
Showing posts from August, 2015

Setting multiple literals that contain the same text in ASP.NET -

I have examples where I have to load 5-10 liters dynamically with the same text value. It seems that TEXT property of all controls should be another great way of doing this instead of setting the property to the same value. Is there any way out of that I do not know? I thought about setting up a protected property on my webform, and then using inline code on my aspx page is a great way? EDIT: I should say that I also want to handle the situation where a designer could add another server to a dynamically loaded ASPX file without any other web server rollout . Contains the same problem I often use: Liton Text = lt two Text = liththree Text = "some value"; This is not correct, but at least it's on a line.

How can I create a multitenant application with ASP.Net MVC? -

This question is different from the others because the questions I have seen so far are talking about the database. I understand the database side of the majority, but I'm not 100% fixed on the way to the front end. I am working on a design for a product that will be basically hosted service for customers. As far as multitisi goes, you can think of a hosted fogbugs account. Customers sign up, they get their own subdomain, and then they go to and enter a part of their application. When customers sign up, we will need to set up a DNS record for the sub-domain, but from its application side, how can we "apply" the application to that customer? Should it be seen just url that a request has been made or is there any other way? It seems very simple to me, but maybe I'm trying to do something that should be simple. How is this generally done in ASP.NET world? Yes, just look at subdomains if your users log in, you can ignore s... - My autoformat color-schemes are not working correctly on my gridview -

Design view, it is updated correctly, but when I compile do, it's very blurred and barely readable is. Any ideas why? Attached are my Gridwu and parameters for a screen shot I have my current autumn option to auto-format, so header row should be a deep red, but instead I get it! & lt; asp: GridView ID = "grdInspections" runat = "server" OnRowEditing = "grdInspections_RowEditing" AllowPaging = "True" allow Dentoting = "true" Otojnaret to Collapse = "False" CellPadding = "4" DataKeyNames = "ID" DataSourceID = "ldsInspections "BackColor =" White "BorderColor =" # CC9966 "own right =" none "Bordervidth =" 1 px "horizontal Alliance =" left "width =" 75px "& gt; & Lt; RowStyle BackColor = "White" ForeColor = "# 330099" horizontal alliance = "center" vertical alliance = "center" /...

How can I implement a thumbnail-based view for user selection in Cocoa? -

The idea that I thought was very easy, but I'm not sure how to implement it. . At different points of my interface, the user is asked to create a scene of something (like selecting a layout for the page or color option.) These selections are made from a set of pre-defined options Normally you will use NSPopUpButton, or maybe a NSTableView, but I want to see the thumbnail of the user's choice option. These thumbnails should be a decent size, at least 100x100 pixels. Each thumbnail should also be accompanied by a text label. Of course, you are using something like this to see IWeb: with small symbols: I think there is space to start an NSCollectionView, but I have ever used it in very complex scenarios (like: displaying the contents of a directory, drag and drop support etc.) ) Therefore, I've found that most code is complicated. Is there a simple solution to populate this view with static, pre-defined data and allow for a simple selection? In other words, ...

debugging - Can I simulate memory scarcity to ferret out a memory leak with a smaller source dataset in a .NET application? -

I have an application that predicts generating out-of-memory errors on very large datasets - We are trying to fix the problem by optimizing the memory management of the app, but in the question many, very large datasets need to run so long that it will be difficult to walk again through the test cycles Is and a Ubv receive Anubvpurwk. Excluding the question of application performance for a second - The right application is next in the task list after behavior: An easy way to limit is that there is an app available while running in debug mode in Visual Studio, so to force out-of-pomermo errors which are naturally just on a small dataset on very large datasets? At the start of the program, just allocate a large part of yourself - before that You do anything 500 MB free (for a 32 bit process): byte [] outofMail = new byte [int.MaxValue - ((1024 ^ 2) * 500) ];

user interface - Why GetPixel() is so slow using Ruby (or probably Perl or Python too) and how to do it by other methods? -

I tried using Win32's GetPixel () with Ruby and it was also slow on the quad-core Intel machine is. I think for example, if I actually get a small area such as 100x10 pixels = 1000 pixels and it can take 30 seconds to complete, is there a better way like once in the field? I think that you want the function to be BitBlt.

security - when should I use "apache:apache" or "nobody:nobody" on my web server files? -

Background: I remember how my web site administrator will always make me appointment to my old place He said that it was for safety reasons. Question: / strong> Can you tell me what security security was on this? Apart from this, there is no way to play Apca as someone: Nobody, and there are security implications for this too? TIA - Third party controls and scripts -

I did not buy them in search of controls and looking for a good resource to find such, open source I do not think so. I have a social site that I want to make but I do not want to change the wheel again. Things like membership and user management, banner ad management, forums, etc. are the most common features of any social site, so I think the code wanted to clean. I have considered DotNetNuke but this is a learning project and not every organization uses DNN, so I understand that by writing my own app I learned something about I can not use DNN. I will see, They all make great control libraries, much more than

linux - sleep(0)? consistent time keeping in code? -

Now I am loading a file then using gettimeofday and tracking CPU time with tv_usec My results change, I get 250 to 280s but sometimes 300 or 500 I wrote with sleep and sleep (0) and (1) success, the time is still very different I thought Sleep (1) (second in linux, windows not sleeping MS) will solve it. How can I keep track of time in a more consistent way for testing? Should I wait too much test data and more complex code before measuring? Currently the recommended interface for high-ray time on Linux (and posx in general) is clock_jetite View the man page clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, struct timespec * tp) // wall clock clock clock_gettime (CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, struct timespec * tp) / / For CPU time> but read the man page Note that you need to link to -lrt, because POSIX says so, I think. Maybe to avoid the conflicts of symbols in LC, for old programs that define their own clock_gettime? But dynamic lobbies use weak symbols ... The best sleeping job is nan...

smtp - How can I send bulk emails to members via ASP.NET? -

How to send bulk email to members by ASP.NET, for example send an email to 100,000 members. The bottom line is this, it's nothing like this Which you want to do. ASP.NET was not prepared for the process inside the STMP server. If you want to send Reliable 100K out of email, you have to write your own console.exe app or Windows service to do this. If you insist on doing this on ASP.NET, then your code should be very tight, and many exceptions to be captured, handling multiple start / stop / rest without repeated email sent With being able to

