
Showing posts from March, 2010

sql - Remove dupes from recordset excluding columns from dupe condition -

I am against an mssql database like a SQL query ... ID, type, start, stop, select all from a union, select ID, type, start, stop, one, two, three, four U union Select all ID, type, start, stop, Results in : line | Starting an ID type One two three four---- + ------------------------------------- ------------------------- 1. 1 a 2010-01-01 2010-01-31 100 1000 1000 100 2 | 1 a 2010-02-01 2010-12-31 100 500 500 50 3 | 1B 2010-01-01 2010-01-31 100 NULL NULL 100 4 | 1B 2010-01-01 2010-12-31 100 Nal faucets 100 5 | 1C 2010-01-01 2010-01-31 0 Tube Touches 100 6 | 1c 2010-01-01 2010-12-31 0 NULL NULL 100 However, I would prefer the following results instead ... line | Starting an ID type One two three four---- + ------------------------------------- ------------------------- 1. 1 a 2010-01-01 2010-01-31 100 1000 1000 100 2 | 1 A 2010-02-01 2010-12-31 100 500 500 50 4 1B 2010-01-01 2010-12-31 100 Nal Faucets 100 6 | 1 C 2010-01-01 2010-12-31 0 NULL NULL 100 That is, after d...

Creating an object of the type a static method is called on in an inheritance chain in C# -

I'm trying to do something like this in public class ParentClass { Public stable ParentClass GetSomething () {var thing = new // ??? Talk of return; }} Public Class ChildClass: ParentClass {} And then I want to be able to call the steady method on the child class like this: ChildClass Blah = ChildClass.GetSomething (); For example, when the child calls the statutory method on the class, I want to institute an example of a child class. But I just want the static method defined on parents. Is this at all possible? I will be happy even here: Child class blah = (ChildClass) ChildClass.GetSomething (); Thanks! You can not override static methods, but you can tell generic usage to the Parent class Which you really mean to get the class is somewhat ugly but it works: class ParentClass & lt; T & gt; Where T: ParentClass & lt; T & gt;, New () {Public Static GetSomething () {T Object = New T (); Talk of return; }} Class childclass: parent class ...

netbeans - Is there a hot key for "go to test" in eclipse -

Go to "Navigate" Examination in Netbeans "Navigated in a class named Current Clauses, if it exists (within current Maven) structure). Does anybody know if the eclipse exists? Or how to setup a hot key for this kind of? Sorry, I have a somewhat eclipse I am a newbie and thank you Google for avoiding any one. Provides you with the minimum characteristics

C# - Type Parameters in Constructor - No Generics -

I have a class that I am trying to test the unit. Class is a WCF service class. (Does it make a generic class is not my goal.) I have data access called Layer (DAL) Type (Ugrdiabl) was immediately in several ways. To get these methods under trial, I have to ridicule this local variable. (Method-specific values ​​for each instance of Ugrdel, so changing the result of the class-level variable is messy code, so I will not do.) I'll be good, I am wondering what use local methods To overload the constructor and pass in one type. The blank primer will still make a normal userdial, but the overloaded person has a fake type that implements iUserDAL. I think it is not sure about syntax that I want to pass in one type. Note that I'm not trying to pass in one variable, but one type. Example: public class MyWCFClass: IMyWCFClass {private TypeParam _myUserDALType; Public MyWCFClass () {_myUserDALType = UserDAL; } Public MyWCFClass (TypeParam myUserDALType) {_myUserDALType = m...

auto increment - auto_increment value change affect performance in MySQL? -

I changed the auto_increment value of a MySumable table to 1000000. Does this affect the performance of reading / writing? I thought that a list of rows is requested every time before the DB Engine ID 1000000. Not everyone should be impressed by the reading / writing performance. Just setting the auto_interpret value to a higher number does not mean that there is a big difference between the rows. All the best, Fabian

html - PHP form email script to be used with contact forms? -

I am looking for free / opensource php form email script / class. The main requirement is that PHP (logic) and HTML and CSS (design) have been separated, i.e. with the need for all types of input / field as well as form as short or long form I and the script automatically handles the processing The form should validate user input (check the blank field, clear the code and send an email against the regular expression The Nc), the option to define the required fields, spam, including features such as Captcha, returned went errors can be highlighted on the user and email results to the specified address. If possible, the ability to use it without commercial link in the back link I have yet found it: but now it does not seem supported and requires a back link. And the offsite is hosted. Not too much to ask? Is there anything like that? If there is no php script available, then do they help in creating any web service contact form? Mentioned, you can use it with many forms,...

Flex horizontal tile list -

I use a horizontal tile list to display an image gallery in the flake only one item in the horizon I am with The tile list is being shown at a time I have next and previous buttons on both sides. The problem is that I want to display a particular item / image in that list when the user clicks on a thumb image below from another thumbimage tilelist. I have used the someTilelist.selectedIndex property but it only chooses that particular index in the list, it does not show that special item / image I Show that list a special image, not just select . Please note that the horizon tile list only shows an image on time. tilelist. ScrollToIndex (index);

c# - Cannot run ASP.NET MVC Websites on IIS7 -

I have a Windows 7 Professional IIS7 running. I have installed ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and VS 2008. When I run the app with Cassini, it's running fine. When I make a virtual directory and run it on IIS7, the app comes with a blank web page and there are no errors. How do I get ASP.NET MVC projects on IS77? I run from that configuration every day. To make sure IIS 7.5 (on Win 7) is configured correctly you need to take a few steps. Follow the instructions using the link below. Although they are for Vista / IIS 7, they are still. We know the result.

c - Is it possible to tell the branch predictor how likely it is to follow the branch? -

Just to make it clear, I'm not going here for any kind of portability, so there is a solution that ties me A fixed box will be fine. Actually, I have a statement that will evaluate 99% of the time truth, and trying to get every last clock of the display, can I release some types of compiler / Div> = "text"> Yes __ builtin_expect is a way that the controller for GCC (version> = 2. 9 6) programmer Branch prediction provides information to indicate. The return value of __ builtin_expect is the first argument (which can only be an integer) passed to it. if (__builtin_expect (x, 0)) Foo (); [This] will indicate that we do not expect to call 'Foo' because we hope 'X' should be zero.

