
Showing posts from May, 2014

How to redirect stdout and stderr from csh script -

निम्न स्क्रिप्ट के लिए install.csh: #! / Bin / csh -f tar -zxf पायथन-3.1.1.tgz सीडी पायथन-3.1.1। / कॉन्फ़िगर करें सीडी स्थापित करें .. rm -rf पायथन-3.1.1 उद्देश्य का उपयोग: ./ install.csh | & amp; Tee install.log मैं स्क्रिप्ट को कैसे बदल सकता / सकती हूं जिससे कि मुझे अभी भी install.log और कंसोल पर आउटपुट मिलता है, बिना उपयोगकर्ता को रीडायरेक्ट करने के लिए? समाधान 1: प्रत्येक पंक्ति जिसकी आप स्वतंत्र रूप से लॉग इन करना चाहते हैं, टी का उपयोग करें कोड> -ए संलग्न करने के लिए टी के स्विच #! / Bin / csh -f tar -zxf पायथन-3.1.1.tgz | & amp; Tee -a install.log सीडी पायथन-3.1.1 | & amp; Tee -a install.log ./configure | & amp; Tee -a install.log मेक | & amp; Tee -a install.log स्थापित करें | & amp; Tee -a install.log सीडी .. | & amp; Tee -a install.log rm -rf पायथन-3.1.1 | & amp; Tee -a install.log समाधान 2: एक दूसरी स्क्रिप्ट जोड़ें। उदाहरण के लिए, मौजूदा install.csh को install_commands में बदलें, फिर एक नया install.csh स्क्रि...

ajax - use jquery on DOM that has been added afterwards with jquery? -

यहाँ मामला है Jquery AJAX कॉल के साथ मैंने एक नया लिंक जोड़ा & lt; एक आईडी = "new_link> और मैं उस नए जोड़े गए लिंक पर jquery का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ .post ( "स्थिर / जेएस / jquery_call.php", फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ ("# div_id")। Html (डेटा);}); $ ("# new_link") क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {..... (और इसी तरह) लेकिन यह मुझे अनुमति नहीं देता क्योंकि DOM जनरेट करने के बाद यह लिंक जोड़ा गया था। मैं अन्य सभी लिंकों को हेरफेर कर सकता हूं लेकिन नये जोड़ा एक नहीं। मैं कैसे हल कर सकता हूँ यह आपका फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) हैंडलर तब लागू होता है जब एजेक्स अनुरोध समाप्त हो गया है (सभी डेटा मौजूद है)। इस बीच स्क्रिप्ट का निष्पादन जारी है। जिसका अर्थ है कि आपका $ ("# new_link") ... कोड को सबसे अधिक निष्पादित किया जाता है डेटा को डोम में जोड़ा जाने से पहले। फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {} हैंडलर के अंदर या तो अपने $ ("# new_link") कोड का उपयोग करें या कम से कम करें। संपादित करें: उदाहरण कोड $ (दस्तावेज़) .read...

c++ - How do I use QTextBlock? -

I'm totally new in C ++ and QT. I QTextBlocks with a QTextEdit object, how do I do this? Example If I have "fish coming" sentence then how do I put each word in my own QTextBlock and block that block Added to QTextEdit , or have I misunderstood how QTextBlock actually works? QTextEdit via a QString Will add your content: QTextEdit myEdit ("fish are coming"); This also allows you to use a QTextDocument , which holds the blocks of text QTextDocument itself QString can accept: QTextEdit myEdit; QTextDocument * myDocument = New QTextDocument ("fish are coming", & amp; myEdit); MyEdit.setDocument (myDocument); However, "If you need to create a new text block, or if you need to modify the contents of a document while checking its contents, QTextCursor . Use the cursor-based interface provided by> code> instead. "(Note, I've added the QTextBlockFormat lines to clear the blocks.) QTextEdi...

coldfusionbuilder - does the COLDFUSION BUILDER support coldfusion 8? -

मुझे पता है कि ठंडफ्यूज़न बिल्डर को ठंडफेक्शन 9 अनुप्रयोगों के विकास के लिए जारी किया गया है। अब मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि ठंडफ्यूज़न बिल्डर समर्थन COLDFUSION 8 विकास? महान धन्यवाद। आप कोड सहायता आदि के लिए कोल्डफ्यूजन संस्करण को वरीयताओं में बदल सकते हैं। कोल्ड फ्यूजन के अंतर्गत> संपादक प्रोफाइल> संपादक> कोड असिस्ट। विकल्प 7 से 9 के संस्करण हैं।

matlab - Storing Results of a Operation in a Matrix -

Let's say I want to take 1 to 100 (in degrees) sin. From my background, my instinct is for loop 1 to 100 for a loop (some I can do in Matlab) in matrix / vector / array, I will store sin (x) where x The loop is the counter. I do not understand how to do this in Matlab I am making an array x = [1 .. 100]; and then do x [offset] = number here; I know the "right" way in addition to using + to operate like you + and with a function like sin I'm pretty sure that you just do it resultArray = sin (x); I just want to know that I can do in a way that has never come, thus my question is here. :) As others have already indicated that there are also loops in MATLAB . Support for You should give everything you need, how it works. The difference from C is that the loop can go to the object and not only an integer: objects = struct ('name', 'obj1', 'obj2'}, 'field 1' { 'VALUE1', 'value2'}); ...

How to navigate to a directory in C:\ with Cygwin? -

I'm trying to install so I can drag it along. The installation guide had to establish me Using the install command command in the last step is not so in Windows, so I looked at it and I saw that everything was asked to install Sigwin. So i did But ... in the shell C: \ Python 31 \ sip . Can I run it with the sync command? If so, how do I do this? Or can I run it from the normal Windows Command prompt? If so, how would I go about it? Use: CD / Sigrade / C

grammar - Does anyone recognise this unfamiliar notation? -

I have a test in a programming language class that is confusing me. L = {a i b c c | 0 & lt; = I & lt; = J & lt; = I + k} I am quite unfamiliar with this notation. I do not feel anything about the book or my notes, and I do not know how to search Google for answers. If you recognize it, then what is it called and what does it mean? a ^ i just means I repeated repeatedly. So a ^ 2 = A, B ^ 10 = BBBBBBBBBB, etc.

ruby - Rails Community Engine plugin unit tests fail -

Community Engine has installed locally on my Mac, but when I try to install it on my web server I am giving it some trouble. When I run rake test $ [~ / projects / polis] # rack test --trace (/ home / Mculp / projects / polis) ** exam Start (first_time) ** Execute the exam ** Exam demand: Units (first_time) ** DB: Call: Exam (before_time) ** Call: abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time) ** Call the environment (first_time) ** Perform execution ** Perform DB: execute abort_if_pending_migrations ** db: test: ready ** invoke db : Exam: Load: (First_time) ** Call DB: Exam: Pure (First_time) ** Invite Environment ** Execute Db: test: purge ** test invoke: functions (first_time) ** Click on db: Test: prepare ** Execute the exams: functionals / usr / bin / ruby ​​-i "/ home / mculp / projects / polis / lib" -i "/ home / solution / projects / policies / tests" "/ usr / Lib / ruby ​​/ gems / 1.8 / gems / rake-0.8.4 / lib / rake / rake_test_loader.rb "** S...

