
Showing posts from March, 2014

C# Custom Setter Event or Inherited Setter -

In the C #, the setter can be denied "something" which will allow me to run some code every time The setter is applied to the base class and is this successor? What I have to do is a bullion flag on my base class named IValid. After validating an object, I will set this boolean as correct; if a setter is used after verification, So I want to convert Setter to the IsValid flag in false. I do not want to write this argument in every setter. You are basically asking for some versions of (AOP) you have a normal operation Which you want to work in all the qualities without implementing in every case. I'm not sure what the elections for AOP in C # are actually, but one I have used before. What will it do that wrap your class in a dynamically-built wrapper that will block all calls on your calls and then allow you to apply some common logic to execute.

sql - MySQL Table with TEXT column -

I am working on a database and I have to deal with text fields. Now, I believe that I have seen some place mentioning that it would be best to separate textile columns from the rest of the table (by putting it in my table). However, now I can not say that reference was received anywhere and sometime ago, I think I might misinterpret this information. Some research has shown that text / blobs with different metadata, if you do not need them then do not insert text / blops into results. However, I am not familiar with the definition of "metadata" which is being used here. So I wonder if there are any relevant benefits in their own table in a text table, what are the possible problems with the remaining areas? And potential problems in keeping it in a separate table? This table (without textile field) is supposed to be searched (selection), but what is often considered "optimization is considered evil before time" here? (If there is a penalty in the...

php - Membership Application Database Model -

I am working on creating membership-based web applications. To become a member, you will have to fill a long membership application that will pass your business. Once the application is complete, it goes to the administrator of the site for approval. There are about 60 questions to answer in the application, maybe 25% of those questions will be relevant to your member profile if you approve it. The rest of the questions are used only in the review process and once the "prospect" is never referred to as a "member". This is my question: Should I add all probable questions to all the member information on a table or somehow separate it? Relation is 1 to 2, which I think should be in a table. The part from which I feel like this should be in different tables, it is that after becoming a member of a potential customer, the information about more information becomes irrelevant. It seems that it will be a very null and void .... The application actually exists alre...

assign table values to recordset and update with another recordset using vb6 -

Hi, I want to assign database table column to record in vb6. And I want to update them with those values ​​in my other record set. Is this possible? > An ADODB record set is not a mirror of a database table RecordSet contains the query that you provide, depending on that query. Therefore, in order to load the data from the database into the records, you need to execute a query. It can be done in two ways. Use the ADODB.Connection.Execute method and set your record set for the result. Dim selection connection as new ADODB - dim rs as ADODB.Recordset - con.ConnectionString = "some connection string" con.Open set rs = con .execute ("select from * table") Create an ADODB.Recordset object, specify the connection and then call the Open method with a query. Dim selection as new ADODB.Connection - Dim rs as new ADODB.Recordset con.ConnectionString = "Connection String" = con.Open Set rs.ActiveConnection = Con = rs Open "Select *...

wpf - Setting content in an inherited (BasedOn) style -

मेरे पास एक आधार शैली है, कहते हैं: & lt; style x: key = " DefaultButtonStyle "TargetType =" {x: प्रकार बटन} "& gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "पृष्ठभूमि" मान = "{स्टेटिक रीससोर डिफ़ॉल्टबटनबैकगर}" / & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "खाका" & gt; & LT; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate TargetType = "{x: प्रकार बटन}" & gt; & Lt; ग्रिड एक्स: नाम = "बटनशैपग्रीड" ऊँचाई = "{टेम्पलेट बाइंडिंग ऊँचाई}" चौड़ाई = "{टेम्पलेट बाइंडिंग ऊँचाई}" & gt; & Lt;! - कुछ आकार देने वाले Xaml को लपेटें - & gt; & Lt; ContentPresenter Grid.RowSpan = "2" वर्टिकलएलिनेमेंट = "{वर्टिकल एलाइमेंटमेंट टेम्पलेटबैंडिंग}" क्षैतिज एलाइन्मेंट = "केंद्र" / & gt; & Lt; / ग्रिड & gt; & Lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; & LT; /Setter.Value> & Lt; / सेटर & gt; & Lt; / शैली & gt; अब, मुझे कुछ स्टाइल बनाने की ज़रूरत ह...

javascript - How to get the "value" of a FilteringSelect <select> in dojo? -

I am using dijit.form.filtering; & Lt; Select & gt; Select to provide a way to choose prices. The problem is, when using the dojo, the label is given instead of the value of the S. For example: & lt; Select name = "test" dojoType = "dijit. & Lt; / Select & gt; Instead of the value for that option, "1", if that option is selected, the literal "one" is returning. "Two" And the same is true for "2". If Dojo has been removed from this element, then the expected value has been returned. Dojo's way to do this: Digit.b Id ('your digi id'). Attri (). The amount you want: dijit.byId ('yourDijitId') atr ('Value'); To get the displayed value in the filtering selection: dijit.byId ('yourDijitId'). Attr ('displayValue '); edit : attr () was deprecated at 1.5,

order - MYSQL: how to "reorder" a table -

मेरे पास निम्न की तरह एक टेबल है, | आईडी | नाम | रंग | ------ + -------- + --------- | 1 | नाशपाती | हरा | | 2 | सेब | लाल | | 3 | केला | | पीला | | 4 | अंगूर | बैंगनी | मैं वर्णानुक्रम में "नाम" कॉलम का उपयोग करके पुन: क्रमबद्ध करना चाहता हूं और इस नए आदेश के साथ आईडी (autoincrement) को रीसेट करना निम्न | आईडी | नाम | रंग | ------ + -------- + --------- | 1 | सेब | लाल | | 2 | केला | | पीला | | 3 | अंगूर | बैंगनी | | 4 | नाशपाती | हरा | प्रश्न : मैं इसे MYSQL के साथ कैसे कर सकता / सकती हूं? क्या मैं पूछ सकता हूं कि आप ऐसा क्यों करना चाहते हैं? अगर कोई भी किसी भी नाम के मानों को संशोधित करता है या नई पंक्तियों को सम्मिलित करता है तो यह आपके ऑर्डरिंग स्कीम को गड़बड़ देगा। पीके के क्रम में कुछ अर्थ को संग्रहित करने की कोशिश कर रहा है जो मेज पर कहीं और उपलब्ध है (नाम का स्तंभ) बेमानी है और नतीजतन एक बुरा विचार है। एक बेहतर समाधान मूल्य के बारे में चिंता करने की नहीं है आईडी कॉलम का और जब आप अपने ऐप में डेटा का उपयोग करते हैं तो केवल नाम का कॉलम पर सॉर्ट...

c++ - Conditional compilation -

मैं अपने makefile में सशर्त संकलन कैसे जोड़ूं: कहें तो मेरे पास एक #ifdef SAVE_DATA है एक सीपीपी (। सीसी) फ़ाइल। आमतौर पर कुछ सीएफएफ़एएलजीएस + = - डीएसएवीडीएटीए

objective c - Does subarrayWithRange create a copy when executed on immutable array (NSArray)? -