String manipulation using Arduino and C++ -

I'm trying to manipulate strings in C ++ I'm working with an Arduino board so I what I am limited to what can I still am learning C + + (sorry for any stupid questions) here is what I do: send me mph in 7 segment display I need so if i have a number like 17.812345, then 17 segment 7 segment display Needs to be displayed. The most effective way the first 10 times (the decimal point is to multiply the need to move to a location), then enter 178.12345 an intestine (cut decimal points). The part I am stuck on can be different from 178. In Python I can slice the string, but C ++ (or at least, I can not find the right word to search but I can not find anything) Four 7 segment display and a 7 segment display controller. It will take measures up to a tenth of a mile per hour Thank you so much for the help and information, which you can provide me. This will probably not be easy to convert it to a string, but to separate the digits Use arithmetic, i.e. speed of float = ...

php radio box values -

Given that to send a value for a php script, while using an HTML radio box, only the selected value The script, which is sent to php, is still true. Do I still have to see that the user has chosen something, when I am only interested in the selected value, then he is being sent to php script, if the user does not select anything nothing Do or I think I can signal the user to choose something. If so, what is the best way to relate this radio box? & lt ;! - By using the radio box, a single selected value is sent to the PHP script for processing - & gt; & Lt; Td width = "100px" height = "30px" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "selection" value = "lease" /> Lease Chips 0.9 9C & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "selection" value = "ruffles" /> Raffles $ 1.85 & lt; Br / & gt; Users will also be able to click on the "Submit...

debugging - Perl and IDA Pro -

IDA can provide a good link for document / content / examples of Perl (adding Perl scripting and Automation support A plugin for IDA Pro)? I think there are a lot of documents about Python and IDA Pro but do not do anything for Pearl or can someone suggest a Pearl CPAN module, which automates the IDA Pro debugger? Apparate applies precise functions as IDA's native IDC scripting language. There is no high level cover to run on interesting objects, even the lower level internal IDA APIs do not have access, such as idapython. Willem (I'm the author of idaperl)

objective c - How do I add the library to link the OpenGL framework in iPhone SDK? -

I am trying to study OpenGL and the frame has been added to me, but I am getting Linker errors I am I believe that adding the library to the project to add this issue and I try to add a library to every time, I always prey around for the configuration setting. Answer someone, please reply me simple click-n-go! The CAEAGLLayer Framework can not be found to link against the linker. Add QuartzCore.framework and the linker will be able to find the missing framework. Right-click on Select Frameworks: Add> Existing Framework> Quartzcore. Framework .

regex - Replace all whitespace with a line break/paragraph mark to make a word list -

I am trying to list the vocab for the Greek text that is translated into orbit. I want to replace each place or tab character with a paragraph mark so that each word appears on its line. Does anyone give me CAD command, and can tell what I am doing? I'm still trying to figure it out. You can use sed -e's / \ s \ + / \ N / g 'old & gt; New escape sequence \ s matches any white space character (space, tab, new line, and so on), so \ S \ + means that the letters of one or more white space are replaced by a new line, in the end, / g implies that instead of replacement, It should be done as often as possible. Uses the modified code as old as input and using the given instructions file above.

Upgrading from .NET 3.5 to 4. Questions to think about? -

To avoid any code breaks etc, to revise curiosity about things, etc. from 3.5 to 4. I am particularly interested in: - What will be the need of the server to deploy the .NET 4 app? Do IIS and Windows Server need to run any version of IIS and Windows Server? I am experiencing serious performance issues with the unit framework due to the large size of the database and the initialization takes long time to login to the user. It seems to be a comprehensive issue of .NET 4 It seems to be more talk about Scottgu's post and there are some pre-application apps but it is curious if it works on IIS 6 and WinServer 2003. Is there any other things I need to consider .NET 4 before switching? .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 can be installed on Windows Server 2003. These are: Supported operating systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP .NET Framework 4 can be installed on the following operating system: - Windows XP SP3 - Windows Server 2003 SP2...

ejb 3.0 - JPA and EJB - OneToMany problem -

I try to create a simple Java EE application using JPA + EJB3 and Streps. This is a little address book. I am using 2 JPA entities, individuals and email. Every person can have more emails, but each email can be of one person only. My organizations look like this (with default settings and gestures): @Entity public class applies the person serialzbub {@Id @GeneratedValue (Strategy = GenerationType .AUTO) Personal Long ID; The name of the private string; @OneToMany (Cascade = CascadeType.rmov, mapped = "person") private collection & lt; Email & gt; E-mail; ...} email.Java: @Entity public class email tool serializable {Private Static Finals long serialvarsian UID = 1 L; @ Id @ Generated Values ​​(strategy = generation type.eeto) Private long id; Private string notes; Private string address; @ManyToOne personal person; ...} But when I try to show everyone's list and all their emails, I can not get to show the email. In this way I am try...

how stackless python can be fast for concurrency? -

Stackless dragon did not make good use of multi-core, so where should there be faster / multiprocusing? All benchmark pythons use stackless python taskless to compare lock lock and queue, which is unreasonable, due to always low efficiency in lock lock If using single thread function calls without lock it should be efficient as stackless dragon Focus on first functionality, and second functionality (unless you do not know that you need to Subscriptions). Most of the time on the server is spent with I / O, so multi-core does not help so much. If it is mostly I / O with which you are working, multi-threading python can be simple answer. If the CPU of the server requests is intensive, then if there is a basic process (whether multi-threaded or not), and related child processes, it is best. If you really want to scale, you can look at a different platform, such as Ergeling if you really want to use scale and python, you distribute distributed Erlang on a distribute...