How to "search file and send result into vim" in one command? -

मैंने इस्तेमाल किया: ढूंढें ~ / web_project -name "config _ *। Php" - प्रिंट | Xargs vim वीम में, कुछ भी ठीक है। लेकिन, अगर बाहर निकलें विम, टर्मिनल फ्रीज हो। मेरा env: osx 10.6, macvim vim $ (find ~ / web_project -name "config _ *। Php") अक्सर मैं अपने खोज आदेश को पहले देखना चाहता हूं, इसलिए खोज ~ / web_project -name "config _ *। Php" vim $ (!!)

NSFetchedResultsController fetching and displaying results combined from two entities iPhone SDK -

I am trying to improve a TODO app for iPhone. I have two institutions, 1. Project 2. Project There may be many tasks in one project, but one can not have any project or one in the work. I am trying to use NSFetchedResultsController in the same UITableView Is it possible to get two entities and it is possible to display / sort them from the same UITWview? Definitely I can not fully understand, but you can find projects in the same UITWview and Trying to display Task? From the top of my head, I would say that you want to create an abstract unit, "displayable" or something like that, and make it the parents of its work and project entities (assuming they have their tables Display the same in the Weave) then get them all and you will have your entire result set. Note that I have not tried to do this myself, but you should do it in principle. Alternatively, if this is not an option, then you can use two NSFatted Result Controllers, for each unit, and just a...

jquery - Apply conditional statements within string output in JavaScript -

I am using an XML plugin whose name is "" to parse XML file: $ ('# content'). JParse ({ajaxOpts: {url: 'data.xml'}, elementTag: ['title', 'description'], output: '& lt; h2 & gt; jpet0 & lt; / h2 & gt; & lt; p & Gt; jpet1 & lt; / p & gt; '}); As you can see, the "Jap" variable is correlated with the elementTag array. How do I see if the jeepet contains data $ ('# content')) This does not work: JP ({ajaxOpts: {url: 'data.xml'}, elementTag: ['title', 'description', 'extra'], output: if (jpet0) {'& lt; h2 & gt; ; Jpet0 '} +' & lt; p & gt; jpet1 & lt; / p & gt; & lt; / p & gt; If I understand the docs properly, then it should work: $ ('# content'). JParse ({ajaxOpts: {Url: 'data.xml'}, elementTag: [{elem: 'title', format: function (title) {if (title! = '...

java - Updating position of JSlider Swing -

apologized for posting too many questions. I am trying to get a JSlider to update my position based on the constantly updated variables. Set Value (N) method does not seem to work. Is there any alternative? We are using it as a time marker for a music player. provided that you have correctly configured the minimum and maximum value, setValue () will work JSlider , so make sure that you are not typing above if your code is reacting to any UI event, then you Dispatches are on thread and should return back as soon as possible. There is a lot on the web for this to make an expensive calculation on the background thread.

c# - Is there a function that returns index where RegEx match starts? -

I have a string of 15 characters long, I'm matching regular patterns with some expression on it. I want to know the situation where IsMatch () function return is correct. Question: Is there a function that returns the index For multiple matches, you can use a code like this: Reggaex Rx = new Reggae (" as "); Matching matches in Rx ("as in" as ")). {Int i = match.Index;}

xml - MICROSOFT.XMLDOM -- selecting a node that contains a specific node -

यहां एक्सएमएल से एक उद्धरण है: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0 "एन्कोडिंग =" यूटीएफ -8 "? & Gt; & LT; usa_map_locator & gt; & LT; map_data & gt; & LT; राज्य & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 2 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; लिंक / & gt; & Lt; / राज्य & gt; & LT; राज्य & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 3 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; लिंक / & gt; & Lt; / राज्य & gt; & Lt; / map_data & gt; & Lt; / usa_map_locator & gt; मुझे राज्य 2 (या 3 या 4 या 5 और इसी तरह) के लिए लिंक नोड में एक मान देना होगा। मैं स्रोत एक्सएमएल पढ़ने के लिए माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। एक्सएमएलडीएम ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और इसे पूरा करने के लिए सही विधि (ओं) की आवश्यकता है। itemprop = "text"> doc.selectSingleNode ("/ usa_map_locator / map_data / state / id [। = '2'] :: पैरेंट () / लिंक")। InnerText = "link value";

php - MySQL: keep server timezone or user timezone? -

I am thinking of storing user login dates on my site, but I do not know what is the most logical Is the solution Initially, although I used to use the server timezone, and then to manage the difference between the server machine date and the date of the user machine, but I used it in timezone And php class date, therefore: I have to ask, what is the best solution, how to keep server timezone or use user timezone? And if I use the user's timezone, then do I have the name of the time as an example like me? I want to use server time zones or UTC instead of collecting individual data As such, for every user, your database will be fully compatible, and for every entry you get, to get the user_timezone column and convert it (which is not completely free Some actions can be done without comparison. - How to make linkbutton control in gridview open an new ie window -

मुझे & lt; asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "ename" & gt; & Lt; आइटममेटलेट & gt; & Lt; asp: Label ID = "lbl2" text = '& lt;% # Eval ("आईडी")% & gt; Runat = "सर्वर" & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: लेबल & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स आईडी = "टेक्स्टबॉक्स 1" टेक्स्ट = '& lt;% # Eval ("name")% & gt;' Runat = "सर्वर" & gt; & lt; / asp: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: लिंकबटन आईडी = "लिंक 1" टेक्स्ट = '& lt;% # Eval ("name")% & gt;' Runat = "सर्वर" & gt; & lt; / asp: LinkButton & gt; & Lt; / EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: TemplateField & gt; मेरे पास हालत ( के आधार पर आइटमटैप्लेट संपादित करें में एक टेक्स्टबॉक्स और लिंक बटन है (यदि टेक्स्ट = '& lt;% # ईवाल ("आईडी")%> ...

rest - Real Time Twitter Status -

I'm looking to write a Twitter app, and I need to get real-time (or as close as possible) updates . The official REST API only allows up to 100 calls / hour or more, and if I want to get more position, then only a couple of doubles users want to add it very fast, besides requesting a 30-second composite Looks like a disabled and unmanageable solution. Twitter & lt; -> There is a possibility of a near-realtime update of the Facebook app, though definitely they are using purple things Does anybody know whether the accessory method (REST / RSS / etc) will be the best for this? For this kind of Twitter usage (conditions / filters) some levels of access need approval is.

