
Showing posts from June, 2012

networking - MUD Programming questions -

I used to play the mood based on it. It was very optimized, but it was in the core itself. I have the source code for this zoo, and I'm interested in writing myself (just for a fun project) Although I have a few questions, maybe somebody can give me some hands-on design aspects? Which language should I use? Define or compiled? Does this make a difference? SAMUG is written in C. I am comfortable with so many languages, and I have no problem learning more. Should I follow a specific approach, which would prevent me from performing? Object Oriented, Functional, etc.? Which medium should I use to store the data? Flat files (this uses SMAUG), or something like SQLite Is there any guide that anyone knows about starting a project like this? I want to scale up to allow 50 players to play online due to lack of performance, if I have used Ruby 1.8 (very slow), then Does it compile Python 3.1 (faster), or C / C ++? Will it make any difference compared to comparison? If someo...

c# - create listbox with click\double click event -

I have tried to create an listbox in which one click is evet to do this so that i created a project The DLL file that I had added to my toolbox in Visual Studio 2008. this does not work !!!! Here is the code that creates the DLL file: namespace list_box {public class list_box: listbox, ibitton control • private blog block key validity = true; Personal string strCommandArgument = ""; Personal string strCommandName = ""; Personal string strPostBackUrl = ""; Private string = ""; Private string strValidationGroup = ""; Safe Override Zero OnInit (EventArgs e) {base.OnInit (E); This.CssClass = "frmbtn"; } Bool IButtonControl.CausesValidation {get {return blCausesValidation; } Set {blCausesValidation = value; }} String IButtonControl.CommandArgument {get {return strCommandArgument; } Set {strCommandArgument = value; }} String IButtonControl.CommandName {get {return strCommandName; } Set {strCommandName = value; }} Stri...

C# - Creating a code file with common definitions/constants/enums etc? -

In C ++ I will often create a code file that includes constants, enums, #defined -s, macros etc. What is the best practice for that in C #? Can I create a stable class and fill it with that data? Or is there any other way? Yes, you need a class for constants (and a static class would be enough), but I will have many classes - one intent In C #, any # Define only applies to that file, so there is not enough for them to be a class (by putting them) instead the project In Jana / build-script) and the macro does not exist. - GridView ImageField With Text -

I have ASP.Net GridView and I want to include an image and a text in the same field, something like this: & lt; An id = "lnkForJQueryCall" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "whatever.png" & gt; Some other numbers include & lt; / A & gt; I have found ASP: there is no property to add a text to the right or left side of the image in the image field, and there are no more options, is there any other way? [edit] I was thinking about a CSS class solution but did not know how to do it !! You can use GridView to display custom code such as data-bound control . & lt; Asp: TemplateField & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; An id = "lnkForJQueryCall" & gt; & Lt; IMG src = "whatever" & gt; Some other numbers include & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: TemplateField & gt;

Signal 11, segmentation fault on iphone App exit -

I have an iPhone app, it starts running right when I connect the Xode to the Prime IPhone and run the app , Then log in to the console in the Organizer window, always complains about the segmentation fault when leaving the app with the Home key. Has anyone seen this, and do you know what the problem might be? I use a thread to load web pages in backdated, but I stop the thread when I exit. My app saves some stricter information when I use construction and analysis I get some potential memory leaks, but in each case I am allocating an object and keeping it in an array . Any ideas, or is it normal? Try running your application with NSZombieEnabled will tell you whether you want to release an object Want to Do the following to enable Labs: Select Project> Active Active Edit to open the executable info window. Click Logic. Enter the YS in the NSZombieEnabled and value column in the Name column. Ensure that the NASBMEentified Entry Checkmark has been selected. ...

Flex Dictionary Sorting -

I have the following dictionary in Flex, and I want to sort it by value. No resources found. '1' => 2, '0' = & gt; 1, '3' = & gt; 4 .. Any thoughts? How can I assume it? Probably not the best way to do this but it works: var a: array = new array (); For each (var v: words in number) {a.push (v); } One type ();

visual studio 2008 - Intellisense not showing anything I write -

I am using Visual C # 2008 express I also run Windows 7. I have made a simple form, but Intelis has not written anything that I wrote. I write: Personal radiobutton rbtn_sortLocation; And then when I type rbtn , Intelligence pops up, but it does not show the rbtn_sortLocation . But after writing the full line, it does not complain about an error. How can I get Intelligence to show my methods and such methods? Apart from this: It is only with the solutions created on this computer, I can fix all the solutions that were made on my old XP machine work. You can drag the intellisense menu manually to a Ctrl + space This is a way. You can also check your options to make sure that it is running on the I believe that intellisense option device - & gt; Options - & gt; Text Editor - & gt; (All languages ​​or languages ​​you are using) - & gt; Statement Closing Section - & gt; Auto list member

Django unit testing failures related to authentication settings -

In Django, when I run " test", I get very high authentication failures. Some examples: failed: test_password_change_succeeds - assurance error 200! = 302 Fail: Provides logout default templates without next page - AssertionError 200! Failure: form.non_field_errors () Expected: [You found this account inactive.]]: [U ' Please enter the correct username and password ... '] I have configured to accept authentication from Django Apache2. In the settings, 'code_middleWARE_CLASSES' contains the 'AuthenticationMiddleware' and 'RemoteUserMiddleware', and 'RemoteUserBackend' is included in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS . How can I understand the problem here? Update 2 I cleared test errors by commenting about setting of AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS. Now I have to think about the certification stage in my test environment, but at least I have approved this problem. The first update contained the references to a questi...

php - how to link javascript to $scripts_for_layout while in an element -

I am currently working on an application that will implement the user optimization widget on every user dashboard. The user is able to add and delete widgets. Each widget is contained in its own element and some have javascript files, which are to be loaded individually. If I try to put JavaScript in the $ scripts_for_layout using the following code, nothing will happen in an element. & lt ;? Php $ javascript- & gt; Link ('widgets / blogs', wrong); ? & Gt; After seeing a bit in the cakepack bug tracker, which tells why and a commentator also suggested a workaround that could be around it: & lt ;? Php echo join ("\ n \ t", $ this-> __script); ? & Gt; I tried to use it but it does not seem to work. Does anyone know any other solutions for this issue or even better how to do this? I 'I'm not sure why $ javascript- & gt; The link (..., false) should not work in an element, but you can try it: $ this -> AddS...

converting css hover to jquery hover -

I am creating a website with hover effects. See the service section in the lower right and see if I'm using the background color to change. I want to use jquery to get the same results with a fantastic result. Here's my HTML: & lt; Div class = "iconrow" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / icon 1.png" border = "0" width = "35" /> & Lt; H2 & gt; Website Design & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; (repeated with duplicate images and lessons 6 times) Actually, when .ono is rolled over, then I have some background Want to change background color from: #cccccc; And when it is closed, no one returns. Note: I work through the link provided by you through Firebug Created and tested your solution. If you follow these steps, then you should work it out completely You can change from any color except the Safari and Firefox 3.5 wit...

