
Showing posts from March, 2015

linq - Learning Haskell: list comprehensions in C# -

The following code is in Haskel, how do I write the same function in C #? class xx = [pi * r ^ 2 | R & lt; - xs] Just to clarify ... The code above is a function, which takes the form of a circle as the list of inputs. Expression calculates the area of ​​each circle in the input list. I know that in C #, I have a question about looping through a list and calculating the area of ​​each circle and the area with a circle area ... Is the code above C # Can be written equally, perhaps using lambda bhav or LINQ? Using: IEnumerable or IEnumerable & lt; Double & gt; SquareAiria (IEnumerable & lt; int & gt; xs) {returns xs.Select (r = & gt; Math.PI * R * R); which is very close to Haskell class erea x = map (\ r -> pi * r * r) xs

performance - Simple Suggestion / Recommendation Algorithm -

I'm looking for a simple suggestion algorithm for implementing in my web application, much like Netflix, Amazon, etc. .. but simple. I do not need PhD teams to get better suggestion metrics. User2 likes Object 1 and Object 2. I want to suggest User1 that they can also like objects. I can clearly come up with some naïve. I'm looking for something vetted and implemented easily. Excellent results are not very simple and simple examples of algorithms > ( A little dried Wikipedia article) can give very good results. Here is an implementation and second with an interesting explanation of the algorithm.

c++ - including .h file from a different application/directory -

I have some .h files (on Linux) source / server / connect . Source / Server / Message ... I am developing another application for which two .h files are required but in a separate directory source / ap 2 / .. How can I include Connected H files in AP2 application, considering that I am using ultraviolet and everyone working on the application It has its own copy, so adding a complete path to the library included in it is a good No idea, but I'm not sure. EDIT: I use a proprietary build mechanism to make the code, so GCC will not be able to specify options directly. You have a relative path for the #include files: #include "../server/ Connect.h " or you can add a flag to tell the compiler to look at other directories. You can use -i ../server/code for GCC; For Visual C ++ you can use / I "..// server" ; Other compilers, I am sure, have their own flag for this purpose. I think the second is better in most cases, because this allo...

visual studio 2008 - Changing the Default "Copy to Output Directory" Setting for Text Files -

Do anyone know how to change the file type of default "copy in the output directory" setting in Visual Studio 2008? is? I often add text files to my projects, they can be anything from a remake file, or some use information or test files used by the app on runtime But I've never added a text file, where I do not want it to be copied to the output directory on the build. I always want to copy them, but I often forget to change the setting (especially if I'm adding a group in case of test files). I want to set the default for Visual Studio so that all .txt files are always copied to the output folder. Does anyone know if there is a way to permanently change the default settings for .txt files, so are they always copying? What can you accomplish by adding a postbilled event to your project command Pre> xcopy / d / y $ (projectDir) *. Txt $ (targetdir)

php - what is the simplest way to recover profile information from orkut for a user (ideally oauth-like login)? -

There is a Facebook API to retrieve information about the user, and perhaps even a list of his friends. Okay, is there anything like this for orkut? Hopefully, there will be a class or library written in PHP. Is there something like that? Allow me to direct you to multiple APIs of Google Orkut owned by Google Therefore, you can find it on a specific API There you pre-built in different languages ​​(including PHP) There are lots of libraries that can allow you to use profile information. One of Google's best features is its site which provides a very good explanation. In all the different APIs you can reach their properties.

java - External program blocks when run by Runtime exec -

I am trying to launch an example of the VideoLAN program from within the Java application, in the way I try to do this It has been shown here: process p = runtime.gettime (). Exec ("\" C: \\ Program Files \\ VideoLAN \\ VLC \\ vlc.exe \ "\" http: // Qid = 1316859 and ODP = True \ ": sout = # std {access = udp, mux = ts, dst = 63,928}"); If I execute the above command, VLC program will be launched, and will start a streaming operation (it goes through connecting, buffering and then streaming steps). When a runtime execution (or processbinder initiation) is executed by the command, the VLC program will hang by the end of the buffering phase. If all threads expire / expire in the Java program, then the VLC program will progress in the streaming phase. Until the VLC process closes, the Java process will not end, so this behavior is clearly the result of some kind of coupling between processes. ...

JQuery implementation of Facebook's Modal Box -

I was thinking that anyone knew about the implementation of jQuery. I've seen Facebox, but it looks like the old Facebook modal communication layout and is not new. If no one is available then how to see jQuery UI model dialog for example that would really be helpful. The HTML output for the jQuery UI model dialog looks like this: & lt; Div class = "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable ui-resizable" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix" & gt; & Lt; Span id = "ui-dialog-title-dialog" class = "ui-dialog-title" & gt; Dialog title & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; One class = "ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-closethick" & gt; Closed & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div styl...

JQuery collapsable Panel -

कैसे अजाक्स collapsiblePanel के समान बनाने के लिए Jquery का उपयोग करता है? मैन्युअली: शीर्षलेख के लिए एक डिवीज़ करें (जिसे विस्तार और संक्षिप्त करने के लिए क्लिक किया जाएगा), और सामग्री के लिए दूसरा डिवा (जो होगा // $ ('# myheader1') दिखाने के लिए क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (' # mycontent1 ') दिखाएँ ())}। // $ दिखाने के लिए ('# myheader1')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# mycontent1')। Hide ())}; आपको वैरिएबल में दृश्यता स्थिति को बनाए रखना होगा। तैयार नियंत्रण

iphone - Different image in each cell of a UITableview -

I want to set a different image for each cell in my table view. I do not know how to do this - please Help me You can create a custom cell with a UIImageView in it, but the simplest way is to use your cell Set the built-in image view of the default UITableViewCell in the ForereAttendApath table view rep. Something like this: UITableViewCell * cell = [table view dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[UTABEL power ALL] InitVithframe: CGRxero]; // ... other cell initialization here) [[cell image view] set image: image]; Where the image is a UII that you have loaded with the URL or made from the local app bundle.

Permutations for digits represented by Phone Number -

I have an interview in 2 days and I have been having a very difficult time finding solutions to this question: What do I want What is it .. For any phone number .. The program should print out all the possible wires it represents. For example, the number can be replaced by A2 'A' or 'B' or 'C', 3 by 'D' E 'F' etc. In this way, how many possible passions can be given from a given phone number I do not want to write code for anyone ... a good algorithm or psuedocode would be great. Thanks d = {'2': "ABC", "3": "DEF", "4": "TMAV", "9": "WXYZ",} "G.I.", "5": "JKL", "6 ":" MNO "," 7 ":" PQRS ", '8' Given this, or any other D , (executable) pseudo-code, all possible characters To change a string of digits in the string: def Digstolets (digs): if lane (digs) == 0: yield '' ...