Suppose I have an irreversible NSArray and want to create several sub-arrays. I can use subrearwinder on the original array I am able to get a new NSARR. What is the shared copy of the new copy with the old copy? In the worst case scenario, I can create sub-array for each element of the original array (with that element starts at the beginning and end), so it's a linear and a square memory Uses a Difference Between Usage Patterns This is unfortunate but the implementation of the apple is not an open source, so we can not say for sure However, by simple testing it seems that it makes a new copy of the sub array. When you are right that this square can lead to memory usage patterns, it is also efficient in some cases. Imagine that you have a very large array, and if you want only a small sub-array, the large array will not be delicated, if sub-ray re-uses the back-end array.

program "Share with others" in Google docs -

Whether "sharing with others" program in Google Docs is possible through some API / interface, Use the "Email Spreadsheet" or Docs page and use its services Yes , It is feasible through the access control list (ACL) that you have ACL for a given folder / document / spreadsheet etc. Can retrieve the feed, modify it and send it back. more information. There are also libraries for Java and .NET which make it easy. Document listing API v3.0 is not yet for NAT, although (although v3.0 code is available in the trunk), but more information is available for Java.

javascript - WOT Bookmarklet -

I am trying to write a bookmark that I would like to see for all the links on a page before rating them. Will allow. While WOT offers its bookmarklet, this is not very useful because you need to go to the page before viewing the rating. It will be used on Symony, so I can not just install the WOT extension, either. In WOT there is such a page on which it is included but allows the rating to be activated, so I am using it as a base, however, as a bookmarklet It does not seem to work correctly. Here is an attempt where I could possibly try to keep the code close to ADI. I've only modified the watcases function so that it works in a bookmarklet and added a timeout so that the rating widget can not be loaded before jQuery. var wotprotocol = (document.location.protocol == "https:")? "Https: //": "http: //"; Var votebase = voteprotocol + ""; Var wotinject = function (src) {document.body.appendChild (document.createElem...

go - Using an operator in place of a function -

Is it possible to use an operator in a function? For example, in + ? The following code is possible to replace the addition with the package main import "fmt" var cur, prev int = 1? 1 func fib (f func (int, int) int) int {return f (cur, prev)} func main () {add: = func (x int, y int) int {return x + y}; Fmt.Println (Fib (add)}} If it is not possible to use the operator as a function, then I appreciate a link to the documents that explain it. Operator go (or mostly in other languages) do not have first-class values, therefore, not Can not give them as arguments Notice that uses func (x, y int) int {return x + y} in its examples. Also keep in mind that the operator has no choice but to operate without a similar expression.

Histogram Equalization image processing by c++ opencv -

I need to create histogram integration on the image. I have created a histogram and I calculate every pixel but I do not know How to create a histogram parallel, I am using opencv thnx Thank you, met. This is cvEqualizeHist (source, destination);

vba - How do I return the location of the marching ants in Excel? -

I know about the application. CutCopyMode, but it only gives the condition of CutCopyMode (false, xlCopy, or xlCut). How do I currently use the copied category in Excel using VBA? I do not currently need the selected range (which is the application. I need a range of cells with the moving edges (Agrons) around it. In other words, if you select several cells, press CTRL + C, and then select another cell, I need the address of those cells that the user has CTRL + C Was selected when pressed. Thank you! As far as I know that you can not do it with VOB. You can codify your own copy and store the source in the global variable. Something like this: Range Public Sub Talkbud (optional as an alternative source Range = nothing as myclipboard) = nothing if the source is nothing Source = Set source. Copy MyClipboard = source End Sub

actionscript 3 - Using validators in DataGrid - Flex -

I have an editable data grid, such as something: & lt; Mx: DataGrid Editable = "True" Detector = "{arrayListPreferences}" id = "Preferences Grid" & gt; & Lt; Mx: column & gt; & Lt; Mx: DataGrade column header = "call1" datafile = "priority" editable = "wrong" /> & Lt; Mx: DataGrade column header = "call2" datafile = "value" edit = "true" /> & Lt; / Mx: column & gt; & Lt; / Mx: DataGrid & gt; When a user edits the data, then it is a button in which he calls a function that saves the data to the database, and in this function, send data to Must have to validate. I want to use simple validators (NumberValidator, StringValidator, etc.), but I do not know how to set the source of this valitor in the rows specified in the second column. & lt; Mx: numberValidator source = "{preferencesGrid.selectedItem}" property = "value...

visual c++ - glDrawElements flicker and crash -

I am getting a glitch error while using glDrawElements () I have to simplify the line of text to simplify primitives (Mainly rectangles), but when I call glDrawElements (), the whole screen blinks black for one frame (not just my window area), the next limit is the first Returns to "Windows colors" as well and so it's something from Flicker for the message ends in the message box box NVIDIA OpenGL driver encountered an unreadable error and should close this application Error 12 Is there a setting for GL that I need to reset before calling glDrawElements ()? I know that this is not something glEnableClientState (), I checked it (I was one of those, but then crashing instead of glDrawElements ()) Come to think about it, it looks almost like some back buffer error ... Any ideas to try? Obviously you are mixing VBO mode and VA mode. It is completely possible but should be used with care. When you call: glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); Glubbind Buffer ...

php - Simple Regular Expression to return text from Wordpress title - qtranslate plugin -

I am using qtranslate wordpress plugin to store blog content in multiple languages. Now I need to remove content from qtranslate tags. Pretty $ post_title = "& lt;! - English text What will happen php code & amp; Regular expression for returning text and language from this string? Thanks a lot! Try something like this: & lt ;? Php $ post_title = "& lt;! - English text print: array ([en] => English text [it] => Italian text)

javascript - jquery getscript for iframe object -

I have a dynamically created iframe, which I am trying to add to the script. For example: var iframe = document.createElement ("iframe"); I want to inject javascript in this iframe. I have found this work without using jquery by creating a script element under the iframe object and by preparing callback on this script object & amp; OnReadyState events now I want to try the same thing with jquery. However if I do just: $ GetScript (url, function () {myCallback ();}); My documents (scripts) are added to the current document, and the references related to the iframe object are broken. How can I call iscript to an iframe object? tried this which did not work: var elementID = $ (element) .attr ('id'); $ ('Iframe #' + elementID) .getScript (url, function () {myCallback ();}); The only way .getScript will work if you want to Jquery Automatically adds script to download and existing document because it performs on iframe

javascript - Prototype "Bind" method issue -

फ़ंक्शन.प्रोटोटाइप.बिंड = फ़ंक्शन () {var fn = this, args = Array.prototype.slice। कॉल (तर्क), वस्तु = args.shift (); वापसी कार्य () {return fn.apply (ऑब्जेक्ट, ** args.concat ( (arguments)) **); }; }; यह फ़ंक्शन प्रोटोटाइप में है। क्या इसका बराबर है: फ़ंक्शन.प्रोटोटाइप.बिंड = फ़ंक्शन () {var fn = this, args = (तर्क), ऑब्जेक्ट = args.shift () ; रिटर्न फ़ंक्शन () {return fn.apply (वस्तु, ** args **); }; }; मेरी राय में, args.concat ( (arguments)) == आर्ग्स , क्योंकि अनाम फ़ंक्शन में कोई तर्क नहीं है । क्या बात है? नहीं, वे समान नहीं हैं। तर्कों को सम्मिलित करने का उद्देश्य कार्य (या) का एक तरीका प्रदान करना है, जब तर्क दिया जाता है कि जब बाँध का उपयोग किया जाता है और उस समय अधिक कार्य को जोड़ने में सक्षम होता है जब कि बाइंड रिटर्न का उपयोग किया जाता है, उदाहरण के लिए: var obj = {fx: function () {alert ( (तर्क, ',')); }}; Var fx2 = obj.fx.bind (obj,...