Handling scroll event on listview in c# -

I have a list view that generates thumbnails using a background player when the list view is being scrolled I want to stop the background player and get the current value of the scrolled area, when the user stopped scrolling the list view, according to the value of the scrolled area, the background pattern starting from the item Start with blood. Is it possible to handle the scroll event's scrolling event? If yes, how? If not, then what is the best option as described above? You must add the list to support the view class so that you can be notified about scroll events. Add a new class to your project and paste the code below. Compile Drop new list view controls on your form from the toolbox. Apply a handler to the new scroll event. using the system; Using System.Windows.Forms; Category MyListView: List View {ScrollEventHandler Scroll Public Event}; Protected Virtual Zones onscroll (ScrollEventArgs e) {ScrollEventHandler Handler = this.Scroll; If (handler! = Null) ha...

real time - Resources for Display Systems in Safety Critical Embedded Systems? -

I'm looking for resources which can answer my following questions. Where exactly SC fits the display system in ERTS architecture. What is the difference between the SC display system and the general public? How do hardware and software play in display systems? I had to prepare a detailed survey of the display system for my course work. Please note that I am asking for reference, source etc. and not the actual answer. I would also be happy to see organ suggestions and comments. Something useful I've already found: DO 178B standard, scaled display system. The difference between the critical security system of security and a normal one is any security related system and the same non -Important is similar to the one: It is security related Some failures in such a system can threaten security, such as, these systems are designed, implemented and tested after a strict procedure Generally, the process itself is proof Are already subject to the integration (you...

javascript - Running jQuery call in Firebug Console -

Sorry, new in firebug. I was really able to be able to run Javascript in the Firebug console window. However, I do not seem to be able to run jQuery calls in the console. For example, in executing JavaScript on my page, I can get value to get the call: jQuery ('# an_element_value'). However, I can not execute it in the console, to get this value from the page in the console, I have to execute: Document.getElementById ('an_element_value'). Inner HTML What is a way to execute jQuery calls and reference page elements in the firebug console via jQuery? As said to others, you will not work until it is included on this page. However, With this bookmarket you can easily add jQuery to any page:

c# - How to write a regular expression to match a set of values? -

I have to check whether my string values ​​the value: For samples: 50004810111981066060 My status 48-57 (1 or more times) 32 (or) 10 (or) 13 (then) 48 (then) 32 (or) 10 (or) 13 (then) 111981066060 Question: How to get rid of regular expression for the above condition indicate pantanthesis. (4 [8-9] | 5 [0-7]) + (32 | 10 | 13) 48 (32 | 10 | 13) 111981066060

Error message "Incorrect values within SQLDA structure" with Firebird and Delphi 2009 -

I'm sturfying with the error message "incorrect values ​​within SQLAd structure" when I update the Blob field in Firebird 2.1 Trying to do the database from the Delphi 2009 DBX application. However, when I am trying to execute the TSQLLL with SSL, the error message is found: "Set up MathShell FIELD1 =: Data where id =: ID" The related Delphi code is: MyQuery.ParamByName ('id'). AsInteger: = id; MyQuery.ParamByName ('Data'). LoadFromFile (filename, ftBlob); MyQuery.ExecSQL (); Where should I look? It is working in Delphi versions first. Check your driver again - this is for firebird or you Can use the interbase driver for?. It is known that the Firebird team has changed the SBUDA structure to bloc in 2.1 and therefore, the Interbus driver can no longer be used. You have a few options here: (Recommended, imo) Upgrade to Delphi 2010 - In addition to a DBX firebird driver you will get lots of things (see Buy a 3rd party ...

sql server - NHibernate session.flush() fails but makes changes -

We have a SQL Server database table that contains User ID, some numeric values, e.g. Balance, and a version column. We have multiple threads which update the value column of this table in parallel, each in its own transaction and session (we are using the session-per-thread model). Since we all want logical transactions, each thread follows: Load the existing line (map for one type). Make changes to the value, based on the old value (for example 50 add). session.update (obj) session.flush () (Because we are optimistic, we want to make sure that we had the correct version value earlier If Step 4 (Flush) threw StaleStateException, refresh the object (with and goto Step 1 We only make it count of a certain per logical transaction If we can not do this after X efforts, then we reject logical transactions. Each such thread is time-consuming For example, to keep committed-driven I / O at manageable levels after 100 successful logical transactions, meaning...

dom - Wrapping Multiple Elements (jQuery) -

मुझे HTML का यह टुकड़ा है: div.content सामग्री div .two सामग्री div.three सामग्री मैं चाहता हूँ दो divs ऊपर और नीचे जोड़ें और एक div लपेटें इसके आसपास हो जाता है: div.wrapper div.content सामग्री div। दो सामग्री div.three content div.bottom मैं कर रहा हूँ कई लपेट चयनकर्ताओं (आंतरिक वेड, लपेटो आदि) के बारे में पता है लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कैसे 2 डिवीज़ लपेटें। निम्नलिखित jQuery काम कर सकता है, लेकिन क्या इसे लिखने का एक बेहतर तरीका है? $ ('सामग्री')। रैप ('& lt; div class = "wrapper" & gt; & lt; / div'); $ ('। आवरण')। पहले ('& lt; div वर्ग = "शीर्ष" & gt; & lt; / div & gt;'); $ ('। आवरण')। बाद ('& lt; div वर्ग = "नीचे" & gt; & lt; / div & gt;'); लुकअप को कम करने के लिए मैं इसे एक पंक्ति में करूँगा: $ ('content')। इसके बाद ('& lt; div class = "top" & gt; & lt; / div & g...

c# - How can I make this lambda work? -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: स्ट्रिंग टेम्पप = txtForm.Rtf; विदेशी मुद्रा (प्रतिस्थापन ऐस में प्रतिस्थापित करें) {temp = temp.Replace (rs.getNeedle ()), rs.getReplacement ()); } अगर (this.InvokeRequired) {this.Invoke (temp = & gt; txtForm.Rtf = temp); } और {txtForm.Rtf = temp; } लेकिन यह संकलन नहीं करेगा। यह दो चीजों के बारे में शिकायत करती है, "लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति को 'System.Delegate' टाइप करने के लिए परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि यह कोई प्रतिनिधि प्रकार नहीं है और" स्थानीय क्षेत्र नामित वेरिएबल 'इस क्षेत्र में घोषित नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि यह एक अंतर दे सकता है 'अस्थायी', जो पहले से ही 'माता-पिता या वर्तमान' गुंजाइश में प्रयोग किया जाता है, कुछ और निरूपित करने के लिए " दोनों त्रुटि लैम्ब्डा लाइन पर हैं मैं यह काम कैसे कर सकता हूं, मैं क्या कर रहा हूं? यह.अनुक (नया क्रिया (() = & gt; txtForm.Rtf = temp))

http - direct GET works. image load does not -

OK, it's funny I just installed a WordPress, and the images are not visible, Firebug told me that I 403 received errors for all images. However, if I copy and paste the URL in the address bar, then I get an image without problems. I do not get it (which is fine, it happens in about 3 nights) OK, the problem is hot There was a lanking protection, which is not understandable anyway, because I ask the host from within the host. I disabled it and now it works.