How to implement setInterval in Delphi? -

In Javascript I can use the interval set ("function name", time) in the function, after the time delay functionName. Like a setInterval function like Delphi? Thanks a lot. a ttimer , and its interval of time Set to. Then create a onTimer event and call functionName in the event process.

php - How to embed images in html email -

I am trying to implement a code to send HTML emails with an embedded image. I tried the simple HTML email with the image already, but this image was taken from the server. I like sending a library email It's easy and handles most problems for you automatically. Regarding displaying embedded (inline) images, here's what: inline attachments An additional way to add an attachment is. If you want to create an HTML e-mail with images included in the desk, then it is necessary to attach the image and then link the tag to it. For example, if you add an image as an inline attachment with the CID Mary-photo, then you can call it within the e-mail & lt; Img src = "cid: my-photo" alt = "can be accessed with my-photo" /> Gt; . In detail, here is the task of adding an inline attachment: $ mail-> AddEmbeddedImage (filename, cid, name); // With the value of this example using this function, result in this code: $ mail-> AddEmbeddedIm...

Problem using Maven assembly and dependency plugins -

I want to assemble a web module that looks like the following: src / main / resources (some spring bean files, configuratios, etc.) src / main / webapp (some jsp, css, images etc.) And then I want to use this assembled module another A dependency in the web application that looks like a specific maven 2 web application. src / main / java src / main / resources (some spring bean files, configuratios etc.) src / main / webapp (some jsp, css, image etc. and web. Xml) Actually I want that building ( mvn clean install ), the main web application, the common web module is first assembled and then merged with the main web application and then the final set up (after assembly and merging) Should be made and It should come out I tried to use the Mewen assembly and dependency plugin, but could not merge the module successfully, although I was able to collect the module. Anyone have an idea on how to do this? Try to use the Maven-War-plugin feature...

javascript - embed flash in the background (hidden on the page) -

I am trying to create an MP3 player that passes Javascript events into a flash file. I am not very mother-in-law in flash, so this can be a simple question. But how do you create a "movie-less" flash file? Is it possible to just embed a functional file? Because it really needs me to run. Side note: What is the easiest (faster and faster) way to pass parameters to the ActionSystem using Javascript? Thank you, Matt Muller You can compile actionscript directly in the SWF file , But you still need to embed in HTML like a Flash file. If you do not want to see others, then and

sql server 2008 - SQL select statement string concatenation -

Something like this can be done with a selection statement: SELECT col1, concat (Col2 + '') .... Group by call 1 I know that I can use count (call2) or yoga (cola 2) for integer , But if there is a function to add this type, do you want to add between all the rows, or have not been created? to do this in the function because I personally prefer It performs well, but it will work only in SQL Server 2005 select STUFF ((SELECT "'+ Description FROM dbo.brands for XML path (' ')) , 1, 1, '') as concatenated_string

c# - How to split string into a dictionary -

मेरे पास यह स्ट्रिंग है string sx = "(colorIndex = 3) (फ़ॉन्ट परिवार = Helvetica) (font.bold = 1) "; और इसे स्ट्रिंग [] ss = sx.Split (नया चार [] {'(', ')'}, स्ट्रिंग एसप्लीट ऑप्शन से विभाजित कर रहा हूँ .RemoveEmptyEntries); उसके बदले, मैं परिणाम को शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; में कैसे विभाजित कर सकता / सकती हूं? परिणामी शब्दकोष की तरह दिखना चाहिए: कुंजी मान रंग इंडेक्स 3 फ़ॉन्ट। फ़िलहाल हेल्विटिका font.bold 1

objective c - How to clear cookies from NSHTTPCookieStorage more then once? -

My desktop app connects to web applications hosted on Google App Engine. Once certified, it is a authtoken cookie It goes that all this passes along with future requests. It all works. But now I want to add "sign out". I have tried to apply sign out like this: - (zero) signout {NSHTTPCookieStorage * cookiestorage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage shared HTTP cookiestost]; (NSHTTPCookie * [cookieStorage cookiesForURL: [NSURL URLWithString: self.serviceRootURLString]] per) Autores]] [[cookiestorage deleteCookie: each]; } [Self clear credential storage]; } The problem is that it only works for the first time. For example I can open my app sign in. Make some requests Sign out. So the next time I make a request, I am asked to prove again. good! But when I certify another time then there is a problem. Authentication works. I get authtoken cookie. I can request but then when I try to log out second time (my app Without restarting), authtoken cookie does not seem to be removed. It...

xml - Can objects created with .net reflection be serialized? -

Is it possible to serialize objects created through reflection? I get an error "Type 'testNameSpace.ScreenClass' object unable to type cast 'testNameSpace.ScreenClass'" when you try to sequence the display that was created through the object mirror. Error does not mean because the type is identical, so an artist should be successful. Edit: This is the code that was not properly rendered in my original post Get the assembly from assembly file assembly. Assembly.LoadFile (@ "C: \ TestAssembly.exe"); Type type assembly type type = webAssembly.GetType ("testNameSpace.ScreenClass"); // Get Constructor for Type (Constructor does not take into parameters) Constructor Info CTRO = ScreenType Get Constructor (New Type [0]); // Create an example of type object screen = ctor.Invoke (new object [] {}); // Type "ID" property Get PropertyInfo screenId = screenType.GetProperty ("id"); // Populate the "ID" property of...

c++ - Linker error 'unresolved external symbol' : working with templates -

मैं एक टेम्पलेट आधारित वर्ग है [Allotter.h & amp; Allotter.cpp]: टेम्पलेट & lt; typename allotType & gt; कक्षा आलोकटर {सार्वजनिक: आलटर (); क्विंट 32 गेट एलोॉटमेंट (एलोटटाइप *); Bool removeAllotment (quint32, int auto_destruct = 0); निजी: QVector & lt; QPair & lt; quint32, आलोटटाइप * & gt; & gt; indexReg; Int init_topIndex; }; और उसका उपयोग [ActiveListener.h & amp; ActiveListener.cpp]: वर्ग ActiveListener: सार्वजनिक QObject {Q_OBJECT सार्वजनिक: ActiveListener (); निजी स्लॉट: शून्य प्रसंस्करण कनेक्शन (); शून्य पढ़ेंफ्रॉसमॉट (इंट); निजी: QTcpServer * rootServer; QSignalMapper * सिग्नलगेट; Allotter & LT; QTcpSocket & gt; TcpAllotter; }; मैं पूरी परिभाषा नहीं दिखा रहा हूँ, क्योंकि यह वास्तव में कोई बात नहीं है। समस्या यह है कि जब मैं संकलित करता हूं, तो सभी फ़ाइलें ठीक से संकलित होती हैं I फाइलें एक वीसी ++ प्रोजेक्ट में हैं इससे पहले जब मैंने Allotter के लिए एक टेम्पलेट-आधारित दृष्टिकोण का उपयोग नहीं किया, तो सब कुछ संकलन और जुड़ा ह...