python - How can a total, complete beginner read source code? -

I am starting a complete, complete programming, though I have knowledge of CSS and HTML. I would like to learn Python I downloaded a lot of source codes, but the quantity and complexity of the files actually confuse me. I do not know where it will start Edit: Sorry, I forgot to tell that I already have an online tutorial and some books are easy. I basically can not understand that to understand the programming techniques and concepts "wig Copy to "and understand how complex source code. EDIT2: Thanks for very quick comments, people. I really appreciate it. This website is great. Have you seen them:

turing machines - A Decidability Question -

क्या वास्तविक संख्या पर फैसला करने वाला एनएफए हो सकता है? नहीं, ऐसा नहीं हो सकता एक नैतिकतावादी परिमित ऑटोमॉन इनपुट के रूप में वर्णों की एक स्ट्रिंग स्वीकार करता है। सभी तारों का सेट गणना योग्य है, और इसलिए वास्तविक संख्याओं के सेट से छोटा है। इसलिए, आप एनएफए के इनपुट के रूप में एक मनमाना असली संख्या को भी सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना नहीं कर सकते हैं।

c# - drag TreeView node to DataGridView cell problem -

I drag the TreeView node-value to drop this code Written> Datagrid view room. Private zodiac datagram view 1_DragDrop (Object Sender, DragEventArgence E) {if (e.Data.GetDataPresent (typeof (string)) {#region Search the row and cell GVscreen location from mouse position point = Datagrid view. PointToScreen (dataGridView1.Location); Int tempX = DataGridView.MousePosition.X - grvScreenLocation.X + Datagrams View1.Left; Integer tempY = DataGridView.MousePosition.Y - grvScreenLocation.Y + Datagrams View1.Top; DataGridView.HitTestInfo hit = dataGridView1.HitTest (tempX, tempY); Intel CellEx = Hit Roandx; Int cellY = hit Column index; #endregion string dropped string = e.Data.GetData (typeof (string)) as string; DataGrid VivRo selectedRO = DataGride View 1. ROS [cellx]; DataGrid Viewpoint Selected Call = Data Grid View 1. ROS [cellx]. Cell [cell]; If (SelectedRow.IsNewRow) {selectedCell.Value = droppedString; Selected = thread string; Selected cell Oningerw.Kel [3]. Value =...

addressbook - Get address in contacts using Android SDK -

I am trying to retrieve the contact's name, phone number, and address from the Android contact list. The name and phone are very straight forward but the address is not accessible from the API level. Has anyone ever thought about how to get the contact's address? Apart from this, 2.0 has a completely new API. How can I take advantage of this and how can I fall back to the old API using 1 binary? If this is also possible. Before Android 2.0, you need to ask contacts. Contact. To receive CONTENT_URI, you must have postal addresses that you have to pass contact. Contact. PERSON_ID + "=" and "+ contacts. ContactMedinKIND +" =? " for the selection and for the selectArgs parameter As 2.0 you can use new contacts which is more complex because a contact can now gather information in many sources, there are some good group postings on the new API and. It is recommended to target multiple platform APIs from the same binary, use this reflecti...

c# - How to start another project in the solution in Debug mode -

I have a WCF host application that starts with executable with some dynamic parameters. Now I want to debug this application but since this other device is being started by VSNt, it will not be loaded in debug mode. Is it possible to write some DEBUG code only to execute this process in DEBUG mode, so it will be hit by break points. Currently it is using Process.Start Engaging the debugger is not an option, I have one more I'm looking for a practical solution. Try adding this line to your WCF app: System.Diagnostics Debugger.Launch (); If AB is not running under the debugger, you will get a window if you want to debug the application.

Default (fallback) Image with .htaccess? -

I'm curious if it is possible to use .htaccess when serving a default image A special image has been requested which does not exist ( Note: Only image-requests should increase this behavior ). I know that I can do this with a script by serving images, but I can be more about it with .htaccess, so I'm more curious. Assume that I request / thumbnails / 010, which is not present I believe this will work for you. Keep this .htaccess in your thumbnail directory and any URI / Thumbnails that do not exist /thumbnails/default.gif Rewind engine for rewriting on% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] rewritecode% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -d Rivieraith ^. * $ - [NC, L] Remit Rules ^. * $ Default.gif [nc, l]

TDD as a defect-reduction strategy -

Can TDD test be successful as a defect-reduction strategy without involving guidance on case construction and evaluation? IMO, my answer will not be TDD, to be effective, what is a test and some meaning There should be guidelines for what it means to properly test. Without a guideline, there may be some developers who end up with many flaws because their initial tests include very few input sets, e.g. Only valid ones, which can be the reason for the use of TDD being useless.

rake - how to detect whether my rails is running in migration or not in environment.rb -

Any easy way to find out? I want to leave some code in envirmonment.rb while migration rack. I had this problem in a legacy application I was maintaining some observers who migrated to a certain point before Were interfering with them, so I disabled them during migration by checking application names and arguments activate # supervisors who should always run # config.active_record. Supervisor =: cacher ,: garbage_collector,: migrators # migrants break migrating from VERSION xxx - disable them for Rake DB: as long as the file (.basename ($ 0) == "rake" & amp; & Amp; ARGV.include? ("DB: Migrate") config.active_record.observers =: user_observer end

x86 - How do I determine whether an application I am installing is 32bit or 64bit? -

I want to be able to predict the default installation location of an application. On 64 bit machine, if it is a 32 bit application, it will be installed in "Program Files (x86)" and if it was a 64 bit application, it would be installed in "Program Files". My goal is to install an application with my default location and it is valid if installed properly. But for this I have to know where it will be installed. If I know that an application for architecture has been made, then I think it will fulfill my purpose. Download File to view details of any file for Windows : Then, through the Windows Command Line: C: \> "C: \ Program Files \ GnuWin32 \ bin \ file" name-of-file.exe Name-of-file.exe Executable Intel 80386 32-bit for MS Windows (GUI) Whatever work platform you are working with, you should be able to get the price instead of this order.