ruby on rails - Accessing a parameter within a plugin -

I am trying to modify the vestal_versions plugin to accept a parameter set on savings. This will work as a new flag to determine when it will make modifications on updating parameters. Currently it will always run on updates when a new revision is required. The affected area of ​​the unplanned plug-in code is here: after_update: create_version ,: if = & gt; : Needs_version? Def create_version versions.create (: changes = & gt; changes.slice (* versioned_columns) ,: number = & gt; (last_version + 1)) reset_version end See on the submission "Balrevision = N" how will I pull in this parameter and what I will use to condition it when only run "balreview = y"? It seems that to modify the after_update filter would it be clean? Here's the log of the data being provided on the update. Processing Notes # Controller # Update (for 521.0.0.1) 2009-12-05 at 13:25:45 [PUT] Parameter: {"Authenticity_token" = & gt; "################...

parsing CSS with Java -

I need to parse css files in java, and try to use Batik and CSSParser libs with success is. The problem I have is that when I go to IE hacks, I lose formatting; It appears that O.V. 3 The IOM used by CSS.AC will not accommodate IE hacks. For example .- / * '\' has not been retained * / American [padding: 10px; Width: 200px; W \ idth: 180px; Height: 200 pixels; High \ t: 180px; } Div.content {width: 400px; Voice-family: "\"} \ ""; Voice-family: heirs; Width: 300px; } / * In 'body' and '.' Not placed * / html> body.content {width: 300px; } Does anyone have any experience with it and can recommend a good solution? Probably not your ideal solution ... To avoid, to isolate all IE code in a different CSS file, it is very convenient.

eclipse - Trying to set up Android SDK - Please help! Beginner -

So I'm super new to it, and in fact it is not sure what I'm doing. I downloaded an Android SDK for Windows, but I'm a bit confused about installing / installing it. So I have read that I need to set System Variable Path To Tools / , but I think I have Windows \ System32?!?!? Would you like to replace? Can i change it Windows Vista; Eclipse IDE download and set up already (pointing to SDK) Can anyone help a beggar with this setting? apreciated; Thanks! Also: I should really measure what I have done ... I downloaded that Android SDK and unzipped it ... Is about! I have installed Linux version of SDK, but I might still be able to help you. I was absolutely right and did everything for me. After opening the tool to run "Android" and adding tools / adding tools, this tool / directory has a GUI program and it allows you to create at least one virtual Android platform. Will allow to run Simply use all default and latest Android versions while s...

objective c - What is Best Approach to Learning iPhone App Dev? -

I have basic knowledge that I am trying to learn iPhone app development. Should I learn ObjS for Mac for the first time, Stephen G. By using the book by crook, then these principles should be taken to convert to iPhone Dev? Or when I try to transfer my knowledge to the development of the OBJC's iPhone app, I have to learn Objisi without some special iPhone app tutorials. I am trying to use the best method of learning the iPhone App Dev and looking at many ways to learn it on the forums. I think my question will have to learn objasi language, then learning the xcode and the iPhone app Dev can be the ultimate result of learning the code for the iPhone correctly or wrongly? Or, should I learn specific XCode and iPhone app development and leave behind the time spent on objusying mastering? I want to spend confused and spend wisely in the next two months because I can learn the iPhone App Dev. Work through the book" Beginning of iPhone Development "and understand y...

networking - Lightweight network visualization tool -

I'm trying to find a device to monitor my home network. Tons have seen different software and they are either an overkill or I do not have one. Hope the community can give me some advice. My network is small enough. There is a modem connected to the D-Link D524 router. I have several computers in this router that are connected to viral. What I'm seeing lightweight tool for monitoring my traffic is a GUI in the ideal tool with the bandwidth indicator on the router's icon, and the lines connecting the nodes. Shows icons of all the devices connected to the router. this is too much. I'm not sure that the SNMP in my router can be a dealbroker because many cheap router does not. I have also read that several routers can be monitored on UPP. found after the quick googling. / P> Visually display links between local traffic and local and remote hosts by visualizing the TNV (network visualizer or time-based network visualizer) packet.

php - Javascript - How to change a new value on drop down -

जब हम name = "quantity" को बदलते हैं और $ product ['price] '] मान भी बदल जाएगा यहां गतिशील मात्रा और मूल्य होगा। Jquery / javascript का उपयोग करने के लिए कैसे करें। & lt;? Php $ select = "SELECT * FROM` PRODUCTS 'ORDER द्वारा `आईडी` डीईएससी LIMIT 10"; $ Query = mysql_query ($ चुनें) या मर (mysql_error ()); ? & Gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt;? Php जबकि ($ product = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)) {? & Gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & lt;? Php ईको $ उत्पाद ['नाम'];? & Gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; मात्रा & lt; चयन करें नाम = "मात्रा" & gt; & Lt;? Php for ($ i = 1; $ i & lt; = $ उत्पाद ['मात्रा']; $ i ++) {? & Gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "& lt;? Php echo $ i;? & Gt;" & gt; & lt;? Php इको $ i; ? & Gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt;? Php}? & Gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt;...

iphone - Comparing two NSDates and ignoring the time component -

What is the most efficient / recommended way to compare two NSDates? I would like to be able to see that both dates are the same day, despite the time and have started writing some code, which uses the time interrelationshipset method within the NSDate class and the integer of this value divided by the number of seconds Does one day It seems that it is winding for a long time and I think there is nothing clear to me. The code I am trying to fix is: if (! ([Key comparison: todaydays] == NSOrderedDescending)) {toDaysDateSection = [EventSectionAre Counting] - 1; } Where keys and today's days are being created using NSDate objects and nowadays: NSDate * todaysDate = [[NSDate alloc] init ]; Set timings up to 00:00:00 before comparing: Unsigned Indsags Flags = NSC AlternatorYure | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay; NSCalendar * Calendar = [NSCalendar Current Calendar]; NSDateComponents * Component = [Calendar Component: Date to Date: Date]; NSDate * dateOnly...

c# - Getting DropDownList values in a repeater -

There is a following mark-up code: ASPX page & lt; ASP: Repeater id = "GeneralRepeater" runat = "server" OnItemDataBound = "GeneralRepeater_OnItemDataBound" & Gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Place: & lt; ASP: DropDownList ID = "GeneralDDL" DataTextField = "text" DataValueField = "Arena" runat = "server" / & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; Asp: Button ID = "GeneralButton" runat = "server" Text = "Принять запрос" onclick = "GeneralButton_Click" / & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Repeater & gt; code-behind protected void GeneralRepeater_OnItemDataBound (object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) {if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || E Kaitmkitmteepe == Listitenteepekalternatingitm) {Dr...