sql - Query a list of names from one table that appear in a field in a different table -

I ask a list of names from a table that will appear in a field in a separate table. example: table1.title> Tiger Woods Cheats, Tiger Woods Crash, Brad Pitt is Great, Madonna Adoption, Brad Pitt Makes a Movie Table2. Name> Tiger Woods, Brad Pitt, Madonna So these are two tables and values. I would like to write a query that calculates which name of table 2 names table 1 The most visible in Tetal is Someone has suggested using it internally, but I could not work it ... I appreciate the help !! Thank you. Use: SELECT a.names, COUNT (b . Title) Add a tab to the table number JOIN TABLE_1 b ON INSTR (b.title, a.names) & gt; View documentation about 0 by a.names ORDER by number DESC - Checking the value of more than 0, this means that the title is in the title, otherwise it will be zero . AS number is a column nickname, which you can refer to in ORDER BY or to sort in the ASCending or DESCending command.

sockets - Java File Transfer getting stuck halfway -

I am trying to send a file (sent as an image byte array) with the customer and then the server However, when I click on "Send" to send the image, then File Transfer starts (as I get sentImage.jpg in my desktop), but this is anybody Is stuck for the reason that I am not able to understand The image is not sent correctly The part that is received from the server is here (this connection has already been accepted): Public run zero () {try {byte [] receivedData = new byte [1024]; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream (client.getInputStream ()); // while (bis.)! = -1) {s.acquire unintupt (); BufferedOutputStream Boss = New BufferedOutputStream (New FileOutputStream ("C: \\ User \\ Desktop \\ sentImage.jpg");); While ((Inward = BIS read (Received Data))! = -1) {Bose Written (received data, 0, incoming); } S.release (); N.release (); Bis.close (); Bos.flush (); //}} hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} and the customer is sending it here...

Codeigniter admin/auth system? -

I am starting a new project with codeigniter, and I would like to start on a system that was already created So that I can reduce the time of development. Is there a good system that handles user authentication with an admin interface to manage users which can be easily extended into a web-app? If it is too vague, then I can expand But the question was more about libraries. Either way, implementing some things on that thread will save you time.

Php form validation with an array - print the name of a variable -

I try to validate the post value and value variables by inserting those variables into an array and cycling through them. I am here. Output error messages for fields that are not filled. I have two problems. First of all, if the statement is going on for all values, even if the field is empty or == is 'undefined' and the other thing is not to say that I am going to the actual name of a variable instead of a variable How to print For example $ variable = 'hello'; print_x ($ variable) // print is 'variable' instead of 'x' I have tried two methods Which are shown below. $ error_message = "should fill in the following fields: And there is a different way where I use variable variables $ Error_message = "should fill in the following fields: & lt; br / & Gt; "; $ Fields_to_validate_arr = array ('category', 'productive', 'product_name', 'image_name', 'description', 'stock_...

security - Integrating 3rd-party forum software to member-based website -

When using some existing forum software in a large web site, how easy it is: 1) Log in to your site's login functionality in the forum 2) Register your site's registration functionality Forum login data I think that in a way it only uses The database of the forum for maintaining users can be easy, but it means sensing The trust with data. I plan to integrate between an existing Bsko desktop app and a new Beskoc Web site that should include a forum. I do not know which forum will be used but I know that the new web functionality will not be not PHP-based, I think this is not a big deal, but I am wondering if the forum Usually where they seek access data, allow this data to avoid duplicating in my DB and platform DB. This is usually very easy, but it depends entirely on the forum software you have chosen . I have both PHP and ASP.NET (C #) that are integrated with PPBB or Weibullin database. Logging is the easiest part of implementing functionality because ...

memory leaks - how to garbage collect a direct buffer java -

I have a memory leak that I have separated the directly byte buffers that were handled incorrectly. ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect (7777777) GC collects those buffers that monkeys these buffers but does not dispose of buffers themselves if I have buffers Instant transient objects, I get this encouraging message. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory I am searching for this problem and apparently System.gc () does not work I suspect that somewhere in your application is a reference to the byteffor instance (s) and it is preventing garbage from being collected. Buffer memory for a normal byte buffer is allocated outside the normal pile (so that the GC does not move it !!) However, the Bytebuff API does not provide any way to clear / remove a buffer clearly is. So I think the garbage collector will do this ... Once it determines that the bytebuff object is no longer referred.

crash - iphone crashes on the first time installed -

Crashes my app with crooked access I added NSZombieEnabled = YES to my executable arguments. Have given. Br /> This logs me in: [CFArray release]: Message delivered frequency 0x3c26340 has been sent and crashes which have been installed only on the simulator for the first time. Again the app works as much as it should. Given that the address 0x3c26340 NSArray is not known on which the app crashes. (After establishing a breakpoint I found that it crashes on NSArray access but the address shown in the log is not with !!!!!!!!!) Also know when I remove the app simulator and crash again on the first installation. Thanks in advance Firstly, you have a stack trace or at least last Fashion is called before the crash, to find out exactly what the variable is happening on the crash is happening. The other thing that is probably happening is that an array is being carried out without properly starting. From this, the variable should be a corresponding number which is not a...

c# - Casting Enum to uint -

I am writing a function that takes Enum and put it on uint . When casting while I cast to int , I've already added what you've seen in something: (int) (object) myEnumValue . If you type myEnValue , you get a compiled time exception. Now, when I tried to put it in the UIT, I expected that (UIT) (object) my anonymize would be okay. It compiles well, but on the run, it creates a InvalidCastException , to work it, I (uint) (int) (object ) I have used my Anonymous value I think it looks ridiculous, so I am very happy, but why is it so? Perhaps it would be better to ask why it is not possible to put object to uint , but I am interested in whether the There is another way to go from Enum to uint . Is there? Edit: The reference is a function, something like this: Public static UIT toUuent (Anum E) {Return (UIT) (int) (object) e; } Edit 2: The best solution was written by: Convert ToUInt32 (e) (UIT) (object) myEnum approach fails be...

