give me a 404? Like files mypicture.jpg works fine, but my files like mydocument.docx do not work? Any suggestions? Best regards, Joaquim IIS6 will only provide those documents where File extensions are mapped to the mime map for the server or site in the mime map. You will need to add additional mappings to serve more recent Office 2007 document types. There are several places where you can find a list of these new mime types. This is a simple one: -

oop - Difference between a factory, provider and a service? -

What is the difference between the word factory, provider and service? Just nhibernate and store its pattern (POCO classes, etc.). Factory : Adds classes, Provider : The provider invented something "Microsoft" (originally an abstract factory pattern) by creating a group, or by selecting a type based on some type of reference. The factories have a way of doing a factory, or a general factory interface, which can be used for spreading the factories. Nominations are used in the MS Web Stack as components to be configured. Service : A service related to a group of related functionality Think about it as if you are dividing your architecture horizontally, you have a "business logic" layer If you divide, then you will have the services.

email - Emailing in PHP -

I've found a lot of tutorials on how to do this, but it does not work. Here is my simple email code: & lt ;? Php $ name = $ _POST ['name']; $ Email = $ _POST ['email']; $ Phone = $ _POST ['phone']; $ Zone = $ _POST ['zone']; $ Call_time = $ _POST ['call_time']; $ Comment = $ _POST ['comment']; $ '=' My email '; $ Theme = '$ name is interested in your product!'; $ Message = 'name = $ name \ nemail = $ email \ nphone = $ phone \ ntimezone = $ area \ nbest call time = $ call_time \ n message = $ comment'; If (mail ($ $, $ subject, $ message)) {resonant "information was sent successfully."; } Else {echo "information was not sent."; }? & Gt; (Once I am working it, I will increase security) - so no idea why this is not working? I get a success message, but no email. OK, so I think I could have been more specific: I'm running Mac OS X I currently I'm testing my ...

algorithm - Generate all binary strings of length n with k bits set -

What is the best algorithm for finding all binary strings with a set of beet beets? For example, if n = 4 and k = 3, then ... ... 0111 1011 1101 1110 To generate me A good way should be given to any N and any Kashmir, so I like to do it with string. This method generates all integers with N '1 bits properly. to Commuting the next bit permutation of lexychography Suppose we have a pattern of N bits set to 1 in an integer And we want the next sequence of n 1 bit in a dictionary sense. For example, if N3 is and bit pattern is 00010011 , next pattern will be 00010101 , 00010110 , 00011001 , 00011010 , 00011100 , 00100011 , and so forth. The following is a fast way to calculate the numbering. unsigned int v; Current bits of bits are unsigned int; The next sequence of // bits is unsigned int t = v. (V - 1); // sets at least 0 significant bits of TV to 1. // To change the next set 1, change the most important bit, // at least 0, and add the necessary 1 bit ...

conditional compilation - Why should #ifdef be avoided in .c files? -

मैं एक प्रोग्रामर का सम्मान करता हूं जो कि सी कोड, #if और #ifdef सभी लागतों से बचा जाना चाहिए, संभवतः हेडर फाइल में छोड़कर #ifdef को .c फ़ाइल में उपयोग करने के लिए खराब प्रोग्रामिंग अभ्यास क्यों माना जाएगा? बनाए रखने के लिए मुश्किल #ifdef s को अपने क्रियान्वयन से अधिक सख्ती से सशर्त संकलन का दुरुपयोग करने के लिए इंटरफ़ेस का बेहतर उपयोग करें। उदाहरण void foo ) {#ifdef WIN32 // do Windows सामान # एल्स // do पॉसिक्स सामान #एंडिफ // सामान्य सामान} अच्छा नहीं है इसके बजाय फाइल foo_w32.c और foo_psx.c के साथ foo_w32.c: void foo () {// windows कार्यान्वयन} foo_psx.c: शून्य foo () {// posix कार्यान्वयन} foo.h: शून्य foo (); // सामान्य इंटरफ़ेस उसके बाद 2 मेकेफ़ाइल 1 है: , Makefile.psx , यदि foo () का कार्यान्वयन कुछ प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर दिखाई देने वाले कुछ कोड पर निर्भर करता है, उदा common_stuff () 2 , अपने foo () कार्यान्वयन में कॉल करें। उदाहरण > Common.h: शून्य आम_स्टफ (); // को आम सी में कार्यान्वित किया जा स...

c# - Page Directive Error After Copying Default.aspx From Another Project? -

In the solution, explore in my web-application (, C #) I copy and paste the default .aspx page I am doing this error in another project when I run the default. Aspx page & lt;% @ page language = "c #" codeless = "default. Aspx.cs "AutoEventWireup =" false "Inheritance =" Default "%> Parser error message: Could not load 'default' type. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? In addition to making sure that according to the matching of class names, the earlier answer has been said , There are significant differences between "codehead" and "codefile" instructions. Formerly, what you are using, old, .NET 1.1 is the way to do things. In that case, your code in your back should declare examples of all the controls on your page that you need to access, and you should not use partial orbits. For CodeFile, you should use partial sections, and you do not need to declare any control; This work is done...

performance - Fast, Simple Programmer's Editor -

Is any of your good links that you can share with me? I'm looking for a fast programmer editor who can open a file with more than 100 000 lines, which is really fast? I am currently using Notepad ATM and taking a good 8 seconds to open a file for that is 29000 lines long: ( I like something that would be like Notepad Yes. And yes, I tried all those things which I have found on Google and they are either all displaying screen, or they are very slow. I just want to add one or two lines Do not want to wait for 8 seconds. Or just check it out Whether the number of the last array etc ... check-out

c - How to pass a struct to a function in a yacc file? -

मेरे पास ये yacc फ़ाइल में है। var_declaration: type_specifier ID ';' {$ 2- & gt; आर्ग्स = ""; $ 2- & gt; मान = 0; $ 2- & gt; arraysize = 0; $ 2- & gt; प्रकार = "चर";} काम से ऊपर सब कुछ। मैं इसे इस पर जोड़ना चाहता हूं। fn ($ 2); फ़ंक्शन के अंदर से, मैं इस तरह से सामान करना चाहता हूं। fn (struct symtab sp) {sp-> value = 0; } लेकिन जब मैं प्रोग्राम को संकलित करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: त्रुटि: '->' का अमान्य प्रकार तर्क ('स्ट्रेट सिम्टाब ') मुझे लगता है कि आपका फ़ंक्शन होना चाहिए एफएन (स्ट्रेट सिम्टाब एसपी) के बजाय जिस तरह से, $ 2 एक union है, मुझे नहीं लगता है कि $ 2- & gt; आर्ग्स = ""; $ 2- & gt; मान = 0; $ 2- & gt; arraysize = 0; सही है और $ 2- & gt; प्रकार = "चर"; मान्य नहीं है।

string - how to hide querystring in content page? -

I have a master-content page scenario. I have a link button on the content page. Which redirects to another page, but with redirection to carry parameters. I want to hide this query string parameters. I tried with POST () in the form page of the master page. But it does not affect what to do? There are several ways to move from one page to the next. You can store prices in some session types containers, or you can add them as hidden areas. If you want an ugly way, you can use good old framesets.