Java: Why can String equality be proven with ==? -

I came to know that it was used to test strings similar to Satan, instead of == Code> String.equals () , because each string was the reference of its own object. But if I do something like this System.out.println ("hello" == "hello"); It is not that it is still a bad thing - you will still be able to test the contextual equality in terms of value equality. public class test {public static zero main (string [] args) {string x = "hello"; String y = new string (x); System.out.println (x == y); // print false}} If you are seeing the test of "test" now it is because you really have equal references. The most common reason to see it Probably due to the interval of string literals, but this is always in Java: public square test {public static zero main (string [] args) {string x = "hello"; String y = "hello" + "lo"; // Consolidated on compile-time system. Outprintlines (x == y); // Prints is true}...

grep output different on two servers -

I am trying to create a script, and one part needs to show the line with numeric values. My original syntax is: copy $ i | | For example, I have set i = 12345 , it should output to 12345 . P> But on one server, it produces nothing (exactly the same command). I do not know how this problem is, I have tried to "separate GPP output on other servers" is not a gain. When using a regexp, either egrep or Grep-e Make sure that the pattern is not considered as plain string.

python - Creating portable Django apps - help needed -

I am creating a Django app, which I run comfortably on Ubuntu Linux host (test :)). I want to package the app code without the source code and distribute it to another production machine. Ideally the app / runapp can be executed by the command, which starts a cherry server that runs the dragon / digengo code. I've suggested several ways to do this: Distribute the .pyc files only and create and install all the requirements on the target machine. Using one of several tools to package the python app in a distributed package. I'm actually hunting for the option nr.2, I have to add my own demo application, so it is possible to distribute it without the need to install or configure additional things. . From the search of the interwaves, I get more questions than the answer and a lot of coughing taste. Digenango Packing is a mysterious art that everyone knows, but no one speaks about it :) I have freeze (unsuccessful) Have tried, (easy install version fails, repository...

How could create a crosstab SQL query with Django ORM? -

Using Django 1.1, how can I create a crosstab (pivot table) SQL query using ORM? Updated: These models and output requirements are: class store (models.Model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 255) ... class order (Models.Model): store = models.ForeignKey (store, empty = true, null = true, related_name = 'command') description = models.CharField (_ ('description'), MAX_LENGTH = 255) quantity = models.IntegerField (Empty = true, null = true) type_detail = models.CharField (_ ('type in detail'), MAX_LENGTH = 255) slug = models.SlugField (empty = true) cost = models.DecimalField (_ ("cost") , Max_digits = 14, decimal_places = 2) Modified = models.DateTimeField (_ ('modified'), auto_now = true) currently this view If showing data like this: Store | Type extension | Volume ---------------------------------- Walmart | Floor polish | Walmart 2 Tiles | 1 Walmart | Milk | 4 another. Floor polish | 2 another. Tiles | 1 another. Milk |...

sql server - Stored procedure -

If I'm using a bad process ... But .. if stored procedure In addition, if in other situations and in the query, and with the status join. Exam the process of making [dbo] [Sp_Name] @code int, select as @dCode int & lt; ......... & gt; From & lt; Tablename & gt; Start empcode = @ code if (@dCode! = 0) and dptcode = @ dcode end Please help find a solution ... Will this work for you: the process of making [DBO]. [Sp_Name] @code int, select @ decode int & lt; ......... & gt; From & lt; Tablename & gt; Where empcode = @ code and (@dCode = 0 or dptcode = @ dcode) Your question is very difficult to understand - this is what I actually did Understand.

Clojure: How to replace an element in a nested list? -

I have this intense nested list (list of lists) and I want to change a single arbitrary element in the list. how can I do this ? (The underlying replacement can replace many events, whereas I only need to change one element.) As everyone has already said, the use of lists is not really a good idea if you need to talk about this type of thing to the Random Access Vector. assoc-in does it efficiently, with lists you can not return to the sub-slips downward and most of them can return to the top with their changed versions. Although this code will do so, though inefficiently and unconsciously. Credit from dermatitis: (replacement-in-list [coll nx] (contact (nn call) (list x) (nthnext coll (inc n))) () in sub-list [ Cole NS X] (if the CEC ns) (let sublist (nth coll)) (per-in-list call (first ns) (replacement-in-cibilist sublist (rest ns) x)))) )) X)) Usage: User & gt; (Def x '(0 1 2 (0 1 (0) 2 (0 1 2)) #' User / X User & gt; (Replacement-in-Sibylist X ...

deployment - Unable to install a VSTO excel 2003 AddIn -

I have developed a VSTO SE Excel 2003. It connects to Visual Studio and debugging, it works well. But when I try to install it from my own install, it never works In short, my installation process is: The right place I register the adder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ Excel \ Addins \ Proper Value (Default, CommandLineSage, Description, FriendlyName, LoadBehavior, with Appearance) I also add entries to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ (with a UUID containing the CLSID key) and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ CLSID {XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} with InprocServer32, with ProgID (assembly name (without extension)), Programs and VersionIndependententProgID (with manifest name and path, addinloader.dll fullpath). I set the FullTrust policy to the URLs of each assemblies using Caspol -m -ag "xxx" -url "MyUrl \ Assemblies.dll" (also with assembly name) "Fulltrust -name "name" Do ...

Managing users in Sharepoint -

Is MS SharePoint the best (or only) way to manage users in Active Directory? I am reading, and I have bought a small project to learn, and I am using Active Directory to manage my dummy users, but there is a lot to do Not a practical way. However, in organizations with thousands of users, it joins active directory security groups in the SharePoint site group; - Visual Basic - Object reference not set to an instance of an object -

I get the following error in VB.Net. "Object reference is not a set example of an object" This highlights "Next" at the end of the loop. Any help would be great. Importing System IO Public Class Login Form Dim User Name String Dempace Password () as String Dim Index As String Dim Index Integer Public Function Encrypt ) String in the form of a dim = "I" I am the integer data = RTrim (data) as if the middle (data, 1, 1) Try changing this code: for each user name if UserNameTextBox.Text = Username (index) then UserAdd.Show () Me.Hide () if PasswordTextBox.Text = Password (Index) then MessageBox.Show ( "Correct password") Otherwise MessageBox ("Invalid Password, Sorry") if otherwise: MessageBox.Show ("invalid user name, sorry") ends, then next With this code: If the user name (i) is not meaningless, then for every username it is not futile if the user name is testbox. Text = Username (index) then UsageA...

queryinterface - Can't access the COM interface -

I am working with the least application documentation (pushing), and starts to be confusing / contradictory. I will also ask the software company, but their last reply took weeks. Meanwhile ... (thanks) ..... I am trying to use the [Already] Com Interface of a GUI application which we will call: Xyz My question: given below Will you inform you that any COM interface is not available, it must be registered, etc. ... User Manual Status: Here are the APIs Only two quotes related to the ability of the interface: "Since XZ is a 32 bit application Is using Com (Component Object Model) components, running XYZs from a network ..... " "You can use the Xyz.Interface COM object to query for information and you can present it in a format like you." code EXAMPLE 1: Dim xyz_com set xyz_com = CreateObject ("Xyz.Interface") xyz_com.Visible = false Result 1 : "Object does not support this property or method: 'visible'" code E...