c++ - overloading new and delete -

I try to follow this article: To track the memory of your new And surcharge the overloaded work leak. However - if I try to compile, I get a C335: "operator new": redefinition; The previous description was done in a "function" file xdebug xdebug becomes in xlocale - however, i can not find where including my project xlocale I am using MFC for multithreading in my project. Can someone tell me how my memory leakage tracking can be done to work? // Edit: So this is my search lecture mole which I included at the end of stdafx.h #ifndef _FINDMEMORYLEAK_H #define _FINDMEMORYLEAK_H # include & lt ; List & gt; using namespace std; #ifdef _DEBUG typedef struct {DWORD address; DWORD size; Four files [64]; DWORD line; } ALLOC_INFO; Typefiff list & lt; ALLOC_INFO * & gt; AllocList; Olocaust * Aloclist; Zero AddTrack (DWORD addr, DWORD asize, const char * fname, DWORD lnum) {ALLOC_INFO * info; If (! Illustrations) {allocList = new (global);...

c++ - How to write a GUI wrapper around a command line program in *C*? -

system (); Is able to call a program in the path, for example how is it possible to read STDIN on a command line program such as text field on GPIT such as FTP, SFTP ... with its own signals? System () Waiting to leave a program, but FTP user is not without interaction. It is also not possible to create a batch file, because it has only started once in runtime. If possible, please write a solution in UNIX for C , if not any other language. It is possible, but it is not all that easy. You can put a look. It is a programming language that automates interaction with non-gui tools. Hopefully the library has embedded in other things like Python, so I think you can embed it in your code in C.

benchmarking a website, can I use jmeter? -

Just looking at jmeter, I can see that this is a desktop application, so it is safe to say that I use it Yes, I successfully completed my ASP The JMTator did not use the Net (MVC) website. These two tutorials were a contingency:

Using VBA how to automatically run a Microsoft Word macro after a merge -

What do I need to do to run a macro after the Microsoft Word document is merged? We are using XML or Word ML format in Office 2003. MS Word is not being merged inside the application, it is being merged with another application called Capture by SIIPA. How can I get the macro to run after the merge, when the document is previewing? For example: Set the Application Private SubDocument_on (as the EVENT word app) WordApp = Application Closing Sub-Sub Sub-Sub WordApp_MailMergeAfterMerge (ByVal Doc as Document, ByVal DocResult as Document) Chee end and sub

java - Reading double values from a file -

I am trying to read some numbers (double) from a file and store them in an array and an array (Yes, I need both) with the code below: try {scanner scan = new scanner (file) .useDelimiter ("\\ s * \" \ N "); While (scan.hasNextDouble ()) {tmp.add (scan.nextDouble ()); } Double [] [] tmp2 = new double [tmp.size () / 2] [2]; Int tmp3 = 0; For (int i = 0; i & lt; tmp.size () / 2; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j and lt; 2; j ++) {tmp2 [i] [j] = Tmp.get (tmp3); Tmp3 ++; }}} Hold (FileNotFoundException e1) {e1.printStackTrace (); } } The file I am trying to read is: 0.0 0.0 0.023 0.023 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.950 0.950 0.977 0.977 1.0 1.0 But my code does not work, hasNextDouble () function is not getting anything, what am I doing wrong ? Edit: OK, I edited the source slightly (changing the object from [] [] to [] []) and after adding it into the array added to the array, but it still works Does not - 'while' loop is not executed at the same ...

php - How to add classes for styling to Drupal when using menu_block? -

I'm using the menu_block module in Drupal for my menu it works very well, but I want to I'm styled as my menu item as an image menu This can not be done well with the default settings - menu item looks like this: I feel that I can use the menu-MLID-199 class to get the style because it's a unique ID of each menu item, but it's ugly to me Is there any other way of adding properly named classes in my menu items? Page titles or url generated from them? Even just one sequence will look good - like menu-item-1 and so on. Your question is very clear about what you want to know (see below) Not that I want to get the functionality you want, so I thought if any of the modules go around your needs, then start by mentioning it. Another option may be the module too. Other custom solutions to similar problems have been discussed. As far as class attribution is changing in menu item: sections are given due to menu items. You could override that function from your own...

java Regex Question -

In Java - I need to search / validate an input string for a number or for a specific string. I Must be one of them. For example - if I have this input line: cccccccc 123 vvvvvvvvvv jhdakfksah cccccccc abc vvvvvvnhj yroijpotpo cccdcdcd 234 vcbvbvbvbv lkjd dfdggf ccccbvff ABC jflkjlkjlj fgdgfg I need 123, ABC, 234, to find ABC I can use regex to use the number: "\ d +" but to see any of them I How do I add them? you | You can specify the options in regular expressions using the character: In your specific example, the string you want appears to be always the second word ("delimited by space"), so it Can be beneficial. To include this, include the place in regular expressions. Either use a capturing group to capture the part that you really want to remove: "(\ d + | [ABC] +)" (The quotation marks used to delimit I Regex). Or using a perspective: (? & Lt; =) (\ d + | [ABC] +) from the desired part Will match, but still need ...

javascript Document ready firefox (jQuery) -

फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में मुझे शरीर के अंत में यह jQuery है: $ (दस्तावेज़) ) .ready (function () {$ .getScript ('LiveMapsJavascriptProvider.aspx? Type = reference & amp; value = 6', init);}); सिर में बहुत सी जेएस फाइलें हैं, जो कि इससे पहले लोड होने के लिए आवश्यक होती हैं, यह काम करेगा। इसलिए मैंने अपना कॉल एक दस्तावेज़ में डाल दिया। यह काम नहीं करता है IE ठीक काम करता है। अगर मैं एक चेतावनी ('') डाल दिया; इससे पहले कि मैं $ कॉल करता हूं .गेटस्क्रिप्ट यह काम करता है। यह अभी तक लोड नहीं हो रही स्क्रिप्ट के साथ एक समस्या की तरह दिखता है? मैंने सोचा था कि दस्तावेज़। सभी लिपियों लोड होने के बाद से निकाल दिया गया था। जाने के लिए तैयार। धन्यवाद, इयन आपको जरुरी नहीं चाहिए उस के लिए jQuery का उपयोग करें। बस नीचे के रूप में एक ओलोड कार्य है: & lt; body onload = "JavascriptFunctionName" & gt; या आप गतिशील रूप से नीचे दिखाए गए अनुसार ओन्डल इवेंट में अपने फ़ंक्शन कॉल को संलग्न कर सकते हैं: फ़ंक्शन addEvent (obj, evType, fn) {if (obj .ad...