ruby - rails if object in an array -

I have to check this, if for each item in @line_items if it is in a different array @ quote_items Controller: DIF index @ line_item = linememe @ @coot_times = quote item See all terminations : & lt;% line_item @ line_items% & gt; & Lt;% if @ quote_items.include? (Line_item)% & gt; Line item in line item! & Lt;% else% & gt; Do not quote in line item! & Lt;% end% & gt; ... & lt;% end% & gt; Is this an easy way to do this? Is included? The way I want it does not seem to work, that only produces false for me at all times. You are trying to check that the line item object in the array of @ quote_items is @ quote_items.include? (Line_item) which will obviously always be false because your @ quote_items example is an array of the quoteItem objects and @ line_items is an array of example lineItem objects so they always have different objects Are there. I think that in this situation you may want to compare quote_item a...

php - Fetch specific field from a MySQL result array -

I am trying to retrieve the field media_file from the first row of the query. I do not know how to do it I am trying to try first, multidimensional array $ pages [0] ['media_file'] has tried several times to get it. The image of a series is large and then connect to the other thumb. Here is the page that we are talking about: This code is: function createExhibit () {$ OBJ = & amp; get Instance(); Global $ rs; $ Pages = $ OBJ- & gt; DB- & gt; Fetch Array ("SELECT * FROM" .PX. "Media," .PX. "Objects_prefs" Where media_ref_id = '$ rs [id]' and obj_ref_type = 'exhibit' and obj_ref_type = media_ob_type media_order asc, media_id asc ") ; $ S = "& lt; Div id = 'text-container' & gt; \ N "; $ S = $ rs ['Content']; $ S. =" & Lt; / Div & gt; \ N "; $ S. =" \ N & lt; Div class = 'cl' & gt; & Lt ;! - - & gt; & Lt; / Div ...

python - How to find/replace text in html while preserving html tags/structure -

I want to use regexps to change the text as I want, but I want to preserve the HTML tag. Like if I want to replace "stack overflow" with "stack underflow", then it should work as expected: if input stack & lt; Sometag & gt; Overflow & lt; / Sometag & gt; is a DOM library when working with HTML code for me stack Use, not on normal expressions: lxml: a parser, document and HTML serializer. BeautifulSuspoke: A parser, document and HTML serializer. html5lib: A parser. There is a serializer in it. Elementary: A document implemented in the form of CalymentTree: C extension, a document object. HTMLParser: A parser. Genshi: A parser, document, and HTML serializer. xml.dom.minidom: a document model built into the standard library, whi ch can pel html5lib to steal from. Of these, I would recommend lxml, html5lib, and BeautifulSoup.

How can I find local maxima in an image in MATLAB? -

मेरे पास MATLAB में एक इमेज है: y = rgb2gray (imread ('some_image_file। जेपीजी ')); और मैं उस पर कुछ प्रोसेसिंग करना चाहता हूं: pic = some_processing (y); और आउटपुट के स्थानीय मैक्सिमा को ढूंढें। यही है, y में सभी बिंदुएं जो अपने सभी पड़ोसियों के मुकाबले अधिक हैं। मुझे ऐसा करने के लिए MATLAB फ़ंक्शन को नहीं मिल सकता है। सबसे अच्छा मैं इसके साथ आ सकता हूं: [dim_y, dim_x] = आकार (चित्र); enlarged_pic = [शून्य (1, dim_x +2); शून्य (dim_y, 1), पिक, शून्य (dim_y, 1); शून्य (1, dim_x +2)]; % अब एक 3D सरणी का निर्माण प्रत्येक विमान बढ़े हुए चित्र% ऊपर, नीचे, बाएं या दाएं,% सभी विकर्णों में, या नहीं [en_dim_y, en_dim_x] = आकार (enlarged_pic) में होगा; three_d (:,:, 1) = enlarged_pic; three_d (:,:, 2) = [enlarged_pic (2: अंत, :); शून्य (1, en_dim_x)]; three_d (:,:, 3) = [शून्य (1, en_dim_x); enlarged_pic (1: अंत -1, :)]; three_d (:,:, 4) = [शून्य (en_dim_y, 1), enlarged_pic (:, 1: अंत 1)]; three_d (:,:, 5) = [enlarged_pic (:, 2: अंत), शून्य (en_dim_y, 1)]; three_d...

Python module database configuration? -

I have Pyro module in which some objects are included, some of which uses MySQL connections to continue some data . What is the best way to allow easy configuration of MySQL connection information, without the user having to go to the installed module location and edit the files? Allow user to write configuration information for a program in a file format, which Know how to parse - In this way, the user does not "go to the installed module location", but edit the configuration file at more convenient locations. This is traditional and helpful for the program to try to read both a "per-user" configuration file (in the user's home directory or in its subdirectory), and the "per-location" configuration file Which the system administrator can use to provide users with some default; Therefore, the method of the configuration parser object accepts a list of filenames and tries to parse each of them in the sequence (see I have a simple example in d...

c# - Origin of term "reference" as in "pass-by-reference" -

Java / C # language lawyers want to say that their language passes the reference value, this would mean that the "reference" object -Pointer, which is copied when calling function In the meantime, a reference is a nickname in C ++ (and also in more dynamic form in Perl and PHP) some other names (or run-time values ​​in dynamic case). I am interested in derivation here, what was the initial use of the word "context"? Pre-java allows you to go, but if you know about pre-C ++ applications, then it will also interest me. (I know that vocabulary changes, etc., but I am only interested in history). The initial use of the term "call by reference" in the paper by Richard E. is Fairly, March 1973 . In the early days, the terminology was incompatible. For example, the phrase "association with name" and "association with value" will now call these "call by reference" and "call by value". On the contrary, (1962)...

javascript - How To Authenticate Socks 5 Proxies Inside PAC (Proxy Auto Config) Files -

How can you set up PAC files to use SOCKS proxy with authentication? An example using this simple PAC file: function FindProxyForURL (url, host) {return "socks;"; } How do you connect with that socks proxy using a username and password? Since Firefox and MSE do not support socks 5 authentication, therefore the username and password in the PAC file It is impossible to specify, modify your browser without any options.

objective c - Using the netinet functions on iPhone causes the UI to not refresh -

I am including Netinet Headers and programming some raw socket on the iPhone, and have found these while calling Unless I complete, the UI will not refresh - any feedback that I get and write to the UI does not write until IBAction has completed the call. Using the demonstrator with the delay, I have been successful in working on this, but I was wondering what is the best way to handle this kind of way? Keeping with the usual philosophy that choosing the highest level intangible is the best that is useful to you. , I can suggest that CFSockets may also be a possibility. CFSocket is sufficiently low-level that you can potentially do in any form of network communication, but it will help you by adding the run loop integration. Using run loops, you can avoid multi-threading your code. Run Loop uses network events such as other sources of events in your app See for more information.