c++ - Using AlphaBlend() and FillRect() -

So, I am using to copy a rectangle with a Actimaimap other (). This works, but there is a problem whenever I use the FillRect () function, then the alpha value in HBITMAP exits from 0. every time. So I have to reset Get_BBits (), alpha to 255, and then Set-B-Beats (), after all types of calls, Filler like Win32 api Filler () So, there is a way to go to make a HBRUSH or draw values ​​FillRect () to Touch alpha channel Acbiaitimapi? With the exception of Alfabilde ... Bitblat only another GDI function any kind of alpha which is Will preserve the channel. Your choices are basically so: Switch using Dibaisekshn it will not solve the basic problem of overwiting GDI API alpha channel, But as a DIBSection, you can avoid the expensive DDB-> DIB-DDB-change necessary to make alpha channel patch up to you. Disksigns provide you access to an HBITMAP and a memory section, where bitmap bits with Rhit is. Use an alpha familiar painting API instead of GDI.

continuous integration - Can hudson be configured to continue rest of build steps if one fails? -

I do not expect it to be useful in my day-to-day workflow, but when initially configure projects for Hudson There are times when I want to be able to try it all the construction steps - not only stop it after the first failure. Again, I am not advocating it for everyday use - just for the configuration of the build. (One of my projects takes about an hour or more, and I do not want to run independently again by fixing each build phase - I would like to fix them all in parallel. How to tell Hudson when someone fails to continue the build steps? Now the best solution is to modify to fix whatever you want A is an open increment request

Responder actions and responder chain -

I'm relatively new to iPhone coding, though I reach the point of working on the real (hopefully) salable app Gone But the one thing that is still mysterious is the reply series, references it to all the books, but I have not figured out how to modify that series. Another curiosity is that, when the first responder icon is clicked in the IB, some hook box comes with all the options to hook some types, but I have never got any explanation about it. Is anyone aware of the deeper details of this liability process?

javascript - What's the best way to call a function in YUI3 only if a series o XHR (IO) requests are successful? -

I think this question is not specific to YUI only, but this is the JS library I am using and A specific answer may be helpful. Actually when a page loads, I want to run some XHRs using a script using, and if they want to successfully return all data, I want to move to the next step, which will manipulate the data received. I can think of some ways of doing this, but all of them seem strange to me and I hope someone has a better suggestion. My thoughts are so far: I consolidate all the data in a JSON reaction, so if that one request is good, then go ahead. (I like this solution at least) When the request is successful for the first time, make the next call, and so on, and when the last successful, I know that everything has been successful and is moving forward. The next step of the script. Is there any better idea? I'm not really liking any of my time this time, but I'm tilting towards alternative two. You do not have to queue calls just send...

linux - Can I programmatically pick and choose which core of a multi-core CPU my thread should run on? -

Or is it controlled by the operating system? I have heard that there is inherent features to go for that granular for a programmer in new go language from Google or have I misunderstood it? For Linux OS, shade_set affinity is your answer, this is Linux kernel 2.5. Supported since 8th. Name schedule_setaffinity, set_getaffinity - set and get a CPU affinity mask of a process #define _GNU_SOURCE # Include & lt; Schedule.h & gt; Int shade_sestifinity (pd_t pid, size_t cpuset, cpu_set_t * mask); Int shade-gatefinity (pd_t pid, size_t cpuset, cpu_set_t * mask); Affinity mask is actually a per-thread feature that can be adjusted independently in a thread group for each thread, given to Getitid (2) received from the call Argument can be given in logic. Specifying PID as 0 will set the attribute for the calling thread, and set the attribute for the main thread of the thread group to return the value returned by getpid (2) to the call Will. (If you are using the pos...

javascript - jquery, performance-wise what is faster getElementById or jquery selector? -

प्रदर्शन के अनुसार क्या बेहतर है document.getElementById ('elementId') या $ ('# एलिमेंटआईडी') ? मैं अपने द्वारा गति की गणना कैसे कर सकता हूं? यदि आप प्रदर्शन के बारे में चिंतित हैं, तो मूल getElementById बहुत अधिक है तेज़ी से, लेकिन jQuery बहुत सारी सामानों तक आपको बहुत आसान पहुंच देता है इसलिए, आप ऐसा कुछ करना चाह सकते हैं: $ (document.getElementById ("some_id")) .jQueryCall (); यह आपको बेहतर प्रदर्शन देगा, और साथ ही, आप jQuery का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देते हैं। - Can't get access to page class from control -

itemprop = "text"> I have created a new web site project Some helpful categories are in the App_Code folder The page is in the root User Control Root folder in UserControls All page squares are defined in the MyProjectName.Pages namespace. All user control classes are defined in the MyProjectName.UserControls namespace. I can access controls from my pages, but I can not access page classes with my own controls! I use the page property and try to put it in the mpage class (directives using micronsnonym. Page in the beginning). Here the compiler says, there is no type or namespace page in the MyProjectName namespace. In addition, I do not see these namespaces (MyPoCigen.Pages and MiproSnnam.User Controls) in the Object Viewer. Should I take control of my control and pages anywhere in order to gain the ability to use Page Classes in control? Your best bet is to switch from a web site to a web project. The website "Project" is a Microsoft Foster child int...

.net - Program for all languages -

I want to write a collection of all the methods which Java can be used by all languages. Net, PHP, Javascript etc. I have thought about using wcf or web services ... what are my other options? I would like to be in a web service solution because it will be available for all languages, which will be available for these services. Contrary programs that include both client-side scripts such as JavaScript, server side, such as PHP and general desktop application languages Consumption of SOAP services is easy and widely accessible You can consider an original http implementation, but to get the same thing as the SOAP service It will be very laborious work. However, some languages ​​may not be able to consume SOAP services but will be able to make an HTTP request.

c++ - How to output IEEE-754 format integer as a float -

I have an unsigned long integer value that represents a float using the IEEE-754 format. What is the fast way to print it as a float in C ++? I know one side, but I'm surprised that there is a convenient utility in C ++ that would be better. The example I know is the example: union (unsigned long ul; float f;) u; u.ul = 1084227584; // in hex, This 0x40A00000 cot is (This is the "float value: 5" The union method you suggested was the normal route, which most people take However, it is technically a different member than undefined behavior C / C ++ However, it has been written recently. In spite of this, though, it is well supported in many compilers. Casting Points, like, is a bad idea - which is the rule of C An aggressive optimizing compiler will produce the wrong code for this because it assumes that the type indicator unsigned long * and float * Will not nominate. In terms of standards, the most correct method is to follow compliance (which...