Javascript - Removing part of url with regex -

मेरे जैसे URL हो सकते हैं: और जो मैं करना चाहता हूँ वह भाग को / foo / bar / से पहले निकालना है, जो कि regex के साथ काम करेगा जो मेरे पास आईपी / कुछ, आईपी: पोर्ट / कुछ या DOMAIN / कुछ Tnx! यदि आपके पास हमेशा पूर्ण यूआरएल हैं (यूआरएल स्कीम से शुरुआत), यह कोशिश करें: url.replace (/ ^ [^ \ /] * (?: \ / [^ \ /] *) {2} /, "")

Does .NET 4 Parallel Extensions include an implementation of a lock-free Producer/Consumer queue? -

क्या .NET 4 समानांतर एक्सटेंशन में लॉक-मुक्त निर्माता / उपभोक्ता कतार का कार्यान्वयन शामिल है? क्या कोई ऐसा वर्ग या इंटरफ़ेस है जो इस पद्धति को सही ढंग से लागू करने में मेरी सहायता कर सकता है? धन्यवाद मुझे विश्वास नहीं होता कि .NET 4.0 इस के साथ जहाज जाएगा, लेकिन आप जो डफी के ब्लॉग पोस्ट का अनुसरण करके खुद को बना सकते हैं।

c# - Confusion over storing a type in a temp variable in a LINQ query -

I am writing a LINQ query that looks like a subquarium: Var x = p to pc let cntrs = p.getcounters (). Select Cntrs (args = & gt; argsCounterName == countername); Although Cntrs is a PerformanceCounter object, intellisense gives it as a collection with collection methods. I do not see the properties like NextValue, etc. (which I want). What am I missing? Apart from this, and I know what should be asked before, what is the difference between going to keywords and in the middle? Thanks This means that where method More than one example is returning, in other words, you have more than one counter, whose name is your CounterName variable. If you do not care which one has been received from you, you can use the FirstOrDefault extension method to obtain the item before that sequence That where is like this: var x = p to pc let cntrs = p.getcounters (). Where (args => argsCounterName == CounterName). FirstOrDefault () Select Cntrs;

.htaccess - Simple Help with htaccess -

I need some help with a redirect: How do I get any url with www.example I can take it. Com / Blog / and anything else after it, (. *) And / or blog can just strip it for text after? I have never written it again, please help. revertinigen on river rule ^ blog /(.*)$ index.php? $ 1

date - Use JavaScript to Parse Time -

This is probably something simple, but I have a little confused how to do this. Java Script, how can I parse only the time from the following date string: 2009-12-06T17: 10: 00 In other words With the above string, I want to output: 5:10 PM Any guidance / tutorials on this would be great. Chrome & amp; Firefox: Standard Javascript Date Constructor ISO 8601 takes the date string. For example: var sampleDate = new date ("2010-03-07T02: 13: 46Z"); The date returns the item: "Sun March 07 2010 13:13:46 GMT + 1100 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)" This does not work in IE (latest IE 9 Including:) Here is a cross-browser solution by Paul Sowden: Date.prototype.setISO8601 = function (string) {var regexp = "([0- 9 ] {4}) (- ([0-9] {2}) (- ([0- 9] {2}) "+" (t ([0- 9] {2}): ([0- 9 ] {2}) (: ([0- 9] {2}) (\. ([0-9] +))? "+" (Zed (([- +]) ([0- 9] {2}): ([0- 9] {2})))))) "??? Var d = string.match (new regExp (re...

objective c - Rewriting a returned pointer to an output parameter -

I am playing with the OpenSSL library and I need to brush on pointers, and I'm having trouble (Int *) outLen; It takes some data, encrypts it and gives an indicator of data and length of data as an output parameter. I want to change this so that encrypted data is also handled as output parameter and the return value is used to indicate success or failure. This is what I have: - (int) encryptTake2: (unsigned char *) Input input length: LN output in (Intel): (unsigned char *) Output Output Lamp: ( Int *) outLen; It does not work What I am doing wrong? I think the problem is that (unsigned char *) is incorrect if (unsigned char *) is wrong, then I think I will also need to change it In that method how output is It depends on this How are you managing memory allocation? What happens -encryptTake1: Return? If it returns a new allocated buffer that requires the collar to be free, you will be encrypted in unsigned char ** ** : - (int...

What do the different symbols in the API section of the XCode Documentation mean? -

By looking at the API section on the left side of the XCode documentation, I always wonder what the symbols mean? Is there any key in this? Thank you! rashiki C: class, such as NSString M: Method, such as -initWithString: : Define, such as zero The function, such as CFStringAppend () T: Typed, usually K: constant, usually a code A member of NSUTF8StringEncoding G: Global instances, usually such as strings NSDirectoryFileType

php - Best way to organize applications?.... (MVC design pattern) -

When creating applications, what is the best way to decide where you know which one Controller and model For example, I am building a place that is highly based on the place. Users can post different things, which will be visible to other users within a certain distance. In addition, each user will have their profile page that will show everything posted by that user, regardless of location. So I have such a model class UserModel spreads to Betam {get_user ($ uid); Get_all_users (); Edit_user ($ new_data); Delete_user ($ uid); Add_user ($ new_user); Get_user_articles ($ uid); Get_user_reviews ($ uid); Get_user_foo ($ uid); } Class Article Models Basem {get_article ($ Help) Expands; Get_all_articles (); Add_article ($ new_article); Delete_article ($ help); } // Similar to the review modal, and other model class local models have basem {get_local_articles ($ zip_code, $ range); Get_local_reviews ($ zip_code, $ range); Get_local_foo ($ zip_code, $ range); } // Keeps all location ...