dependency injection - Windsor Resolving generic service SubTypes -

इंटरफ़ेस IFoo & lt; T & gt; {} इंटरफेस आईबीआर {} क्लास बारआईएमपीएल: आईबीआर {} क्लास FooImplA: IFoo & lt; IBar & gt; {} वर्ग FooImplB: IFoo & lt; BarImpl & gt; {} कंटेनर। पंजीयक (ऑलटाइप.ऑफ (टाइपफ (आईएफू & lt; & gt;)) से (एसेम) .सिस्टम। फर्स्ट इंटरफेस ()); Var सलाखों = कंटेनर। रिज़ोल्व सभी & lt; IFoo & lt; बारआईएमएलएल & gt; & gt; (); विंडसर कंटेनर संकल्प को सेटअप करने के लिए वैसे भी है, ताकि बार में FooImplA और FooImplB दोनों शामिल होंगे ? आप नहीं कर सकते क्यूं कर? इसे चलाने का प्रयास करें, जो कि आप विंडसर को करना चाहते हैं। var a = new FooImplA (); Var बी = नया FooImplB (); Var सलाखों = नए IFoo & lt; BarImpl & gt; [] {a, b}; यह संकलन नहीं करेगा।

iphone - Serializing objects in Objective C -

When a user uploads something through my app, then I make an ASIFODRDet object to create POST. When the user is offline, then I would like to send it later by writing an ASI formatdind object. Is there an objective serial like this in Objective-C or do I have to write something from scratch? Yes! It is a very good thing called the NSCoding protocol, how it can be implemented and used, it is available on our local Cocoa site: In essence, you have to implement two methods to define it Do what you want to save and how to restore it, and then it's actually a one-liner for storing your object.

c# - session variable timeout prob -

After logging in, i get the username in the session session after logging in is not blank or displayed in my page To get the user name If the session object is taped, then I create the page again to redirect to the login page. But at some point if I click on any link on any of my pages after login, then I was redirected to the login page, but I am clicking logout button. Why this session creates zero, Wat should be kept to track the session variables on the page, instead I should not clean it by clicking on logout /

mysql - What is the best LALR parser generator for C++ that can generate meaningful error messages -

I'm looking for the best solution for the LRR parser generator for C ++ which I really generate a good error message Will allow. I really hate syntax errors which generate MySQL and I want to get a parser in it and want to change it with a "lint" checker which only me error 1064 (42000 ): There is an error in your SQL syntax; To use near 'users one' on line 1, check the manual related to your MySQL server version for correct syntax I / it's working on Mac or Linux. Why do you need an LLRR? One of the advantages of the LL.K. parser is that they can often be easier to generate clear error messages. Most grammars that can be parsed by the LLR parser can be easily re-processed by an LLP (K) parser. is a popular LLL (K) parser generator that can generate C ++ (as well as the number of other languages): Language application error message And the quality of the recovery strategy is often different between professional application and an amateur appli...

preg replace - With PHP how do you output a textfile into a table along with links -

I have this text file: December 20:15 Naruto December 123 04 17 : 42 Naruto 98 Dec 04 16:19 D Gray Man 001 Dec 04 16:05 Bleach 128 Dec 04 12:13 50 x 50 44 I need to output content to the table Tiles and chapters in the date and time in your column and in the second In addition .. I need to replace the title and chapter with a link which should be formatted in this form: & lt; A href = "/ title / headline chapter" & gt; Headline Chapter & lt; / A & gt; The text file contains the headings for clarification: Naruto Naruto De Gray Man bleach 50 x 50 More chapters are numbers which are the following: 123 98 001 128 44 Read the file and store each row in an array. & lt; Open table & gt tag Remove the date / time / title / chapter using the loop and regex through the array. To get started here is regex - you should modify it slightly to meet your needs: / ^ ([a-zA -Z] {3} \ s \ d {2}) \ s (\ d {2}: \ D {2}) \ ...

How to merge project differences using visual source safe? -

We have two separate projects on our source secure database (one of them is copy for each other for another reason The problem with our branching operation, which did not pin our branched files, so I had to get a label and add it as a separate project) I know how I can see the difference between two projects and I know Is that one There is an intent that we combine the differences in one file (I think "all the melines" will do the trick, but I am not sure) So here is my question that I am in a project from any other project to another How do I merge a file from a file? Using built-in tools why does he do this? .. because it has a lame device This is what I recommend Get the latest of both branches. Get the last version of the code before you slept. (Just look at the date and guess if you have one) Merge a 3-way because you have a base. Adding merged files to merge (or something better than source) I have very old projects in SOURCE to use the built...

iphone - Why can't I capture a screenshot of MPMoviePlayerController? -

I need to capture a screen shot of a video game in the mpmovieplayer controller, but whatever I get is one The red screen is (I created the red background and the cover scene with 0.5 alpha). Here is the code: NSArray * windows = [[UIApplication shared application] window]; If ([windows count]> 1) {UIWindow * moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication shared application] keyWindow]; UIView * coverView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: Movie Player Window.bounds]; [Main Controller Movie player pauses]; // Without that it will not work too! CoverView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; CoverView.alpha = 0.5; [Movieplayerviewview: coverview]; UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (coverView.bounds.size); [CoverView.layer renderInContext: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext ()]; UIImage * Screenshots; Screenshots = UGraphicsGetImageFrintIngeTextEX (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum (screenshot, own, zero, zero); } Any ideas ??? Thanks I was curious about myself ...

c# - Displaying numbers without decimal points -

I want to display a number in a report, although I only want to show decimal numbers if they are present and I Want to show only 1 decimal place? For example, if number is 12 then I want to show 12 If the number is 12.1 then I want to show 12.1 If the number is 12.11 then I would have 12.1 A short time ago I had a similar problem and the answer was to use a format string For when the number changes the string. The way to solve your problem is to use a custom numeric format string of "0 #" double x = 12; Double y = 12.1; Double z = 12.11; Console.WriteLine (x.ToString ("0. #")); Console.WriteLine (y.ToString ("0. #")); Console.WriteLine (z.ToString ("0. #")); gives you the following output: 12.1 12.1

Flash and javascript communication without ExternalInterface -

How can I send javascript from the flash without the external interface You can use. But why do not you want to use ExternalInterface in the first place?

html - Jquery Anchor Elements Moving to New-Line on Hide -

I'm new to jQuery (and in general JavaScript / AJAX) and I'm facing a problem with hidden elements I am When I use the code below the animation works and the element is hidden, but as it is being hidden, it then moves along a new line to everything It also happens with horizontal hide, but not ambiguity. Is there a way to stop it from happening or am I missing something out of elsewhere? The links appear on a line like this: Related Tags: Tags 1 Tag2 Tag 3 Code snippet: HTML & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "test.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Strong & gt; Related tags: & lt; / Strong> & Lt; A href = # & gt; Tag 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = # & gt; Tag 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = # & gt; Tag 3 & lt; / A & gt; (Fun...