excel vba - VBA Clean use of many Constants -

My Excel VBA ~ takes 300 xls file and grabs 8 cells to submit it to its line (Office11) I have several sub-screens and functions that use location constants for source data and destination. In the Grand Total I have 23 continuous locations with column number, cell place. Question: Any suggestion on how to clean it to keep readability and all at one place? I was trying to avoid the public variable, but how to arrays with stable values ​​not ensured in a better way? Particular example, the string pstrQLocations (1 to 8) as the string pstrQLocations (1) = "B7" pstrQLocations (2) = "B6" pstrQLocations (3) = "b5" pstrQLocations (4) = "b8" pstrQLocations (5) = "A3" pstrQLocations (6) = "C8" You can store your constants in a archive The advantage is , That you can give the names of your elements "B6", "user" end sub private sub-show () initialize debug debuggable. Print. Cat...

javascript - self-hosted online photo editor? -

I'm looking for an online photo editor (javascript) or (Flash) but I One is the one which I can host on my server .. I was searching for some time but no result .. I also got the idea behind the Likes but its so expensive You can see that you can either allow self-host or if it Some other way they can work for you, they mention any kind of "pro plan" for $ 24.99 / year. Why do you need to host it on your own server?

cocoa - LSUIElement behaves inconsistently with activateIgnoringOtherApps -

Specifically, this text behaves incompatible with field focus. I have an LSUIElement, picking up a status menu. There is a view in the menu that has a text field. The text field should be selectable - must not be selected by default, but whatever. When the status item is clicked, it triggers [ignoring NSAP activationOtherApps: yes]; And it works for about half an hour. * The other half position menu is considered "in the background" and I do not even notice the text field, click on it (I know that the status item is firing to click-trigger / NSLog on it). Does the apple handle things in these situations or is I'm activating Ignoring? Other exploration? * In fact, it seems that after the activation of any other app only fail for the first time. After that it works fine. Full snippet: - Display the popup menu associated with the status (i.e.) sender {// status item} (zero) status. [StatusPopupStatusItemMenu: statusMenu]; // Activate * after showing th...

Message Box in ASP.NET -

How do I display message boxes within the content page? After updating the profile..I want to display a message box in the content page .. Please give your suggestion .. Thanks in advance. To create a warning box outside the content content page, Trying to inject. The only way one should work to do this is to inject javascript at the master page level. To do this, you expose a method that behaves like the following: Public Zero ShowAlertMessage (string message) {string Warning = String. Format ("& lt; script language = 'javascript'> Alert ('{0}'; & lt; / script & gt;", message); Page Client script. Registry startupscript (this .gate type), "key", alert script, incorrect); } Then from the content page, you can call this method on the master object: Secure void UpdateProfile_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) { YourMasterPage Master = (YourMasterPage) Master; Master.ShowMessage ("Profile Updates."); } ...

inheritance - Rails Changing Polymorphic Type Of An Object -

We have a parent model vehicle that is inherited to create a class car, truck, SUV. In our form, we allow the user to edit the data for a group of vehicles, and there is a selection menu for "type" one of the attributes for each vehicle. The HTML feature has been named the type of vehicle and the actual polymorphic type has been updated in the vehicle model: # Go / Set type BC Rail does not allow: Type Type the vehicle in the DRF vehicle selftype type Def vehicle type = (type) self.type = type end Our problem is that when we call update_attributes on form data and the current vehicle's Type changed, Rail Pur Nay is calling for verification of class (not new type) which results in errors, what do we have to do when the vehicle_type is changed, then the model is also changed to that new type Is there any way to do this? There is an updated action here (in the fleet / more vehicles): # PUT / fleet / 1 # PUT /fleet/1.xml def update @fleet = Fleet.find (param...

sql - Search literal within a word -

Is FULLTEXT a way to execute a search that is found in terms ? Code> Blah, Blah, literally, blah blahliteralblah blah, blah, literal Please note that there is no place after a comma. I want all three cases to be returned. I think the array of entries should be improved and then manipulating the text on the received data (No search in this case)! Because any text manipulation or complex query takes more resources and if your database contains too much data, the query becomes very slow! In addition, if you are running your query on a shared server, performance issues are increasing! After you get the data from the database, you can try to do with regex! Update: My suggestion is the same, even if you're running your script on a dedicated server! However, if you want to search full-text of the word "verbatim" in the Boolean mode, as you have described, you can remove the + operator (because you are searching only one word ) And...

flex - Accurate BPM event listener in AS3 -

I am trying to synchronize the animation to music on a specific BPM. I tried to use the timer but when working with small intervals in milliseconds it is not true I read something and is an alternative method that uses a small silent audio file and SOUND_COMPLETE event as a timer. I have used 167ms long sound file with this code. package {import; Import; Import Flash. Media. Sound; Import Flash. Media. Sound channel; Import; Public Class Best Timer EventDispatcher {private var silent Sound: Sound; Public Function Best Timer (silent sand URL: string): zero {super (); MuteSound = new sound (new URLRequest (silentSoundUrl)); MuteSound AddEventListener (Event.Complete, Start); } Start Public Function (): Zero {this.timerFired (New Event ("Start")); } Private Function TimerFide (E: Event): Zero {Dispatches (New Event ("Fire")); Var Channel: SoundChannel = (); Channel.addEventList...

c - Regarding macros -

I know what is the problem using the X-macro code define # FILL_BUFF_1 (int *) (0x01, 0x02) #define FILL_BUFF_2 (int *) (0x03, 0x04) #define X (A, B) #define LOOK_UP \ X (0x13, FILL_BUFF_1), \ x (0x14 , FILL_BUFF_2) # Undef X #define X (a, b) An int pid_table [2] = {LOOK_UP}; #undef x #define x (a, b) b int * pid_buff_ptr [2] = {LOOK_UP}; Zero main (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {printf ("% d", (pid_buff_ptr + 0)); // displayed 0x02 printf ("% d", (pid_buff_ptr + 1)); // displayed 0x04 printf ("% d", * (pid_buff_ptr [0] + 1)); // do not work} How do I create code above to access other elements in buffer? I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but if I'm right properly estimated, you pid_buff_ptr includes an array of variable If so, you # need to change, FILL_BUFF_1 (int *) (0x01, 0x02) #define FILL_BUFF_2 (int *) (0x03, 0x04) #define FILL_BUFF_1 define {0x01, 0x02} #define FILL_BUFF_2 {0x03, 0x04} the following cha...

version control - Subversion oddity - svn info revision higher than last changed rev on project folder -

I'm not understood anything. There is a working copy of my project - updated svn update (which says: update for the 18th amendment), I know that this is the latest when I click on the svn info , the amendment is 1895, but the last modified Rev 1888 is. Inspecting logs using TortoiseSVN shows as 1888 final revision, there is no trace of 1895. In 1895 a svn log is empty, and between 1895 and 1888, a svn diff is also empty, that is, there is no difference. How did I end up with some rogue amendments that have not really changed anything? It basically produces the build server (thinks it is in 1888) with my MSBuild SvnVersion function being out of sync (thinks the modification is 1895). Any suggestions appreciated. Edit: If the amendment will always show the latest amendments for the entire repository, it means that the SVN Varsian MSBuild function (which uses svnversion.exe but similar Things like showing behavior) do not show correct correction when you have a mu...