How to interact iphone with PHP/MySQl web server -

I want to interact with my iPhone application with a php website with a MySQL database. What do I basically want to get data from MySQL database and display it in my iPhone application and after doing some processing in the iPhone, I want to return some information back to the PHP website as XML . Can anyone help me do this? Thanks in advance. There is a Safari in the iPhone and the Ajax feature in the Safari version, so Original Answer You can do it like any other webpage development. After that if you want to apply a different app that is a different story. I think you must code a webservice (PHP) code to consume data. I can imagine that requesting an HTTP using an iPhone SDK is not really difficult.

How to find columns count of any table in any database from sql server master database? -

If I know the database-name and table-name, how can I get the column count of the table from the SQL Server Master Am databases? What is the fastest way to find column numbers in a database table? What do you think about the performance of this query? Select Select from SYSOLUMNS (*) where id = (choose ID from SYSOBJECTS where name = 'categories') I want to use SQL Server 2000 And then there is a need to support. It may vary slightly depending on the version of SQL Server, but it will work for 2005 : from SELECT COUNT (*) & lt; Database Name & gt; .sys.columns WHERE Object_ID = OBJECT_ID ('& lt; Database name & gt ;.; & lt; owner & gt;. & Lt; table name & gt;') In 2000: SELECT COUNT (*) to & lt; Database Name & gt; .ysysobjects o Inner Join & lt; Database Name & gt; .syscolumns c ON.c. = = '& lt; Table name & gt; ' If you have multiple tables with different table...

c - short type variable automatically extended to integer type? -

I want to print the value of [FFFC] like below, short Var = 0xFFFC; Printf ("% d \ n", b [var]); But it actually prints the value of B [FFFF FFFC]. Why does this happen? In my computer windows XP 32-bit architecture. small is a signed type. This represents 16 bits on your implementation 0xFFFC integer represents 65,532 continuously, but when 16 bit is converted to signed value, then the result is 4. Then, your line short var = 0xFFFC; Sets var-4 (on your implementation). There is 32 bit representation of 0xFFFFFFFC-4, whatever is happening is that your value is being converted from one type to a large extent, so that it can be used as an array index . If you really want to use the 65,533th element of your array, then you should either: Use a bigger type var , int will be sufficient, but in general size_t is an unsigned type that is a great guarantee for non-negative array index. Use a unsigned short , which simply gives enough space f...

windows - opengl dependencies -

I'm new to using OpenGL and C # for development. My application is very light weight (just 2D graphics ) And I'm planning to use software rendering when the hardware rendering is not available. How can I ensure that software rendering works on all computers? (When hardware rendering is not available.) Should I distribute myself to software rendering libraries, such as i or will it already be available on all (windows) OS? In other words, OpenGLows.dll is always available on all modern Windows OS (XP XP2) or should I distribute it too? (My application is very simple (simple 2D graphics) Now as I select OpenGell instead of GDI + / WPF, because I can increase it in future in 3D OpenGL is a system library. You should not distribute it with your application. Specifically. From the Unix / Linux system, where it should be installed using the distribution package manager. Opengl32.dll is included in Windows, it automatically comes back to the software rendering if the pix...

pointers - Read data into a float array in C -

I am creating a program where I need to load some temporary point data of the file from the file 103.45 456.67 I was wondering how to store these data directly in the array of floating point numbers using Fried () Go. I think it is not difficult to use pointers, but I am not so good with them. Anyone can tell me that to read the data from the file fgets () and sscanf () . / * Verification and error checking * / fgets (buf, sizeof buf, fp) is required; Sscanf (buf, "% f", and tmp); To manage the number of float, you have two options. Use an array of fixed size molok () , for a better array and friends / * 1. Use an array of fixed size * / float array [1000]; / * 2. Use `malloc ()`, `realloc ()` and friends for a growable array * / float * array; Array = maulock (1000 * size * array); / * ... Start to read the floats ... loop ... * (/ if array_needs_to_grow) {float * tmp = realloc (array, new_size); If (tmp == null) / * oops, error: no...

database design - What is the proper way to handle "types" in Rails? -

Sorry, if asked before this question, I searched but I do not believe in the correct name for this. Was there. for. I am a newcomer to rail and development, I have done some hacking programming but I will not say that I know what I am doing. I'm always at a disadvantage in my rail models and in general the way to define "type" in the database. For example, say that I have a model "car" and it has the property of "color", where the color is chosen from a known set rather than any RGB value, or whatever it tells me to color There should be another table (and associated model) and then there are some relations between the two, but which relationship is appropriate? A car does not have its color, or vice versa. Or of course, I can only store an integer and see it in code, but it seems wrong to me. What did I remember? :) Color can be a complex object or can be very easy, its requirement May be on the basis. Simple: The integer has changed... - Cache user control -

The problem of output caching is to avoid reaching the object, it has been cached and will not be processed on ALL . And this is an HTML, for example, what if I return to start drop down countries with specific selections If I want to post, I do not want to go back and rebuild the entire control and rebound in the collection of countries to make contol intermittent in a certain country. Output caching will not solve the problem because it caches HTML, not the object, the object will be empty, I can not manipulate it. Is it far to cache Output HTML instead of caching server object ? If you do not think this is possible then please reply, so I know that this is impossible if many people say so. Thanks It is quite possible - just use the: httptime.chatch.ed ("mike", my code list); And then eject the object again: country list myCountryList = HttpRuntime.Cache ["myKey"] as the country; If (myCountryList == null) {// object is not in the cach...

core data - Tinkering under the hood with Bindings in Xcode -

Take two core data entities, install the following types: unit A: car Properties: Year Model Relationships: Manufacturer ( -> Producer) Unit B: Manufacturer Now, what I want to do is display a display NSTableView where we model the car in a column, then be followed by the manufacturer Education is, after year. Model binding and the year is not a problem, but if I bind a column in the table, then I get a relation fault error in each cell in that column, whatever I am looking for. How can I play with the compulsion to display the appropriate manufacturer name associated with the car? The question is going a bit further, how can I set another table view car entries with the Creator relationship Ask for display, There is a bit more information about how to set it up It will be helpful, you can tie your arrows in the same way as if your other qualities, the same binding and destined With the key key Simply use the full key path for the ...