How to integrate TinyMCE is Struts application -

Can someone explain the integration of TinyMCE in the Straits app? 1.I downloaded TinyMCE 2. I added tiny_mce.js to my script folder. 3. In my JSP, I have added this line & lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" SRC = "jsp / js / tiny_mce.js"> I have just one text field named "Contact Comments" I still do not see rich text boxes. Ps: Do I have to keep the entire TinyMax folder in my Javascript folder in Project Settings? I just put timy_mce.js This should be something like this: & lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript" SRC = "jsp / js / tiny_mce.js" & gt; & Lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript" SRC = "jsp / js / tiny_mce_config.js" & gt; And then you use the config file to specify the preferences of TinyMCE for that page. If you want TinyMCE to change any text box, then you need priority: mode: "textareas", my whole For example, configure: tinyMCE.init ({// g...

java.util.logging.config -

Is there a way to set the location of the properties file, specifying a JVM param such as- Djava.util.logging . Config.file = Yes, you can configure the LogManager via the Priority API. inputstream inputstream = new file inputstream (""); . LogManager.getLogManager () readConfiguration (InputStream);

How to create a Popup Window in Rebol? -

I tried to apply a save-as-ftp button to the Rebol embedded editor. The save-k-button implementation is: save-as-ftp: has [file-content] [file-content: t1 / text prefs-file: rejoin [_self-path] % Ftp.preferences.txt] Either exists? Prefs-file [prefs-ftp: load prefs-file creation; User Name: Password: "Password:" Server-Path: Ask "Server-Path:"] View View [Original 10x10 Location 8x4 Style BTN BTN 140 FTP-Field: Text Bold "140 Center Pad 0x4 BTN-Enter 140" Save the "#" s [hide-pop-up result: FTP-field / text] BTN Red + 50 "Skip - No save" [Exit from hidden-pop-now]] File-target: Results ftp-target: rejoin [ Ftp: // user ":" password "@" server-path file-target] FTP-target file-content print [" Enter the "File Recording" "upload" file [ftp: // "XXXXXXX" "" XXXXXXX "" @ "server-path]]. True] Seeing my problem is ftp-view: The popup window loses focus ...

validation - How to Indicate Required Fields? -

What is the best way to point out the required fields? Is a red starring enough to have labels in each field? Do you also need to explain to those words which means red star? What if all areas are needed? Do you still have a red star? I think this is a very subjective question. I personally think that the asterisks are quite broad that they do not need an explanation, but can contradict another argument. I am sure. I like putting the word "required" in small text next to the required field, it skirts the first issue and works well with the screen reader. For some great examples, check out this link: Some fields are filling the background color of themselves to avoid. I have seen it on some sites and it is completely incompatible with the screen reader, can give problems to colorful visitors, and can also cause problems on poor LCD monitors.

iphone - Start .mp3 play half way through with AVAudioPlayer -

OK, this is not a simple question (at least not yet) I was working AvAudioPlayer beautifully: I downloaded an MP3 with NSURL connection so that data game with AVAudioPlayer. My question is how can I start playing the aviideo player at an arbitrary point in MP3? I can start downloading an HTTP header and start downloading at an arbitrary point, there is no problem. The information of the first two packet headers of the MP3 download is displayed and it seems that AVAudioPlayer needs to play them correctly similarly if I take a constant MP3 and pulls a section of data from the middle path I do not like the aviadio player. Is there a way that the MP3 encoded straight into the top without any last seam file? Or something more obvious? Do not use AVAudioPlayer Use the core audio You have more control over the audio and it is Can make a game of any selected file. AVAudioPlayer is a very simple class that gives you more control.

cocoa touch - How should we be obtaining user permission for our server to post tweets to Twitter, using OAuth, from the iPhone? -

For an iPhone app, I'm working on a feature that allows users to create automatic tweets I have chosen to use OAuth for twitter authentication. I I successfully posted an OAuth for the app to post my own Has successfully obtained permission by using, and i I can easily see how I can authenticate users and allow the server directly by using a web browser (or UIWebView), with the server responsible for the OAuth function but, This is my research, whether it is possible for the client to receive OAuth permissions and then pass them on the server, which will later be allowed to use them for writing tweets (the way you can The can has been emptied proxy permissions session for Facebook) What is it really possible to do with OAuth / Twitter, or does it defeats the purpose of OAuth (or unsupported by Twitter)? Or is it easy to send OAuth token information to the server as receiving the client? I'm trying to figure out what support is required on the server side before proceedi...

java - Using JSF, JPA and DAO. Without Spring? -

So far, I still work with JSF and JPA without DAO. Now I want to use the DAO. But how can I start EntityManager in DAO classes? Public category AdresseHome {@PersistenceContext Personal EntityManager EntityManager; Public Zero continues (Adresse transientInstance) {log.debug ("Adresse instance" issued); Try {EntityManager.persist (transientInstance); Log.debug ("be successful"); } Hold (runtime expansion) {log. Terror ("frequent failure", again); Throw away; Thanks If your container does not inject EntityManager for you You can get it: EntityManagerFactory Factory; Factory = stability. Couture antimynganger factor ("zapestast"); EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager (); Where "jpatest" from the unit defined in your persistence.xml

c# - How do I protect this function from SQL injection? -

सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक बूल TruncateTable (स्ट्रिंग dbAlias, string tableName) {string sqlStatement = string.format ("truncate table { 0} ", टेबलनाम); वापसी ExecuteNonQuery (dbAlias, sqlStatement)> 0; एसक्यूएल इंजेक्शन से लड़ने के लिए सबसे आम सिफारिश एसक्यूएल क्वेरी पैरामीटर का उपयोग करने के लिए है ( इस मामले में यह गलत जवाब है आप किसी डीडीएल स्टेटमेंट में तालिका नाम के लिए SQL क्वेरी पैरामीटर का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। SQL क्वेरी पैरामीटर केवल एक SQL अभिव्यक्ति में एक शाब्दिक मूल्य के स्थान पर उपयोग किया जा सकता है। यह एसक्यूएल के हर कार्यान्वयन में मानक है। एसक्यूएल इंजेक्शन के खिलाफ की रक्षा करने के लिए मेरी सिफारिश जब आपके पास तालिका नाम है, तो ज्ञात तालिका नामों की सूची के खिलाफ इनपुट स्ट्रिंग को मान्य करना है। आप INFORMATION_SCHEMA से मान्य तालिका नामों की एक सूची प्राप्त कर सकते हैं: चयन तालिका_नाम से सूचना_एससीएचएएमए.Tables जहाँ तालिका की तालिका = 'आधार तालिका' और तालिका_नाम = @tableName अब आप अपने इनपुट वैरिएबल को इस क्वेरी को एक SQL पैराम...

actionscript 3 - Flex/AS3 : Automatically instantiate package classes in an array (plugin classes) -

This is my first time here, but I have already received some good answers, so I want to thank everyone. . / P> I am developing a small flex application and I want to extract every class from one package to the array, so I can parse it later. To clarify, I am trying to reduce a plugin management system for my application, with old canProcess / doProcess routine: My plugins are in one package, which also includes an abstract plugin class. First of all, I prepare an example of every class in this package (where I need help) and put them in an array. Then, whenever I need a plugin for any item, I parsed every plug-in class with the canProcess method (item parameter) in my beginning. If a plugin says yes, then I send the item in two process method and stop parsing the array. I know that I can apply every class in my package by hand, but I do not want to bother doing this. Thx AS3 reflection does not allow you to list all classes in the package. You have to write class names...