apache - Web Service solutions from Mac -

The Mac server is trying to find a way to rapidly develop web services on the platform, which will be introduced through Apache and needs to be enabled. To write flat files or SQL Lite on the Mac. We have pure, objc, c ++, python, and java skills. We have done a lot of web service on Windows first and when we prepare the product, maybe we will go with the esior. Our development server is on Mac OSX 10.5.8 and we were at a strict time and cost a prototype for a small beta group (more than 500 transactions per day) Which we can work again later. We are not able to think SOAP, possibly comfortable, what is available for Mac? Any help was appreciated // :) If you are a If you are developing the service, then you should have some idea about which customer you are trying to serve if you expect those customers to talk to a SOAP service, so you will need SOAP if you only have JavaScript code- Using the in-a-browser, REST is probably enough. , 100% open source Java can be used...

Table per hierarchy inheritance with POCO entities in Entity Framework 4 -

Our organization is looking for standardization on Entity Framework once v4 comes out. As a result, I see that our What will it take to migrate the application, which uses NHibernate firmly for EF4 using POCO support. In some places we use single table succession (which is also called table per hierarchy) I have been unable to work to use it. Payment (base class (should be abstract, but there should be trouble too)) Credit Card Payment (Solid Implementation) AHP Payment (Solid Implementation) Check Payment (Solid Implementation) Right now, I'm mapping them with only base class properties. All of these classes are in the same namespace. They have a discriminant, which is called the payday's ID in the database, so in the payment mapping, when the status of "When the paymentTapID = 0" occurs. There is only one position with different values ​​(i.e. credit card payment = 1, etc.) in each subclass. When I Data Context Using payments, I try to load a list of all t...

Variable length of function argument list in Erlang -

Is it possible to define tasks with the variable length logic? I know that I can only write: function () - & gt; Ceremony ([]) Function (x) when not is_list (x) - & gt; Ceremony ([X]); Function (x) - & gt; Do_something_with_arguments (x). But I want to avoid this technique. The only way to do this is to give all the arguments in one list: function (ListOfParameters) And then you said ListOfParameters . In this way, you may be able to accept any "Parameter" declaration of your function, just add more conditions to declare ... but I'm not sure what you were hoping for. Are you thinking on the lines of a C code parameter list? In the positive case, read the next paragraph. You must remember that the Eralong is based on pattern matching. The arguments given in the function "declaration" provide a function as a matching pattern if applicable. To completely use the power of ERROR, leave your "procedural programming"...

javascript - local copy of document.getElementsByTagName -

निम्नलिखित कोड क्यों काम नहीं करता? var f = document.getElementsByTagName; Var x = f ('div'); मुझे क्रोम में "प्रकार त्रुटि: अवैध आवाज़" मिलता है, सफारी में "प्रकार त्रुटि: प्रकार त्रुटि" मुझे फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में कोई त्रुटि नहीं मिली है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है। मैंने आईई या ओपेरा में अभी तक परीक्षण नहीं किया है। जावास्क्रिप्ट में "बाध्य विधि" जैसी कोई चीज नहीं है (पायथन से शब्द उधार लेने के लिए), फ़ंक्शन , विधि के संदर्भ में नहीं मिलते हैं जब आप इसे कहते हैं, "यह" विंडो पर सेट है, दस्तावेज़ नहीं, इसलिए यह काम नहीं करता है। तकनीकी रूप से ऐसा करने से आप जो चाहें प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, लेकिन जैसा कि आप संभवतः देख सकते हैं कि यह व्यर्थ है: var x = (दस्तावेज़, 'div') (यह व्यर्थ है क्योंकि यह कम पठनीय है और बिना कॉलिंग दस्तावेज़ के रूप में तेज़ है। टैग एलेमेंट्स बायटैग_नाम ()। समापन का उपयोग इसी तरह से व्यर्थ है।)

How To Integrate Custom Functions Into Joomla! -

I have recently started searching for Joomla as a platform for the development of websites. I have read many articles, tutorials, etc. Still, I still have not read anything related to creating dynamic content. For example, suppose I need to create a table for the hotel, insert data and retrieve and display that data, how do I go about doing this? I think I have to make my own Joomla plugin. Is that right? If not, then how are custom functions, such as database queries integrated? Thanks in advance. Yes, you create your own Joomla extension (in extension components, modules and plugins in Joomla Are divided.) To achieve your specific goals you have articles in the core, menus, sections and etc., but if you want new features, then you have to do your own or search. Joomla has an API for interacting with platforms, such as Read it to get more information.

How to validate a Django Form field whose value can only increase on each update? -

मैंने एक मॉडल के आधार पर एक फार्म क्लास बनाया है: class MyModel (models.Model ): Growing_field = models.PositiveIntegerField () वर्ग MyForm (forms.ModelForm): कक्षा मेटा: मॉडल = MyModel मैंने एक मौजूदा माइकलस इंस्टेंस को POST डेटा का उपयोग करके बदलने के लिए एक फॉर्म बनाया है प्रपत्र: m = MyModel.objects.get (pk = n) f = MyForm (request.POST, उदाहरण = मी) हर बार च अद्यतन किया जा रहा है, f.increasing_field केवल पिछले मान से बड़ा ही हो सकता है। मैं उस मान्यता को कैसे लागू करूं? 1 रास्ता मुझे लगता है कि clean_increasing_field को एक अतिरिक्त तर्क जो बढ़ते_फ़ील्ड के पिछले मान का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है: def clean_increasing_field (स्वयं, पिछले_वार्इ) ... इस तरह मैं बस सुनिश्चित कर सकता हूं कि नया मान पिछले मान से अधिक है। लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि स्वच्छ_ () विधियां अतिरिक्त तर्कों पर नहीं ले सकती हैं। इस मान्यता को कैसे पूरा करें? चूंकि मूल मॉडल को सत्यापन पूरा होने के समय तक अद्यतन नहीं किया गया है, इसलिए आप" self.instance.increasing_value "(या जो भी आपके...