xcode - Weird iPhone Simulator Issue -

I have a question when I changed the executable name in my info.plist file in Xcode, the simulator is now application Will not load. When I changed it to '$ {EXECUTABLE_NAME}', the simulator worked fine. What will be the effect on this simulator for this reason? The answer to this question can probably help: / P>

c# - Which sorting algorithm is used by .NET's Array.Sort() method? -

Which sorting algorithm is used by NIT's Array.Sort () method? This uses algorithms. Source: (MSDN, Remarks section)

.net - Validation Application Block Questions -

Has anyone used the application block recognition from the Enterprise Library? Any success? Anyway, my question is regarding validating a numerical unique identifier, say that I have a product class, in which there is a feature of the product that represents the product's unique identifier. It is numerical, this identifier can not be less than 1, it should be greater than 1. Which verification type I do not select to use the recognition application block I was thinking of trying the range type, but it needs 2 values, low and upper values. Another question to validate business object properties. Is this the best way to check business items? I just want to specify the validity rules once, then I want to use them in different layers of ASP.NET. I have never accepted merchandise in this way, just on the client side. Can anyone tell me what is the best way to go along and if I am in the right direction? Can someone give advice? Thank you Brandon VAB experience For VAB...

Where can I find updated MySQL roadmap? -

I should know that when mysql 5.4 static has been released, but no update roadmap can be found. Please help .. That is, take a look at GA (sigh) on 5.4 December 2009 .

iphone - Adding a clickable annotation to a UIMapView -

After I want to add a comment to a MapView with the disclosure button and I can not understand it. I have a placemark class that corresponds to the MKAnnotation protocol and can then create MapView and create a placemark to add: // add annotation information location- Icon * placePlacemark = [[placemark alloc] initWithCoordinate: location]; PlacePlacemark.locationTitle = [Mixed Fareck: VENUE_NAME_KEY]; PlacePlacemark.locationSubtitle = @ "Touch to show in Google Maps"; // Create a secondary button on the placemark [venueMap addAnnotation: placePlacemark]; [CIRCLE SEATAGE: Area animated: TRUE]; [Sitemap Area: Fit Area:]; All this works and a pin is displayed when touched, the correct callout text is displayed. I do not understand how to add a disclosure button to call out is coming. Sorry if this is primary and any help would be appreciated. Dave After Think I must have understood ... the following delegate method implemented (MKAnnotationView *) MapView: (...

java - Variables in Interface -

Why is a variable used in an interface public position last? Why specifically "stable"? The area declared in an interface can only be static anyway, so why it depends on that example Is that you use to access it? Entering a field in the interface is often bad style these days. Interface means reflecting the abilities of those classes that implement it - which is completely orthogonal for the idea of ​​a continuous one. Definitely a dirty idea to use an interface just is a bunch of constants. For example, the filtering interface can contain the fields "ALLOW_ALL" and "ALLOW_NONE". I I think you can do I in a scenario that implements an interface conceive actually add an insensate field to your class - but not only can it be publicly referenced in public, but rather by specifying its part, implementation rather than APIs.

richtextbox - how can i simulate CTRL+C in C# -

I have the following code that works fine in Notepad, but not in Word! [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public static extern bool ShowWindow (IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public stable extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow (); [DllImport ("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] Public Static Extrint UIT GetWindowThreadProcessId (IntPtr hWnd, Outside UIT LPDY Processed); [DllImport ("kernel32.dll")] Public static extern uint GetCurrentThreadId (); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public Static Extensions Boole AttachThreadInput (UIT idAttach, uint idAttachTo, bool fAttach); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public stable extern IntPtr GetFocus (); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public stable extern int SendMessage (IntPtr hWnd, uint message, int wParam, StringBuilder lParam); // second overload SendMessage [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public static extern int SendMessage (IntPtr hWnd, uint message, out int w...

pdf - Virtualize WinForms ScrollableControl - Expensive Child Items -

I am creating a PDF viewer using the Atalasoft DotImage libraries. They have a PDF view component, but this does not support Acrobat style PDF continuous layout, I have to display pages one page at a time. I need to create a virtualized scrollable control, maybe it's 3 PDF viewer, the current frame, and those are immediately before and after my question - how can I do this? [I've been doing WPF for the last 3 years, and my experience of WinForms has become emotional.] I should be able to detect the opening of the audience, And who should be closed. how? You can do this with a panel. Set up Autosolol = True and AutoColmines Hi = Page X control. Implement the High Scroll event handler and find out what the user is going to know - AutoscrollPosition. View the property. Essentially change the properties of the 3 controls and the location of their page property.

php email function -

एक प्राप्तकर्ता: मेल ("" "," विषय: $ विषय ", $ संदेश," प्रेषक: $ ईमेल "); अगर मैं दो प्राप्तकर्ता चाहता हूं, तो मैं यह कर सकता हूं: और मेल ("", "", "विषय: $ विषय", $ संदेश, "प्रेषक: $ ईमेल"); बस पहले पैरामीटर के रूप में एक अल्पविराम से अलग पतों की सूची का उपयोग करें: मेल (",", $ विषय, $ संदेश, $ से); वास्तव में, आप द्वारा समर्थित किसी भी प्रारूप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जिसमें निम्न शामिल हैं: $ to = "किसी और lt; ;, Tom & lt ;, "; मेल ($ से $ $ विषय, $ संदेश, $ से);

javascript - Filtering mobile browsers by failure to execute using jQuery -

Just getting a few CSS for a mobile web app (using xhtml-basic / xhtml-basic11 dtd) and A reliable way of filtering for mobile browsers is that I have taken a look but it appears to filter based on the list of string matches. This is what I would like to do: 1 - In CSS, set some parts of the page to hide from mobile browsers #hideMeFromMobiles {display: none;} 2 - Call a script using a trusted library which is failing in the mobile browser. The script does something like this (pseudocode) browser = .window.width> = 480px then {$ (Hide #FramMobiles) .addStyle (Display: Block;)} It is the idea that the script to fail in a non-destructive manner on a mobile browser and in the desktop web browser To successfully run My question is this: Work first? Is there any reason that this is a dead end and I should go to another solution? And secondly, can anyone confirm the correct jQuery syntax? Thanks for your help, first of all, you can lie about mobile browser widt...

javascript - Using the mouse to highlight -

I want to take the selected text on the screen (text is highlighted with the mouse) and when the button is wrapped I would like to use jquery in a tag, but if it can be done in another framework, then it will also be fine. I am not able to understand how to do this so far, so any thoughts are appreciated. Apart from this, I know that you can participate in issues if the text goes into many elements, so assume the highlighting of the case only highlight the tag contains all. Thank you! Highlighting the selected text is not necessary that you wrap it. In fact, it is hard to try to wrap if there are many tags in the selection range (i.e. not surrounded properly closed tags). Here is an answer that was put on the current selection without wrapping. / P> She uses execCommand to highlight the current document selection for you. Is very lovely.