linux - accept/epoll problem -

I have this code which uses Apollo and its problem is when I run it, it returns output : Server-socket () OK ... Server-Bind () OK ... 3 4 Accept: Invalid argument I'm running it on Ubuntu Linux, the system is updated What is wrong with the input to accept both as limited user and root? What should I change? straight epoll_event ev, event [MAX_EVENTS]; Struct sockaddr_in serveraddr; Int listen_sock, conn_sock, nfds, epollfd; Int Yes = 1; / * (Sonset = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {perror ("server-socket (error is correct!)"); // Just Exit Eligible! Exit (1); } Printf ("Server-socket (OK) ... \ n"); // "address already in use" error message / * if (setocopat (solock, SOO, SOOOKADDR, and yes, size) == -1) {mirror ("server-setcuts (error error)") ; Exit (1); } Printf ("Server-SetupPat () is OK ... \ n"); * / / Bind serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET; Serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; Serveraddr.sin_port = htons... - How does the .NET CLR work? -

I am searching it on the net, but no one can get the language of the common man. Can anyone help me? If you want a description of a lemon, I go here:

Git import/export into SVN as a regular workflow? -

Randal Schwartz uses the GVA SVN import / export feature when it has to interact with the SVN repository He pulls the project from SVN, saves it with all local edits / guitts, once again SVN returns the change in the repository. Is it really a suitable process for daily use with SVN stores instead of using SVN? Especially if your end store should be SVN. This is a subjective question, but yes, it is absolutely worth it local At the level you will get all the benefits of Git, with no hassle to deal with Subversion. As an extreme example, if you are using colonists locally, and you accidentally delete some files, T is still committed (maybe you are on a plane and do not commit For example, for example), you have lost all your work on the guit, because your repository is local, you can just git ls-files -d. Xerose GIT checkout - Sha-Po! Your files are restored.

sql server 2005 - Computed bit column that returns whether another column is null -

I try to keep this calculation column: create table dbo.Item (ItemId int no net identification (1, 1), special ITI int null, - I tried this ASSISTANT ISUML (Special ITMID, 0) & gt; I have tried that SSIISI is not a special ITMID - both work Do not do) [primary] This works: create tabletdb.itim (i IDID INIT INID IT Null Identity (1, 1), Special ITIM Input Null, ISASTIPIAL ITeST Cast (Case IZNool (Special ITMID 0), as 0 BSE-1 AD bit))

iphone - Updating zoomScale of UIScrollView -

I created an animation to zoom in or out in a UICroll view, but my problem is that zoomscale is not updated For example, I'm zooming out to my UIUUU using my animation inside my UIISUIUI, but when I zoom in while expanding the zoom in, the UIView will automatically change to its large size or Shape Will zoom in I saw that my zoom scale is not updating and still is in scale 1.0. Then I update my zoomscale after the animation, but the problem is zoomed out, UIView will automatically move to the top of the screen. Can I update the zoomScale property of UIScrollView? Thank you. Did you implement the ViewForZoomingInScrollView function? This function of your Scroll View Representative is called when you change zoomscale. This gives the view, when the scale of your scrollwall is changed, then it should be re-entered. Normally you return only the scrollView given in the parameter: - (UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView: (UIScrollView *) scrollView; {Return scrollView.childV...

Error when using Tag Cloug in Django -

मेरा कोड है: {% load tag_cloud%} {% tag_cloud_for_model ब्लॉग} चरण के साथ टैग = 6 min_count = 1 वितरण = लॉग%} {% टैग में टैग के लिए%} & lt; span class = "tag - {{tag.font_size | add:" 1 "}}" & gt; & lt; ए के साथ टैग की प्रविष्टि href = "/ ब्लॉग / टैग / {{ | slugify}} /" & gt; {{}} & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / span & gt; {% Endfor%} जब तक मेरे पास 6 अलग-अलग प्रविष्टियों में 6 टैग "डीजेन्गो" नहीं है, तब तक सब कुछ सामान्य दिखता है त्रुटि इस प्रकार है: TemplateSyntaxError at / blog / tags / ... रेंडरिंग के दौरान अपवाद पकड़ा गया: int () के लिए अमान्य शाब्दिक: ... ValueError: int के लिए अवैध शब्दशः ( ): कृपया मुझे इस समस्या को हल करने में मदद करें। धन्यवाद! समस्या हल हो गई है। विवरण नीचे दिए गए लिंक:

css - 100% height Flash / HTML Footer -

Question: I get 100% height and 100% HTML page Have done this in flash width. Now I want to paste the page into the HTML picture which will paste in the bottom of the page. Try: Many Googling Solutions Failing to ask friends Thank you! You need: footer {status: complete; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Correct: 0; Height: some px; } then on your main container element, margin-bottom of -somepx; It will be stopped from overlapping with the footer. Alternatively, do not just use that bit of canvas and leave it at 100% height You may have to specify the same Zee-index, e.g. Z-index: 100; On both elements, to ensure that they do not overlap each other, if using the first solution.

gem install error, index not found, ruby on rails -

Problem: No gem can install any type, but if I think this is a problem, Have to install. When I run sudo gem install "gem_name" I get the following error: Warning: RubyGems was not found for the 1.2+ index : The RubyGems Heritage Index will return for abusive performance. Updating the Joom Source Index for Bulk: What to do ??

c# - Regexp that matches all the text content of a HTML input -

I have articles on my website which I want to get right and want to translate automatically. But I need to get content without surrounding HTML tags. This idea should be a regex that can capture all the content between the tag (and, if possible, the content in the tag is found in fields such as & lt; img alt = 'Little House '& gt; ). The problem is that I really do not know how to write such regex. Any ideas? Instead of relying on a regex, I would recommend using one. HTML parsing with Regex is not usually a number and it is almost impossible to get the right for all cases. There are many questions here that reach the same conclusion. Edit It seems that we both had the same idea ... besides that, which discusses more parser. / P>

What is Edge Rails? -

What does "edge rail" mean? I found some signal on the interwab, but it is not clear whether its latest train or rail 2.2 or what? Edge Rail means that everything is up to the new commitment.