How to restrict Amazon S3 API access? -

Whether using a different identity (using key / secret key) to access the Amazon S3 bucket via the Rest API Any way Where can I restrict access (for example read only)? Yes, you can do the S3 API documentation describes the services available to you. You can set a bucket so another Amazon S3 can read the account but can not modify the item in the bucket.

mysql - Can't install do_mysql gem? -

I am trying to install do_mysql on my Snow Leopard system MacBook Pro 13, but I get this error : n216-160: ~ $ sudo gem1.9 install do_mysql password: build original extension. This may take a while ... Error: Error installing do_mysql: Error: Mane failed to create native extension. Checking in /lot/local/bin/ruby1.9 for mysql_query () -lmysqlclient. .. no *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not make Makefile due to some reason, maybe lack of necessary libraries and / or headers. For more information check the mkmf.log file you may need the configuration option. Include configuration options: Include --with-opt-dir --without-opt-dir --with-opt-include-without-opt-in = $ {opt-dir} / include --with-opt -lib -without-opt-lib = $ {opt-dir} / lib - with-make-progman - without-make-cop - -srcdir = --Cardir - RUB = / Opt / Local / Bin / Ruby 1.9 - Include MSQL-config - without-mysql-config -with-mysql-dir - without-mysql-dir -with-mysql- - without- mysql- Include = $ {mysql-dir} / include -...

c++ - CDirScan function NextL raises KERN-EXEC 0 -

The CDirScan function has raised "Main Terror KERN-EXEC 0" if it is not called the correct settings () That is, if it is later called after another event within the same active object) f1 () - Called within the active object iDirScan = CDirScan :: NewLC (AFS); IDirScan-> Setscen Datel (Epath, KentriDIR | KentriatMachXil, Easserton, CDIRCan :: Eskendowntree); // Wait for some asynchronous event f2 () - some of the asynchronous event CDir * dir = NULL after the same active object Called; TRAPD (error, IDIRSKN-> Next L (DIR)); - & gt; & Gt; "Main Terror Ken-Ecc 0" If anything is called iDirScan-> NextL () before waiting for an asynchronous event, then everything works fine Why does the CDirScan variable lose its validity? Note that there is nothing to do for asynchronous event, it can be a simple dummy timer. I wrote some test codes in an attempt to reproduce it, but could not. Generally, KERN-EXEC 0 nervousness is often caus...

Apache C module creation, problem linking SQLite -

Playing a bit with this, but not getting too far ... My argument is SQLite Code works if I compile it as executable alone. My mod_hello.c compile and loads works fine without SQLite code Two combinations, modules have been compiled and installed, but the apache process loads every time. She goes. Extraction of all SQLite codes and just linking against SQLite causes this problem. In other words, with the same code: apxs -cia -l / usr / local / lib -i / home / devin mod_hello.c / * works fine, "hello world "Prints * / Apxs -cia -L / usr / local / lib -i / home / devin -lsqlite3 mod_hello.c / * compiled but Apache dies on load. * / Platforms OpenBSD 4.6 is downloaded from the Ephechon 1.3 and SQL version 3.6.20 from SQLite site and compiled from source to download my SQLite and compile Student was a problem - when I removed all the resulting files them and founded Open BSD package for SQLite, it should sync platform-specific compilation required so SQLite li...

flex - Mate Dispatcher tag -

I have to pass a variable in the dispatcher tag ... for example var Google: EventName = New Event Name (EventName.ADD_User, User); DispatchEvent (Google); Now when I go to the Mate Dispatcher tag ... How can I pass value to the user? & lt; Mate: Dispatcher id = "mydispatcher" generator = "{EventName}" type = "{EventName.ADD_User}" & gt; & Lt; Friend: eventProperties & gt; & Lt; Friend: Event Properties myProperty = "myValue" myProperty2 = "100" /> & Lt; / Friend: eventProperties & gt; & Lt; / Friend: Dispatcher & gt; How can I pass the user in the matte dispatcher tag now? You must declare the user as the property of your class. For package extends {public class GoogleEvent event {public static contact ADD_User: String = "GoogleEvent_AddUser"}; Public users: string; Public event GoogleEvent (type: string, bubbles: boolean = true, canc...

MySQL: 3 table join query? -

I have three tables (users, friends, posts) and two users (user 1 and user 2). When user1 adds user2 as friend then user1 can simply view the post of user 2 but post only posts after date when user1 added user2 as user. My query is like: $ sql = mysql_query (select from "P.P. friends at p.currentuserid = f.friendid and p. Time> f.friend_since or p> P .currentuserid = 'user1id' WHERE f.myid = 'user1id' command p.postid DESC LIMIT 20 "); This is working perfectly but a little bit of a problem ..... !! This user2 displays users posts as user3 (as user of user 1) once, but the user shows 1 posts in several ways ....... ie User2 Hi user1 Userssfsfsfsfsdf user1 Userssfsfsfsfsdf user3 Dddddddd user1 Sdfsdsdfsdsfsf user1 Sdfsdsdfsdsfsf But why am I having this single entry / post in the database ........ !! !! How can I fix this? I am not a SQL expert, but I think your problem is in JOIN status. I can not see in a way that how you can ge...

copy - Batch File XCopy Command -

I have a batch file that passes through the contents of the text file and creates a copy of a specific file Xcopy is the command. Here's the snippet. For /f %% a in (FilesToCopy.txt) do (xcopy .. \. \ Common \ %% a normal \ %% a / I / d / c / v / S / y / f xcopy general \ %% a .. \. \ General \ %% a / i / d / c / v / s / y / f) %% Prices such as images are \ image1.jpg images \ image2.jpg so when xcopy is executed it will look like xcopy. \. When executing \ General \ Images \ image1.jpg common \ Images \ image1.jpg / i / d / c / v / s / y , then this message will indicate General \ Images \ image1.png Specify a file name or directory name on target (F = file, D = directory)? It seems that the / i command does not work or I am missing something to suppress the above message. OK, you have left the second statement with the help of / I : / I if the destination is not present and copies more than one file, then assuming that the destination should be...

source insight like free source code browser and editor in windows -

Can someone suggest the editor in a window like free source code browser (C / C ++) and source insights? is? The Visual Studio Express Edition is free ... This is a complete compiler so if you do not need to compile the code, then it may be a little more overkill. mvc - How do I pass a date via the URL, for my Action to read in MVC? -

How do I pass a date via URL? What I'm trying to do here, as you will see that is invalid in the URL which uses forward slash http: // localhost / controller / Action / id = 0d5375aa-6d43-42f1-91f0-ea73d9bb361 and date = 02/12/2009 You can pass a date in the query string in a specific format, say yyyymmdd and then parse it correctly in your controller. and date = 02/12/2009 change and date = 200 9 yyyymmdd You can either cover a datetime around the datetime object Which could be made using this new format immediately or simply parse itself in the controller. public MyWrapperDate (int date) {int year = date / 10000; Int month = ((date - (10000 * year) / 100); Int day = (date - (10000 * year) - (100 * months)); This.DateTimeObject = New date time (year, month, day); }