Is the Visual Studio 2010 C++ linker faster with large projects? -

I know that it is still in beta, but I am still very interested if any large C ++ applications . I did some tests, but I did not get very far: I only got to compile and run low level goods. The middle-level stuff gave the errors of strange C ++ labs, which can not be fixed for two hours and due to the absurdity. So before I go ahead on this track, I would like to know if there is any chance of reducing the time of our + - 1 M30 link time. It seems that link time may improve

c# - Using DLLImport with an output char[] containing null characters -

I am writing a C # app using .NET 2.0. I need to use an old library for proprietary compression. I do not have the source code for the library, and the developer has gone a long way behind it. My problem is that the result is null in four [], and this is declining for the function being reduced: [DLLImport ("foo .dll ")] Public static buntal compresses (four [] inputwalls, out four [] outputwalls, input input length, out UIT outputLength); How can I declare that the output should be handled as four by [] byte, and the tap should not be finished? More information: I have a header file. Here is the declaration: BOOL compressress (four * decampfuff, four ** retbuff, unsigned long DecompLen, unsigned long * RetCompLen); Look for an ARA to pass in P / Invasion. I think you want to use the SizeParamIndex , which tells the Marshaller, which keeps the log of the log passed arrays. Edit: SizeParamIndex is unfortunately not allowed on outside and riff ...

iphone - problem with uitableview dynamic height adjusting correctly -

I am working on a project that has 3 rows in 1 section. Now, what I would like to do, The cells of 1 are capable, which is dynamic in motion. First of all, I do not even know what is possible. If it is, then I want to do it! I've got a very helpful tutorial that helps me through this. I have applied StringHelper files that they have recommended, and they work very well for a cell, but when there are multiple cells, I start with problems. This picture shows that when I save the text: And as you can see for any reason, randomly incorporating a good Arab looking symbol in the beginning. The code I am working with is: - (CGFloat) Table view: (UITableView *) Table High height: [Entree.notes / * entree.notes is putting or may not be correct * / length] == 0? KDefaultNoteLabel: a note; CGFloat height = [label RAD_textHeightForSystemFontOfSize: kTextViewFontSize] + 40.0; Return height; } - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForAindindpath: (NSIndexPa...

How to make Ruby AES-256-CBC and PHP MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 play well together -

I am preparing data to send from a Ruby stack to PHP stack. I am using OpenSSL :: Cipher Library on the Ruby side and 'mcrypt' library in PHP. When I encrypt in Ruby using 'aes-256-cbc' (256-bit block size), then using the MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 (128-bit block size) in PHP to decrypt it. I doubt the ruby ​​code which is broken, because cipher IV is 16; I believe it should be 32: & gt; & Gt; Cipher = openSSL :: cipher :: cipher Enve ('AES-128-CBC') = & gt; # & Lt; OpenSSL :: Cipher :: Cipher: 0x3067c5c & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Cipher Key_lean = & gt; 16 & gt; & Gt; Cipher.V_Len = & gt; 16 & gt; & Gt; Cipher = openSSL :: cipher :: cipher Enve ('AES-256-CBC') = & gt; # & Lt; OpenSSL :: Cipher :: Cipher: 0x306de18 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Cipher Key_lean = & gt; 32 & gt; & Gt; Cipher.V_Len = & gt; 16 So here's my Ruby on trial, first I generate the key and iv: & gt; ...

eclipse - How to share code between a Java Web app and a normal Java app -

I have a small private project that includes the following Eclipse workspace. + + -MyApp // This is just a vanilla Java application -MyWebApp // This dynamic Java Web Application (Tomcat) + -MicomManstaf // This is a normal class / x Database access code & Amp; Business Class All this is well and good when I'm running on Eclipse Cause, I can use Eclipse Build property so that two applications can get reference to the general project. Now I'm thinking about how to employ my app on Linux server and I'm wondering how to do this. Can Eclipse be used to make a proper goal, which can then refer to general goods when running in a living environment? Or will I have to learn how to use builders such as ant or maven i thanks You need to add and add common projects in the way of building webpage projects. In the properties of your webpage project, Java build path > Projects and add them to your workspace on general Select plans to build the path again, se...

How do you boost term relevance in Sql Server Full Text Search like you can in Lucene? -

मैं 'ISABOUT (term1, term2, term3)' का उपयोग करते हुए containstable का उपयोग करते हुए एक विशिष्ट पूर्ण पाठ खोज कर रहा हूं और हालांकि यह समर्थन करता है शब्द का भार है जो कि मुझे क्या चाहिए। मुझे पाठ के कुछ भाग में निहित शर्तों की प्रासंगिकता को बढ़ावा देने की क्षमता की आवश्यकता है I उदाहरण के लिए, यह वेब पेजों की खोज करते समय मेटाटैग या पृष्ठ शीर्षक के लिए प्रथागत है, शरीर पाठ से अलग भारित होना। यद्यपि मैं वेब पेजों के साथ काम नहीं कर रहा हूं, मैं उसी कार्यक्षमता की तलाश करता हूं। ल्यूसीन में यह कहा जाता है। SQL सर्वर पूर्ण पाठ खोज में यह कैसे एक निवासी होगा? यह सिर्फ एक सोचा है - है जिस भाग को आप बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत है उसे अलग करना संभव है और फिर दोनों को एक साथ जोड़ सकते हैं? मेरे पास इसे ठीक से इकट्ठा करने का समय नहीं है, लेकिन मान लें कि आपके पास एक 'दस्तावेज़' कॉलम और एक कम्प्यूट 'हैडर' कॉलम है, आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं; साथ compoundResults ( [कुंजी], [रैंक]) के रूप में (एक का चयन करें। [कुंजी], एक। [रैंक] * 0.7 + बी। [रैंक] * 0.3 से FREETEXTTABLE (db...