Multiplying two long long ints C -

I am working as a part of homework on a program in C, in which I get the product of two long numbers The character is taken as a string such as: 123456789021 and 132456789098. Since it has been taken in the form of a string, I have changed them from multiplication to long integer. But the resulting product will be very big (bigger than long estimate estimates) Can anyone recommend me a way to do this multiplication? Here's a way: consider how you would multiply this number by hand, in c on paper Implement this method. You must find out how to: How to break an integer (representation as a string) in the digits How to convert each digit back is an integer 0 & lt; = D & lt; 10 How to manage arrays of points (ie how large should you arrange?) How to write a loop (l) to apply to you How to manage the way the product moves from one point to another How to change those points back to output

nlp - Java: Multidimensional Scaling? -

I am projecting a natural language resource where I compute a bunch of properties of a text, Vector I want to compare these vectors with multi-dimensional scaling for each lesson. I have recommended the following libraries / toolkits to reduce the matrix? K dimension to n dimension where Kashmir was 4000 and in my case there were 3. The app is run as a standalone application and as a live lime which can be included in your app.

How do you get unit tests to use routes in ASP.NET MVC? -

I am writing unit tests against my ASP.NET MVC application, especially by checking a HtmlHelper extension method I am what I wrote. There is a line inside the extension method: var innerHtml = htmlHelper.ActionLink (text, action, controller, route value, empty); When I run it inside my unit test, the generated URL's href is empty whether the action or controller has been passed. Here is my unit test: var page = CreateProductDataPage (); // Return ProductData page object var htmlHelper = Http.CreateHtmlHelperWithMocks & lt; ProductDataPage & gt; (New ViewDataDictionary & lt; ProductDataPage & gt; (page), Incorrect); Var result = htmlHelper.ProductListingBreadcrumb (true, null, void); Here's the CreateHtmlHelperWithMocks method: Public Stable HtmlHelper & lt; T & gt; CreateHtmlHelperWithMocks & lt; T & gt; (ViewDataDictionary & lt; T & gt; ViewData, bool isLoggedIn) where T: class {var mokvidata container = new fake ...

actionscript 3 - How can I connect and get facebook profile information from a director apps (.dcr not .swf)? -

We currently do not have a direct application (.dcr no .swf) that we want to integrate with Facebook API ( To connect through Facebook, to challenge Facebook friends from inside the game) Can I embed the flash in the director's app, which takes care of connecting with Facebook? From what I saw from my search it seems that instructions were given to flash most of the tutorials or instructions, and in 2004, that director only supported Action Script 2. Is there a way to use Action Script 3 inside an app created in Director 11.5? Before switching to Flash a few years ago and before the entire web, I had a long time director. AFAIR is terrible to work with the Director-Flash Bridge, mainly due to the architectural director's direction. Macromedia used to connect its work together, but it was not enough, with the low relevance of director in Adobe's software ecosystem, it is likely to have at least one pain and worse. The director has a fine networking API (no SSL, I...

iphone - How can I send two arguments in a selector method? -

In the following, how can I send two arguments in the togbutton method? I tried, but it is not working. [button addTarget: auto action: @silator (toggle button :) control events: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; Control goals only accept an argument for their actions: Controls that tamper There is no way to do whatever you want (the OS does not support it).

c# - listView.Items.Contains with DateTime/String? -

How do I check if date is a list or string in a list view? I have tried to to > system .Windows.Forms.ListViewItem . list view 1. ITEMS.Compatible (newtimeType.Now)) will not work contains it works only when we are actually in the ListView.Items collection Are passing an item. I think you have to use the loop: ( foreach (list view in list view list 1.Items) {if (s.Text! = SetAlarm.Value.ToString ()) Is released; MsgBox. ("Found:" + set alarms.valle.tostring ()); return;}

mfmailcomposeviewcontroll - MFMailComposeController -

Trying to apply MFMailViewComposeViewController ... but there is some error plz tell why this is increasing .. I'm new to iPhone Line Location Tool: 0: ".objc_class_name_MFMailComposeViewController", referenced from: Line Location Tool: 0: Icon (s) not found Line Spacing Tool: 0: Literal-Predictive @__ oBJC @__ cls_refs @ MFMailComposeViewController in FriendShoppingListViewController.o Provide the code if possible. You must import MessageUI.framework on your project to work for MFMailViewComposeViewController.

Suppress deprecated import warning in Java -

जावा में, यदि आप एक बहिष्कृत वर्ग आयात करते हैं: आयात करें SomeDeprecatedClass; आपको यह चेतावनी मिलती है: प्रकार SomeDeprecatedClass पदावनत किया गया है क्या इस चेतावनी को दबाने का एक तरीका है? अपने वर्ग या विधि पर इस एनोटेशन का प्रयोग करें: @SuppressWarnings ("deprecation")

c# - Paint like Feature in Web.Application? -

I want to implement MS paint like feature in my web application in C # Please tell me the crop like zooming color, color picker, etc., that there is no previous equipment or application for this. Any hints and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! You can use jquery plugin ....

wpf app on dvd how to? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: अगर डीवीडी पर एक डब्ल्यूपीएफ ऐप खेलना संभव है तो बस सोच रहा था। हमारे पास एक एप है जो कुछ अनुप्रयोगों के लिए नॉलेजबेस के रूप में कार्य करता है। हमारे ग्राहक चाहते हैं कि उपयोगकर्ता डीव्हीडी को घर ले जाएं और इसे डीवीडी के जरिए इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले विभिन्न पहलुओं से परिचित कराएं। आप KB संस्करण के बारे में सोच सकते हैं जैसे wpf का उपयोग करके निर्मित लेखों के संग्रह के रूप में जो पीछे, आगे और amp के साथ एक ब्राउज़र की तरह दिखता है; मेनू में पसंदीदा विकल्प बस सोच रहा था कि किसी के पास कोई सुझाव है धन्यवाद एन आप बस exe, dlls और आवश्यक डेटा फ़ाइलों को एक डीवीडी में जला सकते हैं और इसे चलाने से लेकिन आपके कंप्यूटर पर पहले से ही स्थापित .net ढाँचा का उचित संस्करण होना चाहिए। सीडी / आंशिक विश्वास में डीडीडी चलाने, इस मोड में आप कुछ चीजें करने की अनुमति नहीं देते हैं। यह एमएसडीएन पेज समझाता है कि आंशिक विश्वास में WPF सुविधाओं का समर्थन कैसे किया जाता है: अपने आवेदन के आधार पर आप यह पता लगा सकते हैं कि स्थानीय कंप्यूटर पर कार्यक्रम स्थापित करना (यदि आ...