How to set the mouse wheel scrolling speed in IntelliJ? -

Is there a way to set the mouse wheel scrolling speed for an editor window? I think it's pretty fast, I'm running the Intel IDE 8.1.4 on Mac OS 10.6.2. There is no substitute for this feature

iphone - What is the best way to organize a group of groups in Obj-c? -

I have an unusual problem where I have a list of fruits (apple, orange, banana, grapes, etc.) For example, they can be organized into smaller groups: Group 1: apple, green-low, pineapple group 2: grapes, banana, strawberry, apple group 3: orange, grapes, GreenApple Each group is then associated with the value then group 1-> 9.99, group 2-> 15.99 etc. and then later when a list If they are given, then they need to match with the existing groups, and if no one is found, then make one if someone is present, then the price Return What is the best way to do this? Actually the association should be an NSDictionary, but the key seems to be an array. The problem occurs when I can create a key when given some input? Do I have to resort to keeping things in alphabetical order to be keys compatible? But then this approach will not be very good when the names include symbols ($ apples etc.) What will be your attitude? use a NSSet a NSArray Instead of (the sets are an...

vb6 - Different numbers from 1 to 10 -

I want to generate 10 different numbers from a range of 0- 9 The desired output can look like this, 908 6 5 3 2 4 1 7 as an integer in the form of an integer dimmer CRMD boolean dimming RMD as the slow array (9). = 0 to 9 arraynum (I) = -1 next ICRMD = true random timer I = 0 to 9 rmd = Int (Rnd * 10) for j = 0 to 9 if arraynum (j) = rmd Then j = 9 if crmd = false then i = I - 1 end if CRMD = True ALS CRMD = Fail End and GP = CRMD = false, then Arrayumum (I) = RMD QAlabel. Caption = Qualciillal Caption + str (arramum (i)) and if next I selection of random values Doing and throwing those people that you have already used makes the run-time time because the pool of available numbers decreases because you are throwing more and more. What you want is a shuffle list that I have the following code (this is homework since the post-code): dim n [10] // n [ 0] through n to n [9] each in 0..9: n [i] = i // start them to index them nsize = 10 // the size of the starting pool is ...

Calling Win32 API SendMessage in C# richtextbox to copy selected text returns one character less -

I am trying to copy the selected text in the active window by using the Win32 API SendMessage as the following text [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Public static extern int SendMessage (IntPtr hWnd, uint message, out int wParam, out int lParam); Int start, next; SendMessage (activeVandial, 0xB0, start out, out next); This gives the starting and closing character status of selected text. It works fine in Notepad or any system. Windows.Forms.TextBox but it's calling for a system. Windows .form. Reach textbox reduces a character. Anyone know why ?? And how it works. Send message should be really public static extern int SendMessage (IntPtr hWnd, uint message, int wParam, int lParam); WPAMM and LPARM are actually input, not output. Therefore, you are sending garbage, and are lucky to get some back.

silverlight - Changeing values in RowEditEnding -

Changing the values ​​in a DataGrid's Editing Event I have a datagroup in which a check box Is the column. Only one row can check the check box. If the user checks a new box, all other boxes will be automatically unchecked, similar to a radio button. I have tried to apply that behavior to Row Adiding Event, but if I am modifying the values ​​of the items in this event, the editing is being canceled? That is, the check boxes are left unchanged. If the check box is unchecked, check boxes are updated and editing is usually the code I am using here: Private Zero Grd Q & A Answers_RowEditEnded (Object Sender, System.Windows .Controls.DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs e) {If (DataGridEditAction.Commit == e.EditAction) {Reply Answer = (Answer) E.R.D. Datacentex; If (Answer is true == true) {foreach (other answer answers in grd Q & A Answers.ItemsSource) {If (other answer! = Answer) {answer.Correct = false; }}}}} I'm a slob so that if there is a better way of doing this...

java - Why is Sun inventing another module system when everyone has standardised on OSGi? -

A lot of effort is being made to modulate the JDK as the Sun, and they should be in the module format. Options for other Java developers, this is only a remarkable player who is using NetBusiness (and derivative applications). On the other side, the industry has standardized around the OSGI, with all the major application vendors on the module platform, based on their runtime, even the Sun's own glassfish instead of the Netbeans module There is also a port of netbans to use the OSGI. Even Maven is working towards becoming an OSGi runtime. Is it just NIH, licensing or other reason? The best question I understand is that in some areas OSG also goes beyond that of the JVM Module (Which brings with all related complications), while in other areas it does not go quite far. So there is a lot of overlap between them but maybe not enough.

c# - Scripting through SMO -

क्या Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo का उपयोग कर एक स्क्रिप्ट चलाने के लिए संभव है? मैं सक्षम हूँ Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter वर्ग का उपयोग करके स्क्रिप्ट उत्पन्न करने के लिए। मैं इसे संपादित करना और डेटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट की प्रतिलिपि बनाने के लिए इसे चलाऊंगा। धन्यवाद। आप यह कोशिश कर सकते हैं। दूसरा विकल्प एसक्यूएल कॉमांड ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग करना है। स्ट्रिंग स्क्रिप्ट = "प्रोजेक्ट बी के रूप में चयन करें getdate ()"; डेटाबेस डीबी = नया डाटाबेस (नया सर्वर ("सर्वर नाम"), "डीएनएनएम्मे"); db.ExecuteNonQuery (स्क्रिप्ट);

compact framework - Is there a good Semaphore for XNA on the XBox 360? -

I am looking for a fast and efficient implementation of the semaphore for the .NET Compact Framework. Here is another question which is in SO (), which was suggested to use P / AA, but it is not possible in the XNA framework running on XBex 360. I can offer my two implementations (PestBin) A possible implementation of a managed Samphor, using an autosetset Will happen. P> In this case, when the work becomes available, AutoResetEvent will only transfer one thread to the 'Runable' state. When the OS Thread Scheduler runs the thread, it will reopen AutoResetEvent, the next thread will be brought to 'Runable' status. Then threads will start sequentially, and their predecessors will actually come only after execution. (PestBin) Another possible implementation will use a manual RSSSet event. In this case, when the work is available, the manual rasetset will move all the threads to the 'Runable' position. OS thread scheduler competes for all th...