c# - XmlDocument, and special ISO Latin characters -

I am trying to load XML in XmlDocument, but this encoded '& amp; Eacute 'and an error' error occurred in parsing the entity name '. Now I can add a custom entry set to my XML's DTD, so the XMLDC load is doing properly. But what I am hoping is that I can refer to a URL in which these ISOs are a normal group of Latin encoded characters. Is it possible, or do I need a custom list of DTD sets? ? Edit : To be more complete: There are no default URIs to run the ISO 8859 charset, so you need to create a custom You will need to create a DTI file.

java - How do I get all the instance variables of an object without using its getter methods? -

मेरे पास POJO class कक्षा पुस्तक {निजी स्ट्रिंग आईडी; निजी स्ट्रिंग शीर्षक; पब्लिक बुक () {} // सेटर और प्राप्तकर्ता को लागू करना ..............} मुख्य () {पुस्तक बुक = नई पुस्तक (); book.setId (1); Book.setTitle ("नया चाँद"); } पुस्तक ऑब्जेक्ट के सभी इंस्टेंस व्हेरिएबल्स कैसे प्राप्त करें मैं परिणाम प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं -> 1, "न्यू चाँद" को गेटर विधि का उपयोग किए बिना, इसलिए मैं अन्य POJO ऑब्जेक्ट को कनवर्ट कर सकता हूं। / P> स्पष्टीकरण: मेरे पास 2 वर्ग हैं पुस्तक {स्ट्रिंग आईडी; स्ट्रिंग शीर्षक; // कन्स्ट्रक्टर // सेटर} छात्र {स्ट्रिंग आईडी; स्ट्रिंग का नाम; // क्यून्स्ट्रस्ट्रक्टर // सेटटर} मुख्य () {बुक बुक = नई बुक (); book.setId (1); Book.setTitle ("नया चाँद"); विद्यार्थी छात्र = नया विद्यार्थी (); student.setId (1); student.setName ( "एंड्रयू"); / / मान लीजिए मेरे पास सभी उदाहरणों के लिए वैरनीय मूल्य और कक्षा मेटा डेटा बीनयूटी.गेटमेटाडेटा (किताब, बुक। वर्ग) प्राप्त करने के लिए ऑब्जेक्ट है। // आउटपुट // आईडी, शीर्षक ...

jquery - Creating image caption from alt script -

I'm trying to use this jQuery script to create an image caption with alt tag: $ ("#img IMG"). Each (function () {var $ this = $ (this); var title = $ this.attr ("alt"); $ this.after ('& lt; div class = "caption" & gt;' + title + '& Lt; / div & gt;';);); I am using another jQuery script before and it is working fine. I can not seem to get the title for the Alt script to work. Example: Thanks, Robert

c# - How do I add a delay after a count down timer -

I use the DispatcherTimer to count one before triggering the release on a camera I'm using the UpdateCountdown method to change the displayed image before the camera's fire. Instead of having the immediately executed low picture method, I get a slight delay after reaching the counter zero and the last image is displayed. The code shown below shows the final image on the result in the pause _countdown = 1 and TakePicture () starts flowing simultaneously (I think that takesPicture occurs first). _countdownTimer = New DispatcherTimer (); _countdownTimer.Interval = Timespace.formsconds (1); _countdownTimer.Tick + = New EventHahler (Representative (Objects, EventsAgps A) {UpdateContountDown ();}); _countdownTimer.Tick + = New event handler (Representative (Objects, EventsAgps A) {if (_countdown == _countdownMax) {System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (2000); / Slight delay before taking photo capture.}); } Public Zero StartCountdown () {if (doCount) {doCount = false; Up...

c# - How to disable the folder navigation in FileUpload control -

How to disable folder navigation in the browser file popup window that appears when the browse button is clicked in the file upload control. Currently, the Browse file popup window shows a specific folder that contains subfolders and files; I want to limit the user; Users should not be able to browse / navigate through upper level folders standard Controls do not allow much flexibility, possibly a more specific component can help ... You can download a component or plug-in in the user's browser that the user has permission to install so that you Can access your local file system and Custom can cross it. It was used with IE / ActiveX in the Windows World, but there were several security problems and its forum was banned. One. Is a NET-based component. I think that is somewhat flexible, and there are many similar third-party components. Perhaps the Flash email attachment upload component of Gmail, apart from this you can add a Java applet to the client on th...

video - Jquery Media Plugin with alternate mediaplayer problems -

I can not seem to get the jQuery Media Plugin to work with nonverblaster: hover ... This is what I am using .... am I doing something wrong? I have tried to load SWFobject well ... & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ = 'js / nonverblaster.swf'; $ Player = 'js / nonwerenbuster.sf'; / * audio * / $ .fn .media.mapFormat ('mp3', 'flash'); $ ('aac', 'flash'); / * video * / $ ('mov', ' Flash '); $ (' mp4 ',' flash '); $ (' m4v ',' flash '); $ (' '). Media () ;}); & Lt; / Script & gt; having you A look at the "player" page; -) Change the player to the jQuery media plug-in like the ZW media player and use the correct value. ; -)

get - Strange issue about # in url -

http: //localhost/test/editformquestions.php#? Formid = 1 और http: //localhost/test/editformquestions.php? Formid = 1 मैं पुनः प्राप्त करने में विफल $ _ GET ['Formid'] पहले एक में, क्यों? test / editformquestions.php की सामग्री बस है: & Lt;? Php गूंज $ _GET ['formid']; ? & Gt; हैश # के बाद वाले वर्ण ब्राउज़र द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने हैं, वे नहीं भेजे जाते हैं वापस सर्वर पर।

javascript - Back button filter not working -

I have configured a filter to disable the back button on my browser and when the session ends, is shown. This is working as expected when my application is configured in prototype, but when I have included it in my (Spring MVC) application, it does not work. I have configured my filter like this & lt; Filter & gt; & Lt; Filter-name & gt; BackButtonFilter & lt; / Filter-name & gt; & Lt; Filter range & gt; Com.filters.BackButtonFilter & lt; / Filter-class & gt; & Lt; / Filter & gt; & Lt; Filter-mapping & gt; & Lt; Filter-name & gt; BackButtonFilter & lt; / Filter-name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; / * & Lt; / URL pattern & gt; & Lt; / Filter-mapping & gt; And I had such a filter element response.setHeader ("Cash-control", "No-cache, no-store, Re-verified "); Response.setHeader ("pragma", "no-cache"); Response.setDateHeader ("Ended...

java - Deliver JMS message to all nodes in the cluster in Weblogic -

What is a way to configure the Weblogic 9.x cluster to get a JMS message from a remote client on a JMS queue address Is that message given to each cluster node? Any link would be great. No, there is point-to-point semantics in a JMS queue - each message delivered exactly once If you want to distribute to all the listeners, then you have to use the subject instead of the queue.