JavaScript exit method -

I have a javascript method that I want to validate a form if verification fails If (validation check ......) {return warning ("message")} and {// forward} What I am doing though, if the form still seems to be submitted, then any thoughts? You should return false after checking verification. If (verification check ......) {warning ("message") false return; } Other {// procced}

ruby - Is there a way to know the invoking method? -

I know that class method tells me what is the name of the class of an object, how can I start? Is there any way to know this? shares this information: Do you ever call the call stack Wanted to see without any exception? caller.each {| C | Puts c}

java - How to install J2ME .jar files in remote devices without pairing? -

I am developing a J2ME application to run in public areas, such as supermarkets, shopping centers, etc. Therefore, I want to make it possible to set up my application in every mobile phone around Bluetooth. I intend to create a separate J2SE application to search for a device and view the obex services. After that, ask the user to install the application. I have tried using, but it always requires both side (client and server) passkey OBEXClientSessionImpl conn = (OBEXClientSessionImpl) connector. Open (service URL); I have also found what I want, but pair problem persists. Can you definitely send files to a program via Bluetooth or use a fixed pin number, so I can not repeat it on the server side? Thanks in advance, I used to use Nilekov in the same way Has developed a Java application that shows you (scan and attempt to transfer file on all devices) and worked fine on initial tests. I'm considering midterm to open or sell the d...

transactions - tempdb SQL Server locking -

Our application runs on a client machine with another application. We have made some attempts to avoid long-running locks in tempdb because this clearly affects the concurrency. Other applications, however, works like this: Start the transaction # to create # tables (...); Insert into # tables (....) values ​​(...); operation_for_totally_synx_second () committed; As operations take time, our application is waiting for the lock received by other apps. Now, I hope that there may be a way to separate my application from other applications, for example I have been asked to provide other tempi to SQL Server, but I have no way have been found. Is it any way possible or is there a solution to install our database on any other mssql-instance? Regards, Jens Nordenbro Long-lasting locks Tempdb This clearly affects solidarity This is not really clear at all. Long-held locks are of importance only if you and other applications go after the same locale. The code sample y...

divide drops remainder in DB2 SQL -

So I'm dividing an integer from decimal, and storing result in decimal column. However, it always leaves partial component (part after the decimal point), if I increase the result by 10 or 100, then I get a more accurate result, but dividing again again falls partly to the part. The fields I have inserted are an exact 5, scale is 0 decimal and one was precision 5, scale 3 decimal. I have also attempted to cast an integer in decimal and it does not matter, nor does it multiply by 1.0. I try to get ideas out and move. Thank you, Buzzy was incorrectly casting. After using the correct format CAST (integer as DSIM (5,3)) This has worked before I have the exact and scale Had left - get fileupload id in code behind when the page inside masterpage -

I want to know how to get the fileupload control id when I have the entire contents of content in Placeholder 1 . I have FindControlRecursive (Control Route, String ID) method and I have called it like FindControlRecursive (contentplaceholder1, fileupload1), but its not working. So plz can give me some files how can I get fileupload1 id? > You can MasterPage control the FindControl method to You can use the Content page to control FileUpload . Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E) {ContentPlaceHolder Content = Page.Master.FindControl ("Content Placeholder 1") as ContentPlaceHolder; FileUpload fu = content.FindControl ("FileUpload1") as FileUpload; // ...}

c# - Getting Error "Cannot start more than one local run" in Unit Tests in Visual Studio -

I am running a test to get my Windows application to start automatically in the Windows application; The code used is the application. Rune (client. Main form. Gate instances ()) "; .The debug point only comes from this piece of code when I close the windows application. / P> I can not run any other tests till then. If I try to do this; Visual Studio can not start an error "more than one local run" Does not have any way out of this problem. ? Client MainForm.GetInstance () can be added. Close (); At the end of your trial. Additional information: You can not start other unit tests, while a test is still running As your GUI test is complete Unless you end the GUI (such as your GPU is still running, your test is still running), other tests can not begin.

xcode - SVN+SSH Connection Giving Error 210002, Network Connection Closed Unexpectedly -

OK, I'm having a problem setting SVN + SSH. I have a SVN running a Linux server and trying to connect to a Mac laptop running Snow Leopard. XCode tries to connect, but returns the "Error 210002, network connection stopped unexpectedly" message. I connect to HTTP with Xcode and it works well for all repositories. Here's my SVN Warrien: svn, version 1.5.4 (r33841) compiled August 7, 2009, 01:44:11 Copyright (C) 2000-2008 CollabNet Subversion is open source software, see This product contains software developed by Kolnetet (http://www.Collab.NET/). The following Storage Access (RA) modules are available: * ra_neon: Modules for accessing a repository through the WebDAV protocol using Neon - 'HTT' handles the scheme - 'HTTPS' scheme 'RDSN' handles: Modules for accessing a repository using the SDN network protocol - Cyrus SASL authentication - Operation of 'SVN' scheme * ra_local: Local disk To acces...

coredump - What component actually dumps core? -

I'm not sure whether it is a C library or something else that dumps the contents to the main file and the program is excluded. Turns out What do I mean here that glibc or libc handles sigsegv and creates core dumps in the handler function? Please explain. In Linux, the kernel process execution and signal handling mechanisms are responsible. zero do_coredump (long signr, int exit_code, struct pt_regs * regs) {... if (sig_kernel_coredump (signr)) {if (print_fatal_signals) print_fatal_signal (regs, info-> si_signo); / * * If this core was able to dump, then it kills all the other threads in the group and * synchronizes with their demise if we have lost the race with the second thread, then it first set group_exit_code And our do_group_exit call * below will use that value and we will ignore one passing it * / Do_coredump (info-> si_signo, info-> si_signo, regs);

markup - symbols in restructuredText -

I want to use some symbols in the reconstructed text; how can I do this? (Like and rarr; in Markdown also produces the symbol defined as "and RRR;") - Note: I do not need the math formula support as the dependency form In. You have a large number of symbols defined through the "substitution" operator. You must include the definitions via the .. ... include: & lt; Isonum.txt & gt; or something like that. Most of them have | Larr | or | Rarr | These are defined in the docutils.parsers.rst.include installation directory. There are several dozen files that define many Unicode characters.

iphone - NSDate - Convert Date to GMT -

I need the ability to change to a NSDate value GMT date. How can I go about converting NSDate value to GMT format to a NSDate value, which is used by the iPhone The known date is independent of the locale setting? NSDateFormatter * dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; DateFormatter.dateFormat = @ "yyyy-MM-dd'THH: mm"; Nstmezone * GMT = [Nstimeon TimezoneWithAbet: @ "GMT"]; [DateTimeSetimezone: GMT]; NSString * timestamp = [datefirm string string: [date of NSDT]]; [DateFormatter release];

cocoa touch - Errors when building iPhone app in Xcode -

I get this error (and 27 other) when trying to create my application. I am not sure what has changed because of this, but I have no clue what is the error actually? This is an example where I am calling appDelegate = (iTourAppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication] representative]; ".objc_class_name_UIApplication", referenced from: verbatim-indication @__ objc @__ cls_refs @ UIApplication in MapViewController.o another Example: ".objc_class_name_NSString", referenced from: verbose-pointer @__ oBJC @__ cls_refs @ ListTableViewController.o at NSString I created a clean Tried but no success was found. How to solve any thoughts? Start the XCBuildConfiguration section by searching for / *> / * under FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS in project.pbxproject (in the xcodeproj bundle) and remove that entry. Back up first! Thanks to Seeh Roehnelt of SOON for this reply on a different post