php - Zend_Form Over ridding default decorators -

I'm having trouble releasing the default set of decorators with Zend_Form. I am trying to expand Zend_Form to implement a different decorator style. class CRM_Form extends Zend_Form {public function init ()) {$ this- & gt; SetDisableLoadDefaultDecorators (true); $ This- & gt; Ed decokers ('form elements') - & gt; Ad decouter ('form'); $ This- & gt; SetElementDecorators (array ('viewer', 'label', 'errors', new Zend_Form_Decorator_HtmlTag (array ('tag' => gt; 'p'))); }} When I try to use this category: $ form = new CRM_form (); $ Form & gt; SetAction ('/') - & gt; SetMethod ('post'); $ Id = $ form- & gt; Create element ('text', 'id') - & gt; SetLabel ('id:'); $ Form & gt; AddElement ($ id); The old decorator (definition list) is used instead of the old paragraph style. If I add an element () to the init () method of the CRM_form cl...

ms access - Can I combine these two SQL queries into single query? -

Can I add these two SQL queries to a question? query1 optional table table ADD data integration; query2 update table one set = date date ("m", [call_date], # 12/1/2009 #); Not the first one is actually a 'query' it is a statement

linux - How does a process come to know that it has received a signal -

Please correct me if I am wrong. Here is my understanding about the signs: As far as I know, there are 2 different things in signal generation and signal delivery. To generate a signal, process control of the OS process Set bit in bitarre made in block (PCB). Each bit corresponds to a particular signal, and when a bit is set, it means that the signal corresponding to the bit is pending. Delivery: Before transferring a process back into user mode, the kernel always checks the pending signals for this process should be checked at the kernel location, because some signals are not ignored by any process That is - SIGSTOP and SIGKILL. This means that the signal can only be delivered in one process when the kernel decides what to do, ie is it allocating the CPU? When a CPU is actually implemented, can any process get a hint? If so, how is it possible how the process knows that a signal is pending for it (because it is executed in user mode and can not reach PCB) Say multi proce...

optimization - SQL speed SSRS optional fields -

I am returning the results from the following query which is taking too much time while I am not running, I am not sure when the use of SSRS How to eliminate the parameters that are not to be done. All @Various strings are S.SBSB_ID, LTRIM (RTRIM (M.MEME_FIRST_NAME)) as the name '+' RTRIM (M.MEME_LAST_NAME)) (Case M. MEME_REL WHEN 'M' then 'Subscriber' when 's' then 'son' when 'd' then 'daughter' when 'w' then 'wife' when 'h' then 'husband' when 'o' then 'other' m Iandi) SS relations, (case Apiarpiar_aidi as 'unnecessary' and Sielsiel_ PA_ACNGNO ELSE Eltiaraim (Peepiarpiardiadiiandiidi)) Pronnam, Eltiaraim (Artiaimm (l. Seedeediel_ CUR_STS ) As per CMCCSISBSBSBSBS S Inner on CSCMCMCMMMMair M on SSBSCB = MBBSBKKInnerCMCCCDDLCL_LNLEMMKK = MMMKNNERPRPRIID = LPPRIIDPPOPIDIDID = L . Join PRPRIID Join CMCCLCLAQUIM at ACLCLIID = ElCLCL_ID where in the '%...

python - How do I distinguish "module not found" from "module threw exception" on ImportError? -

पायथन में, आयात does_not_exist उठता है importError , और आयात मौजूद है : आयात does_not_exist भी ImportError बढ़ाएगा। मैं कोड में अंतर कैसे बताऊँ? मुझे पता है कि एकमात्र तरीका यह है कि क्या टोपीवल मॉड्यूलनम" मौजूद है "अपवाद के संदेश में है या नहीं: try: importError के अलावा आयात मौजूद है Exc के रूप में: यदि str (exc) में "मौजूद" है: पास करें: raise क्या यह पायथन के आयात के लिए एक सुविधा का अनुरोध हो सकता है? मॉड्यूल नाम के लिए एक चर होने के कारण निश्चित रूप से सुविधाजनक होगा ..

visual studio - Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild -

How can I get rid of this error, I am using Visual Studio 2008 because some of my VB projects in 2010 Will not open A VS2008 project file Where ToolsVersion .net framework indicates the tool version. VS2010 uses .4, so the version of your devices has clearly made changes in this way. I hope that opening your project file in Notepad and resetting the device to version 3.5 will clear the problem. Are the other inconsistencies behind the others secret, I can not say.

c# - How do I receive mouse move events while showing a ContextMenuStrip? -

I am using ContextMenuStrip to show the user some options when they mouse Keeping the cell in the MouseMove from the table is going through the form of the control parameter in the table by calling the method (Control, Int, Int) method. If the app is not active, then everything works with purpose; But if the app is active, then the firing ceases once, when MouseMove event ContextMenuStrip is shown. How do I show mouse move events in ContextMenuStrip? I do not want to add hooks or to filter an application, I just want the inactive app behavior whenever the app is active. This is not just a mouse capture, which would be easy to work around. There is an internal class called "ModelManFilters", which is activated when a toolstreet dropdown is displayed which filters out different messages. This works with WM_MOUSEMOVE using SetWindowsHookEx () This works when your app is not active because this hook is only installed when your form is activated. None of th...

OpenGL ES - Get current blendFunc -

मुझे ऐसा कुछ करना है: currentBlendFunc = glGetCurrentBlendFunc (); ग्लबलफेंक (जीएलआईसीआरसी_एएलपीएचए, जीएल_ओएनएमआईएनयूएसआईएसयूआरसीसीएएलएपीएचए); // [...] करते हैं सामग्री glBlendFunc (currentBlendFunc.src, currentBlendFunc.dest); क्या वर्तमान मिक्स फ़र्क पाने का कोई तरीका है? आप जिस कार्य के लिए देख रहे हैं, उसके अनुसार जीएल_BLEND_SRC, जीएल_BLEND_DST का तर्क है। ओपनजीएल की एक annoyances यह है कि प्राप्त और सेट (अन्य बातों के बीच) से मेल नहीं खाते हैं।

iphone sdk 3.0 - Check if a UIAlertView is visible -

I have a situation where I want to pop up a warning view, but the event which shows the warning view May be as often as every 5 seconds. I was not a stack of warning scenes to right click on the user, so I was thinking. How do you check whether any UIAlertView is currently showing? You can have a reference for it or you can set a flag in your alert rep. When you open the warning, set the flag to the right and when the alert says that its dismissal representative fashion flips it in the form of a glimpse. To determine the status of the flag, check that a warning is currently open. If you think this is possible, then you might end up with the alert stack, which you want to think back to your design. Your user will not like to be hit with the warning dialog after the warning dialog mvc run on part of website -