javascript - How can I detect internet connection in Asp.Net MVC to use Google Maps? -

I am developing an ASP.Net MVC application which uses Google Maps to display the address in the map. The problem is that I have to demo the app in an environment that does not connect to the Internet. How can I find out with a script that disconnects the app to call Google Maps API functions? Similar to this one, I believe it would be an easy way to find offline and online To make sure that your MVC application is accessing the web, AJAX is firing calls. One thing you can think of, the Google Gears API will allow you to work with Google Maps offline. Either I understand that, though it has not tried it personally ... nevertheless :).

powershell - Use UFormat to get unix time -

I can use the following to add a date to a text: "Foo {0: g} Foo" -f (date) # layers "Foo 2009-12-07 15:34:16 Foo" But I want time in UNIX format I can get it from the date -UFormat% s , but can I use the same syntax? When I use -UFormat% s 1260199855,65625 , how do I remove the decimal? Just insert the results for doing so: PS & Gt; [Int] [double]: parse ((get-date-usform% s)) 1260172909 Ps & gt; "FU {0: g} fu" -f [int] [double] :: parse (gate-date-usformat% s)) Fu 1260172997 FU Using parse method string Is called "culture conscious", so that appropriate decimal separator character is recognized for the present culture. If you straighten straight up, PowerShell uses the immutable culture which causes problems for any culture, where there is no four term for decimal asp.

sql server - SSIS Exec T-Sql Statement Task connection string -

I have executed the T-SQL statement from the toolbox. New and new connection made clicked when I executed it successfully executed, it was showing a DB in which the cone string was not visible. I changed the connection string to point to the new server in the connections tab above. When I executed it, I errr recv Description: Query "performed DBCC SHRINKFILE (AppDB_log, 300);" Failed with the following error: "The file 'AppDB_log' could not be located in the sys.database_files for the database 'master', the file either exists, or was omitted." Possible failure reason: The problem with the query, the "ResultSet" property is not set correctly, the parameters are not set correctly, or the connection is not installed correctly. End error I am using the DBCC shrink database command. Try to run queries directly in SSMS in the database where you think This will be played on your connection basis. If this fails then it is proba...

java - How should I diagnose and prevent JVM crashes? -

What do I want (as a Java programmer who does not know anything about JVM Internal) when I came in a JVM crash ? Specifically, how would you prepare a reputable test case? What should I look for in the Sun (or IBM) bug database? What information can I get from a product log file (like hs_err_pidXYZ.log ) If the crashes are only one specific machine, run it. I have noticed that only two recurring JVM crashes have occurred, and in both cases the culprit is a hardware problem, that is, faulty RAM.

android - Changing Widget Layout Programmatically -

Assume that I have two layouts for one widget: default layout for layout 1 and Layout 2 widget is 1, But I allow the user to choose which widget they want. So, if the user changes into layout 2, then how do I change the layout in layout 2? There is not a set contentweep method for widgets for verbs. Thanks When you are creating your remote view, would choose. In my widget code: public static remote view buildupdate (reference references, string actions) {see remote video; Shared references prefs = context.getSharedPreferences (PREFS_NAME, 0); String typeface = prefix .get string ("typeface", "without"); Int layout Id = R. Lateite.widet_san; If ("monospace" .exe (typeface)) {layoutId = R.layout.widget_mono; } And if ("serif" .cl (typeface)) {layoutId = R.layout.widget_serif; } UpdateViews = New Remote Power (context.getPackageName (), Layout ID); // Actually works here / again, finally, return to our Remote Wife App, WitmanMaster.J...

c++ - Exception handling -

I've heard that people say that exception handling is a bit expensive due to stacking online. To get something, the stack is online, even if I put an exception and if I use "return" then where is the difference? For example, if I have a memory problem which I can not handle - the only option is to stop the work till I reach this area where the problem is controlled or notified. So what is my second option to throw exceptions? Instead of throwing an exception, I can use "return", but then it is the same. I know that stack unwaooded can also go back to six stacks, but so check the return value and "return" joint. An explanation will be welcomed. When you use returns, the stack is unconditionally "continuous", which A single "rate" machine code can be as simple as executing the instruction. Under exceptions, stack unglounce has to be searched for an appropriate exception handler, which is a very complex task. The excep...

WPF - what is the best way to implement a panel that hides? -

I have a main application window that implements a dock panel. Below one of the existing dock panels, I want to add a window that allows the user to hide or view, what is the best way to implement it? I can imagine most of the codes behind it, I need to find suitable controls for this window just when I need it, but it is still strictly available. A control can be what you want. This is a content control so that you can use whatever panel you want in the form of content.

c# - Ctrl key press condition in WPF MouseLeftButtonDown event-handler -

How I can add additional position of keyboard keys, say, Ctrl-key position WPF MouseLeftButtonDown event-handler? private void Grid_MouseLeftButtonDown (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {...} private void Grid_MouseLeftButtonDown (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown (Key.LeftCtrl) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown (Key. RightCtrl)) {MessageBox.Show ( "control key down "); } Other {message box. Show ( "control key"); }}

java - How to catch AssertPathsEqual and print error to console? -

How can I catch this AssertionFailedError and print a message to the console that says: I'm not sure how to capture values ​​from values ​​without having" hacked "and parse individual output strings manually. I have a great method rather than the "hack" method. junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff [different] expected text value '55555' but '55556' - comparison & lt; Region ... & gt; 55555 & lt; / Field & gt; On / xpathResult [1] / results [2] / field [1] / field [1] / field [6] / text () [1] to I'm going to write my own Diff Deutscher class which parses the Diff text output? You can catch AssertionError to get detailed error messages in the console. You can try something like this: try {// say that you are comparing fileReader objects which say // XML documents XMLEqual (filereader1, filereader2); } Hold (last SAXException e) {// show faiulre message} hold (last IOExceptio...