Custom click tracking for adsense -

I need to identify my users when I click on the ad. For example, when user A is online, then I have to know that he was the person who clicked on the ad unit While using my own ads, this was a piece of cake (by UK redirect) - however, now we are planning to go to AdSense - which presents advertisement through javascript - so I can not set up redirection there. How do I track - In the case of Adsense, which user to the ad unit - Thank you very much. - Maju Although there is no good way but very easy to do is. First of all, put your AdSense code into the device: & lt; Div id = "adsDiv" class = "adsDiv" & gt; & Lt ;! - Your Adsense code here - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Now use it in your jquery code: $ ("AdsDiv"). Call the PHP function on ("click", function () {setTimeout (function () {// here, AJAX etc, and in PHP you can easily check which users currently click on the ad Is online through sessions.},...

c# - How to serialize System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch -

I have a class named [serializable] in which the system is located. Diagnostics However, I can not serialize the class by using BinaryFormatter due to System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch. Is there a way to mark or make System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch serializable? After You can create a SerializationSurrogate and a surrogate selector for a stopwatch. Be careful that the stopwatch class may have machine-specific status, i.e. tick frequency and so on. So, when you order in order, check the serialization reference that the sequence is not intended for the use of cross machine (if you intend to copy all the values), or you can create a completely new example with only time data. Namespace mLio.Testwatch {class program {static zero main (string [] args) {container container = new container (); Container copy = null; System time to time. Serialization. Formats. Binary. Binterformor Formatter = New System From time to time. Serialization.formatars.binary.binterformer (); // Create a forma...

add in - Microsoft Outlook Addon -

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System can be installed on this same machine only with this Visual Studio Local Edition Please install Visual Studio 2005 Local Edition and then run Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools again for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Setup. This can be of interest:

testing - Any good resource (non-people) management libraries? -

As our automated testing infrastructure grows, we need to automatically manage test resources (server, etc.) the wanted. Do not manage system updates but automatic (programmatic) way to reserve resources for use in running the test and release resources when it ends I add items to the system, store meta data about them, They should be able to reserve resources and issue resources at the end. Are there any existing systems that manage resources that can be integrated with other programs? Make goals to interface the system as a javascript, or C #, but if there is something good in any other language (or there was any way of interfering with other languages) I also see it. Have you seen the Selenium grid? It allows for the demand of clusters of servers for automated testing. It also works with Amazon's cloud computing services.

how to indicate when Column property "width" is changed on WPF DevExpress grid -

Does anyone know when the column property "width" changes on this grid? This is not an incident like column width has been changed to this grid ... I want to save my width columns later in the database, when the Tethys event is encountered. There is no such requirement to inform this fact. The only way - to implement such an event for yuorself.

types - Read text file in R and convert it to a character object -

मैं आर 2.10.0 में इस तरह एक टेक्स्ट फाइल पढ़ रहा हूं 248585_at 250887_at 245638_s_at AFFX-BioC-5_at 248585_at 250887_at 264488_s_at 245638_s_at AFFX-BioC-5_at AFFX-BioC-3_at AFFX-BioDn-5_at 248585_at 250887_at कमांड क्लस्टर्स & lt; -read.delim ("परीक्षण अब, मुझे हर पंक्ति को इस फाइल में एक जैवकोंडक्टर फ़ंक्शन में पास करना होगा जो केवल चरित्र वैक्टर को इनपुट के रूप में लेता है। मेरी समस्या यह है कि इस "क्लस्टर" ऑब्जेक्ट पर "as.character" का उपयोग करके सबकुछ संख्यात्मक स्ट्रिंग्स में बदल जाता है। & gt; क्लस्टर्स [1,] वी 1 वी 2 वी 3 वी 4 वी 5 वी 6 वी 7 1 248585_ैट 250887_ैट 245638_एस_एएफएफएक्स-बायोआइसी -5_एट लेकिन & gt; As.character (क्लस्टर [1,]) [1] "1" "1" "2" "3" "1" "1" "1" क्या कोई तरीका है मूल नाम रखने के लिए और उन्हें एक चरित्र वेक्टर में डाल दिया? शायद यह मदद करता है: "read.delim" फ़ाइल द्वारा दिए गए मेरे "क्लस्टर" ऑब्जेक्ट "स...

php - Recursive mod_rewrite for search engine friendly urls -

I am reading through a recursive mod_rewrite problem which is what I am trying to do, what is the difference between a I am sending all queries through the index.php file and therefore there is no need to specify the script in the query. Basically, I want to convert the parameter to any number within a friendly search engine's URL: Val2 / ... For a regular query string: ... So far I have failed in my efforts: rewrite% {QUERY_STRING} ^ (. *) $ RewriteRule ^ ([^ /] +) / ([^ /] +) $ 1 = $ 2 & amp;% 1 [L] rewrite% {QUERY_STRING} ^ (. *) $ Rewrite ^ (. *) $ Index.php?% 1 [ L] Can anyone be able to give suggestions? I copied other queries from that solution and modify it like this: rewrite% {QUERY_STRING} ^ (. *) $ Rewrite rule ^ (. * /)? ([^ /] +) / ([^ /] +) $ 1? $ 2 = $ 3 and amp;% 1 [L] rewrite the scandal% {QUERY_STRING} ^ (. *) $ Rewrite ^. * $ Index.php?% 1 [L...

php - Codeigniter URI and jquery/javascript -

I have a method in the codeigniter that looks like this, public function range () {// $ this-> Output-> Enabled_proffeiler (TRUE); // echo "Halo function called by ajax"; $ Table = $ this- & gt; Uri-> Segment (3); $ Content_id = $ this- & gt; Yuri- & gt; Segment (4); $ Data ['content'] = $ this- & gt; Site_model- & gt; Get_content ($ table, $ content_id); $ This- & gt; Load-> View ("call", $ data); } This method is called through AJAX and the results are returned without the user leaving the page, this means that the URI is never passed, hence the CI Can not get the segment but I have the URL out with jquery out there i can add my url variables which is built in javascript and somehow those values ​​i need in php? Click My Javascript $ ("A.navlink") (function (ev) {$ (this) .toggleClass ("active"); ev.preventDefault (); Var id = $ (this) .attr ("id") if ($ (this). HasClass (...