nginx - How to prevent hotlinking of streaming content? -

I have a directory with my media files and I do not have to show them on other sites. The server does not support .htaccess, because it uses nginx. How do I enable hotline protection for my files ?? Thank you. The HTTP request will be the easiest way for the header. Actually if this header does not have a URL from your site, then this can be hot linking. The following issues are: Referrer header can be forged -> Hot linking Not all user agents necessarily send referrer headers - > The legitimate user probably can not get the content You can browse user cookies, and check the existence of the cookie when the user is reaching streaming content.

c++ - Export every frame as image from a Movie-File (QuickTime-API) -

I want to open an existing movie-file and export each frame of this file to an image like JPEG or TIFF . I've got so far away: int main (int argc, char * argv []) {char filename [255]; // Osir e for filing pn; // error return FSSpec filespec; // QT file specification short file movie; // QT movie handle movie movie; // QT movie "Object" InitializeQTML (0); EnterMovies (); Because of the QT's Mac origin, C-string filename // must be converted to Pascal count string, then use it to create the filepeak. C2pstr (filename); FSMKSSSPC (0, 0L, (Constosters 255 PRAMM) file name, and filepeak); OpenMovieFile (& FilePC, and Phylum, FSRDpram); Pneumovief file (& amp; film, filemovie, zero, zero, newmovieactive, zero); ... So far it works fine (I have tested with Time Value MovieMatam = GetMovieDuration (Movie); and print it), But now let me export the frame of each film and file it (for the first time, I want the data to work with it in memory, but I have to ...

mod rewrite - mod_rewrite trailing slash with RewriteCond -

I searched through related mod_rewrite qustions but I can not do anything specific so that I will post: This is my rule that adds trailing slash: rewrite% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / [^ \.] + [^ /] $ Rewrite rule ^ (. *) $ Http: / /% {HTTP_HOST} / $ 1 / [R = 301, L] Only I have to exclude a specific directory / mydirectoryname / And then start any thing that starts up in the following slash. Do not add. The reason for breaking some of my SGS calls Add another rewrite: rewrite% {REQUEST_URI}! / Mydicureoryname) /

Generic Database Linq -

Looking at the function given below, I can take a table from my database and where the extension method and beautiful a simple wrapper By using the method and supplying a filter, all other cases are created. Public Zero Received People (expression & lieutenant; function and lieutenant; TbPopaulal, ball> gt; & gt; filter, action & lt; list & lt; tblPeople & gt; & gt; callback) People in var query = sdContext.tblPeople . ) Select people; Var DSQuery = (Data service service & lt; tblPeople & gt;) query; DSQuery.BeginExecute (result => {callback (DSQuery.EndExecute (results). List list & lt; tblPeople & gt; ());}, tap); } What I would really like to do now is to write a more general method, which exits tblPeople for a parameter, in this way I have just one line for all my calls I can find methods, at least this list provides! {Var query = Choose sdContext.T.Where (filter) DB from DD; Var DSQuery = (Data service service & lt; T & ...

c# - Drawing on multi screen with WPF -

I created an application that displays the highest window on each monitor to cover all available space. Then, I allow windows to draw a rectangle. Therefore, let me make a rectangle when I add the mouse to the mouse on the mouse and mouse click ... it is working when I underline a rectangle that starts at one window and the other ends. Of course, because this is not the same window ... How can I allow drawing on both windows at the same time? Thank you for your help, You can create a window that is both The screen is spread over. Use the screen collection in System.Windows.Forms (or wherever it is in WPF) and the WorkingAiria property to calculate the correct extension of the window. Be careful with the multi-monitor setup where the primary screen is on the other side from the secondary screen or if the screen is placed at the top of each other We do this successfully in our application Are there.

ubuntu - Why does this code work on PHP Version 5.2.10 and not on PHP Version 5.2.10-2? -

I'm messing with an object I'm working on my WAMP box with PHP 5.2.10 And why is not this repo with PHP 5.2.10-2 on my Ubuntu 9.10 installation? $ incomingData = json_decode ($ _data insert ')); Foreign currency ($ INFODATA $ Key = = $ Action) {} Invalid argument for foreach () wzzrd is correct. This should probably be on stack overflow, and this issue will not happen with the return value from json_decode, which was not expected by you. In the appropriate json, the value encoded in the PHP type value is true, false and zero (case-insensitive) in the form of right, wrong and zero Are returned. If JSON can not be decoded or the encoded data is darker than the recurring limit, then return zero. Are you making the same request on both servers (& amp; data = xxx exactly)? This will be the first thing to verify. Yes suppose, is your php.ini similar? magic_quotes_gpc = 1 $ _GET / $ _ POST / $ _ is a potential criminal.

c# - Configure a WCF client's MaxItemsInObjectGraph when using Unity -

For a toolkit using a remote WCF service, I have the ChannelFactory & lt; IMyService & gt; A Unity Container. Now I want to configure this channel's endpoint behavior by using the code (using Integration) to implement this behavior: & lt ; Behaviors & gt; & Lt; Endpoint beehaviors & gt; & Lt; Behavior name = "big graph" & gt; & Lt; Data contractor maxItemsInObjectGraph = "1000000" /> & Lt; / Behavior & gt; & Lt; / EndpointBehaviors & gt; & Lt; / Behavior & gt; I found this example on MSDN () ChannelFactory But now I am trying to do this in a Unity configuration. Should I consider interceptions? We are using a build policy extension in unity to add behavior to the host. We have a service provider on the customer. /// & lt; Summary & gt; To create an application service proxy used on /// workstation, the factory /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Typenam...

model view controller - Htaccess Rule to Ignore File Extensions (Eg. ".htm") -

I am using the Zend Framework and want to be able to terminate my URLs in ".htm" What should I add to my .htaccess file? Then the following will be: As is: I try It seems to have anything to work for. Try something like what you are searching for: River Revolution on Rewrite (. +) \. Htm $$ 1 Best of luck, Fabian