Method for matching any string in SQL -

मेरे पास एक साधारण एसक्यूएल क्वेरी है, SELECT * फोन से जहां मनु = '$ समस्या यह है कि सभी चर क्षेत्रों फ़ील्ड से जुड़े हुए हैं जो कभी-कभी खाली हो जाते हैं, और इस प्रकार मुझे उन्हें मैच बनाने का एक तरीका चाहिए वे खाली हैं अगर उनके संबंधित क्षेत्र ले सकता है कि किसी भी मूल्य मैंने कोशिश की $ min = $ _ अनुरोध ['min_price']; $ अधिकतम = $ _ अनुरोध [ 'MAX_PRICE']; $ Manuf = $ _ अनुरोध [ 'manufact']; अगर (खाली ($ मिनट)) {$ min = 0;} अगर (खाली ($ अधिकतम)) {$ max = 900000;} अगर (खाली ($ manuf)) {$ manuf = '*';} जो संख्यात्मक क्षेत्रों के लिए ठीक काम करता है (हालांकि मुझे मैन्युअल रूप से इस तरह की सीमा निर्धारित करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है), लेकिन मैं यह नहीं समझ सकता कि पाठ फ़ील्ड के लिए एक सार्वभौमिक मैच कैसे प्राप्त किया जाए। मैंने सोचा * क्योंकि यह सभी पंक्ति के नामों से मेल खाता है, लेकिन जाहिरा तौर पर नहीं। किसी को भी यह कैसे करना है? अगर मैं तुम थे, और WHERE कथन से निपटना। जैसे कुछ: sql = "SELECT * फोन से जहां 1 = 1" यदि (खाली...

xslt - Varying xpath-default-namespace in XML source files -

I have a set of XML files which I am processing with XSL transforms. They have a default namespace, so there should be a manifest code in my XSL transmitt: xpath-default-namespace = "vase: Seas-RVV-IS-VAV-XML-ns: data-1.2.2" The problem is that this value changes from time to time, and my change suddenly stops, as long as I do not see an example from the new file, I remove the name of this name and Let me put this into a conversion, to convert the old file Is it a way to pass it as a parameter, or is it set in any order? I have tried those parameter syntax which I had seen in various tutorials, but have not done any work for this particular use. I have searched for all types of forums and found in the context of namespace - XSL's ignorant coding, but did not know how to do it in the book "XSLT and Expedition" by Ian Williams That the default namespace should be declared, or you do not find anything in the output stream, which is how it works for me, bu...

javascript - reinventing the wheels: Node.JS/Event-driven programming v.s. Functional Programming? -

All promotions are currently about an event-driven framework using Java's callback. For my limited understanding, its primary advantage seems to be that you do not have to wait sequentially (for example, you get the SQL result, while calling Can do other work too) So my question is: how is it different or better than functional languages ​​like CL, Haskell, Closer etc? If not better, then why are not people just working languages ​​(instead of changing the wheel with javascript )? Please note that I do not have any experience in the node, neither Js nor functional programming, then some basic explanations can be useful. Reading through the node. Js docs (and good), I think the other answers here do not remember talking about: node JS is based on the idea that the style of writing those programs where we expect them to be blocked at I / O, and instead we should start I / O (such as reading a database or reading socket) And pass with the function to handle the resul...

visual studio - How to enable Architecture Explorer in VS2010 Beta 2? -

I just installed VS2010 Beta 2 from MSDN and could not find the Architecture Explorer. I have installed VS2010 primarily to evaluate the new Arctitator Explorer features, but it is not possible to find it in the menu. It looks like you did not install the correct version. 3 versions are: Business Premium Last Differences Check for more information about architecture options: UMLA & amp; Layer Diagram Viewer - Available in Premium and Last Architecture Explorer - Available only in Ultimate Due to UML 2.0 (use of activity, case, sequence, class, component) - Only available in the last Layer diagram and dependency validation - only available in the last

facebook - How can I find tutorials for building an application that gets updates from an online website? -

I want to create an application that updates from online websites like Twitter or Facebook, I do not even know That's how to do it. In addition, in some applications, such as doodle jumps, I update updates that have popped up. Some other applications have a news section that is often updated how is this done? Any tutorial or work code will be very useful. One I used to do this with ASP. met.

Javascript: Is there a way to tell when a div has been added to an element? -

Say that I have third-party Twitter widgets on a page that will keep updating while making a new tweet. Is there a way to find out that when has a new device added to this widget? Is there an event or one I can hook on (probably widgets on the Parent Diva)? If not, how do I do this? Perhaps the AJAX call is making the hook widget? How do I do that? It seems that firebug is doing this, but I can not tell how. Again using any modern browser, you can use DOM mutation to listen to node changes. You can use the events. You are probably seeking from the details of your question. If you want you can use a awesome setTimeout (hack), but it is better to wait for the events of the spin around waiting for something to happen in general. Here are some example codes because I'm bored: var widget = document.getElementById ('mywidget'); Widget.addEventListener ('DomaineInsted', function (e) {if (! == 'DIV' returns; // returns some other c...

iphone - Why does UIImageView appear to be partially transparent -

I have a simple app that only shows one UIImageView For some reason the image is visible that it is partly transparent because it is very light compared to seeing the same image in Photoshop. Any suggestions ... I though by default a UIView is opaque. You probably have changed the alpha to see your image or see for yourself also check for transparency of your image view because The default image of the image view is 1 and the opacity is set to 100%. You may have one of those chains, otherwise this is the problem of your image

web applications - GWT extending DecoratorPanel and adding to rootPanel -

I'm new to using gwt, though I'm starting to hang things. A troubled situation I had come today, was the following. (This is short to simplify my question) The public class expandes the MyPanel decorator panel {Public MyPanel () {last text box TB = new text box (); Tb .setText ("test"); This.add (TB); TB .setFocus (true); }} Applies the public class class A to EntryPoint () {public void onModuleLoad () {MyPanel mp = new MyPanel (); RootPanel.get ("Reference") Add (mp). }} For some reason my problem is on this line: root panel.get ("references"). Add (log); I get an empty pointer exception ... The lines on the line above the line above the line are: java.lang NullPointerException: com ( 163) at ( .gwt.user.client.ui.Widget.setParent ( 393) at (...

iphone - stop and restore method -

I am using this function to create the movement, how can I stop the movement? I want to restore it to the starting point Thank you. [NSTimer Scheduled timer with interval: 0.02 goals: self selector: @sillector (shaffloanimimer) userInfo: zero repeats: yes]; - (zero) resize antonymer { = CGPointMake ( + pos1.x, + pos1.y); If (> 60 || & lt; 0) pos1.x = -pos1.x; If (> 240 || & lt; 100) pos1.y = -pos1.y;} At some point you should invalidate the timer. You have to store its reference to do this: In your header file: @ class myClass: NSObject {.... NSTimer * timer; CGPpoint Basics; ...} @property (non-standard, readwrite, assign) NSTIMER * timer; @protecti (nonomatic, readwrite) CGPint original page; In your implementation file: self.originalPoint = jb.position; Self.timer = [NSTimer Scheduled timer with time interval ... As a later point: [self.timer invalid]; Self.timer = ...