HTML form values adding commas in Classic ASP -

I have a classic ASP page that submits itself back. Oddly, the values ​​returned from the selections are being added at the end of all of them. Has there been anything like this before? Any troubleshooting steps or tools are recommended? I am expecting values ​​like the numbers were returned - they have an ID of the values ​​shown in the option. I have checked in the page for the secret comma and can not find any - nor in the data that I am dragging into. (Note - these single choices are not multiple) As you have duplicate form fields, your values ​​are added by adding them to commas, like: name1 name1 = value1, value2 name2 = value3 code > Has no value, it becomes name1 = value1, name2 = value3

Overriding with subclass as a parameter and generics: where is it in Java Lang Spec? -

I have run a Java code similar to the following: Public Interface BaseArg {} Public Class DeriveArg BaseArg {} Public Abstract Class Base Apply & amp; One base order & gt; {A Arg; Zero doIt () {printArg (arg); } Zero printAg (AA) {System.out.println ("base:" + A); }} Public category derivative base & lt; DerivedArg & gt; {Void printArg (DerivedArg a) {System.out.println ("Excluded:" + A); } Public static zero main (string [] args) {derived d = new derived (); D.arg = New DerivedArg (); D.doIt (); }} (Feel free to split it into files and run it). This code ends with the implementation of printArg derived. I realize that this is just a logical thing. However, if I manually execute "erasure" on the generic base, replacing all events in A with BaseEge, overriding breaks. Now I get the version of the print base. It looks like "extinction" is not total - in some way it is not similar to printArg (AA) printarge (Bassierge A...

version control - Using git to find first introduction of token on a specific line of a file -

Assume that I have a file, A.cpp, and I see an error on the line 15 of the file. Suppose the error is a "console" on a function that gives an indicator in a member variable, which means that the use of const on the function is technically correct, but semantic is incorrect. I want to discuss words with the author who made changes. Using GIT, there is a way to find out which modification introduced the "cost" token? More specifically, I want to know who introduced tokens. "Git flaw" shows who made the last change in the line, but I really would like to find the first token command. / P> That's what you are looking for. With this command you can quickly start the content. You start the process with git bisect start , then git good bisector and bad biscar as the current one . Then the system will send you to a version in between, you can check whether there is bad cons, and according to that version, consider that version good or bad....

MongoDB: Is it possible to make a case-insensitive query? -

उदाहरण: & gt; ({ "foo": "बार"}); & Gt; । Db.stuff.find ({ "foo": "बार"}) गिनती (); 1 & gt; । Db.stuff.find ({ "foo": "बार"}) गिनती (); 0 आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं। आपके उदाहरण में होगा: db.stuff.find ({foo: / ^ बार $ / i}); मुझे कहना चाहिए, यद्यपि, शायद आप इसे जितना भी समय पाते हैं उतनी अतिरिक्त लागत के बजाय रास्ते में मूल्य को डाउनकेस (या अपकेस) कर सकते हैं। जाहिर है, यह लोगों के नामों और ऐसे लोगों के लिए काम नहीं करता है, लेकिन हो सकता है कि वे टैग्स जैसे- टैग का उपयोग करें।

c# - Winforms control showing text and supporting individual line coloring -

For the Winforms application, I am looking for control which is able to show the text and supports individual line colors (front and background color per line). For example, I have to have a green background color and line 4 line 1 with red color. Perhaps one of the easiest things you need to do (unless it's just for display is). Set your property to list Each item is the one on which you can set more colors.

java - Exceptions with applications using Sound after installing JMF -

I have a Windows Vista OS. I have installed JmF to work with it .. but it seems that I got some struggle sound and jmf .. because when i installed jmf my projects which use sound ... midi .. scene .. giving exception that they do not have some sound classes .. and when i JMF fired, then everything was fine !! So what will I do? As far as I know, JMF can make everything sound, and more , And better. If you are using JMF, why not upgrade to a single, more powerful API? Is there anything that you can try or will it be very painful to adapt your existing code?

php - Safely getting card number for payment gateway -

I have a payment gateway API for bluepe. My application is in PHP. I have a transaction with this kind of code I am able to process: BP-> is the card number with process (1111111111111111, .....) 111111111111111. Process Function How can I get a card number safely from the user? Where I replace 111111111111111 with a variable that fills in with that user. You must ensure that both card numbers (from the user) and card number (s) on an SSL connection Sending in your gateway) I think your gateway will not allow it in any other way, so * perhaps * is already secure on the transaction CC data anywhere store Also, you need to buy an SSL certificate for your web server, and make sure that All sensitive information sent is encrypted (https: //)You can create an SSL certificate yourself, but it will not make your users feel safe from a filthy fuzzy. It will also not verify who is claiming your site.

C# WPF DataGrid outside Window -

I am creating an application for which a DataGrid may be required It can be hidden, I tried to wrap it in the extension but it is not exactly ideal. Ideally what I want is the ability to "float" DataGrid outside the main window without affecting other controls, and there is a button to hide and show it when necessary. Is this possible? Thank you for your time. You can do this by hitting it in a popup For this change your Ice Open State. However keep in mind that the popup will not rotate with the window.

Run multiple instances of a Popup in ASP.NET -

I have a sticky note application in I have a button with the original button, when I click on the button So sticky notes are opened as popups. I am using the Javascript window to open popups. Open but I can only run one instance at a time. How can I run multiple instances of the window in my application? I have found the answer in (strUrl, strWindowName [, strWindowFeatures]); Use strWindowName as '_blank' for example function Showsteen notes (sender, args) {var width = 205; Var Height = 170; Var left = (screen width - width) / 2; Var top = (screen height - height) / 2; Var Parameters = 'width =' + width + ', height =' height; Parameters + = ', top =' + top + ', left =' + left; Parameters + = ', Directories = No'; Parameters + = ', Location = No'; Parameters + = 'Menubar = No'; Parameters + = ', Rhizjel = No'; Parameters + = ', Scrollbar = No'; Parameters + = ', St...

google maps - The state of GMaps v3 -

I am starting a Google Maps based project and am wondering if the release version of GMaps v3 has most of the features Which is available in v2, or if it is best to stick with v2 now, is there anywhere that is a list of features in v2, which are not yet in v3 - and v3 features which are not in v2. Personally, I would like to avoid using v3 for G3 sites unless you Google does not come out of Labs, as long as you do not get significant benefits from v3 features. The API can change in the code lab. At any time when they are developed, they are not committed to the 3-year boycott policy, and Google's responsibilities in testing and bug fixing are slightly lighter. This is not just theoretical. The change of Get_ and set_ syntax has gone in parallel for only a few weeks. Because v2 is a mature product, syntax changes that break the large number of existing pages if you go with v3 then you have to focus on the possibility of future page-breaking syntax changes. The V3 rele...