I have an ongoing website with asp net 3.5. I was using ASP.NET ajaxtoolkit for some time with updated panels and I'm starting to get tired of it so I have started to look at MVC and jQuery instead. It looks great! My website is quite large and it will take a lot of time to re-create everything in MVC so my question is, can I now use MVC when adding new pages to my website and Then from the stage can I change the contents of the entire website? Or does the MVCC need to run the entire website MVC at the same time? This can be done, check out Scott Hanselman or Scott Guthrie, which has blog posts about Has been reported. EDIT: There is an article by Hanselman which is dynamic as well as both of the data

javascript - Hiding element after firing click handler -

Say that to add a clickable image after a set of elements, I have the following code when clicked So every time the click is done the image which is clicked, which I do not want. I think hiding the image using .hide () in click handler is an approach, but I can not understand how the IMG element is referred to in the click handler. Help? Thanks $ (...). After ($ ('& lt; img src = "..." />') .css ("cursor", "indicator"). Etter ("title", "click here ..."). Click (function () {...} Give the image a unique ID: $ (...) .after ($ ('& lt; img id = "Myimage" src = "..." /> ; ') .css ("cursor", "pointer") .attr ("title", "click here ..."). (Function () {var img = $ (' # myimage ');}

cocoa - Pragmatic way of handling mouse in Core Animation layers -

I am starting to work with core animation and I wonder how different types Mouse CALayer Exclude a CALayer For now on CALayer for now I'm focusing on the mouseDown message sent to my custom view as per the documentation. On a set with your original layer ( [customView setLayer: rootLayer] -HitTest: (CGPo Int should be called. It should return the front layer in the tree which is in the position specified by the point. So I did this: [Routehere Hit Test: [Event Location In Windows]] But that does not work. It seems that if I just click on RouteLayer Otherwise, it just gives null , of course the subliders are added to the root layer (in fact they are ready) Te) What am I missing coordinate conversion of some sort? Also, is this a way to handle mouse clicks? Whenever a mouse enters the cell, then do I have to keep the hit test for every movement of the mouse update? Thanks in advance You can see how we can mouse / Handle touch events. ...

symfony1 - Do I need to modify httpd.conf to get symfony to wor -

Can anyone tell me whether it is necessary to modify httpd.conf to work for symphony? I'm following a tutorial that says that I have to edit the httpd.conf file but my provider does not give me access to that file to tutrial: surname If you already have a website on a domain name, and if you want your symphony app within this domain to be accessed, The virtual host solution can not work. For example, suppose you want to access our symphony application in such a way: To do this, open httpd.conf and add the following lines: You can install Siemphoni without access to http.conf. If your provider allows you to select a Web root directory, then select your app / web directory if the root directory is fixed, then create a link on your app / web if you are looking for images of the development bar If you want to gain access, then insert a link for Lib / Vendor / Symphony / Data / Web / SF in Web / SF.

casting - portable signed/unsigned byte cast,C++ -

I am using unsigned byte (int8_t) cast sign to pack byte. uint32_t (Uint8_t (byte)) & lt; & Lt; N This works on Intel Linux using GCC. Is portable for other platforms / compilers, for example PowerPC? Is there a better way to do it? It is not possible to use bits in my case. I am using boost / cstdint.hpp > Boost Integer Library So, yes, typingfesses are portable (cross-platform.) The purpose of the header is to implement C99's CDR stdint.h functionality. From: Header TypingFeaf is useful for writing portable code that requires some integer width, all typingfix namespaces are in progress.

Help with rails and tinyMce -

I'm using the tinyMce_hammer plugin to use tinymce in my rail app ... but still for me Want a way to upload photos to users and put them in your wysiwyg editor .... Is this an easy way of doing it? .. is there any other wild editor who works with rail and comes with this feature ?? You claim to give them - Rail 2.3 - Rail 3 -

perl - What happens when you put an array on the right side of a => operator? -

It may look like a stupid question but it's been a long day. I'm optimizing some Perl code for another use and I ran on this syntax: my @request; # ... Fill the array with the content ... my $ answer = $ service-> Call ('Request Message' = & gt; @ Request, $ Title); This method is impossible to call, if = & gt; is only a special type of comma and the @ request list is launched in the list. Is it really equivalent to this: My $ answer = $ service-> Call ('Request Message' = & gt; \ @ Request, $ Header); What's going on here? Edit: Thanks for the answer I know very well about the difference between value and near distance from context. I was asking that the price was being converted from one clear pass reference to one pass. apparently not. thanks for answering. Code in question: My $ answer = $ service- is not equal to: my $ answer = $ service-> gt; ; Call ('requestMessage' = & gt; \ @ r...

c# - SOA Architecture Real-World Samples with .NET -

Real-world samples with .NET to start a SOA architecture (N-level)? I recommend starting a .net app with WCF. Get involved with WCF, its benefit is to display a service endpoint as many binding as exposure to http, tcp, etc., so you can enable SOA in your app. I should be exposed to UML as a functionality service. I think there is no silver bullet code for SOA, SOA is about design institutions, so that the services can be exposed which monitors the handling of the applications institutions' responsibilities. For example, in order to seek flight booking, your SOA service must disclose the contract with all the necessary data to handle service requests. This next service, all necessary for the flight of the book The data will return. The # 21-Association Orientation article today and tomorrow is an excellent article about a SOA written by Hatay Tuna. The SOA is about logic, design, arguments Equipe, is not about code, supports code orientation.

javascript - sending other input with $_FILES php -

I am uploading a file using the following jquery .. function Ajax file upload (job) {$ ("# loading") .jaxstart (function () {$ (this). Show ();}). Jax full (function () {$ (this) .hide (); }); $ .ajaxFileUpload ({url: 'addjobrpc.php', secure: incorrect, job id: job, file element id: 'filetupload', datatype: 'jason', success: function (data, position) {$ ('# imaged'). Val (data.imageid); if (typeof (data.error)! = 'Undefined') {if (data.error! = '') {Alert (data.error);} else {alert (data.msg); }}}, Error: function (data, position, e) {warning (e);}}) return false; My form looks like this ... & lt; Form name = "form" action = "" method = "post" enctype = "multipartile / form-data" & gt; I get the file name with $ $ FILES ['fileToUpload'] ['name']; But how do I get an input that is not part of a file upload? For example Jobid is a hidden field but I ca...