`git pull` locks up on one repository -

I have a remote GIT server that is working for months before some of my classmates have said that they are now working on our projects One of the issues was having trouble with the git pull . I'm testing it now and I can not pull a git or I was able to run once git fetch , but Now that is not working when I look at the processes of the server for GIT user (connected to remote repo), I see 3 processes which are just there: sshd , php , and git-upload-pack . All other repositories on this remote server are working fine. The repository is quite large and includes a new branch. Any ideas about fixing it? Thank you. git-fsck and git-gc

sql - Remove trailing empty space in a field content -

मैं SQL सर्वर MSDE 2000 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मेरे पास नोट प्रकार nvarchar (65 )। सभी रिकॉर्ड्स में सामग्री (स्पष्टता के लिए उद्धरण) के बाद एक अतिरिक्त स्थान के साथ सामग्री 'कुछ' है मैं निम्नलिखित कमांड का इस्तेमाल करता हूं। अद्यतन तालिका 1 सेटी नोट = आरटीआईएम (एलटीआरआईएम (नोट्स)) लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है। क्या ऐसा करने का कोई वैकल्पिक तरीका है? क्या आप सुनिश्चित हैं कि क्वेरी काम नहीं कर रही है? कोशिश करें: SELECT TOP 100 '~' + t.notes + '~' से TABLE1 t टॉप 100 पहले 100 पंक्तियों के परिणामों को सीमित करें, वास्तव में यह विचार प्राप्त करें कि क्या वास्तव में आउटपुट में जगह है अगर वहाँ है, और RTRIM / LTRIM इसे हटा नहीं है - तो आप एक सफेद स्थान चरित्र के साथ काम नहीं कर रहे हैं उस मामले में, कोशिश करें: अद्यतन टैब्यू SET नोट = रिक्त करें (नोट्स, सब्सट्रिंग (नोट्स, पैटीआईडीएक्स ('% [^ a-zA-Z0-9' '' '' ']% ', नोट्स), 1),' ') जहां पॅटिडेक्स ('% [^ ए-जीए-जेड-9 '' '' '']% ...

code review - Comparing Doubles in Visual Studio - a standard way to catch this? -

People, Even experienced programmers sometimes write C # code like this: Double X = 2.5; Double y = 3; In fact, it is common knowledge that two pairs (or floats) can never be equal to one another, if it is (x + 0.5 == 3) {// it will never be executed} The way the computer handles floating point arithmetic The problem is, everyone knows this, but in this way the code is still everywhere, ignoring it so much The question for you: You have with you in your development organization Have treated? Is it common that the compiler should know that we all should really shout for VS-2010 so that if comparing two doubles / floats, then compiled time Include warning? Update : People, thanks for the comments. I want to make it clear that I think most of the code above is wrong. Yes, you do not want to compare == doubles and floats at any time. Instead, you should use Epsilon-based comparison. Something is obvious. The real question here is "how can you decide on this pr...

C Program on Linux to exhaust memory -

I want to write a program to consume all the memory available to understand the result. I have heard that Linux starts kicking the processes once it is unable to allocate memory. Can anyone help me with such a program? I wrote the following, but memory does not end: #include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Int main () {while (1) {Molk (1024 * 1024); } Return 0; } You must write the allocated blocks. If you just ask for memory, then Linux may leave a reservation for memory, but until the memory is accessed, nothing will be allocated. int main () {while (1) {void * m = molok (1024 * 1024); Memset (m, 01024 * 1024); } Return 0; } You only need to write 1 byte (normally 4096 bytes on x86) on every page.

c# - List Duplicates on specific Class -

मेरे पास एक सूची है सूची & lt; T & gt; उदाहरण जहां टी में कोई दिनांक वैरिएबल और स्ट्रिंग आईडी है अब मुझे स्ट्रिंग आईडी पर डुप्लिकेट को निकालने के लिए सूची की आवश्यकता है और केवल नवीनतम दिनांक रखें। कोई भी कैसे जानता है? मैं एक नई सूची बनाने की सोच रहा था सूची & lt; T & gt; अंतिम और उदाहरण सूची के माध्यम से पाशन। लूप जांच में अगर सूची में आईडी वाला कोई आइटम होता है और फिर आइटम जोड़ना या कम तिथि के साथ डुप्लिकेट आइटम को हटा रहा है। हालांकि मुझे पता नहीं है कि किसी चर पर कैसे शामिल है कक्षा की टी। क्या मुझे लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति के साथ ऐसा करना है? या सूची के बराबर () अधिलेखित? भूल गए कि या तो वास्तव में कैसे करें किसी भी मदद? या एक बेहतर विचार हमेशा पाठ्यक्रम के लिए स्वागत है! बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद

javascript - What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()? -

क्या इन दो पंक्तियों में कोई अंतर है? var url = "http: / / "; Window.location = url; Window.location.replace (url); पहले एक आपके इतिहास में एक आइटम जोड़ता है जिसमें आप (या होना चाहिए "वापस" पर क्लिक करें और वर्तमान पृष्ठ पर वापस जाएं। दूसरा, वर्तमान इतिहास वस्तु को बदल देता है ताकि आप इसे वापस नहीं जा सकें। देखें: असाइन करें (url) : दिए गए URL पर दस्तावेज़ लोड करें। प्रतिस्थापित करें (url) : वर्तमान को बदलें प्रदान किए गए URL पर एक के साथ दस्तावेज़ असाइन () विधि से अंतर यह है कि replace () का उपयोग करने के बाद वर्तमान पृष्ठ सत्र इतिहास में सहेजा नहीं जाएगा, जिसका अर्थ है कि उपयोगकर्ता उपयोग नहीं कर पाएगा वापस करने के लिए बटन पर जाएं। ओह और आम तौर पर बोल रहा है: window.location.href = url; इस पर इष्ट है: window.location = url;