.htaccess Multiple redirects -

यह मेरी निर्देशिका संरचना है / home / template / classifieds / listings मैं / टेम्प्लेट छिपाना चाहता हूं और सभी फाइलों को घर पर टेम्पलेट के तहत दिखाना चाहता हूं। जैसे /होम / टाइम्प्लेट / होम.एफ़पीपी या /home/template/style.css होना चाहिए और किसी को कोशिश कर रहा है .php को एक्सेस करने के लिए .php पर वापस जाना चाहिए यदि यह मौजूद है या 404.php अगर यह नहीं है। यह मेरी htaccess थी इसे संभाल करने के लिए। & lt; ifmodule mod_rewrite.c & gt; पुनर्लेखन इंजन पर पुनर्लेखन / पुनर्लेखन पर% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -f पुनर्लेखन कन्वर्ट% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / टेम्प्लेट /.* पीएचपी रीराइटरेबल / $ 1 [एनसी, आर] रीराइटकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -फ रीव्रैटकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -डी रिवेराइट्यूल। /index.php [एल] & lt; / ifModule & gt; विकल्प - आयतें और मेरा php कोड यदि (! File_exists ("template /"। $ पृष्ठ)) include_once "template / 404.php" ; और इसमें शामिल हैं "नील...

c++ - How can I create the tree? -

I am trying to make a BST and it needs to print recurring, post order and preorder. Not sure how to make this tree in my main () function. struct tree_net {Tree_Node * right; Tree_Node * left; Difference information; }; Square bTree {Private: Tree_Node * Route; Public: Beatty (); Zero bTree :: Insert (tree_node * and tree, intestine item); Zero bTree :: preorderPrint (Tree_Node * root); }; BTree :: bTree () {root = NULL; } Void bTree :: Insert (Tree_Node * and tree, int item) {if (tree == NULL) {tree = new Tree_Node; Tree-> OK = null; Tree-> Left = null; Tree-> Information = item; } And if (item & lt; tree-> information) insert (tree-> left, object); And insert (tree-> right, item); } Zero bTree :: preorderPrint (Tree_Node * root) {if (root! = NULL) {cout & lt; & Lt; Root- & gt; Information & lt; & Lt; ""; Preder print (root-> left); Preder print (root-> right); }} Void main () {// This is where I need help // I'm...

html - Why sifr text's swf takes more width than actual text? -

I think the presentation will be faster if we can match the SDF size with the original text width. The font-replacement flash generated by sIFR takes the same place as the replaced HTML element So if the text you are changing for example is inside a h1 tag, sIFR will take the entire space of that h1 element and no The location of the text inside it I think the element of the element that is taking place is 100% width. You can set a border on it ( style = "border: solid 1px black;" ) so you can see the extent of the element.

python - What does first argument to `type` do? -

कुछ कोड। में [1]: ए = प्रकार ('बी' (), {}) में [2]: a = ए () में [3]: b = B () ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- - नाम एंटर ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल का कॉल अंतिम) / होम / शब्दडा / & lt; ipython console & gt; में & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; () NameError: नाम 'बी' परिभाषित नहीं है प्रकार करने से पहले तर्क क्या है? यह बनाया गया वर्ग की __ नाम __ संपत्ति सेट कर रहा है। जब आप कहते हैं: वर्ग बी (ऑब्जेक्ट): दो चीजें उस 'बी' के साथ होती हैं: नाम 'बी' को कक्षा सौंपा गया है। यह ठीक है जैसे आप " बी = ... "। __ नाम __ की संपत्ति वर्ग को 'बी' पर सेट किया गया है। जब आप टाइप कन्स्ट्रक्टर मैन्युअल रूप से केवल मैन्युअल रूप से बाद का आधा किया जाता है। यदि आप परिणाम को 'बी' में निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं तो बी सेट (या अनसेट) से पहले जैसा होता है। ध्यान दें कि इसी तरह का परिणाम कहकर प्राप्त किया जा सकता है: कक्षा बी (ऑब्जेक्ट): पास ए = बी डेल बी अब ए उस वर्ग क...

python - Display data from a table using Django -

Can someone give me a small piece code, where we display data from a table and point me into that code Which do and template / index It shows, in 4 parts, the basics of this structure For your question, a very quick example. In DIF display (request): return to render_to_response ('template .tmpl', {'obj': ( In model: class book (model. Model): author = model.carfield (max_land = 20) title = model. Kharefild (maximum_long = 40) publishing_en = model.tectorfield () in template .tmp: {{}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> {{B.title}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> {{B.publication_year}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; {% Endfor%} & lt; / Table & gt;

build - How to use psake from a batch file? -

What I need is a file, I can double-click which will run the required manufacturing process to use psake . I'm new to psake and powershell so be very fun: -) I now have 3 files: File 1: Build.bat PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File. \ Build.ps1% 1 File 2: Build.ps1 Import-module \ Psake.psm1 invoke-psake \ BuildTasks.ps1 $ args File 3: BuildTasks.ps1 Task Defaults - Defined Verification, Verify That Verification {Write-Host "} Hello! " } Pair {write-host "joe from hello"} Is there no way to merge Build.ps1 and BuildTasks.ps1 into a file? You should be able to do this powershell -Command " & Amp; {import-module. build.ps1 is free from the file. .>

c++ - Using (void*) as a type of an identifier -

In my program, I have objects (of the same class) in which everyone should have a unique identifier with simplicity and performance For, I chose to use the address of the object as the identifier. To keep the types simple, I use (zero *) as a form for this identifier. In the end, I have a code like this: class MyClass {public: typedef void * identity_t; Identity_t id () const {return (zero *) this; }} This is working fine, but GCC gives me a link-aliasing warning. I understand that if the ID was used for data transfer then the code would be bad. Luckily it is not, but the question is, will the code generated for adaptation affect it? And how to avoid warning? Note: I am reluctant to use (char *) , because it will indicate that the user can use the data to copy, which can not do that! You are violating a logical consta, returning an unstable object in the form of an object. Outside the form of Neil, no artist is required. Class MyClass {Public: Type Kanf Worth *...

select - Scroll up/down while selecting multi-page block of text in Vim through putty -

I am using Vime 6.3.81 on ATtelM through Putini. When I use set mouse = a , I can scroll through the file, but can not select text when using mouse set mouse = If the tax is disabled, I can select the text with the mouse (automatically copied to the buffer), but if the text block is longer than one page, then I can not scroll up / down (and one Text in the bar is to select a screen) !! When selecting text with the mouse - there is no way to best of both - if I reach the end of the page, then it automatically scrolls down / down to the top / bottom of the page Has or not and does allow me to choose the text from the next page? I know that Vim is powerful / flexible what I want - I just do not know how !! Can anyone help? When you have set mouse = a , you & Lt; Shift & gt; + Left mouse button to make a selection, & lt; Shift & gt; Paste your code as always on the Wrightmouse . Hope it helps !!

iPhone MapKit error -

I've just started using the mogkit framework I've got a sample code. But when I create the code, it returns the following error. / sourcecache / googlemobilemaps / googlemobilemaps-201 / googlenav / mac / loader .mm: 195 server returned error: 407 this map does not show . I am confused that there is an error in the code or there is some error with Google Service. I have found a solution, we need to add credentials to the user's key piece here Code is NSURLCredentialStorage * credentialStorage = [NSURLLreadedStable Storage Shared CredentialStorage]; // (1) NSURL authentication * new credentials; New Credential = [NSURL Credential Credential with User: @ "myUserName" Password: @ "My PWD" Persistence: NSURLCredentialPersistencePermanent]; // (2) NSURL protection site = mySpaceHTTP = [[Ansuarel security space alloc] initWithProxyHost: @ "ipProxy" Port: Port Type: NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy realm: zero Pramanikrnmase: zero];...