Sharing Uploaded Files between multiple Rails Applications -

मेरे पास कई अनुप्रयोग हैं (एक व्यवस्थापक आवेदन, एक "सार्वजनिक" / गैर-व्यवस्थापक एप्लिकेशन और वेब सेवा एप्लिकेशन) जो सभी एक एकल डेटाबेस साझा करें मैंने मॉडल और अन्य कोड को उचित रूप से साझा करने के लिए आवेदन प्राप्त किए हैं, इसलिए मेरे पास प्रत्येक में एक ही कोड की कई प्रतियां नहीं हैं हालांकि, एक काम जिसे मैंने अभी तक कॉन्फ़िगर करने के लिए किया है वह फाइलों को साझा करना है जो अनुप्रयोगों के बीच अपलोड हो जाती हैं। मैं अपने अनुप्रयोगों में सफलतापूर्वक फाइल अपलोड करने के लिए उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन अगर यह अपलोड करने के लिए फाइल को फाइल अपलोड करता है। आदर्श रूप से, मैं वेब सेवा से सभी फाइलों की सेवा करने में सक्षम होना चाहता / चाहती हूं । मेरा विचार था कि मुझे हर समय किसी प्रकार की कार्य की ज़रूरत होती है, जब किसी भी फाइल को वेब सेवा की फ़ाइल संरचना में बनाई गई किसी भी फाइल पर अपलोड की जाती है। मुझे पता है कि मैं अगर मैं फाइलों को डेटाबेस में लोड करता है, तो एक फाइल से फाइलों को आसानी से पूरा कर लेना (जो मैंने इसी तरह के एक आवेदन सूट में किया है), लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है...

php - Get factors of a number -

I need to get two factors (x) of given number (x): x * y and lt; X = y should be close to as much as possible X and Y should be as close as possible to each other. Example: n = 16 => x = 4, y = 4 n = 17 => x = 4 , = Y = 4 = 18 => x = 6, y = 3 n = 20 => x = 5, y = 4 Any language but primarily PHP will do. Edit - Clarification I want to make a rectangle, the width of X units * y units are high that its area is close to possible as n to X and Y integer if n is a prime number then the factors of n - 1 are acceptable. Your specifics were not enough, you had said that you wanted the factors, yet your tests In the case of 4 is not a component of 17 The following pseudo code prefixes that a factor accurate (if (N modulo I) == For the range i {range (sqrt (n)), 1) / code> i.e. A simple SQL Statement will work to ensure that the number is The ni is close together, meets together, but does not guarantee that they are the factor. x = y =...

A C++ library for Arrays, Matrix, Vector, and classical linear algebra operations -

Which of the libraries do you use for en-dimensional arrays? I use Blitz ++ at work and I really dislike some aspect of it. Some aspects of it are also dangerous, before using operator = need to resize. A (range :: all (), range :: all ()) throws for one (0,0) matrix, etc. and linear algebra Operation is done through clapping. I used and loved eigen I appreciate its "all-in-header" implementation, C ++ syntax, and the need for all linear algebraic functions (matrix multiplication, system resolution, Choleski). ..) What are you using? even more. There is also a very good linear algebra package in promoting

nhibernate - persisting byte[] to image db Field -

I just switch Nfluent 1.0RTM with Nhibernate2.1.0.4000 and Linh with Nhibernate 1.0.0. Since then, an image is mapped to an image database field while calling while saving a byte [] array, which takes the age in terminating under debugging in the VS 2008 debugger. Public Class Appendix {. Public Virtual Byte [] Appendix {Receive; Set; } ....} If I set the byte [] array, then it must be sharpened as a dragon. Also, as soon as VS 2008 outside, I can not change anything from the image to the database field type, its legacy DB. Is there a NH pattern (map) image how to handle the MSSQLdatabase field? Have some changes with the new NH version? Any sign is welcome! I have not seen anything with the byte [] because we are advanced Similar questions: Articles related to the above question:

linux - Disabling access to "exec" functions? -

Assume that I have a process "A" that loads a dynamic library "L". Q: What is a way to disable access to the "exec" function to work inside "L"? Dynamic library is part of the same process space as the calling application, so it's definitely easy to share. (And I also think it is possible without rejecting your application). If you can wrap the library in a separate application, the apparmer or SLEINX can help, but in general: Why are you loading an unreliable library in your application? You can also see how Chromium deals with sandboxing is helpful.

.net - Analysis Services Real Time Trace Logs -

I'm looking to get a trace log for AS (the same thing for SQL Server) in real time. I can not find any solid interface for this stuff. So far the only realistic solution I can think is to run it permanently and it is put in a new table which I listen to on the update through trigger. Does anyone know the better way to do this? = "text"> API reference: / P> You can set up to capture events using trace in Analysis Management Objects. Here are some sample codes: Hope this is a start.

objective c - iPhone reachability checking -

I have found many examples of code to do what I want to do (check reaching), but in There is no one from me enough enough to use enough I do not understand why it does not want to play well. I have access to the project I / I # Import & amp; the lift; System Configuration / System Configuration & Gt; And the structure has been added to me. I also have: #import "reachability.h" In .m I am trying to use accessibility. Reachability * Accessibility = [Reachability Sharingability]; [Accessibility SetHostname: @ ""]; // Set your host name here NetworkStatus remoteHostStatus = [Accessibility Remote Hoststats]; If (remotehoststats == notitable) {NSG (@ "no");} and if (remotehoststats == retinal veafinetwork) {NSLog (@ "WiFi"); } And if (Remote Hoststats == Retable VAACRRDN Network) {NSLog (@ "cell"); } This is giving me all kinds of problems What am I doing wrong? I'm the perfect coder, I...

c# - Can a readonly field in .NET become null? -

मेरे पास एक मल्टीथ्रेडेड ऐप में एक अजीब बग है: पब्लिक क्लास मायक्लास {निजी रीडॉनली हैशटेबल एचशप्रफेस; सार्वजनिक MyClass (इंट आईडी) {HashPrefs = नया हैशटेबल (); } सार्वजनिक शून्य SomeMethodCalledFromAnotherThread (स्ट्रिंग hashKey, स्ट्रिंग hashValue) {अगर (HashPrefs.Contains (hashKey)) // & lt; - फेंकता NullReferenceException {}}} एक थ्रेड करता है: कुछकुछ। जोड़ें (नया MyClass (1)); और एक और धागा करता है:। SomeQueue.Dequeue () SomeMethodCalledFromAnotherThread (SomeClass.SomeMethod (), "स्थिरांक मूल्य"); लेकिन कंस्ट्रक्टर समाप्त होने से पहले दूसरी धागा विधि को कैसे बुला सकता है? संपादित करें: मैंने फ़ंक्शन पैरामीटर के साथ हिस्सा जोड़ा, जैसा कि ऐसा लगता है प्रासंगिक। जहाँ तक मेरा बता सकते हैं, hashKey SomeMethod (के रूप में पर पारित किया जा रहा नल नहीं हो सकता,) हमेशा एक प्रासंगिक स्ट्रिंग देता है। के रूप में अन्य लोगों, ने बताया है कि समस्या एक अशक्त haskKey पैरामीटर के लिए पारित कर दिया था शामिल हैं (), अपवाद ArgumentNullException होगा। प्रत...