C# FileStream : Optimal buffer size for writing large files? -

Suppose I am writing some files between 2 MB and 5 GB on the disk. What are the sensible buffer values ​​for filestream? Is it worth working with several megabytes of buffers, or should I live with kilobyte buffers? The default buffer size is 4 KB. Also, take a look here:

php - Building a 'multi-site' application -

I am planning an application that allows users to create a specific type of website. ' Will work on a website going to ''. I do not have a clue on how to map it. I am using code igniter as my development tool. Instead of using standard subdomains, I want to give users the ability to add a registered domain name to my website. Any tips / methods about this? Besides, should I find some disadvantages and problems while doing some development with this design? Thank you for your time! Your plan for an app that works on all sites is quite a lot of work and lots of work It is not that it is not possible (including many Enterprise CMS, SharePoint, you are allowed to run from a single install 'Virtual Site' etc.). You have a lot of planning and design on a particular security front, to ensure that different sites work in isolation. I think every site will have its own account - you will Want to work so that it can be ens...

c# - Ways to share regex across DataAnnotations /Attributes -

I get some recognition on my ASP.NET, with a view to play with System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace I am here. MVC application I have already raised an issue with regular expansion annotation. Because these are annotation attributes, they require steady expression. OK, I can use a square filled with Regex string constant. With that problem, I do not want to pollute my regex with the required escape characters for the C # parser. My choice is to store regex in the resource file. The problem is that I can not use those string resources in my data annotation, because they are not static! Is there a solution If not, then it takes a significant limitation to use the attributes for verification. You only need one escape code in C # (double quote) ... If you use the word string literally: @ "like \ this \ note \ slash does not do anything here", only "doubting" is needed, you too Newline can use "; I type regex with always ...

compression - Compress file before upload via http -

Is it possible to insert data from the client's browser (file upload) to the server? Flash, Silverlight and other techniques are OK! Browsers never compress uploaded data as they do not have any way of knowing that The server supports it. The downloaded content can be compressed because the accept-encoding request header allows the browser to notify the server, which it supports compressed content. Unfortunately, there is no similar protocol that works in another way and prompts the server to the browser, which supports it compression. If you have control over the server and the client (for example using silver, flash) then you can use compressed request bodies

c# - Javascript and ASP.NET -

After the text "itemprop =" text "> In my case I am retrieving some data from backend. The gridview should be hidden in a particular column, it should not be shown on the screen. . source code Usage> & lt; ASP: BoundField DataField = "GLAC_NAME" HeaderText = "A / CNO" & gt; & Lt; Item style width = "200px" /> & Lt; / ASP: BoundField & gt; This particular column I should not be shown to users to hide Code start: protected void GridLedger_RowDataBound (object this, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {try {if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {e.Row.Attributes.Add ( "onMouseDown", "var str = document.getElementById ( '' + e.Row.ClientID + " ') .cells [1] .innerText; document.getElementById (' '+ TextBox1.ClientID +' ') value = str ;.");}} catch (System.Exception ex) {ex}} this code is in the beginning that I should mention the sales price ...

.net - How can I use a key generated with sn.exe to sign a string in php? -

This is another question for C # and PHP to exchange signed pieces of data. In my scenario, I have the C # assembly on the client side with a public key. I also have a PHP page on the server with a private key. I want to be able to sign some data in PHP with a private key And I want to check the signature against the public key on the C # at the client. I understand how a public / private key file with sn.exe (duh). This is a format that I want to sign the assemblies for NAT. Once signed, the assembly can provide the public key as an asset (such as Assembly.GetName (). PublicKey ) Besides, I came to know That is, I want to use the function to create a signature for data. Example shows a .pem file from reading the bytes in a certain length. I do not have this file. I think the .pem file is just a way to store public / private key information, XML and equivalent to CSPBob stuff I RSACryptoServiceProvider What is the relationship between these formats? How can I conve...

performance - PHP - Quicker way to do this? -

foreach (स्वयं :: समूह ($ समूह) के रूप में समूह) $ group_ids [] = $ group- & gt; getId (); क्या ऐसा करने के लिए एक बेहतर, क्लीनर और अधिक कुशल तरीका है? धन्यवाद! : -) ऐसा करने का एकमात्र अन्य तरीका है और यह ज़रूरी नहीं कि कोई जल्दी या बेहतर : फ़ंक्शन get_id ($ समूह) {वापसी $ group- & gt; getId (); } $ Group_ids = array_map ('get_id', स्वयं :: getGroups ());

How can I copy an entire directory in Perl? -

I need to copy the whole directory to a location. What is the best way to do this? I have seen it as a file by file :: copying copies only by file. The way I work under Windows. Thanks for the help. Maybe check.

python - Removing an element from a list based on a predicate -

I want to remove an element from the list, such as element 'X' or 'N' . I have to apply for a large genome. Here's an example: Input: codon = ['AAT', 'XAC', 'ANT', 'TTA Expected output: codon = ['AAT', 'TTA'] P> for the base purpose & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ['AAT', 'TTA']] ['AAT', 'TTA'] ['AAT', 'TTA'] [x] if x is not in x and x is not "x" for x in ['AAT', 'XAC', 'ANT'] 'TTA' / Pre> But if you have a large amount of data, then I recommend that you dict or set and if you have many letters other than X and N, then you You can do this & gt; & Gt; & Gt; [X for X for X ['AAT', 'XAC', 'ANT', 'TTA'] if none (for f in the list f (x) if ["x", "n", "y "Note: List (x) may just be x , and [" X "," N "," Y...

c# - Are static methods in ASP.NET code-behind classes non-thread-safe? -

Do I use the static methods in my ASP.NET page Can I and UserControls class if they do not use members of any instance? I.e .: Protected Zero GridviewviewExanging (Object Sender, GridviewEventErgus E) {gridStatement.DataSource = CreateDataSource (); Gridstation.pageindex = e. Nupez Index; GridStatement.DataBind (); } Private static datatable CreateDataSource () {(var command = New SqlCommand (using "SELECT foobar")) {var table = New DataTable (); New SqlDataAdapter (Command). Fill (table); Return table; }} Or is not this thread-safe? Yes, you can use a static member - they are thread-protected. Each thread is a different one Will be executed in context and therefore any object created inside a static method will only relate to that thread. You only need to worry if a steady method is reaching the fixed field, such as the list. But the code in your example is definitely safe to thread.