How can I changle language of build errors in VS 2008? -

I recently got a new workstation where I'm mainly using Visual Studio 2008 Professional for C # development . All the errors on my previous workstation were presented in English, which I like though, on this new workstation, errors (and exceptions) are created in my native language. I find it very annoying. Does anyone know that I How can I make all the errors and instead an exception can be presented in English? Do I need to reinstall the .NET framework to do this? Thanx in advance! You may be able to set the language of the IDE from Options - Dialog, Environment -> International Settings . However, to do this, English is required to be installed ... I have not seen any option to choose different language settings in the setup of Visual Studio, so that you can hold an English copy and restore it. - Get all 404s to work on IIS6 -

मैंने सलाह दी है कि कैसे 404 को कैसे सेटअप करें: और संबंधित: संरक्षित शून्य application_Error (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {अपवाद exception = Server.GetLastError () ); यदि (अपवाद HttpUnhandledException है) {यदि (अपवाद। InnerException == नल) {Server.Transfer (string.Format ("~ / Error.aspx", गलत)); वापसी; } Exception = exception.InnerException; } अगर (अपवाद HttpException है) {if (((HttpException अपवाद)) .GetHttpCode () == 404) {Server.ClearError (); सर्वर। ट्रांसफर ("~ / 404.aspx", गलत); वापसी; }} यदि (प्रसंग! = नल और amp; amp; Context.IsCustomErrorEnabled) {Server.Transfer (string.Format ("~ / Error.aspx"), झूठी); }} और web.config से: & lt; customErrors मोड = "चालू" /> यह सभी स्थानीय रूप से खूबसूरती से काम करता है, जबकि परीक्षण (वीएस 2010) लेकिन उत्पादन में (आईएसएस 6) यह केवल एएसपीएक्स पेजों के लिए काम करता है। मुझे आईएसएस 404 पृष्ठ प्राप्त करें यदि आप वाइल्डकार्ड मैपिंग सेट अप नहीं करना चाहते हैं, या आपके ...

javascript - JQuery problem with html() handling in Opera -

I have followed the JS code (stripped at the minimum size where the problem still exists) & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "debug" & gt; This is & lt; Em> Trial & lt; / Em> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var string1 = $ ('# debug'). Html (); Var string 2 = string 1 Location (/ em & gt; / g, ' gt;'); String 2 = String 2.Rail (/ / g, ' '); $ ('# Debug'). Html (string 2); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Everything works in Firefox and & lt; Em> Tag & lt; Strong> Has been replaced with But in Opera & lt; Em> Also, any other HTML tags are not captured on regexps. Is there any wa... - Javascript WebRequest Invoke/Cache problem -

I have ASP I am using Net 3.5 and trying to open a web site using Javascript and Sys.Net.WebRequest. This service is applied for the first time and till then I do not try to refresh, everything is fine. A refresh webrizest object invoice method is called but instead of implementing the service, the callback function, such as it is using some cached results. How should this be resolved so that service on every refresh is executed? Thank you, Wineshtain some random number service Try adding the URL as a parameter so that the id is not cached.

Does iPhone provide any API for inserting menu selections into e-mail, SMS and Addressbook context menus? -

Blackberry APIs to include a custom menu item (and this event handler) in their standard email, SMS and address book references Allows menu Is there any way to do this with the iPhone API? No, the apple does not offer these types of hook although I have seen some tips - a Example via Twitter, which you see in Safari, Twitter ific is on Twitter page, which uses custom URL to launch twitter. Perhaps you can do something similar to a text with a custom URL. I have never tried to do this but it is worth experimenting with it.

string - extracting substrings in C -

मेरे पास स्ट्रिंग है: "foo $ bar @ baz" मैं एक सी प्रोग्राम लिखना चाहता हूं जो सभी तीन उप-तार ( "foo" , "bar" और "baz" ) और इसे अपनी स्ट्रिंग में डाल दिया। पी एस चिंता मत करो, यह नहीं होमवर्क है। आप क्या देख रहे हैं है । यह आपके लिए सीमांकक भी सेट करने की अनुमति देता है।

c# - Migrating from .net to Sharepoint -

What are the issues of compatibility keeping in mind someone while migrating from SharePoint 2007? I mean, libraries, COM objects, databases .. Regarding this, it was a threat to not connecting directly to a database, but an option was not asked, so I should be guessed about the differences of opinion about the creation of a SharePoint intranet portal based on the current question. Make this question better. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If you are actually trying to convert SharePoint forms, lists, etc., Is accessed via SharePoint access when you work with classes in the Microsoft.Sharepoint library. Your code (it is not believed that mvc) will work in SharePoint but you do not want to directly call any content in DB that makes / manages SharePoint etc. Imagine me L

parallel processing - Multithreading Puzzles -

I am trying to come up with some programming puzzles focused on multi-threading. I am unable to come up with the problems, so far, many domain specific ones are there any decent programming puzzles for developers who are trying to learn the basic concepts of the multi threading application? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Many topics have been included on this link. Edit: Here are some direct links to the problems listed here, on that link, with their initial details. The food philosophical problem has been invented by EW Dijkstra. Imagine that five philosophers have spent their thinking and future only. There is a circular table with five chairs in between the dining room. There is a large plate of spaghetti in the table, however, only five chopsticks are available, as shown in the following figure. Every philosopher thinks that when he is hungry, he sits down and raises two chopsticks that are closest to him. If a philosopher chopstick can lif...