delegation - Access problem in java -

I am working with a 3rd party framework and it has come to me that some of these items My classes square fu {// third party class protected zero method () {}} class FooWrapper Foo extended {private Foo mDelegate; Public FooWrapper (Foo in Delegate) {mDelegate = in Delegate; } Secure zero method () {mDelegate.method (); // error mDelegate}} problem if I need to assign this method to the internal object but its protected and therefore not accessible is. Any ideas on ways to solve this particular problem? This is for Java 1.3. Why are you making a different example of Fu? FooWrapper is already a fu. class Foo {protected void method () {}} class FooWrapper Foo {protected void method () {extrox; }} Edit : If you have a different example, use one of the side (albeit a bit ugly though): public square fu {safe method method () {System.out.println ("in foo.method ()"); }} Public Square FooWrapper Foo {private Foo foo; Public FooWrapper (Foo foo) { = foo...

Virtual Directory and ASP.NET AJAX -

I have set up a virtual directory in one of my websites but updatepanels are not taking effect, they are still Posting the whole page again. The problem appears to be a virtual directory because I tried to install it as a website rather than setting it up and updating panels used to work ... but when I set it as a virtual directory, they can do more work Do not do it. Any thoughts? Thank you! Isabel Have you tried this: This is a known problem due to which AJAX will not work.

php - open_basedir error preventing avatar uploads -

I get this error when uploading avatar to my site. I "open_basedir" on my server "php.ini" = "/ Home /" has been changed to "open_basedir =". This is a dedicated server and I rebooted it after adjusting. WARNING: is_writable () []: open_basedir restriction in effect. The file (/) is not within the allowed path (): / home / source / public_html / lib / php in (/ home / source: / usr / lib / php: / usr / local / lib / php: / tmp) / 466 / directory. FTP ONLINE 46 Warning: is_writable () []: Open_basedir restriction in effect. The file (/) is not within the allowed path (): / home / source / public_html / lib / php in (/ home / source: / usr / lib / php: / usr / local / lib / php: / tmp) What else can I do to fix this problem? The problem is not with open_basedir, it is in your image upload, look closely at the error message: The file (/) is not within the allowed path: I'm sure a bla...

sorting - C# Sort List by multiple conditions -

I need to sort out some football standings My problem is how to sort in the correct order. Sort: Points DESC Estimate Match Goal Difference DESC Target Team 3 - 1 - 2 - 10 Team 4 - 8 - 12 - 5 Team 5 - 5 - 7 - 4 ... Match # 4 - Team 5 - Team 2 - 1-2 Match # 7 - Team 1 - Team 3 - 3-3 ... Output: TeamName - Issue - Scale Goals - TargetAgnesestest Team 4 - 8 Team 5 - 5 - 7 - 4 Team 2 - 5 - 8 - 6 Team 1 - 1 - 4 - 7 Team 3 - 1 - 2 - 10 Because team 2 survives on Team 5, they end up in second place. Because Team 1 Draws Team 3, they finish at 4. With a better goal difference set up the public square permanent {public team team}; } Public int? Match played {received; Set; } Public int? Goal set; } Public int? GoalAugainst {Get; Set; } Public int? Number {get; Set; }} Public class matching {public favored matchID {get; Set; } Public Date Time? Playtime {receive; Set; } Public Team HomeTem {Receive; Set; } Public team avatama {receive; Set; } Publ...

grep -r in python -

I want to apply the unix command 'grep -r' to the arguments function. I know about the command .getstatusoutput (), but for now I do not want to use it. I came with: og for o in oswalk (dir) for og [o] [0] + "/" + o [grep_r (str, dir): def grep_r [ 2] If the os.path.isfile (o [0] + "/" + f) returns in [L] files for L in the open (F) if LLL] But certainly does not use a regex, it just checks that 'str' has a space 'l' so I tried the following: def grep_r (patterns, DIR): r = recompile (pattern) files = [o [0] + "/" + o for o. In the O for walking in the O (DIR) [2] if the OS is in the files for the F. path.isfile (o [0] + "/" + F)] returns (L for the f) if r. Match (l)] but that does not work, it is not giving me any matches where the first thing was done. What changed? I got it one of nested loops I can divide the bunch, but I am more interested than being readable. From: Python Two offer different pri...

sharepoint - Why do I get this error in SPFieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml()? "The specified field name is too long" -

When I call SPFieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml () then I get an error. Why is that so? Here I am using the string: "field type =" note "required =" false 'NumLines =' 6 'RichText =' FALSE 'Sortable =' FALSE 'id =' Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'Static name = "Temffild" name = "Temffild' / & gt;" of course, I'm using a different grid. Edit To: MOSS2007 / WSS3.0 EDIT2: Retrieved as question. I forgot DisplayName attribute the following: " Field type = 'note' required = 'wrong' NumLines = '6' rich text = 'wrong' Sortable = 'FALSE' ID = '{aaaaaaaaaaa -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}' DisplayName = 'tempField' StaticName = 'tempField' name = 'tempField "/ & gt;"

integer - PHP Convert to int -

I'm not sure how this type is '1.3122278540256 E + 18', but how do I extend it to an integer Can i / P> Thanks! This is a temporary point number which is expressed in scientific notation ("E + 18" Meaning "times 10 to 18th power"). Its length is likely because of it being displayed; You can try to use it to format it as a standard integer.

sql - Joining tables based on the maximum value -

A simplified example of what I'm talking about: table : Examinations of students _____________ ____________________________________ | ID | Name | | ID | Student_id | Score | Date | | ---- + ------ | | ---- + ------------ + ------- + -------- | | 1 | Gym | | 1 | 1 | 73 | 8/1/09 | | 2 | Joe | 2 | 1 | 67 | 9/2/09 | | 3 | Jai | | 3 | 1 | 93 | 1/3/09 | | ____ | ______ | | 4 | 2 | 27 | 4/9/09 | | 5 | 2 | 17 | 8/9/09 | | 6 | 3 | 100 | 1/6/09 | | ____ | ____________ | _______ | ________ | For this question, suppose at least one exam result has been recorded in each student. How do you choose each student with them the highest score? Edit : ... and other fields in that record? Expected Output: _________________________ | Name | Score | Date | | ------ + ------- | -------- | | Gym | 93 | 1/3/09 | | Joe 27 | 4/9/09 | | Jai | 100 | 1/6/09 | | ______ | _______ | ________ | Welcome to all types of DBMS. Answering the edited question (i.e. also obtaining related column...

php - How many SQL Updates functions are too many -

I have a scenario where I have a lot of updates which are done on some text (mostly 64k text types Field, but there are also some medium-text fields, which I think is 4 MB?) Field (essentially, can search and replace those fields). Here's how I have to do this, but it is not certain that this is the best way. In general, using PHP and MySQL, I will do something like (SQL code that is not wrapped in PHP code but you get this idea): SELECT id, some_text_row from the table, some sometext_row like '% some phrase%' could potentially return thousands of rows. Next, I do something like this: $ line ['some_text_row'] = str_replace ('some phrases',' some other phrase ', $ line [' Some_text_row ']); Update table some_text_row = "{$ row ['some_text_row']}" WHERE id = "{$ row ['id'] '}" LIMIT 1; And as I said, it could be of thousands of updates. Not for the big experience of this update, I...