c++ - Combinations of Multiple Vector's Elements Without Repetition -

I have the number of N vectors, say 3, and they have n elements (not necessarily the same amount) . I have to choose X amount of combinations between them. Choose from vector 2 [n] example: std :: vector & lt; Int> v1 (3), v2 (5), v3 (2); Can not be a combination from a vector, such as v1 [0] and v1 [1]. how can I do this? I have tried to do everything, but it does not seem to be. If I understand you correctly, then you have en vectors, each one of the different elements With (call ith vector C-shaped) and you to select the M combination of elements of these vectors without recurrence. Each combination will be elements of N elements, each element from each vector. The number of possible permutations in this case is a vector-sized product, due to the lack of any type of equation, I call in 'P' and calculate in C ++: std :: vector & lt; Size_t> S (n); // ... populate s ... size_t p = 1; For (size_t i = 0; i So now between the problem 0 and P -1...

java - Storing data when an jsp call (no submit) an action -

I need some help about a little question. I want DB to score points on the page for my survey application. I have divided my list of questions into six pages. Before the page points, when the user deposits the vote, the operation examines a hashp and the error is returned to the key where the resp does not exist. Now, with the pagination on the page, I call the page with the maximum (number of pages) on request. It is clear that now the mythology action of my replies has been canceled. Now .. How can I send a partial list of replies (page answers) without submitting? Hope I was clear ... ps I use the Streets 2 framework Just present the paging buttons as a whole form, take them the exact same action as the" submit "operation and then execute the actual paging action. - Intelligencia UrlRewriter.NET not working properly on IIS 6? -

I have a problem getting the following syntax to work: & Lt; Rewriter & gt; & Lt ;! - It's nothing - & gt; & Lt; If url = "to rewrite the worksheetwork \ .aspx" = "/ default.aspx" /> & Lt ;! - This redirects correctly - & gt; & Lt; Redirect = url = "whywontthiswork \ .aspx" = "/ default.aspx" /> & Lt; / Rewriter & gt; As it has been said, the first rule does nothing, despite this I try. On the answer to that page request, the X-Power-by-field always says "ASP.Net", however, the second rewrite rule always works, and in response to that request, X-power-by-field "ASP.Net, URLRER 2.0. " is. I believe that the IIS is properly configured as it & lt; Redirect / & gt; is to correctly handle the request. The issue is that I have no idea why the first rewrite rule does not execute. I have tried to search the documentation, but at this time, if offline or in service ...

workflow foundation - Windows Service Starts then Stops -

I have a Windows service that I inherited from a vendor developer. Windows service is just fine in the QA environment when I install the service and run it locally, I get this error: The service can not be started System.InvalidOperationException: The requested display Counter is not a custom counter, it has to be started as a read only. Here is the code: ExternalDataExchangeService ExchangeService = new ExternalDataExchangeService (new)); WorkflowRuntime.AddService (exchangeService); WorkflowRuntime.edseva (new SQL Tracking service (app contact. SCL connectionimplogorg)); ChallengerWorkflowService challengerWorkflowService = New ChallengerWorkflowService (); ChallengerWorkflowService.SendDataEvent + = New EventHandler & lt; SendDataEventArgs & gt; (ChallengerWorkflowService_SendDataEvent); WorkflowRuntime.AddService (challengerWorkflowService); WorkflowRuntime.StartRuntime (); & Lt; ---- The exception is thrown here. Check the installer code. Often you wil...

c - How to copy to clipboard with X11? -

Using the framework on OS X, I can use PNG to copy it to the pasteboard (in C - obviously I use NSPasteboard with cocoa): # Include & lt; ApplicationServices / ApplicationServices.h & gt; Int replication (zero) {pasteboard clipboard; If (pasteboard creat (clipboard clipboard, and clipboard)! = NoErr) {return -1; } If (Pasteboard Clear (Clipboard)! = NoErr) {CFRYLase (clipboard); Return -1; } Size_t lane; Char * pngbuf = createMyPNGBuffer (& amp; len); / * Somewhere defined * / if (pngbuf == faucet) {CFRYLease (clipboard); Return -1; } CFDataRef data = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy (kCFAllocatorDefault, pngbuf, len, kCFAllocatorNull); If (data == faucet) {CFRYLEGE (clipboard); Free (pngbuf); Return -1; } OSStatus mistake; Err = PasteboardPutItemFlavor (clipboard, NULL, KUTTypePNG, data, 0); CFRelease (clipboard); CFRelease (data); Free (pngbuf); Return 0; } I am interested in porting this functionality to Linux / BSD platforms. How do I create it using X? Read anyth...

ruby on rails - Single person working on a web app. What platform to use? -

I can code in three languages ​​/ platforms: Java (for its long time), Ruby on Rail (Start) and Drupal / PHP (Beginning) This app is a pet project that I really want to complete and some good in it Business logic is also included and it is necessary to have a good front end. I can not really decide which platform I have chosen I have done some work in the ROR and some people in Drupal and I have not been able to make my mind how to go. There is absolutely no connection between the languages ​​and the fact that you want to webpage by yourself and this There will be some business logic and a good UI included. Choose the language you feel most comfortable with.

javascript - generate browser window screenshot -

I have to work with multiple pages at once and need to see if any one example But how different pages look. Is it possible to take screenshots of open tabs via JavaScript in Firefox / Chrome? On Chrome, use Aviary Extensions : If you need programmatic access, There is also captureVisibleTab available through Chrome Extensions: It all works (almost ;-) for you

java - JSF Navigation Rules with Relative Paths -

कहो कि मैं पर एक पृष्ठ पर हूं /page.jsf और जाने के लिए एक नेविगेशन नियम को परिभाषित करना चाहते हैं मैं कैसे नेविगेशन नियम के & lt; to-view-id & gt; को परिभाषित करूंगा मैंने सोचा था कि ऐसा कुछ होगा: & lt; नेविगेशन-केस & gt; & LT; से-परिणाम & gt /; से-परिणाम & gt; goToFoo & LT; & LT; टू-व्यू-आईडी & gt; /../& lt; / टू-व्यू-आईडी & gt; & Lt; / नेविगेशन-केस & gt; लेकिन यह एक पार्सर त्रुटि को फेंकता है जब कहा जाता है मुझे लगता है मुझे कुछ याद आ रही है किसी भी विचार? जेएसएफ नेविगेशन नियम, अनुप्रयोग संदर्भ के सापेक्ष हैं, वर्तमान पृष्ठ के रिश्तेदार नहीं हैं। यदि foo आपका ऐप संदर्भ है, तो / page.jsp हमेशा पर जाएंगे, न कि । इसके अलावा, मेरा मानना ​​है कि आपको वास्तविक पृष्ठ उदा। आपको page.jsf भाग को शामिल करना होगा।