version - How to know which Linux Distribution I'm using? -

में ले जाया गया मैं किस Linux वितरण का उपयोग कर रहा हूं? Uname -a Linux देता है 2.6.9-42.0.3.EL.wh1smp # 1 एसएमपी शुक्रवार 14 अगस्त 15:48:17 एमडीटी 200 9 i686 i686 i386 जीएनयू / लिनक्स मैं कैसे जान सकता हूं कि यह उबंटू / डेबियन / फेडोरा है या Redhat? मैं /etc/init.d/serviced serevices को पुनरारंभ करने के लिए पुनरारंभ का उपयोग करता है, ऐसा लगता है कि यह Redhat परिवार नहीं है अद्यतन: [~] $ Cat / etc / issue cat: / etc / issue: ऐसी कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका नहीं है [~] $ cat /etc/ बिल्ली: /etc/ ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका [~] $ नहीं Lsb_release -a -sh: lsb_release: कमांड नहीं मिला [~] $ cat / etc / * - रिलीज़ बिल्ली: / etc / * - रिलीज: ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका [~] $ cat / etc / * - संस्करण बिल्ली: / आदि / * - संस्करण: ऐसी किसी फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका [~] $ cat / etc / * रिलीज़ बिल्ली: / etc / * रिलीज: ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका [~] $ cat / etc / * _ रिलीज़ बिल्ली: / etc / * _release: ऐसा कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका [~] $ cat / etc / * संस्करण बिल्ली:...

java - need some films for knowing how can I use MySQL? -

I am starting in Java and I do not know how I can use databases and MySQL? And how can I write code with data base: ( I suggest reading the following tutorials They will help you get started with Java, JDBC, MySQL and Netbeans. Good content for beginners.

c# - How do I link to downloadable files in ASP.NET MVC? -

I am new to ASP.NET MVC and I'am downloadable files (.zip, .mp3, , e.t.c). I have the following views: ProductName for the map: http: // domain / ProductName I have a . ZIP file for URL http: //domain/ProductName/ question Mapped> Where can I place this .zip file in the MVC folder structure? How do I add this .zip file to MVC? Is it such a URL? * Way? You can use the FilePathResult or Controller.File method. Protected internal virtual file path file (string filename, string content type, string file download downdam) {new file path result (filename, content type) {fileDownloadName = fileDownloadName}; } Sample code behavior method. Download Public Actions () {Return file (filename, content type, downloadfilename); } Hope this code.

Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तरों क्या यह की तरह और IN एक SQL सर्वर-क्वेरी में? तो, यह क्वेरी SELECT * से तालिका जहां इन संभावित मेलों में से किसी भी प्रकार का पता चलता है: (जैसे कि 'पाठ%', 'लिंक%', 'नमस्ते%', '% विश्व%') टेक्स्ट, टेक्स्टसाइड, टेक्स्ट हैलो, लिंक 2, लिंकॉम, हैलोवाल्ड, उस वर्ल्ड व्यवसाय, आदि ... प्रभावी रूप से, इन स्टेटमेंट में एक श्रृंखला या बयान उत्पन्न होती है ... तो SELECT * से तालिका WHERE कॉलम IN (1, 2, 3) प्रभावी रूप से SELEC T * से तालिका WHERE कॉलम = 1 या स्तंभ = 2 या स्तंभ = 3 और दुख की बात है, वह रास्ता यही है कि आपको अपनी तरह की बयानों के साथ लेना होगा SELECT * से तालिका WHERE कॉलम की तरह 'टेक्स्ट%' या कॉलम 'हैलो%' या कॉलम की तरह 'उस%'

C++: Loading an EXE as a DLL, local vftable problem -

OK, so it is very unpleasant to explain to me so stupid .. My Pass is an exe named test.exe which is usually used as a stand alone application. I use this exe as a module (a DLL) in another application, app. XE I want to use in The code in test.exe is actually something simple: zero doTest () {MyClass * inst = new MyClass (); Inst-> SomeMethod (); } Where someMethod () is virtual and virtual is DOR in MyClass. from doTest () Test.exe and thus creates a lib called test.lib - app.exe connects to this libil when test.exe is static Loads from. When I'm running test.exe -Allon it runs just fine, but when I load it from within the app.exe, it crashes. Going into the code with the debugger revealed that the crash call is for the virtual method. It has been learned that vftable is badly damaged in any way After some investigation it has been discovered that when the code inside the MyClass constructor is running, vftable is the same thing, but when new , it tur...

symfony1 - How to run multiple versions of Symfony PHP Framework -

I have several web projects that have been created with symphony v1.0, but I'm new to Symphony version 1.4 Excited (better security, native email support and better performance). How can I develop my 1.0 project but can also create a test environment for version 1.4? guide to install more than one version of Symphony to indicate it Thanks to Guillaume Flandre, there has been written by eHabil - Here is the Basic Layout , read the entire article. Step 1 - Install Symphony through PEAR Step 2 - Set up a configuration for symphony: Install Symphony in Step 3 - Checkout each Symfony version Each symphony Use the SVN checkout to capture the version. Place it under a separate folder under the base symphony directory. Step 4 - Create a symbolic link for each version Simulink and check for each version of the symphony. Step 5 - Creating a new project Use the corresponding symphony command For example, to create a Simplon 1.0 project For: sudo...

performance - Assembly Language & Compiled Languages -

Both machines are translated into code, so how can the assembly be faster than compulsed languages? Am I really talking about compiled languages ​​which are translated into machine code? No C # or Java that has been compiled for an intermediate language and then the original code is compiled by a software interpreter. In , I have learned something which I am not sure is related to it in any way. Is it because translation from a high level language generates additional machine codes? Or what's wrong in my understanding? An utility program called an enbliller is used to translate assembly language into machine code of the target computer. The assembler makes more or less uniform translation (one mapping from one) into machine instructions and data with memorable statements. This is in contrast to high-level languages, in which a single statement is usually done in many machine instructions . Good, this is a little related to your question, in fact the issue is that Com...

ios - Table footer view buttons -

I have some signup form in which the email and log text fields are the footer view in the form of the table and the sign-up button Has buttons in All of these work wonderfully, this code is frame = CGRactMake (boundsx + 85, 100, 150, 60); UIButton * signInButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame: frame]; [SignInButton setImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "button_signin.png"] forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [SignInButton addTarget: Self-action: Control events for: @silver (login action): UIControlEventWatchInSide;]; Self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = TRUE; Self.tableView.tableFooterView.userInteractionEnabled = Yes; Self.tableView.tableFooterView = Sign Inbuttons; Self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; My question is how to add another button next to this one [self.tableView.tableFooterView is not shown using the addSubview: ...] button And if I use some other UIView, place the place there and then say that the pivreview is that UIView, I see the button ...