Google Maps API (Google Directions) not working for particular location -

While I'm trying to attract a path to multiple locations using the Google Map API, the path Not available for some places so that Google maps are not returning the map, using the latitude and longitude I got the same result. One such place is in India's Uttar Pradesh India. Driving directions are not yet officially supported in India. See the facilities supported by the country, so that you can expect some discrepancies. Nevertheless, requests of some instructions work in India, for example, working in most individual cities in Uttar Pradesh. Probably this problem is that the geospatial point for Uttar Pradesh does not have any empty area of ​​the farm along with the nearest roads. There is a limit to how much distance can be made from a place for the work of GD.

visual studio 2008 - When is it a good idea to clean a solution? -

As a headline - When you run "Clean Solution" on your Visual Studio Projects, what are your guidelines?

hibernate - Setting createdBy and updatedBy in JPA entities automatically -

I am working on JPA (Hibernate implementation), Spring and Stripes web app. I have several JPA institutions with the following fields for audit and query purposes: created - User id of the person who created the unit Date created - The unit was updated - The user ID of the person who updated the last updated date was updated - The date was last updated I am working my app So that the built and updated unit is set automatically when the unit is fixed, but I am not sure that through the logged in user's ID, from the controller class to the DAO How to reach areas without having to reach and update the areas. Do anyone have any suggestions on how I can do this to leave the user id in full place? Note that the current user id is currently stored in the HTTP object, so my backend needs access to this data in any way ... Thanks! On one of these ways to pass the User ID as a reference to business income You can look at: (These posts may still be relevant Even if yo...

sql - how to do complete multiple replaces throughout table in ms-access -

I'm a little confused knowing that 1. What is the best way to change all the components of blank space 2. 3 Will happen. NA with all the columns in the table with question mark? Charcheat Sample line in the General table 444586 RAR one line in the expected table 444586 router? 8 570? ? 13? SCHS299 MP 339 70 NE? Please help me I can not use the Change access option toolbar. You can try to do something for all the columns update table 1 set table 1. In Table 1 = IIf (trim ([COL1]) ("(", ",", "NA"), "?", "", "-", "NA"), "?", [Col1]), table 1. Call 2 = IIf (in trim ([COL2]), (call 2)), table 1. Cole 3 = IIF (in trim ([COL3]) ("", "-", "NA"), " ("", "-", "NA"), "?", [Cole 3]), Table 1. Cole 4 = IIF (trim ([COL4] "(", "-", "NA")? ", [Col4]), Table 1. Call 5 = IIf (in trim (...

deployment - Sharepoint WebPart, include additional assembly in wsp package -

I have created a utility library for my SharePoint WebParts. Now when I refer to this library from my Webprint project, it's fine, but the library Wsp is not included in the package. This means that the library assembly has not been deployed in the target system, so that the WebPart is motivated to fail. Is there any way to fix this? I used Visual Studio 08 & amp; VseWSS 1.2. Bruce's response is partly correct, your VSSSSSS version is problematic This feature only came in version 1.3 CopyToLocal = true automatically adds assemblies to GAC for you (I recommend March CPP).

jquery - exist a javascript callback cache? -

यह कोड दोस्तों को देखें: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt ; $ ("# & Lt;? = $ Delete_uid? & Gt;")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {var id = $ ("# & lt;? = $ Grid_uid? & Gt;")। JqGrid ('getGridParam', 'सेरो' ); चेतावनी (आईडी); अगर (आईडी == नल) {$ .jGrowl ("कोई चयनित आइटम नहीं"); वापसी;} पुष्टि करें ('सावधानी', 'वर्तमान चयनित आइटम हटाएं?', कार्य (परिणाम) {यदि ( परिणाम == सही) {चेतावनी (आईडी); url = "& lt;? = ADMIN_URL? & Gt; / खाता / हटाएं / आईडी /" + id; execURL (url, फ़ंक्शन (परिणाम) {यदि (परिणाम == सच) { $ .jGrowl ("आइटम हटाया !!"); $ ("# & lt;? = $ Grid_uid? & Gt;")। ट्रिगर ("पुनः लोड ग्रिड");} और $ .jGrowl ("विफलता निकालें !!");} );}}};}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; obs: अलर्ट केवल डीबगिंग के उद्देश्य के लिए है। पहली पास आईडी में jqgrid से लिखा गया है कि यह सब कुछ ठीक है, लेकिन दूसरी बार केवल पुष्टि समार...

Deleteing files in the root dir of my dedicated server with PHP -

There is an Apache dedicated server with my lost websites. I also have the Red5 installation server. How do I want to know that file functions - especially unlink () - have to be displayed on files placed in RED 5 directories in the root server direct. I can go with files: copy (". $ StrFilename, $ strDestination); but unlink ( ... will not work ... Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? Thanks. You will have to check the permissions of the file you want to delete as Apache (hopefully) root Should not run and therefore can not remove any files that do not have permission for this. Come You should be careful about security by allowing an uncontrolled variable to copy () or unlink () at the end of the call, possibly allowing the user to access your entire file system. Take a look.

audio - iPhone Application records sounds and saves those sounds -

My application will record and store some sounds later to play back. Right now, I can record the sound saved in the temporary folder. Where is the best way to run the sound later? Do I need a database or simply store it as a file? The advantage of using a subdirectory subdirectory within files in your document directory or perhaps within Docs That you can store other data files anywhere in the Docs Dior, but by placing all the sound recordings in your own location, you can repeat it again through the files or delete the entire directory and its content. I've seen a lot of messages suggesting that it is less efficient and / or faster to store a bunch of binary objects in SQLite.