.net - How does `MonthNames` work for different cultures? -

जब आप कॉल करें System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.MonthNames आपको महीना नामों की सूची प्राप्त होती है वर्तमान संस्कृति पर आधारित यदि मैं वर्तमान धागा संस्कृति को किसी दूसरे से बदलता हूं तो मुझे उस भाषा में महीनों के नाम वापस लाने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। यह फ्रेंच के लिए काम कर रहा है, लेकिन जापानी के लिए नहीं है मुझे क्या करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि मुझे जापानी महीने वापस मिल जाए? क्या ऐसा कुछ है जो मुझे ओएस के लिए स्थापित करने की आवश्यकता है या क्या मुझे एक नेट एडन स्थापित करना है? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> यह मेरे लिए काम कर रहा है: थ्रेड। वर्तमान। संस्कृति = नई संस्कृतिइन्फो ("जेएपी"); विदेशी मुद्रा (दिनांक महीना समय तिथिफ़ॉर्मैट इन्फॉ।। वर्तमान इन्फौ.मॉन्थनाम) {कंसोल.प्रकाशलाइन (महीने); } मेरे पास कुछ विशेष स्थापित नहीं है - कम से कम, मैं नहीं जानता हूं! अरबी अंकों के प्रारूप का स्पष्टीकरण है।

amfphp what versions of flash are compatable? -

Please excuse me to flash a newbie if I am asking a dumb question. Just install AMFPHP on my local Dev box and after the tutorial, all say that this is installed correctly but the HelloWorld.php example does not work. Could this be because I'm running the wrong version of Flash in my browser? Or is this the case and this is another issue? BTW I have suppressed all the files in 755, so I know that this is not a permission issue, thanks in advance. Edit: The sidebar does not load for services have you configured the location? Service gateway in initial popup correctly? Is the Discovery Server in the Amphph subdirectory in .fiffe services?

signal processing - Digital Filter Design Matlab sptool/fdatool -

What is the best way to select design properties for digital filters in MetLab with GTI Spontol? More specifically, if I have a signal, then I would like to go to determine which filter values ​​will give the best solution. Example: a for my hint : A possible filter may have properties code> 10 FS: 100 5: FC: 10 Another possible filter Design method: FIR, window window type: hamming order: 7 FS: 64 5: Fc: 28 There are infinitely more possible filters. I think one of the solutions gives "better" answers than everyone else and this is the solution I am trying to find. I know that I can try a brutal force, but I will not but rather. Please suggest a method to choose the filter properties that it provides "best" solution. You are going to give you some details about the signal type you want. Depending on the type of filter you use, there are always some business exchanges. Generally, you need to provide us ...

c++ - What does "symbol value" from nm command mean? -

जब आप एक स्थिर लाइब्रेरी की प्रतीक तालिका, जैसा nm mylib.a , की सूची करता है क्या 8 अंक हेक्स प्रत्येक प्रतीक के आगे दिखाई देता है? क्या कोड में प्रत्येक प्रतीक का रिश्तेदार स्थान है? इसके अलावा, क्या एकाधिक प्रतीकों का एक ही प्रतीक मान हो सकता है? क्या 00000000 के प्रतीकों का मूल्य होने वाले सभी अलग-अलग प्रतीकों के साथ कुछ गड़बड़ है? यहाँ एक स्निपेट है कोड मैंने सी में लिखा था: #include #include void foo (); Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {foo (); } शून्य foo () {printf ("फू बार बाज़!"); } मैंने उस कोड पर gcc -c foo.c भाग लिया यहां बताया गया है एनएम foo.o है पता चला है: 000000000000001b टी foo -0000000000000000 टी मुख्य यू printf इस उदाहरण के लिए मैं चला रहा हूँ उबंटू लिनक्स 64-बिट; यही कारण है कि आप देखते हैं कि 8 अंकों का हेक्स 16 अंक है। : -) हेक्स अंक जो आप देखते हैं वह कोड कोड का पता वस्तु कोड के भीतर .text। अनुभाग की शुरुआत के सापेक्ष है। (मानते हुए कि हम ऑब्जेक्ट फ़ाइल के अनुभागों को 0x0 से शुरू करते हैं) आप चलाते हैं objdump -td fo...

iphone - converting NSString to precise number for performSelector: afterDelay: -

I am communicating with a webservice to get the numeric value in my function as an NSString This number tells me the exact time to wait until taking another action, and it is important that this is accurate. As an example, if the string is "89283", that means that I should wait 89.283 seconds. So I would like to know the best way in Objective-C so that the iPhone can convert this string to an exact value that I can pass to display: later: function. Here's my sample code, but I'm making an accurate estimate of it. NSString * myDelayString = @ "89283"; Int myDelay = [myDelayString intValue] / 1000; [Selector to self: Object with @centor (myfunction): after zero: my dell]; I think my della value should actually be an NSTimeInterval, but I'm not sure how to make a string with me thank you in advanced. There is a code with the change to allow double precision. NSString * myDelayString = @ "89283"; NSTimeInterval myDelay = [myDela...

c# - Visio activex shapes vertices -

I'm using visio floorplan images to import pictures into my C # Project Vioactive Active X and in that drawing Need to get corners of shapes, and I can not find any method or quality for this. If anyone has any ideas please help. You can use the bounding box method on the size class to get the size of the box size. This page will give you more information about the method, it will return the top, bottom, left and right of the box, so it is possible to work in the corner.

c# - trying to find a zip file for ANTLR -

I am trying to follow the steps in and do not understand the files listed in step 5 (Part 1) The zip file ( is not in the listed folder (or is equivalent to 3.2). Where was it done? Welcome to the board for the awesome ANTLR C # tour HTML>

java - Null Pointer Exception: null error -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 जवाब मेरे पास यह हैश सेट कोड है और जब मैं उस पर मेरी संकलन पद्धति को चलाने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे नल पॉइंटर अपवाद मिलता है: उस पर नल की त्रुटि। यहां कोड है: निजी शून्य इनिट किवेड्स () {कीवर्ड = नया हैशसेट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); keywords.add ( "अंतिम"); keywords.add ( "पूर्णांक"); keywords.add ( "जबकि"); keywords.add ( "अगर"); keywords.add ( "और"); keywords.add ( "प्रिंट"); } निजी बूलियन आईआईडेंट (स्ट्रिंग टी) {यदि (कीवर्डसीटेंशन्स (टी)) {*** // यह लाइन है मैं त्रुटि *** रिटर्न झूठी मिलती है; } और अगर (टी! = नल & amp; amp; t.length () & gt; 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; amp; चरित्र। } अन्य {वापसी झूठी; }} इस त्रुटि के साथ साथ जाने वाली अन्य पंक्तियां हैं: सार्वजनिक शून्य संकलन प्रोग्राम () {System.out.println ("compiling" फ़ाइल का नाम); जबकि (theToken! = Null) {if (बराबर ("टोकन...