java - Swing application framework for multilanguage application -

Can the swing application framework be used to implement multilingual swing applications? If so, how should it be done? Should I use multiple .properties files, one for each language? How can I know the system to which file to use the property? Does anyone know a good tutorial for this? You plug in your base panel square (or elsewhere, plug it in): public resources map getResourceMap () {if (resourceMap == faucet) {ApplicationContext reference = getContext (); If (context! = Null) {resourceMap = context.getResourceMap (getResourceStartClass (), getResourceStopClass ()); }} Return resourceMap; } Public ApplicationContext getContext () {if (applicationContext == faucet) {application app = getApplication (); If (app! = Null) {applicationContext = app.getContext (); }} Returns app contact; } Public application getApplication () {if (application == faucet) {application = Application.getInstance (); } Return application; }

php - Standard idiom for adding new models to an app built on Symfony + Doctrine -

What is the standard way to add a new model to the app built on Symfony + Doctrine while keeping my previous models and their meta -Data (such as relationships). What I'm really looking for: A command / process that will be equal to . / Script / Models Fumodel in On Ruby If these are both different things, and I am following the wrong ghost (I think I am thinking that I am The standard process is to introduce new models and any relationship to the schema. IML is included in the then. / Symphony theories: Build-all (or: - Build --all for Symphony 1.3 / 1.4) Reviewers say that you Base classes This operation is not completely destructive, so the operation is not completely destructive. The principle is also the methodology for migration so that you can easily update the database schema, because you will apply the new code to the output: New version of theory (1.1 +, Symphony 1.3+) - Migration-different functions, which can create migration for you, are very wel...

javascript - Embedding Content (iframes) with an HTML 4.01 doctype? -

I have been tasked to upgrade with a valid doctype some existing code that I HTML4.01 strict. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 // N" ""> In the code, I have a & lt; Iframe & gt; I have come across, and it does not sit properly. & lt; iframe OnLoad = "Javascript: LoadAddAttachmentiFrame ( 'stock-attachment -135', '/ CG-bin / Aksbra? more Attcakt and amp; S = Jianfacsijeti 7 and Maitiaidentifayr = stock-attachment -135' Jianfacsijeti 7 ');" Src = "/ xebrajustadiv.htm" Frembardr = 0 id = "stock-attachment -135-Atakfrem" name = "stock-attachment -135-Atakfrem" width = "525" height = "10" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; It also seems that & lt; Iframe & gt; Html 4.01 does not include strict doctype. I now have a way to actually embed content in a document that has to go where they cl...

google app engine - What is "Python interpreter None"? -

I just created my first application for Google App Engine, which is called "Hello World" from Google App Engine The first lesson is, how to start tutorials. I tasted it on my computer (I'm using Windows XP), and it was working just fine - whenever I open a new window with my web browser (Firefox), then I always say "Hello I could see the world! !! ", which was a proof that he had worked Before I created it, I do not know how to save the Notepad file as a .py file. I asked this However, later I got a comment on my question saying: "App Engine does not support Python 2.6. You release a Python 2.5 Sad, but true. " So I uninstalled Python 2.6.4 and installed Python 2.5.4. In addition I uninstalled the Google App Engine Launcher and installed it again. When I was installing it a window was saying that all necessary essential items were found on my computer. However, when I added an application to my existing and run it from the App Engine La...

c# - NHibernate mapping error - invalid child element 'many-to-one' -

Using the delicious NHibernate with autonomy, I am trying to map the following domains: public class company: emodel {public virtual id id (get; set;) public virtual string Name {get; set;}} Public class account: emodel {public virtual id id (get; set;} public virtual string name {get; set;} public virtual company company {received; set;}} Many accounts of a company Normally, I will get an account directly and then sometimes find the affiliate company, so there is no need to list the accounts on the company model. Liquid NHibernate creates the following HBM: Company & Lt; Generator class = "identity" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property name = "name" type = "system string, mscoreib, version =, culture = neutral, public token = B77A5C 561934A90" & gt; & Lt; Column name = "name" /> & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Square & gt; & Lt; / Hibernate-mapping & gt; Account ...

user interface - Ribbon GUI Guidelines -

I'm thinking of implementing a ribbon GUI in one of my apps and definitely want to follow the MS Guideline So that it can feel like a normal ribbon, etc. But I am trying to explain how to solve a specific problem in dynamically changing the ribbon. I am making a concept game editor, please do not give a ribbon because it is purely a concept idea, but there will be many editors (2D, 3D, code, etc.) in the application and For each, the GUI should be displayed in the relevant control i.e. 2D editor i.e. 3d on multiple pan and for rotating the device. Considering the ribbon guidelines, it is understandable in the Home menu to include this most common tool, but only the type of object is edited (2D if rotated or any means for code No!). I thought initially that every editor can have a window in it, but it makes a real mistake and I have a lot of tabbed editors so that you can accept them like eclipse et c. Apart from this, all editors are saved in a file so that it has an appl...

Accessing Internet Explorer using -

I am trying to make a little executable, when different browsers like news sites open an IE browser on different websites is . For example, a tab for wsj, nytimes, etc. How can I use IE with What context do I need to add? I can not get any sample code, which I can work, I think it is for me because I will not take any library in my assembly? personal sub button 1_Click (as the system's Sub-sender object, byVal e In System.EventArgs) button 1 handle. Click on OpenURL ("") the end sub-private sub-openURL (ByVal URL as string) system. Diagnostics Process. Start (URL) and sub 'or Private sub button 1_Click (ByVal Sender as System.Object, ByVal e as System. EventArgs) button handle 1. Click Dim Light as object = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application") TheBrowser.Visible = TrueTheBrowser.Navigate ("") sub sub 'or system Add context SHDocVw.dll by browsing. Personal sub button 1_Click (By...