css - jQuery FadeTo causing pixelated text in IE8 when font-weight: bold -

मैं लुप्त होती हूं, और एक div में: $ ('। FormErrors' ) .FadeTo ('तेज', 0); $ ('। फार्मएरर्स')। फीडटो ('धीमी', 1); लेकिन जब मैं यह IE 8 में करता हूं, तो यह सीएसएस का थोड़ा सा लगता है: .formerrows li {font-weight: bold; } इस पाठ को काफी विरूपित वापस आने के कारण हो रहा है: (नीचे चित्र) HTML मैं इसे लागू कर रहा हूं: & lt; div class = "formErrors" & gt; आपके प्रस्तुत करने में त्रुटियां हैं कृपया निम्न को ठीक करें और पुनः प्रयास करें: & lt; ul & gt; & lt; li & gt; कार्रवाई खाली है & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; यह फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में ठीक काम करता है। किसी भी विचार कृपया? एक सामान्य समाधान पृष्ठभूमि रंग को परिभाषित करना है, यदि आपके पास पहले से नहीं है एक छवि: .formErrors {background-color: white;} एक अन्य विकल्प fadeIn का उपयोग करना है और फ़ेडऑट : एनीमेशन बदसूरत है, लेकिन कम से कम यह अच्छी तरह से समाप्त होता है: - Problem with CSS(floating) in ListView ItemTemplate! -

I am new to CSS and there is a problem with styling list view control in the ItemTemplate tag. My project language is RTL (Persian) and I want to set the user image right to the left of the image and his / her Infos. But the result is: And here is the code for ListView: & Lt; ASP: LISTviewview ID = "Nokialistview" runat = "server" datasource id = "objectDataSource 1" & gt; & Lt; LayoutTemplate & gt; & Lt; Img alt = "" src = "./img / group.png" & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; ليست کلي & lt; / Legend & gt; & Lt; ASP: Place Holder ID = "Item Placeholder" Run = "Server" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: place holder & gt; & Lt; / Fieldset & gt; & Lt; / LayoutTemplate & gt; & Lt; ItemSeparatorTemplate & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; & Lt; / ItemSeparatorTemplate &...

c# - Unique file identifier in windows -

File, file names and content modifications for the lifetime of the file? (Windows 2000 and later) Copying a file should copy that it is its unique identifier My application adds different meta-data with different files. If the files are modified, renamed or moved, then the file associations will automatically be able to identify and update it. FileSystemWatcher can provide events that notify these types of changes, though it uses a memory buffer if many file system events are faster, then easily loaded (and Events can be lost). There is no use of a hash because the contents of the file can change, and therefore the hash will change. I thought about using the file creation date, though there are some situations where it will not be unique (i.e. when many files are copied). I have also heard of a file SID (Security ID in the NTFS?), But I'm not sure that it will do the things I see. Any thoughts? If you call, you will get a file id in BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION.n...

ajax - Removing javascript created content -

I have some JavaScript that works behind a navigation menu, the user clicks the NAV button, and some AJAX ignites and brings in some HTML, which I want to do if that link is clicked again, the content written by that particular button is removed from the markup. Does anybody have ideas? My code is currently at $ ("# blog"). Click (function (ev) {ev.preventDefault () var url = $ (this) .attr ("href"); $ .ajax ({url: "index.php / home / category", type: "GET" , Success: function (html) {// alert ("success"); $ ("#ordion"). Append (html);}}};}); $ ("# accordion"). Attachments ($ ("& lt; Div class = 'ajexontend' / & gt;" .append (html)); And then you can easily do $ ('.jaxcontend'). Remove (); . One other option is to $ ('#Adordian: last-child'). Remove (); , but this is a little hack.

java me - CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0,J2SE-1.3 -

How to install / configure the environment "For example, a CDC-1.0 / Foundation 1.0, J2SE-1.3" Windows XP, Linux)? Because I want to run an embedded ADT application which requires this environment. One possibility is to establish an IDE that includes all. What seems most suitable to me is go and look at your site, there are some tutorials on installation, setup and project creation Note that there can be other IDEs to do the same thing, let me know about them I do not have information.

unicode document viewer tool? -

क्या वहाँ एक उपकरण है जो यूनिकोड कोडपॉइंट डिस्प्ले प्रदान करता है? स्पष्ट करने के लिए: मैं एक दस्तावेज़ (या तो एक फ़ाइल प्रदर्शित करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ, या क्या पेस्ट करें उन अक्षरों के अनुरूप codepoints की सूची क्लिपबोर्ड में, और उस दस्तावेज़ के दो दृश्यों को एक बार में, मूल पाठ सहित यूनिकोड वर्णों को सामान्य रूप से प्रदर्शित किया जाता है और यह दोनों दृश्यों में एक अलग-अलग वर्ण को उजागर करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए ताकि मैं देख सकूं कि कौन सी कोडपॉइंट एक विशिष्ट चरित्र से मेल खाती है, जिसमें मुझे दिलचस्पी है। केवल-पढ़ने योग्य विशेषताएं मुझे जो आवश्यकता है, उसके लिए ठीक होगा, लेकिन पढ़ने-लिखना भी अच्छा होगा। निश्चित नहीं है कि अगर ठीक है कि आप क्या पूछें, लेकिन विंडोज के लिए (आपने एक मंच निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया ...), मुझे एक अमूल्य उपकरण मिला।

Visual Studio copy/paste into Outlook with standard formatting? -

I have custom settings in Visual Studio, which includes a dark background copy of Outlook / Paste a mail against the eyes Generates a crime with a dark background in the code on the white background. Do anyone have any idea that I am going to standard VS How can I paste the code in formatting (do not paste the text below with special paste, and do not paste with my custom VS formatting)? (Alternatively, does anyone know a quick way to switch between themes in VS? Thinking can also work ...) The following blog post details how to solve this problem in VS2012:

WCF: referencing a service from script manager issue -

I am working on a project from a local host: 2971 and in the master page I want to include an asp: ScriptReference is hosted on a local host in a WCF service IIS: 5152 & lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Asp: ServiceReference InlineScript = "false" path = "http: // localhost: 5152 / costservascc / scc" /> & lt; / Services & gt; Then I try to call: var service = new sandwich services Service service (); Service.CostOfSandwiches (5, onsite); Error : No element found Source file: http: // localhost: 2971 / CostService.svc / CostOfSandwiches Line: 1 then pointing to the source file 2971? The sample page created on service 2152 works fine. Does anyone know what? Any help will be very much appreciated! & lt ;! - [Endpoint not expedition]: Service '/CostService.svc' does not exist on System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult.BeginRequest on System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncRe...

How do I run MATLAB code on the GPU using CUDA? -

I want to run MATLAB code on GPU using NVIDIA's CUDA. I got some third-party engines: Will someone recommend them or better are out there? Any suggestions or suggestions? Parallel computing toolbox, released with MATLAB R2010b, now has GPU support, which includes surcharge for various applications. An interface with mathematical operations, and pre-existing CUDA kernels. Doctor here:

networking - Can a blackberry app access the internet without restrictions? -

I am about to develop an application for a BlackBerry, which means that any data from a server via a native socket connection Transports from It can be done easily in Java, but I have been told from this perspective that most Blackberry has some restricted internet access and socket connections will not work. Is this true? Generally a BlackBerry has bought a store in North America, which is purchased with a data plan, do they have unrestricted access to internet (in the case of ports)? Unfortunately this is a carrier dependent problem. I know, for example, Rogers Blackberry has access to what you are watching, where I've worked with Bell Blackberry.