c# - get my facebook friends attending to events -

I want to receive events from Facebook that my friends are going to them. For example eventId1 (friend1, friend2, friend3) eventId2 (friend 10, friend 55); And so on ... How can I complete this? Thanks for the replay. The event gets an event in the same way using FQL. Here's how you can get all the events that are present in your friends: Select the event from where in the Eid (in Event_mail, in select email where UID2 (friend) From where UID1 = '$ User_id' ')) and here:

c# - Shorten a line by a number of pixels -

I am depicting the custom diagram of the business object using .NET GDI +. Among other things, this diagram contains several lines, which are adding objects. In a particular scenario, I need to shorten a line from a specific number of pixels, let's say 10 pixels, that is, at the line 10 pixels before the end point of the point line. Imagine a circle with radius r = 10 pixels, and a line and end point (x2, y2) with starting point (x1, y1). The circle is centered on the end point of the line, as in the following example. How do I calculate the point marked with a red circle, namely circle and line? This will give me the new end point of the line, it will make it smaller than 10 pixels. Solution Thank you for your reply, from which I could put together the following procedure I have named it LengthenLine, since I think the line wants to shorten So, it seems more natural to pass the pixels in negative numbers. Specifically, I was trying to put together a function tha...

storyboard - WPF PropertyPath Issue - Cannot resolve all property references in property path -

I am struggling to get a Sampreshi path to work - that I've had a change in window resources I am trying to impress through a storyboard - Also in window processing ... Here property property I am using ... (Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform) (Transform3DGroup). [0] (RotateTransform3D.Rotation) (AxisAngleRotation3D.Angle) Edit: .. Thanks Anurags I've got a bit ahead of suggestions ... (Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform). (Transform3DGroup.Children) [0]. (RotateTransform3D.Rotation). (AxisAngleRotation3D.Angle) is But it does not point to "Rotation property a DependencyProperty with" errors Can someone put me back on track? This code is in full ... & lt; Window x: Class = "WpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " Xaml "height =" 300 "width =" 300 "& gt; & Lt; Window.Resources & gt; & Lt...

qt4 - QT: Context menu (QMenu) reference from the QTableWidget -

I want to add a submenu in my context menu that is created like this: Self.widget_alignment.setContextMenuPolicy (Qt.ActionsContextMenu) where widget_alignment is QTableWidget . I have created a new QMenu example: exchange_bases_menu = QMenu (self.widget_alignment) has added some actions , And I found a method but I did not find any reference on the default reference menu for self.widget_alignment Additionally, this code: self.widget_alignment.addMenu ( Exchange_bases_menu) gave me: There is no attribute addMenu in the QTableWidget object. How do I add my submenu to the default context menu? According to the document, when setting a QWidget action context menu type , The widget will create a context menu based on the list of tasks assigned to the widget. To modify the list of tasks, you can call addAction , insertAction , or removeAction . So I hope you can do something like this (in C ++): QAction * act_p = new queue ("submenu", widg...

ocr - Fraktur recognition with OCRopus/Tesseract on Linux -

I'm trying to identify a German text with a freak typeface with orphrafus, but this DU-F package . Here are the steps. Compile and install tesseract and ocropus. Downloaded, it was unpacked to Tecadata / Li> But when I recognize $ ocroscript --tessLanguage = deu-f --output-mode = text image.png The result when I recognize $ ocroscript --tessLanguage = eng --output-mode = text image.png I Any idea what the problem is? The description of the problem just needs to apply the pad to ocrapus and rebuild it.

sql - mysql dynamic var -

How to create a query and set a dynamic var in the query for output. Let's say I have a basic table with which id | Name | Type | Location Now I want to do a query and choose all the data very simple stuff Select from Who will give me 1 | Batman | Sisifei | Line one 2 Matrix | Sisifei | Line B Bit I want to add a dynamic row so that I can see a video of it. I.e. id Name | Type | Location | Category 1 | Batman | Sisifei | Line one | Video 2 Matrix | Sisifei | Line b | Video How can I add it to a query? Hope that someone can give advice !! Thanks in advance SELECT *, from the 'video' ASS category Table

Propel ORM including MAX in criteria -

I am writing a question using the operative ORM of the query form: Select from some predefined * * where some_table.created_at = (some_table to select MAX (some_table.created_at)); I found this too far: $ c = new criteria (); $ C & gt; (.. 'Max (' auto :: created_at ')') AddSelectColumn; Does anybody know what to do to avoid writing the Writer SQL? "Text"> Try: $ c = new criteria (); $ C- & gt; Addition (SomeTable :: CREATED_AT, '(some selectable by MAX_table'. CREATED_AT. ')', Criteria :: custom);

What are the best and must-have hg / mercurial extensions? -

I am recently dubbing with HG / Mersouriel, i.e. with the combination of fogcruck furnace, and i Trying to understand what should be the extension, find a small complication through its extension list because I am not interested in testing any buggy or impractical extensions, even if their description seems horrible. So, what HG extension do you use? View My own hit list: These simple people should have: colorize the output from commands like color : diff and position It makes it easy to evaluate. Pager : Browse one page lengthy output at a time. Fetch : Bridges, Updates and Grfllog : Display the Amendment G in your shell, incredibly useful for your Branch to see the branches in history. hgk : Browse the repository with the graphical interface (see TortoiseHg and also the mર્કી) If you enable pager You can configure it, do not interfere in some commands: pager = less = 'fsrx' less ignore = version, help, update, service, record Code...

c++ - Trouble with objects and Pointers -

वेक्टर & lt; आकृति * & gt; आकार; शून्य बनावट () ​​(छवि = QImage (चौड़ाई, ऊंचाई, 32); // 32 बिट रंग amb (0.1,0.1,0.1); रंग difcoef (0.75,0.6,0.22); रंगीन नमूना (0.50.5,0.5); डबल चमक = 3.0; क्षेत्र * s = नया क्षेत्र (प्वाइंट (, -5), 100.0, एबीबी, डिफिकेफ, कल्पना, चमक); shapes.push_back (रों); } Int main () {// इनिशियलाइट ग्लुत इनिट (); createScene (); आकार * x = आकार [0]; Cout & lt; & lt; एक्स- & gt; चमक और एलटी; & lt; endl; } वर्ग आकार {सार्वजनिक: आकार () {} ~ आकार () {} रंग परिवेश; रंग अलग; रंग युक्ति; डबल चमक; वर्चुअल बूल चेक इंटरसेक्ट (प्वाइंट पी, प्वाइंट डी, पॉइंट एंड टेम्पप) = 0; // यदि प्रतिच्छेदन करता है, तो सत्य और झूठी सत्य वापस आएँ। आभासी बिंदु getNormal (बिंदु intPt) = 0; // प्रतिच्छेदन बिंदु पर सामान्य प्राप्त करें / आभासी शून्य प्रिंटस्टाफ () = 0; }; जब वह चमक से बाहर प्रिंट करता है, तो मुझे शून्य का मान मिलता है? ऐसा क्यों है? मुझे लगता है कि घटनाएं (क्योंकि आप एक आकृति वस्तु का उपयोग कर रहे हैं और उसे बताए हुए हैं) । बहुरूपता को...