mysql - ORDER BY RAND() alternative -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास वर्तमान में एक क्वेरी है जो समाप्त हो जाती है ORDER BY RAND (HOUR (NOW ())) LIMIT 40 40 रैंडम परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए परिणाम की सूची में हर घंटे बदलता है यह क्वेरी कैश को मारता है, जो प्रदर्शन हानिकारक है। क्या आप यादृच्छिक (इश) परिणामों का सेट करने का एक वैकल्पिक तरीका सुझा सकते हैं जो परिवर्तन समय समय पर? यह हर घंटे होना जरूरी नहीं है और इसे पूरी तरह यादृच्छिक होना नहीं है। मैं तालिका में किसी मनमानी क्षेत्र को छाँटने के बजाय एक यादृच्छिक परिणाम पसंद करता हूं, लेकिन मैं ऐसा आखिरी उपाय के रूप में करूँगा ... (यह नए उत्पादों की एक सूची है जिसे मैं अब हर बिट के आसपास घूमना चाहता हूं)। मुझे लगता है कि अपने मध्य स्तर पर उत्पाद आइडेंटिफ़ार्स डाउनलोड करना है, जब आप की आवश्यकता होती है तो यादृच्छिक 40 मान चुनें (प्रति घंटा एक बार या हर अनुरोध के लिए) ) और उन्हें क्वेरी में उपयोग करें: product_id in (@ id_1, @ id_2, ..., @ id_40) ।

c++ - Guide to switch from Visual Studio to Emacs on windows? -

I do not want to learn an IDE or similar software which is designed only for a platform. I want to spend energy which is a timeless truth. I want to switch to an editor-religion which does not have any religion but rather has progress and progress; Treats with all equality Yes, please give me some guidelines on how to switch to Emacs on windows like compiler settings, source settings, TFS binding ... Text "itemprop =" text "> You have to consider whether you should use AMAC as your editor only. , But continue to maintain the build / debug environment in their project settings, source files and Visual Studio, or you fully switch to Amax as an editor and use some other tools (for example For creating, using VS compilers or other compilers to fully build your project. The former case is relatively easy - you can open your file in Emacs, and the project is open in Visual Studio, and simply create VS to create and debug alt. But Tabs is a good us...

Django DateTime field to generate timestamp fields withOUT timezone -

I am working on a Django application where I need all postgres which are dated to be saved in UTC Represents the field (as they should). When I am modeling with the datetime field, those databases are represented in the form of " timestamp with time zone ". Although I can manually change the tables to remove the timezone from the field, I was wondering if there is the ability to do this in the Datetime model field - i.e., "Timestamp with time zone for some time" Build the farm. Is this possible? Or do I have to change their tables? Data type string for postgres in Dano map, literally, timestamp with time As far as I know, you have three options: Take advantage of the DJ's hooks for execution. To do this, create a directory named sql in your app and a file from that file called mymodel.postgres_psycopg2.sql . Place your alert table statements there. Type a custom field to define a modifier for the timestamp field as you see fit. As soon...

How do you run Sinatra in development mode with a virtual directory? -

उत्पादन पर मेरा अनुप्रयोग वर्चुअल निर्देशिका जैसे / virt / action हो जाओ '/ एक्शन' ... एंड मुझे डेवलपमेंट मोड में साइनराट चलाते समय भी / virt रखना है, ऐसा करने का एक तरीका है? रैक मिडलवेयर का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करें आप केवल विकास में ही एक मध्यवर्गीय वर्ग का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए जो कि / एक्ट / एक्शन से छेड़छाड़ कर / कार्रवाई करने के लिए इसे रिमैप करता है यह आपके मामले में उतार-चढ़ाव हो सकता है, लेकिन संभवतः यह चाल करेगा।

c# - Library for defragmenting memory -

Does a DLL defragrate memory for a Windows 2003 server? Here's the background: We have a clean ecommerce site that uses a pre-built framework for heavy lifting. When trying to allocate memory while adding objects to the cache, the website sometimes gets out of memory exceptions. This happens when the framework tries to add a large-eye dataset to the cache. I understand that when you try to add something in the cache, it is necessary to use contingency memory to add the object, if it does not get a large part of the memory, Memory exceptions will be found. ISI has already consumed 600MB of memory and the server often receives this problem when more than 10 or 20 MB is required. The server has 4 GB memory so IIS 2 should be able to use GB 2, but I think these are big objects that find a place to fit a problem. So my laughing work probably tries to catch an exception, runs an accelerated RAM defrague, and continues. I know that it would be best to use small items, but I re...

tomcat - How to ensure SSL-only access without authorising in Java webapp? -

I'm interested in ensuring that some pages in a webpage may only be available via https, but I do not want to To authenticate users Can I declare this declaratively with security-constraints? (Tommak 5.5, Servlet Space 2.3 - This is a legacy ...) A security-blocker Use / code> and set transport-guaranteed confidential & lt; Security-lock & gt; & Lt; Web resource collection & gt; & Lt; Web-Resource-Name & gt; SSL redirect & lt; / Web-resource-name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; * & Lt; / URL pattern & gt; & Lt; / Web resource collection & gt; & Lt; User data-barrier & gt; & Lt; Transportation-guaranteed & gt; Confidential & lt; / Transportation-Guarantee & gt; & Lt; / User data-barrier & gt; & Lt; / Safety-barrier & gt;

c# - How to get TreeView behaviour for TreeNodes that when you check one, it checks all its children TreeNodes? -

This is how most of the applications behave I thought that TreeView worked by default in this way. Is there any way to do this, or do I have to check all the children in the treeoid and have to check them out? This is Vanforma. You have to do it yourself, which is not very difficult on the other side: Private Zero TreeView_AfterCheck (Object Sender, TreeViewEventArgs E) {SetChildrenChecked (e.Node, e.Node.Checked); } Private Zero SetChildrenChecked (TreeNode treeNode, bool checkedState) {foreName (TreeNode item in treeNode.Nodes) {item.Checked = checkedState; }} It takes care of checking and unchecking all children (no matter how many levels can have hair nodes below). Update Expanded code sample which will check / uncheck the parent node if all its child nodes are checked or manually unchecked (fully If it has not been tested, it can probably be done more beautifully): Private Zero TreeView_AfterCheck {Object Sender, TreeViewEventArgs E} {SetChildrenChecked (...