Screens in Folders within Expression Blend Sketchflow -

Is there a way to keep the screen in a folder int, which it sees and is available in Sketchflow map? I can make the screen but they are not available in the Sketchflow map. It is visible that all the screens are present in the root of the project. I know you have already answered it on Twitter, but people who question this For the sake of their benefit, the answer is that you can add them to the Sketchflow map, but they should have user control. Create a new user control Right-click on user control in the Project panel and select "Create a screen in Sketchflow map" Select It also works with existing user controls If you want to move an existing screen to a folder, you should first remove it from the map It must be taken to a folder, and And will rejoin her map.

Zend framework: how to migrate a site -

I am trying to copy the site from production to a localhost environment created on the ZF site. All files and DB content were copied but I got a blank screen = "localhost: 8888" db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL dB = localhost: 8888 db.params.username = Bla db.params.password = bla db.params.dbname = db_name bootstrap.php $ frontController-> Register Plugin (new initiator ('development')); There are some basic instructions in .htaccess but if I put something random on the top then I do not get internal server errors, so I do not think it also reaches the .htaccess stage . Edit: Edit: I have the code below in the bootstrap but still get a blank page. Very fast, it loads at least $ frontController-> Register Plugin (new initiator ('development')); $ FrontController- & gt; ThrowExceptions (right); // Dispatch the request using the front controller {$ FrontController-> Try (); } Hold (exception $ exception) {ex...

php - Cake Application Video Tutorial -

Any good cake app knows to make video tutorials? m Here is a link to the blog video, they are actually There are more on hosting, just search the keyboard.

Changing a project's files based on solution in Visual Studio 2008 -

In a C # solution I have several projects that share an common Aussiebus Infox file, so that some assembly features Is shared in projects. It works fine as long as I have only one CommonAssemblyInfo.cs file, though I have many solutions (applications) that use these projects, and each common version of each solution is CommonAssemblyInfo.cs. How can I use a different CommonAssemblyInfo.cs file based on projects in which solution? In the end, I want my assemblies related to those characteristics, whose solution they have compiled. I do not think I should resolve them to make files because they can not all be in the same directory with the same filename. I can not use a pre-build event because I do not have a specific project that is always created before I prefer not to use a build script because I have the ability to create and run solutions through the Visual Studio environment Want to No, I do not believe you can not do this - and for me, this is the first place Soun...

Hints and advice when moving a drupal site to another domain? -

I want to transfer a dopl site to another domain and I am looking for best practices, gottaas, gestures, tips etc. I am here. You can be sure that I can get it easily. Perhaps would like to try the module. There is also the instruction to back up your Dupl site.

encryption - What is the safest algorithm in Kohana's auth module? -

I would like to use the crypt function and would like to use the bugfish encryption, but the current implementation of this module is using the hash function That does not offer this encryption method. So, what is the safest algorithm in Kohana's Auth module? Will SHA-512 be a good option or is it better to modify the module to use crypt and bluffish? To answer this stack overflow question: It is enough to say Whether the bcrypt or SHA-512 is very good and the answer is yes, the algorithm is adequately secure that no violation will be done through the error of implementation, not cryptanalysis. In other words, it seems already sensible to use some stringent implementation already. Trying to modify Kohana versus modules and potentially implementing new implementation errors.

Drupal: Create a custom page -

I am currently working on developing a drop site. I have created a custom homepage and it is a front page. However, I need to create a custom page for an internal page, meaning I just need a different design than the normal Drupal theme, but I'm not sure how to do it In an easy way that did not take much time)I have the design ready in HTML and CSS, but I need a custom page in the menu, so when I click on it, I take it to that design (though not the external link!) I hope this was not confusing, but if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Thank you in advance for your help Themed Functions Create or By putting in a template, write the correct HTML. Since you want a unique layout that you are looking at in a custom page. Http: //pl.php You can create a pageTap.FPP for any URL, which will allow you to modify the entire page HTML for that page or just touch it here and there. Drupal has a flexible flexible system, so there are several...

javascript - Disable Opera's autocomplete -

Opera's auto-complete work pulls a yellow border around text input, where this data was saved Whether it is programmatic Is there any way to disable the form? Here is a picture to illustrate: "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Do you auto complete on text input = "off" Attempted to insert attribute?

database - MySQL auto-increment problem on master-master replication , and the logic to solve it -

मास्टर-मास्टर प्रतिकृति के लिए मेरे पास स्वत:-वेतन वृद्धि डुप्लिकेशन समस्या थी फिर, मैं सेट करता हूं: SET ग्लोबल SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 99999; यह 99 99 प्रश्नों को छोड़ देता है फिर मैंने ऐसा किया: शो स्लेव स्थिति: जी स्लेव_ओआईआरयूआरिंगः हाँ स्लेव_एसबीएल_रिंगः हाँ और ऐसा लगता है कि ठीक चल रहा है। लेकिन जाहिर है, जब से मैंने 99 999 बयानों को छोड़ दिया ... अगर मैं डाटाबेस 1 पर कोई बदलाव करता हूं, तो इसे डाटाबेस 2 पर नहीं दिखाया जाएगा ... जब तक 99 999 वक्तव्य पारित नहीं होते हैं। सही है? अच्छा ... मैंने एक डमी तालिका में स्वचालित रूप से 999999 की पंक्तियों को डालने के लिए एक स्क्रिप्ट बनाई है। यह पर्याप्त से अधिक होना चाहिए, है ना? और मेरे 2 डाटाबेस को सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन में फिर से होना चाहिए? लेकिन, मैं अपनी तीस करोड़ की पंक्ति में हूं, और यह काम नहीं करता। मेरे डाटाबेस 2 में अब तक इन 3 मिलियन पंक्तियाँ नहीं हैं जो कि मैंने अभी 1 पर बनाया है। मैं क्या उदाहरणों में ऐसा करें: दास को रोकें (स्लोप दास) स्लेव तालिका ड्रॉप करें जो सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन से बाहर है मास्टर...

NHibernate one-to-many relationship without bidirectional association -

Is my understanding correct, that the following category and table design is not possible in NHibernate: Public class guardian {public virtual GUID ID {get; Set; } Public Virtual ISet & lt; Child & gt; Children {receive; Set; } ...} Public Class Children {Public Virtual Guide ID {get; Set; } ...} Table Parents {ID, ...} Table child {ID, parent (not empty), ...} Then notice the following: One-to-many collaboration between parent and child Use of an ISET Anyone from child to parent Bidirectional collaboration The child's parents column is not useless My suffocating shock reaction was to say that it was supported but in my opinion you are right. Your option - either bidirectional or tapable ParentId columns in the hair table. This is an interesting thread where iyende is involved in the bug tracker for NH / Strike> (this is the previous release NH, but I think the answer is the same) / P> Update 5/7 It seems that something strange is like...