c# - Adding a Tab to the Outlook 2010 Ribbon? -

I'm trying to create an Outlook 2010 addin that adds a new tab to the ribbon. I came to know how I can add OfficeGroups in the "tabmel" or some built-in, how to add my groups to the existing tab, but I do not want to modify the existing tab. I've now set OfficeId some of my own ("Tabay Edin"), but it does not appear in Outlook. I'm surprised if I add somehow to show it to Outlook Need to tell, or how would I move forward? RibbonType was changed to Microsoft.Outlook.Explorer if that matters. OK, got it: In view ribbon designer, ControlId property should be set to "custom" instead of office when set to Office, then IDM is set to given OfficeId and when set to custom, ID will be set instead. In the XML ribbon designer, & lt; Tab & gt; requires an ID instead of idMso.

ruby on rails - Question about a/bingo basics (a/b testing) -

से: # एक ब्लॉक के साथ एक उदाहरण उदाहरण ab_test: & lt;% Ab_test ("call_to_action",% w {button1.jpg बटन 2.jpg}) बटन | & Gt; & Lt;% = image_tag (बटन,: alt = & gt; "कॉल टू एक्शन!"% & Gt; & lt;% end% & gt; जो कुछ भी "पसंद" ब्लॉक को किसी तरह का लिंक होना चाहिए? एक / बिंगो कैसे जानती है जब अलग-अलग विकल्प परिवर्तित हो जाते हैं? एबिंगो काम करने का तरीका अलग-अलग विकल्पों को अलग-अलग "पहचान" के साथ एक सुसंगत तरीके से जारी करना है ताकि परिणाम को एक साथ फिर से एकत्रित किया जा सके। ऐसा करने के कई तरीके हैं, जैसे कि आईपी एड्रेस द्वारा, session_id द्वारा, या पंजीकृत द्वारा खाता, जो सभी मान्य हैं और संयोजन के रूप में उपयोग किए जा सकते हैं। प्रभाव में, एक विशेष पहचान को हमेशा विकल्पों का एक ही यादृच्छिक चयन प्राप्त होगा। पहचान निर्दिष्ट करने पर दस्तावेज़ीकरण का एक उदाहरण एक हैंडलर ApplicationController में: before_filter: set_abingo_identity def set_abingo_identity यदि @user # उपयोगकर्ता के आधार पर पहचान निर्दिष्ट करे...

java - Embedding an applet doesn't work on my website -

I am trying to get an applet code and put it on my website. I remember that using this much time back Borland 1.4 was the latest version when. It definitely used the applet tag (which I am currently using) and there was no problem in it, however anyway, I put httpdocs / class files under my directory, and then in the web page this Code used: & lt; Applet code = "wsavatar / WSAvatar" width = "425." Height = "150 & gt; Your browser applet does not support the tag & lt; / applet & gt; And when I pages try to load, this happens: using the Java plug-in 1.6.0_17 JRE version 1.6.0_17-B04 Java hotSpot (TM) client VM java.lang.ClassFormatError: class java.lang.ClassLoader on (unknown source) at odd magic price +1008813135 / sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass file wsavatar. DefineClass (application WSAvatar (Unknown Source Trat source) on java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 (Native Me...

where is PHP code interpreted? -

जहां PHP कोड का अर्थ है? यह आपके PHP सेट अप के आधार पर निर्भर करता है पीएचपी एक वेबसर्वर एसएपीआई मॉड्यूल, एक एक्जीक्यूटेबल सीजीआई बाइनरी या एक स्टैंडअलोन निष्पादन योग्य के रूप में कार्य करेगा। mvc - What information should/shouldn't an error page display in a web application? -

I am developing several error views for ASP.NET MVC applications (not found one, see unknown and common error) And I'm curious to know how others will get answers to these questions: What kind of syllables do you include on these pages? What kind of information do you take? I do not think this question is specific to any web application framework so that everyone can be invited to participate.) For User: "Sorry, there was an error, it has been logged and it is" Or something like this will be seen "There is nothing too much for end users and does not help but rather causes confusion and chaos, alternatively, If you submit an error to the error tracking system, you can also display a reference number / tracking number - but this also really does not really help. Most of all, You do not have permission to view this page "error differently and give another message for those errors - but I will not go too far with it. One text box that ...

Check a Font is installed in Client machine in ASP.NET -

In my application, I am using Shylbree as my font in the stylesheet. But the Calibri office has come up with 2007, so my stylesheet does not work with client machines who do not have special fonts installed, how can I check if the client has a font in the client machine, Can I install in the machine when opening the page? If you need a specific font, see - you can embed the fonts without HTML Can be installed on end users' computers.

c++ - How can I know where the segment of memory is all Zero -

I mean, I malloc to a block of memory, probably 1k maybe 20bytes .. Assume that the indicator pmem How can I find out that the content has been sent to pmem zero or \ 0 . I know the memcmp but the second parameter should have another memory address ... thanx As other people have already suggested that you probably want or But if you really want to see that the memory area is zero, then you can compare it with yourself, but you can move by one. ex> bool allZero = pMem [0] == '\ 0' & amp; ! Memcom (PMM, PMM + 1, Length - 1); Where the length is the number of bytes that you want to be zero

Full Screen hides HTML controls in Silverlight Application -

I tried to implement a full screen functionality in my application, its work is fine. But I add some HTML control to my aspx file, when I click on the owner fullscreen button it shows a full screen but does not show an HTML control (only shows Silverlighthost UI). So how can I solve it? (I have the windowless property true). Thank you in advance, Lakshmilal If I understood your problem correctly , Then this behavior is normal, and by its design; Putting a silverlight application in full screen means that it will occupy all available screen space, and some more might hide that you have an full-screen browser window instead (you can use it in JavaScript Can be found here, for example, see here)

git svn - restricting git-svn activity to a single git branch -

I'm using git-svn to work with a svn repository. I have GIT Master Branch SVN Tracking, and there are many local GIT branches. Is there a way to set things up, if I run git svn rebase or git svn dcommit on a git branch other than master Just nothing to do? Scripting in the rescue! Create a shell script: curBranch () {r = $ (git symbolic-reef head) $ {r ## refs / heads}} ["master" == "$ (curBranch)" echo)] | | Exit 0 git svn "$ @" and run it as an argument with your chosen git-svn sub command.